I) Readings & events: asterisks mark book-related events (note updates for 15, 22, 23, 25, 29 March!)
II) Courses in Creative Writing in Paris & Europe
III) News Reviews & Reviews News—New publications, calls for submissions of creative & critical work
1 Mars: VERNISSAGE pour Olivier Babin. Check out this young, dynamic French artist who has shown at the Palais de Tokyo, the Pompidou Center, etc. Show is at: the Gallery Frank Elbaz on St Claude, 75003.
1 mars : 21h00 à 1h30 ! Get your dance on with Les soirées de la musique "populaire" va continuer aux Pères populaires avec DJ Whistlepunk (often known as Rob !). M. Punk redefines fun with a night of old rock n roll, chanson, schlager, soul, calypso, Balkan, Swedish indie pop & other music to life your spirit. Viens! AUX : pères populaires, 46 rue Buzenval, 75020 Paris; M° Buzenval. ambiance: du populaire To keep up with DJ’s gigs, get on his mailing lista t : djwhistlepunk@yahoo.com
1 mars 14h, entrée libre Concert : Delmaine String Quartet A psychiatrist, a banker & two music teachers make up the Delmaine String Quartet! Playing together now for over 10 years, the Quartet is currently studying for an MA in string quartet performance at the Cork School of Music, with Greg Ellis of the renowned RTE Vanbrugh String Quartet. The programme for this Saturday lunchtime concert includes Dvorak String Quartet in Eflat major, op. 51, & Shostakovich String Quartet No. 7. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Reservations ADVISED !
*2nd March at 7.30 pm, a playreading in English of Kathleen Cromie’s "Communion of Saints" AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries More info: Stephanie Campion at 06 14 67 18 58, http://www.movingparts.org.uk/ or at movingparts@orange.fr
2 March--18h45. PARIS SOIREES DINNERS CHEZ PATRICIA –Every SUNDAY AT 18h45 Special guests on Sundays are often authors, artists, etc. Patricia also runs dating evenings, networking evenings & other events, so if you are interested in those please contact her. EUR 20. Reserve & get details, address, etc via parissoirees@gmail.com Patricia's Profiles for this & other events: http://www.parissoirees.com/ or Blog: http://parissoireesparisatnight.blogspot.com/
*3 March 7pm. Laura Spinney will be reading from her novel The Quick, published by Fourth Estate. A thrilling account of an obsession, this is a story about the strange case of Patient DL who, for a whole decade, has lain motionless & mute in a small room at the end of a hospital corridor. Laura has written for theEconomist, Guardian & Independent newspapers. Her first novel The Doctor was published by Methuen in 2001 -'A haunting & important novel with profound implications.' Independent on Sunday about The Doctor AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel, More Info: http://www.shakespeareco.org/
* 4th March: at 7pm Russell Banks presents his new novel losely based on the life of Norman Rockwell “THE RESERVE” AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
from 3 mars - 9 mars, it’s « Library Ireland Week » 17h, entrée libre (réservation indispensable) The Library Ireland Week, coordinated each year by the Library Association of Ireland, celebrates & highlights the role of libraries, librarians & information professionals. The Centre Culturel Irlandais joins this event by proposing free tours of its newly refurbished Médiathèque & of its old library, where three rare illuminated manuscripts are exhibited. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Note : reservations ADVISED !
4 mars 19h30, entrée libre CinéCCI, with « Guests of the Nation » (36mn) & « Larry » (25 mn) A notable archive screening of the silent classic ‘Guests of the Nation’ adapted & directed by Denis Johnston whose grandson, Josh, provides the live piano accompaniment. Followed by ‘Larry’, also accompanied by Josh Johnston. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris.
5 mars à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de peinture de LAÏLA, "La femme modèle". Laïla a exposé dans divers lieux alternatifs tels que La Passerelle, l'Espace Monceau, la galerie Etats d'âme. Atteinte depuis sept ans de fibromyalgies handicapantes, son travail est essentiellement tourné vers le corps. (exposition du 4 au 30 mars) AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*6 mar at 19h—Come celebrate the 5th book in DENIS HIRSON’s memory series, Gardening in the Dark (Jacana, Johannesburg, June 2007) which has been translated into French as Jardiner dans le noir (Le temps qu’il fait, 2008, Trad: Katia Wallisky et Hirson). The 5th of Hirson’s memory books, rooted in the apartheid years in South Africa, but also coming forward to life in France, moving from boyhood to parenthood, through the wages of mourning & love. This will be a reading of a few extracts alongside another writer published by Le Temps…,Come celebrate the wonderful work being done by this publishing house! AT: Libralire, 116 rue St Maur, 75011 Paris, M° St Maur.
*6 mars de 17h30 à 19h00 Eleni Sikelianos, author of The California Poem, & The Book of Jon—both in 2004—along with more than 6 other books, will read & discuss her work. She is a recipient of many prizes, currently lives in Colorado, & ses deux livres *Earliest Worlds* et *California Poem* viennent de paraître dans la traduction de Béatrice Trotignon aux Editions Grèges sous le titre : *Du soleil, de l’histoire, de la vision*. At : salle 013, Bâtiment Copernic,UFR de langues, Université de Marne-la-Vallée. RER Noisy-Champs, plus a really really short walk. It takes about 20 mins from central Paris. Plan pour se rendre au bâtiment Copernic (bâtiment 1 sur le plan) :http://www.univ-mlv.fr/fr/intranetumlv/telechargeable/communication/pj00463.pdf
6 mars, from 18h30 to 20h30: Double Vernissage for Rita Duffy et Paul Muldoon – “Cloth”, & for Debi O’Hehir “horses” Entrée libre. Duffy & Muldoon have created a visual & verbal collaboration titled ‘Cloth’ as part of the Interrogating Contested Spaces in Post-Conflict Society project. The aim is to create dialogue between rural & urban disputed places, between creator & viewer, between visual & verbal interpretations. Duffy is a Belfast artist whose work is intensely personal with overtones of the surreal. Homage is paid to the language of magic realism & always there is exquisite crafting of materials. Muldoon, multi-award winning poet, interacts with the paintings through his prose. &: The work of Debi O’Hehir is an exploration into the iconography of the horse. “I imbue my work with a sense of my own self as I seek to portray the animal, its restlessness & unique relationship to the human spirit. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris.
