I) Readings & events: asterisks mark book-related events
II) Courses in Creative Writing in France in Nov/Dec
III) News Reviews & Reviews News—publications & calls for submissions, etc.
I) READINGS & EVENTS in PARIS in Oct 2008:
*5 octobre, 18h HOMMAGE à Mahmoud DARWICH (1941 – 2008) avec Safaa FATHY, Nancy HUSTON, Kadhim JIHAD, Elias SANBAR, SAPHO, Habib TENGOUR et Farouk MARDAM BEY AT: Reid Hall (La Grande Salle) 4, rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris m° Vavin, entrée libre
* 6 OCT 7pm Welcome Daniel Mendelsohn, reading from his new book of essays ‘How Beautiful It Is And How Easily It Can Be Broken’. A frequent contributor to The New York Review of Books, Mendelsohn’s books include international bestseller “The Lost”, winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award & the Prix Médicis. Other awards include a National Book Critics Circle Award for book reviewing & the George Jean Nathan Prize for Drama Criticism. Writing with a lively intelligence & arresting originality, Mendelsohn brings his distinctive combination of scholarly rigour & conversational ease to bear across eras, cultures, & genres, from Roman games to video games. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 http://www.shakespeareco.org/ or http://www.festivalandco.com/
*6th October at 9.30: YOU READ as Spoken Word Starts again (theme: Intoxication, but all subjects welcome). Starting the 6th, Spoken word will then be on Monday every 2 weeks, ie 20th Oct then 3rd Nov etc. Note the New venue - the Culture Rapide/Cabaret Populaire - Spoken Word Plus (poems, stories, songs, etc) moves to Belleville: Open mic/scène ouverte: Performance poetry. Lire vivant. Poésie sonore. Stand up. Monologue. Stories. Beat poetry. Spoken word. English. Français. Your own original texts. Old texts from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron. There's only one rule – make the words come alive. Theme - Intoxication + Off-topic texts & songs welcome. Beer - cheap. AT: Cabaret Populaire "Culture Rapide" 103 rue Julien Lacroix (Walk up rue de Belleville from Belleville m°. It's on the right on the corner with rue Julien Lacroix. A giant sign reads ''Il faut se mefier les mots.'') http://www.culturerapide.com/index2
*7 Oct 19h30 Talk about Art: Chris Boïcos on Gertrude Stein: An Extraordinary American in Paris. A lecture & slide show. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du General-Camou, 75007 Paris, M°: Ecole Militaire. Free & open to the public. For program details, visit http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
*7 Oct at 7pm: Daniel Mendelsohn returns to the Village Voice Bookshop to discuss his new collection of essays, « How Beautiful It Is & How Easily It Can Be Broken”. Whether he's on Broadway or at the movies, considering a new bestseller or revisiting a literary classic, Daniel Mendelsohn's judgments over the past fifteen years have provoked & dazzled with their deep erudition, disarming emotionality, & tart wit. These thirty brilliant & engaging essays passionately articulate the themes that have made Daniel Mendelsohn a crucial voice in today's cultural conversation: the aesthetic & indeed political dangers of imposing contemporary attitudes on the great classics; the ruinous effect of sentimentality on the national consciousness in the post-9/11 world; the vital importance of the great literature of the past for a meaningful life in the present. “How Beautiful It Is And How Easily It Can Be Broken” makes it clear that no other contemporary thinker is as engaged with as many aspects of our culture & its influences as Mendelsohn is, & no one practices the vanishing art of popular criticism with more acuity, humor, & feeling. AT: Village Voice Bookshop, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
*8 Oct 19h30 Evenings with an Author: Alan Cowell, of the New York Times, speaks about the Alexander Litvinenko case & his just-published book, The Terminal Spy: A True Story of Espionage, Betrayal & Murder. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du General-Camou, 75007 Paris, M°: Ecole Militaire. Free & open to the public. For program details, visit http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
*8 oct à 19h BILINGUAL : Chaque année la Maison de la Poésie reçoit un grand poète du monde. La saison dernière nous avions accueilli Mahmoud Darwich. Cette saison c’est Tony Harrison, à l’occasion de la création française du poème « V. », qui entre dans nos murs. A ses côtés Leslie Kaplan, Armand Gatti et Jacques Darras, trois poètes français. Leur rencontre se fera à travers la poésie, des lectures de leurs propres poèmes, les uns répondant aux autres. Followed by projections of Harrison’s films on the 9th. AT : Maison de la Poésie, Passage Molière,157, rue Saint Martin, 75003 Paris, M° / RER :: Rambuteau / Les Halles.
