LIST ORDER: (Note: list is updated throughout month)
I) Readings & events: asterisks mark book events
II) Courses in Creative Writing
III) News Reviews & Reviews News—New publications, calls for submissions of creative & critical work
1 Nov START: FYI: November is official “Novel Writing Month”: so consider writing one with the annual “write 50,000 words in a month” worldwide Novel Rush: NaNoWriMo. Sign up with : http://www.nanowrimo.org/ Starts 1 Nov at Midnight and ends 30 Nov at midnight!
*Oct Through 20 Dec : BOOKSTORMING 1: durant trois mois, Bookstorming présente une exposition inédite autour d’une sélection quasi exhaustive des publications réalisées par le Centre national d’art contemporain de la Villa Arson (Nice) du milieu des années 1980 à aujourd’hui. MAC/VAL présente les publications les plus « historiques », remontant à la programmation des années 1986-1994, sous la direction de Christian Bernard. AT : MAC/VAL, Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Place de la Libération, Vitry-sur- Seine. du mard-dim de 12-19h, nocturne le jeudi jusqu’à 21h. Tél. : 01 46 82 71 24
*Oct Through 20 Dec : BOOKSTORMING 2: une exposition inédite autour d’une sélection quasi exhaustive des publications réalisées par le Centre national d’art contemporain de la Villa Arson : Les publications de la période 1995-2005 sont présentées au 18/20 rue de la Perle et permettent de parcourir des expositions monographiques organisées par Michel Bourrel puis Laurence Gateau, consacrées à des artistes aujourd’hui très actifs sur la scène artistique, comme Hyber, McCarthy, Colomer, Giillick, Marcel, Lévêque, Dafflon, Baudevin... ou encore les expositions collectives « Relocation » ou « Action on Tourne». A la librairie Bookstorming, 18/20 rue de la Perle, Paris 3ème. Lund-vend de 14-18h. Tél. : 01 42 25 15 58
*Oct Through 20 Dec : BOOKSTORMING 3: une exposition inédite autour d’une sélection quasi exhaustive des publications réalisées par le Centre national d’art contemporain de la Villa Arson : La librairie de la Maison Rouge présente les publications les plus récentes, autour des expositions organisées par Eric Mangion depuis 2006 : « Transmission », « Intouchable, l’idéal transparence », Jeremy Deller, Pierre Bismuth, Gino De Dominicis, ou encore le catalogue « A Moitié carré A moitié fou » qui vient de paraître aux Presses du réel. AT : la Maison Rouge, fondation Antoine de Galbert, 10 boulevard de la Bastille, Paris 12ème. Merc-dim de12-19h, nocturne : jeudi jusqu’à 21h. Tél. : 01 43 43 02 76
Oct Through 3 novembre, de 15 à 19 h See : des œuvres récentes de Mathias Pérez à l'Atelier-Véritable, 7 rue du Marché Popincourt, Paris 11e M° Parmentier ou Oberkampf, bus 46, 56, 96
1er au 4 nov : Violette and Co tient une table de vente au Festival international de films lesbiens et féministes au Trianon (Paris 18è) avec plusieurs signatures d'auteures : jeudi 16-18h : Véronique Bréger et Frédérique Anne ; vendredi 16h30-18h30 : Catherine Gonnard et Elisabeth Lebovici ; vendredi 19h30-20h30 : Anne-Laure Mahé ; samedi 14h-15h30 : Corinne Gaudefroy ; samedi 16h-18h : Rosalind Penfold ; dimanche 14h30-16h Bibine Desiles (voir aussi notre site pour plus de détails). Info sur le Festival : http://www.cineffable.fr/
2 Nov & 3 Nov-- 7.15pm ACTS-HdM the Anglophone Theatre of Stuttgart presents a docu-fictional account of the great meeting of minds, that defined the American radical writers scene in Paris from 1920 to 1934. The ghosts of, Sylvia Beach, Gertrude Stein, Djuna Barnes, Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce, George Orwell, and Henry Miller - those modernist spirits of the ‘Lost Generation’- watched by a ‘hoovering and hovering’ secret agent and locked into a strange set of confrontations, return to haunt the reading room upstairs at Shakespeare and Company. AT: Shakespeare & CO, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*2 novembre à Saint-Brieuc, dans le cadre des journées-rencontres Alfred Jarry : à 14 h 30 à la Maison Louis Guilloux : Charles Pennequin ; à 16 h au petit théâtre de La Passerelle : Jean-Pierre Verheggen ; à 18 h au foyer de La Passerelle : Une heure avec Jarry par le Théâtre de Folle Pensée ; à 20 h au petit théâtre de La Passerelle : Jacques Jouet ; à 21 h à la Bibliothèque municipale : Christian Prigent; All at Saint-Brieuc.
4th Nov: at 18h30: Paris Soirees every Sunday eve. Reservations: parissoirees@gmail.com Patricia Laplante-Collins, 13, rue de Mulhouse (metro: Sentier, line 3), 75002 Paris. Tel: 33 1 43 26 12 88. See her Blog at: http://parissoireesparisatnight.blogspot.com/
*5th Nov: 8 pm.: A Reading and ‘Rencontre’ by prize-winning Australian writer James Bradley Twice one of The Sydney Morning Herald’s Best Young Australian Novelists, James Bradley is the author of three novels and a book of poetry, Paper Nautilus. HIs first novel, Wrack, won the Fellowship of Australian Writers Literature Award and the Kathleen Mitchell Literary Award, and was shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Award and the Commonwealth Writers Prize for Best First Book. His second, The Deep Field, won The Age Fiction Book of the Year Award. Both novels have been published overseas and have been widely translated. His most recent novel, The Resurrectionist, which was shortlisted for The Age Fiction Book of the Year Award and the Christina Stead Award at the 2007 NSW Premier's Awards, is published by Picador. This event is organized by Patti Miller of the University of Sydney’s Memoir in Paris as part of her “Life Stories Workshop” Interested in more on that, see: http://www.lifestories.com.au/ AT: Café de la Mairie (upstairs) Place St Sulpice N.B. Free entry –although the Café requires everyone to indulge in at least one drink!
