28 September 2007


I) Readings & events, with asterisks to mark book events 1-14th Oct

II) Courses in Creative Writing by Start date
III) News Reviews & Reviews News—new publications, calls for submissions of creative & critical work


Until 13 Oct: If you’re off to Marseille, there is an International Festival des arts et des écritures contemporaines : ActOral.6. See their programme online at : http://www.actoral.org/ They also have some events in Paris the 18-20 Oct: see below!

*1er oct. à 20h: French author, art critic/historian Véronique PITTOLO will be doing « une petite lecture » of her newest poetic works, in French, this Monday to start off the month. At/au Regard du Cygne, 210 rue de Belleville.

*2 octobre: 18h30-20h30: Ionesco discussion evening : Les cinquante ans de la Cantatrice Chauve. Lectures, témoignages, projections. Avec, notamment, Gérard Bonal, Jacques Legré, Gonzague Phelip, Nicolas Bataille, Marcel Cuvelier et Jacques Noël. HISTORY : Le 16 février 1957, le petit théâtre de la Huchette accueillait pour un mois les deux premières pièces d'Eugène Ionesco, La Cantatrice chauve et La leçon, mises en scène par Nicolas Bataille et Marcel Cuvelier, dans des décors de Jacques Noël. Qui aurait dit en mai 1950, au Théâtre des Noctambules, et en février 1951, au Théâtre de Poche, que ces deux créations presque unanimement critiquées seraient jouées dans la même salle pendant cinquante ans ? Et pourtant, tous les soirs, le brigadier frappe les trois coups devant un public de toutes générations, de tous pays, qui ressort toujours étonné, conquis par la verdeur et l'universalité de ces deux œuvres. BNF site François-Mitterrand, Petit auditorium, FREE !

*2 octobre - 19h30. Soirée Dédicace Spécial événement pour Fashion Week DELUXE: How Luxury Lost its Lustre par Dana Thomas AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr . http://www.whsmith.fr/

3rd Oct—from 2:00-8:00pm: OPEN HOUSE & Discount Membership day for WICE: a cultural center with courses in CREATIVE WRITING, painting, photography, drawing as well as French cultural life (wine tasting, Museum visits, art history, French Language, etc) Wice also hosts the annual summer PARIS WRITERS’ WORKSHOP and runs UPSTAIRS AT DUROC lit mag which seeks volunteer editors, readers, layout help, reading coordinators, etc. About the Open House, Wice says: “We would like to invite you to our annual Open House!!! On Wednesday, with our special membership discount. During the Open House there will be a Silent Auction for many great prizes, everything from hot air balloon trips to fabulous restaurants, chocolates, pilates classes and voice lessons to name a few. WICE will also be launching a new department: Youth Programs whose goal is to help young adults from 12-18 years to improve their English skills, both for bilingual kids or those coming from a French language background!” Meet faculty, admin, ask about courses and get ideas about what WICE has planned for 2007-8! AT: WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, metro Duroc or Falguiere. Tel or email : wice@wice-paris.org for more info.

3 Oct: at 19h30 A ‘town meeting’ for Library members and the general public — a forum to discuss the future of the Library, to ask questions and make suggestions, and to mingle with fellow members over refreshments. AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60 http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/

3 Oct at 18h30 Paris Networking Cocktail (PNC): Cocktail, Talk, Plat du Jour: Special Guest: Veronique Bessonat: SELLING: Your Ideas, Your Services, YOURSELF. 15 euros. Reserve with Patricia at parissoirees@gmail.com Visit our website - http://www.parissoirees.com/ or Blog: http://www.parissoireesparisatnight.blogspot.com

*3 Oct à 19h : Rencontre avec NATHACHA APPANAH pour la parution de son roman Le dernier frère (L'Olivier). Nous sommes en 1945, David, comme quelques 1500 Juifs, a été refoulé en 1940 de la Palestine et déporté à Maurice. L'auteure, dans une langue lumineuse, émouvante et sobre raconte à la fois le point de vue de son personnage Raj enfant blessé qui cherche le salut et celui de Raj adulte qui s'interroge sur sa responsabilité personnelle face à l'Histoire. Le dernier frère est le quatrième roman de Nathacha Appanah après Les rochers de Poudre d'Or, Blue Bay Palace et La noce d'Anna (tous chez Gallimard). AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/