*8 oct à 18h : Rencontre avec Hélène LENOIR à l’occasion de la parution de son livre « La Folie Silaz » aux Editions de Minuit. AT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, libcompagnie@wanadoo.fr ou http://www.librairie-compagnie.fr/ M°s Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
8 oct 21h-23h CONCERT: paul james & philippe germaine playing GREAT AMBIANCE, GREAT DRINKS, NO COVER! AT: pomme d' eve, 1, rue laplace 5e paris. m°: maubert-mutualite'
9 Oct : 18h-21h. VERNISSAGE + show the 10th-12th from 14h-20h daily. for Daphne Gamble, Kate Van Houten, Noriko Fuse & Joele Cauchoix as part of the portes ouvertes ateliers du Xe arrondissement ART KANAL 10 2008 show. This exciting quartet of contemporary artists is really not to miss ! AT: 50 rue du Faubourg du Temple 75011 Paris, m° République or Goncourt. For full program of many ateliers : http://artkanal10.free.fr/
*9 Oct : Lecture au Musée Zadkine avec Patrick Mauriès. This interesting French series invites one author per month to read a short selection of their own work as well as a short selection of work by someone they admire. Often very interesting to hear the range of work selected by these exciting contemporary French authors! Curated by Jérôme Mauche, author & publisher of Les Petits Matins books. AT : Musée Zadkine. 100 bis, rue d'Assas, 75006 Paris, Tél : 01 55 42 77 20
*9 Oct - 7:30 p.m. Annabel Simms will present & sign the brand new edition of her bestselling book “An Hour From Paris” AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP at books@whsmith.fr . http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
*9 oct à 18h : Rencontre avec Laurence LACOUR à l’occasion de la parution de son livre « Le chant sacré – une histoire du sang contaminé 1955-1983 » aux éditions Stock. AT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, libcompagnie@wanadoo.fr ou http://www.librairie-compagnie.fr/ M°s Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
*9, 10, 11 octobre, entrée libre, en anglais Lire en Fête. Poésie et Prose de l’Irlande : 30ème anniversaire de Poetry Ireland, with Derek Mahon, Harry Clifton, Paula Meehan, Dairena Ní Chinnéide, Medbh McGuckian, Gerry Smyth, Theo Dorgan, John F. Deane, Joseph Woods, Rory Brennan, et des écrivains Sorj Chalandon, Ronan Bennett, Claire Kilroy, Deirdre Madden, Dermot Bolger. This literary festival welcomes poets & writers to celebrate 30 years of Poetry Ireland. Davantage de détails seront bientôt disponibles sur notre site dans la rubrique « Littérature ». AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Reserve your place via : adoherty@centreculturelirlandais ou 01 58 52 10 30
*10 OCT at 6pm. Tobias Hill will be reading from his new novel, “The Hidden”, published by Faber & Faber in January 2009. Set in Sparta, The Hidden is an extraordinary novel of ancient secrets, modern conflicts & what it costs to belong. Tobias Hill is the acclaimed writer of three previous novels, “Underground” (1999), “The Love of Stones” (2001) & “The Cryptographer” (2003), three award-winning collections of poetry, plus a collection of short stories, “Skin”, which won the 1998 PEN/MacMillan Award for Fiction. Born in London in 1970, Tobias Hill has won many awards for his writing & was made the inaugural poet in residence at London Zoo in 1998. He is the Royal Society of Literature Fellow at Sussex University. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 http://www.shakespeareco.org/ or http://www.festivalandco.com/
*FOR TEENS: 10 October : Poetry & Writing Café for Teens from19h00-20h30, for young adults 12& over. With Novelist & Nonfiction writer Janet Sikelian Charles. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du General-Camou, 75007 Paris, M°: Ecole Militaire. Free & open to the public. For program details, visit http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
