THE RENTREE IS UPON US! I hope to see you out at some of these very exciting events! :
I) Readings & events, with asterisks to mark book events
II) Courses by Start date
III) News Reviews & Reviews News--publications announcements, calls for creative and sometimes critival work
2 Sept at 18h30: Paris Soirees with Jazz Expert and Journalist Patricia Myers: "Celebrating Four Great Ladies of Jazz" --Intriguing anecdotes from the lives of Dinah Washington, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughan. Reservations: Patricia Laplante-Collins, 13, rue de Mulhouse (metro: Sentier, line 3), 75002 Paris. Tel: 33 1 43 26 12 88. See her Blog at:
*2 sept a 19h30 MOVING PARTS presente la premiere lecture de la saison : une piece de Anne Ogor, LE LAVOIR, Dialogues et regards que portent quelques membres de la Societe sur un clochard....avecLOUSIE-ANNE MONOD, MURIELLE MARTINELLI, KRISTINA SHERWOOD, JACQUES LE DUC, MURRAY SIMPSON, FABIEN HOUSSAYE, STEPHANIE CAMPION, DANIEL LOBE, CATHERINE GUERRIN. AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
*3 Sept 7pm: Stephen Clarke will be reading from his latest books Merde Happens and Talk to the Snail. Stephen has lived in Paris for twelve years. In 2004, he self-published his first novel, A Year in the Merde, which featured the romantically challenged Paul West, and became a word-of-mouth bestseller, which has now been translated into sixteen languages including French. He has experimented with Gauloises, petanque and suppositories, but only as research for his writing. Praise for Stephen Clarke Edgier than Bryson, hits harder than Mayle - The Times Call him the anti-Mayle. Stephen Clarke is acerbic, insulting, un-PC and mostly hilarious. - San Francisco Chronicle Combines the gaffes of Bridget Jones with the boldness of James Bond…Clarke’s sharp eye for detail and relentless wit make even the most quotidian task seem surreal. - Publishers Weekly Clarke renders the flavor of life in Paris impeccably: the endless strikes, the sadistic receptionists, the crooked schemes by which the wealthy and well-connected land low-rent apartments…Clarke’s eye for detail is terrific. - Washington Post. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. Free!
*5 septembre à 19h. Double Change et Le Point Éphémère Invite you to a BILINGUAL reading with Sébastien Smirou & Andrew Zawacki. Bios: Translator and poet Sébastien Smirou a publié Simon aime Anna(rup&rud, 1998), Mon Laurent(P.O.L, 2003) et Ma girafe(Contrat maint, 2006). Il a également fondé et dirigé pendant sept ans rup&rud, une structure associative de micro-édition, publiant tour à tour des livres de Anne Parian, Anne Portugal, Caroline Dubois, Pierre Alferi, Peter Gizzi et Éric Houser. Pour différentes revues, il a par ailleurs traduit depuis l’Américain des textes de Kevin Davies, Peter Gizzi, Harryette Mullen, et Andrew Zawacki. Poet, translator, editor Andrew Zawacki est l’auteur de Masquerade (Vagabond, 2001), By Reason of Breakings (Georgia, 2002), Anabranch (Wesleyan, 2004), Georgia (Katalanché, 2007) et Roche limit (Track & Field, 2008). Avec Brian Henry, il dirige Verse, dont le dernier numéro porte sur la poésie française; ils ont aussi publié The Verse Book of Interviews(Verse, 2005). Zawacki a dirigé l’anthologie Afterwards: Slovenian Writing 1945-1995(White Pine, 1999) ainsi que Without Anesthesia(White Pine, 2008), poèmes d’Ales Debeljak. Il a écrit, entre autres, pour Talisman, Boston Review et How2, et enseigne à l’université de Géorgie. More info on: Reading at: Point Éphémère, 200 Quai de Valmy,Paris 10e (M° Jaurès, lignes 2 ou 5)
5 Sept at 18h30. Paris Soirees SINGLES APERITIF. 15 Euros. Wine, Canapes, Appetizers. Great socializing. Reserve with Patricia WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER PLEASE: or 01 43 26 12 88 Patricia Laplante-Collins, 13, rue de Mulhouse (metro: Sentier, line 3), 75002 Paris. See her Blog at:
*6 sept à partir de 19 heures. A l'occasion de la parution de ‘Le voyage à Vladivostock’ (Editions Léo Scheer) rencontre avec Emmelene Landon. AT: Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris 01 42 71 17 00 or get onto their email listing at:
*6 Sept at 7pm: Michael Ondaatje returns to the Village Voice Bookshop to read from and discuss his latest novel, Divisadero. The spellbinding new novel from Michael Ondaatje-his first in six years. It begins in the 1970s in Northern California, a makeshift family riven by an incident of violence-of both hand and heart-that "sets fire to the rest of their lives." Anna will come to rest amid the sensuous and calming landscape of south-central France. There, she delves into the story of a writer who, decades earlier, lived in the isolated house she now occupies-a story that circles around the "raw truth" of her own life. Divisadero is a novel about possession and loss, the discordant demands of family, love, and memory. Written in the breathtaking prose for which his fiction is celebrated, it gives us Michael Ondaatje at the height of his artistic powers. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
*8 septembre - 10h00 - 18h00 Démonstration: A Day in Paris under Napoleon Interactive game! Ce jeu d'aventure éducatif, maintenant disponible en anglais, d'une qualité graphique exceptionnelle te fait mener une enquête passionnante dans le Paris de Napoléon, en 1809.De la rue de Rivoli à la colonne Vendôme en passant par le Carrousel du Louvre, la Malmaison et Saint-Cloud, fais preuve d'adresse, d'humour, et de logique pendant plus d'une dizaine d'heures, entouré de personnages de l'époque, vraiment étonnants. T: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at .