*4 Oct at 19h30 Rencontre with author Robert McLiam Wilson. Born in Belfast, the Irish writer Robert McLiam Wilson now lives in Paris. His novels Ripley Bogle, Eureka Street & Manfred’s Pain recount the stories of the marginalised during the Thatcher era in Belfast & their lives under the terrorist threat. A success with the critics & the public his writing is subtle & multilayered. AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Free entry according to availability, please RESERVE via: Tel : 01 58 52 10 30. More info at: http://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/

*4 octobre - 19h30. Champagne Cocktail Book Launch (sounds fun, doesn’t it?) Soirée Dédicace Spécial événement pour Fashion Week Luxury Fashion Branding:Trends, Tactics, Techniques par Uche Okonkwo. You can also win an amazing 1300e bag at this book launch via a raffle !!! AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr or via their site. http://www.whsmith.fr/

4 October 2007 : 20:20pm “pecha-kucha” night in PARIS. Vol 01! In the last edition of Wired there was a brief article about pecha-kucha, a sort of combination of poetry slam and business presentation utilizing Powerpoint. Apparently there are pecha-kucha nights all over the world now, and it looks like there is one at ENS de Création Industrielle here in Paris. Here's some links that explains the concept; it sounds kind of cool and makes me want to get better at Powerpoint, which would be easier to do if one thought of it as an art form and not just a boring business application. I thought it sounded like something that could be translated into any number of venues... I think the 6 minute 40 second length of "traditional" pecha-kucha sounds too long...maybe half that would be better. Anyway, I'm passing the idea along. It could be tailored to department meetings, art, music, literature, anything. On the fad: http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/magazine/15-09/st_pechakucha Yes, it is already in WikiWorld!: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pecha_Kucha The HOME site for the worldwide events can be found at: http://www.pecha-kucha.org/ Paris’s Local homepage is http://www.designersinteractifs.org/ which should give more details on what the Oct event will be all about. Grrovy to be hip, so pourquoi pas y aller? VENUE: Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle ENSCI, 48 rue St Sabin, 75011 Paris MUST RESERVE via the net (but free) at : http://www.designersinteractifs.com/site/index.php?evenement-20071004

4 octobre à partir de 18h (& until around 11ish !) VERNISSAGE : Art opening for Brazilain artist Julio Villani : Versoreverso 2002 video, et Silvia Mecozzi : Esferas 2007, sphères. AT : Sycamore Art Galerie, Impasse de la Boule Rouge, 7 bis rue Geoffroy Marie, 75009 Paris, m° Grands Boulevards. Tel : 01 47 70 25 12 more on http://www.sycamoreart.com/

4 octobre 22h00: CONCERT : LES 7 LEZARDS présente Jobic Le Masson - Peter Giron - John Betsch TRIO http://jobic.lemasson.free.fr/AT: Les 7 Lézards, 10, rue des Rosiers -75004 Paris tél: 01 48 87 06 97

4, 5 & samedi 6 octobre, à 20.30 : Classical MUSIC CONCERT on a Boat !: Un Voyage a travers la Vie et l'Amour : Ian Honeyman, s'accompagne au piano Dans « Dichterliebe » (Les Amours du Poète) - Robert Schumann & Heinrich Heine -& Songs of Travel (Chansons de Voyage) - Ralph Vaughan-Williams & Robert Louis Stevenson - à La Péniche Opéra, face au 46 quai de Loire, Paris 19ème, Mo Laumière, Jaurès, Stalingrad Réservations au 01 53 35 07 77

5th Oct: 17:00-18:00. Signing:“A Girl for All Seasons” Foreword by Manolo Blahnik by Camilla Morton, author of ‘How to Walk in High Heels: The Girl's Guide to Everything,’ will sign her latest book. If your resolutions tend to look much the same from one year to another and you are suffering from the suspicion that someone, somewhere is having more fun that you, then you need something to revitalise your lust for life. A GIRL FOR ALL SEASONS is here to help. Eclectic, practical and fantastical, A GIRL FOR ALL SEASONS is crammed with fascinating stories, inspiring ideas and surprisingly sensible advice. Forget who, when, why and what to wear. Get ready to wow! AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP requested at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr or via their site.

