LIST ORDER: updated from time to time online, so check back!
II) Courses in Creative Writing in
III) News Reviews & Reviews News—New publications, calls for submissions of creative & critical work (fiction, poetry, memoir, film on poetry, etc)
31 Janvier-3 Fév, de 19h30 à 22h. CARNET DE ROUTE ET LA GALERIE EOF vous invitent au vernissage du projet d’art graphique du 3eme numéro de la revue. Exposition du 31 janvier au 3 février 2008, du mardi au samedi de 14h à 19h. AT : GALERIE EOF /15 RUE SAINT FIACRE PARIS 2ème /Metro GRANDS BOULEVARDS / Tel 01 53 40 72 22 / 06 82 43 58 30 / infos :
*1er février à 18h30,: Martine Gozlan, journaliste à Marianne, auteure de Le sexe d’Allah (Grasset, 2004) et Le désir d’islam (Grasset, 2005) dans un débat avec Sophie Bessis, auteure de Les arabes, les femmes, la liberté (Albin Michel, 2007): « Quel espoir pour les femmes en terre d’islam ? » à l’Espace Des femmes 35 rue Jacob Paris 6ème Téléphone : 01 42 22 60 74 - Télécopie : 01 42 22 62 73 - email : des
*1er février 2008 à partir de 19h, A l'occasion de la parution de « Penser pour rien : Littérature et monomanie » (Presses universitaires du Septentrion) rencontre avec Nathalie Barberger. AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17 rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00
2 feb from 21h30 to 1h30. DJ Whistlepunk rocks the house! Ca fait longtemps, mais cette semaine DJ Whistle va sortir son cinquième compilation du funk et de la soul! And for one week only, it, along with volumes 1 - 4 will be available at a reduced price! Ne le manques pas ! Ce samedi, les soirées aux Pères populaires continuent. If you haven't hit the Pop yet, catch the buzz before it becomes a buzz. Une équipe super-geniale, les bonnes planches et l'alcool. DJ Whistle Punk kicks it real old school, real new school, and schools they ain't even thought up yet. aux pères populaires 46 rue Buzenval, 75020 Paris; M°: Buzenval ambiance: du populaire
* 6 Fev--À 20h00 Venus Khoury-Ghata et Naim Kattan. Dans le cadre de la série Regards croisés Venus Khoury-Ghata (France-Liban) et Naim Kattan (Canada) échangeront autour de leurs œuvres dont ils liront des morceaux choisis. Réservation 01 44 43 24 91 au Centre culturel canadien 5, rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris, t/ 01 4443 2190 or for times/days. M° et RER : Invalides
*7 fév—18h30,: Soirées de lectures et débats à l’Espace Des femmes Antoinette Fouque et Des femmes vous invitent à rencontrer Claude Delay, auteure de Giacometti, Alberto et Diego (Fayard, 2007), qui dialoguera avec France Huser, critique d’art au Nouvel Observateur et auteure de La fille à lèvre d’orange (Gallimard 2006). à l’Espace Des femmes 35 rue Jacob Paris 6ème Téléphone : 01 42 22 60 74 - Télécopie : 01 42 22 62 73 - email : des
*7th Feb.: 19h TATIANA DE ROSNAY discusses (& reads from) her novel Sarah's Key / Elle s'appelait Sarah ( John Murray in the UK & Les Editions Héloise D'Ormesson in France) Paris , July 1942, The Vel' d'Hiv' Ordeal. Tatiana de Rosnay offers us a brilliantly subtle, compelling portrait of France under the Occupation and reveals the taboos and silence that continue to surround this painful episode. Educated in Boston and in Paris, Tatiana de Rosnay has worked as a journalist and is the author of several novels published in France. Sarah's Key is her first novel in English and has been published in 20 different countries. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
7, 8 & 9 février à 20.30. Théâtre, Gâteaux, et Thé : Autour du Thé et de l'Opéra Taiwanais : « Le Passeur » C'est la Fête du Nouvel An Chinois … On vous invite, donc, à boire une tasse de thé chinois et de goûter au délicieux gâteau taiwanais. Dans l'ambiance de la Fête du Nouvel An Chinois, on vous présentera le Cérémonie de Thé Taiwanais, de la musique Nan-Kuan, et de l'art du théâtre chinois à travers une démonstration de l'art du maquillage théâtrale. On jouera, pour votre plaisir, une pièce comique, avec chant en chinois et dialogues en français ...Musique, costumes, percussions, chant, théâtre, divertissements , et plus ...Venez, donc, vous délecter !--Sophie & Ian à la Péniche Opéra, 46 quai de Loire, Paris 19ème - Réservations - 01 53 35 07 77 Pour plus d’infos : 01 42 41 98 94 -
*9 février à 16h ELEA présente Nouvel an chinois LE PAYS D’AVANT de Thanh-Vân Tôn-Thât Venez fêter avec nous la nouvelle année lunaire grâce à la poétesse d’origine vietnamienne Thanh-Vân Tôn-Thât qui donnera lecture en français de son dernier recueil, Le Pays d’avant (éd.Portaparole). Binh Tôn-Thât lira la traduction vietnamienne. Restaurant Le Ragueneau, 202 rue St Honoré, Paris 1er (M°Palais-Royal) Réservation indispensable : 01 45 44 70 28 ou Entrée 5 euros. Pâtisseries vietnamiennes et thé offerts.