*7 March 7:00 p.m. Bilingual reading & launch in French of “Techniciens du Sacré” (Corti Editions) by Jerome Rothenberg (American author of over 70 books, poetry, anthologies, essays, etc who has also been translated into a half dozen languages or more) with Yves Di Manno, (French poet, translator & editor of the Flammarion Poetry collections). Chants maoris, cérémonies indiennes, épopées d’Afrique, hymnes du Pérou, cosmogonies d’Australie, définitions aztèques, « poèmes en prose » inuit… Les Techniciens du sacré présentent tout d’abord un corpus exemplaire de textes « traditionnels », de toutes provenances géographiques et temporelles. Mais loin de s’en tenir à une approche strictement documentaire, Jérôme Rothenberg a composé son ouvrage comme une anthologie « active », inscrite dans le présent, développant au fil de nombreux « Commentaires » un singulier parallèle entre des textes immémoriaux et la poésie du XXe siècle.. Accès libre dans la limite des places disponibles au rez-de-chaussée dans le hall du musée 37, quai Branly - portail Debilly ou 222, rue de l’Université 75007 Paris RER C Pont de l'Alma, Bus 42, 92, 80, 63, M° Alma Marceau ou Iéna Contact : mediatheque(at)quaibranly.fr
*7 mars à 19h (NOTE: ADDRESS CHANGE FOR THIS READING!) Bilingual reading: Dans le cadre de la tournée organisée par l’Association Double Change, nous vous invitons à une lecture de la poète américaine ELENI SIKELIANOS, traduite par Béatrice Trotignon, et du poète français STEPHANE BOUQUET. BIOS : Sikilianos is the author of The California Poem, & The Book of Jon—both in 2004—along with more than 6 other books, her 2 books Earliest Worlds et California Poem viennent de paraître dans la traduction de Béatrice Trotignon aux Editions Grèges: “Du soleil, de l’histoire, de la vision”. Poète, scénariste, acteur, Stéphane Bouquet a publié quatre livres de poésie aux éditions Champ Vallon dont Un peuple (2007), tout à la fois réflexion sur la littérature (de langue anglaise d’abord), sur la mort et l’écriture. At : A Reid Hall, 4 rue de ChevreuseParis 6e (m° Vavin) Contacts : vincentbroqua@gmail.com, ou olivierbrossard@univ-mlv.fr
*7 mars--at 19h. A reading in 3 voices with music of Jardiner dans le noir in French & English by Dennis Hirson (see listing 6 March for more on the book)—Hirson will be accompanied by the actress Sonia Emmanuel & saxophonist Steve Potts. It is a pleasure for the author to return to this space of the theatre workshop he has been associated with since he arrived in Paris, & even more particularly to do this theatrical event in 3 voices. Like the reading on 6th March, this one is part of the Paris « Printemps des poètes » festival. AT: Ateliers du Chaudron, 31 passage de Menilmontant,75011 Paris, M° Ménilmontant
*7 mars à partir de 17H30 CLAUDE BER : présentation du livre de bibliophilie «Estampillé » Editions Transignum et lectures des poèmes du livre. For more on her & her work, see http://www.claude-ber.org/ AT : Café des Lettres 57, rue Verneuil 75007 Paris
*9 mars à 16h : Lecture d'un montage d'extraits de textes féministes par MONIKA KARBOWSKA, SAADIA MAANI et SYLVIE TRAVAGLIANTI. Afin de partager l'histoire indissociable des femmes et du féminisme, de donner envie de lire ou relire la culture des femmes, elles ont choisi de partager des extraits de textes d'auteures en qui elles se reconnaissent : Taslima Nasreen, Kate Millett, Simone de Beauvoir, Germaine Greer, Annie Leclerc, Andrée Michel, Elena Belotti, Betty Friedan, Colette Guillaumin, Anne Zelinski, Suzanne Griffin et d'autres plus anonymes. En fin de lecture un hommage sera rendu à Léo Thiers-Vidal, militant solidaire de la lutte des femmes qui s'est récemment donné la mort. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*9 mars à 16h : Slam guttural et « court lettrage », version écrite et orale du court métrage selon l’artisteRappeur, co-fondateur du groupe Kabal, D’ a écumé les studios, les bacs et les scènes entre 1993 et 2000. Comédien de théâtre depuis 1999, slammeur depuis 2002, aujourd'hui membre du collectif inclassable Spoke Orkestra, il est auteur à lire sur papier depuis 2003... On lui doit les mythiques soirées « Bouchazoreill'slam » réunissant 400 personnes au Trabendo à Paris, ainsi que l'édition 2006 de l'événement "On Louvre, on slam" avec sa compagnie R.I.P.O.S.T.E. AT : Accès libre dans la limite des places disponibles au rez-de-chaussée dans le hall du musée 37, quai Branly - portail Debilly ou 222, rue de l’Université 75007 Paris RER C Pont de l'Alma, Bus 42, 92, 80, 63, M° Alma Marceau ou Iéna Contact : mediatheque(at)quaibranly.fr
*10 March at 19h Kathleen Spivack begins a cycle of festivities to celebrate her new book, Moments of Past Happiness, by inviting younger writers (David Barnes & Heather Hartley) whose work she has followed to join her in this reading, along with musician Colin Pip Dixon. Please come, bring your friends too! Poetry, prose, & music-- at Shakespeare & Co where Kathleen spent many happy days dreaming & writing — before you were born! David Barnes is a writer & teacher at Shakespeare & Co, who runs Spoken Word in Paris. Heather Hartley is a poet, teacher & Editor with Tin House review. Colin Pip Dixon is a writer, composer, musician, & Feldenkrais instructor. Kathleen Spivack is the author of six books of prose & poetry, Doubleday, Graywolf etc, & most recently, Moments of Past Happiness Quilt. She often performs with music, & has toured with Stan Getz & others. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel, More Info: http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*11 mars 19h30, The Seamus Heaney Centre travels from Belfast to Paris for Le Printemps des Poètes. Poets Ciaran Carson, Medbh McGuckian, John McGuckian & Sinéad Morrissey with musicians Deirdre Carson & Padraigin Ni Uallachain join in the nationwide ‘éloge de l’autre’, theme of this year’s festival. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Note : reservations ADVISED !
