09 November 2015

Mid-November to Mid-December READINGS and Literary events in Paris plus CALLS FOR MANUSCRIPTS and WRITING WORKSHOPS and so much more!

Kimi Kobashi leaf books: http://kimikobashi.blogspot.fr/2012/11/book-sculptures.html
MO’ NOVEMBER IN PARIS : A month of letters and leaves, leaves and letters See the list below of the literary events for the fall in French and English and bilingual events, too. Check out also the CALLS for YOUR WORK in section III and a few workshops in section II. Updated 8 Nov.

Part I) Paris Events and READINGS in order by date NOVEMBER2015 + many Dec 2015 events
Part II) Writing and other Workshops in Paris
Part III) NEW News and Reviews: publications, TONS OF CALLS FOR YOUR WORK (poetry, prose, plays, graphic novels, photos and more!). Plus announcing books that have just come out!

Jennifer K Dick

Part I) Paris Events and READINGS
by date mid-NOVEMBER 2015 to mid-Dec 2015

9th November 7pm Marilyn Hacker and Karthika Nair We’re delighted to welcome poets Marilyn Hacker and Karthika Nair, both of whom will be reading from their new collections, A Stranger’s Mirror (Marilyn Hacker) and Until the Lions (Karthika Nair). http://shakespeareandcompany.com/event/454/poetry-with-marilyn-hacker-and-karthika-nair AT: Shakespeare and Co, 37 Rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris

9 November: from 20h: SPOKEN WORD PARIS Sign up in the bar from 8pm for your 5 minutes. Poetics begin underground from 8.30. Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini. Check out weekly themes and guest author info: http://spokenwordparis.org/

11 Nov Sign up 8:30pm, poetics down in the “cave” from 9pm : Spoken Word2: Open Secret curated by David Leo Sirois: he says “ You are vibrantly invited to Open Secret, a unique open mic that attracts brilliant artists – poets, prosists, actors, comedians, & I warmly warn you – a bevy of fine singer/songwriters. I risk that stunt myself. And that is the topic for this Wednesday – “Risk it!” Our delightfully unique featured performer this Wednesday goes by the mysterious moniker (in the act she has planned) La Copine de Ferdinand. You have never seen anything like it. Edgy, socially-conscious, & hilarious! I showcased her (wanna-be impresario that I am) at a show called Edouardo & Friends, before she spent an entire month touring Switzerland with her acting troupe. She often does the same thing in the UK. A full-time artist, which we’ve always wanted to be, non? She will knock your virtual socks off! Open Secret occurs every Wednesday” AT: Le Bistrot des Artistes, 6 rue des Anglais, a passageway that flows between Boulevard Saint Germain & rue Lagrange, Latin Quarter/Saint-Michel thingy-area. In Paris, France? Oui oui! Metro Maubert-Mutualité (line 10) or Saint-Michel (line 4). http://spokenwordparis.org/opensecret/

12 novembre, 19h double change et atelier Michael Woolworth vous invitent à une soirée d'hommage à ROBERT CREELEY avec Jim Dine, Barbara Montefalcone et Martin Richet. Jim Dine lira un récit inédit sur Robert Creeley. Barbara Montefalcone parlera des collaborations entre Robert Creeley et les artistes, notamment du livre qu’il a fait avec Jim Dine, Mabel: A Story (Atelier Crommelynck, 1977) dont Martin Richet lira des extraits en traduction française. Des portraits de Robert Creeley par le photographe Bernard Plossu seront aussi projetés. BIOS : JIM DINE est peintre et poète. Ses Collected Poems, Poems to Work on viennent de paraître chez Cuneiform Press.  BARBARA MONTEFALCONE est historienne de l’art et de la littérature. Elle a écrit une thèse sur l’œuvre de Robert Creeley et sa pratique de la collaboration littéraire et artistique. S’intéressant à l’interdisciplinarité, Barbara Montefalcone est spécialiste des rapports entre la poésie et la peinture modernes et contemporaines et de la tradition du livre d’artiste.  Elle dirige le département de Liberal Studies (Sciences Humaines) du Paris College of Art où elle enseigne l'histoire de l'art et la littérature. Son dernier livre, The Art of Collaboration, co-edité avec Anca Cristofovici, vient de paraitre chez Cuneiform Press. MARTIN RICHET est l’auteur de L’Autobiographie de Gertrude Stein (Éric Pesty Éditeur, 2011) et traducteur de métier. Parmi ses nombreuses traductions figurent 100 Sentences / 100 Phrases de Robert Grenier (Éditions de l’Attente), Gesualdo de Lyn Hejinian (Jacataqua n°2, Éric Pesty Éditeur), Là, poèmes : 1968-1975 de Robert Creeley (Éditions Héros-Limite), NOM d’Alan Davies (Le clou dans le fer), Pied bot de Charles Bernstein (joca seria, postface de Jean-Marie Gleize), L’Ouverture du champ de Robert Duncan (Éditions Corti), Les Sonnets de Ted Berrigan (joca seria, postface de Jacques Roubaud), Indiens en bleu de travail de Jaime de Angulo (Éditions Héros-Limite), Poèmes électriques de Aram Saroyan (idem) et un choix de poèmes de Larry Eigner, De l’air porteur / articulation / un monde (Éditions Corti). Martin Richet prépare enfin une série de livres intitulée Comment vivre. Deux parties ont paru : Génération de l’animal (Série z) et Catégorie : Contexte (Les Cahiers de Benjy). La prochaine, De l’âme (Éric Pesty Éditeur), paraîtra l’an prochain. AT : Atelier Michael Woolworth, 2 rue de la Roquette, cour Février, 75011 Paris entrée libre  

12 Nov 19h30 onwards. PLU Open mike nights weekly at Culture Rapide, Read a poem, listen in, play a song or just come pick up a copy of the brand new PLU magazine issue 3!!! at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more information see: http://parislitup.com/
13 Nov. at 19h  "Love Letters" by A.R. Gurney. Performed in English by Dear Conjunctions.  Melissa & Andrew sit side by side at tables and read the notes, letters and cards, in which over nearly 50 years, they discuss their hopes & ambitions, dreams & disappointments, victories & defeats, that have passed between them throughout their separated lives. Wonderful. Go see it.  Précisez Words Alive O pour bénéficier du tarif Words Alive O Amis.  AT: Theatre Nesle, 8, rue de Nesle 75006 Paris. map Reservatios : 01 46 34 61 04.