*8 & 9 Sept: Readings elsewhere: Inventaire/Invention announces details regarding a series of readings in the Saumur region this September: Littérature et Poétiques, pour vous inviter à la première édition des Poétiques de Saumur, qui aura lieu les 8 et 9 septembre prochains dans cette ville. Ce salon d'éditeurs indépendants, une première à Saumur, sera l'occasion d'entendre des auteurs que nous aimons : Patrick Bouvet, Rémi Checchetto, Béatrice Rateboeuf sont en effet invités à lire des textes que nous avons publiés, sans oublier Sofia Queiros, publiée par l'Idée bleue. Les musiciens Philippe Poirier et Titi Robin quant à eux donneront un concert, le samedi pour le premier, et le dimanche pour le second. Littérature et Poétiques est une jeune association créée en 2005 par Albane Gellé, à Saumur. A son actif, d'ores et déjà, des lectures de Florence Pazzottu, Jérôme Game, James Sacré, Antoine Emaz, Arno Calleja, Jean Rouaud, etc et la présence de Leslie Kaplan, en résidence à Saumur au printemps 2007. Le salon aura lieu au Jardin des Plantes de Saumur (entre Angers et Tours), quartier de Nantilly. contact : ou/et 06 21 70 51 40. Other Invention/Inventaire news and events on their site at:
*10 Sept at 7pm; Shakes & Co invites YOU to read! Yes, it’s an OPEN MIC. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. Free!
*10 Sept--10pm Spoken Word OPEN MIC at The Lizard Lounge, 18 rue du Bourg-tibourg, metro Hotel de Ville. Happy hour all night! blog at
*13 sept à partir de 19 heures, A l'occasion de la parution de ‘Cercle’ (Gallimard) collection l'Infini rencontre avec Yannick Haenel. A la Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue d Jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00 métro : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie
*13 Sept- 19h. Rencontre avec Françoise Lapeyre pour son essai "Le roman des voyageuses françaises, 1800-1900" Françoise Lapeyre s’attache à nous raconter ces voyageuses françaises du XIXème siècle souvent méconnues, de toutes origines, qui, pour des raisons variées, ont parcouru la planète : la Sibérie, le Sénégal, la Chine, le Brésil... Elles se sont jetées dans l’aventure contre les mentalités de leur époque. Leurs témoignages posent des questions concernant la condition des femmes, le colonialisme, l’esclavage. L’auteure procède à un panorama passionnant. Le roman des voyageuses françaises (1800-1900) est publié aux éditions Payot. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*14 Sept Sept at 7pm Daniel Mendelsohn will be reading at Shakespeare & Co—or we believe so—the event is still to be confirmed, so watch their site for updates or drop by the shop as the date approaches! AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. Free!
14 sept - 19h. Rencontre-Vernissage de l’exposition de documents "Immigration et luttes de femmes en France, 1971-2000" Exposition de photos et documents réalisée par « Traces, mémoires, histoire des mouvements de femmes de l’immigration » qui est un projet porté par l’Association des Tunisiens en France. Ce choix de documents vise à donner quelques exemples d’actions, de manifestations, de formes et de thèmes d’organisation, en suivant un fil chronologique : des premiers groupes militants des années 70 à l’essor des mouvements de femmes dans les années 80 et aux dynamiques de la vie associative dans les années 90. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*16 sept at 19h30 MOVING PARTS presents a playreading in English of Jon Russo’s "Singing in the Reign of Terror" For those of you new to Moving Parts, the plays are read by actors and a discussion follows with the audience. Free and open to the public. Lots of fun for playwrites, actors, and audience / play afficianados alike! AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
* 17 Sept 7pm. Anne-Marie Drosso will be reading at Shakes & Co from Cairo Stories. Egypt is the setting for this collection, but the stories are universal – whether it’s the girl whose mother no longer seems to recognise her, a young man who uses the changing political climate to humiliate the family patriarch, or the woman consumed by guilt for abandoning her children. Echoing V.S. Pritchett’s words, they “look for the silent moment in which our singularity breaks through when emotions change, without warning, and reveal themselves.” And while revealing themselves they also unveil the scents and sensations of modern Cairo, from the early 1930s to the present day. Anne-Marie Drosso was born in Cairo in 1951 and now lives in London. “Drosso has a simple, open prose style and is good at pinpointing moments of emotional resonance in her characters' lives...her stories draw memorable pictures. ” -New Statesman “These elegant, unadorned narratives of Egyptians at home and at large, as variegated as the city from which they take their name, span classes, continents and decades with confidence and humour. We are in the company of a hugely promising and individual talent. ” Aamer Hussein, author of Insomnia AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. Free!