*11 March Lecture/performance en français : « Ni vieux ni traîtres : poètes... » avec Julien Blaine, Bernard Heidsieck, et Lebel. Encore + d'infos ? www.documentsdartistes.org/blainehttp://www.averse.com/j-blaine/ or at http://www.la-poesie-elementaire.net/Poetes%20ordinaires/blaine.htm A la galerie Meyer Le Bihan, Paris
*11th March : at 7pm David Rieff, Susan Sontag's son, presents “Swimming in a Sea of Death, A Son's Memoir” David Rieff is a contributing editor to The New York Times Magazine & the author of seven previous books, including: At the Point of a Gun: Democratic Dreams & Armed Intervention; A Bed for the Night: Humanitarianism in Crisis; & Slaughterhouse: Bosnia & the Failure of the West. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
*11 mars à 19h30 Le MAHJ annonce une rencontre-lecture : Poésie israélienne et poésie française : dialogue Avec la participation des poètes israéliens Ory Bernstein, Michal Govrin et Israël Anton Pincas, et des poètes francophones Christophe Lamiot, Sophie Loizeau, Anne Rothschild et Esther Tellermann. Rencontre animée par Emmanuel Moses, poète et traducteur. Auditorium, Musée d’art et d’histoire du Judaïsme, Hôtel de Saint-Aignan, 71, rue du Temple – 75003 Paris, M° Rambuteau, ou Hôtel de Ville
*12 mars à 19h : Rencontre avec ELSA DORLIN pour la parution du recueil collectif Black Feminism. Anthologie du féminisme africain-américain, 1975-2000 (L'Harmattan, coll. Bibliothèque du féminisme). Elsa Dorlin, auteure de La matrice de la race, a choisi et présenté des textes fondateurs des études féministes noires. Ils explorent l'identité, l'expérience singulière, la sororité, la sexualité aussi bien que la place des femmes africaines-américaines dans les institutions, les coalitions nécessaires, les alliances possibles, les formes culturelles de rébellion et de lutte, le passage de témoin entre générations. Ces féministes noires ont créé un mouvement politique unique car il s'est constitué d'emblée sur la dénonciation d'une oppression simultanée de race, de classe, de sexe et de modèle sexuel. Textes de Michele Wallace, Combahee River Collective, Audre Lorde, Barbara Smith, Hazel Carby, bell hooks, Laura Alexandra Harris, Patricia Hill Collins, Kimberly Springer, Beverly Guy-Sheftall. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*13 Mar à 17h «The Anthology as a Manifesto & an Epic Including Poetry» : une conférence de Jerome Rothenberg in English. Avec le concours de l’Equipe d’accueil LARCA et l’Ecole Doctorale de l’Université Paris-Diderot. Jerome Rothenberg est l’un des plus importants poètes, essayistes, traducteurs et anthologistes américains. Il est également le curator de la section Ethnopoetics d’Ubuweb (http://www.ubu.com/ethno/). Son premier livre, White Sun Black Sun (1960), ainsi que, plus récemment, Poems for the Game of Silence, New Selected Poems 1970-1985, A Paradise of Poets et A Book of Witness, ont tous été publiés par New Directions. Parmi ses anthologies de poèmes traditionnels ou contemporains on pourra lire Technicians of the Sacred (poésie tribale et orale d’Afrique, d’Amérique, d’Asie, d’Europe et d’Océanie), Shaking the Pumpkin (Poésie indienne traditionnelle), Revolution of the Word (Poésie expérimentale américaine d’entre les deux guerres mondiales), A Big Jewish Book, ou encore Poems for the Millennium (en deux volumes et co-éditée avec Pierre Joris). Chants maoris ou altaïques, cérémonies indiennes, épopées et louanges d’Afrique, hymnes d’Egypte ou du Pérou, cosmogonies d’Asie centrale, du pays Dogon, d’Australie, légendes d’Irlande et de Chine, inscriptions sumériennes, rites de possession, définitions aztèques, « poèmes en prose » esquimaux... Les Techniciens du sacré présentent tout d’abord un panorama divers et cohérent, un corpus exemplaire de textes «traditionnels », de toutes provenances géographiques et temporelles. Mais loin de s’en tenir à une approche strictement documentaire, Jerome Rothenberg a composé son ouvrage comme une anthologie « active », inscrite dans le présent, développant au fil de nombreux commentaires, un singulier parallèle entre ces textes immémoriaux et la poésie du XXe siècle.Les Techniciens du sacré. Une anthologie établie par Jerome Rothenberg, version française par Yves di Manno, José Corti, 2008. AT : Université Paris-Diderot, salle A11, 10, rue Charles V 75004 Paris (m° Saint-Paul ou Sully-Morland) Contacts: paul.volsik@univ-paris-diderot.fr or abigail.lang@wanadoo.fr
*13 Mars, 19H30 circle this date for a Launch of the latest work by fellow-hiker DONALD BAILEY & his just published biography, LA VIE DE MICHEL DE MARILLAC.... Book Launch: Compagnon de nos randonnees, DONALD BAILEY, nous presentera sa toute nouvelle biographie: LA VIE DE MICHEL DE MARILLAC. AT : la librairie Abbey Bookshop, where else? M° Maubert-Mutualité/St Michel/Cluny-La Sorbonne
13 mars Maud Cotter Atelier portes ouvertes de 14h à 19h, Rencontre avec l’artiste à 19hEntrée libre, en anglais Maud Cotter, artist-in-residence & member of Aosdana, has an evolving relationship with Paris with which she feels her work is in dialogue. Her practice is influenced by the writings of Merleau-Ponty, “to hold the world suspended” is a core ambition at the heart of her creativity. She has exhibited all over the world & her work is in many public & private collections. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris.
