Ben Franklin said, "Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man."
LIST ORDER: updated from time to time online, so check back!
I) Readings & events: asterisks mark book-related events
II) Courses in Creative Writing in Europe this Spring/Summer
III) News Reviews & Reviews News—New publications, calls for submissions of creative & critical work (fiction, poetry, memoir, film on poetry, etc)
I) READINGS & EVENTS in PARIS this Jan 2008:
Until 6 janvier : exposition de photos de MICHEL GUILLAUME "Haine et compassion" Pour sa deuxième exposition à Violette and Co, Michel Guillaume présente un tout nouveau travail AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*6 Jan at 7.30 pm MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a play by A Roy Lisker presents his play: "Kangaroo Songline" AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M°: Tuileries Full details on: or send an e-mail to Stephanie at to get on Mov Parts list or to present a reading of YOUR play!8 jan at 19h30, Film at Irish Cultural Center. VO (83 mn) CinéCCI Adam & Paul. Introduced by award-winning director Lenny Abrahamson, Adam & Paul is a mordantly funny and unexpectedly poignant film about two hapless junkies in search of a fix. There is some nicely judged acting, too, from Tom Murphy and Mark O’Halloran, who wrote the script. Lenny Abrahamson’s award-winning Garage release date in France is January 9th. entrée libre. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris
9 January: FOR KIDS!!! “Feelings” Story Hour For 3-to-5-year-olds Drop-in Wednesdays, every Wednesday a different theme. From 10:30-11:30 or 2:30-3:30 Contact: Helen Stathopulos 01 53 59 12 69 to reserve or for more info. AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60 See their calendar for more themes for this story hour in January.
*9 January--19h30 An Evening Discussion & reading at the American Library with Historian Hilary Kaiser. AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60
*9 janv—19h : Rencontre avec THÉRÈSE CLERC et DANIELLE MICHEL-CHICH pour la parution de Thérèse Clerc, Antigone aux cheveux blancs (des femmes). Thérèse Clerc a fondé la Maison des femmes de Montreuil et est maintenant l'instigatrice et la co-réalisatrice du projet de la Maison des Babayagas, maison de retraite unique en son genre car pour des femmes et autogérée par elles (et qui ouvrira en 2008). C'est le portrait de cette femme hors normes, combattante, pleine d'énergie, née en 1927 que dépeint la journaliste Danielle Michel-Chich. Enfance dans une famille catholique, mariage, quatre enfants, divorce, implication au sein d'églises proches du mouvement ouvrier et, à 40 ans, engagement dans le mouvement des femmes qui ne la lâchera plus. Un beau portrait de femme libre qui se bat pour faire aboutir ses idées. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.*10th Jan at 7pm: Margo Berdeshevsky presents and reads from ‘BUT A PASSAGE IN WILDERNESS’ Poems (The Sheep Meadow Press) Introduction by Marie Ponsot This is writing with emotional power, great beauty and immediacy, found in the here-and-now, woven with extraordinary awareness of what is precisely not beautiful in human life, which is an intrinsic part of the poems' texture and reason for being.' Marilyn Hacker 'Margo Berdeshevsky's poems are never doing nothing. Her presence is vivid.She's a soloist, on her own, a world citizen at large in the new century. And in the same breath she is performing a profoundly social act. In making her lyric was, she takes her share of our language to heart, and gives it to us.'—Marie Ponsot AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
*10 Jan from 7-9pm –The first evening of SCWBI’s Savoir-Faire series will be a great chance to welcome in the new year with kindred spirits and Maryann Macdonald -- picture book and middle grade author of more than 20 stories for children. See to get ready for our shoptalk where Maryann will tell us about her creative process and share some of the tricks she's learned during her career. This is a chance for writers and illustrators to ask a published pro plenty of questions and to get feedback on their work. If you'd like to attend, but haven't RSVP'd yet, send an email to The four-part series is 15 euros for SCBWI members or 6 euros for just one evening. Address, full info and more at: FYI, SCWBI is seeking a Show & Tell Coordinator and a Newsletter Editor, both volunteer board positions.