*9 fév à partir de 18h30. A l'occasion de la parution de « Le pas aveugle : une femme, l'amour, la psychanalyse » (Editions Denoël) rencontre avec Marie-Claire Boons-Grafé AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00, M° St Paul
*9 FEB : 1H to 20h : FORUM de Métiers du Livre. Conferences, debates, discussions, demonstrations, workshops, bookmaking technique lessons and shows, readings by 14 different authors of their own texts. AT : la maison des metallos, 94 rue jean-pierre timbaud, 75011 Paris, M° Parmentier & Saint Maur
*9 fév à 18h: Rencontre-dédicace (+ lecture) avec 2 laureats du Grand Prix de Litterature Policiere 2007 : DOA pour Citoyens clandestins ; et Arnaldur Indridason pour L’homme du Lac. AT : Libraire La Manœuvre, 58 rue de la Roquette, 75011 Paris, M° Bastille 01 47 00 79 70.
*10th February at 7.30 pm, a playreading in English of William Whitehurst’s "The Delicate Hands of the Cyclops" AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries More info: Stephanie Campion at 06 14 67 18 58,
*12 Feb 8pm: LIVE POETS is back for 2008! The longest-running poetry reading series in Paris, hosted by John Kliphan. Three authors, HEATHER HEARTLEY, CHRISTOPHER TWIGG & DERRY O’SULLIVAN will share their work and have a beer at the pub with you! AT: The Highlander Pub, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris. Tel: 01 43 26 54 20 M°: Odéon, St Michel, ou Mabillon. Donation: 5 E
*13th Feb at 19:30, Novelist Paul Schmidtberger will be reading from his new book called "Design Flaws of the Human Condition," by Paul Schmidtberger (Doubleday/Broadway 2007). The hero of Design Flaws is an adjunct professor of English at City College in NYC, and readers will get a kick out of his trials and travails... Refreshments before and after, free and open to the public, 10 rue du General-Camou, 75007 Metros: Ecole Militaire, Alma Marceau, or RER Pont l'Alma.
*13th Feb, from 9pm YOU READ!!!!: Open mic/scène ouverte: Performance poetry. Lire vivant. Poésie sonore. Stand up. Monologue. Stories. Beat poetry. Spoken word. English. Français. Your own original texts. Old texts from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron. There's only one rule – make the words come alive. Spoken Word blog at AT: the Bistrot des Artistes, 6 rue des Anglais, Metro Maubert-Mutualite or St Michel
*14 Feb.: 19h SUSAN TIBERGHIEN reads from and discusses her book ONE YEAR TO A WRITING LIFE Twelve Lessons to Deepen Every Writer's Art and Craft( Marlowe & Company) With vivid examples from literary masters such as Rainer Maria Rilke, May Sarton, Terry Tempest Williams, and Orhan Pamuk, One Year to a Writing Life is an essential guidebook of exercises, practical advice and wisdom for anyone looking to embrace, explore, and implement creativity in everyday life. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
*14 février, 19h-20h : Les jeudis de l'Oulipo à la BNF ! Les héritiers de Queneau et de Perec poursuivent chaque mois leurs joutes et leurs jeux avec la langue française, la narration et l'humour. Sujet du mois: « L'amour, toujours » à la BNF, site François-Mitterrand, Grand auditorium, entrée libre.