14 novembre à 16h30 - Entrée libre sur réservation  Poètes, essayistes, traducteurs, auteurs de nombreuses anthologies, Zéno Bianu (né à Paris en 1950) et André Velter (né dans les Ardennes en 1945) se sont toujours ingéniés à mettre au jour ce qui les fascine et les émerveille. Ils nous présentent leur dernier essai, Prendre feu, publié aux éditions Gallimard. C’est ensemble qu’ils entendent rejoindre les fraternités essentielles et convoquer les utopies actives. Parcours de poésie manifeste, radicalement autre, voué aux énergies souveraines du vivant, de la lumière, de l’amour, ce livre affronte et disqualifie la part désenchantée du monde, ses névroses programmées, ses gémissements obligatoires, ses échos mortifères. La double signature ici n’annonce pas un dialogue, mais un monologue à deux suivi de poèmes en partage, le tout composant une œuvre commune, quoique des plus singulières. Il s’agit de s’aventurer, et toute parole se change alors en signe de feu. AT : Les Déchargeurs / Le Pôle, 3, rue des Déchargeurs, RDC Fond Cour, 75001 Paris : YOU MUST RESERVE—see their site and click « acheter billets » to do so at : http://www.lesdechargeurs.fr/spectacle/andre-velter-zeno-bianu

16th November 7pm  Claire-Louise Bennett on Pond We’re delighted to present Claire-Louise Bennett on her extraordinary and highly-praised debut collection, Pond (Fitzcarraldo Editions) This event will be chaired by Lauren Elkin.  AT: Shakespeare and Co, 37 Rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris

16 November: from 20h: SPOKEN WORD PARIS Sign up in the bar from 8pm for your 5 minutes. Poetics begin underground from 8.30. Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini. Check out weekly themes and guest author info: http://spokenwordparis.org/

17 November: 19h30 Ivy Writers Paris bilingual reading with Chantal Bizzini and Marilyn Kallet Bios: Marilyn Kallet is the author of 17 books including The Love That Moves Me, poetry by Black Widow Press. She has translated Paul Eluard’s Last Love Poems (Derniers poèmes d’amour), Benjamin Péret’s The Big Game (Le grand jeu), and with Darren Jackson and J. Bradford Anderson has co-translated Chantal Bizzini’s Disenchanted City (La Vie Désenchantée), due out in February, 2015. Her work has appeared in hundreds of literary magazines, including Plume, Connotation, Blue Lyra Review, Still: The Journal, New Letters, Prairie Schooner. Dr. Kallet is Nancy Moore Goslee Professor of English at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.  In 2005, she was inducted into the East Tennessee Literary Hall of Fame in poetry. She has performed her work on campuses and in theaters across the United States, as well as in Poland and in Auvillar, France, where she leads a poetry workshop each spring for VCCA-France. For information about the workshop: http://www.vcca.com/main/node/572. For more about her work: http://marilynkallet.com/  Chantal Bizzini is a poet, translator, photographer and collage artist, who lives in Paris.  She has published poetry and translations in Po&sie,  Europe, Poésie 2005, Action Poétique,  Le Mâche-Laurier, Rehauts, Public Republic, and  Siècle 21, among other international literary journals. American poets she has translated extensively include Ezra Pound, Hart Crane, W. H. Auden, Adrienne Rich, Denise Levertov, John Ashbery, Clayton Eshleman and Jorie Graham. Her own poetry has been translated into English, Italian and Portuguese. Her first volume of poetry, Boulevard Magenta, was published in 2015 by bousquet-la barthe éditions.  Her current project involves a series of meditations on photo-illustrated books, including The Bridge by Hart Crane and Walker Evans;Rodenbach's Bruges-la-Morte, Brassaï's Paris la nuit, Walker Evans's Many Are Called, and Sebald's Austerlitz. She has lectured on this topic at the Sorbonne and New York University, among other venues. For more see our blog: http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.fr/ Notre groupe FB—devenez MEMBRE du groupe ! https://www.facebook.com/groups/101898279922603/ Notre « community » page sur FB—rejoignez-nous ! https://www.facebook.com/ivywritersparis?fref=ts At : Delaville Café (au RDC at the back on right under the deer heads) 34 bvd bonne nouvelle 75010 Paris M° Bonne nouvelle (ligne 8 ou 9)

17, 18, 19, or 21 Nov at 21h : 2 comedies : : "48H DANS LA TÊTE D'UN HOMME" Une comédie surréaliste, originale et, pas prise de tête... ! Texte : Axel DEPONCEY - Mise en scene : Ronny ZUFFRANO Avec : Michael AUGUSTO, Tristan BAVIERE, Thibault JACQUET, Pierre PROD'HOMME, Daniel VANDEBERG et Ronny ZUFFRANO Résumé : 48h dans la tête de Paul, où il devra faire un choix professionnel important et régler un problème personnel... Que se passe-t-il quand les sentiments (Raison, Emotion, Curiosité, Mémoire, Sexe et Cortex) interviennent ?? Un week-end riche en rebondissements ! Une comédie originale et, pas prise de tête! AND, pre-show : "L'AMI, LA FEMME ET LE MARRANT" Une petite scénette de boulevard - comédie d'époque. Production et Texte : Axel DEPONCEY - Mise en scene :  Pierre PROD'HOMME Avec Emeline AUGUSTO, Martin BARLAN et Albéric SAINT-MARTIN. Résumé : Madame a un ami et un marrant. Mais que se passe-t-il quand l'ami veut devenir le mari et quand le marrant veut devenir l'amant?  Un jeu de dupe avec des jeux de mots et des rebondissements... Prix : Prévente : 15€ - Sur place : 18€ // Réservations et +infos : le site internet : http://48hdanslatete.jimdo.com  ou http://www.billetreduc.com/146039/evt.htm  la page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/48hdanslatete  adresse mail de reservations : resas48h@gmail.com AT :  Théâtre du Gouvernail, 5 Passage de Thionville- 75019 Paris, M° Laumière ou Ourcq (ligne 5) et Riquet ou Crimée (ligne 7)

17 Nov 8pm, Music at Irish Cultural Center: JAZZ DOUBLE BILL: Umbra and Sue Ryhardt Duo. Umbra Chris Guilfoyle (guitar), Chris Engel (soprano saxophone), Sam Comerford (tenor saxophone), Barry Donohue (bass guitar), Matthew Jacobson (drums) With the energy and power of a punk rock band and a broad range of influences, this five-piece jazz band from Dublin stretch the boundaries of the form. Led by guitarist and composer Chris Guilfoyle, Umbra features some of the most well-known jazz musicians in Dublin who find their inspiration in the lush harmonic textures of John Hollenbeck and Jim McNeely or the cyclical grooves of Meshuggah and Aphex Twin. Their music cleverly integrates this smorgasbord of influences to distill a band sound that is decidedly contemporary and indeed complex, but one which never loses sight of the melody. Sue Rynhart Duo Sue Rynhart (vocals), Dan Bodwell (doublebass) Young composer and singer Sue Rynhart has performed at jazz festivals all over Ireland. Her collaborations with well-known Irish and international artists range from premiering works by George Higgs, Simon McHale, Donal Mac Erlaine or the Irish Composers Collective to singing with Rick Peckham, Tom Arthurs and Florian Ross.Sue's critically acclaimed debut album Crossings was nominated Best Jazz Album in the Irish Times Ticket Awards 2014. €10 (€7 for students and unemployed people) reservation recommended Festival Jazzycolors AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris--Book online and reservations@centreculturelirlandais.com http://www.centreculturelirlandais.comwww.centreculturelirlandais.com