*6 octobre à partir de 19 heures A l'occasion de la parution de Les idées reçues sur le Portugal (Le Cavalier Bleu) rencontre avec Pierre Léglise-Costa. (Note : This is in a GREAT bookstore to get French poetry, prose, philosophy, critical work or books on art and artists. Need ideas? Just ask them!!!) At : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris tel for info : 01 42 71 17 00.

6 October 14h00 - 17h00: Special Event: Auto-Massage Afternoon: Traditional Chinese Medecine Workshop presented by Earl Ferguson, a gymnastics and motion fitness coach for more than 30 years, studying and practicing traditional chinese medecine for over 12 years. 30 Euros. Reserve at parissoirees@gmail.com

7 Oct at 18h30: (and 14, 21, 28 Oct) Paris Soirees every Sunday eve. PARIS SOIREES. Patricia is proud to have a 21st Century Parisian Salon. Our mission is to simply enlarge your circle of acquaintances in a safe and stimulating atmosphere while promoting Cultural Achievement, The New Age and Paris Personalities. And we have fun! We are THE gathering place for the International Community of Paris. Enjoy! Discuss! Meet new and interesting people. Reservations: parissoirees@gmail.com Patricia Laplante-Collins, 13, rue de Mulhouse (metro: Sentier, line 3), 75002 Paris. Tel: 33 1 43 26 12 88. See her Blog at: http://parissoireesparisatnight.blogspot.com/

*8 Oct at 7pm: Anne Marsella comes to read from her novel “Remedy” (Portobello Books, UK, 2007, ISBN 978-1-84627-091-8) Portobello’s lead fiction title this autumn introduces you to an utterly original heroine created with intelligence, wit and literary brio. Meet Remedy: a character unique yet instantly familiar, to be loved with both head and heart, a modern-day Cinderella and Simone de Beauvoir rolled into one. Remedy is perfect for anyone who yearns for a book whose heroine is, with all her idiosyncrasies, as intelligent as she is loveable. ‘Young, single, US fashionista scribe moves to Paris in search of love… sound familiar? Fear not. Far from dishing up a bijou Bradshaw, Anne Marsella has created a bizarre, original heroine whose belief in true love is matched only by her devotion to God… Marsella not only breathes life into the tired, old singleton genre but paints a vibrant portrait of Paris via the cultures of its immigrants.’ Jennifer Cox, Metro. AT: Shakespeare and Co, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris, M° St Michel.

*8 oct at 18h30 - 20h: An evening to honor little-known historical figures in literature. Tonight is dedicated to Madame de Staël (1766-1817) with readings and talks by Sabine Haudepin, comédienne, Lecteur & Martine Reid, Professeur de lettres. entrée libre sur réservation au 01 53 79 49 49 AT : BNF site Arsenal.

*10 Oct 9pm on. OPEN MIKE: YOU READ with Paris’ Spoken Word series organized by David Barnes. “Open mic/scène ouverte: Performance poetry. Lire vivant. Poésie sonore. Stand up. Monologue. Stories. Beat poetry. Spoken word. English. Français. Your own original texts. Old texts from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron. There's only one rule – make the words come alive!” AT: L'Ogre à Plumes, 49/51, rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud - 75011 PARIS M° Parmentier (ligne 3) / tél: http://www.logreaplumes.com/ more info on series : http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/

*10 oct à 19h : Rencontre avec NATACHA HENRY et LINDA WEIL-CURIEL pour leur ouvrage Exciseuse (City). Un témoignage important, mis en contexte par Natacha Henry (auteure notamment de Marthe Richard, l'aventurière des maisons closes et collaboratrice à Dites-le avec des femmes, le sexisme ordinaire dans les médias). AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/

*12 Oct 6:30 p.m. Reading and talk by Laurel Zuckerman: Is France Ready To Learn English? Having “split the academic world with a book that relates her experiences at the heart of the archaic French teacher-training system” (The Times), Laurel Zuckerman will explore France’s unique system of competitive exams and its impact on public schools—especially on the teaching of English. Laurel will read from Sorbonne Confidential, with Q& A and open discussion at the Paris Alumnae Network. In English. To sign up & for address of the event, please contact Liz le Couteur at lizlecouteur@wanadoo.fr Free for PAN members, €5 for non-members.

