I) April 2009 readings in PARIS
(+ a few other exciting art & book-related events)
*1er avril à 19h : rencontre avec CATHERINE DESCHAMPS et ANNE SOUYRIS sur leur essai Femmes publiques. Les féminismes à l'épreuve de la prostitution (Amsterdam)
*2 April 19.30, admission free, reservation necessary (places limited), in English La Médiathèque rencontre… Lia Mills lives in Dublin and is the author of two novels, Another Alice and Nothing Simple, as well as short stories and critical articles. She has also published In Your Face: One Woman’s Encounter with Cancer, Doctors, Nurses, Machines, Family, Friends, and a Few Enemies, an autobiographical account of cancer. AT: Irish Cultural Center in paris. Information and reservation for all events: adoherty@centreculturelirlandais.com
*3 avril à 19h00 LECTURE avec BERNARD NOEL. Venez à la librairie “Mots et motions” à Saint Mandé, 74 ave du Général de Gaulle (Métro Saint Mandé-Tourelle, ligne 1) pour entendre et dialoguer avec Bernard Noël. Ne venez pas en retard, car le nombre de places assises sera bien limité.
*3 - 5 April 2009 The first international conference of the European Society of Jamesian Studies ‘HENRY JAMES’S EUROPE’ : Cultural reappropriations, transtextual relations AT: The American University of Paris (31 Avenue Bosquet, 75007 Paris) Pour toute information pratique et inscription voir : http://www.aup.fr/news/special_events/henryjames.htm
4 April from 10h00 - 19h00. Used Book Sale at THE AMERICAN LIBRARY. Check out what has to go, get a deal on some fine titles, or discover the obtuse English language gem you never knew you were dying to read!!! Also, this is a great way to support and discover the library!!! The first Saturday of each month. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007. Info: www.americanlibraryinparis.org or 01 53 59 12 60.
*Du 4 avril au 3 mai, du mercredi au samedi à 19h, le dimanche 15h à la Maison de la Poésie : « Je suis un petit pachyderme de sexe féminin, Les poètes de Colette Magny. » Odja Lorca chante Colette Magny qui chantait les poètes : Rilke et Aragon, Louise Labé, Verlaine et Elaine Brown... Il ne s'agit pas de lui rendre hommage mais de faire vivre cette puissance de feu de la poésie armée de musique. à la Maison De La Poésie Passage Molière. 157, rue Saint-Martin (métro Rambuteau/RER Les Halles), à deux pas du Centre. Tarif préférentiel de 10 € au lieu de 20, sur présentation de la lettre d’infos du Centre LGBT de Paris. Plus d'infos : www.maisondelapoesieparis.com et/ou contactez Geneviève Brunet au 01 44 54 53 10.
4 April vernissage: 18h- 21h30 Grace Teshima invites you to A Collective Contemporary Exhibition a selection of design, fashion, paintings and illustration GAIL GOSSCHALK, ANNALY KEANE, ADRIAN MALLINSON, ALEC MORAN, ANTHONY YANNONE cocktail RSVP, chez Grace, 46, rue des Abbesses, PARIS 18ème, Metro: Abbesses (line 12) or Blanche (line 2), Please RSVP for door codes: grace.teshima@gmail.com or 01 42 62 45 98
*5 April at 7.30 pm MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a play by Michael Black "The Minotaur". For more, see: www.movingparts.org.uk, send an e-mail to Stephanie at movingpartsparis@gmail.com or call 06 14 67 18 58. AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° Tuileries
5 April is Paris Soirees 10th anniversary doing dinners! The special guest is Pamela Grant, Specialized Tour Guide who will speak on "Ernest Hemingway And The Lost Generation" RESERVE YOUR PLACE: Patricia Laplante-Collins, 13 rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris, France, Tel: 331 43 26 12 88 parissoirees@gmail.com Website: http://www.parissoirees.com