*11 janv à partir de 19h: A l'occasion de la parution de ‘Vaches’ (Editions P.O.L) et de sa traduction de ‘Les Aveux’ de Saint Augustin (la nouvelle traduction des Confessions) rencontre avec Frédéric Boyer, A la Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00. métro : Saint Paul ou Pont-Marie
11 janv à 19h Vernissage de l'exposition de peinture à quatre mains des BABANANAVERTES : "Les garçons manqués". Jim Roudier (exposition du 9 janvier au 17 février) AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*13 janv à partir de 18h. A l'occasion de la parution de ‘Eloge de la corruption’ (Editions Fayard), rencontre avec Marie-Laure Susini A la Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00. métro : Saint Paul ou Pont-Marie
*15 janv à partir de 19h. A l'occasion de la parution de ‘Si riche heure’ traduit de l'anglais par Maïtreyi et Nicolas Pesquès (Edition Corti) lecture de Cole Swensen A la Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00. métro : Saint Paul ou Pont-Marie
*15 janvier 2008 Rencontre avec Louise L. Lambrichs for Inventaire/Invention’s LA FOLIE reading series. L'entrée est libre, dans la limite des 50 places disponibles. Il est conseillé de réserver. ou 01 42 40 33 21 Folie du Canal N5, Inventaire/Invention le long du canal de l’Ourcq, face à la Géode M°: Porte de Pantin ou Porte de la Villette. Stations Vélib’ : Station n°19017 - 199, av. Jean Jaurès / Station n°19015 - 24, rue de Thionville / Station n°1901 - 2, rue Rouvet / Station n°19009 - 28bis, av. Corentin Cariou.
15 janv 08, de 18h30 à 20h30 Vernissage (Exposition jusqu’au 29 février) Patrick Michael Fitzgerald – Peinture et dessin Though often difficult to classify, the paintings of Patrick Michael Fitzgerald employ very direct approaches to picture making; they have an undeniable “contemporary” feel. The works are interwoven with personal experience, a visual rendering of immediate surroundings with their corresponding emotional charge: light falling across a bed, a tree in the garden, a smoky neighbourhood bar, glimpses of architecture, reflections in an abandoned shop window …all becoming invisible and condensed synthetically into «abstractions». Entrée libre AT : Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris COST: 4€ children / 7€ adults – in English RÉS.CONSEILLÉE. Contacts : or 01 58 52 10 30
*16 January--19h30 An Evening Discussion & reading at the American Library with Alain Riding, European Cultural corerspondant for the NYTimes and author of “Hearts & Minds: A Reporters’ Journey through the Arts” AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60
*16 janv à 19h : Rencontre avec LÉONORA MIANO pour la parution de son roman Tels des astres éteints (Plon). Après L'intérieur de la nuit et Contours du jour qui vient (Prix Goncourt des lycéens 2006), ce nouveau roman ne se déroule plus en Afrique mais en Europe et aborde la question des identités noires. Trois personnages, Amok, Amandla et Schrapnel, vivent de manière différente leur couleur de peau. L'auteure nous parle des grandes croyances du peuple noir et de l'incapacité de la vieille Europe à accepter des populations multiples. Certains, qui ne peuvent y trouver leur place, réagissent en se réfugiant dans le passé ou par un repli sur eux-mêmes. Ainsi, "tels des astres éteints", ils déclinent et s'étiolent. Bâti comme une pièce de musique, un roman riche et saisissant qui confirme le talent de Léonora Miano qui était déjà venu présenter son deuxième roman AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*16 Jan from 9pm-11or so. SPOKEN WORD, OPEN MIC: Back in the day this was where we used to do Anglophonics, a music-plus-some-spoken-word open mic night. It was run by Nancy Magarill when I arrived and featured people like David Bowie's band! That scene was one of the main reasons I stayed in Paris. Now we're returning to there for a night of Spoken Word. The theme, if you've got time to write or dig up some story, poem or song... is Unspoken Words. Musicians welcome also. Theme: Unspoken words Check out the blog to see photos from past events or keep track of future ones. (Get there before 9 for Happy Hour! It ends at 9!) AT: the cellar at Bistrot des Artistes, 6, rue des Anglais, 5ème, Mètro St Michel ou Maubert-Mutualité
17 JAN. Concert: DJEOUR CISSOKHO, de retour, sera Avec le groupe ALLALAKEau NEW-MORNING, à Paris Vous pouvez retrouver DJEOUR, sur