*18 Sept from 20h: Inventaire/Invention Press is hosting a MEGA soiree The “Inauguration de la Folie” with tons of exciting readers & readings in FRENCH TONIGHT. This is to inaugurate their new space out at La Vilette, so watch their site (look under “agenda” after “infos” for this) for the actual address & time of the event, as it is not yet posted, or subscribe to their mailings, or become a member thus supporting the continued publication of exciting poetry books at affordable prices—you get 5 books for 30 euros if you become an adherent! Hope to see you at this reading! AT: Folie Inventaire/Invention, Parc de la Villette, 211 ave Jean-Juares, 75019 Paris, M° Porte de Pantin ou Porte de la Villette. site at:
*18 Sept at 8pm: LIVE POETS launches their 2007-2008 season with an exciting reading by organizer of the 14-year series, John Kliphan, alongside poets Joe Ross & Chris Ames. Bios: Ross is the author of ten books of poetry, most recently, Strati, bilingual Italian/English, La Camera Verde Press and EQUATIONS = equals, Green Integer Press, 2004. Former Literary Editor of the arts bi-monthly The Washington Review from 1991-1997, and co-founder of both the In Your Ear reading series in Washington, D.C. and the Beyond the Page reading series in San Diego, CA, he received a NEA Fellowship Award for his poetry in 1997 and the Gertrude Stein Poetry Award, 2003. He presently resides in Paris. Chris Ames is the author of 2 books of fiction published in Japan, Thumbs Up and A Brief History of America's Bestsellers, and 2 books of poetry with Deer Mountain Press, Some People and to be launched at this reading: Men Don't Own Cats, Cats Own Men. And Kliphan is the author of multiple books and chapbooks and has been organizing and running Paris’ longest poetry-only reading series. AT: The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris. Tel: 01 43 26 54 20 M°s: Odéon, St Michel, ou Mabillon. Donation: 5 E
*18 Sept 7:30pm - 9pm Brentano's Readers' Group will meet to discuss BODY AND SOUL by Frank Conroy. Please call the bookstore to reserve your place - 01 42 61 52 50. 37 avenue de l'Opéra 75002 Paris.
*18 septembre - 19h30 Soirée Dédicace: Late Blossom: Memories of life, loss and love in Viet Nam by Laura Lâm Présentation et dédicace de son oeuvre, suivi par une discussion sur les effets de la guerre et les similarités entre la guerre de Viet Nam et la guerre en Iraq. Invitées d'honneur : Mme Soonu Kochar, ancienne Ambassadrice Indienne en France, et Mme Badia Hadj-Nasser, psychanalyste et ecrivain. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP requested at 01 44 77 88 99 or at .
*19 Sept at 7pm: Irvin Yalom will read from and discuss his book, When Nietzsche Wept at VILLAGE VOICE Bookshop. In nineteenth-century Vienna, a drama of love, fate, and will is played out amid the intellectual ferment that defined the era. Josef Breuer, one of the founding fathers of psychoanalysis, is at the height of his career. Friedrich Nietzsche, Europe's greatest philosopher, is on the brink of suicidal despair, unable to find a cure for the headaches and other ailments that plague him. When he agrees to treat Nietzsche with his experimental "talking cure," Breuer never expects that he too will find solace in their sessions. Only through facing his own inner demons can the gifted healer begin to help his patient. In When Nietzsche Wept, Irvin Yalom blends fact and fiction, atmosphere and suspense, to unfold an unforgettable story about the redemptive power of friendship. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
*19 sept - 19h. Rencontre avec Catherine Gonnard et Elisabeth Lebovici pour leur ouvrage "Femmes artistes/Artistes femmes" Le titre de cet ouvrage Femmes artistes / Artistes femmes - Paris, de 1880 à nos jours pose d’entrée de jeu le cadre adopté par les deux auteures pour traiter de ce sujet trop peu ou mal abordé par les ouvrages d’histoire de l’art en général. Les questions de vocabulaire ne sont pas indifférentes et révèlent les problématiques et les évolutions liées au statut des artistes femmes et ce n’est vraiment qu’à la fin du XIXème siècle que leur statut est reconnu, Paris devenant le pôle attractif incontournable de la vie artistique. Cette étude chronologique et thématique présente des artistes renommées et nous en fait découvrir d’autres beaucoup moins connues. Des biographies, des entretiens, des citations, une iconographie choisie agrémentent le panorama. Elisabeth Lebovici est historienne de l’art, critique d’art au journal Libération et ancienne rédactrice en chef de Beaux-Arts Magazine. Catherine Gonnard est journaliste et essayiste, elle travaille sur les images à l’INA. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*20 Sept at 19h30 Rencontre in English with novelist Colum McCann: Zoli is the major new novel from Colum McCann about a Gypsy woman exiled for betraying her people. It is loosely based on the life of the Gypsy poet, Papusza, who was sentenced to a ‘Life of Pollution’ by her fellow Roma when a Polish intellectual published her poems. This brilliantly written book brings the culture and period to life in a book about betrayal and redemption, and storytelling in all its guises. The rencontre marks its publication in French by Editions Belfond. AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Free entry according to availability, please RESERVE via: Tel : 01 58 52 10 30. More info at: or, as this is co-sponsored with Village Voice, on:
*20 sept - 19h. Rencontre avec Cécile Robinet pour son recueil " Faut-il croire les mimes sur parole ?" - Lecture et ‘slam’ par l’auteure. Faut-il croire les mimes sur parole ? est une des questions fantasques que pose Céline Robinet dans ce deuxième recueil de nouvelles, le premier était également publié Au Diable Vauvert, Vous avez le droit d’être de mauvaise humeur mais prévenez les autres ! Un humour corrosif, des chutes qui vous laissent bouche bée, vous font sourire ou éclater de rire ; non seulement on se fait avoir et en plus on en est content. Céline Robinet excelle dans la forme courte. Elle est par ailleurs traductrice, slameuse et auteure de sketches comiques. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*22 septembre à 17h Nous recevons Cécile OUMHANI pour son dernier roman « Plus loin que la nuit » (éditions de L'Aube) : Lectures et L’auteur dialoguera avec Corinne ALEXANDRE-GARNER « Cécile Oumhani nous offre un très beau roman de femme, où l'écriture, sereine, sert néanmoins avec passion une histoire complexe et parfaitement révélatrice des paradoxes et de la cruauté du monde d'aujourd'hui » AT : Librairie La Terrasse de Gutenberg, 9 rue Emilio Castelar Paris 12ème tel 0143074215 M° Ledru Rollin, mail
22 Sept from 2:00 - 5:00pm WICE Youth Program Open House / Programme pour les Jeunes Portes Ouvertes This fall, WICE is extending its language course offerings to young people as well as adults, to help prepare them for today’s globalized world. As an English-language cultural organization in Paris, over the years WICE has received innumerable requests for English courses for young people. Learning a new language is more efficient when started at an early age according to linguistic research. Yet schools typically do not address language learning until the middle-school years with the result that often the programs, and their results, are less than rewarding. An important facet of WICE is sharing our language skills and cultural knowledge in France, both through our activities and our languages department, which has an established track record for high-quality, practical language courses. Find out about the new youth Language programs being offered at WICE this fall in greater detail. Meet the instructors and dedicated volunteers who have spearheaded this effort. Learn more about the new Family Membership, offering the regular benefits of WICE membership but specially geared for those families interested in the youth programs. AT; WICE, 20, bd du Montparnasse (Looks like a residential buildingm, but enter and cross the courtyard and you will see WICE in there) 75015 Paris, France Metro: Duroc/Falguière Tel during reg Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or email them at:
*24 Sept at 7pm: Douglas Kennedy will read at VILLAGE VOICE Bookshop. In Kennedy’s novel, Harry Ricks is a man who has lost everything. A romantic mistake at the small American college where he used to teach has cost him his job, his marriage and his relationship with his only child. And when the ensuing scandal threatens to completely destroy him, he votes with his feet and flees... to Paris. He arrives in the French capital in the bleak midwinter, where a series of accidental encounters lands him in a grubby room in a grubby quarter, and a job as a nightwatchman for a sinister operation. Just when Harry begins to think that he has hit rock bottom, romance enters his life. Yet, before he knows it, Harry finds himself of increasing interest to the police and waking up in a nightmare from which there is no easy escape. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
*24th Sept --10pm Spoken Word OPEN MIC at The Lizard Lounge, 18 rue du Bourg-tibourg, metro Hotel de Ville. Happy hour all night! blog at
*24 Sept at 7pm. Alicia Drake will be reading at Shakes & Co from The Beautiful Fall: Fashion, Genius and Glorious Excess in 1970s Paris. In 1950s Paris, Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld were friends, the rising stars of the fashion world. But by the late sixties the city was invaded by a new mood of liberation and hedonism, and dominated by intrigue, infidelities, addiction and parties. Each designer created his own mesmerising world, so vivid and seductive that people were drawn to the power, charisma and fame, and it was to make them bitter rivals. The Beautiful Fall is a dazzling exposé of an era and the story of the two men who were its essence and who remain its most singular survivors. Alicia Drake writes regularly for a variety of publications, including the International Herald Tribune, Travel and Leisure, W magazine and British Vogue, for which she was a contributing editor. She has lived and worked in Paris for the last ten years. “In this fascinating read, Drake reveals the fashion industry’s constant flux between in and out, right and wrong, and how Yves Saint Laurent and Karl Lagerfeld trod a rivalrous tightrope” Glamour “Thoroughly entertaining … Starting with the student riots of 1968 and ending with the shadow of Aids, this is an important social history” Independent on Sunday. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. Free!