18th November 3pm Children’s Hour with Kate Stables Children’s Hour—music, rhythm, and stories for kids. Bring your children (2-6 year-olds, siblings welcome too) to the library at Shakespeare and Company for an hour of music, songs, and stories in English (for all nationalities, even those who don't speak English). AT: Shakespeare and Co, 37 Rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris

18 November 19h30 (WEDS NIGHT!) Korean-American Author Myung Mi Kim reads for Ivy Writers Paris. She will read in English and new translations (first translations!) of her work by Abigail Lang will be presented in French, read by Virginie Poitrasson. BIO: MYUNG MI KIM: b. 1957. Author of 7 books of poetry, professor at Univ of Buffalo, NY, Myung Mi Kim is known for her strong explorations of history, personal and political narratives in fragmented space which open the page and the English language to the othernesses in all of us. As CJ Martin states, she "explores the problem of legibility: legibility of the book, of the subject, of the work of art. Kim’s work seeks “a relationship with readers that owns to and remains critical of the political and systematic nature of that encounter,” from books that construct their own grammar to lyric speech that explores the problem of silence to work that foregrounds practice as performance." (Jacket 2 sidebar intro) A large feature on her work, including criticism and a series of interviews, appeared on Jacket 2: here is a link to one of those works: http://jacket2.org/feature/myung-mi-kim Myung Mi Kim is the subject of the book The Subject of Building Is a Process / Light Is an Element: essays and excursions for Myung Mi Kim (2008). She has taught at San Francisco State University and in the Poetics Program at SUNY Buffalo.   Myung Mi Kim was born in Seoul, Korea. She immigrated with her family to the United States at the age of nine and was raised in the Midwest. She earned a BA from Oberlin College, an MA from The Johns Hopkins University, and an MFA from the University of Iowa. Her collection of poems Under Flag (1991) won the Multicultural Publishers Exchange Award of Merit; subsequent collections include The Bounty (1996), DURA (1999), Commons (2002), River Antes (2006), and Penury (2009). To read the full Poetry Foundation bio: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/myung-mi-kim  Her books:
  • Under Flag - Kelsey St. Press, 1991, reprinted. 1998 and 2008
  • The Bounty - Chax Press, 1996, reprinted. 2000
  • Dura- Sun & Moon Press, 1999
  • Spelt (with Susan Gevirtz) - a+bend press, 2000
  • Commons - Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002
  • River Antes - Buffalo: Atticus/Finch, 2006
  • Penury - Omnidawn Publishing, 2009
To keep up on Ivy, join our FB group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/101898279922603/ or « like » our « community » page on FB https://www.facebook.com/ivywritersparis?fref=ts READING WILL BE At : Delaville Café (au 1er étage) 34 bvd bonne nouvelle 75010 Paris M° Bonne nouvelle (ligne 8 ou 9) Check back on our blog for the details: http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.fr/

18 Nov Sign up 8:30pm, poetics down in the “cave” from 9pm : Spoken Word2: Open Secret curated by David Leo Sirois: Open Secret occurs every Wednesday AT: Le Bistrot des Artistes, 6 rue des Anglais, a passageway that flows between Boulevard Saint Germain & rue Lagrange, Latin Quarter/Saint-Michel thingy-area. In Paris, France? Oui oui! Metro Maubert-Mutualité (line 10) or Saint-Michel (line 4). http://spokenwordparis.org/opensecret/

19 Nov 19h30 onwards. PLU Open mike nights weekly at Culture Rapide, Read a poem, listen in, play a song or just come pick up a copy of the brand new PLU magazine issue 3!!! at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more information see: http://parislitup.com/

22nd Nov. from 6pm to midnight : The Poetry Brothel presents in Paris its fourth edition around the theme Circus. Presales-tickets on Billetreduc ! At : Les Caves Saint-Sabin, 50, rue Saint-Sabin, 75011 Paris, Metro : Saint-Sabin / Bastille

22nd Nov. at 7.30 pm MOVING  PARTS presents a reading of a play by Roger Goldsmith "Grey Matters" (stage) Programme subject to change! Check the website for the latest version: www.movingparts.org.uk AT: A la Ville d'Épinal, 5 rue d'Alsace, 75010 Paris, Metro : Gare de l'Est

23 November: from 20h: SPOKEN WORD PARIS Sign up in the bar from 8pm for your 5 minutes. Poetics begin underground from 8.30. Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini. Check out weekly themes and guest author info: http://spokenwordparis.org/
5, 12, 19, 26 November—Every Thursday from 19h30 Paris Lit Up Open mike nights weekly at Culture Rapide, Read a poem, listen in, play a song or just come pick up a copy of PLU magazine issue 3!!! At: 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more information see: http://parislitup.com/

23rd November 7pm Yves Bonnefoy AT: Shakespeare and Co, 37 Rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris

23 Nov 7.30pm History talk: Regard sur le CCI: Thomas O’Connor admission free, reservation recommended, in English This evening’s lecture by Dr. Thomas O'Connor, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Celtic Studies and Philosophy in NUI Maynooth, offers a fascinating opportunity to hear about the historical origins of the Irish College in Paris. A specialist on Irish migration to Europe in the early modern period, Dr O’Connor explains how the Irish student community came to settle on the left bank and its setting within the entire Irish colleges’ network. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris--Book online and reservations@centreculturelirlandais.com http://www.centreculturelirlandais.comwww.centreculturelirlandais.com

24, 25 et 26 Nov at 21h : 2 comedies : : "48H DANS LA TÊTE D'UN HOMME" Une comédie surréaliste, originale et, pas prise de tête... ! Texte : Axel DEPONCEY - Mise en scene : Ronny ZUFFRANO Avec : Michael AUGUSTO, Tristan BAVIERE, Thibault JACQUET, Pierre PROD'HOMME, Daniel VANDEBERG et Ronny ZUFFRANO Résumé : 48h dans la tête de Paul, où il devra faire un choix professionnel important et régler un problème personnel... Que se passe-t-il quand les sentiments (Raison, Emotion, Curiosité, Mémoire, Sexe et Cortex) interviennent ?? Un week-end riche en rebondissements ! Une comédie originale et, pas prise de tête! AND, pre-show : "L'AMI, LA FEMME ET LE MARRANT" Une petite scénette de boulevard - comédie d'époque. Production et Texte : Axel DEPONCEY - Mise en scene :  Pierre PROD'HOMME Avec Emeline AUGUSTO, Martin BARLAN et Albéric SAINT-MARTIN. Résumé : Madame a un ami et un marrant. Mais que se passe-t-il quand l'ami veut devenir le mari et quand le marrant veut devenir l'amant?  Un jeu de dupe avec des jeux de mots et des rebondissements... Prix : Prévente : 15€ - Sur place : 18€ // Réservations et +infos : le site internet : http://48hdanslatete.jimdo.com  ou http://www.billetreduc.com/146039/evt.htm  la page Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/48hdanslatete  adresse mail de reservations : resas48h@gmail.com AT :  Théâtre du Gouvernail, 5 Passage de Thionville- 75019 Paris, M° Laumière ou Ourcq (ligne 5) et Riquet ou Crimée (ligne 7)