*6 April at 17h30 IN ENGLISH : Le GRIP - Groupe de Recherche Inter-universitaire sur la Poésie Anglophone vous invite à une lecture-conférence de Peter Gizzi et Elizabeth Willis : « How Tradition Is Made In The Present, Articulating research and creation. BIOS: PETER GIZZI's books include The Outernationale (Wesleyan, 2007), Some Values of Landscape and Weather (Wesleyan, 2003), Artificial Heart (Burning Deck, 1998), and Periplum (Avec Books, 1992). In 2004 Salt Publishing of England reprinted an expanded edition of his first book as Periplum and other poems 1987-92. He has also published several limited-edition chapbooks, folios, and artist books. His work has been translated into numerous languages and anthologized here and abroad. His editing projects have included o•blék: a journal of language arts (1987-1993), The Exact Change Yearbook (Exact Change/Carcanet, 1995), The House That Jack Built: The Collected Lectures of Jack Spicer (Wesleyan, 1998), and My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer (Wesleyan, 2008). He is currently the poetry editor for The Nation. ELIZABETH WILLIS is the author of Meteoric Flowers (Wesleyan, 2006), Turneresque (Burning Deck, 2003), The Human Abstract (Penguin, 1995), and Second Law (Avenue B, 1993). A collective translation begun at cipM in 2007 resulted in the publication this spring of Fleurs Météoriques (cipM / Un bureau sur l’Atlantique). Loi Deux (trans. Juliette Valéry), was published in 1994 (Format Américain). Recently she edited a volume of essays on the objectivist poet Lorine Niedecker (University of Iowa Press, 2008). She teaches poetry and poetics at Wesleyan University.Her poetry often addresses the relation between devotion and art, between acts of perception and production. Beyond her dissertation on Pre-Raphaelite aesthetics (SUNY Buffalo, 1994), Willis has written on 19th- and 20th-century poetry, focusing on the intersections of public and private life, the effects of political and technological developments on poetic production, and the relation of contemporary poets to their sources. Recent prose can be found in Textual Practice, Contemporary Literature, XCP: Cross-cultural Poetics, and Boundary2. La rencontre, organisée par Abigail Lang et Antoine Cazé (et avec le soutien de Double Change), aura lieu AT : l’UFR d’Études Anglophones, 10, rue Charles V, 75004 Paris, en salle A50, M° Saint-Paul ou Sully-Morland
*6 April SpokenWord: every 2 weeks! starting at 8.30. Come read YOUR work in English or French, on any topic or the theme of the eve, which is Money. Off-topic stuff also welcome. AT : Cabaret Populaire "Culture Rapide," 103 rue Julien Lacroix. Métro Belleville or Pyrénées (Corner of rue de Belleville & rue Julien Lacroix). There's a giant billboard that reads ''Il faut se méfier des mots'' on the corner ! http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/
*6 April : 18h à 20h HAPPY HOUR FULBRIGHT with a reading in English and French by Alexander Dickow (Fulbright américain 2003) author of « Caramboles » alongside Sophie Maurer (Fulbright 2003), who is the author of « Asthmes ». Dans un lieu convivial et pratique d’accès où nous nous retrouverons le premier lundi de chaque mois : rencontres, échanges, discussions et « networking », AT : Bistrot Mazarine, 12 rue Mazarine, Paris 6ème (métro St Germain des Prés, Odéon, Mabillon)
*7 April at 19h A Double Change bilingual reading with Peter Gizzi, Elizabeth Willis and Suzanne Doppelt. Entrée libre BIOS : SUZANNE DOPPELT vit et travaille à Paris. Son travail associe de manière étroite littérature et photographie. Elle a publié plusieurs livres aux éditions P.O.L, dont Dans la reproduction en 2 parties égales, avec Anne Portugal (1999), Totem (2002), Quelque chose cloche (2004), Le pré est vénéneux (2007) et Le monde est beau, il est rond (2008) aux éditions Inventaire-Invention. A paraître en 2009 chez P.O.L, Lazy suzie. Elle dirige la collection Le rayon des curiosités chez Bayard et fait partie du comité de rédaction de la revue Vacarme. PETER GIZZI's exciting BIO is listed under 6 and 9th of April events, so scroll up or down for those. ELIZABETH WILLIS’s fabulous, full-length bio is listed at length under the 6th of April event.At Reid Hall/Columbia University, 4 rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris, M° Vavin (ligne 4).
