15th-31st OCTOBER 2007
(Note: for earlier in October events + list of creative writing courses plus Calls for work, see the Other Oct 2007 Posting which you get to by scrolling pas this one):
*15 Oct: 7-9pm AN EVENING WITH LEE MILLER-STARRING AUTHOR CAROLYN BURKE, or rather with Carolyn Burke- art critic, translator & biographer of the poet Mina Loy: BECOMING MODERN. Model & photographer, muse & reporter, sexual adventurer & mother, Miller was a fascinating & multifaceted woman. Part of a glamorous circle in New York & Paris in the 1920s & 1930s that included Man Ray, Edward Steichen, Charlie Chaplin, Jean Cocteau, & Pablo Picasso, she then became a war correspondent during WWII—one of the first women in that field—shooting harrowing images of a devastated Europe, entering Dachau with the Allied troops, posing in Hitler’s bathtub. Where: Hotel L’Horset Opéra 18 rue D’Antin Metro: Opéra Tickets: 25 euros , complimentary appetizers, no-host bar Reservations: 06-7098-1368 (after Sep 12) or!Seating is limited. Info:
*16 Oct at 8pm--IVY WRITERS invites you to a BILINGUAL reading with authors Frédéric FORTE & Susana GARDNER !!! BIOS: Frédéric Forte is a poet &, since 2005, member of Oulipo. He’s published Discographie (l’Attente, 2002), Banzuke (l’Attente, 2002), N/S with UK poet Ian Monk (l’Attente, 2004), Opéras-minute (Théâtre Typographique, 2005), Comment(s) (l’Attente, 2006) & Potje vleesch with Jacques Jouet, Hervé Le Tellier & Ian Monk (La Nuit Myrtide, 2007) & he has work in the anthologies & group books: la Bibliothèque Oulipienne : Le voyage des rêves (2005), Tubes chinois (2006) & Chronopoèmes withJacques Jouet & Jacques Roubaud (2007He recently co-translated, with Bénédicte Vilgrain, 21 poèmes-anagrammes by Oskar Pastior (forthcoming in 2008 with Théâtre Typographique). From New England, Susana Gardner is poet & writer living in Switzerland. She has published chapbooks Scrawl, or (from the markings of) the small her(o) (Dusie Kollektiv, 2006) & To Stand to Sea (The Tangent Press, 2006) which is presently being translated into Italian by Canterena Press, Genoa. Another chapbook, EBB PORT, is forthcoming as well as her first full-length collection entitled lapsed insel weary also with The Tangent Press. Her poetry has also appeared in several anthologies, including "131.839 slög með bilum"(131.839 keystrokes with spaces) NTAMO, as well as Not for Mothers Only, a collection of poetry by women from Fence Books. She edits Dusie, the virtual online poetics journal & paper press ( & at : LE NEXT, 17, rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris ? M° Etienne Marcel / Les Halles ? Tél : 01 42 36 18 93. FREE ; Writing Series info: Michelle Noteboom & Jennifer K Dick ( ou
**16 oct de 18h30 à 22h Vernissage : Babel réinventé : dessins et calligraphies d’alphabets fictifs, alphabets ‘réels’, billets de banque sur des tissus du Sentier, traducteurs/couturiers. Valeur marchande, valeur d’échange. Installation/ laboratoire: Sarah Riggs ; Vidéos : Meryem de Lagarde ; Dispositif sonore : Pierre Willer - Dimanche 21 octobre, 17h, séance d’écoute: fictions alphabétiques (France Culture/Surpris par la nuit), prod. Omar Berrada & Sarah Riggs, réal. Pierre Willer - Samedi 27 octobre, 20h : buffet innarticulé par Françoise Valéry et Isabelle Jelen & l'Association Cuisines de l'Immédiat. Sur réservation avec la galerie - Intervention quotidienne, Sarah Riggs + Babéliens invités: 18h30 à 19h30- Livret-catalogue (sérigraphies et dessins originaux), tirage limité AT : galerie éof, 15 rue St. Fiacre, 75002 Paris ; tel - 01 53 40 72 22 - M°: Grands Boulevards (Note : This Art & Book/Word oriented show continues from the 16th thru 28 octobre 2007)
16 Oct: 18h30-20h30: THEATER DISCUSSION : Alors que l'Athénée Théâtre Louis-Jouvet programme une mise en scène des Nègres de Jean Genet et de Topdog-Underdog de Suzan-Lori Parks, la BnF organise une rencontre autour des représentations du Noir dans le théâtre contemporain. With Philip Boulay, metteur en scène, Cristel Alves Meira, metteur en scène & Sylvie Chalayle, Université de Paris 3 AT : BNF site François-Mitterrand, Petit auditorium, FREE !