*5 Nov à 19h Le Musée Zadkine poursuit son cycle de lectures avec Alain Veinstein (1942) est poète, romancier, éditeur et homme de radio. Participant de la poésie « blanche » des années 70, l’écriture d’Alain Veinstein s’est orientée vers le travail de la prose, du récit et du roman. On lui doit, notamment, Répétition sur les amas; Toujours par la fin; Vers l’absence de soutien; Corps en dessous; D’un amour volé en éclats; L’accordeu; Violante, 1999 ; Tout passe comme si, 2001 ; L’interviewer; Bonnes soirées; La Partition; et Dancing, (Seuil, 2006). Il a publié de nombreux livres avec des artistes. Il lira aussi un choix de lignes de Victor Hugo par André du Bouchet. AT : Musée Zadkine, 100 bis rue d’Assas 75006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 Entrée libre http://www.zadkine.paris.fr/
*5 Nov 7pm: The prolific, award-winning Michael Moorcock, author of close to one hundred novels, will be reading from his latest book The Metatemporal Detective. Moorcock figured as the precocious editor of Tarzan Adventures and the Sexton Blake mystery novels in the 1950s, in the 60s was mentioned for Behold The Man, about a time traveller seeking Jesus, and as prolific creator of prototypical fantasy hero Elric of Melnibone, though another account would cite novels like The Final Programme, and their sexually ambiguous messiah figure Jerry Cornelius. In ‘64, Moorcock took over New Worlds, Britain’s only remaining science fiction magazine, & gleefully inoculated it with the virus of the counterculture: J.G. Ballard, Norman Spinrad & Thomas Disch surfed to fame on the resulting New Wave. Fronting his own band Deep Fix, Moorcock also performed and wrote for rock groups Hawkwind and Blue Oyster Cult, and survived Hollywood exile as a screenwriter, only to re-emerge in the 1980s with Whitbread-shortlisted Mother London, “a vast, sprawling, eccentric… masterful comic novel [which] seems to encapsulate the history of postwar Britain in its dizzy decline.” (Publishers Weekly), and the Colonel Pyat books. AT: Shakespeare & CO, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*6th Nov at 7 pm: Gerry Feehily reads at Village Voice from his first published novel “FEVER”! Gerry Feehily is originally from London. He moved to Ireland at a young age and after completing his studies, lived in Japan, Italy and Spain before settling in his current home in Paris. His articles on French literature and European politics have appeared in the Independent, New Statesman and the Irish Examiner. He is currently working in Paris as a journalist and literary translator and at work on his second novel. 'Fever is a modern punchy novel that takes the readers on a turbulent ride as they rediscover the feelings, philosophies and experiences of youth.' AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
6 Nov See MINUSCULE HEY!: FRENCH FREAKY POP File under : Lewis Caroll, Kinks, Young Marble Giants, Monochrome Set, Miniscule Hey from Bordeaux (France) are a young and hugely talented boy-girl duo whose surreal Lynchian rock veers sharply from Kinks-y melodies to Deerhoof-like savagery and back again. With an entertaining minimalist rock approach where sixties influences from the Beatles to The Velvet Underground meet contemporary rock. The band inhabit an “off your trolley” world comprising minuscule songs that demand you listen to them, absolutely! AT/in : FR Paris - Le Môtel . For more info and full address, see: http://www.minusculehey.com/ www.myspace.com/minusculehey
6 Nov at 19h00. THE SECRET: Artist Tom Byrne has a discussion group about The Secret. There was a recent evening on visualization. His next discussion will be on Creating a Vision board. From Tom: "To put the subject in context, we will be looking at a part of the film, 'The Secret'. We will discuss the benefits of a vision board and methods of creating one." Contact Tom for more information at arty@tombyrne
*7 nov à 19h : Rencontre avec WENDY DELORME pour la parution de son roman Quatrième génération (Grasset) avec lecture par l'auteure. Wendy Delorme, féministe queer, fem, doctorante et enseignante en sciences humaines et sociales, signe ici son premier livre. Elle est performeuse et a participé notamment au film porno translesboqueer One Night Stand d'Emilie Jouvet. Son texte tient du roman, du manifeste, de la chronique d'un univers alternatif et de mémoires. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*7 Nov 19h30 An Evening at the American Library with Historian Mary McAuliffe, author of ‘Paris Discovered: Explorations in the City of Light.’ AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60 http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
7 Nov See MINUSCULE HEY !: FR Paris – Un gars, une fille et un radiateur. Drôle d'équation pour un thriller psychologique aux ressorts dramatiques. Attention compliment : Les minuscule hey sont les Monochrome Set de 2007 et nous réservent assurément quelques bonnes surprises en 2008... Curieux, exquis, burlesque et bordelais, notre trio (!) aime les films en noir et blanc et les lapins aux oreilles marrons. Musiciens inventifs qui, avec peu de moyens, écrivent des pépites pop sur leur oncle Jim ou sur leur pote slave joueur de tennis, les "minus" sortent un premier single 6 titres, qui ne décolle pas de notre platine. On attend la suite avec impatience. (Abus Dangereux) AT : OPA (+ Cornflakes Heroes) in PARIS, m° Bastille, 75012. For more info and full address, see: http://www.minusculehey.com/ or www.myspace.com/minusculehey
*8th Nov at 7 pm: JEAN LAMORE discusses and reads from “AKA : Book of Fever” Books that break ground and survive fleeting trends- books that re-define the limits of what language can do- always involve a challenging adventure, a pilgrimage, a soulful journey. In Jean Lamore's AKA, the adventure is a mental one, the pilgrimage moves through a world in which psychic disorder creates aesthetic principles, insanity is brought out of exile and becomes a constructive force, the journey takes place in what the author calls 'the remote present', and a landscape of destroyed and dismembered icons from the world we know becomes the protagonist... AKA risks what all great works are inflicted with - being widely misunderstood and being rudely ahead of its time ' David Applefield ( Frank Magazine) AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
8 novembre au 15 décembre Come out to see the artwork : « Les Pourpres d'Anne Slacik » à la galerie Meyer Le Bihan, 108 rue Vieille du Temple, Paris 3e
*9 nov à partir de 20 h 00 Soirée hommage à Huguette Champroux à l'occasion de la sortie de Off, une anthologie de textes d'Huguette Champroux dirigée par Christophe Marchand-Kiss avec un avant-propos de Pierre Courtaud. 352 pages 20 €. Lectures et témoignages de Geneviève Huttin, Josée Lapeyrère, Jérôme Game, Jérôme Mauche, Emmanuel Miéville. La soirée soirée hommage à Huguette Champroux est réalisée en partenariat avec les revues Action Poétique, IF, ainsi qu’avec la Biennale Internationale des Poètes en Val-de-Marne. Cocktail offert à l’issue de chaque soirée AT: Galerie éof, 15 rue Saint Fiacre, 75002 Paris tél - 01 53 40 72 22 M° : Grands Boulevards. Infos: http://editionlebleuduciel.free.fr/