7 April 19h30 Talk about Art: Photojournalist Kate McLean introduces her exhibitThe Other Side of Paris. Go to http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ for more, check in at their events page for full details. AT: The American Library in Paris • 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, France • Tel. +33 (0)1 53 59 12 60
*7 April at 7:30 p.m. Vanina Marsot will present and sign her first novel “Foreign Tongue: A Novel of Life & Love in Paris” Sexy, sophisticated, and infused with the sights and sounds of Paris, Foreign Tongue is a charming, poignant look at one woman trying to understand who she is in two countries.' AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP at books@whsmith.fr
7th April at 8-30pm our April fool “Chris Addison” does stand up for Laughing Matters! la Java (105, faubourg du Temple Paris 10) Bookings (& more info) can be made through the website www.anythingmatters.com or by phone (0)1 53 19 98 88
8 April 19.30, 7€ Concert by the Irish Chamber Choir of Paris Paroles et musique : Le règne de Louis XIV The choir will perform works by André Campra and Pierre Bouteiller that date from the beginning of the eighteenth century. André Campra (1660 – 1774) was one of the most important composers in the kingdom of France but his only surviving mass is the missa Ad majorem Dei gloriam. Pierre Bouteiller is one of many “maîtres de musique” who have been forgotten by posterity; his compositions, one “messe des morts” and thirteen motets being his only extant works, are among the most moving of this period at the end of Louis XIV’s reign. AT: Irish Cultural Center in paris. Information and reservation for all events: adoherty@centreculturelirlandais.com
8 April Wednesday Story Hour at 10h30 & 14h30 (for children, ages 3-5) Spend an hour together sharing a good book. No sign-ups needed. AT: The American Library in Paris • 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, France • Tel. +33 (0)1 53 59 12 60 Go to http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ for more, check in at their events page for full details.
* 8 April 19h30 Evenings with an Author: Explore Inside Paris—Outside Paris with authors Tom Reeves and Annabel Simms. AT: The American Library in Paris • 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, France • Tel. +33 (0)1 53 59 12 60 Go to http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ for more, check in at their events page for full details.
8th April at 6:30 PM SCWBI Show & Tell evening at the Louvre. Please reserve asap with Magda Schmidt RSVP magda.schmit@gmail.com. Meet in the group reception area of the Louvre. Then after an individually-guided visit of the museum, we will walk to a nearby Thai restaurant (Baan Boran, 43, rue Montpensier in the 1st arrondissement) for dinner at 8:15PM. The concept of this Show & Tell is that you are invited to explore the corridors of the Louvre--on your own or with a fellow writer or illustrator. Find a piece of art that you love, or one that helps you gain a new understanding of your work, and later over dinner, you'll have a chance to share with the group. Please count on spending 6 Euros for admission to the Louvre and 20-25 Euros for dinner RSVP magda.schmit@gmail.com
*9 avril à 19h Double Change et la Librairie le Divan vous invitent à une lecture de Ryoko Sekiguchi, Elizabeth Willis et Sarah O’Brien. BIOS : Née à Tokyo, Ryoko Sekiguchi vit à Paris. Elle écrit en japonais et en français, a traduit Pierre Alferi, Atiq Rahimi, Yoko Tawada et Jean Echenoz entre autres. Parmi ses publications en français : Calque, Deux marchés, de nouveau, Héliotropes (tous chez POL), Adagio ma non troppo, Série Grenade (le Bleu du ciel). A paraître : Ex-voto, a thousand steps and more, traduction du japonais de poèmes de Gôzô Yoshimasu (les petits matins). nParmi les livres d’Elizabeth Willis: Meteoric Flowers (Wesleyan 2006), Turneresque (Burning Deck 2003), The Human Abstract (Penguin 1995), et Second Law (Avenue B 1993). Une traduction collective commencée au cipM en 2007 aboutit ce