Section I: Readings & Events by date in JULY & AUGUST
Section II: Creative Writing Workshops this Summer
Section III: Reviews News & New Reviews: Many, MANY calls for written work in all genres!!!
PART I: Readings & Other Fun Summer Events by date in JULY & AUGUST
(asterisks indicate readings)
**2 July—7pm. Paris Writers’ Workshop Reading: Patricia Painton Scholarship winners & Melanie Almeder, Tupelo Press Editors’ Prize winner. Free & open to the public. AT: WICE.20 blvd du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, M° Duroc or Falguière.
**3 July—7pm: PWW & Village Voice invite you to a Reading with Paris Writers’ Workshop Faculty authors A. Manette Ansay, Kurt Brown & Alice Mattison. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
3rd July 20h30. Laughing Matters, stand up comedy club in English in Paris, is excited to present Jim Tavaré. Jim has performed three times at The Royal Variety Performance.In 2001 Steve Coogans production company invited Jim to be part of The Sketch Show team on ITV. The first series packed with over 30 sketches a programme went on to win a BAFTA. The show subsequently syndicated worldwide. Jim starred as Tom the Innkeeper in 'Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban'. Tickets are also now on sale for the Richard Thompson Band concert at the Trabendo 13th October. All Shows at LA Java, 105, rue du faubourg du Temple Paris 75010. tickets on the night 20 € (15 studnets), reduced rates if you buy in advance!!! To get tickets ahead of time, Phone 01 53 19 98 88 or check Email list: Karel Beer :
***4 July at 7:30p.m.New York University in France & the Paris Writers Workshop are pleased to invite you to “Amazing Lives, Telling the Story”, A Conversation between Biographers HAZEL ROWELY & JOAN SCHENKAR moderated by Marie Dominique Montel BIOS: Hazel Rowley, brought up in England & Australia, is the author of Tête-à-Tête: The Tumultuous Lives & Loves of Simone de Beauvoir & Jean-Paul Sartre, published by Harper Collins, 2005. Translated into over a dozen languages, Tête-à-Tête has garnered considerable international acclaim -- & controversy! A Washington Post Best Book for 2005, the French literary magazine Lire named it "the best literary essay of 2006. Joan Schenkar has been called "America's most original female contemporary playwright. Truly Wilde, the biography of Oscar Wilde's interesting niece Dolly Wilde, was published by Virago Press, Basic Books, & Random House Mondadori. In this very modern biography Joan Schenkar provides a fascinating look at Dolly's life & the extraordinary salon society of Natalie Clifford Barney. Dolly made her career in the salons – & the bedrooms – of some of London & Paris's most interesting men & women. The Conference will be followed by a cocktail. AT: New York University in France, 56, rue de Passy, 75016 Paris Code : B9821. Bus : 22, 32, 52. M°: Passy, RER C : Boulainvilliers. RSVP required at : or WICE or via Email : or
4 juillet –20h - – Music group « MINUSCULE HEY » is playing in Paris !!! entrée libre "Curieux, exquis, burlesque et bordelais, notre trio (!) aime les films en noir et blanc et les lapins aux oreilles marrons. Musiciens inventifs qui, avec peu de moyens, écrivent des pépites pop sur leur oncle Jim ou sur leur pote slave joueur de tennis, les "minus" sortent un premier single 6 titres, qui ne décolle pas de notre platine. On attend la suite avec impatience."--Abus dangereux AT : Le Môtel – Paris + Luc DS - or
***4th July: 9pm on! Open Mic: Spoken word/scène ouverte: Performance poetry, poésie sonore, Lire vivant, Stand up, Short Short stories, English, Français: open mic. YOU READ!!! Come share some work, hear others! Organized by David Barnes Info: AT: L’Ogre à Plumes, 49/51 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, M° Parmentier.
***4 juillet à 19h : Rencontre avec ELI FLORY à l'occasion de la parution de son essai Ces femmes qui aiment les femmes (L'Archipel). à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
4 July 14h-19h, James Hanley - Open Studio: Meet the artist at the Centre Culturel Irlandais. A figurative painter with a keen interest in portraiture, James is currently Secretary of the Royal Hibernian Academy. His two most recent exhibitions ‘Souvenir’ & ‘Moving Statues’ dealt in different ways with the experience of travel, of history & of perception. He completed a large triptych for the Abbey Theatre to celebrate its centenary in 2004. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27.
5 & 6 july at 20h English Language PLAY "Shot House", une nouvelle pièce de théâtre jouée en américain par l'auteur, Quinton Cockrell. Pour infos et réservations, voir, le site de notre "compagnie". Shot House €7 (tarif réduit pour les réservations de groupes) L'Ogresse (myspace). 4 rue des Prairies, 75020 Paris. M°: Gambetta or Porte de Bagnolet Tel.: 01 40 36 95 15
5 juillet--20h – Music group « MINUSCULE HEY » is playing in Paris !!! "Given the fact that 90 percent of my time is spent listening to Classic rock, rock blues etc, it might seem curious that this South West French duo who plough a similar furrow to the White Stripe & the Fiery Furnaces end on my cd player so often. Best described as quirky minimalism with shades of Radio Head, The Pixies, Talking Heads, Velvet Underground & inevitably Zappa, this is six track effort is fully of sudden time changes, lots of spontaneous humour, dark noodlings, & a vocalist Laurent Mounier who has real presence. … Check them out & file under contemporary & hugely interesting."- Get ready to rock, 2007. entrée libre AT : « L'Alimentation Générale » club, Paris, or
***10 July at 19h. Village Voice invites you to hear author Sena Jeter Naslund. Ms. Naslund will read from & comment on her latest novel: Abundance: A Novel of Marie-Antoinette. The opening sentence of Naslund's fictional memoir of Marie Antoinette ("Like everyone, I am born naked") sets a hypnotically intimate tone that never wavers as the much-maligned Austrian princess recounts her life from baptism in the Rhine & rebirth as French citizen to appointment with the guillotine. In Naslund's (Ahab's Wife) sympathetic portrayal, 14-year-old "Toinette" arrives in France a pretty-mannered naïf determined to please the king, the court &, most importantly, her husband, the Dauphin. The novel provides a wealth of detail as Toinette savors the food, architecture, music & gardens of Versailles; indulges in hair & clothing rituals; gets acquainted with her indifferent partner & her scheming new relations; & experiences motherhood & loss. Her story unfolds like classical tragedy—the outcome known, the account riveting—as famous incidents are reinterpreted (the affair of the necklace, the flight to Varennes), culminating in a heartbreaking description of the bloody head of the Princess de Lamballe held aloft on a pike for the deposed queen to see. With vivid detail & exquisite narrative technique, Naslund exemplifies the best of historical fiction, finding the woman beneath the pose, a queen facing history as it rises up against her. (PW Review) AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6, rue Princesse 75006. M°: Mabillon
**10 juillet à 19h : Rencontre avec MARIE-PIERRE PRUVOT, alias BAMBI, à l'occasion de la parution de son livre Marie parce que c'est joli (Bonobo) à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. juillet : Violette & Co accueille pour la quatrième année l'Incroyable Rallye. Infos à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
**11th July, 7:00-9:00 p.m Book signing and discussion with Rhonda Findling about her book "Don't Call That Man! A Survival Guide to Letting Go" as well as the newly published French edition "Quand C'est Fini, C'est Fini". Rhonda is also the author of "The Commitment Cure; What To Do When You Fall For An Ambivalent Man" and "The Dating Cure". She is a psychotherapist with an international private practice based out of New York City. Read more about Rhonda Findling at Where: Paris Soirees Chez Patricia Laplante-Collins 13 rue de Mullhouse, 75002 Paris, cost : 15 Euros (includes food and wine) Reservations REQUIRED: Contact Patricia at or 01 43 26 12 88 with your telephone number.