*12 oct à 19h : Rencontre avec CAROLYN BURKE, de passage à Paris, à l'occasion de la parution de sa biographie Lee Miller. Dans l'¦il de l'Histoire, une photographe (Autrement). Lee Miller (1907-1977), l'une des photographes essentielles du XXè siècle eut un destin remarquable. Carolyn Burke, biographe et critique d'art américaine, rencontra Lee Miller en 1977. Sa biographie a été distinguée par le New York Times. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/

13 Oct at 8 pm The Richard Thompson Band AT: the Trabendo, 211, avenue Jean Jaures, Parc de la Villette Paris 75019. tickets on the night 33 €, tix in advance at reduced rate: see: http://www.anythingmatters.com/

*14 oct at 19h30 MOVING PARTS presents a playreading in English of Susana Sedgwick’s "The Loo" The LOO is a play that scrubs, shocks, tickles, exfoliates, get's under your skin and even makes you laugh.Plays read aloud by actors with the author present, often followed by a discussion or feedback session. AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries. More on Moving Parts at: http://www.stefcampion.com/, or get on Stephanie’s listing via : movingparts@orange.fr

*****Note: FOR MORE OCTOBER READINGS, see NEW READINGS POST for 15-31st events.****

II) Creative WRITING COURSES in FRANCE starting Oct or Nov 2007:

October 8 – 12: all day INTENSIVE WORKSHOP: Your Character's Core Need, The Irrevocable Moment and Scene Arc. Monday-Friday. Class sessions: 9a.m.-1p.m.; One-on-one meetings between 1:30-5pm. 7 Day Workshop: Whether their battle(s) are real or imagined every good protagonist has an internal wound out of which she/he acts, and/or defends her/ his place in the world. Intimacy with your characters in both an emotional and physical sense aids the writer in staying on track. After a brief discussion of excerpts from various works of fiction where this occurs participants will then examine how they can employ this technique in projects they are working on. Instructor: Anjuelle Floyd, author of “Keeper of Secrets …Translations of an Incident,” attended the Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, California, and received her MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College, Port Townsend, Washington. 445€ SIGN UP IN ADVANCE as COURSE SIGN UPS CLOSE EARLY! 138€ AT: WICE, 20, bd du Montparnasse 75015 Paris, France Metro: Duroc/Falguière Tel Mon - Fri, 10a.m.-4:30p.m. or email : wice@wice-paris.org

Every Saturday, 3-5pm: THE OTHER WRITERS' GROUP Meets upstairs at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" "Any healthy man can go without food for two days, but not without poetry." - Charles Baudelaire See more info on this weekly workshop & its history at: http://www.shakespeareco.org/other_writers_group.htm For fun, go on a virtual tour of Shakespeare & Co! http://www.sav.org/shco/ AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. http://www.shakespeareco.org/ 3 euros.

October 18, December 13, February 21 2008, May 15 2008: Savoir-Faire: A four-part series led by published authors and illustrators of children's books Four evenings (do ALL or come for ONE) of information-packed shop talks with pros. Find out about their creative process. Pick up tips. Learn how to market your work. Get feedback on your ideas. And ask lots of questions. Basically, come and gain some savoir-faire. Where: WICE, 20, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris Time:7:00-9:00 p.m Members:15 Euros for the series; 6 Euros per evening Nonmembers: 25 Euros for the series; 8 Euros per evening. More details available on our web site (http://www.scbwifrance.com/), via: tioka@scbwifrance.com or contact :advisor@scbwifrance.com.