printemps à la publication de Fleurs Météoriques (cipM / Un bureau sur l’Atlantique). Loi Deux (trad. Juliette Valéry), a été publié par Format Américain en 1994. D’autres traductions en français ont paru dans les revues Texte, Action Poétique, Double Change, Arsenal et dans l’anthologie Walt Whitman Hom(m)age (Joca Seria) Sarah O’Brien a grandi dans une ferme de l’Ohio et a étudié à Brown University ainsi qu’au Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Sa première collection de poésie, catch light, a été sélectionnée pour le 2008 National Poetry Series, et le livre sera publié par Coffee House Press cet automne. Sa traduction de Heliotropes de Ryoko Sekiguchi est sortie chez La Presse en été 2008. O’Brien habite actuellement Paris, ou elle enseigne l’anglais et fait un stage dans une pâtisserie. AT : Librairie Le Divan, 203, rue de la Convention 75015 Paris, Tel : 01 53 68 90 68 / 01 55 76 50 00. M° Convention Entrée libre
*9 april : 20 h : Graphic Novel/ Cartoon talk in French : « Des lesbiennes dans les BD ? Des gays qui font des bulles ? » L’association LGBT BD propose une rencontre autour des bandes dessinées gays et lesbiennes. Deux auteurs, Soizick (Saphisteries) et Benoît Prévot (Angelface) parleront de leur travail. Les éditions H (revue Manga 10 000 Images) évoqueront la BD gay au Japon. Jean-Paul Jennequin (auteur, traducteur et président de l’association) répondra à toutes vos questions sur l’histoire et l’actualité de la BD gay. À l’issue de la rencontre, les auteurs présents dédicaceront leurs productions. AT : Centre Lesbien, Gai, Bi & Trans. de Paris et Ile-de-France • 63 rue Beaubourg 75003 Paris, www.centrelgbtparis.org
*10 avril 2009 de 15h à 18h Barbara BORDES : Conférence sur Théophile de Viau (1590-1626) On a coutume d’associer le XVIIè siècle au règne du Classicisme, fondé sur l’exemple et l’enseignement de Malherbe. Pourtant, en face de 16 éditions imprimées de Malherbe, on compte pas moins de 93 éditions des œuvres de Théophile de Viau. Aussi est-il important de redécouvrir aujourd’hui celui que ses contemporains surnommèrent « le premier prince des poètes « et « l’ Apollon de notre âge ». Barbara Bordes enseigne la littérature française à l’Université PARIS XII (Créteil). Elle a publié des nouvelles dans la revue L’Infini. La lecture de Requiem d’Emile Lemoine suivra la conférence. AT : PALAIS DU LUXEMBOURG - SENAT, salle VAUGIRARD, 15ter rue de Vaugirard – 75006, Métro : Odéon – Saint-Sulpice – R.E.R. Luxembourg
12-19 April : 11h-19h30. Susan Cantrick will be participating in the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Parc Floral du parc de Vincennes: http://www.realitesnouvelles.org/ Click on "Exposants 2009" in the left-hand column and then, on the next page, click on her name in the right-hand column to get to her "page". (The painting shown, however, is not the one that will be in the show.) The group show will be a lot of fun, so check it out ! Parc de Vincennes
*14 avril à 19h30 BILINGUAL READING WITH IVY WRITERS and authors Adeena Karasick et Gwenaëlle Stubbe Bios: Adeena Karasick is an internationally acclaimed poet and media-artist, and the author of six books of poetry and poetic theory: The House That Hijack Built (Talonbooks, 2004),The Arugula Fugues (Zasterle Press, 2001), Dyssemia Sleaze (Talonbooks, Spring 2000), Genrecide (Talonbooks, 1996), Mêmewars (Talonbooks, 1994), and The Empress Has No Closure (Talonbooks, 1992), as well as 4 videopoems all available on YouTube. Engaged with the art of combination and turbulence of thought, her work is a testament to the creative and regenerative power of language and its infinite possibilities for pushing meaning to the limits of its semantic boundaries. She was recently granted the MPS Mobile Award as being the world’s first “Mobile Poet” whereby her work is being made available on mobile devices (cell phones and smart phones). She is Professor of Poetry and Cultural Theory at City University of New York. Forthcoming is Amuse Bouche: Tasty Treats for the Mouth (Talonbooks 2009). Her writing has been