*25 Sept—19h30. IVY WRITERS PARIS launches another season with a reading for VERSAL Magazine with Amsterdam poets Cralan Kelder, Prue Duggan, Anna Arov, & Kai Lashley with Paris-based authors Nicholas Manning & Heather Hartley. This is a special event to celebrate VERSAL Magazine, an annual lit & arts mag in English coming out of the Amesterdam Anglo community, & we invite other Versal authors to come out for this event! Bios & info: Hartley is the Paris editor for Tin House, has been awarded fellowships to St Petersburg’s SLS & won Brentano’s poetry contest. She went to Hungary this summer to read, & a few fun pics & details on that series can be seen at Sundog, Fishdrum, 580 Split, and Black Bear Review. His stand-up performance style is vibrant, refreshing and challenging. Cralan will be reading from his most recent publication French Pastry (Coracle Press, Ireland, 2007). Nicholas Manning is the creator & editor of the online poetry & poetics video magazine The Continental Review, an exciting project bridging the gaps between the private lives & voices of poets & you, their readers & listeners. His own poetry has been published widely in reviews in the US, UK, France & Australia in exciting places such as BlazeVox, Mipoesias, Shampoo. See his blog for more! Prue Duggan may be familiar to you if you have been to Amsterdam, as she often MCs for Versal’s reading series. Funny & witty, Prue brings her own poetry to us this month! Anna Arov (Rus/Can) is a wordsinhere curator on the poetry editorial team of Versal. Anna organizes and emcees Salon des Mots, a poetry show based in Utrecht. She's the author of Observatory, a collection of poems illustrated by Leon M. Dekker. Kai Lashley writes prose. He works with wordsinhere, a literary collective & is fiction editor of Versal. His short story, Breach, is being forthcoming in Flashquake (, and has appeared in La Farola, in Spanish translation. Other Paris authors in Versal’s issues include Marilyn Hacker, Matthew Rose (see his art on his Myspace), Claire Potter, & many MORE! Reading AT: LE NEXT, 17, rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris (just off rue Montorgeuil) M°Etienne Marcel /Les Halles. Au sous-sol! Tel : 01 42 36 18 93. Entrée gratuit. Read bios soon up on IVY's blog:
*25 Sept at 19h30 The Godot Company presents a reading of the poem “The Autumn Journal” The most celebrated long poem of Louis MacNeice, born 100 years ago, is given a dramatic performance by John Calder’s The Godot Company. It was written during the last months of 1938, when the Second World War was imminent. MacNeice is sometimes in love; he watches the preparations for the coming war and the ineffectual attempts to appease Hitler, gets on with his teaching routine and records his thoughts. With Oengus MacNamara and Peter Marinker. AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris. Entry 5€. please RESERVE via: Tel : 01 58 52 10 30. More info at:
*25 Sept AT 7PM: Michael Chabon will read at the Village Voice. Michael Chabon's first novel, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (1988), was originally written for his master's thesis at U.C. Irvine and became a New York Times bestseller. A feature film adaptation of the novel has completed production, adapted and directed by Rawson Thurber. Chabon's second novel, Wonder Boys (1995), was also a bestseller, and was made into a critically-acclaimed film featuring actors Michael Douglas and Tobey Maguire. Random House published his third novel, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, in September 2000. Chabon is also the author of two collections of short stories, A Model World and Other Stories (1990) and Werewolves In Their Youth (1999). His first young adult novel, Summerland, was published in 2002 by Talk Miramax Books and won the 2003 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature. Michael Chabon's most recent novel, The Yiddish Policemen's Union, is a hardboiled detective novel set in an alternate world where Israel failed to be born and millions of European Jewish refugees took shelter in Alaska, creating a miniature American Yiddishland. It became a New York Times bestseller immediately upon publication. In May 2007, his short swashbuckling adventure novel, Gentlemen of the Road, serialized in fifteen chapters in the New York Times Sunday Magazine, came to its thrilling conclusion. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
*26 sept a 19heures. Rencontre avec Ananda Devi pour la parution de son roman Indian Tango. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
26 sept - 15h30 Kids' Club de septembre Un jour à Paris sous Napoleon Viens t'amuser en anglais au rayon Enfant! Histoires, jeux, goûter, FUN ASSURE! Toi aussi, vis à Paris sous Napoléon ! Nous ferons des jeux ainsi qu'une démonstrations autour de Paris sous Napoleon.Ce jeu d'aventure éducatif, maintenant disponible en anglais, d'une qualité graphique exceptionnelle te fait mener une enquête passionnante dans le Paris de Napoléon, en 1809.De la rue de Rivoli à la colonne Vendôme en passant par le Carrousel du Louvre, la Malmaison et Saint-Cloud, fais preuve d'adresse, d'humour, et de logique pendant plus d'une dizaine d'heures, entouré de personnages de l'époque, vraiment étonnants. Gratuit ! Sans réservation. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. 01 44 77 88 99.
* 26 September: at 19h30 Journalist Dana Thomas discusses her new exposé of the fashion industry, ‘Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster.’ AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60
27 Sept from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Vernissage for WICE ArtSpace which presents Claire de Villemeur and Senga. Show 17 Sept- 23 November. AT: WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris.
*28 Sept at 7pm. Nahid Rachlin will be reading from her memoir Persian Girls. Nahid has written four other novels, Jumping Over Fire (City Lights), Foreigner (W.W. Norton), Married to a Stranger (E.P.Dutton), The Heart’s Desire (City Lights), and a collection of short stories, Veils (City Lights). Her short stories, essays and reviews have appeared in more than fifty magazines including The New York s and Newsday. Praised by V.S. Naipaul, Anne Tyler, Tama Janowitz, and other writers, Nahid Rachlin has spent her career writing novels about hidden Iran—the combustible political passions underlying everyday life and the family dramas of ordinary Iranians. With her long-awaited memoir, Persian Girls, she turns her sharp novelist’s eye on her own remarkable life. “Rachlin shows us not only the tranquil inner courtyards with sweets and gossip exchanged by the fishpond, the flower bedecked bridal chamber, but also the political, social and religious factions contending for primacy in the streets outside...” —The New York Times Book Review AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. Free!