*9 nov à 19h : Rencontre avec ROSALIND B. PENFOLD, Canadienne de passage à Paris, pour la parution de sa bande dessinée Dans les sables mouvants (ça et là) sur la violence conjugale. Rosalind B. Penfold, trentenaire canadienne, a choisi de tenir un journal en bande dessinée, d'un trait simple et efficace, pour décrire l'enfer qu'elle vit avec son compagnon. Elle y détaille dix années de violences physiques et psychologiques subies et le long chemin pour parvenir à se défaire des liens qui la retiennent et à partir. Cet ouvrage est un témoignage brut qui donne une impression de plongée dans le quotidien de cette femme.AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
10 November 14h00 - 17h00: Special Event: Auto-Massage Afternoon: Traditional Chinese Medicine Workshop presented by Earl Ferguson, a gymnastics and motion fitness coach for more than 30 years, studying and practicing traditional chinese medicine for over 12 years. 30 Euros. Earl does a great job. It's quite intense. Reserve at parissoirees@gmail.com
*10 nov à partir de 20 h 00 soirée autour des nouveautés du bleu de ciel avec des Lectures de Ryoko Sekiguchi, Virginie Poitrasson, Xavier Person, Olivier Domerg, Jérôme Mauche, Pierre Mabille. Présentation par Didier Vergnaud, directeur des éditions Le bleu du ciel. AT: Galerie éof, 15 rue Saint Fiacre, 75002 Paris tél - 01 53 40 72 22 M° : Grands Boulevards. Infos: http://editionlebleuduciel.free.fr/
*11 Nov at 19h30 MOVING PARTS presents a playreading in English of Timothy Jay Smith’s "CRUITHNE". Plays read aloud by actors with the author present, often followed by a discussion or feedback session. AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries. More on Moving Parts at: http://www.stefcampion.com/, or get on Stephanie’s listing via : movingparts@orange.fr
*12 Nov 7pm The Wolf, The UK’s Best Independent Poetry Magazine, brings three poets from its pack to Shakespeare and Co. to celebrate 5 years of publication in this exciting one off-event. Featuring Sandeep Parmar, Lee Scrivner and Zouzi Chebi Mohamed Haesen. Hosted by James Byrne, Editor of The Wolf, this reading is designed to promote some of the very best authors to have appeared in The Wolf (founded in 2002), who are part of a month-long European tour. For more: http://www.wolfmagazine.co.uk/ AT: Shakespeare & CO, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*12 nov. at 19h30, les « Mille-Feuilles » proposent, au restaurant Candide, une Carte blanche à Diane MEUR, écrivaine et traductrice, à l'occasion de la parution de son troisième roman: Les Vivants et les Ombres, (Sabine Wespieser, 2007). Diane MEUR a choisi d'inviter : - Pierre CASSOU-NOGUaS, écrivain, enseignant et chercheur, pour: Une histoire de machines, de vampires et de fous, fiction philosophique, (Vrin, 2007), et Les Démons de Gadelae Logique et folie, essai, (Seuil, 2007), - Christophe ETEMADZADEH, écrivain d'origine iranienne, pour: Zardosht et autres pièces du puzzle, roman autobiographique, (Gallimard, 2006). La présentation et l'échange, formalisés, seront suivis d'un second temps, plus informel, autour d'un repas, le tout, indissociable, pour le prix de 25e (hors boissons). More info : Pour tout renseignement : Frederic Fredj http://fr.f610.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=fr.fredj@mille-feuilles.fr Tel.: 06 08 43 50 53. AT : restaurant Candide (6 avenue Parmentier - 75011 Paris, m°: Voltaire / Leon Blum), RES Reqd: 01 43 79 11 75 !
*13 nov à 19h30 IVY WRITERS bilingual reading : UNE SOIREE DE TRADUCTION « PARIS-TIRET-USA » With French authors : Jacques DEMARCQ, Jean-Michel ESPITALLIER & Virginie POITRASSON & American authors : Jennifer K. DICK, Marilyn HACKER & Michelle NOTEBOOM organised with la Maison des écrivains et de la littérature, & Christophe Lamiot Enos: Following a translation workshop at M.E.L., we invite you to come listen to our translations ! BIOS : J Demarcq interroge les limites du sens et questionne les cultures. Poète, traducteur, essayiste, et agrégé de lettres modernes, il a publié de nombreux recueils et de livres d'artistes ainsi que des traductions de cummings, Stein... ; J.K Dick interroge les limites de la syntaxe et les frontières du genre. Traductrice, poète, essayiste : l'auteur de Fluorescence, Retina/Rétine et Enclosures. J-M Espitallier « est représentatif d'une génération qui, proche en cela de l'art contemporain, » Cofondateur de Java, poète, traducteur, essayiste qui a publié de nombreux oeuvres: Caisse à outils, Tractatus logo mecanicus… M Hacker mêle des portraits de la vie à Paris et à New York dans une écriture à la fois lyrique et narrative. Traductrice, essayiste, poète : parmi ses nombreux recueils, Essays on Departure: New & Selected Poems 1980-2006 (Carcanet, UK) vient de paraître. M Noteboom utilise le collage et le 'pop culture' à travers l'écriture comme moyens d'interroger la musicalité de la phrase, et les frontières du corps et de l'être. Traductrice et L'auteur de Edging (Cracked Slab, 2005). V Poitrasson, écrivain, traductrice, plasticienne et performeuse, elle explore les frontières entre les modes d'expression linguistiques et plastiques (sons, vidéos, sérigraphie…). L'auteur d'Épisodes de la lueur et de Série ombragée, sa traduction de Slowly de Lyn Hejinian a paru en 2006 chez Format Américain: Lentement. AT : Le NEXT 17, rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris, m° Etienne Marcel/Les Halles entrée gratuite Plus d’infos : ivywritersparis@gmail.com ou http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/
*14 Nov 19h30 An Evening at the American Library with Travel writer Thirza Vallois, author of ‘Averyon: A Bridge to French Arcadia.’ AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60 http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
*14 nov à 19h : Hommage à FRIDA KAHLO à l'occasion de la parution de sa correspondance Frida Kahlo par Frida Kahlo (Bourgois), péparée par Raquel Tibol. En présence de la traductrice de l'ouvrage CHRISTILLA VASSEROT. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*14 nov à partir de 19h : Hervé Claude, journaliste et écrivain, signera son nouveau roman policier Mort d'une drag-queen (Collection Babel/Noir) AT : Librairie Les Mots à la Bouche, 6 rue Sainte-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie, 75004 Paris, tél : 01 42 78 88 30 / http://www.motsbouche.com/otsbouche.com
14 Nov at 6:30 p.m Professional Women's Task Force conference invites Speaker: Laurel Zuckerman, author of Sorbonne Confidential, on the Subject: “Can France become bilingual?” Location: AmCham France, 156 boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris M°: Miromesnil ou Saint Philippe du Roule, Tel : A ”forfait” event for President’s Council, Corporate & Individual IDF Members Other Members: € 20 – Non Members & Guests: € 40 Reservations must be received by close of business on Friday, November 9, 2007.