*18 janv à 19h : Rencontre avec SANDRA BOEHRINGER pour la parution de son essai L'homosexualité féminine dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine (Les Belles Lettres). Au-delà des idées reçus, Sandra Boehringer analyse la littérature et les documents de l'Antiquité pour rendre compte des pratiques sexuelles entre femmes, jusqu'à pésent peu étudiées. S'inscrivant dans une organisation sociale très codifiée et dans un certain type de relations politiques, les règles y sont différentes des nôtres, et nos classements et terminologies sont anachroniques. L'auteure nous invite à une réflexion sur la construction des catégories sexuelles. Préfacé par David Halperin, un travail érudit et impressionant. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*21 Jan at 7pm Come out for a really exciting reading with Kazim Ali and Louise Levi. Kazim Ali was born in the UK to parents of Indian descent. With his family he emigrated to the Canada and then the US. He was raised in an Islamic household, and attended the University at Albany, receiving a BA and an MA in English. Ali attended NYU and received a MFA in Creative Writing. He has taught writing and literature for four years in the Liberal Arts Department of The Culinary Institute of America, and at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. He currently teaches at Oberlin College and in the University of Southern Maine’s Stonecoast MFA program. His work has been published in various national journals including Jubilat, Barrow Street, The American Poetry Review, in Best American Poetry 2007. His first book of poetry The Far Mosque was published by Alice James Books in 2005. Kazim is also the author of a novel, Quinn’s Passage, published by BlazeVox Books. He is founding editor of Nightboat Books. and see video clips at Louise Landes Levi was born in New York City in 1944. She graduated with honors from the University of California at Berkeley. She has lived in the Netherlands, Italy, India and the USA. Her books include Poems by Mira Bhai (Cool Grove Press), The Water Mirror, Departure, Concerto, and The Tower,Extinction (Left Hand Books), “Guru Punk” (Cool Grove Press, 2001). She is also the translator of Rasa by Rene Daumal, Vers La Completude by Henri Michaux & 'Selected' Michaux with ShivaStan, as well as Dedicato allo Scuro, Love Poetry by Mira Bhai. Another book -- The House Lamps Have Been Lit -- is forthcoming from Supernova. For5 reviews of Landes, see AT: Shakespeare and Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris France, Ph/Fax: 0033 (0)1 43 25 40 93
*22 Janv doors open at 19h30, reading starts promptly at 20h. Multilingual READING/ Lecture multilingue: Français, Anglais, Japonais with the poets Sarah Riggs (américaine, qui vit en france) & Ryoko Sekiguchi (japonaise, qui vit en france) BIOS: Sarah Riggs, poet, translator, and visual artist with two volumes of poetry Waterwork (Chax Press) and 28 Télégrammes (Editions de l'Attente, trad. Françoise Valéry), is also the author of Word Sightings: Poetry and Visual Media in Stevens, Bishop, and O'Hara, published by Routledge in 2002. Chain of Miniscule Decisions in the Form of a Feeling is forthcoming with Reality Street. The installation of her drawings, Underwritten, in collaboration with sound, video and cuisine, took place at the galerie EOF in 2007. Member of Double Change, & director of Tamaas, she teaches at Columbia Univ in Paris, and has translated Marie Borel's “Wolftrot” (La Presse, 2006), as well as works by Etel Adnan, Oscarine Bosquet, Isabelle Garron, Jérôme Mauche, & Ryoko Sekiguchi. About Waterwork, Ann Lauterbach said: “In five stunning sequences, Sarah Riggs has created a poetics of elastic migrations that imagines the world as clusters, skeins, and motions whose innateperil is miraculously saved in the act of naming…” Ryoko Sekiguchi began to write poetry in both Japanese and French at an early age, & elements of different languages fuse together within the same sentence in her works. Author of ‘Cassiopée Péca’ (1993, orig in A2-Format), ‘(com)position’ (1996—in Japanese), Hakkouseï Diapositive (2000), Calques (2001), Le monde est rond (2004) & Héliotropes (POL, 2005). Work also appears in Action Poétique, Dédales, and Po&sie. She studied Art History at the Sorbonne& received her PhD in Comp Lit and Cultural Studies atUniv of Tokyo. She teaches at INALCO & the Paris Research Centre for Oriental Languages and Civilisations. Sekiguchi has translated the works of Gôzô Yoshimasu, Yoko Tawada and French authors including Pierre Alferi, Anne Portugal, and Atiq Rahimi. Sekiguchi’s poetry is striking in its composition, rejecting established formats and textual dispositions, creating a visual, poetic space via the typographical composition, in the form of variedly arranged text blocks – or labyrinths of lines. AT : Le Next, 17 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris. Entrée gratuit/Free!