described as "electricity in language" (Nicole Brossard). Gwenaëlle Stubbe, d’origine belge, est poète, prosateur et dramaturge francophone établie à Paris depuis 5 ans. Elle a fait des études de lettres (maîtrise sur le poète belge contemporain Carl Norac, agrégation, D.E.A sur les processus de création en jeu dans l'écriture en général et plus particulièrement dans les ateliers d'écriture). Elle prépare actuellement un doctorat sur la poésie contemporaine (fonctions de la répétition) à l'École normale supérieure de Lyon. Gwenaëlle a publié dans de nombreuses anthologies et revues, et a sorti quatre livres : Le héros et sa créature (le Cormier, 2002) ; L’incroyable histoire du grand Gelbe, pièce de théâtre co-écrite avec Laurence Vielle (l’Ambedui, 2000) ; Un serpent de fumée, poésie illustrée par Camille de Taeye, préface de Marcel Moreau (éditions la Pierre d’Alun, 1999) ; et dernièrement Salut salut Marxus (éditions Al Dante, 2006) Elle participe à la création du groupe VEGA, 6 écrivains en discussion permanente. Elle fait régulièrement des performances en français et en flamand partout en Europe et à l’étranger. Gratuit! Free! AT : Le Next, 17 rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris, M° Etienne Marcel / RER Les Halles
*14 April 8pm: Live poets presents a reading with Heather Heartley, Jennifer Huxta & Jonathan Regier. Jonathan Regier will be reading some new poems. His first collection, "Three Years from Upstate" (Six Gallery Press, 2008), was released in October. He lives in Paris, where he is also a graduate student in the philosophy of science. His work has been published in the United States, Canada & France. AT: The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris, Metro: Pont-Neuf / Odéon, Located on the left bank, opposite Pont Neuf.
15 April Wednesday Story Hour at 10h30 & 14h30 (for children, ages 3-5) Spend an hour together sharing a good book. No sign-ups needed. AT: The American Library in Paris • 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, France • Tel. +33 (0)1 53 59 12 60
*15 April 19h30 Evenings with an Author: Charles Glass presents his new book on Americans who stayed in France through the Occupation. AT: The American Library in Paris • 10, rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, France • Tel. +33 (0)1 53 59 12 60. For more info, go to http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ & check in at their events page for full details.
le 16 avril à l'Ogresse: théâtre (IN ENGLISH) : Men in Uniform par Antonio Garza: Antonio Garza, mexicain-américain de la Nouvelle Orléans, raconte ses déboires avec les hommes en uniforme - les agents de douane et immigration surtout : des histoires drôles et révélatrices de l'Amérique de l'après-11 septembre. pour plus d'infos : http://www.est-paris.com/
Du 16 au 18 Avril à 20 heures (précises) « Vertige(s) » texte et mise en scène de F. Arca. Vertige(s) est une suite de 3 formes brèves....Inspirée de faits réels, chacune des histoires met en scène des personnages ordinaires qui vont basculer irrémédiablement dans l'extraordinaire... 1)EFFACE(E) Depuis quelques temps, Ja est malade. Les spécialistes l'ont dit : elle s'efface... Inspirée de plusieurs témoignages, Effacé(e) évoque de manière poétique toutes ces affections du cerveau devant lesquelles l'homme semble impuissant. 2) SACRIFICE- Dans un autre registre, Sacrifice est une parabole de notre monde moderne. D'un côté le riche, de l'autre le pauvre..."Dans la vie il faut faire des sacrifices. Au nom de quoi, c'est ça la question ?" 3) RICHARD D- La pièce retrace le parcours de Richard D (le meurtrier de Nanterre), le jour de la tuerie. PS: Découvrez la bande annonce du spectacle (réalisée dans le cadre du festival "nous n'irons pas à avignon") en cliquant sur le lien suivant : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5hcva_cie-theatre-des batisses_creation AT : Maison des métallos, 94, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud 75011 Paris, réservation au 01 47 00 25 20/ reservation@maisondesmetallos.org