*18 Feb at 6:30pm COME HEAR: Celebrated Northern Irish novelist Colin Bateman and BBC producer, Damien Magee! They will discuss their recent collaboration on a documentary concerning Bateman's home town of Bangor, Co. Down. AT : Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Amphi Pierre Curie, Entrance free. RER B, station LOZERE. Then a climb up the hill—so do google map the route if you do not know it ! Contact: for more info or complete directions.
*19 Feb at 19h30 IVY WRITERS bilingual reading, starts promptly at 20h! IVY WRITERS invites you to come out and hear ALICE NOTLEY, author of 25+ books, 2x Pulitzer Prize finalist, winner of the Griffin International Prize, LA Times Book Award & 2007 Academy of American Poets' Lenore Marshall Award, & once partaker in the 2nd gen. of NY School poets. She will read alongside French poet, performer & translator VIRGINIE POITRASSON, whose most recent collection just came out with Attente editions in France! Come celebrate the recent publications of books by both these authors, “Demi-Valeurs” by Poitrasson & “In the Pines” by Notley. Complete Detailed Bios online at: Reading AT: LE NEXT, 17 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris, M° Etienne Marcel/Les Halles. Free !/ Gratuit !
*19 Feb at 7:45pm “GIZMO”, a comedy written by Alan Ayckbourn specially for young people, will be performed in English by a cast of French students at the Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, amphithéâtre Poincaré. Entrance free. RER B, station LOZERE. Then a climb up the hill—so do google map the route if you do not know it !
*21 février 19h30, entrée libre, en anglais : Médiathèque Rencontre with Christopher Fitz-Simon, writer and former Artistic Director of the Abbey Theatre. He is the author of many broadcast plays. Among his books are The Boys, a biography of Micheál macLíammóir and Hilton Edwards, and The Abbey Theatre: the first hundred years. His acclaimed memoir of childhood in Ireland during ‘the Emergency’, Eleven Houses, was published in September 2007. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Note : reservations ADVISED !
*21 Feb : 7-9pm Savoir-Faire: A series led by professional authors and illustrators of children's books invites you to join them for an evening with Marilyn Kaye ( Marilyn didn't achieve all her goals. She never became a movie star or a ballerina. But she's been a teacher and a librarian and most of all a writer. Her latest project, PENELOPE, is a modern teen fairy tale based on a movie staring Christina Ricci and Reese Witherspoon. Even after writing too many books to count, Marilyn says, “Writing wasn't easy for me, but it felt natural and right.” If you want to know what it's like to be a professional writer or illustrator for children, then this series is for you. Come and gain some savoir-faire. Other talks March 19 & May 15. AT: WICE, 20, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, M°: Duroc/ Falguière/ Montparnasse-Bienvenue (Buses 28, 82, 92) Cost: 8 euros for the evening (20e for the series) Contact: Website: or sign up at WICE.
*21st Feb.: 19h On the occasion of the publication in France of Petit dictionnaire anglais-chinois pour amants, Editions Buchet-Chastel, XIAOLU GUO reads from and discusses "A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary For Lovers" (ed: Chatto & Windus, UK) & 20 Fragments of A Ravenous Youth (ed: Chatto & Windus, UK) The author will be introduced by her French Editor Marc Parent AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
*22 février 2008 à 19h: Hélène Cixous lira au musée Zadkine ! Programmés par Jérôme Mauche, les cycles de Lectures au musée Zadkine permettent au public de découvrir simultanément la création littéraire la plus contemporaine et des références empruntées au patrimoine littéraire. Les poètes et écrivains d’aujourd’hui sont conviés à lire non seulement leurs textes, des travaux inédits, quelquefois des créations spécifiques, mais aussi ceux d’un ou plusieurs auteurs de leur choix, invitant ainsi à une relecture du patrimoine poétique dans l’atelier même d’Ossip Zadkine. Responsable de la programmation : Jérôme Mauche Conservatrice du musée Zadkine : Noëlle Chabert A l'atelier du musée Zadkine, 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 Entrée libre - renseignements au 01 55 42 77 20 et
*24th February at 7.30 pm, a playreading in English of Barrett Walton’s "A Mirror for Simple Souls" AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries More info: Stephanie Campion at 06 14 67 18 58,
24th February Hike with Abbey Books & the Canadian Club of Paris. Contact Abbey for further details, meeting location, etc. Lots of fun, a relaxing way to meet others and get a little fresh air!