*15th Nov at 7 pm: ABHA DAWESAR discusses and reads from ‘BABYJI’, published in France by Heloïse d'Ormesson, translated by Isabelle Reinharez, and short-listed for the Prix Femina. Abha Dawesar will also speak about her most recent novel: That Summer in Paris. Praise for Daweshar’s writing: 'If Lolita had grown up in India, she might have debuted in a novel like this. Babyji is riveting, a great gift to read'. Vendela Vida 'Captivating.... steamy... a sweet and exciting gust of fresh air...' 'Dawesar's erotic prose jumps off the page like a dancer in flitght'.Chicago Sun-Times Abha Dawesar was born in New Delhi, India, and lives in New York. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
*15 Nov at 19h La Médiathèque rencontre… Barry McCrea. Writer-in-residence Barry McCrea’s novel ‘The First Verse’ won a number of awards and was selected for the Barnes & Noble “Discover Great New Writers” programme. His work is admired by prestigious critics such as Edmund White and Colm Toibin. “My writing has always centred on a Dublin-Paris axis, both figurative and literal. The last novel ended with Dublin and Paris fading into each other and becoming a single amalgam city, and the one I want to work on at the Centre is multi-voiced and set between the two cities.” AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Free entry according to availability, please RESERVE via: Tel : 01 58 52 10 30. More info at: http://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/
*15 nov à 19h : Le P.E.N. Club français et le CNL sont heureux de vous convier et de vous présenter *Les belles étrangères: Liban* *La revue "Siècle 21, littérature & société" "Ecrivains libanais d'aujourd'hui"* Présentation Jean Guiloineau ; Modération Marilyn Hacker, écrivaine avec *Joumana Haddad, Etel Adnan, Nohad Salameh, écrivaines libanaises*et Antoine Jockey, traducteur et journaliste libanais AT : Pen Club, 6 rue françois Miron 75004 Paris, Tél : 01 42 72 41 83 ou penfrancais@aol.fr
16th Nov: Concert: Lucinda Williams, in Paris on her European tour. She's never played here before! AT: the Trabendo, 211, avenue Jean Jaures, Parc de la Villette Paris 75019. tickets on the night 36 €, early Tix for 33e by sending cheques for 33 euros to Beer Necessities (RT Tickets) 104, quai de Jemmapes Paris 75010 + stamped addressed envelope please, so we can send you your tix!). More info, complete details and other events at http://www.anythingmatters.com/
17 nov at 21h00 : Concert with the « Choeur d'Oratorio de Paris » ! Au programme : Quatre siècles d'art choral pour choeurs, cuivres et orgue * Choeur d'Oratorio de Paris * Cuivres et continuo de l'Orchestre Léon Barzin * Orgue : Vincent Warnier * Direction : Jean Sourisse* Location : Vente des billets sur place à partir de 1h avant le début du concert ; Réservation possible : - par téléphone au 06 82 67 04 71- par courriel à l'adresse : billets@oratoriodeparis.asso.fr Placement libre Prix des billets : 25 euros (tarif réduit : 20 euros) AT : Eglise Saint-Etienne du Mont, 1 place Sainte-Geneviève, 75005 Paris.
*18 Nov at 19h30 MOVING PARTS presents a playreading in English of Celia McBride’s "Back of all Things" Plays read aloud by actors with the author present, often followed by a discussion or feedback session. AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries. More on Moving Parts at: http://www.stefcampion.com/, or get on Stephanie’s listing via : movingparts@orange.fr
*19 Nov 7pm: Susan Johnson will be reading from The Broken Book. This novel, re-imagining the life of writer Charmian Clift, is one of the most powerful and moving Australian novels of recent times. “The Broken Book confirms Johnson's status as one of the finest Australian writers . . . fiercely beautiful.” - The Australian Susan Johnson is the author of Flying Lessons, A Big Life, A Better Woman, Hungry Ghosts and Messages from Chaos all of which have received various awards and nominations. AT: Shakespeare & CO, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*20 Nov : 20h. LIVE POETS reading with Michelle NOTEBOOM, Rufo QUINTAVALLE and William STRANGMEYER. Organized by John Kliphan, ‘Live poets’ is Paris’ longest running reading series! AT: The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris. Tel: 01 43 26 54 20 http://www.the-highlander.fr/ M°s: Odéon, St Michel, or Mabillon. Donation: 5 E for email reminders, sign up for their mailing at: live_poets@hotmail.com
*20 Nov : Inventaire/ Invention vous invite à une lecture de Sonia Chiambretto et d’Edith Azam, en français. It’s advised that you reserve your places, as there are only 50, via telephone at 01 42 40 33 21 or email: redaction@inventaire-invention.com. For full programme, watch http://www.inventaire-invention.com/ for updates. At: Inventaire/Invention, Folie du Canal N5, Parc de La Villette, follow along the Galerie de l’Ourq in the park—take the pedestrian walk along the galerie de la villette from the Porte de Pantin metro, then turn onto the Galerie de l’Ourq—it is the red building there, in the dark, which you can see through the windows of. It’s face à la geode.