*23 ja--19h30, Meet and hear novelist Anne Enright Anne Enright’s most recent novel The Gathering won the 2007 Man Booker Prize. Her short stories appear in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Granta and in most notable anthologies of Irish fiction. Novels include The Wig My Father Wore, What Are You Like? which won the Royal Society of Author’s Encore Prize, and The Pleasure of Eliza Lynch. She has also published a collection of essays about motherhood, Making Babies. entrée libre, en anglais AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris
*23 January--19h30 An Evening Discussion & reading at the American Library with novelist Dinau Mengestu, author of “The Beautiful things that Heaven Bears” AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60
*24th Jan at 19:30 Paris Book Launch The Human, the Orchid & the Octopus: Exploring and Conserving our Natural World by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Susan Schiefelbein published by Bloomsbury USA. Guests of Honour: Members of Jacques-Yves Cousteau's legendary crew. Susan will present and sign the book she co-authored with Jacques Cousteau. Part adventure story, part manifesto, the legendary ocean explorer’s passionate plea for sustaining life on earth. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at .
* 25 janvier à 20h Les éditions de l'Attente et la librairie l'Atelier vous invitent à venir écouter 3 nouveaux auteurs des éditions de l'Attente Virginie Poitrasson pour Demi-valeurs, Pierre Hild pour Moondog Légende, Jérôme Game pour Flip-Book Librairie l'Atelier, 2 bis rue du jourdain, 75020 - Métro Jourdain - Tel: 0143580026
*30 January--19h30 An Evening Discussion & reading at the American Library with travel writer Thirza Vallois, author of “Aveyron: A bBridge to French Arcadia” AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60
*30 janv à partir de 19h : A l'occasion de la parution de « Impératif catégorique » (récit) et de « Parc sauvage » récit aux éditions du Seuil, lecture de Jacques Roubaud. A la Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de jouy, 75004 Paris, Tel : 01 42 71 17 00. M° St Paul
***31 Jan—7PM. The WICE literary journal Upstairs at Duroc announces the launch of Issue 9!! We invite you all to attend this much-awaited evening of poetry and celebration. Readers will be Joe Ross, Jeffrey Greene, Amy Hollowell, Linda Healey, and Mark Terrill. Bios: Joe Ross, former Literary Editor of The Washington Review, has published ten books of poetry, most recently EQUATIONS=equals (Green Integer Press). He received the Gertrude Stein Poetry Award (2003), among other prizes. Jeffrey Greene's new environmental book is Water From Stone (Texas A&M UP). He is author of two books of poems, American Spirituals and To the Left of the Worshiper. Poet, journalist and Zen teacher Amy Hollowell is a former editor of the Paris-based journal Pharos and the author of a book-length poetic work Peneloping: Episodes in the Day of She. Linday Healey's poetry, fiction and reviews have appeared in journals in Europe and the US. Mark Terrill shipped out in the Merchant Marine prior to settling in Europe. He has published 7 volumes of poetry, prose, memoir and translation, recently Whispering Villages: Seven German Poets (Longhouse Poetry). At: WICE, 20 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, Metro Duroc or Falguiere or Montparnasse. (Go through the big street door into the courtyard).