*30 sept a 19h30 MOVING PARTS presente une lecture d’une piece d’Odile Lefranc en francais : "Magda" AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
30 sept - 16h. Projection du film de Jacqueline Audry "Olivia" avec Edwige Feuillère en partenariat avec l’association Salle et Obscur et en présence (sous réserve) de Brigitte Rollet La projection sera suivie d’un débat autour du film et du livre Olivia par Olivia (on sait maintenant qu’il s’agit de Dorothy Bussy), grande amie d’André Gide, Le livre est paru en 1950 et a été dédié à Virginia Woolf, traduit par Roger Martin du Gard, préfacé par Rosamond Lehmann, imprimé par la Hogarth Press. Que de talents ont porté cette oeuvre devenue un classique à (re)découvrir ! Le film qui en a été tiré la même année a réuni d’autres talents, celui de la réalisatrice Jacqueline Audry, de la sublime Edwige Feuillère qui tient le rôle principal et de la non moins sublime Simone Simon. Olivia fait partie des films de pensions au féminin qu’affectionne le cinéma français dont le propos lesbien explicite peut étonner de nos jours. Le débat aura lieu en présence (sous réserve) de Brigitte Rollet, enseignante à l’University of London Institute in Paris (ULIP), spécialiste des questions de genre et de sexualité au cinéma. Elle mène une recherche sur Jacqueline Audry et prépare un évènement en 2008 pour célébrer le centenaire de la naissance de la cinéaste. Olivia est paru chez Stock (La bibliothèque cosmopolite). à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*2 octobre - 19h30. Soirée Dédicace Spécial événement pour Fashion Week DELUXE: How Luxury Lost its Lustre par Dana Thomas AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at .
3 October: at 19h30 A ‘town meeting’ for Library members and the general public — a forum to discuss the future of the Library, to ask questions and make suggestions, and to mingle with fellow members over refreshments. AT: American Library in Paris, 10, Rue Géneral Camou, 75007 Paris, France 01 53 59 12 60
*4 Oct at 19h30 Rencontre with author Robert McLiam Wilson. Born in Belfast, the Irish writer Robert McLiam Wilson now lives in Paris. His novels Ripley Bogle, Eureka Street and Manfred’s Pain recount the stories of the marginalised during the Thatcher era in Belfast and their lives under the terrorist threat. A success with the critics and the public his writing is subtle and multilayered. AT: The Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Free entry according to availability, please RESERVE via: Tel : 01 58 52 10 30. More info at:
*4 octobre - 19h30. Soirée Dédicace Spécial événement pour Fashion Week Luxury Fashion Branding:Trends, Tactics, Techniques par Uche Okonkwo AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP required at 01 44 77 88 99 or at .
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II) Creative WRITING COURSES in PARIS starting Sept/ Oct 2007:
WEEK of Sept 10th Start: Mon & Tues Salons this fall: Check out the Alesian Literary Salon: a curious & diverse group gathers to spend six sessions discussing and analyzing a specific text. Discussions are led by a dynamic literature instructor with experience teaching English and world literature, poetry and creative writing. Come spend an evening deepening your understanding of the beauty and art of literature. Tuesday Nights: Paradise 3rd Canticle of Dante’s Divine Comedy. Monday Nights, Tuesday Afternoons: Middlemarch or The Sound and the Fury (to be announced) Fall Salons commence the week of September 10th, registration is happening now. For more information and registration, see the Salon website: or write Toby Brothers at: If you are interested in testing the waters of the Salon, come join us for a one night poetry salon on Wednesday, September 5th. We will discuss two poems, focusing on the language, sounds and structure of the work. Please email Toby for more information and registration.
Every Saturday, 3-5pm: THE OTHER WRITERS' GROUP Meets upstairs at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own and 5 copies. Or just come to listen and give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" "Any healthy man can go without food for two days, but not without poetry." - Charles Baudelaire See more info on this weekly workshop and its history at: For fun, go on a virtual tour of Shakespeare & Co! AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 3 euros.
Mondays, Sept 17, 24; Oct. 1, 8, 15. from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Creative Writing 101 Have you always wanted to write but weren't sure where or how to start? In this class, we will discuss the tools that you need to begin - character, plot, dialogue, and description. Participants will read and discuss strong examples of storytelling; learn about the elements and forms of fiction; and share their work in a comfortable, positive atmosphere. A short homework assignment will be given each week. This class is perfect for beginners who want to have fun, to experiment with different forms, and to write.Instructor: Janet Skeslien Charles is a Paris based writer and freelance editor. She has over ten years of experience teaching creative writing in the U.S., Ukraine, and France. Her poetry and prose have been published in literary journals in Europe and the U.S. She was on the editorial board of Pharos magazine for three years. SIGN UP IN ADVANCE as COURSE SIGN UPS CLOSE EARLY! 138€ AT: WICE, 20, bd du Montparnasse 75015 Paris, France Metro: Duroc/Falguière Tel Mon - Fri, 10a.m.-4:30p.m. or email :
NOVEL & NONFICTION/MEMOIR WRITING: This 7 week workshop focusing on the process and completion of longer projects Starts 13th Sept: Thursday evenings 7-9pm. Limited to 6 people. We workshop intensively, discuss larger issues we see in each others’ work such as dialogue use, immediacy of movement in the story, plot and whether it keeps us hooked or intrigued, characters and their development and interactions with each other, scenes and action. We also help out with the littler edits, word choices, and detangling awkward sentences via weekly written comments returned with your work. Focus is on helping YOU take your project to the next level. We can also help suggest agent contacts, and examine your query letters and sample chapters. Participants should already be working on a NOVEL, COLLECTION of SHORT STORIES, a NONFICTION BOOK or MEMOIR, or feel that they will be able to put the weekly time in to get themselves started on a new project. We are open to genre works. At the end of the Oct session, we may decide as a group to prolong the meetings or to suspend until January. Spaces are limited, so to hold a place email info to Jennifer K Dick who will then communicate with you about meeting place and the materials you will need to bring on day 1. Cost 170e. You will receive detailed written comments on all of your work. Contact Jennifer at or with name and number in Paris if you are interested in participating or for further info.