*20 Nov 18h30 An Evening at the American Library with Richard Ford, winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction, author of ‘The Sportswriter,’ ‘Independence Day,’ and ‘The Lay of the Land.’
Please note the exceptional time for this event. Reservations recommended. AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60 http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
20 Nov thru 9 Dec : mardi-samedi à 20h30 / dimanche à 16h LE CABARET A.T.C. (Appellation Terroriste Contrôlée...) Strip Tease moldane, diva sulfureuse, mime, soudain, une valise seule au beau milieu d'un cabaret, attaque ou oubli ? enquête... Le nouveau projet de la compagnie LES ECHAPPES, (dont figure un texte, la voix et les talons aguilles de Justin Taylor), tourne autour de la notion de cabaret et de nos libertés individuelles... Jusqu'où est-on prêt à renoncer à nos libertés au nom de la sécurité... Vidéos, chansons, musique, l'ancien et le neuf se mélangent sur le plateau pour créer un langage imaginaire. http://cie.lesechappes.free.fr/ or http://www.myspace.com/cabaretatclesechappes Atelier de théâtre forum les mercredis, samedis et dimanches 2h30 avant le spectacle Renseignement : Sophie 0 682 550 520 AU THEATRE DE MENILMONTANT 15 rue du Retrait 75020 Paris M° Gambetta L3&3bis / Bus 26, 65, 60. Info/RES : 01 46 36 98 60
*22 Nov: 19h - 20h. Les jeudis de l'Oulipo : Les héritiers de Queneau et de Perec poursuivent chaque mois leurs joutes et leurs jeux avec la langue française, la narration et l'humour. AT : BNF site François-Mitterrand, Grande auditorium, FREE !
*22 nov at 19h : Rencontre avec Wendy Delorme qui lira des extraits et signera son livre Quatrième génération (Editions Grasset)Doctorante en sciences sociales, l'auteure est aussi comédienne. AT : Librairie Les Mots à la Bouche, 6 rue Sainte-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie, 75004 Paris, tél : 01 42 78 88 30 / http://www.motsbouche.com/otsbouche.com
22 novembre, 18h30-20h30. Mon théâtre : Richard Peduzzi, Soirée thématique. En collaboration avec le département des Arts du spectacle, la BnF propose un rendez-vous régulier avec une figure marquante du théâtre. Après Jacques Lassalle, Roger Planchon, Lucien Attoun et Micheline Attoun, c'est au tour de Richard Peduzzi d'évoquer sa carrière. Depuis 1969, Richard Peduzzi réalise des scénographies souvent mystérieuses et labyrinthiques, en particulier celles des spectacles du metteur en scène Patrice Chéreau. Il retrace pour nous son parcours. At the BNF, site François-Mitterrand, Petit auditorium, entrée libre.
*23 Nov : 20H00. Join us at the Abbey Bookshop to mark the French edition launch of “Lee Miller, Une Vie / A Life” by Caroline Burke: the author and translator of the French edition will speak. Lee Miller’s life embodied all the contradictions and complications of the twentieth century: a model and photographer, muse and reporter, sexual adventurer and domestic goddess, she was also America’s first female war correspondent! Carolyn Burke, a biographer, art critic and translator, met and befriended Lee Miller, while conducting research for her book, Becoming Modern: The Life of Myrna Loy. She reveals how the muse who inspired Man Ray, Cocteau, and Picasso could be the same person who unflinchingly photographed the horrors of Buchenwald and Dachau. Burke captures all the verve and energy of Miller’s multifaceted life:Lee Miller illuminates an astonishing woman’s journey from art object to artist. AT: The Abbey Bookshop, 29, rue de la Parcheminerie, 75005 Paris. M° St. Michel/ Cluny la Sorbonne: 01 46 33 16 24
*26 Nov 7pm: Jeanette Winterson will be reading from her latest novel The Stone Gods. The Times says, "this is a story about love. But it…places narrative endeavour at the heart of personal identity:. . . . Her writing is funny and beautiful. It cocoons the novel’s dark heart: a society that has lost its innocence . . .” Winterson is the author of Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, The Passion, Sexing The Cherry, Written On The Body, Art & Lies, Art Objects, Gut Symmetries, The World And Other Places, The.Powerbook, Lighthousekeeping, Weight, a book for children: The King of Capri, and Tanglewreck, a novel for older children. In addition she dramatised Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit for BBCTV in 1990, and wrote a TV film, Great Moments In Aviation for BBC 2 in 1994. In 2002 she adapted her novel The PowerBook for the Royal National Theatre London, and Theatre de Chaillot, Paris, directed by Deborah Warner. In 2006 Jeanette Winterson was awarded an OBE for services to literature. She has also won the Whitbread Prize, UK, and the Prix d'argent, Cannes Film Festival, etc. She writes regularly for The Times and The Guardian, and her journalism can be found on her site http://www.jeanettewinterson.com/. Read an interview about The Stone Gods at: http://www.jeanettewinterson.com/pages/content/index.asp?PageID=470 AT: Shakespeare & CO, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. http://www.shakespeareco.org/ This FREE BUT MUST RESERVE!!! Place by reservation only –seated & standing limited to 50. Please email jemma@shakespeareco.org to get on list, then please arrive before 6.45pm to ensure your place.