16-26 Oct : THEATRE, « Le 20 novembre » texte et mise en scène de Lars Noren. Dans ce texte polyphonique, la poésie se mèle au récit insupportable, clinique, d’un suicide programmé. A la maison des arts, Créteil, Place Salvador Allende, Créteil. Tel : 01 45 13 19 19 ou lire plus sur
*16 Oct : 19h-21h. Launching NEW 3_2007 at Librairie Mazarine. The NEW 3_2007 event invites authors, artists, andtranslators including Etel Adnan, Olivier Delbard, Florent Fajole, Paul Kahn, Miska Knapek, Jake Lamar, Gilles Plazy and Eric Suchére. Grégoire Paultre will be providing sound design. For more information see AT: Librairie Mazarine (78, rue Mazarine, Paris 75006)
*16 Oct : Inventaire/ Invention vous invite à une lecture avec Emmanuel Adely et Nicole Caligaris, en français. It’s advised that you reserve your places, as there are only 50, via telephone at 01 42 40 33 21 or email: For full programme, watch for updates. At: Inventaire/Invention, Folie du Canal N5, Parc de La Villette, follow along the Galerie de l’Ourq in the park—take the pedestrian walk along the galerie de la villette from the Porte de Pantin metro, then turn onto the Galerie de l’Ourq—it is the red building there, in the dark, which you can see through the windows of. It’s face à la geode.
*16 Oct at 8pm: LIVE POETS season with exciting readings by Michael Lynch, Jonathan Wonham, & Moe Seager. With introductions by the organizer of the 14-year series, John Kliphan. AT: The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris. Tel: 01 43 26 54 20 M°s: Odéon, St Michel, or Mabillon. Donation: 5 E
17, 18, 19, 20 oct à 20h00 : Pièce : LES PRESIDENTES DE WERNER SCHWAB Avec: Catherine Denis, Martine Héritier et Carole Pereira. Mis en scène par: Catriona Laing Décor: Emilie Stemer Costumes: Mathilde Gibeaux au Théâtre de la Jonquière, 88 rue de la Jonquière 75017 Paris M° Guy Moquet ou Porte de Clichy Réservations: 0686444001 ou par mail Tarifs: 13 ou 11 euros
17 oct: 9h30 - 18h: Journée d'étude, Regards croisés sur la poésie européenne : Quatre poètes contemporains devant l'Europe et la mondialisation. Professeur Stéphane Michaud réunit les poètes Yves Bonnefoy (Paris), Michel Deguy (Paris), Kalász Márton (Budapest) et Wulf Kirsten (Weimar). Colloque en présence et avec la participation des quatre poètes invités. Ce colloque à valeur prospective éclairera les échanges inter-européens et, en particulier, la contribution trop souvent négligée que l'Europe de l'Est prend au travail sur le langage et les formes. Les débats et interventions mesureront le degré de réalité de la communauté des poètes, la manière dont chacun d'eux contribue à sculpter le visage du monde dans lequel nous vivons, travaille à un « vivre ensemble ». AT : BNF site François-Mitterrand, Petit auditorium, FREE ! Continues the 18th Oct at La Sorbonne.
*17 Oct: 20h Multilanguage Reading : Lecture par Michel Deguy, Márton Kalász, et Wulf Kirsten de leurs poèmes, assistés pour Kalász et Kirsten de leurs traducteurs. As part of the colloque Journée d'étude, Regards croisés sur la poésie européenne : Quatre poètes contemporains devant l'Europe et la mondialisation. Reading in French, German & Hungarian at : Université de Paris III, 17 rue de la Sorbonne, Paris 5e, salle Bourjac, galerie Rollin. Métro Luxembourg, Cluny, St Michel ou Odéon.