18 April 19.00, admission free Queen of Puddings Music Theatre presents “Love Songs” by Ana Sokolovic, Organised in collaboration with the Centre Culturel Canadien Music Direction : Dairine Ni Mhéadhra and John Hess Award-winning Canadian composer Ana Sokolovic chooses her favourite love poems, including one by Irish poet Michael Hartnett, and sets them to music in this virtuosic tour de force. Interspersed with the love songs are four movements called ‘doves’, in which mezzo-soprano Lauren Phillips will sing, whisper or speak the phrase ‘I love you’ in one hundred languages. AT: Irish Cultural Center in paris. Information and reservation for all events: adoherty@centreculturelirlandais.com
*19 April's Paris Soirees dinner special guest is author David Burke who will speak of his book: "Writers in Paris: Literary Lives in the City of Light" RESERVE YOUR PLACE: Patricia Laplante-Collins, 13 rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris, France, Tel: 331 43 26 12 88 parissoirees@gmail.com Website: http://www.parissoirees.com
*19 April at 7.30 pm MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a sceenplay by Timothy Jay Smith "Stolen Crimes". For more, see: www.movingparts.org.uk, send an e-mail to Stephanie at movingpartsparis@gmail.com or call 06 14 67 18 58. AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° Tuileries
*20 April at 19h A reading in English with some French translations/writings by authors Alexander Dickow (Fulb. américain 2003 and the author of Carmboles) & Nicolas Manning (author of 2 chapbooks and the collection Novaless, 2008). AT: Shakespeare & Co., 35 rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel.
*20 April SpokenWord: starting at 8.30. Come read YOUR work in English or French, on any topic or the theme of the eve, which you can find by checking in at their blog. Off-topic stuff also welcome. AT : Cabaret Populaire "Culture Rapide," 103 rue Julien Lacroix. Métro Belleville or Pyrénées (Corner of rue de Belleville & rue Julien Lacroix). There's a giant billboard that reads ''Il faut se méfier des mots'' on the corner ! http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/
21st April at 8-30pm our April fool “Alun Cochrane” does stand up for Laughing Matters! la Java (105, faubourg du Temple Paris 10) Bookings (& more info) can be made through the website www.anythingmatters.com or by phone (0)1 53 19 98 88
*28 April at 7:30 p.m. Francisca Mattéoli will present and sign her two new books ”American Hotel Stories” and “Flee Markets Around the World” (bilingual French-English edition) AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP at books@whsmith.fr
*FOR KIDS: 29th April at 15.30 April Kids' Club Theme to be determined AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP at books@whsmith.fr
Part II: Writing Workshops IN PARIS
4-5 April: Pedro de Alcantara is the author of the children’s novels BEFIDDLED and BACKTRACKED, both published by Delacorte Press, and the editor 20 of THE INTEGRATED MUSICIAN, a book series at the Oxford University Press for which he’s preparing several volumes. His workshop "The Productive Writer" is based on materials from his book project RHYTHM & FLOW IN A WRITER'S CAREER. Where: International School of Paris Time: 9:30-3:30pm Cost : 80 euros for SCBWI members and 90 euros for nonmembers. Lunch is included. For more information, please contact: advisor@scbwifrance.com.
2 may : SCWBI Spring Atelier. A full day, craft-based workshop with editor Cheryl Klein Scholastic author Sarah Mussi, author and artist Brian G. Karas Saturday, from 9:30-4:30pm Parsons Paris 14, Rue Letellier 75015 Paris, France. Full info at EVENTs on http://www.scbwifrance.com/events/index.htm
Part III: News Reviews and Reviews News
Calling young writers! : It’s not too late to enter your story in the 7th Annual Red Wheelbarrow Creative Writing Contest - open to all children and teens writing in English in the Paris region. The deadline is April 30th. Information on the contest, writing guidelines, and more can be found on the Red Wheelbarrow website.