**11th July, 7:00-9:00 p.m Book signing and discussion with Rhonda Findling about her book "Don't Call That Man! A Survival Guide to Letting Go" as well as the newly published French edition "Quand C'est Fini, C'est Fini". Rhonda is also the author of "The Commitment Cure; What To Do When You Fall For An Ambivalent Man" and "The Dating Cure". She is a psychotherapist with an international private practice based out of New York City. Read more about Rhonda Findling at Where: Paris Soirees Chez Patricia Laplante-Collins 13 rue de Mullhouse, 75002 Paris, cost : 15 Euros (includes food and wine) Reservations REQUIRED: Contact Patricia at or 01 43 26 12 88 with your telephone number.
12 & 13 july at 20h English Language PLAY "Shot House", une nouvelle pièce de théâtre jouée en américain par l'auteur, Quinton Cockrell. Pour infos et réservations, voir, le site de notre "compagnie". Shot House €7 (tarif réduit pour les réservations de groupes) L'Ogresse (myspace). 4 rue des Prairies, 75020 Paris. M°: Gambetta or Porte de Bagnolet Tel.: 01 40 36 95 15
17 & 24 July Concert : Los Caballeros Simpáticos jouent : les mardis en juillet @ Green Linnet : 8 ave Victoria, Paris 75004. M° : Chatelêt
** 19 juillet à 13h : En écho à sa programmation qui associe l’œuvre du sculpteur à la création la plus contemporaine, le Musée Zadkine poursuit son cycle de lectures avec Marie-louise Chapelle. Selon une formule désormais consacrée, les écrivains et poètes conviés liront leurs travaux en cours, ainsi que des fragments d’œuvre d’auteurs de leur choix. Prolongeant l'exposition Inverse Times d’Angela Detanico et Rafael Lain, quatre lectures de poésie contemporaine offrent ainsi un voyage entre les signes, les sons et les mots à la recherche de ce que pourrait être le travail artistique ensemble, la collaboration entre les arts. BIO : Marie-louise Chapelle (1974) est poète. Son livre Mettre., Théâtre Typographique, 2006, dont des passages étaient parus dans la revue « Fin » propose une expérience des limites, celles du sens, des formes et des pratiques, des corps comme du texte. Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs livres d’artistes avec Emmanuelle Pidoux Corps finis quelconques et fractions qui s'en déduisent par la méthode d' l'approximation successive, 1999 ; La fille avec laquelle j'allais à l'hôtel, 2000 ; Plus-value, 2001.Outre ses poèmes, Marie-louise Chapelle lira ceux de Clément Marot (1496-1544) qui héritier de rhétorique médiévale a renouvelé le lyrisme comme la satire. Son principal recueil est L’Adolescence clémentine (1532-1538). AU : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 programmation : Jérôme Mauche
*19 juillet à 19h le Musée Zadkine poursuit son cycle de lectures avec Laure Limongi Entre élégance pop et relecture des icônes modernes, Laure Limongi (1976) participe du renouvellement des écritures contemporaines. Elle est l’auteur d’Éros Peccadille, Al Dante, 2002 ; Je ne sais rien d'un homme quand je sais qu'il s'appelle Jacques, Al Dante, 2004 ; La Rumeur des espaces négatifs avec l’artiste et écrivain Thomas Lélu, Léo Scheer, 2005 ; Orchidées & salami, Discobabel, 2005 ; Fonction Elvis, Léo Scheer, 2006. Elle intervient parfois sous formes de performances et collabore avec des artistes et des musiciens, notamment Pierre Henry, Deux coups de sonnette (Signatures Radio France, Harmonia Mundi). Après avoir animé la collection & (Al Dante), elle dirige auprès des éditions Léo Scheer la collection LaureLi, consacrée à la nouvelle fiction française. Laure Limongi a choisi de lire des écrits de la romancière et activiste américaine Kathy Acker (1947-1997) ainsi que des textes de Christophe Hanna (1970) et d’Emmanuel Tugny (1968) AU : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 programmation : Jérôme Mauche
19 juillet 2007 – 20h - – Music group « MINUSCULE HEY » is playing in Paris !!! "A l'impertinence de People On Holiday s'ajoute un curieux minimalisme fondamentaliste - et malgré tout pince sans rire. Ca donne aussi bien une electroclash avec juste la peau sur les os (Cheap girl), qu'un rock de saint-guy à tendance schizoïde, qui sautille, passe du coq à l'âne et, surtout, suit son instinct le nez au vent." Magic. entrée libre AT : « Port d'Amsterdam » club, - Paris or
21 July 0:00am/00h00 Midnight Ball for the Arrival of the 7th & Final HARRY POTTER Book!!!: Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling will be published around the world in the English language at midnight (00:01 BST - British Summer Time) Saturday, 21st, July 2007. 2007 marks the tenth anniversary of the publication of the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone. To celebrate the arrival of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore will be hosting a Midnight Ball, with sorting, singing, supping until the 1 am opening of the HP boxes! AT: Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 22, rue St Paul, 75004 Paris. Nearest m° station St Paul (Bastille & Sully-Morland are also close); buses 67, 96, 69, 76.