24 – 25 Nov 7.30pm, Theater at Irish Cultural Center: Rough Magic presents “How to Keep an Alien” €7 (€5 for students and unemployed), reservation recommended, in English approx.: 75 mins Written by Sonya Kelly Directed by Gina Moxley Performed by Sonya Kelly and Justin Murphy Following her delightful performance of The Wheelchair on my Face in 2012, Sonya Kelly returns to the CCI with a tearfully funny, tender memoir about securing an Irish visa for her Australian partner. They met. They fell in love. Now all they have to do is prove it to the government beyond any reasonable doubt. Winner Best Production (Tiger Dublin Fringe 2014) AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris--Book online and reservations@centreculturelirlandais.com http://www.centreculturelirlandais.comwww.centreculturelirlandais.com

24th Nov à 19h30-21h Go with Words Alive O to "How to Keep An Alien" Performed in English Irish Company Rough Magic Theatre Company  RESERVE YOUR TICKETS NOW ONLINE lien  (Tickets go fast).  A tearfully funny, tender memoir about securing an Irish visa for her Australian partner. They met. They fell in love. Now all they have to do is prove it to the government beyond any reasonable doubt.  Join her madcap odyssey from the stony townlands of Ireland to the leafy depths of the Queensland bush.  Let us know you're going and we'll meet before and after the show.  06 37 66 27 98 /  wordsaliveo@gmail.com Centre Culturel Irlandais 5 rue des Irlandais 75005. accès 

24/11-12/12 (Date de la soirée WordsO à confirmer) "Handspring Puppet Co./William Kentridge.  Ubu and the Truth Commission"  Director William Kentridge. Nous irons voir cette pièce jouée en anglais la date sera confirmé.  (surtitres français). Si vous souhaitez venir avec nous, confirmer par email à wordsaliveo@gmail.com  Grande Halle de la Villette M° Porte de Pantin  accès  

25 Nov Sign up 8:30pm, poetics down in the “cave” from 9pm : Spoken Word2: Open Secret curated by David Leo Sirois: Open Secret occurs every Wednesday AT: Le Bistrot des Artistes, 6 rue des Anglais, a passageway that flows between Boulevard Saint Germain & rue Lagrange, Latin Quarter/Saint-Michel thingy-area. In Paris, France? Oui oui! Metro Maubert-Mutualité (line 10) or Saint-Michel (line 4). http://spokenwordparis.org/opensecret/

26 Nov 19h30 onwards. PLU Open mike nights weekly at Culture Rapide, Read a poem, listen in, play a song or just come pick up a copy of the brand new PLU magazine issue 3!!! at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more information see: http://parislitup.com/

27 nov - 14 h. à 21 h : PAGE(S) 18 : salon de livres d’artistes. Pages hits 18 this year. Check out the artist books salon ! Free entry. L’Association Page(s) a pour but la promotion du livre d’artiste et du livre illustré contemporain : participation à des expositions nationales et internationales, organisation de salons, catalogues, Cdrom, site internet et toutes autres formes de parution et de diffusion des informations.Elle regroupe une centaine d’éditeurs français et étrangers : Allemagne, Angleterre, Belgique, Suisse, Canada, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Espagne…Le salon annuel Page(s) est un évènement spécifique, et original qui reçoit six à sept mille visiteurs sur trois jours. Le papier, l’encre, la typographie, le bois, la pierre, le cuivre, le tissu… matières animées par les créateurs offrent l’occasion d’une rencontre entre plusieurs talents dont les moyens d’expression diffèrent mais dont la sensibilité se rejoint et naît alors l’élément profond qui donne jour au livre.Poètes, artistes, imprimeurs, éditeurs, conjuguent leur savoir en une intime connivence dans la construction du livre, support matériel de cette émotion toujours présente dans la création de l’œuvre d’art. For more, see PAGES : http://www.pages-paris.com/ AT : Espace Charenton, Paris 75012. http://www.pages-paris.com/acc%C3%A8s/
27 Nov. 19h  "Love Letters" by A.R. Gurney. Performed in English by Dear Conjunctions.  Melissa & Andrew sit side by side at tables and read the notes, letters and cards, in which over nearly 50 years, they discuss their hopes & ambitions, dreams & disappointments, victories & defeats, that have passed between them throughout their separated lives. Wonderful. Go see it.  Précisez Words Alive O pour bénéficier du tarif Words Alive O Amis.  AT: Theatre Nesle, 8, rue de Nesle 75006 Paris. map Reservatios : 01 46 34 61 04.

28 novembre de 11 h. à 20 h. : PAGE(S) 18 : salon de livres d’artistes.. Pages hits 18 this year. Check out the artist books salon ! Free entry. L’Association Page(s) a pour but la promotion du livre d’artiste et du livre illustré contemporain : participation à des expositions nationales et internationales, organisation de salons, catalogues, Cdrom, site internet et toutes autres formes de parution et de diffusion des informations.Elle regroupe une centaine d’éditeurs français et étrangers : Allemagne, Angleterre, Belgique, Suisse, Canada, Grèce, Hongrie, Italie, Espagne…Le salon annuel Page(s) est un évènement spécifique, et original qui reçoit six à sept mille visiteurs sur trois jours. For more, see PAGE(S) : http://www.pages-paris.com/ AT : Espace Charenton, Paris 75012. http://www.pages-paris.com/acc%C3%A8s/

29th Nov à 15h30 play in English, which you can attend at a special WordsAlive rate: "The Ventriloquists Convention" (1h40) Directed by Gisèle Vienne, Dennis Cooper & Puppentheatre Halle. The Ventriloquists Convention est une reconstitution fictionnelle d’une rencontre internationale de ventriloques, qui a lieu tous les ans, dans le Kentucky. En anglais. Surtitres français.  Si vous souhaiteriez venir avec nous, veuillez confirmer nom et nombre de billets à wordsaliveo@gmail.com  Billets à 15 euros (Aussi possible adhésion à 15 euros et puis billets à 10 euros pour toute la saison.  Contactez wordsaliveo@gmail.com   pour les modalités d'adhésion). At : Théâtre Nanterre. (Il est possible d'assister à "The Ventriloquists Convention" aux autres dates aussi 27/11 au 4/12 en réservant en avance directement au théâtre 01 46 14 70 00 (précisez Words Alive O pour bénéficier du tarif à 15 euros).