*10 Oct, 19h à 23h : la « Nuit de l’écrit » soirée ouverte par Michel Deguy et modérée par Magda Carneci et Jacques Darras (Renseignements au 01 47 05 15 31) Parmi les écrivains : Marie-Claire Bancquart, Claude Ber, Laure Cambau, Sylvestre Clancier, Ioana Craciunescu, Daniela Crasnaru, Jacques Darras, Michel Deguy, Rodica Draghincescu, Marie Etienne, Liliane Giraudon, Gil Jouanard, Christophe Marchand-Kiss, Alain Lance, Luis Mizon, Pierre Oster, Pascale Petit, Jean Portante, Lionel Ray, Eric Sarner, Sebastian Reichmann, Grete Tartler, Anca Visdei et quelques surprises. AT : Reid Hall Columbia University à Paris 4 rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris.*10 octobre à 19h BILINGUAL French & English POETRY READING: Lectures des derniers poèmes inédits tirés du recueil « Collected Poems » et performance publique de Tony Harrison. En français par Gérard Watkins. Traduction des poèmes Cécile Marshall, Claire Hélie et Marc Porée. AT : Maison de la Poésie, Passage Molière,157, rue Saint Martin, 75003 Paris, M° / RER :: Rambuteau / Les Halles.
*10 octobre à 19h : Rencontre avec ANNE RAMBACH à l'occasion de la parution de son roman policier « Parfum d'enfer » (Panama). AT : la librairie Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07 www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*Du 10 au 12 octobre ALL DAY : Le 18e Salon de la revue : Un salon en mouvement : plus de 700 revues de toutes disciplines (littérature, poésie, art, sciences humaines et sociales, psychanalyse, débats et idées) 200 revues étrangères (Belgique, Québec, Suisse, Espagne, Italie, Israël…) 15 nouveaux exposants, de l'École Française d’Extrême-orient aux Presses universitaires du Septentrion ; Le Visage vert, La Nouvelle revue théologique, les Périphériques vous parlent, Frictions, Sakamo, Utile, Geste, Papiers nickelés, Liselotte, Quatre, Fora, La Corne de Brume, Revue Giono… 10 nouvelles revues : Ananda, Criticat, Contraste, Journal de Quinzinzinzili, Résonance générale, Ricochets-poésie, La Roulette russe, TINA, Utile, Et donc à la fin… 30 animations, tables rondes et débats, dialogues et lectures à l'Espace d'animations des Blancs-Manteaux, 48, rue Vieille-du-Temple, 75004 Paris
*11 octobre 2008 : de 14h30 à 2h INAUGURATION DU CENTQUATRE pour de grands moments, artistiques et festifs ! This NEW SITE for Art, literary reviews & events in mult languages, but most of all French, is launching its exciting space by inviting everyone INSIDE for a day of packed visits, artistic & literary interventions. Including Melik Ohanian’s : Installation monumentale, « Seven minutes before » est constituée par sept plans séquences de vingt minutes projetés simultanément sur sept écrans et liés entre eux par un même événement final.AT : 104 rue d'Aubervilliers / 5 rue Curial 75 019 Paris See their site for more, & a call for artists seeking studio space, too ! En RER : lignes B et D En m° : lignes 2, 5, 7 - station Stalingrad (bd de la Villette, sortie n°2) or ligne 7 - stations Crimée ou Riquet http://www.104.fr/fr
*FOR KIDS: 11 October: 15h00-16h00 KIDS 6-12, come out to Celebrate Lire en Fête with a talk on South American Seasons & Senses, with author Ann Morddel. This talk is for children 6-12 years of age. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du General-Camou, 75007 Paris, M°: Ecole Militaire. Free & open to the public. For program details, visit http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