*26 juillet à 19h Atelier Hors-piste programmé par Paris Quartier d’Eté Précédé d’une lecture musicale du poème de Blaise Cendrars La Prose du Transssibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France (1913), avec Dominique Fondrède, voix, et Véronique Tat, violoncelle. Dominique Fonfrède est comédienne et interprète, notamment de théâtre musical après avoir travaillé avec Georges Aperghis et Annick Nozati pour de nombreuses créations. Elle a notamment créé le monologue Beaux jours après la pluie, à partir de Beckett, en y incluant des Récitations d’Aperghis.Véronique Tat a notamment fait partie de l'Orchestre de Tours, de l'Orchestre Symphonique d'Europe, de l'Orchestre Symphonique Franco-allemand, ainsi que des Orchestres et formations de musique de chambre. AU : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 programmation : Jérôme Mauche
**2 août à 13h le Musée Zadkine poursuit son cycle de lectures avec Jacques Roubaud Poète et prosateur parmi les plus réputés, Jacques Roubaud (1932) est mathématicien, théoricien de la langue, membre de l’Oulipo. Son œuvre couvre l’ensemble des pratiques d’écriture. Il a fait paraître aux éditions Gallimard les livres de poésie Signe d’appartenance,1967 ; Mono no Aware : Le Sentiment des choses, 1970 ; Renga avec Octavio Paz, Charles Tomlinson et Edouardo Sanguineti, 1971 ; Trente et un au cube, 1973 ; Autobiographie, chapitre dix : poèmes avec des moments de repos en prose, 1977 ; Dors, précédé de Dire la poésie, 1981 ; Quelque chose noir, 1986 ; La pluralité des mondes de Lewis, 1991 ; La forme d’une ville change plus vite, hélas, que le cœur des humains, 1999 ; Churchill 40 et autres sonnets de voyage, 2004. Il est aussi l’auteur avec Florence Delay d’un vaste cycle Graal théâtre, on lui doit par ailleurs des essais, des traductions et des anthologies, un cycle romanesque de La belle Hortense, des récits, et un «projet» autobiographique paru aux éditions du Seuil. Jacques Roubaud a par ailleurs travaillé pour des projets et livres avec les plasticiens Christian Boltanski, On Kawara, et Rebecca Horn. Roubaud a choisi de lire des textes de Jean Daive. AU : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 programmation : Jérôme Mauche
**2 août à 19h En écho à sa programmation qui associe l’œuvre du sculpteur à la création la plus contemporaine, le Musée Zadkine poursuit son cycle de lectures avec Emmanuel Rabu
BIO : Rabu (1971), poète et musicien, multiplie les approches, les registres entre expérimentation, improvisation et détournement.Il a créé la revue « Plastiq » et a fait paraître les livres moderne faculté des Maîtres, Poésie Express, 2000 ; Èv-zone, Derrière la salle de bain, 2002 ; Cargo Culte (à partir du disque l’Histoire de Melody Nelson de Serge Gainsbourg), Dernier Télégramme, 2007 ; Tryphon Tournesol et Isidore Isou, Seuil, 2007, dans lequel Emmanuel Rabu entre réactivation et humour relie les univers d’Hergé et du lettrisme.Il collabore notamment avec Sylvain Courtoux à des performances-concerts. Emmanuel Rabu lira des extraits d’un texte inédit +/- et diffusera des chansons et pièces sonores. AU : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 programmation : Jérôme Mauche
For more events in French, see Florence Trocmé’s site: & scroll through the “agenda”!!!
Section II: Creative Writing Workshops this Summer
7th, 14th July : The Other Writers' Workshop: 3-5pm: An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just listen & react. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 3 euros.
5th July: Paris Writers Workshop: "Paths to Publication" 3 p.m. Prizewinning authors Melanie Almeder, Jennifer K. Dick, Louise Thunin, & Pat Westheimer will discuss & compare the different paths to the publication of their first books in France &/or the USA. The panel will be moderated by Laurel Zuckerman, author of Sorbonne Confidential. This is a Paris Writers Workshop event, open to the public (15 euros) At: WICE, July 5th, 3-4 p.m. Fee: 15 Euros 20 bd Montparnasse 75015 Tel:
Sign up now: for July or August sessions of Art Workshop’s summer creative writing seminars in Italy: SESSION I: July 25 - August 7 “POETRY IS THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN” with Marie Ponsot “THE USES OF MEMORY: POETRY & PROSE” with Honor Moore & “FROM THE PAGE TO THE STAGE” with Charles Marowitz. SESSION II: August 8 - August 21“ALL I KNOW ABOUT WRITING” with Maxine Hong Kingston; “CONSTRUCTING THE CRIME NOVEL” with S.J. Rozan & “VISION & REVISION: A SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP” with: Jayne Wenger. See website for complete details, & for workshops in the visual art fields:
Section III: Reviews News & New Reviews: Many calls for written work!!!
SUBMIT: TRANSLATIONS, FILM REVIEWS, POETRY & FICTION: To Adirondack Review. high-quality poetry & fiction in the form of short stories. See current issue at: Tends to feature narrative work with strong character or place base. Scroll down their issue to see fiction, interviews, translations, etc. Then read submission Guidelines at: For translations, they are seeking prose or poetry work from French & German: send to
SUBMIT PLUS ORDER A COPY : “Bordercrossing Berlin”, a new lit mag out of Europe in English, has just launched issue 2! With 200 pages, Bordercrossing Berlin is a beautifully designed publication comprising new art, European Anglophone prose & poetry, news from the English language literary scenes throughout Europe in the Correspondents section, food for the bilingual mind in the Translating Ideas section, the column Candi Girl from up-&-coming Berlin-based comedian Jacinta Nandi. It brings together new authors based in Berlin, Germany & Eastern Europe with more established names such as Prague-based poet Justin Quinn, an interview with Booker Prize nominee Rachel Seiffert & an extract from her new book Afterwards, as well as writing by well-known authors John Hartley Williams & novelist Zoe Strachan. Bordercrossing Berlin is available for 8 EUR plus p+p, & may be ordered online via our website: - simply click on “order a copy” ARE YOU A WRITER? BB includes a nice sprinkling of writing from around the world. Next deadline: 1st Sept. Remember, order a copy first to see work—& also to help lit mags survive & be able to publish your work, too!!!