*27 Nov at 19h30 Rencontre with Colm Tóibín In collaboration with the Ireland Fund of France Writer, journalist and broadcaster, Colm Tóibín is a major figure in Irish cultural life. He won the Booker Prize for his masterpiece novel ‘The Master’. This rencontre forms part of a series supported by the Ireland Fund of France, presenting the best contemporary Irish writers to a Paris audience. Tóibín is a great prose stylist whose most recent work includes the collection of stories ‘Mothers and Sons’. He is a member of Aosdana. AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Free entry according to availability, please RESERVE via: Tel : 01 58 52 10 30. More info at: http://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/
*27 nov at 19h30 : "La poésie et son interprétation" Rencontre-lecture autour des Sonnets de Shakespeare et des Mots basculés de Nicolas Chevalier-Bahuaud qui dédicacera son recueil AT : Librairie Les Mots à la Bouche, 6 rue Sainte-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie, 75004 Paris, tél : 01 42 78 88 30 / http://www.motsbouche.com/otsbouche.com
*28 Nov 19h30 An Evening at the American Library with Laura Lam, author of ‘Late Blossom: Memories of Life, Love and Loss in Viet Nam.’ AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60 http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
*28 nov de 14h à 20h, Mairie du VIè arrondissement, m° Saint-Sulpice : Violette and Co est la librairie partenaire du 6è Salon de l'Association française des femmes diplômées des universités (AFFDU). Une centaine d'auteures, se consacrant à des champs d'études très divers, sont présentes à ce Salon qui a lieu tous les deux ans, pour dédicacer leurs plus récents ouvrages. L'AFFDU regroupe depuis 1920 des femmes diplômées de l'Enseignement supérieur de toutes disciplines, engagées dans des carrières les plus variées, autour de l'idée que l'éducation des filles est la clé de la promotion des femmes. Info : www.int-evry.fr/affdu
*28th Nov 9pm on. OPEN MIKE: YOU READ with Paris’ Spoken Word series organized by David Barnes. “Open mic/scène ouverte: Performance poetry. Lire vivant. Poésie sonore. Stand up. Monologue. Stories. Beat poetry. Spoken word. English. Français. Your own original texts. Old texts from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron. There's only one rule – make the words come alive!” AT: L'Ogre à Plumes, 49/51, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud - 75011 PARIS M° Parmentier (ligne 3) / tél: http://www.logreaplumes.com/ more info on series : http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/
*29th Nov at 7 pm: DINAW MENGESTU talks about his novel « The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears » just published in France by Albin Michel: “Les Belles choses que porte le ciel” in a translation by Anne Wicke 'A novel about the architecture of hope and memory. .Mengestu has a fine ear for the way immigrants from damaged places talk in the sanctuary of their own company... he gets, pitch perfect, the warmly abrasive wit of the violently displaced and their need to keep alive some textured memories-even Wiscons in memories that wound- amid America's demanding amnesia.. Rob Nixon, Carson Rachel professor of English University of Wisconsin. Ethiopian by birth Dinaw Mengestu lives in Washigton DC.He currently lives in Paris and at work on his second novel. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
*29 Nov: dinner and evening with Children’s book illustrator Uri Shulevitz. Theme: Why is the most important picture in a picture book invisible? Meet award-winning author-illustrator Uri Shulevitz for a presentation, discussion and book signing, followed by dinner. Winner of the Caldecott and many other distinguished awards, Uri has an extensive bibliography and has also taught writing and illustrating at the New School for Social Research in New York City. His book Writing With Pictures, how to Write and Illustrate Children’s Books, is a source of info & inspiration. Talk only: 20e for SCBWI Members: Non-members: 30e; + Dinner (by res): 20e more. Info: http://www.scbwifrance.com/ or advisor@scbwifrance.com.
*30 nov à partir de 19h: Corinne Matthieu auteure du roman à succès La vie est gay (Editions de la Cerisaie) signera son nouveau roman « Allons-y gaiement ... »(à paraître aux Editions Manzuri) AT : Librairie Les Mots à la Bouche, 6 rue Sainte-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie, 75004 Paris, tél : 01 42 78 88 30 / http://www.motsbouche.com/otsbouche.com
30 nov à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de photos de MICHEL GUILLAUME "Haine et compassion" AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
starting Nov/Dec 2007:
“The OTHER WRITERS' GROUP” meets upstairs on Saturdays, 3-5pm: at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 3 euros. More Information at: http://www.shakespeareco.org/other_writers_group.htm
Nov 8 and 15 : 6:00-9:00pm “Master Class with Sharon Darrow” An intensive, learning experience...led by the chair of the Vermont MFA program in Children's Literature & Writing, poet and author of fiction and nonfiction books. Join us for a lecture, discussions, exercises and a critique session focused on the theme: “How to make your characters breathe”. Writers interested in enhancing their work through a study of voice, point -of-view and the stylistic issues of language should sign up early. Space is limited. Where: International School of Paris, 6 Rue Beethoven, 75016 Paris. Members: 50 Euros Nonmembers: 70 Euros. More details available on http://www.scbwifrance.com/ or contact :advisor@scbwifrance.com.
