"Imagination is the real & eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow."
LIST ORDER: updated from time to time, so check back!
I) Readings & events: asterisks mark book-realted events
II) Courses in Creative Writing in Europe
III) News Reviews & Reviews News—New publications, calls for submissions of creative & critical work
I) READINGS & EVENTS in PARIS this DEC (plus early Jan 2008):
29 Nov thru 2 Feb 2008 : EXPO : Lisa Klapstock / Paulette Phillips Evénement culturel européen rendant compte des spécificités et des convergences des pratiques artistiques entre nouveau cinéma, vidéo et art contemporain : le Centre culturel canadien présente la première grande exposition en France des artistes canadiennes Lisa Klapstock et Paulette Phillips. Composée d’installations vidéographiques et de photographies, cette exposition réunit un ensemble d’oeuvres majeures de ces artistes de Toronto. au Centre culturel Canadien, 5, rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris, t/ 01 4443 2190 or http://www.canada-culture.org/ for times/days. M° et RER : Invalides
*1er Déc, à partir de17H30 : LA LIBRAIRIE LES CAHIERS DE COLETTE vous invite à rencontrer EMMANUEL PIERRAT à l’occasion de la parution de « Le livre des livres érotiques » ( Chêne Editeur) et « La justice pour les nuls » (accompagné de son collectif d’auteurs) First Editions. At : LES CAHIERS DE COLETTE, 23/25 RUE RAMBUTEAU 75004 PARIS, 01 42 72 95 06 cahiersdecolette@wanadoo.fr
**2 Dec at 7.30 pm MOVINGÂ PARTS presents a reading of a play by Melinda Gidaly-Mayor “COFFEE & SWORDFISH”: Nella & Melissa are fast friends whose bond – & shared ability to nearly make each other pee their pants with laughter -- connects them throughout the years. When Nella's relationship with Paul tests her free-spirited approach to life, Melissa's sarcastic sense of humour cannot disguise the feelings she discovers within herself. An honest, intelligent story of female friendship in all its strengths, weaknesses, & ridiculous inside jokes.Directed by the author. AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M°: Tuileries Latest version available on the website : http://www.movingparts.org.uk/ or send an e-mail to Stephanie at movingparts@orange.fr to get on Mov Parts list or to present a reading of YOUR play!
2 December 18h45. PARIS SOIREES DINNERS CHEZ PATRICIA –Every SUNDAY AT 18h45 Special guest still to be announced. EUR 20. Reserve & get details, address, etc via parissoirees@gmail.com Patricia's Profiles for this & other events: http://www.parissoirees.com/ or Blog: http://parissoireesparisatnight.blogspot.com/
*3 Dec at 7pm.Marie-Celine Lachaud will be presenting "One day I'll go to Compostela" Answering a questionnaire about Santiago de Compostela, a woman revisits her trip one year later. Why did she go? She went for all the times she didnt go. Thats it! For hundred of miles, on foot, she followed Jack, an old English walker whom she happened to meet by chance while she was on holiday. Her parents, her daughter, a psychoanalyst, a backpack & a fairytale cape all accompany her inner journey of discovery. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel, More Info: http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*4th Dec: 7pm. At Village Voice, Michael Taylor presents: “Rembrandt's Nose: of Flesh & Spirit in the Master's Portraits” 'Taylor proves a joy to read. Hitherto a translator of French Poetry, he has made himself thoroughly at home with the art historical evidence.. & he deftly unfolds a life story... peering so keenly, Taylor does indeed touch on the quick of the art, & yet the mystery of its relation to the culture around it stays intact.' Julian Bell, The New York Review of Books. Taylor will be introduced by Adam Biro AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
*5 Dec 19h30 An Evening Discussion & reading at the American Library with James R. Gaines, author of ‘For Liberty & Glory: Washington, Lafayette, & Their Revolutions’ & Michael Oreskes, co-author of ‘The Genius of America: How the Constitution Saved Our Country—& Why it Can Again’ They’ll be discussing France & the Founding Fathers. AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60 http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
* 5 Dec - 15:30 WH Smith December Kids' Club Theme: St. Nicholas Day Come to our Kids' corner for stories, treats and more. FREE! RSVP not necessary. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr . http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
*5 décembre à 19h : Rencontre avec le Collectif contre le publisexisme à l'occasion de la parution de leur livre Contre les jouets sexistes (L'échappée) AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
**6 Dec: 19h - 20h. Les jeudis de l'Oulipo : Les héritiers de Queneau et de Perec poursuivent chaque mois leurs joutes et leurs jeux avec la langue française, la narration et l'humour. AT : BNF site François-Mitterrand, Grande auditorium, FREE !