SUBMIT/READ: INK magazine, an English language publication, is looking for contributors. Broadly featuring literature, language, Anglo-French cultural relations, arts and all forms of creative writing, INK is themed by a letter of the alphabet and we're looking for contributions for the U edition! We welcome contributions related to any of the above. Ideally pieces should be between 500 and 1000 words and should be emailed to us by Monday 23rd of July at
*19 juillet à 19h le Musée Zadkine poursuit son cycle de lectures avec Laure Limongi Entre élégance pop et relecture des icônes modernes, Laure Limongi (1976) participe du renouvellement des écritures contemporaines. Elle est l’auteur d’Éros Peccadille, Al Dante, 2002 ; Je ne sais rien d'un homme quand je sais qu'il s'appelle Jacques, Al Dante, 2004 ; La Rumeur des espaces négatifs avec l’artiste et écrivain Thomas Lélu, Léo Scheer, 2005 ; Orchidées & salami, Discobabel, 2005 ; Fonction Elvis, Léo Scheer, 2006. Elle intervient parfois sous formes de performances et collabore avec des artistes et des musiciens, notamment Pierre Henry, Deux coups de sonnette (Signatures Radio France, Harmonia Mundi). Après avoir animé la collection & (Al Dante), elle dirige auprès des éditions Léo Scheer la collection LaureLi, consacrée à la nouvelle fiction française. Laure Limongi a choisi de lire des écrits de la romancière et activiste américaine Kathy Acker (1947-1997) ainsi que des textes de Christophe Hanna (1970) et d’Emmanuel Tugny (1968) AU : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 programmation : Jérôme Mauche
19 juillet 2007 – 20h - – Music group « MINUSCULE HEY » is playing in Paris !!! "A l'impertinence de People On Holiday s'ajoute un curieux minimalisme fondamentaliste - et malgré tout pince sans rire. Ca donne aussi bien une electroclash avec juste la peau sur les os (Cheap girl), qu'un rock de saint-guy à tendance schizoïde, qui sautille, passe du coq à l'âne et, surtout, suit son instinct le nez au vent." Magic. entrée libre AT : « Port d'Amsterdam » club, - Paris or
21 July 0:00am/00h00 Midnight Ball for the Arrival of the 7th & Final HARRY POTTER Book!!!: Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling will be published around the world in the English language at midnight (00:01 BST - British Summer Time) Saturday, 21st, July 2007. 2007 marks the tenth anniversary of the publication of the first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone. To celebrate the arrival of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore will be hosting a Midnight Ball, with sorting, singing, supping until the 1 am opening of the HP boxes! AT: Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 22, rue St Paul, 75004 Paris. Nearest m° station St Paul (Bastille & Sully-Morland are also close); buses 67, 96, 69, 76.
*26 juillet à 19h Atelier Hors-piste programmé par Paris Quartier d’Eté Précédé d’une lecture musicale du poème de Blaise Cendrars La Prose du Transssibérien et de la petite Jehanne de France (1913), avec Dominique Fondrède, voix, et Véronique Tat, violoncelle. Dominique Fonfrède est comédienne et interprète, notamment de théâtre musical après avoir travaillé avec Georges Aperghis et Annick Nozati pour de nombreuses créations. Elle a notamment créé le monologue Beaux jours après la pluie, à partir de Beckett, en y incluant des Récitations d’Aperghis.Véronique Tat a notamment fait partie de l'Orchestre de Tours, de l'Orchestre Symphonique d'Europe, de l'Orchestre Symphonique Franco-allemand, ainsi que des Orchestres et formations de musique de chambre. AU : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 programmation : Jérôme Mauche
**2 août à 13h le Musée Zadkine poursuit son cycle de lectures avec Jacques Roubaud Poète et prosateur parmi les plus réputés, Jacques Roubaud (1932) est mathématicien, théoricien de la langue, membre de l’Oulipo. Son œuvre couvre l’ensemble des pratiques d’écriture. Il a fait paraître aux éditions Gallimard les livres de poésie Signe d’appartenance,1967 ; Mono no Aware : Le Sentiment des choses, 1970 ; Renga avec Octavio Paz, Charles Tomlinson et Edouardo Sanguineti, 1971 ; Trente et un au cube, 1973 ; Autobiographie, chapitre dix : poèmes avec des moments de repos en prose, 1977 ; Dors, précédé de Dire la poésie, 1981 ; Quelque chose noir, 1986 ; La pluralité des mondes de Lewis, 1991 ; La forme d’une ville change plus vite, hélas, que le cœur des humains, 1999 ; Churchill 40 et autres sonnets de voyage, 2004. Il est aussi l’auteur avec Florence Delay d’un vaste cycle Graal théâtre, on lui doit par ailleurs des essais, des traductions et des anthologies, un cycle romanesque de La belle Hortense, des récits, et un «projet» autobiographique paru aux éditions du Seuil. Jacques Roubaud a par ailleurs travaillé pour des projets et livres avec les plasticiens Christian Boltanski, On Kawara, et Rebecca Horn. Roubaud a choisi de lire des textes de Jean Daive. AU : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 programmation : Jérôme Mauche
**2 août à 19h En écho à sa programmation qui associe l’œuvre du sculpteur à la création la plus contemporaine, le Musée Zadkine poursuit son cycle de lectures avec Emmanuel Rabu
BIO : Rabu (1971), poète et musicien, multiplie les approches, les registres entre expérimentation, improvisation et détournement.Il a créé la revue « Plastiq » et a fait paraître les livres moderne faculté des Maîtres, Poésie Express, 2000 ; Èv-zone, Derrière la salle de bain, 2002 ; Cargo Culte (à partir du disque l’Histoire de Melody Nelson de Serge Gainsbourg), Dernier Télégramme, 2007 ; Tryphon Tournesol et Isidore Isou, Seuil, 2007, dans lequel Emmanuel Rabu entre réactivation et humour relie les univers d’Hergé et du lettrisme.Il collabore notamment avec Sylvain Courtoux à des performances-concerts. Emmanuel Rabu lira des extraits d’un texte inédit +/- et diffusera des chansons et pièces sonores. AU : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 programmation : Jérôme Mauche
For more events in French, see Florence Trocmé’s site: & scroll through the “agenda”!!!