29 novembre de 11 h. à 19 h. : PAGE(S) 18 : salon de livres d’artistes.. Pages hits 18 this year. Check out the artist books salon ! Free entry. Full info above under "27th Nov" listing or the website of Pages. For more, see PAGES : http://www.pages-paris.com/ AT : Espace Charenton, Paris 75012. http://www.pages-paris.com/acc%C3%A8s/

30 November: from 20h: SPOKEN WORD PARIS Sign up in the bar from 8pm for your 5 minutes. Poetics begin underground from 8.30. Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini. Check out weekly themes and guest author info: http://spokenwordparis.org/
5, 12, 19, 26 November—Every Thursday from 19h30 Paris Lit Up Open mike nights weekly at Culture Rapide, Read a poem, listen in, play a song or just come pick up a copy of PLU magazine issue 3!!! At: 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more information see: http://parislitup.com/

30th November 7pm  Joanna Walsh on Hotel and Vertigo We're delighted to welcome Joanna Walsh, who will be discussing her two recently published titles, Hotel (Bloomsbury) and Vertigo (Dorothy Project).  This event will be chaired by writer and critic Lauren Elkin. AT: Shakespeare and Co, 37 Rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris

2 Dec Sign up 8:30pm, poetics down in the “cave” from 9pm : Spoken Word2: Open Secret curated by David Leo Sirois: Open Secret occurs every Wednesday AT: Le Bistrot des Artistes, 6 rue des Anglais, a passageway that flows between Boulevard Saint Germain & rue Lagrange, Latin Quarter/Saint-Michel thingy-area. In Paris, France? Oui oui! Metro Maubert-Mutualité (line 10) or Saint-Michel (line 4). http://spokenwordparis.org/opensecret/

3, 10, 17 Dec—from 19h30. Every Thursday: PLU Open mike nights weekly at Culture Rapide, Read a poem, listen in, play a song or just come pick up a copy of the brand new PLU magazine issue 3!!! at 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more information see: http://parislitup.com/

3 Dec 7.30pm, GAULIN CLUB - Lillis O Laoire €3 (at the entrance), reservation recommended Our final Gaulín club of the year is led by “fear a’ ti’ Lillis O Laoire, a sean-nós singer from Gort A' Choirce, Co. Donegal. O Laoire is also an author and teaches courses in Irish language, folklore and Celtic civilisation in the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, NUI Galway. His book, On a Rock in the Middle of the Ocean: Songs and Singers in Tory Island was published in 2007. He co-wrote an award-winning study of the sean-nós singer Joe Heaney, Bright Star of the West (2011). For the Gaulín, he will sing songs from Tory Island and from as far afield as Scotland. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris--Book online and reservations@centreculturelirlandais.com http://www.centreculturelirlandais.comwww.centreculturelirlandais.com

4 Dec at 19h  "Love Letters" by A.R. Gurney. Performed in English by Dear Conjunctions.  Melissa & Andrew sit side by side at tables and read the notes, letters and cards, in which over nearly 50 years, they discuss their hopes & ambitions, dreams & disappointments, victories & defeats, that have passed between them throughout their separated lives. Wonderful. Go see it.  Précisez Words Alive O pour bénéficier du tarif Words Alive O Amis.  AT: Theatre Nesle, 8, rue de Nesle 75006 Paris. map Reservatios : 01 46 34 61 04.

5 Dec: 5pm. A reading and gathering to celebrate the memory and work of Stephen Rodefer will be held at la Guillotine in Paris on Saturday 5th of December at 5pm, organized in part by Abigail Lang (for Double Change)

6th  Dec. at 7.30 pm MOVING  PARTS presents a reading of a play by K.J.Dwyer "El Fin del Mundo" (stage) Programme subject to change! Check the website for the latest version: www.movingparts.org.uk AT: A la Ville d'Épinal, 5 rue d'Alsace, 75010 Paris, Metro : Gare de l'Est

7, 14, 21, 28 Dec: from 20h: EVERY MONDAY SPOKEN WORD PARIS Sign up in the bar from 8pm for your 5 minutes. Poetics begin underground from 8.30. Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini. Check out weekly themes and guest author info: http://spokenwordparis.org/
5, 12, 19, 26 November—Every Thursday from 19h30 Paris Lit Up Open mike nights weekly at Culture Rapide, Read a poem, listen in, play a song or just come pick up a copy of PLU magazine issue 3!!! At: 103 Rue Julien Lacroix, 75020. For more information see: http://parislitup.com/

8 Dec: 19h30 Ivy Writers Paris reading with Michelle Naka Pierce and Chris Pusateri and French poet Pierre Drogi: see weblog for details as they are announced: http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.fr/ Notre groupe FB—devenez MEMBRE du groupe ! https://www.facebook.com/groups/101898279922603/ Notre « community » page sur FB—rejoignez-nous ! https://www.facebook.com/ivywritersparis?fref=ts AT : BERKELEY BOOKS OF PARIS, 6 rue Casimir Lavigne 75006

9 Dec Sign up 8:30pm, poetics down in the “cave” from 9pm : Spoken Word2: Open Secret curated by David Leo Sirois: Open Secret occurs every Wednesday AT: Le Bistrot des Artistes, 6 rue des Anglais, a passageway that flows between Boulevard Saint Germain & rue Lagrange, Latin Quarter/Saint-Michel thingy-area. In Paris, France? Oui oui! Metro Maubert-Mutualité (line 10) or Saint-Michel (line 4). http://spokenwordparis.org/opensecret/

10 déc 19h La Fondation d’entreprise Ricard vous invite à la rencontre POÉSIE PLATE-FORME avec « Les Contemporains » et Thomas Clerc Marcelline Delbecq Agnès Geoffray Olivia Rosenthal en collaboration avec Les Contemporains (Sorbonne Paris Cité) à l’initiative de Céline Flécheux et Magali Nachtergael. Une proposition de Jérôme Mauche (curator of this series) ENTRÉE LIBRE AT : 12 rue Boissy d’Anglas - 75008 Paris Tél : 33 (0)1 53 30 88 00 info@fondation-entreprise-ricard.com or  www.fondation-entreprise-ricard.com

10 Dec 7.30pm, Music at Irish Cultural Center: CHAPEL SESSIONS – Loah €10 (€7 for students and unemployed), reservation recommended Loah (lead vocals), Emma Garnett (backing vocals), Niwel Tsumbu (guitar), Johnny Taylor (piano) Having sung with Kíla, Niwel Tsumbu and contributed to Hozier’s platinum-selling debut album, Loah is now embarking on an ambitious solo career. Of Sierra Leonean-Irish origin, Loah has already performed her unique blend of folk and soul at all major Irish festivals – Electric Picnic, the Dublin Fringe Festival, and Body&Soul’s Shapeshifters Ball amongst others.  “Exuding a very exotic cool, we have a bit of a star on our hands.” (Hot Press) AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris--Book online and reservations@centreculturelirlandais.com http://www.centreculturelirlandais.comwww.centreculturelirlandais.com

11 Dec at 19h  "Love Letters" by A.R. Gurney. Performed in English by Dear Conjunctions.  Melissa & Andrew sit side by side at tables and read the notes, letters and cards, in which over nearly 50 years, they discuss their hopes & ambitions, dreams & disappointments, victories & defeats, that have passed between them throughout their separated lives. Wonderful. Go see it.  Précisez Words Alive O pour bénéficier du tarif Words Alive O Amis.  AT: Theatre Nesle, 8, rue de Nesle 75006 Paris. map Reservatios : 01 46 34 61 04.