**31 jan 19h30, Meet and hear David McWilliams « Ireland : What’s Next ? » Writer, broadcaster and economist, David McWilliams provides a fresh perspective on contemporary Ireland in his own inimitable and irreverent style. He has been named as a Global Young Leader by the World Economic Forum and is a provocative and challenging commentator on the new Ireland and its rapidly changing society. entrée libre, In English: AT : Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris COST: 4€ children / 7€ adults – in English RÉS.CONSEILLÉE. Contacts : or 01 58 52 10 30
*31 Janv--À 20h00 A l’occasion de la parution de "Écrire, pour qui ? L'écrivain francophone et ses publics", aux Éditions Karthala, lecture avec Lise Gauvin. En présence de l’auteure. En collaboration avec le PEN Club français et la Nouvelle Pléiade. Réservation : 01 44 43 24 90 au Centre culturel canadien 5, rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris, t/ 01 4443 2190 or for times/days. M° et RER : Invalides
31 Janvier, de 19h30 à 22h. CARNET DE ROUTE ET LA GALERIE EOF vous invitent au vernissage du projet d’art graphique du 3eme numéro de la revue. Exposition du 31 janvier au 3 février 2008, du mardi au samedi de 14h à 19h. AT : GALERIE EOF /15 RUE SAINT FIACRE PARIS 2ème /Metro GRANDS BOULEVARDS / Tel 01 53 40 72 22 / 06 82 43 58 30 / infos :
*1er février à 18h30,: Martine Gozlan, journaliste à Marianne, auteure de Le sexe d’Allah (Grasset, 2004) et Le désir d’islam (Grasset, 2005) dans un débat avec Sophie Bessis, auteure de Les arabes, les femmes, la liberté (Albin Michel, 2007): « Quel espoir pour les femmes en terre d’islam ? » à l’Espace Des femmes 35 rue Jacob Paris 6ème Téléphone : 01 42 22 60 74 - Télécopie : 01 42 22 62 73 - email : des
*1er février 2008 à partir de 19h, A l'occasion de la parution de « Penser pour rien : Littérature et monomanie » (Presses universitaires du Septentrion) rencontre avec Nathalie Barberger. AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17 rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00
*4 Feb at 7:00 P.M. Reading, Q&A, book signing, PERSIAN GIRLS, memoir PERSIAN GIRLS, (Penguin, October 2006)-description: In a story of ambition, oppression, hope, heartache, and sisterhood, Persian Girls traces Rachlin's coming of age in Iran under the late Shah-and her domineering father-her tangled family life, and her relationship with her older sister, and unexpected soul mate, Pari. Both girls refused to accept traditional roles prescribed for them under Muslim cultural laws. They devoured forbidden books. They had secret romances. But then things quickly changed. After narrowly avoiding an unhappy match herself with a man her parents chose for her, Nahid came to America, where she found literary success. Back in Iran, however, Pari's dreams fell to pieces. "This lyrical and disturbing memoir by the author of four novels (Foreigner , etc.) tells the story of an Iranian girl growing up in a culture where,despite the Westernizing reforms of the Shah, women had little power or autonomy... Exuding the melancholy of an outsider, this memoir gives American readers rare insight into Iranians' ambivalence toward the United States, the desire for American freedom clashing with resentment of American hegemony."—Publisher’s Weekly. For more: Shakespeare and Company Bookstore, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, metro St Michel / Cluny La Sorbonne, Info: 01 43 25 40 93
NEW WRITING GROUP: Seeking 5 writers working on a novel or memoir to form a writer's group to meet in the Marais once a week. Looking for writers who are are in the thick of it, actively writing a book & desirous of feedback, to work on their craft, etc & share resources with other dedicated writers. Would like writers with different experiences & something unique to contribute to the group dynamic. Please send an email to Serious inquiries only.