“From Memory to Memoir”: 12, 19, 26 Nov & 3, 10, 17 Dec from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. (Mondays)This course will explore the first steps a writer takes in the process of transforming memory into memoir. We will discuss story writing techniques and ethical as well as other issues specific to memoir writing. Weekly exercises will be focused on generating new material and learning how to hone it into well-crafted prose. Instructor: Tanio McCallum Fee:138€ Visit the WICE website to dowload a registration form and to see instructor bio - http://www.wice-paris.org/
“Flash Fiction”: 13, 15, 20, 27 Nov; 4, 6, 11 Dec from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. (Tues & Thurs)In this workshop, we will discuss Flash Fiction, also called Sudden Fiction or Postcard Fiction. This class is perfect for beginning writers who aren't sure where to start as well as for intermediate writers who would like to shape and edit their work. Writers will read and discuss passages of Flash Fiction; learn techniques to improve description, dialogue, and narration; and share their work with the class. Instructor: Janet Skeslien Charles Fee:165€ Visit the WICE website to dowload a registration form and to see instructor bio - http://www.wice-paris.org/
Alesian Literary Salon : a curious & diverse group gathers for six sessions discussing and analyzing a specific text, led by dynamic literature instructor Toby Brothers. Nov/Dec series: study Hamlet . Choices for salons: Tues Nights 8-10: Hamlet by William Shakespeare or Tues Afternoons 2-4: Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Salons start Nov 13th, register now. Cost 75e, including all photocopies. Info & registration: http://literarysalon.free.fr
or write Toby Brothers at: literarysalon@wanadoo.fr
“Writing the Short Story”: 13, 20, 27 Nov & 4, 11 Dec. from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. (Tues) For both beginner and experienced fiction writers, the course will help you discover how to write stories from the first impulse to the final revision. We will also discuss elements of "showing and not telling" the story and how to use active language and invent dynamic characters. We will discuss the concrete elements of time, space, and plot as well abstract elements of voice, form, and structure. Through in-class writing and weekly assignments, students will produce a small body of fictional work. Instructor: Sandy Florian Fee:138€ Visit the WICE website to dowload a registration form and to see instructor bio - http://www.wice-paris.org/
15, 22, 29 nov + 6 & 13th Dec: "Advanced Nonfiction Novel Writing": Bringing a book to a close? Ready to have 4-5 chapters read through and critiqued for content, readability, plotlines, character development, voice, dialogue, or just to get some general edits? Then this private, small group (max 6) workshop is for you. Authors working on nonfiction or fiction collections/novels are welcome. Instructor Jennifer K Dick. More Info and details via fragment78@gmail.com or fragment3@yahoo.com
“Savoir-Faire”: 13 Dec 2007, 21 Feb & 15 May 2008: A four-part series led by published authors and illustrators of children's books Four evenings (do ALL or come for ONE) of information-packed shop talks with pros. Have you ever made up a bedtime story for a child that made them squeal with laughter or sent goosebumps scurrying up their tiny arms? If you want to know what it's like to be a professional writer or illustrator for children, then this series is for you. Come and gain some savoir-faire. Find out about their creative process. Pick up tips. Learn how to market your work. Get feedback on your ideas. And ask lots of questions. Basically, come and gain some savoir-faire. Where: WICE, 20, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris Time:7:00-9:00 p.m Members: 6 Euros per evening Nonmembers: 8 Euros per evening. More details available on our web site (http://www.scbwifrance.com/) or via: tioka@scbwifrance.com or for more details visit http://www.wice-paris.org/
III) NEWS REVIEWS & REVIEWS NEWS: Calls for work, new Publications:
A VERSAL CALL for WORK: Versal wants your poetry, prose, and art for its sixth issue due out in May, 2008. Internationally acclaimed literary annual published in Amsterdam; perfect bound, 100 pages of the urgent, involved, & unexpected. Full guidelines: http://versal.wordsinhere.com/. Inquiries: versal@wordsinhere.com. Sample copies can be purchased at Red Wheelbarrow. Deadline: January 15, 2008.
SUBMIT & SUBSCRIBE NOW!: CutBank is interested in art, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction of high quality and serious intent for its 68th issue! Submit October - February, with an SASE. Cutbank Prints work by well-known and previously unpublished artists, as you’ll see in issue 67 Featuring work by Patricia Goedicke, Danielle Dutton, Jennifer K. Dick, Sandra Miller, Kismet Al-Hussaini, & others. Also, CUTBANK is now offering a great INTERNATIONAL subscription rate just for YOU! See: http://www.cutbankonline.org/subscriptions_and_back_issues/index.html $18, + servicing of international orders for current and back issues at the regular rates. All of this can be ordered with a credit card online, or there is also snail mail form linked there if one prefers to write a check. See complete submission guidelines or details at http://www.cutbankonline.org/. Address subs to the appropriate editor—poetry, fiction, nonfiction or art—at: CutBank, Department of English, The University of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA.
READ ONLINE: Writers’ Collaborative Blog emerging online at http://rewords.blogspot.com/ A place for authors to dialogue in poem, prose poem, extracts of prose pieces. Just emerging—keep your eye on it as it grows and grows! Started in Paris, moving outwards…to you?
RADIO PLAYS WANTED: Calling all authors!: Chris Mack, who runs the English language radio show "Cozy Fun Paris", is looking for ultra-short (5 -10 min) radio plays, or longer radio plays which would be suitable for serialisation (i.e. cutting up into 5-10 minute chunks, ending with a "tune in next month to find out if he's telling the truth" sort of thing). You can contact Chris on mackact@mac.com
ANNOUNCING: The publication of James Cherry’s novel, “Shadow of Light” in the u.k. by Serpents’ Tail Press (http://www.serpentstail.com/) Also, his collection of poems, “honoring the ancestors”, will be published by third world press in april 2008. Cherry has had work in Paris review Upstairs at Duroc and is hoping to visit our fair city on a reading tour.
EDITORIAL SERVICES, CRITIQUES, AND COACHING by published author with MFA, PhD, & 8 years of teaching & tutoring experience. Whether you just beginning & want to learn how to honor your instincts & find your voice, or whether you have a nearly finished manuscript that needs a good critique from an experienced reader, Sandy Florian offers professional, honest, insightful advice for all your writing projects at reasonable rates. Email: sandyflorian@yahoo.com Phone: Instructor bio: MFA from Brown University’s Creative Writing Program, PhD in English & Creative Writing from the University of Denver. Florian is the author of Telescope (Action Books), 32 Pedals & 47 Stops (Tarpaulin Sky Press), & The Tree of No (forthcoming with Action Books). Her work appears in over 40 national & international journals including Slope, Coconut, bird dog, Diagram, & Parthenon West Review. Visit her blog at http://boxingthecompass.blogspot.com/ & see a complete vitae at https://portfolio.du.edu/pc/port.detail?id=93592
NOW OUT! READ: Rod Smith’s DEED, from Univ of IA, Kuhl House Poets Series, $16 at http://www.uipress.uiowa.edu/books/2007-fall/smithdee.html “The great thing about Rod Smith’s work is that it is all risk all the time. In Deed, he has built a substantial architecture whose ‘perilous upkeep’ is dazzling. This is a truly wondrous book.”—Peter Gizzi “With the sweeping vision of Whitman, the noun-play of Gertrude Stein, and the slant political commentary of the New York School, Smith chisels out a place of his own with a tremendous integrity of vision.” —Lisa Jarnot. Rod Smith is the author of nine other books of poems, including Music or Honesty, Poèmes de l’Araignées, and In Memory of My Theories. He edits the journal Aerial, publishes Edge Books, and manages the independent Bridge Street Books in Washington, D.C. Check out his epc site for interviews, older sample poems, etc.