14 Dec et 15 Dec all day: CONFERENCE ON FRED MOTEN: On Monday 14 and Tuesday 15 December, at the University Paris 8, a new Poets and Critics symposium on Fred Moten’s work, in his presence. Detailed information will soon be posted on the Poets and Critics website. Organized by Vincent Broqua, Abigail Lang, Olivier Brossard. See the poets and critics site for addresses for the events linked to this and the readings.
16 December, Abigail Lang is organizing a day conference entitled Scores at the Université Paris 7 Programme: Antoine Cazé (LARCA—Paris-Diderot) : "Sonographics: From Erik Satie to John Cage"; Mathieu Duplay (LARCA—Paris-Diderot) : On Janet’s Cardiff’s “40 Part Motet. A Reworking of Spem in Allium by Thomas Tallis”. Fred Moten (UC RIverside) : Charles Gaines : The Blur and Breathe Books. Mathieu Saladin (TEAMeD, AI-AC—Paris 8) : « La notation est une manière de faire bouger les gens » : remarques sur la pensée de l’émancipation dans les partitions expérimentales de Cornelius Cardew. Julie Sermon (Passages XX-XXI—Lyon 2) : Partition(s) : objet et concept fondateurs des pratiques scéniques modernes et contemporaines. Julie Vatain-Corfdir (VALE—Paris-Sorbonne) : Script or score? Acting between the lines in Sarah Ruhl’s theatre. AT: Université Paris-Diderot—LARCA UMR 8225

16 Dec Sign up 8:30pm, poetics down in the “cave” from 9pm : Spoken Word2: Open Secret curated by David Leo Sirois: Open Secret occurs every Wednesday AT: Le Bistrot des Artistes, 6 rue des Anglais, a passageway that flows between Boulevard Saint Germain & rue Lagrange, Latin Quarter/Saint-Michel thingy-area. In Paris, France? Oui oui! Metro Maubert-Mutualité (line 10) or Saint-Michel (line 4). http://spokenwordparis.org/opensecret/

20th Dec. at 7.30 pm MOVING  PARTS presents a reading of a play by Hilary Kaiser"The Gap Year" (stage) Programme subject to change! Check the website for the latest version: www.movingparts.org.uk AT: A la Ville d'Épinal, 5 rue d'Alsace, 75010 Paris, Metro : Gare de l'Est

Part II) Writing and
Other Workshops in Paris
See listing for WICE courses in Creative Writing this Nov and Dec at: http://www.wice-paris.org/CreativeWriting
Every Sunday 6.30pm-8.30pm: The OTHERS WRITERS GROUP: This is a drop-in feedback workshop running almost every weekend since February 2005 at Shakespeare & Company. It’s also the heart of the SpokenWord Paris scene, where a lot of the writers at SpokenWord get together and workshop their poems, stories and novels. Run by me, David Barnes (the founder) and Bruce Sherfield. Bring 10 copies of anything you want feedback on. Up to 3 or 4 pages of prose, or 1 or 2 poems. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Métro St Michel Charge for participating 6 euros http://spokenwordparis.org/the-other-writers-group/

On Occasional WEDS: Now in its eleventh year, “The Paris Writers” group welcomes all writers, regardless of genre: fiction, poetry, theatre, journalism, essay, criticism, dreams, musical lyrics – as well as translators of any and all of the above. Our membership is international, though mostly anglophone, and includes writers from all over the world. The meetings are a place to bring your writing, and give and receive constructive feedback. Sign up to the online group for notification and further details here: meetup.com/pariswriters/ The workshop is free, but please be prepared to buy a drink or something more substantial from the cafe. The group is currently hosted by John Pope and/or Helen Cusack O’Keeffe.

6-8 Nov 2015: A weekend of writing prose and/or poetry in Paris led by experienced writers and teachers of writing (Amsterdam, Oxford, London, Lancaster, Zurich), on the beautiful Péniche Librairie L'eau et Les Rêves, Canal St-Martin (19th arr.) Instructors: Amal Chaterjee and Jane Dreycott are experienced writers and teachers of writing, and have run courses in Amsterdam, Oxford, London, Lancaster, Zurich. See Meetup site for more: http://www.meetup.com/fr/Creative-Writing-Workshop-on-the-Canal-St-Martin-6-8-Nov/

16, 23, 30 November: A MOVABLE FEAST WRITING WORKSHOP with other sessions this fall (+Upcoming dates in Dec.: 7, 16.) Number of participants: Limited to 7 participants per week, must confirm at least 3 days in advance. Time: 4:45-6:45pm, though we sometimes linger beyond. Cost: 45 euros for the first session you attend, 35 euros thereafter. Cost includes the tasting during the workshop. For further details and to join on this Moveable Writing Workshop, contact Gary Lee Kraut at gary [at] francerevisited.com. Award-winning travel writer and editor Gary Lee Kraut welcomes writers and bloggers on a moveable feast of a writing workshop during which you’ll practice developing engaging, original and informative posts, articles and stories about travel, people, place, food and drink. This off-beat, one-of-a-kind writing workshop meets at a different location in Paris each week: For full details, see: http://francerevisited.com/2015/11/blogging-paris-the-moveable-writing-workshop/

Colin David Reese gives workshops in Camera Techniques: to see his blog and find full info on these workshops, frequently directed to actors, Reese’s new blog http://cameratechniqueworkshops.blogspot.fr/ For information about the Camera Technique Workshops

NOV: Wednesdays Intermediate Theater Workshop in English 20h15-21h45Theatre classes and Workshops in English.  Pré-inscription obligatoire 06 37 66 27 98 / wordsaliveo@gmail.com www.wordsaliveo.info Information on classes & workshops

NOV: Saturday Improvisation to Text Saturday workshop 17h-19h Theatre classes and Workshops in English.  Pré-inscription obligatoire 06 37 66 27 98 / wordsaliveo@gmail.com www.wordsaliveo.info Information on classes & workshops

NOV: Friday Actor Preparation & Performance Workshop  20h-22h For the Friday Actor Preparation & Performance Workshop, participants are interviewed.  Kindly send name and contact number.  Enrolment closes 30th Nov.  The workshop leads to a theatre production in Paris. Theatre classes and Workshops in English.  Pré-inscription obligatoire 06 37 66 27 98 / wordsaliveo@gmail.com www.wordsaliveo.info Information on classes & workshops

LOW RESIDENCY MFA based in Paris: perhaps you are looking for a degree programme linked to Paris? NYU is now running a low res programme. Over two years, students and faculty convene regularly in Paris for five intensive ten-day residency periods held biannually in January and July (click here for a sample residency calendar). While in residency in Paris, students participate in a vibrant community engaged in all aspects of the literary arts, including workshops, craft talks, lectures, individual conferences and manuscript consultations, as well as a diverse series of readings, special events and professional development panels. The city of Paris itself—with its literary history and rich cultural attractions—provides an ideal opportunity for students to learn the art and craft of writing, immerse themselves in the creative process, and live the writer’s life. During the intervals between residencies, students pursue focused courses of study, completing reading and writing assignments under the close supervision of individual faculty members. These ongoing dialogues with faculty are tailored to specific student interests and needs; students are mentored by a different professor each term and work closely with four different writers during the two-year program. Check out their website for full information: http://cwp.fas.nyu.edu/object/cwp.low.residency.paris