*26 Fév 13h30-15h30 Atelier SLAM at Maison d'Arrêt de la Santé 75014 contact: 01 42 06 92
*26 Fév 21h30-23h30 Scène SLAM at Culture Rapide 103 rue Julien Lacroix, 75020 Paris - M°Belleville contact: 01 42 06 92
*27th Feb at 9pm Wed Spoken Word bilingual open mic poetry, stories, songs, etc. YOU READ!!!!: Open mic/scène ouverte: Performance poetry. Lire vivant. Poésie sonore. Stand up. Monologue. Stories. Beat poetry. Spoken word. English. Français. Your own original texts. Old texts from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron. There's only one rule – make the words come alive. Spoken Word blog at AT: L'Ogre a Plumes, 49/50 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, Metro Parmentier.
1 mars 14h, entrée libre Concert : Delmaine String Quartet A psychiatrist, a banker and two music teachers make up the Delmaine String Quartet! Playing together now for over 10 years, the Quartet is currently studying for an MA in string quartet performance at the Cork School of Music, with Greg Ellis of the renowned RTE Vanbrugh String Quartet. The programme for this Saturday lunchtime concert includes Dvorak String Quartet in Eflat major, op. 51, and Shostakovich String Quartet No. 7. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Note : reservations are STRONGLY ADVISED !
SIXTH GENEVA Writers’ Conference, February 2–3, at Webster University, Bellevue/Geneva, Switzerland, with Kwame Kwei Armah, Maura Dooley, Philip Graham, Thomas E. Kennedy, Nahid Rachlin, Mimi Schwartz, Jeremy Sheldon, Susan Tiberghien, Wallis Wilde-Menozzi, plus agents/editors/publishers (U.S., U.K., Paris); workshops, panels, readings, networking; 180 writers from around the world. For info, visit
“The OTHER WRITERS' GROUP” meets upstairs on Saturdays, 3-5pm: at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 5 euros. More Information at:
Begins week of 11th Feb (Choice: Mondays 6.30.-9.00pm OR Thurs 3.00 –5.30) 6 WEEK WRITING & HEALING GROUP. Would you like to use words to help change your life? Writing the story and getting in touch with intuition to express creativity have been used to support people with various issues, or by those who would simply like to get more out of life. The process implies being heard and responded to. This largely experiential course is limited to 8 people Where? Paris 75016 next to Michel Ange-d’Auteuil metro. Fee: 120 euros Facilitator: Noreen Quinn-Singh is a qualified counsellor and trainer (MA Counselling & BSc Psychology, UK), and she also loves writing. Her recent research was on Writing As A Way Of Healing The Soul. Contact: or at 06 03 64 70 05
February 14: 2:30 - 5:30p.m. ONE AFTERNOON WORKSHOP! Writing Sudden Fiction, The Short Short and Flash Fiction This workshop, one of the favorite lessons in instructor Susan Tiberghien’s new book, One Year to a Writing Life, will introduce you to the fun and craft of sudden fiction. The Short Short (generally 800 words to 2000) and Flash Fiction (generally under 800 words) are increasingly popular in literary magazines and anthologies as well as in online journals. Readers turn to these short bites of fiction for their surprise and intensity. They present a whole world in a few pages—little islands in the middle of our frenzied contemporary scene Tiberghien will present the elements of the short story, with examples from well-known writers, and then focus on how the short-short works: its suddenness, its attention to both narrative and poetic details, and its open-ending. With guided exercises, you will write one flash fiction in class. See following list for author bio. Cost 62€ AT: WICE, 20 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, M° Duroc or Falguiere or Montparnasse. (Go through the big street door into the courtyard).