*17 oct à 19h : Hommage à la chanteuse SUZY SOLIDOR en présence de MARIE-HÉLÈNE CARBONEL pour la parution de sa biographie Suzy Solidor, une vie d'amours (Autres Temps) et de MARTIN PÉNET, historien de la chanson, pour le lancement du CD qu'il a conçu et réalisé avec un livret Suzy Solidor au cabaret, enregistrements rares et inédits : 1933-1963. Marie-Hélène Carbonel nous offre la première biographie de la chanteuse, abondamment illustrée ; elle présentera des documents originaux lors de la soirée. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
18 Oct: 10h à 18h30. Journée d’étude sur Yves Bonnefoy (Paris), Michel Deguy (Paris), Kalász Márton (Budapest) et Wulf Kirsten (Weimar). Colloque en présence et avec la participation des quatre poètes invités. Continued from 17 Oct. At : Université de Paris III, 17 rue de la Sorbonne, Paris 5e, salle Bourjac. Métro Luxembourg, Cluny, St Michel ou Odéon.
*18 Oct at 7pm. A reading by memoir & nonfiction author Sara Paretsky. In this powerful new book, Sara Paretsky explores the traditions of political & literary dissent that have informed her life & work, against the unparalleled repression of free speech & thought in the USA today. In tracing the writer's difficult journey from silence to speech, she turns to her childhood & youth in rural Kansas, & brilliantly evokes Chicago—the city with which she has become indelibly associated—from her arrival during the civil-rights struggle in the mid-1960s to her most extraordinary literary creation, the south-side detective V. I. Warshawski. Paretsky traces the emergence of V. I. Warshawski from the shadows of the loner detectives that stalk the mean streets of Dashiell Hammett's & Raymond Chandler's novels, & in the process explores American individualism, the failure of the American dream, & the resulting dystopia. Both memoir & meditation, Writing in an Age of Silence is a compelling exploration of the writer's art & daunting responsibility in the face of the assault on US civil liberties post-9/11. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
*18 October 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Savoir-Faire: A series led by professional authors & illustrators of children's books Have you ever made up a bedtime story for a child that made them squeal with laughter or sent goosebumps scurrying up their tiny arms? If you want to know what it's like to be a professional writer or illustrator for children, then this series is for you. Come & gain some savoir-faire. Organized by the Society of Children's Books Writers & Illustrators Maryann Macdonald is the author of 21 fiction & nonfiction books for children, including LITTLE PIANO GIRL, forthcoming from Houghton Mifflin. Pedro de Alcantara's most recent book, BEFIDDLED, recounts the story of 13-year-old Becky Cohen, a budding violinist who battles against stage fright, a mean music teacher, the scorn of her peers, & bad hair. Bridget Strevens-Marzo wrote & illustrated her first three children's books about a boy who travels across Europe. Since then it’s her illustrations that have traveled the most, in books published in France, the U.S., U.K./, Korea, Germany, Spain, China. Free for WICE members AT: WICE, 20, bd du Montparnasse 75015 Paris, France Metro: Duroc/Falguière Tel Mon - Fri, 10a.m.-4:30p.m. or email :
*18 October at 19:30. “Aveyron: A Bridge to French Arcadia:” by Thirza Vallois who will present & sign her book at WH Smith. Vallois, author of the highly acclaimed Around & About Paris series & Romantic Paris, shares her amazing journey to blessedly undiscovered Averyon, where the cutting-edge Millau Viaduct & the ancient Roquefort cheese cohabit, where Knights Templar villages host anti-globalisation rallies, where Michelin-starred restaurants serve contemporary cuisine next to prehistoric monuments, all by the old pilgrim road to Compostela. In a recent poll Aveyron was voted by the French themselves as the number 1 area for its unbeatable quality of life. FOOD WILL BE SERVED AT THIS EVENT! AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at or via their site.