**6 Déc à 19h Le Musée Zadkine poursuit son cycle de lectures avec Alain Badiou (1937) est certainement le philosophe de langue française le plus réputé. Son engagement philosophique, comme politique, va de pair avec une œuvre littéraire faite de romans et de pièces de théâtre. On lui doit Almagestes, Seuil, 1964 ; Portulans, Seuil, 1967 ; L’écharpe rouge, Maspéro, 1979, Calme bloc ici-bas, P.O.L, 1997 ; ainsi que les pièces Ahmed le Subtil, Actes-Sud, 1994 ; Ahmed philosophe, suivi de Ahmed se fâche, Actes-Sud, 1995 ; Les Citrouilles, Actes-Sud, 1996. Ses principaux livres philosophiques, parus aux éditions du Seuil, sont Théorie du sujet, 1982 ; Peut-on penser la politique? , 1985 ; L’être et l’événement, 1988 ; Manifeste pour la philosophie, 1989 ; Le nombre et les nombres, 1990 ; Conditions, 1992 ; Court traité d’ontologie transitoire, 1998, Petit manuel d’inesthétique, 1998, Abrégé de métapolitique, 1998 ; Logiques des mondes. L’être et l’événement 2, 2006. Son œuvre politique est regroupée dans les trois volumes de Circonstances, Ligne & Manifeste, 2003, 2004, 2004 et Le Siècle, Seuil, 2005. On lui par ailleurs des essais ainsi sur Beckett, l’increvable désir, Hachette, 1995 ; Deleuze, Hachette, 1997 ; Saint Paul, la fondation de l’universalisme, P.U.F, 1997. Alain Badiou lira un ensemble de ses textes littéraire, théâtral, politique et philosophique, ainsi que des extraits de Platon, Pascal, Rousseau, Hölderlin, Mallarmé, Rimbaud, Lacan, Char et Beckett. AT : Musée Zadkine, 100 bis rue d’Assas 75006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 http://www.zadkine.paris.fr/ M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 Entrée libre
6 Dec- 19h Meet the artist, Aoife Desmond at the Irish Cultural Center of Paris. + from 14h to 19h, Open Studio visit.The artist-in-residence Aoife Desmond will spend the autumn exploring the relationship between nature & the urban environment in Paris, starting with the courtyard of the Centre & working outwards through surrounding streets & gardens, finally reaching the banlieue. She is interested in the points where the wild meets the manmade, in peripheral consciousness & peripheral vision. She will use drawing, walking, photography, film & installation in the making of her project. Free – in English AT : Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris
6 déc à 21h Djeour Cissokho et le groupe Allalaké en concert au Satellit-Café “le temple des musiques du monde” 44, rue de la Folie-Méricourt Paris 11 M° Oberkampf / St-Ambroise - 01 47 00 48 87 www.myspace.com/cissokhodjeour
6 Dec : Vernissage—L'exposition de photos de Daniel Nassoy commence bien le jeudi 29 novembre 2007 mais le vernissage aura lieu le jeudi 6 décembre 2007. AT : Librairie Les Mots à la Bouche, 6 rue Sainte-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie, 75004 Paris, tél : 01 42 78 88 30 / http://www.motsbouche.com/otsbouche.com
*7 déc at 19h. Rencontre avec Catherine Gonnard, Elisabeth Lebovici et Dana Wyse. BIOS: Catherine Gonnard, journaliste et essayiste, ex-rédactrice de Lesbia Magazine, et Elisabeth Lebovici, historienne d'art et longtemps critique d'art à Libération et à Beaux Arts Magazine, viennent de publier Femmes artistes, artistes femmes - Paris, de 1880 à nos jours, un beau livre qui présente en textes et images un nombre étonnant d'artistes - célèbres, inconnues ou méconnues - et promet d'être un ouvrage de référence.(Editions Hazan) Dana Wyse, artiste canadienne vivant en France, est devenue célèbre pour ses sachets de cellophane qu'elle remplit de pilules ou de poudres et qu'elle scelle de slogans prometteurs comme Are you gay ? Find out now ! ou Understand your mother immediately ou Guarantee the heterosexuality of your child ou encore Stay in love forever. Elle vient de publier un livre bilingue où elle raconte sa vie et présente son travail : How to Turn your Addiction to Presciption Drugs into a successful art career - Transformez votre dépendance aux médicaments en une prestigieuse carrière artistique. (Editions du Regard) AT : Librairie Les Mots à la Bouche, 6 rue Sainte-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie, 75004 Paris, tél : 01 42 78 88 30 / http://www.motsbouche.com/otsbouche.com
*8 Dec: from 3-5 p.m. Laurel Zuckerman will be signing her controversial memoir “Sorbonne Confidential” at the Salon du Livre du Quartier Latin. Free & open to the public, this all day literary event features roundtables, workshops, conferences & book signings. Participants include: Claude Allègre, Jean-Robert Pitte, Max Gallo, & many more writers & social critics, including Franco-American writer Laurel Zuckerman. Where : Mairie du 5e, 21 place du Panthéon 75005. When : 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. For more information http://www.mairie5.paris.fr/mairie5/jsp/site/Portal.jsp?article_id=12410&portlet_id=427