SIGN UP NOW: for the summer 2016 Paris American Academy Writing Workshop: http://pariswritingworkshop.com/ July 1-29 2016.
Part III) NEW News and Reviews: 

CALL FOR PLAYS: MOVING PARTS PARIS seeks a play to put on a reading of for MARCH 6th! You have a play ready? Contact Stephanie now to book a reading of YOUR play Bookings being taken for Spring 2016 Check the website for the latest version of their programme or for full information : www.movingparts.org.uk or send an e-mail to movingpartsparis at gmail.com For further information contact : Stephanie Campion on : 06 14 67 18 58

MANUSCRIPTS WANTED: Futurepoem is thrilled to announce our free, annual open reading period for 2015!  Futurepoem welcomes unpublished book-length manuscripts of prose, poetry and multi-genre work during this reading period. For information on our guest editors for this season, who will read and select manuscripts for publication by Futurepoem, as well as full and complete guidelines, see: http://www.futurepoem.com/submit.php

CREATIVE NONFICTION MAGAZINE is seeking new work for an upcoming issue dedicated to “Learning from Nature.” Send your best work, 4,000 words or fewer. Deadline: February 1, 2016. $1,000 for best essay; $500 for runner-up. Guidelines at www.creativenonfiction.org/submit.

SEND PHOTOS or WRITING on the AMERICAN SOUTHWEST: SAN PEDRO RIVER REVIEW seeks poetry and b&w art for the Spring 2016 issue. The theme is the American Southwest. Submissions window January 1–January 31, 2016. More: www.sprreview.com. SARANAC REVIEW welcomes submissions for its Fall 2016 issue (#12). We are looking for fiction, including flash fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and one-act plays. We read year-round. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Please go to our website for complete, specific guidelines and to submit: www.saranacreview.com.

The Felt is accepting submissions starting Monday, November 2, 2015 until January 1, 2016. An online journal of poetry and prose produced by Pratt Institute’s MFA in Writing, The Felt is interested in the creation and cultivation of emancipatory poetic spaces for felt sentiments that have been marginalized, displaced, or estranged from the dominant culture. Like the textile of its namesake, The Felt is an intricate entanglement unlimited in every direction. We strive to publish disobedient and daring work that invites departure, resistance, engagement, and the collaborative, tender-hearted making of new knowledge. thefelt.org Pratt MFA in Writing // The Felt. Find us on Facebook + YouTube

Submissions are open: Word-o-Mat accepts short work of any kind:  short stories, creative non-fiction, essays, excerpts from larger works and poetry collections. Short pieces that don’t fit into these categories are also welcome. Word-o-Mat focuses on supporting new writers and will provide editorial support as well as advice on how to move ahead as a writer. Please submit your work to wordomat@gmail.com Word-o-Mat looks forward to housing your words within its well-oiled machinery. Want to know more? See http://word-o-mat.tumblr.com/ABOUT

 OUT NOW: Lisa Samuels’ critical chapbook Over Hear: six types of poetry experiment in Aotearoa/New Zealand is just out from TinFish Press. To order your copy: http://tinfishpress.com/?projects=over-hear-six-types-of-poetic-experiment-in-aotearoanew-zealand

NOW OUT! The Fall 2015 issue of Asymptote Find our video trailer here. We’re proud to feature never-before-published poetry by 2011 Griffin Prize winner Yves Bonnefoy, prizewinning fiction by Yasutaka Tsutsui of Paprika fame, interviews with Björk collaborator Sjón and Pessoa translator Richard Zenith, criticism by Ottilie Mulzet (2014 Best Translated Book Award), twitterature by Alberto Chimal, reportage from Argentina by CEMEX-FNPI award winner Leila Guerriero, a special feature on Hong Kong Poetry, our first work translated from the Uyghur, and so much more! Also in our Fall 2015 issue, we’re thrilled to present new fiction by Aspekte-Literaturpreis winner Thomas Stangl, poems by Ursula Andkjær Olsen, drama by Romanian-French playwright, poet, and fiction writer Matéi Visniec, Gostan Zarian’s lyrical 1921 memoir on Armenian identity and exile,  and Nina Papaconstantinou’s richly-textured “drawings with words.” As always, our carefully selected mix of exclusive new work by today’s most distinguished writers and translators is available for free, along with archives back to 2011, on our website

BRANDAN SHIMODA’S new book is OUT: EVENING ORACLE —POEMS written at night in Japan (2011-2012) and passages from LETTERS to and from family and friends** —is now living, thanks to Letter Machine Editions:
http://www.lettermachine.org/book/evening-oracle Evening Oracle also includes original poems by Dot Devota and Hiromi Itō. **including: Etel Adnan, Jeffrey Angles, Don Mee Choi, Phil Cordelli, Patricia Goedicke (1931-2006), Matthew Henriksen, Youna Kwak, Quinn Latimer, Jane Lewty, Mary Ruefle, Kisha Lewellyn Schlegel, Rob Schlegel, Karen McAlister Shimoda, Karena Youtz ...

LOOSE MOOSE PUBLISHING is now accepting manuscripts for novels, books of short stories, and books of poetry. Our focus is on experimental, nontraditional literary works, as long as it’s creative, unusual, even a bit crazy. Details at www.loosemoosepublishing.com.

SEND MEMORY-RELATED WORKS! FROM MARCEL PROUST to Oliver Sacks, memory has been both a muse and a source of endless literary and scientific inquiry. Bellevue Literary Review seeks fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for a theme issue on how memory entwines in our lives, affecting the body, mind, and relationships. Deadline: February 1, 2016. Guidelines: www.blreview.org

CALL FOR WORK from OMONOMANY PUBLISHING. We publish poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Send SASE, sample chapter, and outline to 2095 Exeter Rd., Suite 80-263, Germantown, TN 38138.

FICTION SOUTHEAST is interested in short fiction (1,500 words or less). We are also interested in interviews with authors of short fiction, articles concerning fiction craft, and reviews of short story collections (preferably collections of flash or micro shorts). www.fictionsoutheast.com.

PROLIFIC PRESS is accepting full-length poetry and fiction manuscripts (and chapbook submissions) for full publishing. We also publish 8 respected literary journals in various genres. Submissions are now open, and always free. Journal publication comes with a token payment and other rewards. For more details, visit us online at http://prolificpress.com.

UDP in NYC has some great NEW BOOKS and more : NEW BOOKS: Cathy Eisenhower, Woody Leslie, Callie Garnett PRE-ORDER: Emergency INDEX, Vol. 4. Now available at a special DISCOUNTED PRICE of $15. Use the discount code: HISTORYNOW at checkout to get the deal. http://www.uglyducklingpresse.org/ 

SEND POETRY BOOKS: WORDTECH COMMUNICATIONS LLC is holding a reading period for full-length poetry manuscripts. Dates: November 2015 (postmark). Recent authors: Arlene Biala, Christopher Bursk, Barbara Duffey, Diana Raab, James Reiss, Aimee Suzara. Publication in 2017. Must review guidelines at www.wordtechcommunications.com/deadline-list.htm.