*18 Oct: 20h-22h30. Video-theater-Readings + slam en français with the International Festival des arts et des écritures contemporaines : ActOral.6. See their programme online for complete details at : & click on PARIS part 1/ AT : Le Theatre National de la Colline, 15, rue Malte Brun 75020 Paris, Tél : 01 44 62 52 52, ou:
*19 Oct at 19h30 Lire en Fête 5th anniversary of the Centre Culturel Irlandais : Rencontre with 5 women writers « Une ville finit par être une personne », wrote Victor Hugo in Legend of the Centuries. The annual festival Lire en Fête has as its theme this year the celebration of our literary heritage & the relationship between authors & environments - « Une ville, une œuvre ». In the context of this & to mark the fifth anniversary of the Centre Culturel Irlandais five Irish writers have been invited to the CCI : Jennifer Johnston, Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill, Mary O’Malley, Anne Haverty et Gina Moxley. AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Free entry according to availability, please RESERVE via: Tel : 01 58 52 10 30. More info at:
*19 Oct: 20h-22h30. Video Readings & “anti-readings” over Video-theater-& concert, en français with the International Festival des arts et des écritures contemporaines : ActOral.6. See their programme online for complete details at : & click on PARIS part 2/ AT : Le Theatre National de la Colline, 15, rue Malte Brun 75020 Paris, Tél : 01 44 62 52 52, ou:
**Samedi 20 et dimanche 21 octobre : Lire en fête. Info :
*20 Oct at 11am: In celebration of Lire en Fete this year we will have two Paris book launches - the first is the very entertaining and lovelySally Gardner with her wonderful new children's book (but like her awarding winning I, Coriander - a real cross-over title - in otherwords adults will enjoy reading it too!) The Red Necklace, a story of the French Revolution - the author will be present on Saturday the 20th at 11 am in the morning and for those of you who can't come then - she will be again at the Red Wheelbarrow at 4pm on Sunday the 21st ! Get a hardcover signed copy of The Red Necklace for your children, nephews and nieces and grandchildren and All are welcome! Penelope, Abigail and Amy AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 22, rue St Paul 75004 Paris France Tel (+33) 1 48 04 75 08 Fax (+33) 1 44 59 60 23
*20 oct, de 15h30 à 16h30 La revue Siècle 21 vous invite à un débat:Les écrivains libanais d'aujourd'hui avec Nohad Salameh (écrivaine libanaise) et Antoine Jockey (journaliste et traducteur libanais) Modération: Marilyn Hacker (écrivain) AT : Salon de la revue, Espace des Blancs Manteaux, 41 rue Vieille du Temple, 75004 Paris
*20 oct : participation aux activités de la Mairie du XIè : rallye littéraire toute la journée et à 15h : signature d'ALAIN RUSTENHOLZ de son dernier ouvrage Voltaire à Paris (Parigramme)
*20 Oct: 18h-23h. Performances, Readings, Impromptus over Video & a slam/rock concert, en français to close this year’s International Festival des arts et des écritures contemporaines : ActOral.6. See their programme online for complete details at : & click on PARIS part 3/ AT : Le Theatre National de la Colline, 15, rue Malte Brun 75020 Paris, Tél : 01 44 62 52 52, ou:
*20 oct à partir de 17h. Dans le cadre de "Lire en fête", Emmanuel Adely lira « Édition limitée » (Inventaire/Invention éditions, oct. 2007) à la librairie du Mk2 Bibliothèque : Nous vous y attendons nombreux. Librairie Mk2 Bibliothèque, 128/162 avenue de France 75013 Paris, tél. 01 44 24 74 56
*20 Oct at 7pm: In celebration of Lire en Fete AND for those of you who love coffee table books! and dream of owning a house in the countryside of France- Carla Coulson (photographer) and Vicki Archer (writer) will be at the Red Wheelbarrow to sign copies of their new book: My French Life! All are welcome! Penelope, Abigail and Amy AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 22, rue St Paul 75004 Paris France Tel (+33) 1 48 04 75 08 Fax (+33) 1 44 59 60 23
*21 octobre à 16h : en association avec le Conseil de quartier Nation Alexandre-Dumas, rencontre avec THIERRY SERFATY pour la parution de son dernier thriller Peur (Michel Lafon). Nous avions reçu Thierry Serfaty pour la parution de La Nuit interdite (qui vient de sortir en poche), premier opus sur le sommeil d'une tétralogie consacrée aux arcanes de la personnalité. De polar en polar, T. Serfaty montre sa parfaite maîtrise du genre. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*21 oct at 17h, séance d’écoute: fictions alphabétiques (France Culture/Surpris par la nuit), prod. Omar Berrada & Sarah Riggs, réal. Pierre Willer at the show : Babel réinventé : dessins et calligraphies d’alphabets fictifs, alphabets ‘réels’, billets de banque sur des tissus du Sentier, traducteurs/couturiers. Valeur marchande, valeur d’échange. Installation/laboratoire: Sarah Riggs ; Vidéos : Meryem de Lagarde ; Dispositif sonore : Pierre Willer AT : galerie éof, 15 rue St. Fiacre, 75002 Paris ; tel - 01 53 40 72 22 - M°: Grands Boulevards (Note : This Art & Book/Word oriented show continues thru 28 Oct, but the reading is only the 21st)
*21 Oct at 4pm: EVENT 2: In celebration of Lire en Fete this year the very entertaining and lovelySally Gardner with her wonderful new children's book (but like her awarding winning I, Coriander - a real cross-over title - in otherwords adults will enjoy reading it too!) The Red Necklace, a story of the French Revolution - the author will be present on Saturday then - she will be again at the Red Wheelbarrow at 4pm on Sunday the 21st! Get a hardcover signed copy of The Red Necklace for your children, nephews and nieces and grandchildren and yourselves! All are welcome! Penelope, Abigail and Amy AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 22, rue St Paul 75004 Paris France Tel (+33) 1 48 04 75 08 Fax (+33) 1 44 59 60 23
*22 Oct 7pm Come and enjoy an evening with Thirza Vallois when she will be reading from her latest book "Aveyron, A Bridge to French Arcadia." Vallois is the acclaimed author of the highly acclaimed "Around and About Paris" series and "Romantic Paris". After decades of devotion to her beloved Paris, she has ventured into the last and most remote corner of France. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. Free!