*10 December, 7pm The Sorbonne University’s « Centre d’Histoire des Systèmes de Pensée Moderne » (Université de Paris 1/ Panthéon-Sorbonne) and Shakespeare and Company are happy to invite you to the reading of Professor Wayne A. Rebhorn (University of Texas at Austin) : « Between Foundations and Ruins: Machiavelli's Prince and the Epic Tradition » Wayne A. Rebhorn is Celanese Centennial Professor of English at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of several books, including The Emperor of Men's Minds: Literature and the Renaissance Discourse of Rhetoric, Renaissance Debates on Rhetoric, and Foxes and Lions : Machiavelli’s Confidence Men (winner of the Modern Language Association’s Howard R. Marraro Prize). AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel, LOTS More Info: http://www.shakespeareco.org/
**11 December : FRENCH Soirée Française avec IVY WRITERS! We invite you to an exciting evening of POETRY & PERFORMANCE by renowned French authors Jacques Sivan et Cyrille Martinez. Authors will also have books on site to sign, & will linger for drinks with audience. Should be a lovely evening of--Poésie sonore? Expérimentale ? le nouveau avant-garde ? You decide! BIOS : JACQUES SIVAN est poète et essayiste. Co-fondateur de la revue Java, performeur dynamique, il a participé à des performances-lectures un peu partout dans le monde. Il a écrit, notamment : Album photos (L’Atelier de l’Agneau, 1996), Triptike (Cadex, 1996), GRIO Village double (Al Dante, 1999), Pulps (Spectres familiers, 2003), et Le Bazar de l’Hôtel de Ville (Al Dante, 2006). Il a par ailleurs publié plusieurs livres d’essais, parmi eux : Machine-manifeste (Léo Scheer, 2003), ou Mar/cel Duchamp 2 temps 1 mouvement, (Presses du réel, 2006). CYRILLE MARTINEZ est connu pour ses performances de poésies basées sur les chansons françaises. Son travail repose sur ce qu’on pourrait appeler « l’infralangue », une langue qui ne veut pas avoir l’air de dire et dit sans dire. Il joue avec des phrases creuses, vides, administratives, politiques / des phrases du Journal Officiel, et les installe dans ce qui pourrait être une chanson mais n’en n’est pas vraiment une. Vient de publier « Sexe liberté éducation » (éds One star press / galerie Laurent Godin) avec Corinne Marchetti et Richard Dailey, et publiera « L'enlèvement de Bill Clinton » (éds 400 coups/ L'instant même) en janvier. AT : Le Next, 17 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris. Entrée gratuit/Free! http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/
* 11 December - 19:30 Author Evening Lin Arison, author, and Neil Folberg, photographer of will present and sign “Travels with Van Gogh and the Impressionists:Discovering the Connections AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr . http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
11 Dec 7pm: TALK: Scott Haine author of The World of the Paris Café will speak on "Casablanca: On the Seine, Resistance in Cafes during World War II". He will show in his talk that some of the iconic scenes of resistance that we remember from the classic Bogart and Bergman movie actually took place in cafes. He has come to this conclusion after doing extensive research in the French and British archives and in the literature and philosophy of the era. The discussion will also explore Jean Paul Sartre's appreciation of the cafe as a site of philosophical reflection, engagement and resistance. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel, More Info: http://www.shakespeareco.org/
**12 Dec 19h: Young Australian Poets book launch & reading: Claire Potter & Nicholas Manning. They will be introduced by American Poet Stephen Roderferd, who will also share a sample of his work. Claire Potter is the author of In Front of a Comma (Poet's Union, 2006) & recipient of the 2006 Young Australian Poet Award. Her second chapbook, N'ombre is published by Vagabond Press, Sydney, as part of their Rare Objects Series. Poet & writer Nicholas Manning teaches Comparative Literature at the University of Strasbourg II Marc-Bloch. His recent chapbook, entitled Novaless I-XXVI, was published in California by Achiote Press. He is the editor of the Paris-based poetry & poetics video magazine The Continental Review (http://www.thecontinentalreview.com/) AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 22 rue Saint-Paul, 75005 Paris. M°: Saint Paul.