9, 16, 23, 30 Jan + 4 weeks in Feb: Creative Writing Workshop at Shakespeare and Co Have you always wanted to write, but weren't sure where to begin? This is the class for you. The 8-week workshop begins Wednesday, January 9th from 7 to 9 pm. The cost is 70 euros. For more information contact Janet Charles at
5, 12, 19, 26 Jan--“The OTHER WRITERS' GROUP” meets upstairs on Saturdays, 3-5pm: at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 5 euros. More Information at:
10 Jan from 7-9pm –SCWBI’s Savoir-Faire series with Maryann Macdonald -- picture book and middle grade author of more than 20 stories for children. See to get ready for our shoptalk where Maryann will tell us about her creative process and share some of the tricks she's learned during her career. This is a chance for writers and illustrators to ask a published pro plenty of questions and to get feedback on their work. If you'd like to attend, but haven't RSVP'd yet, send an email to The four-part series is 15 euros for SCBWI members or 6 euros for just one evening. Address, full info and more at:
TWO Alesian Literary Salons, discussing literature in a comfortable, informative environment. Lead by Toby Brothers. Write her for further info, but the 2 salons starting this month are on The Odyssey starting 17/01/08 and running 5 weeks, (with room for 2 or 3 more participants) and To the Lighthouse by Virginia Wolf Salon starting 22/01/08 and running six weeks, (with room for 5 more participants). To sign up, contact for complete info, etc. Please contact Toby at:
Tuesdays, January 22, 29; February 5, 12, 19 Time: 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Writing from Dreams: Dreams can be the well-spring of the imagination and the source for inspiration for all types of creative work, and many writers past and present have looked to and continue to look toward the mute mysteries, the illogical collages of their dreams as the source for best poetry and prose. In the class, we will discuss tricks by which to remember and record your dreams how to keep a dream journal and how to write about dreams. We will practice the art of delving into these well-springs, bringing our dream-materials to light, and discovering ways they can materialize our writing. We will learn to translate the tension and the imagery from the unconscious into new prose and poetry for the purpose of starting a collection of dream pieces. For beginning and advanced writers alike, all dreamers welcome. Instructor: Sandy Florian At: WICE, 20 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, Metro Duroc or Falguiere or Montparnasse. (Go through the big street door into the courtyard).Wednesdays, January 23, 30; February 6, 13, 20 Time: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Writing for Children Have you always wondered how to create magical stories that will capture the minds and hearts of children? What makes writing for kids different to any other writing? Join us in exploring the fascinating world of children's books and learn what makes writing for children both thrilling and a challenge in its own right. In this course we will study successful and well-loved children's books, looking for what makes each story work. Students will be given generative exercises to create their own stories, and share their writing with the group in a fun and supportive atmosphere. We will look both at writing text for picture books and longer fiction for older children, and will touch upon ways to break into the children's publishing market. Writers at all levels welcome! Instructor: Susannah Elisabeth Pabot At: WICE, 20 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, Metro Duroc or Falguiere or Montparnasse. Date: Mondays, January 14, 21, 28; February 4, 11, 18 Time: 2:00 - 4:00p.m.From Final Edit to First Sale This is a course that explores the different routes a writer can take to get their work out into the world. Often writers believe there is only one path to take in order to “get published.” In fact, there are many options available. We will discuss these options, as well as walk through some of the necessary steps, such as searching for the right literary agent for your work, writing query letters, discussing book proposals, learning about alternative ways to get your book into print, such as e-publishing and print-on-demand services. We will also discuss publicity techniques, how to organize a book tour, and some creative ways to get that first book sold! Instructor: Tanio McCallum At: WICE, 20 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, Metro Duroc or Falguiere or Montparnasse.
SIXTH GENEVA Writers’ Conference, February 2–3, at Webster University, Bellevue/Geneva, Switzerland, with Kwame Kwei Armah, Maura Dooley, Philip Graham, Thomas E. Kennedy, Nahid Rachlin, Mimi Schwartz, Jeremy Sheldon, Susan Tiberghien, Wallis Wilde-Menozzi, plus agents/editors/publishers (U.S., U.K., Paris); workshops, panels, readings, networking; 180 writers from around the world. For info, to sign up, visit
MEMOIR WRITING Workshop in Prague with Patricia Foster, July 3–11, 2008. Discover the story that reveals your mind and heart through personal narrative. Patricia Foster is a Professor in the University of Iowa MFA Non-fiction Writing Program and author of All the Lost Girls and Just Beneath My Skin and Editor of Sister to Sister. University credits available. Phone: (212) 922-1555. E-mail: Web site:
NONFICTION MANUSCRIPT Workshop. Join us in Prague this summer for the Gribner Workshop, a one-of-a-kind opportunity to review and develop your memoir or nonfiction manuscript. Part of Western Michigan's prestigious Prague Summer Program. E-mail Ron Grant at or Sue Ribner at directly. Web site: Hurry, selection process limited to 6 students.