*12th Oct at 7.30pm MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a screenplay by Alexis Niki NIGHT-TIME NELLIE: When most sixteen-year-olds are fast asleep, Nellie looks after her sleepwalking family & does homework. Her monotony is relieved when a cute boy moves in next door & a mysterious new tutor shows up. But Nellie soon realises her new friends harbour a treacherous secret — & soon her skills as a guardian become a matter of life & death. Starring NELLY BUCHET-DEAK, PEGGY SMITHHART, ISAAC GOLLISH, EMMETT RAHN-OAKES; SIMON GOLLISH, JESSE MOUSSY, SONIA BACKERS, PAUL CAVIN; BILL DUNN, DAVID HOVIS. AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries
*12 octobre, 14h30Michel André et David Rothenberg : Le monde sonore des baleines De l’échange à la musique AT : Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle Amphithéâtre des Galeries de Paléontologie et d’Anatomie comparée 2 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris
13 OCT à 20h A reading of stories by JOE ASHBY PORTER from his new collection « All Aboard » Organised by l'Observatoire de la Littérature Américaine (ODELA) / Université Paris 7-Diderot. Joe Ashby Porter is the author of 3 novels (Eelgrass, Resident Aliens, The Near Future) & 4 collections of short stories (The Kentucky Stories, Lithuania, Touch Wood, All Aboard).Under the name Joseph A. Porter, he teaches at Duke University, & is a known Shakespeare specialist, having published the critical work “The Drama of Speech Acts: Shakespeare's Lancastrian Tetralogy et Shakespeare's Mercutio.” He’s also been guest professor at l'Université de Tours & writer in residence at the prestigous Brown University writing program. AT : RED WHEELBARROW 22, rue Saint Paul - 75004 Paris - M° Saint Paul
*13 OCT 7pm Leonard Pitt will be discussing his latest book Paris un voyage dans le temps. Faithful to his idiosyncratic method of teasing out the history of lost Paris in hundreds of archival photos of the city, Leonard Pitt reveals a Paris we never knew existed. Pairing these with photos of the same spot today & recounting the history of the transformation, our appreciation & knowledge of this great city deepens. Walking the same old streets becomes a new & richer experience. Leonard Pitt has been nurturing his love for Paris since he landed here in 1963 to study mime with Etienne Decroux. A resident for seven years, he returned to the US in 1970 but visits France regularly. His first book Walks Through Lost Paris (Promenades dans le Paris Disparu) became a bestseller. He is also author of A Small Moment of Great Illumination, about the life of the 17th century Irish healer Valentine Greatrakes. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 http://www.shakespeareco.org/ or http://www.festivalandco.com/
*14 Oct - 7:30 p.m. Laurel Zuckerman will present & sign the long-awaited English version of her popular French title “Sorbonne Confidential” AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP at books@whsmith.fr . http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
*14 Oct 19h30 WICE@The Library - Writers on Writing: Victoria Zackheim, author of For Keeps: Women Tell the Truth About Their Bodies, Growing Older, & Acceptance shares the unique challenges & joys in compiling the personal essays of twenty-seven gifted authors. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du General-Camou, 75007 Paris, M°: Ecole Militaire. Free & open to the public. For program details, visit http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
14 October: The opening of NorthEastWest, an exhibition of 6 artists published in NEW, at galerie Lavignes Bastille, Paris (through 16 November)
*14 Oct à 19 h dans le foyer de la maison de la poésie : « La République des Poètes, N° 9 » : Une fois par mois, Marc Blanchet propose une revue parlée : présentations, lectures, dialogues, à propos de l’actualité de la poésie. AT : Maison de la Poésie, Passage Molière,157, rue Saint Martin, 75003 Paris, M° / RER :: Rambuteau / Les Halles.