*12 Dec à 19h : Rencontre avec BRIGITTE ROLLET pour la publication de son essai Télévision et homosexualité - 10 ans de fictions françaises, 1995-2005 (L'Harmattan). Brigitte Rollet est spécialiste des questions de genre au cinéma. Elle présente ici une étude sur l'homosexualité dans les fictions de la télévision française pour en évaluer les modifications et analyser s'il y a eu un réel accroissement de la visibilité des gais et des lesbiennes, un changement, une évolution. Elle identifie les stratégies narratives mises en oeuvre ainsi que les idéologies implicites ou explicites de ces fictions. Une démarche inédite en France. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*13th Dec: 7pm. At Village Voice, Evelyne Block-Dano presents her biography of Marcel Proust's mother: “Madame Proust: A biography”. Alice Kaplan, the translator of “Madame Proust” will participate in the presentation."[Jeanne Proust] passed on to Marcel her own sharp tongue, her spirit of rebellion, a deep passion for reading, a brave & outspoken position on the Dreyfus affair, & the spirit of life itself. …" writes Carol Mavor. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
* 13th December at 19:30 Paris Book Launch Soirée Bryce Corbett, author of”A Town Like Paris:Living & Loving in the City of Light” will present and sign his book. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr . http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
**14 Dec à 19h Rencontre avec WASSYLA TAMZALI pour la publication de son récit Une éducation algérienne. De la révolution à la décennie noire (Gallimard). Wassyla Tamzali a été avocate à Alger pendant dix ans. Elle a ensuite dirigé pendant vingt ans le programme sur la condition des femmes à l'Unesco et, retournée à Alger, elle continue à mener entre autres combats ceux pour l'égalité des femmes et la laïcité. Issue d'une famille de notables algériens, elle a une enfance heureuse qui est ensuite brutalement marquée par l'assassinat de son père, proche du FLN, par une jeune recrue de ce même FLN en 1957. Elle embrasse les idéaux de l'Algérie nouvelle, puis ce sont les années de désillusion et la montée de l'idéologie islamiste. L'auteure par son témoignage rend compte de la réalité complexe d'un pan de l'Histoire de l'Algérie. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*15 Dec at 16h: Literature event for children In partnership with Escapades, international youth festival Fais-moi lire ! Artemis Fowl – a dramatised reading by actor Louis Lovett. Eoin Colfer’s international best seller, Artemis Fowl, has captivated audiences around the world. His thriller fairy tale has as its hero 12 year old Artemis: millionaire, genius & above all, criminal mastermind. Full of unexpected twists & turns, Louis Lovett brings to life, through animated storytelling, the riveting magical adventures of the maverick hero. Suitable for 9 year olds & over. AT : Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris COST: 4€ children / 7€ adults – in English RÉS.CONSEILLÉE. Contacts : adoherty@centreculturelirlandais.com or 01 58 52 10 30
*16 Dec at 7.30 pm MOVINGÂ PARTS presents a reading of a play by Gwyneth Hughes "In the Greenhouse" AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M°: Tuileries Full details on: http://www.movingparts.org.uk/ or send an e-mail to Stephanie at movingparts@orange.fr to get on Mov Parts list or to present a reading of YOUR play!
*17 Dec, 7pm: Award-winning writer Nora Pierce will read from The Insufficiency Of Maps published by Simon and Schuster. A young girl must discover the meaning of self and family as she struggles to find her place between two contrasting realities. As she traces Alice's journey between two cultures, Pierce asks probing questions about identity and difference, and she articulates vital truths about the contemporary Native American experience. Utterly authentic and lyrically compelling, this novel establishes Pierce as an important voice in American literature. ‘Pierce’s novel is filled with graceful images and a heart-rending story. Pierce’s descriptions of the Southwest are exquisite’. Herald Tribune AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel, LOTS More Info: http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*18 Dec : Inventaire/ Invention donne « carte blanche » à Suzanne Doppelt : lecture-projection d’images en français. It’s advised that you reserve your places, as there are only 50, via telephone at 01 42 40 33 21 or email: redaction@inventaire-invention.com. For full programme, watch http://www.inventaire-invention.com/ for updates. At: Inventaire/Invention, Folie du Canal N5, Parc de La Villette, follow along the Galerie de l’Ourq in the park—take the pedestrian walk along the galerie de la villette from the Porte de Pantin metro, then turn onto the Galerie de l’Ourq—it is the red building there, in the dark, which you can see through the windows of. It’s face à la geode.