NEW ONLINE In PARIS: Moving Parts has created a New & Improved site to commemorate their amazing playreadings series, a sort of library, not just for academic interest, but in case anyone - anywhere in the world - is ever looking for new plays to produce, & to honor its process and progress over the years. This site includes: * Archives : Mov Parts has hosted more than 250 plays. The site goes back to 2002. * Past Events : over 12 years, nearly 400 actors have generously contributed their skills in 1500 performances, with links to URLs and more! (Note: the "Past Events” browses into a few holes, so if anyone can help fill them up, Stef would be much obliged! Same for "Subsequently") * Actors' Showcase : photos on a showcase page linking to actor’s or their agent's website And: * Authors' Showcase : where would we be without the authors? Have a browse on :
CONGRATS!!!: Marilyn Hacker’s translation of Marie Etienne's “Roi des cent cavaliers / King of a Hundred Horsemen” was selected for the first Robert Fagles Translation Prize -- and it will be published by Farrar Strauss in the fall of 2008.
SUBSCRIBE TO COUNTERPATH PRESS: Announces two new books: A double volume by contemporary Mexican poet Dolores Dorantes, sexoPUROsexoVELOZ and SEPTIEMBRE, translated by Jen Hofer and copublished with Kenning Editions, as well as Italian poet Franco Loi's AIR AND MEMORY, translated by Andrew Frisardi. Still to come this fall, MOPUS, a deeply experimental first novel by Oisín Curran, & AUTOBIOGRPAHY / OUTGHTABIOGRAPHY, a quite magical chapbook of poems by Anthony Hawley. +ISSUE #2 of Counterpath Online (at http://www.counterpathpress.org/) just up, containing a diverse selection of work by our most compelling contemporary poets, guest edited by Jasper Bernes, & an extraordinary biographical essay & collage expo by Linda Norton. See details on a new subscription program: to spark some interest: $75 for a copy of every book from 2007, $125 every book from 2007 & 2008, & for $300 a lifetime offer of every book we publish. Please help COUNTERPATH PRESS with any donations you can make, buy a book, buy books for friends, tis the season & thanks!!!
OUT NOW!: MARGO BERDESHEVSKY'S new poetry book from THE SHEEP MEADOW PRESS “BUT A PASSAGE IN WILDERNESS” Available from Sheep Meadow or from the University Press of New England’s sites, or order through local bookstores Village Voice, Red Wheelbarrow, Abbey, et al: http://sheepmeadowpress.com/pages/author%20pages/berdeshevsky.html or: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~upne/1-931357-50-1.html Or see Margo’s Blog at: http://margoberdeshevsky.blogspot.com/ The launch in Paris will be January 10th, 2008 at Village Voice Bookshop.
MAY-JUNE 2008 Sublet sought: Laura Mullen is seeking a reasonably-priced sublet in central Paris for May 15 to June 15 2008 in case anyone knows of places that will be available or needs a house sitter at that time. She will also be giving readings, doing guest workshop(s) for poets during that month. To contact her with apartment offers, write to: afteriwasdead@yahoo.com
ENTER 1st POETRY BOOKS : for The 2008 New Issues Poetry Prize for FIRST BOOKS of Poetry: Deadline: Postmark Date November 30, 2007. See for more info, past winners, to order copies of winning books, & for complete submission guidelines: http://www.wmich.edu/newissue/
NEW ON SHELVES!!!: David Caddy’s new book, “Man in Black”, is available from selected bookshops in the UK and direct from http://www.pennedinthemargins.co.uk/ and http://www.amazon.co.uk/. John Kinsella writes ‘The incantations and damnations of Caddy’s poetry are at full tilt. Man in Black is like an ancient script that throws light on who and what we’ve become. It comes from the oppressed land.’ ISBN 978-0-9553846-3-9. Paperback 64 pages. UK RRP £8.99.
Announcing: The book "PARIS PROJECT ROOM" AVAILABLE at: LA LIBRAIRIE DU PALAIS DE TOKYO, 13 AV. DU PRESIDENT WILSON 75016 PARIS, http://www.palaisdetokyo.com/ -FLORENCE LOEWY-BOOKS BY ARTISTS, 9 RUE DE THORIGNY 75003 PARIS, http://www.florenceloewy.com,/& LA LIBRAIRIE DE LA GALERIE DU JOUR AGNES B, 44 RUE QUINCAMPOIX 75004 PARIS http://www.galeriedujour.com/
FENCE BOOKS CALL FOR WORK : The 2008 Motherwell guidelines and entry forms are up at: http://www.fencemag.com/contest/motherwell.html The postmark deadline for entries is between November 1st and November 30th of 2007. FYI: Fence Books is thrilled to announce the winner of the 2008 Fence Modern Poets Series: Star in the Eye, by James Shea, of Chicago, Illinois. It was selected by poet and memoirist Nick Flynn, and will be
published in the fall of 2008.
EDITRIXIE Announces : During the first year and a half in the life of Editrixie—an editorial-services group formed by Janet Steen, Rebecca Wolff, and Joanna Yas--we've edited fict, nonfict, and poetry manuscripts; consulted on finding agents and publishers; written text for websites, press releases, book copy, and travel guides, etc. New: Barbara Spindel, offering a solid background in both magazine publishing and academia. See her bio: http://www.editrixie.com/whoweare.php. We've also been in the news. Items about our business have appeared on Mediabistro's Galleycat, powells.com, and one-story.com. Learn more about us at http://www.editrixie.com/. Please keep us in mind for your editorial needs!
Paris Subletter wanted: December 15 to February 15 (while I'm away in the states). Large sunny room in a flat share with very cool filmmaker. Great kitchen. Wifi, high-speed internet, free calls to US. Wonderful piano in aparment. Great location in 11th. Metro Nation. 500 euros / month. Weekly rate possible. Are you moving? Storage possible while you look for place to live. justintiger@gmail.com 06 23 29 30 25
Norman Rush said, "The main effort of arranging your life should be to progressively reduce the amount of time required to decently maintain yourself so that you can have all the time you want for reading."
"Forget the epic, the masterwork ... you only have time to explode."--Nathaniel West, from The Writers’ Almanac, Garrison Keillor email posting for his American Public Media show—anyone can sign up to receive it daily for free!
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