Feb. 16th Workshop 10am-4pm ONE DAY "Writing Our Stories: from Journal to Personal Essay to Memoir", with Susan Tiberghien Instructor: Susan M. Tiberghien is an American-born writer living in Geneva, Switzerland. The author of three memoirs, she has also published widely in journals and anthologies. Her new book, One Year to A Writing Life, Twelve Lessons to Deepen Every Writer’s Art and Craft, is “an inspiring window into the world of writing.” Tiberghien teaches at graduate programs, at C.G. Jung Centers, and at writers’ conferences in the U.S. and in Europe. She directs the Geneva Writers’ Group and the biennial Geneva Writers’ Conference. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris France, Ph/Fax: 0033 (0)1 43 25 40 93
May 31st – June 7th 2008: At Almàssera Vella: ‘Getting to the Next Level’ a poetry workshop with the distinguished American Poet Alfred Corn. WORKSHOP assumes students already have some ability & points out avenues to further accomplishment. Topics include rhythm, the line, metre, metaphor, visual description, & mutual support of different components of a poem.” ALFRED CORN has published 9 collections of poetry, a novel & an acclaimed collection of essays. He has received Guggenheim & NEA fellowships, an Award in Literature from the Academy & Institute of Arts & Letters, a fellowship from the Academy of American Poets, & the Levinson Prize from Poetry magazine. £495 all inclusive (7 nights). Complete details: Christopher & Marisa North in Alicante SPAIN - (0034) 966 856003.
Paris Writers Workshop celebrates its 20th Anniversary: July 1-11 in Paris. Faculty includes: Vijay Seshardi, Nuala O'Faolain, Cole Swensen, Nahid Rachlin, Ann Snodgrass, Patrick McGillgan, Toni Johnson-Woods, Catherine Texier, Susan Tiberghien, Kevin Jackson, Peter Guttridge, Karen Weir-Jimerson, Jon Fink, John Freeeman, Charlotte Puckette. Masterclasses in Novel and Nonfiction; workshops in Poetry, Translation, Memoir, Writing the Fine Arts, Romance, Fantasy, Crime Fiction, Hollywood Lives and more. Agents Jonathan Lloyd and Patrick Janson-Smith; manuscript consultations. Two half-tuition merit scholarships. Website: Email: .
PART III: Reviews News & New Reviews—plus calls for work & just out books!!!
JUST OUT: Sortie le 10 janvier : by Cyrille Martinez : « L'enlèvement de Bill Clinton » avec 400 coups éditions, 12 Euros, ISBN 2845960891. Pick up a copy for yourself or a friend, or order it from local French bookstores, such as Librarie Michele Ignazi in the 4th.
SUBMIT NOVELS/SHORT STORY COLLECTIONS: To The Paris Writers Workshop is pleased to announce the inauguration of the annual Paris Prize for Fiction, to be presented at the Twentieth Workshop in July 2008. The prize, of five thousand US dollars ($5000), will be awarded for a novel or collection of short stories in English by a writer who has not previously been published in book form. (Appearance of an extract in a magazine, anthology etc does not constitute prior publication.) Authors are asked to submit An extract (no more than 1000 words!!!), A synopsis of no more than one typed page outlining the work’s scope, a 1 page cover letter providing personal info, & €30 reading fee per submission (€20 for applicants enrolled in the workshop). FYI: Mult subs OK, but one reading fee for each. Deadline: RECEIVED at the office of the Paris Writers Workshop no later than April 30th. Shortly after this date, short-listed authors will be required to supply a completed manuscript for final judging. Results will be announced and the presentation made at the closing dinner of the 20th Paris Writers Workshop on July 11, 2008. Complete Guidelines on:
SUBMIT TO ANTHOLOGY: "A Poets' Haggadah" for "Poets' Seder" event at Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center in Venice, California on April 26th, 2008, book compiled, designed and edited by Poetry Super Highway's Rick Lupert. The Haggadah is the book read during the Jewish Passover Seder which tells the story of Passover as well as guides participants through the ritual components of the seder. The idea is to fill this unique book with reinterpretations of the themes and original text of Passover, written through the lenses of poets. Guidelines: 1) Max 3 pieces, any style/length relating to a Passover theme & with 1 of the 15 components of the Passover Seder in it (ie: Themes: Freedom, Slavery, Bitterness, Memory, History as memory, Storytelling, Plagues, Giving Thanks, Drinking Wine, Celebration, Praise, Festive Meal + 15 Haggadah components & their explanations online at: 2) Indicate which of the 15 components of the Haggadah you have in mind 3) Previously published material is ok but indicate where/ when for proper credits 4) +BIO:max 100wds 5) Only Submit by e-mail to 6) Deadline : March 3rd, 2008, you’ll be notified by 31st March of decision. 7) If accepted, you’ll receive one copy of the published book + free admission to the Poets' Seder event at Beyond Baroque on April 26th, 2008, where SOME of the poets will be asked to read. More info or clarification via:
READ & SUBMIT: See DIAGRAM 7.6, now at: Involving the following: SPECIAL FEATURE: [Renee Angle introduced by Joshua Marie Wilkinson] [Kirk Lee Davis introduced by Jason Bredle] [Larkin Higgins introduced by Barbara Maloutas] [Cyan James introduced by Karyna McGlynn] [Kristina Jipson introduced by Stephanie Anderson] [Ashley McWaters introduced by John Pursley] [Joe Robitaille introduced by Vincent Zompa] [BJ Soloy introduced by Arielle Greenberg] [Shelly Taylor introduced by Arianne Zwartjes] REVIEWS: [Caitlin Horrocks on Alex Rose] [Cynthia Arrieu-King on Nickole Brown] + “schematics” and more!!! Also : Submit work for future issues!!!!