18 déc at 15h00: Concert with the « Choeur d'Oratorio de Paris » ! Au programme : Quatre siècles d'art choral pour choeurs, cuivres et orgue * Choeur d'Oratorio de Paris * Cuivres et continuo de l'Orchestre Léon Barzin * Orgue : Vincent Warnier * Direction : Jean Sourisse* Location : Vente des billets sur place à partir de 1h avant le début du concert ; Réservation possible : - par téléphone au 06 82 67 04 71- par courriel à l'adresse : billets@oratoriodeparis.asso.fr Placement libre Prix des billets : 25 euros (tarif réduit : 20 euros) AT : Eglise Saint-Etienne du Mont, 1 place Sainte-Geneviève, 75005 Paris.
21 Dec. Nocture de 18 à 21h Dorothy’s Gallery vous invite à venir découvrir le travail sans commune mesure de Régis-R. Installation, créations multicolores, venez nombreux pour vous immerger dans l’univers illuminé du plastique recyclé. Lieu d'exposition : dorothy's gallery 27 rue Keller 75011 Paris M° Bastille, Tel 01 43 57 08 51 http://www.dorothysgallery.com/
*24 Dec, 7pm: Roy Lisker will be reciting his Christmas story ‘Sam, the Messiah Man’. It pokes gentle fun at the commercialisation of the Christmas spirit. Roy has been writing all of his adult life. While he was living in Paris in the 60s and 70s, he did translations, published a novel with Rene Julliard, worked as an editor on a magazine published by Albin Michel, and had articles published in Les Temps Modernes, the magazine directed by Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. His work has been published in France, England and the United States AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel, LOTS More Info: http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*6 Jan at 7.30 pm MOVINGÂ PARTS presents a reading of a play by A Roy Lisker presents his play: "Kangaroo Songline" AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M°: Tuileries Full details on: http://www.movingparts.org.uk/ or send an e-mail to Stephanie at movingparts@orange.fr to get on Mov Parts list or to present a reading of YOUR play!
*10th Jan: 7pm. Village Voice Bookshop Launches MARGO BERDESHEVSKY'S new poetry book from THE SHEEP MEADOW PRESS “BUT A PASSAGE IN WILDERNESS” see Margo’s Blog for more, at: http://margoberdeshevsky.blogspot.com/ + More info to come on Jan listing. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
11 janv à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de peinture à quatre mains des BABANANAVERTES : "Les garçons manqués" AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
17 JAN. Concert: DJEOUR CISSOKHO, de retour, sera Avec le groupe ALLALAKEau NEW-MORNING, à Paris Vous pouvez retrouver DJEOUR, sur http://www.myspace.com/cissokhodjeour
*18 janv à 19h : Rencontre avec SANDRA BOEHRINGER pour la parution de son essai L'homosexualité féminine dans l'Antiquité grecque et romaine (Les Belles Lettres) AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
“The OTHER WRITERS' GROUP” meets upstairs on Saturdays, 3-5pm: at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 5 euros. More Information at: http://www.shakespeareco.org/other_writers_group.htm
“Savoir-Faire”: 13 Dec 2007, 21 Feb & 15 May 2008: A four-part series led by published authors & illustrators of children's books Four evenings (do ALL or come for ONE) of information-packed shop talks with pros. Have you ever made up a bedtime story for a child that made them squeal with laughter or sent goosebumps scurrying up their tiny arms? If you want to know what it's like to be a professional writer or illustrator for children, then this series is for you. Come & gain some savoir-faire. Find out about their creative process. Pick up tips. Learn how to market your work. Get feedback on your ideas. & ask lots of questions. Basically, come & gain some savoir-faire. Where: WICE, 20, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris Time:7:00-9:00 p.m Members: 6 Euros per evening Nonmembers: 8 Euros per evening. More details available on our web site (http://www.scbwifrance.com/) or via: tioka@scbwifrance.com or for more details visit http://www.wice-paris.org/