PARIS WRITERS Workshop celebrates diverse voices in English literature: July 1–11, 2008 in Paris, France. Faculty includes: Vijay Seshardi, Nuala O'Faolain, Cole Swensen, Nahid Rachlin, Ann Snodgrass, Patrick McGillgan, Toni Johnson-Woods, Catherine Texier, Kevin Jackson, Peter Guttridge, Eric Maisel, Gillian Reynolds. Master classes in novel and nonfiction; workshops in poetry, translation, memoir, writing the fine arts, romance, fantasy, crime fiction, Hollywood lives, and more. Agents Jonathan Lloyd and Patrick Janson-Smith; manuscript consultations. Two half-tuition merit scholarships. E-mail: Web site:
SUBMIT: Call for Submissions for Issue # 10!! The Paris-based English-language literary journal Upstairs at Duroc is seeking works of poetry, fiction, non-fiction and art. Poetry: send up to 5 poems. Prose: length not exceeding 2000 words. Artwork: preference for line drawings or photographs with good contrast. Send email submissions to:, subject line "Upstairs at Duroc Submission". Attach as Word file (for poems or prose) or JPEG (for artwork). Deadline: February 15, 2008. (For more complete guidelines, see our web page at Don’t forget to come out and get a copy of issue 9 at WICE at the launch reading Jan 31st!
SUBMIT BY JAN 15th: Versal wants your poetry, prose, and art for its sixth issue due out in May, 2008. Internationally acclaimed literary annual published in Amsterdam; perfect bound, 100 pages of the urgent, involved, & unexpected. See website for guidelines and to submit: Inquiries (only): Deadline: January 15, 2008.
SUBMIT CHAPBOOKS: to WELL LIT PRESS 1st Annual Poetry Chapbook Competition. Final Judge: Matthea Harvey. Deadline: February 1. Winner receives 10 copies of 100 handmade chapbooks with original cover art. Submit up to 12 pages and $15 entry fee to Well Lit Press, 2247 Payne St., Louisville, KY 40206. More info:
ENTER the SAWTOOTH POETRY Prize, $1,500 plus publication. Judge: C. D. Wright. Submit manuscripts of 48–100 pages January 1–March 1. Manuscripts not returned. Entry fee: $25. We subscribe to the CLMP Code of Ethics. Send entries to Ahsahta Press, 1910 University Dr., Boise, ID 83725. Please see full guidelines at
READ ONLINE: New Southerner, which includes Cecilia Woloch’s recent review of local Paris nonfiction and poetry author Jeffrey Greene's beautiful non-fiction book, “Like Water from Stone”. for direct link, but do check out the rest of the lit mag!!!
SUBMIT ESSAYS ON FOREIGN LIFE: to anthology WISING UP Press submission deadlines: For “My First American/Through a Glass Darkly” (cross-cultural essays for foreign-born writers and U.S.-born travellers): February 2. Submit to For “Families: The Frontline of Pluralism” (blended, cross-cultural, or cross-racial families): March 1. Submit to No fee. Payment in copies. Full guidelines at Wising Up/Reliable Neighbors Web site:
SUBMIT:, a new website for art and literature criticism, welcomes submissions for ongoing discussion. is a forum to discuss the critical and artistic direction of the humanities. Artists, theorists, writers, philosophers etc are all welcome here. Especially welcome are reviews of collabrative work (art and poetry, for instance) or critical essays that show the ties between visual art and literature. Please send a query to
NEW BOOK!: Kathleen Spivack’s new book, Moments of Past Happiness, has just been published by Earthwinds Editions, a press that specializes in design and illustration, and the Grolier Poetry Bookshop, Cambridge. MA. Kathleen is the author of five previous books, (Doubleday, Graywolf, etc.) an has received numerous prizes for her work. She was a student of Robert Lowell, and has written about Plath, Sexton,& Bishop. She teaches in Boston and in Paris. She will be running an advanced writing workshop in Paris in Feb & March, 2007. Her new book is currently available at the Village Voice and the Red Wheelbarrow & is also distributed in the U.S. For more info, click on or or (Small Press Distribution) To contact Kathleen directly, email <>
SUBMIT Poetry, Prose, etc to: Bordercrossing Berlin. Publication and submission deadlines for Issue 4: 24th March 2008 Launch of Issue 4: September 2008 New submissions address is: Bordercrossing Berlin, Postfach 02 12 91, 10124 Berlin, Deutschland. For details, complete guidelines and more, see:
Sortie le 10 janvier : Cyrille Martinez : « L'enlèvement de Bill Clinton » avec 400 coups éditions, 12 Euros, ISBN 2845960891 Pick up a copy or order it from local French bookstores, such as Librarie Michele Ignazi in the 4th.