*13th March at 7:30 p.m. Gregor Dallas, historian & chairman of the Society of Authors in France will present & sign his latest book Metro Stop Paris:History from the City's Heart The name of every Parisian metro station tells a story. Dallas recounts a series of extraordinary but true tales about the city as he leads his readers around the metro. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr
14 mars à 21h Concert : JAY Gottlieb plays Schoenberg, Bartok, Ives, Cowell, Prokoviev, Hindemith, Schulhoff, Antheil, Wolpe At : L'Elysées Biarritz, 22-24 rue Quentin Bauchart, 75008 Paris Renseignements au http://www.elyseesbiarritz.com/
***14 au 19 March : 2008 SALON DU LIVRE: hundreds of readings, signings, amassings of books, publishers, authors, readers, crowds of slow-moving glassy-eyed folks who can’t wait for the year to get back round to this gluttony of books & book tables. Worth the visit!!! (Note: the 17th is a professionals only day, not general public) AT: M° Porte de Versailles, Exposition Halls are just there at the M° exit ! http://www.salondulivreparis.com/1/salon_du_livre.htm
du 14 au 23 mars : 30è Festival de films de femmes de Créteil. Violette & Co tient une table de vente certains jours du Festival (info : http://www.filmsdefemmes.com/ ). Le catalogue sera bientôt en vente à Violette & Co. Pour le programme de nos signatures au Festival, consultez leur site www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*15 March @ 2pm Palestinian author Susan Abulhawa will be signing and discussing her book THE SCAR OF DAVID, released this week in France as LES MATINS DE JENIN (Buchet-Chastel). Les Matins de Jénine / The Scar of David is an historic fiction about a Palestinian family from the village of EinHod, which was emptied of its inhabitants by the newly formed state of Israel in 1948. It is told in the first person by Amal, who is born into that family in a UN-administered refugee camp in Jenin, where her family would eventually die waiting, or fighting, to return to their beloved Palestine. Susan Abulhawa is also the founder and President of Playgrounds for Palestine (www.playgroundsforpalestine.org). "The Scar of David" will be available in both English and French. For more information, please check:www.scarofdavid.com AT: Shakespeare & Co, 37 rue de la Bucherie, Paris, M° St Michel, Maubert or Cluny
15 mars 15h, Ateliers de théâtre jeune public, par Jaimie Carswell et Bob Kelly, Jaimie Carswell & Bob Kelly present two workshops for young people: suitable for 8-11 years & 12-16 years. Jaimie is a student at the prestigious l'Ecole internationale de théâtre Jacques Lecoq. He & Bob have developed exciting drama workshops for young people with the Sligo-based Mangiare Theatre Company. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Note : reservation STRONGLY ADVISED ! entrée libre, en anglais*16th March at 7.30 pm, a playreading in English of Danny Rukavina’s "The Buckley Finishing Line" (second reading) AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries More info: Stephanie Campion at 06 14 67 18 58, http://www.movingparts.org.uk/ or at movingparts@orange.fr
*17 March—7pm Eshkol Nevo Israeli author reading from “Homesick” (Random House) The alternating perspectives in this novel provide a key to understanding the discrepancies in Israel, between European & Oriental culture, religious & secular perspectives, Jews & Arabs. At the same time, Nevo tells us with great sensitivity about feelings & relationships between man & woman, parents & children, between entire peoples. Die Welt AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel, More Info: http://www.shakespeareco.org/
17 mars Concert de musique traditionnelle de la Saint Patrick Mary Shannon et ses musiciens 19h30, 10€ With an angelic voice & captivating performance on the harp & guitar, Mary Shannon has been enthralling audiences for the last 15 years. Her original music is a fusion of jazz, folk, rock & pop with Celtic influences. Her voice has been compared to Tori Amos, Sarah Brightman, Enya, Allison Krauss & Sarah McLachlan. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Note : reservations are STRONGLY ADVISED !
*18 March 8pm: LIVE POETS is back for 2008! The longest-running poetry reading series in Paris, hosted by John Kliphan. Three authors, Sue Chenette, Moe Seager, & Nina Zivancevic will share their work & have a beer at the pub with you! AT: The Highlander Pub, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris, downstairs. Tel: 01 43 26 54 20 http://www.the-highlander.fr/ M°: Odéon, St Michel, ou Mabillon. Donation: 5 E
*18th March at 7pm Terry Tempest Williams will read from & discuss her work. Called a'citizen writer', a writer who speaks & speaks out eloquently on behalf of an ethical stance toward life, a naturalist & fierce advocate for freedom of speech, TT Williams has consistently shown us how environmental issues are social issues that ultimately become matters of justice. Known for her impassioned & lyrical prose, Terry Tempest Williams is the author of the environmental literature classic, REFUGE: An Unnatural History of Family & Place. Her new book Mosaic: Finding Beauty in a Broken World will be published in the Fall of 2008 AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
*18 mars à 18h. British Author Geoffrey Hill is in Paris giving a talk entitled "A reading & discussion of my own writings in the context of contemporary British poetry & philosophy."Collège de France, 11, Place Marcelin-Berthelot, Paris 5e, dans l'amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé. Open to the public, & in English. M° St Michel / Cluny/ Maubert bus 86 or 87, etc.
*18 March 7pm (?): Jerome Rothenberg reading in French with Yves Di Manno at Maison de la Poésie, Paris, 75003. M° Rambuteau / Les Halles
*20th March at 7pm : South African Memoir Author & Poet, Denis Hirson reads from his new collection of poetry GARDENING IN THE DARK, just published in French translation & last summer in South Africa (see under March 6th the listing for full details on this new book) Denis Hirson is the author of several other books of Poetry, including I remember King Kong (The Boxer) & of the prize-winning Essay/Memoir White Scars as well as the book of memoirs The House Next Door to Africa. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
*20 mars 2008 à 19h: Emmanuel Laugier lira au musée Zadkine ! Programmés par Jérôme Mauche, les cycles de Lectures au musée Zadkine permettent au public de découvrir simultanément la création littéraire la plus contemporaine et des références empruntées au patrimoine littéraire. Les poètes et écrivains d’aujourd’hui sont conviés à lire non seulement leurs textes, des travaux inédits, quelquefois des créations spécifiques, mais aussi ceux d’un ou plusieurs auteurs de leur choix, invitant ainsi à une relecture du patrimoine poétique dans l’atelier même d’Ossip Zadkine. Infos : 01 55 42 77 20 et musee.zadkine@paris.fr A l'atelier du musée Zadkine, 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 Entrée libre.