Section II: Creative Writing Workshops this Summer
7th, 14th July : The Other Writers' Workshop: 3-5pm: An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just listen & react. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 3 euros.
5th July: Paris Writers Workshop: "Paths to Publication" 3 p.m. Prizewinning authors Melanie Almeder, Jennifer K. Dick, Louise Thunin, & Pat Westheimer will discuss & compare the different paths to the publication of their first books in France &/or the USA. The panel will be moderated by Laurel Zuckerman, author of Sorbonne Confidential. This is a Paris Writers Workshop event, open to the public (15 euros) At: WICE, July 5th, 3-4 p.m. Fee: 15 Euros 20 bd Montparnasse 75015 Tel:
Sign up now: for July or August sessions of Art Workshop’s summer creative writing seminars in Italy: SESSION I: July 25 - August 7 “POETRY IS THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN” with Marie Ponsot “THE USES OF MEMORY: POETRY & PROSE” with Honor Moore & “FROM THE PAGE TO THE STAGE” with Charles Marowitz. SESSION II: August 8 - August 21“ALL I KNOW ABOUT WRITING” with Maxine Hong Kingston; “CONSTRUCTING THE CRIME NOVEL” with S.J. Rozan & “VISION & REVISION: A SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP” with: Jayne Wenger. See website for complete details, & for workshops in the visual art fields:
Section III: Reviews News & New Reviews: Many calls for written work!!!
SUBMIT: TRANSLATIONS, FILM REVIEWS, POETRY & FICTION: To Adirondack Review. high-quality poetry & fiction in the form of short stories. See current issue at: Tends to feature narrative work with strong character or place base. Scroll down their issue to see fiction, interviews, translations, etc. Then read submission Guidelines at: For translations, they are seeking prose or poetry work from French & German: send to
SUBMIT PLUS ORDER A COPY : “Bordercrossing Berlin”, a new lit mag out of Europe in English, has just launched issue 2! With 200 pages, Bordercrossing Berlin is a beautifully designed publication comprising new art, European Anglophone prose & poetry, news from the English language literary scenes throughout Europe in the Correspondents section, food for the bilingual mind in the Translating Ideas section, the column Candi Girl from up-&-coming Berlin-based comedian Jacinta Nandi. It brings together new authors based in Berlin, Germany & Eastern Europe with more established names such as Prague-based poet Justin Quinn, an interview with Booker Prize nominee Rachel Seiffert & an extract from her new book Afterwards, as well as writing by well-known authors John Hartley Williams & novelist Zoe Strachan. Bordercrossing Berlin is available for 8 EUR plus p+p, & may be ordered online via our website: - simply click on “order a copy” ARE YOU A WRITER? BB includes a nice sprinkling of writing from around the world. Next deadline: 1st Sept. Remember, order a copy first to see work—& also to help lit mags survive & be able to publish your work, too!!!
SUBMIT/READ: INK magazine, an English language publication, is looking for contributors. Broadly featuring literature, language, Anglo-French cultural relations, arts and all forms of creative writing, INK is themed by a letter of the alphabet and we're looking for contributions for the U edition! We welcome contributions related to any of the above. Ideally pieces should be between 500 and 1000 words and should be emailed to us by Monday 23rd of July at
ORDER NOW : New in transaltion ! “Plasma / Parallèles / "X" » de Barrett Watten, traduit de l'américain par Martin Richet FROM « Le Quartanier » Jacataqua 01 Length : 32 pages, Couverture de Christian Bélanger, 9$ / 6€ Informations, commandes et catalogues : Le Quartanier, 4418, rue Messier, Montréal (Québec) H2H 2H9, Canada BIOS : Poète, critique et éditeur, Barrett Watten a été avec Robert Grenier l'éditeur de This (1971–1982), l'une des principales revues du mouvement L=a=n=g=u=a=g=e, et a coédité avec Lyn Hejinian le Poetics Journal (1982–1998), revue de théorie et de critique. Ses livres incluent The Constructivist Moment: From Material Text to Cultural Poetics (Wesleyan UP, 2003, prix Rene Wellek 2004) ; Frame (1971–1990) (Sun & Moon, 1997) ; Total Syntax (Southern Illinois UP, 1985), recueil d'essais sur les poétiques d'avant-garde. Plasma / Parallèles / « X » est le premier livre de Barrett Watten à être traduit en français. Au Quartanier, Martin Richet dirige la série Jacataqua, consacrée à la poésie américaine en traduction. Série transversale qui progressera aussi bien dans Revue Le Quartanier qu'au sein de la collection Phacochères ou sous d'autres formes. Richet est aussi auteur et poète avec ses propres recueils. pour plus.
FLASH FICTION PRIZE Contest for prize & copy of issue #3 of Bordercrossing Berlin: write 500 words or LESS including the word “Translocal”. Address Prize entries to: “Flash Fiction Prize, The Blackbird Press, Verlagshaus J Frank, Berlin, Sophienstraße 18, Sophiensaele, 10178 Berlin, Allemagne”. Also, note that these same editors have formed THE BLACKBIRD PRESS: a new publishing house, under which they will be bringing out their first book in Autumn 2007!!! See for more. No entry fee.
American Apocalypse OUT NOW : Subscribe, get a copy of this exciting number of Green Mountains Review 20th anniversary double-issue on Literature of the American Apocalypse! Order a copy (essentially, a one-year subscription) or sign on for a two-year subscription. This timely issue features poems, stories, & essays, darkly comic or deadly serious, that examine the contours of American dread inspired by everything from the current Administration’s war on terror & war on privacy, to continuing threats of environmental degradation, nuclear annihilation, world-ravaging disease, corruptions of culture & language, natural disasters that some say are caused by global warming & others say are acts of an angry god. Contributors include Marvin Bell, Michael Blumenthal, Christopher Buckley, Denise Duhamel, B.H. Fairchild, Brian Henry, Bob Hicok, H.L. Hix, Timothy Liu, Reginald Shepherd, & 60+ more. Our 20th anniversary issue includes work from starkly realistic cautionary tales of the moment, to raucously surreal visions of the apocalypse. Order: GREEN MOUNTAINS REVIEW: 20th Anniversary Double-Issue: Literature of the American Apocalypse $16.50 (includes postage in USA); 2-Year Subscription $27.00 (includes postage in USA) Make checks payable to Green Mountains Review & send to: Green Mountains Review, Johnson State College, Johnson, VT 05656. From Europe/France: send checks to same address but in euros & made out to Neil Shephard: 23 euros (12 for the issue, 11 for air mail postage) for one year subscription, & 38 euros (21 for the issues, 17 for air mail postage) for two. Contact for questions or other currencies or issues, Neil at:
AMAZING links page: whatever you might be trying to find in experimental poetry & poetics: Off of the fabulous press, BlazeVox: support them by ordering books!!!