*22 Oct—7-9p.m.. Paris Thru Expat Eyes special evening with John Baxter. An enthusiastic collaborator with Paris Through Expatriate Eyes with his Paris When It Sizzled programs: "Whether cruising the film studios of the world to research his prize-winning biographies of Woody Allen, Robert DeNiro & Stanley Kubrick, or browsing a French flea market for rare books toenrich his extraordinary collection, John Baxter remains a man gripped by the same intense curiosity which drove him to abandon rural Australia to live in half a dozen countries before coming to rest in France.Since then, he has created a new reputation as a chronicler of Paris, both as experienced by him personally & by such vivid & sensational personalities as Josephine Baker, Scott Fitzgerald & Henry Miller who feature in his best-selling memoirs A POUND OF PAPER & WE'LL ALWAYS HAVE PARIS…” Where: Hotel Bedford, 17 rue de l’Arcade, Paris 75008, Metro: Madeleine, Tickets; 25 euros, no-host bar, Reservations: or more on
*23 Oct at 7pm: Julia Kristeva reads at Village Voice! Since arriving in Paris in 1966 as a doctoral fellow, Bulgarian-born Julia Kristeva has become a dominant figure in contemporary theory, as well as one of the world's most respected & rigorous intellectuals. Developing her thought by merging various disciplines—philosophy, linguistics, semiotics, literary theory, psychoanalysis—Kristeva's research has continually sought to formulate new modes of critical discourse in order to reflect logic & reality differently. Having realized the abiding impact of psychoanalysis on her work, Julia Kristeva has established a practice in Paris in conjunction with her obligations as a member of the Faculty at the University of Paris VII. For the last fifteen years, she has been a regular Visiting Professor at Columbia University, sharing the Chair of Literary Semiology with Umberto Eco & Tzvetan Todorov. She is also Executive Secretary of the International Association of Semiology & a member of many editorial boards. In April 1997, Julia Kristeva received one of France's highest honors "Chevalière de la légion d'honneur" for her work spanning thirty years & which has been translated into ten languages. The Norwegian Government named Julia Kristeva the first Holberg Prize (a sort of "Nobel Prize" for the Humanities) in October 2004. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
*23 Oct: 19h - 20h. Les jeudis de l'Oulipo : Les héritiers de Queneau et de Perec poursuivent chaque mois leurs joutes et leurs jeux avec la langue française, la narration et l'humour. AT : BNF site François-Mitterrand, Grande auditorium, FREE !
*23 Oct at 19h30 Music & Poems of the Earls in Irish, English & French. Poet Liam Ó Muirthile, singers Pádraigín Ní Uallacháin & Iarla Ó Lionaird, musician Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh. A reading & musical performance of the great outburst of poetry written by the Gaelic Court Poets when their dynastic leaders, O’Neill & O’Donnell set out by ship from Donegal for Continental Europe in 1607 – now known as The Flight of the Earls. The event both provoked & inspired the poets into action. AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris. Entry 7€. please RESERVE via: Tel : 01 58 52 10 30. More info at:
*23 oct: 18h30-20h30: A l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance de Jules Roy, la BnF organise une soirée exceptionnelle où sont invités quelques-uns des témoins de l'action et de l'œuvre de Jules Roy : Edmonde Charles Roux, Christian Bourgois, Mehdi Charef, Louis Gardel, Jean Lacouture et Jean-Pierre Millecam. AT : BNF site François-Mitterrand, Petit auditorium, FREE !