*20th March at 7:30 p.m. Catherine Sanderson, author of “Petite Anglaise: In Love. In Paris. In Trouble. A True Story” & creator of the blog by the same name will present & sign her book AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr . http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
*22 mars à 18h, la Librairie Wallonie-Bruxelles vous convie à une soirée autour des livres de Marilyn HACKER et de Guy GOFFETTE : « La rue palimpseste » poèmes, « L'autre Verlaine », récits, et « Charlestown Blues » poèmes. En présence des auteurs - Entretiens et lectures croisée : Marilyn HACKER est aussi la traductrice américaine de Guy GOFFETTE. Cette soirée se terminera autour d'un verre de l'amitié. AT : Libraire Wallonie-Bruxelles 46, rue Quincampoix 75004 Paris M° Rambuteau et Châtelet 01 42 71 58 03 http://www.librairiewb.com/ ou libwabr@club-internet.fr
*22 mars à 15 heures précises : Anne-Marie van Bockstaele, Doctorante à Paris 8 et membre de l'Association des amis de Lucie Delarue-Mardrus, donnera une conférence intitulée: "L'appel de la mère/mer dans la poésie de Lucie Delarue-Mardrus." AT : L'Espace MOMPEZAT, Société des Poètes français, 16, rue Monsieur le prince, 75006 Paris (M° Odéon).
*23 March reading at 15h for the launch of the magazine Freak Wave, & reading of Nina Zivancevic, music Francis Powell. Freak Wave is a new (1st issue) avantguarde Franco-English revue of Art & literature, poetry, fiction, in this issue- 33 artists & writers among whom: Jean-Louis Costes, Anne Van der Linden (editors), Mia Makila, Nina Zivancevic, Kiki Picasso, Charles Pennequin, Angelo, Public Collectors, Francis Powell, & many others... Come to our brunch at noon- Sunday March 23 at the gallery! AT: Galerie Les Singuliers, 138 Boulevar Haussmann, 75008 Paris M° Miromesnil
23 March—the monthly RANDO-- the MARCH HIKE—with the Canadian Club of Paris ! To get details about where to meet, & where outside of the walls of this city of ours Abbey books folks will lead you, stop into the bookstore or/ & email to: clubcanadaparis@wanadoo.fr
*24 March—7pm. Come hear a reading from “A Shattered Peace: Versailles 1919 & the Price We Pay Today” by David A. Andelman (Executive Editor of Forbes.com) AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel, More Info: http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*25 mars à 19h30 Lecture de Marielle Anselmo, organisé dans le cadre de "Printemps de Poètes", avec la participation de Colette DEBLE et son installation de Cahiers de Peauésie de l'Addour ; à la Maison du Japon, Cité Internationale (RER Cité Universitaire), Paris 14ème contact : comite.maisondujapon@gmail.com ou http://maisondujapon.cool.ne.jp/
*25 March at 8pm, doors open at 19h30. IVY WRITERS Presents a bilingual reading with Jerome Rothenberg & Eric Suchère. Come at 19h30 for a social drink with the authors before the event, or stay & come out for dinner after! Complete Detailed Bios online at: http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/ BIOS: Eric Suchère, né en 1967. Il enseigne l'histoire et la théorie des arts à l'école supérieure d'art et de design de Saint-Etienne, est membre du comité de rédaction d'Action Poétique. Publications : L'image différentielle (Voix éditions, 2001), Le motif albertine (MeMo, 2002), Lent (Le Bleu du Ciel, 2003), Le souvenir de Ponge (cipM, 2004), Surface (Contrat Maint 2004), Fixe, désole en hiver (Les Petits Matins, 2005), Dans l'atmosphère de (Contrat Maint, 2008), Résume antérieur (Le mot et le reste, 2008). En tant que traducteur : Jack Spicer, C'est mon vocabulaire qui m'a fait ça (Le Bleu du Ciel, 2006), Erik Lindner, Terrain (cipM, 2007), Massimo Sannelli, Huit poèmes (Contrat Maint, 2007). Jerome Rothenberg is the author of over 70 books of poetry including Poems for the Game of Silence (2000), Collaborations: Livres d’artiste 1968-2003 (2003), Poland/1931, A Seneca Journal, Vienna Blood, That Dada Strain, New Selected Poems 1970-1985 (1986), Khurbn, & A Paradise of Poets & A Book of Witness. Describing his poetry career as "an ongoing attempt to reinterpret the poetic past from the point of view of the present," he has also edited 7 major assemblages of traditional & contemporary poetry, including: Technicians of the Sacred (tribal & oral poetry from Africa, America, Asia, Europe, & Oceania), A Big Jewish Book (subtitled "Poems & Other Visions of the Jews from Tribal Times to the Present"), & Poems for the Millennium (2 volumes, co-edited with Pierre Joris). He has published a number of plays & essays, has translated from German & Spanish, & his own work has been translated into French, Poems for the Game of Silence, Un livre de témoignage or the book he’s currently in France celebrating. More at: http://epc.buffalo.edu/authors/rothenberg/bio.html READING AT: LE NEXT, 17 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris, M° Etienne Marcel/Les Halles. Free !/ Gratuit !
*25th March at 7pm Kathleen Spivack reads from her new collection of poetry MOMENTS OF PAST HAPPINESS (Earthwinds Editions)—this poetry has been described as' compact, imagistic, (with] a luminescent intensity. Spivack is the author of 5 other books of prose & poetry, has had work in the New Yorker, Ploughshares, The Atlantic Monthly, Poetry, The Southern Review, The Paris Review, The Kenyon Review, Agni, New Letters, etc. a Pulitzer Prize nominee, Spivak has received grants from the NEA; MA Artists Foundation; Bunting Institute; Howard Foundation; MA Council for the Arts & Humanities; is a Discovery winner & has been at Yaddo, MacDowell, Ragdale, Karolyi, & the American Academy in Rome. Spivack has been Visiting Professor of American Literature/Creative Writing in the French University system in France since 1991, which is what brought her to Paris again this spring. Student & friend of poet Robert Lowell, Ms. Spivack has written about the poets of his time, notably Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, Elizabeth Bishop, Stanley Kunitz & others who took her under their wing, with a focus on how they approached their work. Earthwinds, a new press associated with the Grolier Poetry Bookstore, the oldest continuous poetry bookstore in the US will bring out Kathleen’s memoir on these poets in 2009. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
26th March at 3:30 p.m. March Kids' Club at WH Smith’s. Theme: Easter AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr . http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
*28 mars à 19h30 : Rencontre avec VALÉRIE POUZOL pour la parution de son essai Clandestines de la paix. Israéliennes et Palestiniennes contre la guerre (Complexe). Valérie Pouzol a voulu rendre visible l'engagement de ces femmes : A partir d'une enquête de terrain pendant quatre ans avec 150 entretiens et sur de nombreuses archives personnelles, l'ouvrage retrace depuis 1948 la chronique de cet engagement et s'intéresse à l'essor des mouvements féministes dans les deux sociétés en posant le problème de leur difficile articulation à la lutte nationale. Valérie Pouzol a écrit un article dans le livre Le choix de l'homosexualité : "L'engagement de l'ombre : homosexualité et militantisme pour la paix dans le mouvement des Femmes en noir (Israël, 1988-2004)". AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*29 March at 15 heures. Un après-midi poétique autour de la collection "la rivière échappée" avec présentation de la collection par Francois Rannou, son fondateur; lectures de textes par Francoise Ascal, Jean-Pierre Chevais, Fabienne Courtade, Dominique Quélen, Francois Rannou, Jean-Claude Schneider, Jean-Luc Steinmetz, Esther Tellermann; exposition sur le parcours de "la rivière échapée". Ainsi que présentation des deux nouveaux livres de la collection, qui désormais intègre les éditions l'act mem: Comme quoi par Dominique Quélen et Vivremourir de Cid Corman (traduit par Dominique Quélen et Barbara Beck). At Bibliothèque Audoux, 10 rue Portefoin, 75003 Paris.