SUBMIT Drama: We are reading full-length dramatic works & collections of shorter dramatic works until 1 August 2007. If work submitted has received professional production, print rights to the work must yet belong to the writer in order to be considered for publication by Noemi Press. Work submitted may have been previously published in parts, preferably not in whole. Although we are open to considering work of any type, we are admittedly most interested in reading & publishing the work of those dramatists who push themselves to explore the most radical possibilities of dramatic art. Submit a 50-300 pp. manuscript (with table of contents & acknowledgments page, if applicable) & SASE to the address following. There is no reading fee. More info on Press at: Send to: Noemi Press, Open Submission (Indicate Genre), P.O. Box 1330, Mesilla Park, NM 88047 USA.
FLASH FICTION WANTED : For the August 2007 issue (submissions accepted June 28-July 12, 2007 MAX), The Pedestal Magazine (a bimonthly magazine which pays contributors) is only accepting flash fiction submissions (1,000 words or shorter). Each author is invited to submit as many as three works of flash fiction for this issue. Flash Fiction: There is no need to query prior to submitting flash fiction. For more or future guidelines, as well as to email submit your flash fiction see: (scroll to bottom & click “submit” to send your flash fiction).
NOW ONLINE : Read this, as METIS says : Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer que le premier numéro de "Recto/Verso" est désormais en ligne, à l'adresse En plus des cinq études théoriques et appliquées du dossier thématique "Genèses contemporaines", dans cette première issue, vous trouverez une rencontre avec Agota Kristof, l'auteur de la "Trilogie des jumeaux" aux Editions du Seuil, ainsi qu'un long témoignage de Daniel Defert, légataire des manuscrits de Michel Foucault, qui, pour l'occasion, nous a gentiment offert un autographe inédit du Cours au Collège de France de Foucault. Le support internet nous a permis d'accompagner les entretiens d'extraits sonores, que vous pourrez écouter directement sur le site et télécharger.
SUBMIT Poetry & Fiction: to new & exciting BROOKLYN, NY online magazine: Harp & Altar. We accept unsolicited submissions of poetry & fiction by email only. Please send all submissions attached in a single Word document to For essays, reviews, & other critical or nonfiction writing, please send a query before submitting any work. Enter either Poetry, Fiction, or Query in the subject line of the email, along with your last name. Gen Editor: Keith Newton; Fiction editor: Eugene Lim: Art direction & production: Andrew Ackermann. See their new issue up online at:
FLASH FICTION PRIZE Contest for prize & copy of issue #3 of Bordercrossing Berlin: write 500 words or LESS including the word “Translocal”. Address Prize entries to: “Flash Fiction Prize, The Blackbird Press, Verlagshaus J Frank, Berlin, Sophienstraße 18, Sophiensaele, 10178 Berlin, Allemagne”. Also, note that these same editors have formed THE BLACKBIRD PRESS: a new publishing house, under which they will be bringing out their first book in Autumn 2007!!! See for more. No entry fee.
American Apocalypse OUT NOW : Subscribe, get a copy of this exciting number of Green Mountains Review 20th anniversary double-issue on Literature of the American Apocalypse! Order a copy (essentially, a one-year subscription) or sign on for a two-year subscription. This timely issue features poems, stories, & essays, darkly comic or deadly serious, that examine the contours of American dread inspired by everything from the current Administration’s war on terror & war on privacy, to continuing threats of environmental degradation, nuclear annihilation, world-ravaging disease, corruptions of culture & language, natural disasters that some say are caused by global warming & others say are acts of an angry god. Contributors include Marvin Bell, Michael Blumenthal, Christopher Buckley, Denise Duhamel, B.H. Fairchild, Brian Henry, Bob Hicok, H.L. Hix, Timothy Liu, Reginald Shepherd, & 60+ more. Our 20th anniversary issue includes work from starkly realistic cautionary tales of the moment, to raucously surreal visions of the apocalypse. Order: GREEN MOUNTAINS REVIEW: 20th Anniversary Double-Issue: Literature of the American Apocalypse $16.50 (includes postage in USA); 2-Year Subscription $27.00 (includes postage in USA) Make checks payable to Green Mountains Review & send to: Green Mountains Review, Johnson State College, Johnson, VT 05656. From Europe/France: send checks to same address but in euros & made out to Neil Shephard: 23 euros (12 for the issue, 11 for air mail postage) for one year subscription, & 38 euros (21 for the issues, 17 for air mail postage) for two. Contact for questions or other currencies or issues, Neil at:
AMAZING links page: whatever you might be trying to find in experimental poetry & poetics: Off of the fabulous press, BlazeVox: support them by ordering books!!!
SUBMIT Drama: We are reading full-length dramatic works & collections of shorter dramatic works until 1 August 2007. If work submitted has received professional production, print rights to the work must yet belong to the writer in order to be considered for publication by Noemi Press. Work submitted may have been previously published in parts, preferably not in whole. Although we are open to considering work of any type, we are admittedly most interested in reading & publishing the work of those dramatists who push themselves to explore the most radical possibilities of dramatic art. Submit a 50-300 pp. manuscript (with table of contents & acknowledgments page, if applicable) & SASE to the address following. There is no reading fee. More info on Press at: Send to: Noemi Press, Open Submission (Indicate Genre), P.O. Box 1330, Mesilla Park, NM 88047 USA.
FLASH FICTION WANTED : For the August 2007 issue (submissions accepted June 28-July 12, 2007 MAX), The Pedestal Magazine (a bimonthly magazine which pays contributors) is only accepting flash fiction submissions (1,000 words or shorter). Each author is invited to submit as many as three works of flash fiction for this issue. Flash Fiction: There is no need to query prior to submitting flash fiction. For more or future guidelines, as well as to email submit your flash fiction see: (scroll to bottom & click “submit” to send your flash fiction).