23 & 24 Oct: 8:30pm from New Orleans, a concert with Andy J Forest& his band. AT: La Java, 105 faubourg du Temple Paris 10 tickets on the night 15 € More info, complete details & other events at
*24 oct à 19h : Rencontre avec OLIVIA ROSENTHAL pour la parution de son roman On n'est pas là pour disparaître (Verticales). Des vies mêlées et des voix entrecroisées. Par l'écriture, l'auteure veut non seulement conjuger la maladie, mais aussi nous parler tout simplement de la condition humaine : mémoire et oubli, être et disparaître. Cette fiction est un très beau récit qui, avec humour et émotion, est un véritable traité de sagesse. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*25 Oct, 2:30-5:30 pm Visit Fleurus Presse: Attention ALL children’s book illustrators -- published & unpublished! Here is an opportunity to meet the editorial director of a company that publishes TWELVE children’s magazines. Find out how to expand your repertoire of subjects, build your portfolio & earn money with your artwork in Paris! At the very least, attending this event should give you some productive feedback on your work. SCBWI Members: 10-15e Nonmembers: 15-20e (cheaper rate if registered by Oct 4) *Special rate for students. More info: or contact : Where: Fleurus Presse 6-8, rue Jean-Antoine de Baif, 75013 Paris
*25 Oct à 19h Le Musée Zadkine poursuit son cycle de lectures avec Hélèna Villovitch, dans le souvenir warholien, multiplie les pratiques ; elle est nouvelliste, romancière, photographe, vidéaste, journaliste et cinéaste. Elle a fait paraître aux éditions de l’Olivier, Je pense à toi tous les jours, 1998 ; Pat, Dave & moi, 2000 ; Petites soupes froides, 2003 ; Dans la vraie vie, 2005 ; ainsi que Le bonheur par le shopping, Maren Sell, 2005 et La Maison rectangulaire, Estuaire, 2006, avec le dessinateur Erik Hedgray. Apres avoir participé au collectif Molokino qui proposait des séances de cinéma élargi, elle a réalisé de nombreux courts et longs métrages, notamment Bye bye Tiger avec Jan Peters, 2005. Hélèna Villovitch lira Bouvarde et Pécuchère, et des textes de quelques amis (Jane, Gustave, Samuel, Marcel). AT : Musée Zadkine, 100 bis rue d’Assas 75006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 Entrée libre
*25 oct à partir de 19 heures. A l'occasion de la parution de « La gifle au goût public après” (Editions de la Différence) rencontre avec l’auteur Gaëtane Lamarche-Vadel, à la Librairie Michèle Ignazi,17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris
*26 Oct-- Doors at 7:30 p.m., music and readings begin at 8:00 p.m., drinks and laughter until 4 a.m. Opium Magazine (a US literary humor magazine) is unimaginably excited and proud to announce the debut of Opium Europe ( To celebrate, Opium is launching their annual Rocklit festival at Le Reservoir: a night of music from energetic indie bands, readings from brilliant authors and artwork from across the pond. Hosted by…Opium's founding editor, Todd Zuniga (all the way from San Francisco) Opium Europe's founding editor, Kevin Dolgin (all the way from Maisons Laffitte) And featuring readings by…Philippe Jaenada, Le Chameau Sauvage; Bruce Benderson, Autobiographie erotique; Alexander Maksik, The Amazing Adventures of Isabella Wanderling; Todd Zuniga, Scramble; Kevin Dolgin, Entropy …along with more of France's hottest literary writers (to be announced)! And music from a series of Spozzle artists: Bo, Dictaphone, The Cold Shoulder, & Jonathan Cooke. AT: Le Reservoir, 16 Rue de la Forge Royale 75011, 11th Arr. (+33 1 43 70 74 51) Cost: €5 Be sure to reserve if you'd like to have dinner at Le Reservoir (highly reccommended). Seating is limited, and the sooner you reserve, the better. You can reserve at +33 (0)1 43 56 60. If you plan on attending the event without dining, no reservation is necessary. More info on: or
*26 octobre, à 19 h Come out to hear Jacques Demarcq et Christian Prigent pour la sortie de Fusées 12 ; à l'Atelier-Véritable, 7 rue du Marché Popincourt, Paris 11e M° Parmentier ou Oberkampf, bus 46, 56, 96