Oct. 18 - 24, 2007 INTENSIVE: From Page To Stage: Personal Essay Writing and Performance Workshop in Gascony, France with Author/UCLA Instructor Amy Friedman, offered through The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and Auvillar Writers’ Workshops. The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, one of the most respected international arts organizations, is pleased to welcome Amy Friedman to Moulin à Nef, our beautiful studio center in the enchanting medieval hamlet of Auvillar in southwest France. Amy brings her celebrated, inspirational coaching style into an intimate workshop setting where students will write personal essays and learn to perform then so that the audience is drawn into a comforting, intimate atmosphere. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to study with Amy in the unspoiled Gascony region, an area famous for gastronomic delights including excellent local wines. Auvillar is just four hours from Barcelona, and one hour from Toulouse. To learn more about transforming your life experience into riveting storytelling, visit From Page to Stage. Amy Friedman teaches personal essay and creative nonfiction at UCLA Extension, memoir writing at Case Western Reserve University, and all manner of writing in private workshops in Los Angeles. Author of two memoirs, Kick the Dog and Shoot the Cat and Nothing Sacred (Canada’s Oberon Press), Friedman has also written and published innumerable personal essays in the US and Canada and in several book collections. More about her at http://www.frompagetostage.com/ & read some of Amy's personal essays on Fresh Yarn webpage. Info: 434-946-7236 • franceworkshops@vcca.com $2195.00 (includes tuition, lodging, all meals, excursions) Registration Form Online at http://www.vcca.com/rachlin_final.html

November 8 and 15 : 6:00-9:00pm Master Class with Sharon Darrow An intensive, learning experience...led by the chair of the Vermont MFA program in Children's Literature & Writing, poet and author of fiction and nonfiction books. Join us for a lecture, discussions, exercises and a critique session focused on the theme: “How to make your characters breathe”. Writers interested in enhancing their work through a study of voice, point -of-view and the stylistic issues of language should sign up early. Space is limited. Where: International School of Paris, 6 Rue Beethoven, 75016 Paris. Members: 50 Euros Nonmembers: 70 Euros. More details available on http://www.scbwifrance.com/ or contact with questions: tioka@scbwifrance.com

III) News Reviews & Reviews News

JUST OUT: A new book by Susan Tiberghien, Director of the Geneva Writer’s Conference & author of 3 memoirs: “One Year to a Writing Life: Twelve Lessons to Deepen Every Writer's Art and Craft” (Marlowe & Company) $15.95.ISBN 10: 1-60094-058-7. Available through online stores, or order at your local anglo bookstores. For more on Susan, see http://www.susantiburghien.com/

ENTER 1st POETRY BOOK FOR : The 2008 New Issues Poetry Prize for FIRST BOOKS of Poetry: Deadline: Postmark Date November 30, 2007. See for more info, past winners, to order copies of winning books, & for complete submission guidelines: http://www.wmich.edu/newissue/

SUBMIT WRITING to EOAGH: A Journal of the Arts. EOAGH is an online journal, published twice yearly, which welcomes submissions year round. We're especially interested in the process of reading(s), the productive chaos of investigative poetic work, acts of attention that explore the close listening inherent not just in writing but also in being written. These are active, embodied experiences ("Reading is a gymnast's act") that encourage and provoke, responses that engage one's environment by blending lines between media through ekphrasis, phenomenology, and more. Themed issues will be announced periodically. See back issues at: http://chax.org/eoagh/ To submit, contact Tim Peterson (editor) or Charles Alexander (webmaster) at: Tim Peterson tscotpeterson@gmail.com 134 Prospect Place, apt D2, Brooklyn, NY 11217, or to: Charles Alexander chax@theriver.com

PRE-ORDER NOW!: MARGO BERDESHEVSKY'S new poetry book out from THE SHEEP MEADOW PRESS in November '07 “BUT A PASSAGE IN WILDERNESS” Available for *pre order* now, from Sheep Meadow or from the University Press of New England’s sites http://sheepmeadowpress.com/pages/author%20pages/berdeshevsky.html or: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~upne/1-931357-50-1.html Advance words for "But A Passage In Wilderness": " Margo Berdeshevsky is a mature poet and world citizen whose ever-lively sense of wonder both at the world and at language is a constant in her work. This is writing with emotional power, great beauty and immediacy, found in the here-and-now, woven with extraordinary awareness of what is precisely not beautiful in human life, which is an intrinsic part of the poems' texture and reason for being."--MARILYN HACKER "There is in Margo Berdeshevsky’s work a rare persistence of the lyric voice, used with a sense of ecstasy & grief almost religious in its evocations. …."--JEROME ROTHENBERG. Plus, read Berdeshevsky’s blog for up-to-dates and. Etceteras. Nice to look at, so do visit http://margoberdeshevsky.blogspot.com/ The launch in Paris will be January 9th, 2008 at Village Voice!