NOW ONLINE : Read this, as METIS says : Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer que le premier numéro de "Recto/Verso" est désormais en ligne, à l'adresse En plus des cinq études théoriques et appliquées du dossier thématique "Genèses contemporaines", dans cette première issue, vous trouverez une rencontre avec Agota Kristof, l'auteur de la "Trilogie des jumeaux" aux Editions du Seuil, ainsi qu'un long témoignage de Daniel Defert, légataire des manuscrits de Michel Foucault, qui, pour l'occasion, nous a gentiment offert un autographe inédit du Cours au Collège de France de Foucault. Le support internet nous a permis d'accompagner les entretiens d'extraits sonores, que vous pourrez écouter directement sur le site et télécharger.
SUBMIT Poetry & Fiction: to new & exciting BROOKLYN, NY online magazine: Harp & Altar. We accept unsolicited submissions of poetry & fiction by email only. Please send all submissions attached in a single Word document to For essays, reviews, & other critical or nonfiction writing, please send a query before submitting any work. Enter either Poetry, Fiction, or Query in the subject line of the email, along with your last name. Gen Editor: Keith Newton; Fiction editor: Eugene Lim: Art direction & production: Andrew Ackermann. See their new issue up online at:
JUST OUT! / READ online NOW: Yes, this is a bit of Paris Writers + self-promotion, as I am thrilled to be a part of a journal I have always admired. So, go read some creative & critical work in the fab new issue of How2 Journal, Where I, JENNIFER K. DICK, have a review of Laura Mullen’s book Murmur (in the “alerts” section), where JOE ROSS another Paris local has TRANSLATIONS, where VINCENT BROQUA of Double Change in Paris has a conference paper (in the “in conference” section”) & featuring some excellent writing such as a selection of poetry by Africa Wayne, Carol Mirakove, Camille PB, Catherine Wagner, Coupons≠Coupons, Geraldine Monk, Kathleen Fraser & Hermine Ford, Leslie Scalapino, Lisa Samuels, Maggie O'Sullivan & Wendy Mulford in a section on the Cambridge Experimental Women’s Poetry Festival, Plus a How2 downloadable chapbook, including poetry by Maggie O'Sullivan, Susan M. Schultz, Sophie Robinson, Frances Presley, Kaia Sand, MG Roberts, Laine Ballard, Redell Olsen, Susana Gardner, Cynthia Hogue, Jennifer Firestone, Kate Fagan, Leslie Scalapino & Lyn Hejinian. & MANY MORE cool things!!!
SUBMIT WRITING, Photos, ART & SHORT FILMS!!!: To The BIG UGLY REVIEW: The theme for Issue #7 is Fight or Flight. All submission must somehow relate to the issue's theme, deadline is December 1, 2007. Responses 4-8 weeks after the close of submissions. Note we accept simultaneous submissions, so feel free to send your work out elsewhere while you are waiting to hear from us. You can enter via email or via US Mail: see complete guidelines & issue 6 The Body Issue (lots of fun!) at: or: The Big Ugly Review 490 Second Street Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94107. Submission categories: Short Story: Up to 3,000 words Flash Fiction: Up to 1,000 words "& So It Begins" Contest: Up to 500 words, beginning with the following first sentence: "There are three ways I can win this fight." Creative Nonfiction: Up to 3,000 words Poetry: Poems of any length & form. Photo-Essay: A series of up to ten photographs with captions of any length. (Note that photos must have captions - that's the "essay" part of the photo-essay. Please no photos without captions.) Send photos as a jpeg or similar attachment. Collaborations welcome. Music: Send us your original song in any genre as mp3 attachment. Please include the lyrics. Film: Submit films of five minutes or less. Send us your DVD to the address above or direct us to your film on the web.
SEEKING APT in SEPT: For year-long rental. Author Sandy Florian, via: is seeking a nice rental in central Paris starting in September or late August through June/July 2008.
SUBMIT poetics papers : on “Poetry & Performance” to How2journal. We are looking for papers, interviews, reviews & new writing that relate to issues of poetry & performance. We invite papers that focus on a range of approaches to poetry & performance, including the relationships between live art / performance & poetics & what has been termed in the UK, Performance Writing. We would like our contributors to consider some aspect of performance poetry or poetry in performance in relation to contexts of collaboration, networks & communities, & / or, its crossover into digital writing & new media. We are also particularly interested in the concept of a "poetic economy", which examines the way that gift cultures can be suggestive of possibilities for developing poetic networks. Poetry's oral tradition is finding new relevance within this type of economy & we welcome submissions that address the recent development of poetic practices that focus on the spoken word such as those supported by a range of venues including; Naropa University & the Bowery Poetry Club. We are also interested in poetry's relationship to live-art, music, sound poetry, & performance in new media. See HOW2 journal’s guidelines online for submitting work at Contact: Elizabeth-Jane Burnett & Sophie Robinson, Royal Holloway, University of London. & Deadline: September 1st 2007.
SUBMIT WORK to NOO journal : Short fiction under 2500 words. We are looking for literary stories, honesty & evident craft. No specific genre stories, please. Please send 1 story at a time. Poetry both lyric & narrative. We enjoy poems that are fun to read out loud & that tackle humans & their headaches head on. Please send 1-3 poems. Monologues under 200 words that deal with your personal reaction to our topic or other current political & social issues. These should be as honest & flawed as our natural opinions tend to be. Essays under 2000 words that present strong arguments & fresh looks at current issues. In essays, we tend to enjoy reason over vitriol Photography & Artwork of the black & white variety. We tend to enjoy quirky B&W photography best. We appreciate links to online work, but we can also accept attachments of JPGs. If your work is accepted, we will need high quality 300+ dpi TIFFs. Include BIO, EMAIL, Email submissions to: Simultaneous OK, takes 2 months for reply, pays 2 copies of issue, expects to be acknowledged in future publications.
We are looking for inventive writing of any form or style (including hybrids) for our online magazine. Pinstripe Fedora believes that there is not a border between prose & poetry. Form & content are ultimately created in the mind of the writer. While we believe & support lineages, we are looking for idiosyncratic, original writing.