*26 OCT—18h. LA LIBRAIRIE LES CAHIERS DE COLETTE vous invite à rencontrer CATHERINE MALABOU à l’occasion de la parution de « Les nouveaux blessés » Editions Bayard, Signature et conversation avec Dork Zabunyan. AT : LES CAHIERS DE COLETTE, 23/25 RUE RAMBUTEAU, 75004 PARIS, 01 42 72 95 06
*26 oct à 19h : Rencontre autour de la littérature jeunesse sur l'homosexualité en présence des auteures CLAUDINE GALEA et ANITA VAN BELLE et du psychologue PHILIPPE MICHEAU intervenant à l'Ecole des parents. Doit-on parler d'homosexualité dans les ouvrages pour la jeunesse ? Comment en parler ? A partir de quel âge ? A quelles difficultés se heurtent les auteurs-es ? L'aborde-t-on de la même façon lorsqu'il s'agit de filles ou de garçons ? Entre autres ouvrages destinés à la jeunesse, Claudine Galea a publié Entre les vagues et A mes amoures (Le Rouergue) et Anita Van Belle Le secret (Les 400 coups). AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*27 octobre, 20h : buffet innarticulé par Françoise Valéry et Isabelle Jelen & l'Association Cuisines de l'Immédiat. Sur réservation avec la galerie – as part of the show : Babel réinventé : dessins et calligraphies d’alphabets fictifs, alphabets ‘réels’, billets de banque sur des tissus du Sentier, traducteurs/couturiers: Sarah Riggs ;: Meryem de Lagarde & Pierre Willer Full info under 16 Oct listing. AT : galerie éof, 15 rue St. Fiacre, 75002 Paris ; tel - 01 53 40 72 22 - M°: Grands Boulevards. MUST RESERVE FOR THIS EVE EVENT.
*28 Oct at 19h30 MOVING PARTS presents a playreading in English of Eric Sanders’ "Napoleon in Exile" Plays read aloud by actors with the author present, often followed by a discussion or feedback session. AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries. More on Moving Parts at:, or get on Stephanie’s listing via :
*29th Oct 7pm. Nizaket Ali will be reading from Effra and Other Short Stories. See the Shakespeare & Co site for further info! Should be a great event. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. Free!
*31st Oct at 19h30 You are cordially invited to a literary Halloween evening of poetry and live music, ghoulish anecdotes, spooky gossip, a few skeletons in closets, and more.... with Heather Hartley, poet and performance artist; Bobby Rangell, saxophone and flute; Pierre Gros, contrabass AT: The American Library in Paris 10, rue du General Camou 75007 Tel: 01. 53. 59. 12. 60 free entrance
*HALLOWEEN KIDS CLUB: Come to our Kid's corner at WH Smith dressed up in your Halloween costume, for stories, treats & more. Featuring: Halloween Nights by Charles Ghigna Illustrated by Adam McCauley On Halloween Night by Harriet Ziefert Illustrated by Renée Andriani & We're off to Find the Witch's House by Mr. Krieb Illustrated by R.W. Alley AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. More info at 01 44 77 88 99 or at or via their site
*31 Oct 9pm on. OPEN MIKE: YOU READ with Paris’ Spoken Word series organized by David Barnes. “Open mic/scène ouverte: Performance poetry. Lire vivant. Poésie sonore. Stand up. Monologue. Stories. Beat poetry. Spoken word. English. Français. Your own original texts. Old texts from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron. There's only one rule – make the words come alive!” AT: L'Ogre à Plumes, 49/51, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud - 75011 PARIS M° Parmentier (ligne 3) / tél: more info on series :
e. e. cummings said, "If a poet is anybody, he is somebody to whom things made matter very little, somebody who is obsessed by Making."
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If anyone is interested..., a new website for art and literature criticism, welcomes submissions for ongoing discussion. is a forum to discuss the critical and artistic direction of the humanities. Artists, theorists, writers, philosophers etc are all welcome here. Especially welcome are reviews of collabrative work (art and poetry, for instance) or critical essays that show the ties between visual art and literature. Please send a query to I look forward to seeing your work!
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