SUBMIT ARTWORK & WRITING: to Big Bridge, a webzine of poetry and everything else. If we like it, we'll publish it. We're interested in poetry, fiction, non-fiction, essays, journalism, and art of all kinds (photographs, line drawings, performance, installations, siteworks, comix, graphics, you get the picture). We accept simultaneous submissions. Please include a biographical note. If the work has been published previously, let us know where. If we publish an anthology, we reserve the right to republish your work in it. Copyrights revert to the artist.Send art as slides, prints or computer files, but no original work, please. Send electronic art and text to walterblue@bigbridge.org. Or mail disks and hard copy (S.A.S.E.) to: Big Bridge Press, 2000 Highway 1, Pacifica, CA 94044

GO READ & ORDER: Support One of the most exciting smaller presses in the states, run by Lyn Hejinian, called Atelos Press, which has their catalogue for order online at: http://www.atelos.org/titles.htm Click on book titles to see more on each collection. The authors include: Barrett Watten, Rae Armantrout, Leslie Scalapino, Clark Coolidge, Jalal Toufic, Carla Harryman, and MANY More! Some of my favourites are those by M. Mara-Ann, Rodrigo Toscano, Fanny Howe, or Tan Lin.

WHAT’s COOL in the UK?: Check out this really exciting experiemental press as well as the info on the two people running the press. Very nice work, and it seems there is more to come. Complete Catalogue at: http://www.barquepress.com/complete.html

AUTHORS SEEKING APT: for one+ years in Pairs. Seek a small one bedroom (as in 2-3pc) apartment that would be available for Paul and Paris Tannish + 2 SMALL dogs, as early as January 2008. Preferably with a washer (and dryer would be nice), but otherwise open (life/no lift ok, etc). Budget: approximately 1000 Euros a month (or less). Open to all areas IN Paris To see info on the writer: http://www.parisbyparis.com/ To contact with options, email:

APT SOUGHT: Paris for MAY-JUNE 2008 Sublet sought: Laura Mullen will be seeking a reasonably-priced sublet in central Paris for May 15 to June 15 2008 in case anyone knows of places that will be available or needs a house sitter at that time. She will also be giving readings, and doing a one day guest workshop for poets during that month. To contact her with apartment offers, write to: afteriwasdead@yahoo.com

SUBMIT BOOK MANUSCRIPTS: of innovative poetry, shorter prose & hybrid lit to FUTUREPOEM BOOKS OPEN READING PERIOD from September 1 through November 1, 2007. We welcome unpublished international submissions written in English, but no transaltions. We strongly recommend your read our current titles to understand the range of work that we publish before submitting to us. Please send 1 (one) copy of your manuscript, bound only by a binder clip or rubber band, and postmarked by November 1 to: Futurepoem books, c/o Dan Machlin, P.O. Box 7687, JAF STATION, New York, NY 10116. Publication decisions will be announced by end of March 2008. Please send a self-addressed stamped postcard if you want to be informed of manuscript receipt, & a self-addressed stamped envelope if you want to be notified of our final decision. For more, or to order current futurepoem titles: http://www.futurepoem.com/ and for ordering, go through spd books or your local bookstores!