ONE on ONE manuscript Help: by published author with MFA, PhD, & 8 years of teaching & tutoring experience. Whether you just beginning & want to learn how to honor your instincts & find your voice, or whether you have a nearly finished manuscript that needs a good critique from an experienced reader, Sandy Florian offers professional, honest, insightful advice for all your writing projects at reasonable rates. Email: sandyflorian@yahoo.com Phone: Instructor bio: MFA from Brown University’s Creative Writing Program, PhD in English & Creative Writing from the University of Denver. Florian is the author of Telescope (Action Books), 32 Pedals & 47 Stops (Tarpaulin Sky Press), & The Tree of No (forthcoming with Action Books). Her work appears in over 40 national & international journals including Slope, Coconut, bird dog, Diagram, & Parthenon West Review. Visit her blog at http://boxingthecompass.blogspot.com/ & see a complete vitae at https://portfolio.du.edu/pc/port.detail?id=93592
May 31st – June 7th 2008: At Almàssera Vella: ‘Getting to the Next Level’ a poetry workshop with the distinguished American Poet Alfred Corn. WORKSHOP assumes students already have some ability & points out avenues to further accomplishment. Topics include rhythm, the line, metre, metaphor, visual description, & mutual support of different components of a poem.” ALFRED CORN has published 9 collections of poetry, a novel & an acclaimed collection of essays. He has received Guggenheim & NEA fellowships, an Award in Literature from the Academy & Institute of Arts & Letters, a fellowship from the Academy of American Poets, & the Levinson Prize from Poetry magazine. ALMASSERA VELLA is a large, village house -Relleu’s original olive press with views of a Moorish castle & surrounding mountains. £495 all inclusive (7 nights), (cheques to ‘Pemberton North SL’). Complete details: Christopher & Marisa North, Almàssera Vella, Carrer de la Mare de Deu del Miracle 56, Relleu 03578, Alicante SPAIN - (0034) 966 856003. http://www.oldolivepress.com/& christopher@oldolivepress.com
III) NEWS REVIEWS & REVIEWS NEWS: Calls for Work, Announcements
NEW WRITING GROUP: Seeking 5 writers working on a novel or memoir to form a writer's group to meet in the Marais once a week. Looking for writers who are are in the thick of it, actively writing a book & desirous of feedback, to work on their craft, etc & share resources with other dedicated writers. Would like writers with different experiences & something unique to contribute to the group dynamic. Please send an email to chauncey@girlonthestreet.com. Serious inquiries only.
LAST CALL FOR MisTranslation WORK!!!: 5th Dec deadline: The editors at http://www.drunkenboat.com/ are putting together a dossier on mistranslation, where mis is the beginning of a mistake & translation is a very broad notion (though a narrow definition is also welcome); i.e. from one national language to the next, certainly, but also from say French to French or from Bach to Fortran or from the latest presidential address to algebra--if such a thing is possible (mathematics might be offended). The work would be featured as a web-page, or series of web pages. Ideally, there would be some brief para-critical remarks elaborating the mistake, what's missing, what's added, what's gained, what's lost, & why--as well as a short biographical note on the translator/artist submitting the work (& a photograph). Work based on, or going toward non-European languages is especially appreciated. Mis-transpositions (be they into music or color or line or more bodily forms) are also much sought after. Do be in touch should you have a brilliant idea you wish to share. Please send contributions BY DEC 5th to: jean-jacques.poucel@yale.edu & Ravi Shankar shankarr@ccsu.edu
IN PARIS: “NEW Magazine” publishes once a year: 144 pages by writers, artists, photographers, & musicians in English, French & other languages. Our areas of concern are the convergence & intersections of expression & experience. Based in Paris, we publish contemporary work that demonstrates the urgent human need to make sense of the network of cultures we find in the present, our understandings of the past & our imaginings of the future. Learn more, see subscription rates, on our website: http://www.new-mag.com/ 10 euros for 3 issues !