2008 AMERICAN Poetry Journal Book Prize. For a full-length collection, 48–64 pages. $1,000 plus publication; all entries considered for publication. Deadline: February 29, 2008. Reading fee: $25. American Poetry Journal/DHP. P.O. Box 2080, Aptos, CA 95001. Include e-mail (no SASE) for results; bio; and acknowledgments. Complete guidelines:
MEMOIRS INK Half-Yearly Personal Essay Contest. We’re looking for memoirs, personal essays, or creative nonfiction on any topic. Max: 1,500 words. Prizes: $1,100, $550, $275 and publication. Entry fee $15. Deadline: February 15 postmark. Late deadline: February 29 postmark (additional $5 fee). Full guidelines here:
NARRATIVE awards the $4,000 Narrative Prize annually for the best work of fiction, nonfiction, or poetry published in Narrative by a new or emerging writer. Each year, Narrative also sponsors StoryQuarterly writing contests with various prizes totaling more than $10,000. For a free subscription, go to
EDITORIAL SERVICES, CRITIQUES, & COACHING by published author with MFA, PhD, & 8 years of teaching & tutoring experience. Whether you’re just beginning and want to learn how to honor your instincts and find your voice, or whether you have a nearly finished manuscript that needs a good critique from an experienced reader, Sandy Florian offers professional, honest, insightful advice for all your writing projects at reasonable rates. Email: Bio: Sandy earned her MFA from Brown University’s Creative Writing Program & PhD in English & Creative Writing from the University of Denver. The author of Telescope (Action Books), 32 Pedals & 47 Stops (Tarpaulin Sky Press), plus The Tree of No (forthcoming with Action Books). Her work appears in over 40 literary journals More info / her vitae, at: <>
MARCH SUBLET: LOCATION! Big (40+ meters) one bedroom (2 piece) apartment in the 3rd arrondisement, 1/2 block from the Pompidou, near Rambuteau, Arts & Metier, and Marcel Etienne Metros. 4th floor walk-up. Sleeps 4 total on comfortable queen-sized bed and fold-out sofa bed. Huge bathroom with bathtub, fully equipped American kitchen, dining room table, and more. Available March 1 through March 17, dates flexible. 400/week inclusive. Email for pictures and more information.
POESIE: Recueil de Thomas Vercruysse paraîtra en février 2008 chez l’Harmattan, qui ne s'occupe guère de diffusion. L’auteur lance donc une souscription pour ceux d'entre vous qui désirent l'acquérir: vous pouvez le faire parvenir 13 euros par chèque à Thomas Vercruysse, 60, Route de Champiot, 63830 Durtol. Merci !!!! Thomas est poète, cinéaste et professeur.
JUST OUT ONLINE : L'équipe a le plaisir de vous annoncer la mise en ligne du n°5 de la revue « TRANS- » : Le choix de la thématique de ce numéro, intitulé Est / Ouest, est né de la prise en compte du dynamisme des East-West Studies aux Etats-Unis, qui ont pour but d’analyser les convergences et les divergences entre les littératures occidentales et celles de l’Extrême Orient, notamment de la Chine et du Japon. Selon les aires culturelles envisagées, l’Est et l’Ouest renvoient à des constructions culturelles et conceptuelles complexes qui ne se réduisent pas à une dimension géographique, mais constituent les pôles d’une opposition aussi bien esthétique qu’idéologique.
1 comment:
Have u try the online bookstore Cocomartini
I get all my textbooks for this semester from this bookstore. All are brand new and half price discount from normal price.
Good luck and wish some help.
hehe ^_^
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