*30 March-- at 19h30. There will be a staged reading of Timothy Jay Smith’s screenplay produced by Moving Parts. Entitled FINAL STATUS, it is the story of a Mossad agent who, troubled by his assassination of a Palestinian falsely-accused of terrorist ties, decides to help the man's widow & uncovers a plot to derail the Middle East peace process. FULL SYNOPSIS: Rafi Stein, professional assassin, shoots Samir Erekat in front of his twelve-year-old son. The incident haunts Rafi, especially since he witnessed his own father's murder by Palestinians when he himself was only a child. Rafi is ordered by Mossad's Director, Jakov Levy, to testify that Samir confessed having ties to al-Qaeda before his death, but later Rafi learns that his testimony is almost the only evidence against Samir. Feeling remorseful, he decides to help Samir's widow. Jakov Levy, learning of Rafi's efforts, threatens to expose his perjury in order to keep the cover on his own scheme: to eliminate the emerging Palestinian leadership to prevent the emergence of an independent Palestinian state. When Rafi persists, Jakov sends an assassin to kill him. It will be held at usual venue for readings: Carr's Pub at 1 rue du Mont-Thabor, 75001 Paris. M° Tuileries. There is no admission charge, but you are asked to buy a drink!
*30 mars à 17h (SOUS RÉSERVE DE CONFIRMATION) : Rencontre avec PATRICIA HILL COLLINS, de passage à Paris. Patricia Hill Collins est l'une des grandes figures de la pensée féministe africaine-américaine. Dès 1990 elle publiait Black Feminist Thought (qui a reçu plusieurs prix et a été réactualisé en 2000), un recueil de textes qui soulignait l'articulation entre les oppressions de race, de classe, de genre, de sexualité. Elle a aussi publié Race, Class & Gender : An Anthology, co-dirigé avec Margaret Andersen, Fighting Words : Black Women & the Search for Justice et plus récemment From Black Power to Hip Hop : Racism, Nationalism & Feminism. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
31 March—7pm. Come out to hear a Canadian film professor Andrew Klevan discussing—what else ?—film! The title of talk is: "Expressing The In-Between" & it will examine how the in-between is expressed in three French films: La Peau douce (Truffaut, 1964), Les Nuits de la pleine lune (Rohmer, 1984), & Secret défense (Rivette, 1998). Andrew Klevan isUniversity Lecturer in Film Studies at Oxford University & a Fellow of St Anne's College. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel, More Info: http://www.shakespeareco.org/
6 March 7:30 pm Show & Tell : SCBWI has organized another evening to share your latest trials & triumphs as Children’s book writers & illustrators. Where: Yukié Matsushita’s place in the 2th arr. Paris, France. New members welcome, see site to join SCBWI! For more info contact: me.yukie@gmail.com ou/ et voir le site http://www.scbwifrance.com/
The OTHER WRITERS' GROUP meets upstairs on Saturdays, 3-5pm: at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 5 euros. More Information at: http://www.shakespeareco.org/other_writers_group.htm
Saturday, March 15, 10-13h: Creative Writing Workshop for committed writers on with Kathleen Spivack: Vision/ Decision /Revision: how to shape your work. All genres. Make your writing the very best it can be! Bring a piece of writing to work on in class. One session only in Paris this spring, places limited. For info: please contact- Kathleen Spivack in Paris. Tel Tel: or via kspivack@earthlink.net
19 March: 7-9:00pm: Savoir-Faire Children's Book Illustrators & Writers talk with Pedro de Alcantara. Join us for a shoptalk led by a published pro. Find out about his creative process. Pick up tips. Learn how to market your work. Get feedback on your ideas. & ask lots of questions. Basically, come & gain some savoir-faire Pedro de Alcantara's most recent book, BEFIDDLED, recounts the story of 13-year-old Becky Cohen, a budding violinist who battles against stage fright, a mean music teacher, & bad hair. Becky’s allies include an older man who teaches her how to improvise at the violin & play from her heart. SIGN UP/ INFO: WICE, 20, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris. For more details, visit http://www.scbwifrance.com/
Dates Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 April: TRAVEL WRITING WEEKEND WORKSHOP Try your hand at travel writing, in this inspiring & practical weekend workshop with a top UK expert, exploring how to do it & how to get it published. Led by travel magazine editor Jonathan Lorie, the workshop offers hands-on practice in the streets of central Paris, plus feedback on your work, inside information on the market, & powerful theory on the creative process. Based at the legendary Shakespeare & Company bookshop overlooking Notre Dame.. Beginners welcome. Tickets & details from http://www.travellerstales.org/. At Shakespeare & Co !
Paris Writers Workshop celebrates its 20th Anniversary: July 1-11 in Paris. Faculty includes: Vijay Seshardi, Nuala O'Faolain, Cole Swensen, Nahid Rachlin, Ann Snodgrass, Patrick McGillgan, Toni Johnson-Woods, Catherine Texier, Susan Tiberghien, Kevin Jackson, Peter Guttridge, Karen Weir-Jimerson, Jon Fink, John Freeeman, Charlotte Puckette. Masterclasses in Novel & Nonfiction; workshops in Poetry, Translation, Memoir, Writing the Fine Arts, Romance, Fantasy, Crime Fiction, Hollywood Lives & more. Agents Jonathan Lloyd & Patrick Janson-Smith; manuscript consultations. Two half-tuition merit scholarships. Website: http://www.pariswritersworkshop.org/ Email: pww@wice-paris.org
PART III: Reviews News & New Reviews —submit/just out
SEND YOUR WORK WHILE IT IS HOT: to DOS PASSOS REVIEW is accepting fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry submissions February–April. Limit 3 to 5 poems, 3,000 words prose. Send to: Editor, the Dos Passos Review, Dept. of English, Longwood University, 201 High St., Farmville, VA 23909. SASE for reply only. See Web site for specific guidelines: http://www.brierycreekpress.org/.