SUBMIT MEDIA POETRY NOW: For its tenth edition (May 2009), the International Poetry Biennial is pleased to announce an International Media Poetry Contest. (in French or English) Works considered "media poetry" are those that place contemporary technologies at the service of poetry, be it within the framework of a performance or in that of a recorded & projectable work. Among the many forms accepted are included videopoetry, digital poetry, multimedia poetry, sound poetry, interactive poetry, & poetic installations in physical space or on the Internet. Works that illustrate a poem will not be considered (these are works that use sound or images to represent or complement a poem, for example). There are no restrictions regarding the form or content of the media poems submitted. Work presented shall not exceed 15 minutes & can be presented in the form CD, DVD, or on the Internet. Application: Candidates willing to submit their work to the International of Media Poetry Contest shall express their intention via email before December 31st, 2007. To do so they shall write an email to: direction@biennaledespoetes.fr The works submitted shall arrive at the Poetry Biennial's office (11 rue Ferdinand Roussel 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine France) before December 31st, 2008. If the work is online, the Internet address shall arrive via email on this date.A jury made up of ten international artists (see list below) will examine the works & will allot the Media Poetry Prize 2009. The prize winner will choose between being invited to Paris for one week with all expenses paid during the Poetry Biennial or the equivalent amount in cash.Participation in the contest automatically authorizes the Biennial to publicly exhibit submitted works. Unless otherwise specified, the copyright of the works remains with the artists.
WATCH POEMFILMS, ONLINE NOW : See Rabbit Light Movies! It is a quarterly online journal of poemfilms & has dropped an anchor at http://www.rabbitlightmovies.com/ Episode #5 is just up: Catherine Wagner, Jaswinder Bolina, Joshua Poteat, J'Lyn Chapman, Chuck Stebelton, & Stephanie Young Episode #6 will go up in January. & the prior episodes (#1-4) are archived there, as well, & links to the poets works are included. Please help spread the word. If you have any ideas, suggestions, queries, please direct them to rabbitlightmovies@gmail.com
Calls for CRITICAL WORK: for the POETS & POETRY PANEL: RESURGENCE: CYCLE / RECYCLE Resurgence 48th Annual SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l'Enseignement Supérieur) Congressto be held in Orléans, : 16th-18th May 2008. Description: “The question of recycling in poetry allows us to confront the formal & the thematic. To our connection with the natural world we must add ourunderstanding of the metrical patterns of poetry. …+ Recycling & resurgence require us to investigate the ecology of poetry as well as the dynamics of poetic language, the (under)currents of fluid language constructs. The aim of this year’s Poets & Poetry panel is to address notions of recycling, resurgence & ecology. Possible topics include (but are not limited to): Waste; Composting; Processing/Reprocessing; Downcycling; Energy; Poets recycling themselves; Pre- & post-postmodernism; Consuming/re-consuming. You may address any type of English language poetry from any period. Papers should be no longer than 30 minutes & should be in English.” Please address your title & 300 word abstract by 1st January 2008 to: Raphaël Costambeys-Kempczynski, Helen Goethals & Antoine Cazé raphael.costambeys@univ-paris3.fr
ANNOUNCING: BOOK From a new press, Ariana Reines has a new book “COEUR DE LION””for you to pre-order from MAL-O-MAR http://mal-o-mar.blogspot.com/ MAL-O-MAR is a brand-new tiny press specializing in emergency literature operated by jason burns, stan maarm, & ariana reines COEUR DE LION is about love. Chris Kraus calls it "a major work" in the tradition of bernadette mayer's midwinter day MAL-O-MAR spring 2008 titles: MY HEART LAID BARE charles baudealire, THE DAY DOESN'T CARE jason burns, THANK YOU: STORIES ariana reines PLUS guerilla literacy projects in nyc vending machines. MAL-O-MAR is committed to publishing absolutely challenging literature at high speed