Submit NOW: We're reading from June 1-Aug 4, 2007: prose, poetry, various genres, artwork, etc for Gargoyle #53. We'll be collecting & accepting material all summer. The issue will appear in summer 2008. See for faqs. rated best literary journal for fall 2006 by the Montserrat Review Also Reviewed by New Pages & Poets & Writers takes note of Gargoyle. Issue 51 is available for sale, even via, & subscriptions are also welcome. The magazine has a great array of work. Fun pics related to Gargoyle’s history on: check it out!!!
VERSAL V OUT NOW! Amsterdam's lit journal Versal has reached its fifth edition: over 100 pages of innovative new poetry, prose, & art from Canada to Croatia. Published annually by wordsinhere, Versal is both collector & merchant, spanning the range of literatures present in our world today. Contributors to the new edition include Jeffery Beam, Helen Burke, Giles Goodland, Myronn Hardy, Alistair Noon, Alissa Nutting, Andrew Michael Roberts, & Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai. Three-year subscription: 30 euros. Per copy: 15 euros. Prices include shipping. Visit for details & to order online, or see if copies are in at Red Wheelbarrow in Paris.
CHECK OUT THIS COOL THING: The Continental Review: "The Continental Review is the first exclusively video-only journal devoted to contemporary poetry & poetics on the web. It has been priveleged to already feature readings & contributions by some of the luminaries of contemporary poetics, such as Linh Dinh, Noah Eli Gordon, Allyssa Wolf, Joshua-Marie Wilkinson, Tom Beckett, Spencer Selby, Eileen Tabios, & many more. Video readings, video interviews, video reviews: poetry has entered the age of New Media." The "video journal" can be found at: It was created & is being developed by Australian author Nicolas Manning, for more on his own writings, reflections, etc. see the blog:
READ NOW: Anthology 'In the criminal's cabinet' now only costs £9.00 (9 pounds sterling UK, paypal payment possible), with postage & packing FREE. It is a deal not to miss!!! Please send a cheque (UK sterling only made out to Val Stevenson) & mail to: In the criminal's cabinet, 38 Allcroft Road, London NW5 4NE, UK. Remember to include your name & address, & make cheques payable to VAL STEVENSON. "powerful, distinctive voices full of wit, invention & mischief from all over the world, [..] This is the twenty-first century answer to the vanished local bookshop kept by an avid reader with style & taste & real insider knowledge."--MARINA WARNER, UK "showcases some of the freshest, most urgent voices in poetry & fiction today"—VERSE magazine, USA. See samples, & purchase copies via PayPal at:
SUBMIT Innovative Poetry to with the subject SUBMISSION in the e-mail's heading. The editors are accepting up to 10 pages of creative work. If the work is longer than 10 pages, please note that you are sending an excerpt. Send work in an attached Word format. Please put all contact information (name, mail, phone number, address) in the body of the email. At the moment, there is no deadline for submissions.
SUBMIT books: First poetry book contest at Pavement Saw Press. Selection is made anonymously. Author receives $1000 & a percentage of press run. All poems must be original, fiction or translations are not acceptable. Entries to: Pavement Saw Press Transcontinental Award Entry, P.O. Box 6291, Columbus, OH 43206 DEADLINE: August 15th postmark. Guidelines at:
OFFERING APT for Rent : Light, beautiful, near Nation & the BOIS DE VINCENNES. 3 rooms, 65m2 (1 big « SALON », 1 bedroom, 1 office room with 2 desks, 1 bathroom + separate toilet, 1 Kitchen w/dishwasher, clothes washing machine, internet, etc). TOUT CONFORT ET TRES CALME. COMMERCES A PROXIMITE. Situated at : RER A NATION. M° lines : 1,2,6,& 9. free 15 July-15 Aug Price : 1050euros+ Charges (Elect/gas, Telephone). Call: 06 99 51 70 06 or email et /ou for more or to rent.
SEND PROSE & FLASH FICTION to: INK POT a print literary Journal out of California. See their guidelines page at: Work in Ink Pot has been awarded Pushcart & other prizes. They take stories of up to 5000 words.
Submit work for Special Feature on Carla Harryman: For HOW2 journal’s next issue we invite submissions for a critical feature on the writings of Carla Harryman. We are interested in critical essays & readings which might consider her work & its relationship to performance, theatre & poetics, & in particular how her plays & poems relate to recent traditions & developments in the international contexts of avant-garde writing practices. Issues to consider might include gender, site-specific writing, visual arts, film, subjectivities, live art, performing objects, Poets Theater, politics, the body & eroticism. More information on recent work by Carla Harryman can be found at Deadline for submissions: August 1st 2007.Queries to
SUBMIT FLASH FICTION or POETRY: to “Flashquake” review’s Fall Issue - to be published September 1. flashquake is an independent, quarterly, web-based publication that focuses on works of flash fiction, flash nonfiction (memoirs, essays, creative nonfiction, humor) of MAX 1000 words, & short poetry. Submissions accepted June 1 to August 1, Contributor Notification Deadline - around August 15. SEND WORK: only as plain text enclosed in an e-mail message to See their site for COMPLETE guidelines:
WHERE ARE THOSE PRESSES?: See the UK-based INTERNATIONAL list of small experimental poetry & poetics presses online (or have them add your press & links!!) at:
SEND STORY or POETRY BOOKS to: The St. Lawrence Book Award. It is open to any writer who has not yet published a full-length collection of short stories or poems. The deadline for 2007 is August 31. 25dollar fee. The winner of this contest will receive book publication, a $1,000 cash award, ten copies of the book, & an interview in The Adirondack Review. Prizes awarded on publication. See full guidelines & previous winners at: Our fall contest, the Black River Chapbook Competition, closes in November & is open to poetry submissions.
THE PARIS TIMES hit the stands June 27th with “Libération’s MADE IN UK” special edition. Find a four-page section by The Paris Times for the British living in France! Also, CHECK OUR NEW WEBSITE! & send work, articles, reflections, etc to editor Julie Pecheur. Snail mail address for Paris Times: 76, rue Notre Dame des Champs, 75006 Paris 01 40 51 75 28
RESOURCE: For authors & beginning writers & artists alike, see this list of independent presses, books on writing, reflections on writing & art & see/read some of her own writings/art, see Dee Rimbaud’s site at:
Salman Rushdie said, "A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, & stop it going to sleep."
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