FICTION PRIZE: From The Paris Writers Workshop, to be presented at the 20th Workshop in July 2008. The prize, $5000, for a novel or collection of short stories in English by a writer who’s not previously published a book. To submit: send extract (max 1000 words), A synopsis (1 typed page max) outlining the work’s scope, + a 1 page cover letter providing personal info, & a €30 reading fee per submission (€20 for applicants enrolled in the workshop). FYI: Mult subs OK, but 1 fee for each. Deadline: RECEIVED April 30th. Short-listed authors will be required to supply completed manuscripts for final judging in May. Results announced & the presentation made at the closing dinner of the 20th Paris Writers Workshop on July 11, 2008. Complete Guidelines, & address on: http://www.pariswritersworkshop.org/
CHECK OUT: Perhaps a place to find more stuff to do: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/
SEND A CHAPBOOK TO : MIDNIGHT SUN Chapbook Competition. Prize: $100, publication of chapbook, and 30 copies. Deadline: March 31. Reading fee: $10 (includes one-year subscription to Permafrost). Submit up to 36 pages of poetry. Permafrost Contest Division, UAF, English Dept., P.O. Box 755720, Fairbanks, AK 99775-0640. Full guidelines, general submission, other contests at www.uaf.edu/english/permafrost.
Call for submissions: A new literary magazine, to be based in Paris, seeks short prose, poetry & poetic prose submissions. Guidelines: 1) Send something that is emotive, engaging and intelligent. That uses the music of language for a definite objective. 2) Send work that touches on depth of human feeling, relationships, moments lived… with insight and sensitivity. That doesn't wrap things up neatly, but leaves the reader with something to think about. 3) We seek work that is creative, original, interesting. That grabs the attention of the reader and comes to life on the page. Something that is captivating. Length: *Prose: maximum length 3,500 words. Short and flash fiction welcome. *Poetry: submit 4 poems or 4 pages of poetry, whichever is shorter. *Also looking for submissions of art & photographs suitable to appear in black & white on an A5 page. Unfortunately we are not in a position to pay anybody at this stage.Deadline: April 30th How to submit? Email in Word document form to: submissions.paris@gmail.com This message brought to you by Word Association. An offspring of Spoken Word, And The Other Writers' Group at Shakespeare & Company
SUBMIT Writing & Art NOW!: Immediate news: the submission deadline for BorderCrossing Berlin (an anglo lit mag based in Berlin) has been extended to April 15, 2008. Please spread the word. On March 15-18 we have a guest spot on the popular blog of writer, Dennis Cooper (http://denniscooper-theweaklings.blogspot.com/). Check it out for more info on BB and a peek at some pieces from Gwenaël Rattke. For guidelines, see BorderCrossing Berlin’s home website. Then send writing submissions to new editor: Emily Lundin emily.lundin@bordercrossing-berlin.com
SEE: a video for the WETA blog Author Author launched last week re. Electric Grace. http://www.weta.org/authorauthor/?p=73
SUBMIT TO WRITING PROJECT: Called Hitotoki, an online literary project collecting stories of singular experiences tied to locations in cities worldwide. Sort of like a narrative map of the world. Hitotoki-- which means "little moments" in Japanese-- is a website comprised of short narratives describing pivotal moments of elation, confusion, absurdity, love or grief — or anything in between — inseparably tied to a specific place. Like a Japanese, web-centered take on psychogeography.It was first launched in Tokyo in May, & has since expanded to London & New York, with DC & Shaghai in the works. & what do you know-- the founders decided to let Lauren Elkin launch it in Paris! HOW TO SUBMIT: visit http://hitotoki.org/ to see what some of the other city pages look like, & to get a sense of what a Hitotoki narrative is. If you think you want to write one & send it to us, submission guidelines are: http://hitotoki.org/hitotoki_submission_paris.rtf Send your stories to submissions_paris@hitotoki.org, or to Lauren directly at laurenelkin@gmail.com or lauren@hitotoki.org. IN ENGLISH OR FRENCH? For the moment we're launching in English, but we hope very soon to have the site up in French. To do this, we need a French editor! We're actively looking for someone, so if you or anyone you know are interested, please contact me. SEEKNG TRANSLATORS & PHOTOGRAPHERS, too!
POET MOVIES TO CHECK OUT : Joshua Marie Wilkinson announces Rabbit Light Movies, which started a year ago, & handed out dvds of the first episode in Atlanta last year around this time. Now, Episode #6 is upon us. It is big. It is here. Poets in it: Nicole Burgund, Ana Bozicevic-Bowling, Joyelle McSweeney, Dana Ward, Christian Hawkey, J.W. Marshall, Kristi Maxwell, Jason Bredle, Robyn Schiff, & Julia Cohen / Mathias Svalina. Ten new movies! 11 new new poets! Joshua Marie Wilkinson’s dog Bella has a cameo! It is for you. Please watch them all & hear them all & spread word of them all. http://www.rabbitlightmovies.com/ Also: see "Prior Episodes" of Allison Titus, Sommer Browning, Andrea Rexilius, Sawako Nakayasu, Jon Woodward, & Chuck Stebelton! Kate Greenstreet!
SUBSCRIBE: Get a copy of Issue 9 of the Paris-based English-language journal Upstairs at Duroc is now available featuring work by poets Donna Stoncipher, Joe Ross, Rochelle Owens, Jeffrey Greene, Amy Hollowell, Linda Healey, Mark Terrill, Todd Swift, Adam Fieled, Africa Wayne, Jill Darling, Anne Talvaz, George Vance, Rufo Quintavalle, Jonathan Wonham & many more. Prose work by Beverley Stone, Steven Mayoff & others. Support the journal, buy a copy! They're available for 8 Euros each at WICE, 20 boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris or can be bought at readings or online: see our web page at http://www.wice-paris.org/
READ/ LISTEN TO!: David Caddy announces the link to “So Here We Are” 10: http://media.libsyn.com/media/miporadio/SWHA10_Feb2008.mp3 The full text is athttp://davidcaddy.blogspot.com/ Click on the underlined So Here We Are to listen to the mp3. Middle Ditch 10, quirky tales of village life is available at http://middleditch.blogspot.com/ Middle Ditch 11 will be online shortly.