SUBMIT CRITICAL WORK : In any of 4 languages (English, Espagnol, Français or Italiano-- La revue étant quadrilingue, il est possible d’y écrire dans l’une des quatre langues.), wanted. Call in French here, see site for other languages, but the info remains the samel: Appel à contribution « Recto/Verso:Revue de jeunes chercheurs en critique génétique » Créer à deux, écrire à quatre mains, sous l’œil ou la dictée de l’autre : la création en collaboration suppose des processus génétiques et des enjeux esthétiques singuliers. Recto/Verso propose de prendre en compte ces formes et stratégies multiples de création en analysant, par exemple, le travail commun mené par deux ou plusieurs auteurs et artistes, par l’échange entre un musicien et un poète, un écrivain et un plasticien, un metteur en scène et un scénariste, un parolier et un compositeur, un auteur et un éditeur, un auteur et son traducteur ou entre les différents collaborateurs d’une revue… Des pratiques, parmi d’autres, de création en collaboration qui illustrent des conditions et des mécanismes croisés d’élaboration, d’autant plus riches et féconds qu’ils sont le fruit d’une réflexion et d’une recherche commune. Les propositions d’article, de 2 000 signes environ (accompagnées d’un titre et d’une brève présentation de l’auteur), sont à envoyer avant le 15 janvier 2008, sous forme électronique, à l’adresse de la Rédaction :mailto:revuerectoverso@gmail.comSous réserve d’acceptation de la proposition préliminaire, les articles devront être rendus impérativement au 15 avril 2008, à la même adresse.Site de la revue Recto/Verso : http://www.revuerectoverso.com/ Responsable : Erica DURANTE (ericacea@free.fr)
APT for SPRING SUBLET : (1er Janvier - 30 Avril, 2008) 40 m2; studio de charme, Tout meublé tout confort et facilités Situé a Montreuil au 1er étage d'une maisonnette en fond de cours proche du métro, des Nouveaux Robinsons, et du marché aux puces Métro ROBESPIERRE lignes 9 (Bus 76 aussi) proximité Nation 900 euros tout compris (négociable!) -tout est compris: eau, gaz, électricité -tout meublé et rangements (grande salle de bain/cuisine) -Machine a laver -Frigo-cuisinière au gaz -lit 2 pers -canapé dans le coin salon/table +chaises dans le coin salle a manger -calme et lumineux.Vous pouvez me contacter --> KALI: 06 83 10 25 79
ORDER NOW !: ANTHOLOGIE : « VENTS CONTRAIRES : Force 18 », Une anthologie présentée et établie par Alain Helissen. L’anthologie Vents Contraires revisite, à travers quelques extraits, les livres de la collection de la maison d’éd VC. Mais elle propose aussi, pour chacun des auteurs, des textes inédits. Catalogue singulier de 18 poètes d’aujourd’hui : Patrick Dubost Jean-Pierre Bobillot Alain Helissen Hubert Lucot Lucien Suel Serge Ritman Véronique Vassiliou Michel Valprémy Jérôme Game Charles Pennequin Claude Dehêtre Joseph Bruchac Georges Hassomeris Jacques Sivan Jacques Demarcq Jean-Luc Lavrille André Gache Bruno Fern (102 pages) ; Prix : 13 euro (frais de port inclus) Règlement par chèque à l’ordre d’Alain Helissen à joindre à toute commande. Commande à adresser à : Alain Helissen 53 rue de l’Entente 57400 Sarrebourg
MAG JUST OUT: Gargoyle #52, the new Spoken Word/Music CD is just out featuring work by: Jillian Ann, Kate Braverman, Reginald Harris, David Hernandez, Brigitte Knudson, William Levy, Jeffrey Little, Thylias Moss, Neelam Patel, Henry Warwick & MORE. Copies for $10+postage. Editor, Richard Peabody. Magazine site: http://www.gargoylemagazine.com/
OUT NOW: FICTION ANTHOLOGY: “Electric Grace: Still More Fiction by Washington Area Women”. The book is $18.95 & features 42 women writers. 433pp Copies available from our site, (Paycock Press) & from Amazon.com & the Writer’s Center.
SUBMIT & READ NEW DIAGRAM at: http://thediagram.com/ Involving the following TEXTS: Christopher Ankney, Sandra Beasley, F. J. Bergmann, Emily Beyer, Ryder Collins, Juliet Cook, Anne Germanacos, Heather Green, Matthew Guenette, Derek Henderson, Cat Jones, Charity Ketz, Patrick Lawler, Genine Lentine, Brad Liening, Louise Mathias, Kyle McCord, Frank Montesonti, Mark Neely, Drew Nolte, Susan Parr, & Mark Pietrzykowski. & a REVIEW: [Nicole Walker on Jenny Boully, x2] Some SCHEMATICS: [The Galvin Model] [Homeostatic State of the Jarrett Family Prior to Buck's Death] [Multifunctional Teams] [Poet Personalities] [Sonic Archery Beacon] Lovely SOUND: [Susan Howe & David Grubbs] & so you should come to visit it. Send it a card. An email. A little heart to heart. DIAGRAM ALSO SEEKS WORK FOR NEXT ISSUES. SEE & READ CURRENT ISSUES FOR MORE!
SUBMIT: Litandart.com, a new website for art and literature criticism, welcomes submissions for ongoing discussion. Litandart.com is a forum to discuss the critical and artistic direction of the humanities. Artists, theorists, writers, philosophers etc are all welcome here. Especially welcome are reviews of collabrative work (art and poetry, for instance) or critical essays that show the ties between visual art and literature. Please send a query to Hesterprinm@aol.com
DON'T FORGET: reword! see http://rewords.blogspot.com/ for more fun poem chains!
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