WROLSTAD CONTEMPORARY POETRY SERIES. Tavern Books seeks submissions of new, full-length poetry manuscripts. Open to female poets 40 years of age and younger, regardless of publication history. $1,000 book sales advance, paperback and hardcover publication in the Tavern Books catalog, national distribution. Postmark deadline: January 15, 2016; $25 reading fee. Submission guidelines: tavernbooks.com/wrolstad-series.

Submit your chapbook manuscript now! win a fellowship to The Frost Place Poetry Seminar, publication, $250, and a week to live and write in Robert Frost's housesubmissions accepted October 1, 2015 – January 5, 2016 The Frost Place, a nonprofit center for poetry and the arts at Robert Frost’s old homestead in Franconia, NH, in partnership with Bull City Press, invites submissions to the Fourth Annual Frost Place Chapbook Competition. This year's judge is Afaa Michael Weaver. In summer 2016, the winner’s chapbook will be published by Bull City Press, and the winner will receive 10 complimentary copies (from a print run of 300), and a $250.00 stipend. The winner will also receive a full fellowship to attend the five-and-a-half-day Poetry Seminar at The Frost Place, August 2016, including room and board (a cash value of approximately $1,500.00), and will give a featured reading from the chapbook at the Seminar.  As well, the chapbook fellow will have the option to spend one week living and writing in The Frost Place House-Museum in September 2016 (peak leaf season in the White Mountains), at a time agreed upon by the fellow and The Frost Place. For submissions guidelines, visit our web site: http://bullcitypress.com/submissions-top/frost-place-chapbook-competition/.

VETERAN’s children who write: this call is for YOU! BRUTE BOUND PRESS is seeking 8–10 poems each by adult children of veterans reflecting the impact of war on the family. Also seeking 3–5 photographs each by veterans documenting their time in the military. Selected poets and photographers will receive a copy of the codex “Beyond Freedom.” Deadline: December 31. No fee. Please send submissions to brutebound@gmail.com.

OUT and ALWAYS SEEKING GREAT WRITING: UK magazine run by David Caddy called Tears in the Fence. Their most recent issue--NUMER 62--is now out and ready for order from http://tearsinthefence.com/pay-it-forward As announced on the TITF wordpress blogTears in the Fence 62 is now available from http://tearsinthefence.com/pay-it-forward and features poetry, fiction and essays from Simon Smith, Nancy Gaffield, Patricia Debney, Andy Fletcher, Michael Farrell, John Freeman, Dorothy Lehane, and Steve Spence AND MANY MORE AUTHORS // There is also a developped critical section! Pick up a copy, subscribe to keep TITF going and / or send them some of your poetry or a book review!

SLAB WANTS IT ALL, your raise-the-roof, funky creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and text/image pieces. We love flash, too. Reading period: late summer until December 1. All submissions read by bipedal mammals, accompanied by the occasional marsupial. Samples and more info at slablitmag.org. SOUNDINGS EAST, the literary journal of Salem State University, seeks poetry, fiction, and nonfiction for publication in Vol. 38 in Spring 2016. We read from September 1 to March 1, and respond within 3 months. Simultaneous submissions accepted. Please send up to 5 poems in a single file, or prose up to 10,000 words, to our online submissions manager at https://salemstateuniversitysoundingseast.submittable.com/submit.

THE JEANNE M. LEIBY Chapbook Award in fiction, essay, or graphic narrative. Deadline: December 30. Winner receives $1,000, chapbook, and publication. All submissions considered for publication in the Florida Review. Submit up to 40 pages with $25 entry fee. For guidelines and to submit online, visit http://floridareview.cah.ucf.edu.   

SUBMISSIONS TO WORDRUNNER eChapbooks annual themed anthology are open November 15, 2015 through January 31, 2016. No fee to submit. Authors are paid. For our Winter 2016 anthology issue, send us poetry, flash or short stories, novel or memoir excerpts about “Devices” (technology’s impact on our lives and relationships). Details, guidelines: www.echapbook.com.

CALL FOR WORK: Pure Slush celebrates our 5 year anniversary in December 2015 ... so we’re publishing a print anthology based on the theme ‘five’Your submission • can be fiction or non-fiction, poetry or prose; • must be original, so previously unpublished online or in print (so that includes authors’ websites and blogs); • must be 500 words maximum; • must somehow incorporate ‘five’. This can be as simple as including the word ‘five’, or making it a major theme or subject. As always, we are flexible with how writers interpret this theme, but ‘five’ must be included somehow. Submissions close 15th December 2015. If you wish to be involved or have questions, please email edpureslush@live.com.au Please submit your stories with Five / Story Title / Word Length in Submission Title by clicking hereFor other topics re submitting and rights etc, click here

SEND POEMS: CALAMARO, a print poetry magazine, seeks submissions of formal as well as free verse poems of between 2 and 30 lines. Submissions accepted year-round. See website for guidelines. www.calamaromagazine.com.

OUT NOW : for those interested in CRIME WRITING and in FRENCH : check out this issue : Parution du nouveau numéro d’Itinéraires. LTC N° 2014-3 Le polar en Europe : réécritures du genre Ce numéro privilégie les regards croisés pour aborder, à travers le roman policier, les notions de genre (littéraires et sexués), les questionnements sur l’élaboration d’une hiérarchie littéraire et sur la fonction sociale du roman. Il démontre également l’enracinement du polar dans le réel et la façon dont ses règles supposément restrictives offrent à l’auteur dissident la possibilité de défier l’idéologie dominante, d’offrir à un public complice, ou pas, une lecture séditieuse du monde, de son histoire et de nous mettre face à nos propres préjugés et préconceptions. Ce numéro réunit donc des universitaires français et britanniques, dans le but de favoriser un dialogue à la fois multidisciplinaire et multinational, qui reflète les courants actuels de la critique. Il comprend des articles sur le polar français ainsi que sur le Krimi allemand des années 1940 et le roman policier anglais de l’après-guerre, mais aussi sur la question toujours épineuse du statut du polar dans la littérature.

SEND NOW for the 2016 NEW AMERICAN Poetry Prize; $1,000 award and book publication. Final judge: Gabriel Gudding. Deadline: January 1, 2016. Minimum length: 48 pages (no maximum). Reading fee: $22.50. Online submissions only, please. Complete guidelines: www.newamericanpress.com/contests.

CHECK IT OUT ! Coracle press out of Ireland has a great new website—so give it a look, and perhaps get a fabulous book too ? http://coracle.ie/

CALL FOR WRITING: NOW IN ITS 38th year of publication, Indiana Review is a biannual and nonprofit literary magazine dedicated to showcasing the talents of emerging and established writers. Our mission is to offer the highest quality writing within a wide aesthetic. For full submission guidelines, please visit our website at www.indianareview.org.

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