SUBMIT TO: ANDERBO.COM, “Best New Online Literary Journal,” features writers in fiction, “fact,” and poetry. Always looking for new voices. For submission information and guidelines, visit http://www.anderbo.com/. Read some of the featured authors, too, while checking Anderbo out!
NEW & OUT : from Julien Blaine & co : à peine imprimé, la revue : « Doc(K)S » Poészie(s) / Théories + Film (DVD Rom) 4ème série n°1/2/3/4. Sentant bon encore l'encre et le papier :« Le Soudan »Éditions des beaux-arts de Besançon ; à peine là :« Julien Blaine au Blockhaus DY 10 » Livret et CD accompagné de quelques poètes et musiciens : Sylvain Courtoux, Basile Ferriot, Carine Léquyer, Emmanuel Rabu et Phil tremble. Dispo Depuis octobre : « PoëMES VULGOs » Éditions Al Dante : transbordeurs 36 X 28 X 3cm 288 pages 39€ Diffusion Seuil-Volumen. Poéêè(ë)mes vulgaires & infantiles, puérils et juvéniles – laxatifs & diurétiques... "je fais des poëmobjets, je ne les fais qu'avec des mots." AUSSI : Tout frais : « 1 2 3 » (Éditions Le Trident, Collection l'incitatoire) 7€ ; Enfin « Les cahiers de la cinquième feuille n°8 » (Éditons Al Dante Caza d'Oro) Encore + d'infos: www.documentsdartistes.org/blaine or http://www.averse.com/j-blaine/ or see also lists of stuff at : http://www.la-poesie-elementaire.net/Poetes%20ordinaires/blaine.htm
SUBMIT to IN PARIS: “NEW Magazine” publishes once a year: 144 pages by writers, artists, photographers, & musicians in English, French & other languages. Our areas of concern are the convergence & intersections of expression & experience. Based in Paris, we publish contemporary work that demonstrates the urgent human need to make sense of the network of cultures we find in the present, our understandings of the past & our imaginings of the future. Learn more, see subscription rates, on our website: http://www.new-mag.com/ 10 euros for 3 issues !
EDITORIAL SERVICES & CRITIQUES by published author with MFA, PhD, & 8 years of teaching & tutoring experience. Email: sandyflorian@yahoo.com see her vitae, at: http://boxingthecompass.blogspot.com/
CALLING PLAYWRIGHTS: Contact Stephanie to book a reading of YOUR play. Original plays read by actors before an audience. In English or in French! *** Only 3 available dates left before September 2008 *** Current Programme & changes available on: http://www.movingparts.org.uk/ or via Stephanie at movingparts@orange.fr
Over 50? Then SUBMIT TO: ANTHOLOGY, Of a Certain Age: Voices of Experience. Seeking fiction, poetry, & creative nonfiction from writers of “a certain age” (50+). Deadline: June 15. Max: 10,000 words, 5 poems. Include cover letter with bio and SASE. To submit or for more info: Turtle House Ink, 235 Black Oaks Ln., Wayzata, MN 55391.
SNEAK A PEEK: Shakespeare & Co is planning a June Literature festival on Nonfiction / Memoir! The 3rd I think in this series of events, keep your eye on their site & see the events emerge at: http://www.festivalandco.com/
CHECK this OUT & SUBMIT ExperiTraditional works! MIDWAY JOURNAL is accepting submissions of aesthetically ambitious work that occupies the realms between the experimental and the traditional. Please send no more than 3–5 poems, 1 work of fiction (or 2 works of flash—or sudden—fiction), 1 play, 1 essay (that transcends its subject matter, or that is artful as well as meaningful) or 1 multi-genre or cross-genre work. Include a brief bio, complete with name, address, phone number, and e-mail with your submission. No electronic submissions, please (exceptions can, however, be made for international submissions). All work must be postmarked by June 1. Please send manuscripts to Editors, Midway Journal, P.O. Box 14499, St. Paul, MN 55114. Please direct inquires to editors@midwayjournal.com. Web site: http://www.midwayjournal.com/.
July Apartment Sought: looking for a place for the month of July when I will be teaching at the New York University summer writing program at the American University in Paris. I'm looking for a studio or one bedroom, in the Marais or Bastille, though I would definitely consider a place in a different neighborhood close to the city center. I can be reached at mzapruder@wavepoetry.com -- I'm a non-smoker.
SEND WORK NOW! To: CONNECTICUT River Review, published by the Connecticut Poetry Society, seeks quality submissions of up to 5 unpublished poems, any style. Send with cover letter, bio, and SASE to Lisa Siedlarz, Editor, 53 Pearl St., New Haven, CT 06510. Deadline: April 15. For samples and contest, see Web site: http://ct-poetry-society.org/.
PARUTION : CLAUDE BER « Sinon la transparence » Ed. de l’Amandier, mars 2008 (réédition) signature le 16 mars de 15h à 16h au stand des Ed. de l’Amandier au Salon du Livre de Paris, & 16H Participation au débat sur « sculpture sur prose » organisé par la Traductière dir. Jacques Rancourt SALON DU LIVRE DE PARIS, Porte de Versailles. For more on her & her work, see http://www.claude-ber.org/
SUBMIT WRITING: to LONDON MAGAZINE; stories, poems, articles and critical reviews of the arts in the UK and abroad. Short stories, features, memoirs, critical articles: 5000 words max; poetry: 800 lines max. Contributions to the magazine in literature and the arts are both welcome and invited. We do prefer e-mail. Deadline for summer issue : Last week in March Complete guidelines & to order sample issues: http://www.thelondonmagazine.net/londonmagazine_contribute.aspx
1 comment:
This is a really fantastic blog, thank you for collecting all this information in one space.
Just a small criticism, I'm a young person with perfect vision but I'm having trouble reading some of the text because of colour against the background. Could you please use plainer colours.
Thanks again and I look forward to next month's entry.
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