Tuesdays, Sept 25; Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23. from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Personal Essay: Finding Your Voice Back by popular demand. Personal Essay blends first person storytelling, free-spirited riffing, and argumentative essay into a singular, delicious piece. The secret glue: Voice. Striking for its intimacy and liberty, personal essay is an ideal form to discover the unique and honest sound of one’s own voice as a writer. For newcomers to the workshop, all the basics will be covered and reinforced. For those returning, there will be an emphasis on humor writing and a fresh crop of exercises. Each class we will do a different exercise followed by a workshop session. Eventually, this will lead to completed pieces. Lastly, we will cover how and where to publish our essays and how to extend them to book length.Instructor: Justin Taylor's personal essays have been published in newspapers and magazines such as the San Francisco Chronicle. He has taught writing at the Sorbonne, where he received an MA in theatre, and San Francisco State University, where he received a BA in creative writing. He is the winner of the Markowski-Leach Award for his essay A Perfect Home. SIGN UP IN ADVANCE as COURSE SIGN UPS CLOSE EARLY! 138€ AT: WICE, 20, bd du Montparnasse 75015 Paris, France Metro: Duroc/Falguière Tel Mon - Fri, 10a.m.-4:30p.m. or email :
Thursdays, Sept 27; Oct 4, 11, 18, 25; Nov 15, 29; Dec. 6 from 2:00 - 4:00pm. Generative Writing This course is about starting, and starting again. As it is the fear of beginning the next piece that makes writing so difficult, we will try a variety of exercises and techniques to write dialogues, short fiction/prose poems, flash anecdotes which can later be built into longer memoirs, and character sketches that can also be stepping stones to long works. We'll read texts by authors such as AM Homes, Laynie Brown, Borges, Gertrude Stein, Truong Tran, Eleni Sikilianos, James Tate, Dan Rhodes, Ernest Hemingway, John Cheever, Anton Chekov and Laura Mullen. At the end of each class, you will leave with a few beginnings, and perhaps also a finished text or two! For writers of all levels. Instructor: Justin Taylor. 189€ SIGN UP IN ADVANCE as COURSE SIGN UPS CLOSE EARLY! 138€ AT: WICE, 20, bd du Montparnasse 75015 Paris, France Metro: Duroc/Falguière Tel Mon - Fri, 10a.m.-4:30p.m. or email :
Starting in Sept: WICE is uniquely positioned to offer English courses for two categories of young people: English for French children who attend French schools, giving them the opportunity to perfect their knowledge of grammar and develop their oral, reading and writing skills. English for bilingual children, of whom one or both parents are native English speakers but, because they attend French schools, have not had the opportunity to read for pleasure in English at their appropriate level and learn to write essays and other writing in English in order to be prepared for English-language university education. WICE is proud to launch a new program of English for young people and to play a role in preparing them for tomorrow’s challenges. For more details regarding these courses, visit the course description page at AT: WICE, 20, bd du Montparnasse (Looks like a residential buildingm, but enter and cross the courtyard and you will see WICE in there) 75015 Paris, France Metro: Duroc/Falguière Tel during reg Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or email them at:
OCT: INTENSIVE WEEK-LONG FICTION WORKSHOP: Monday-Friday, October 8 – 12; Class sessions: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.; One-on-one meetings between 1:30 - 5:00pm7 Day Workshop: Your Character's Core Need, The Irrevocable Moment and Scene Arc Whether their battle(s) are real or imagined every good protagonist has an internal wound out of which she/he acts, and/or defends her/ his place in the world. Intimacy with your characters in both an emotional and physical sense aids the writer in staying on track. After a brief discussion of excerpts from various works of fiction where this occurs participants will then examine how they can employ this technique in projects they are working on. Instructor: Anjuelle Floyd, author of “Keeper of Secrets…Translations of an Incident,” attended the Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, California, and received her MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College, Port Townsend, Washington. 445€ SIGN UP IN ADVANCE as COURSE SIGN UPS CLOSE EARLY! 138€ AT: WICE, 20, bd du Montparnasse 75015 Paris, France Metro: Duroc/Falguière Tel Mon - Fri, 10a.m.-4:30p.m. or email :
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III) NEWS REVIEWS & REVIEWS NEWS—more to come, watch this blog:
SUBMIT for ISSUE 10 & ORDER NOW: Upstairs at Duroc Issue #9, forthcoming in Fall 2007, will feature new work by poets Donna Stonecipher, Rochelle Owens, Joe Ross, Jeffrey Greene, Linda Healey, Amy Hollowell & many more, as well as prose by such writers as Steven Mayoff & Beverley Stone. Photography, drawings & collages are by Maya Preiss, Clarissa Upchurch & Jonathan Wonham, among others. You can also obtain a copy of the book at the WICE office (8€ per copy) or order by mail (11€ per copy, includes postage & handling). Checks in euros only. If you would like to be kept informed about Upstairs readings & other events, please send your contact information to, Attn: Upstairs at Duroc. To Submit, see guidelines at: or for more info on the magazine & past issues (No 1 edited by Dawn Michelle-Baude, Nos 2-6 co-edited by Jennifer K Dick & partners, Nos 7-9 & present edited by Barbara Beck) at
READ: Fans of Cara Black , author of a fabulous series of murder mysteries set in Paris, might enjoy a little article on her books at: which hosts an article on the Ile Saint Louis book.