SUBMIT;: to Orbis– C/o Carole Baldock , 17 Greenhow Avenue, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 5EL. It is a great mag in the UK: a Quarterly Literary International Journal, (80 pgs of news, reviews, views, letters, features, prose & quite a lot of poetry). Submissions by post: four poems; two prose pieces, 500 to1000 words Please enclose SAE with ALL correspondence. Overseas: 2 IRCs. Via email, Overseas only: two poems/one piece of prose in body. No attachments. Review copies & press releases to be sent to the Reviews Editor, Nessa OMahony, First Floor Flat, 4 Raglan Street Beaumaris LL58 8BP

SEEKING OFFICE & CLASS SPACE: Paris-based Anglophone cultural organization is looking for new offices: 50-80 sq. meters divided into two or more spaces, office area plus a meeting/classroom space. Centrally located, reasonable rent. Premises must be "for professional use". Send offers to upstairsatduroc@yahoo.fr

READ: Interviews with authors living in Paris by Paris author and editor Janet Siskelian Charles. 2 up, more to come! AT: http://www.skesliencharles.com/

SUBMIT BOOKS: to New Rivers Press, MVP Competition: Three prizes of $1,000 each & a standard royalty contract are given annually for book-length manuscripts of poetry, fiction, & creative nonfiction by emerging writers. The winning works will be published by New Rivers Press & distributed nationally through Consortium. This year, the prize in poetry is only open to writers who reside in Minnesota or New York City; the prizes in prose are open to all U.S. writers. Submit a poetry manuscript of 50 to 80 pages; a collection of short stories, novellas, or personal essays of no more than 200 pages; or a novel or memoir of any length between September 15 & November 1. There is no entry fee. Visit the Web site for the required application & complete guidelines.New Rivers Press, MVP Competition, 1104 Seventh Avenue South, Moorhead, MN 56563. Donna Carlson, Managing Editor. carlsond@mnstate.edu or http://www.newriverspress.com/

PARIS HOUSE FOR RENT: 1500. euros/month, available Nov.16th- end January 2008, possible extension thru Feb if needed. Beautiful, spacious house in quiet neighbourhood below Montmartre . One bedroom, a living room with dining area & kitchenette, small garden, bathroom with bathtub and a separate toilet, upstairs study and workspace that can be converted to a guest bedroom. There is a washing machine, a well equipped kitchen, a small television, DVD and Wi fi. The house costs 1500 euros per month all inclusive. Sheets and towels and blankets etc are provided. There is a 800 euro deposit which is returned promptly at the end of your stay as long as everything is in good condition. If you'd like to see more photos of the house and the neighbourhood, then paste the link below and check out our gallery on Flickr, http://www.flickr.com/photos/76216862@N00/ If you have any questions or you'd like to rent the house then contact us at bremner_duthie@yahoo.com or at pasoldla@yahoo.ca

SUBMIT FICTION TO : Kore Press, Short Fiction Award A prize of $1,000 & publication by Kore Press will be given annually for a short story by a woman. The winning story will be published as a chapbook with a print run of 500 copies. Submit a story of no more than 8,000 words with a $15 entry fee by October 31. Send an SASE, e-mail, or visit the Web site for complete guidelines.Kore Press, Short Fiction Award, P.O. Box 3044, Tucson, AZ 85702-3044. (520) 882-7542. Shannon Cain, Executive Director. kore@korepress.org or http://www.korepress.org/

READ online: Inventaire/ Invention press announced: Nous vous annonçons la mise en ligne du huitième texte et photographies L'architecture de Suzanne Doppelt de sa série Le monde est beau, il est rond. http://www.inventaire-invention.com/monde/larchitecture.htm

TAP INTO: Parler Paris ... written by Adrian Leeds, a long time resident of the Marais, and an American in Paris for more than 12 years. She brings you Mondays and Wednesdays an "insider" view on life in Paris with tips on how to maneuver the system for working, living, visiting, and particularly investing in property in Paris and France! Subscribe today: http://www.parlerparis.com/

SUBMIT STORIES to: Roanoke Review, Fiction Contest A prize of $1,000 & publication in the Roanoke Review is given annually for a short story. All entries will be considered for publication. Submit a story of up to 8,000 words with a $15 entry fee, which includes a copy of the prize issue, by November 10. Send an SASE or visit the Web site for complete guidelines.Roanoke Review, Fiction Contest, 221 College Lane, Salem, VA 24153. Melanie Almeder, Editor. www.roanoke.edu/roanokereview

Miguel de Cervantes said, "Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be."

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