WAVE BOOKS NEW TITLES !!!: We are excited to announce the arrival of our Spring 2009 titles: Joshua Beckman's TAKE IT, Noelle Kocot's SUNNY WEDNESDAY and Chelsey Minnis's POEMLAND. For complete information, and to order these titles, please visit the links below... JOSHUA BECKMAN, TAKE IT: http://www.wavepoetry.com/catalog/71 NOELLE KOCOT, SUNNY WEDNESDAY: http://www.wavepoetry.com/catalog/68 CHELSEY MINNIS, POEMLAND: http://www.wavepoetry.com/catalog/70 These titles are also available in LIMITED EDITION CLOTHBOUND VOLUMES through Wave's hardcover subscription series. For more information, visit: http://www.wavepoetry.com/catalog/72 PLEASE ALSO STAY TUNED FOR OUR FORTHCOMING TITLES. The '09 series will continue in the Fall with new volumes by MAGGIE NELSON, DARA WIER and RACHEL ZUCKER. For information, visit: http://www.wavepoetry.com/catalog?by=forthcoming
SUZANNE HEYD CHAPBOOK!!!: Just a note to announce that Suzanne Heyd’s chapbook, Fascicles, is available from Finishing Line Press and you can reserve your copy here: http://www.finishinglinepress.com/NewReleasesandForthcomingTitles.htm or use the handy order form below. The cost is $12.00, plus $1 for shipping. Because the chapbook is being printed as a limited collector’s edition and the press run will be determined by the amount of orders made before April 29, now’s the time to help the work make its way in the world! The books will ship in mid-June.
BRIAN DALDORPH BOOK OUT: published by original plus and out now - 'Jail Time' a collection of poems by Brian Daldorph "Brian Daldorph speaks truth. He plays Coltrane in jail class and reflects it back to you in a sonnet. He shows you what you long for and reminds you what you cannot live without. A glass of water when you are thirsty, innocence, the sun. Brian defines the hard edges that are prison life...." Simran Sethi Signed copies available from Brian - briandal@ku.edu - or, unsigned, from Sam Smith, The Journal & original plus, 17 High Street, Maryport, Cumbria CA15 9BQ, UK http://www.freewebs.com/thesamsmith, http://www.poetrymagazines.org.uk/magazine/index.asp?id=90
OUT NOW: 12 x 12: Conversations in 21st-Century Poetry and Poetics (University of Iowa press) http://www.uiowapress.org/books/2009-spring/mengert.htm Bringing together penetrating conversations between poets of different generations as they explore process and poetics, poetry's influence on other art forms, and the political and social aspects of their work, 12 × 12 restores poesis to the center of poetry.Christina Mengert and Joshua Marie Wilkinson have assembled an expansive and searching view of the world through the eyes of twenty-four engaging poets: Jennifer K. Dick–Laura Mullen; Jon Woodward–Rae Armantrout; Sabrina Orah Mark–Claudia Rankine; Christian Hawkey–Tomaž Šalamun; Christian Hume–Rosmarie Waldrop; Srikanth Reddy–Mark Levine; Karen Volkman–Allen Grossman; Paul Fattaruso–Dara Wier; Mark Yakich–Mary Leader; Michelle Robinson–Paul Auster; Sawako Nakayasu–Carla Harryman; Ben Lerner–Aaron Kunin.
EVA SALZMAN ANNOUNCES : At long last (!) the anthology Women’s Work (co-edited with Amy Wack) is out: https://www.seren-books.com/product-search/p/2101/ . The UK Guardian newspaper has picked it as one of the best poetry books of 2008 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/dec/13/best-poetry-books). The book includes work from English-speaking writers from all over the world, bridging the US, UK and Ireland divides (as indeed as Salzman does herself!). It is dedicated to the American poet Sarah Hannah, a young talented poet and close friend of Salzman’s, who died tragically young about a year ago.)
WITNESS SEEKS manuscripts for a special portfolio on literature and film. In addition to general submissions, we welcome work that addresses any intersection between these two genres. Reading to May 1!!!!! Submit online at www.witnessmagazine.org.
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