SUBMIT POETRY: to the exciting online mag, SHAMPOO: Guidelines: 1. SHAMPOO is always open to submissions of previously unpublished work. 2. send poems to editor Del Ray Cross at 3. please include the word “submission” in the subject line. 4. it is best to send no more than 5 to 8 pages of poetry. 5. it is best to send poetry in one Microsoft Word or text {.rtf} file attachment. 6. it is best not to send simultaneous submissions. 7. please do not become stressed if it takes a few months to hear back from the editor. 8. feel free to send along shampoo bottle art, too. 9. lather, rinse, repeat. For more on the editor, Del Ray Cross, get a copy of his book “LUB LUFFLY” now available from Pressed Wafer at SPD.
OREDER EARLY & announcing: Saturnalia Books is pleased to congratulate the winner of the 2007Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize selected by John Yau: “Famous Last Words” by Catherine Pierce of Mississippi State, MS. There were 432 entries, a sign that this collection will be exciting to read! Order a copy via Saturnalia’s site or plan on picking one up this winter. “Famous Last Words” will be published in January 2008.
READ & LISTEN ONLINE: to a poem by David Caddy, editor of Tears in the Fence, UK, The poem, “Here We Are 4.” Is on an audio recording at: & the text is at his blog:
UK POETRY: interest you? Then perhaps check out this new magazine: Si vous vous intéressez à la poésie contemporaine des rivages et des îles britanniques, voici un site signalant la naissance du magazine Archipelago, dirigé par le poète Andrew McNeillie:
SUBMIT: (A Project by Luis Camnitzer, sponsored by the National Library of Spain) Open call for collaborations The Last Book is a project to compile written as well as visual statements in which the authors may leave a legacy for future generations. The premise of the project is that book-based culture is coming to an end. On one hand, new technologies have introduced cultural mutations by transferring information to television & the Internet. On the other, there has been an increasing deterioration in the educational systems (as much in the First World as on the periphery) & a proliferation of religious & anti-intellectual fundamentalisms. The Last Book will serve as a time-capsule & leave a document & testament of our time, as well as a stimulus for a possible reactivation of culture in case of disappearance by negligence, catastrophe or conflagration. Contributions to this project will be limited to one page & may be e-mailed to or mailed to Luis Camnitzer, 124 Susquehanna Ave., Great Neck NY 11021, USA. The book will be exhibited as an installation at the entrance of the Museum of the National Library of Spain in Madrid. Pages will be added during the duration of the project, with the intention of an eventual publication of an abridged version selected by Luis Camnitzer, curator of the project.This call is open & we hope that it will be resent to as many potential contributors as possible.
ANNOUNCING: 2007 Indiana Review 1/2K Prize Winner, Judged by Stuart Dybek, for the poem “Amsterdam, 1936” by Greg Bachar. Bachar makes the "Jack Mackerell Magazine" (a sample online is at: ), & more of his poetry can be read on & as well as at: See Indiana Review’s site for the prize info & announcements at:
SUBMIT: Extended deadline for “The extra room” which has received some good entries, but they've decided to extend their submission deadline by a 10 day grace period to treat your micro-power 'issues' in words & submit. So if you didn't quite get your piece together in time, finish it up & send it in by September 10th. What's in your extra room? Contact: Submission guidelines & details at:
SUBMIT NOW: Poetry, Prose, Flash Fictions… By the 14th September: Submissions Deadline for Bordercrossing Berlin issue 3. Berlin’s English language literary magazine is looking for submissions of prose & poetry for publication in its December issue. For submission guidelines see & look at the “Are you a Writer?” section
NEW BOOKS: to watch out for! Ahsahta Press is delighted to announce the winner of its sixth annual Sawtooth Poetry Prize competition: Rusty Morrison of Richmond, California, whose manuscript the true keeps calm biding its story was selected by Peter Gizzi. The book will be out with Ahsahta Press in January 2008. Also, the press selected the runner-up manuscript, If Not Metamorphic by Brenda Iijima of Brooklyn, New York, for publication this winter as well. Brenda runs an exciting press & chapbook press in NY from which you might also look into sending work to or picking up copies of exciting, beautifully-printed & published chapbooks.
1 comment:
Wow. This is a pretty comprehensive list.
Mind if I link you to my blog?
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