GET A COPY: of “Something Red” by Mark Terrill available directly from the publisher AT: - €6.50 28 new prose pieces, Limited edition Chapbook (50 copies) Born in Berkeley, California, Mark Terrill shipped out of San Francisco as a merchant seaman, studied and spent time with Paul Bowles in Tangier, Morocco, was published by Lawrence Ferlinghetti in the anthology Ends & Beginnings (City Lights Review #6), and has lived in Germany since 1984, where he has worked as a shipyard welder, road manager for rock bands, cook, postal worker and translator. Recent books include Bread & Fish, Kid with Gray Eyes , and a collection of translations, Like a Pilot: Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, Selected Poems 1963-1970. Other writings and translations have appeared in several limited edition chapbooks and more than 250 magazines, journals and anthologies worldwide, resulting in three Pushcart Prize nominations. Recently he’s performed his work in various venues in Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris and Prague.
SUBMIT: ANNOUNCING: the Journal’s “Narrative and Science” issue: Autumn/Winter 2007. Featuring Richard Powers, Pattiann Rogers, Forrest Gander, and more. Subscriptions are $7 single issue, or $12 one-year. Also, Deadline for William Allen Creative Nonfiction Contest: January 15. The Journal, The Ohio State University Department of English, 164 W. 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43210. See Web site for further details:
SUBMIT POETRY FILMS: The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival 2008 competition is now open! The Literaturwerkstatt Berlin and interfilm Berlin are once again calling for entries for the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, an biannual competition recognising the best in poetry filmmaking, now in its eighth year! Short films based on poems can be submitted. A programme commission will decide which entries will be shown in the programme or the competition of the fourth ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival, taking place in Berlin from 9 to 12 October 2008, an international jury deciding the winners. Prizes worth a total of €10,000 will be awarded. The deadline for entries is 16 June 2008 (full entry conditions at ). The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival has established itself as an international forum for short films that deal with the content, aesthetics or form of poems. It gives filmmakers from around the world the opportunity to exchange ideas and develop new contacts.
SUBMIT TO: ANTHOLOGY, Of a Certain Age: Voices of Experience. Seeking fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction from writers of “a certain age” (50+). Deadline: June 15. Max: 10,000 words, 5 poems. Include cover letter with bio and SASE. To submit or for more information: Turtle House Ink, 235 Black Oaks Ln., Wayzata, MN 55391.
SEND WORK TO A NEW JOURNAL: Contribute critical prose, fiction, nonfiction, essays, interviews, video art, e-poetry, and photography to Cadillac Cicatrix, a new journal of innovative writing and art. Artists, advertisers please query. Mail/Questions to Cadillac Cicatrix, 21800 Parrot Ranch Rd., Carmel Valley, CA 93924. Web site:
ONLINE NOW: Read some work online by Bordercrossing Berlin poetry editor Alistair Noon:
PARTICIPATE or ATTEND THIS SPRING in THE 2008 Las Vegas Writers Conference. Sam’s Town Hotel and Gambling Hall, Las Vegas, Nevada. April 17–19. Representatives on hand from Random House and Avalon Books. Over 20 workshops and panel discussions with authors, editors, and agents. For more information, call (866) 869-7842 or register online:
RESIDENCY: JAMES MERRILL House Writer-in-Residence Program invites writers to live and work in James Merrill’s Stonington, CT, apartment rent-free for 5-month or 11-month terms. Application deadline: January 15. Visit Web site for more information:
Frank Zappa once proposed that the United States form a fourth branch of government devoted entirely to creativity.
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