*14 Oct at 8pm. THE LIVE POETS SOCIETY, the longest running poetry reading series in Paris, PRESENTS A POETRY READING featuring CHRIS AMES & RICHARD HALPERIN alongside the Organizer & presenter of the series, JOHN KLIPHAN. AT: THE HIGHLANDER PUB, 8 RUE DE NEVERS, 75006 PARIS, M°s ODEON or Pont Neuf plus a crossing of the bridge. TEL: http://www.the-highlander.fr/, donation 5€
*15 Oct 19h30 Evenings of American Culture: The stakes in the US presidential election. A conversation with journalist Ted Stanger & other participants to be announced. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du General-Camou, 75007 Paris, M°: Ecole Militaire. Free & open to the public. For program details, visit http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
*16 oct à partir de 19h. A l'occasion de la parution des nouvelles traductions de « Les aventures de Tom Sawyer » et de « Aventures de Huckleberry Finn » de Mark Twain (Editions Tristram) et de « A ma guise, chroniques 1943-1947 » de George Orwell (Editions Agone) rencontre avec le traducteur Bernard Hoepffner. AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de jouy, 75004 Paris, tel : 01 42 71 17 00. M° St Paul/ Hotel de Ville ou Pont-Marie.
16 Oct 18h-22h. VERNISSAGE then show 16-20 Oct: 11h-19h: with the Salon D’automne. See Susan Cantrick’s work at the Salon this year! Many of you writers have seen work in Upstairs at Duroc or with WICE, but now you have the opportunity to see work shown at 2 big Paris expos this fall, first at the Salon D’Automne & then group show in November at the Salon du Dessin et de la Peinture à l'Eau at the Grand Palais. AT: Salon d’autome, ESPACE AUTEIL, 75016 Paris. Entrée 10e.
*16 Oct at 7pm: Authors Lou Rowan & Leslie Kaplan will present a joint reading. Lou Rowan's “My Last Days” takes us deep inside the American myth of Superman & Clark Kent where no prior version of our naturalized heroic savior's ineradicable story has dared to go. Be prepared for a wild ride on the back of the man of steel's poignant confessional autobiography into a satirical maelstrom of hilarity & moral outrage. A native of Southern California, Lou Rowan began his writing career in New York City, where he earned his living as teacher & as an institutional investor. He’s currently working on a sequel to My Last Days, stories, & his editorial duties at Golden Handcuffs Review.Leslie Kaplan is the author of “Les Amants de Marie”. AT: Village Voice Bookshop, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
*17 oct à 18h30 : Rencontre avec Mathias ENARD à l’occasion de la parution de son livre ‘Zone’ aux éditions Actes SudAT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, libcompagnie@wanadoo.fr ou http://www.librairie-compagnie.fr/ M°s Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
*18 Oct : 12pm to 4pm. GIANT CHARITY BOOKSALE !!! This annual event to sponsor SOS Help (http://www.soshelpline.org/ for more on them) This sale is a great place to get books starting at 1euro !!! You can also donate books for the sale on site or in advance. At St Joseph’s Church, 50 ave HOCHE, 75008 Paris, m° Etoile.
*19 Oct à 17H15 PERFORMANCE LECTURE INÉDITE avec CLAUDE BER/ FRÉDÉRIQUE WOLF-MICHAUX. Dans le cadre de l¹exposition et de la parution de la Revue Arts Scènes AT : Cabinet d'avocats 4, place Denfert Rochereau 75014 Paris. Pluds d’infos sur Site : http://www.claude-ber.org/ ou via http://www.claude-ber.org/
*20 OCT 7pm Poets Cherry Smyth & Heather Hartley will be reading from their recent work. Cherry Smyth is an Irish writer whose poetry collections include “When the Lights Go Up” & “One Wanted Thing”. Cherry's work was selected for Best of Irish Poetry 2008, & the forthcoming « 24 Contemporary Irish Poets”. She also writes for the visual art magazines Modern Painters, Art Monthly, Art Review & Circa. Heather Hartley is the Paris Editor of Tin House Magazine & her poetry manuscript Knock Knock was a finalist in the 2007 National Poetry Series & for the Dorset Prize 2008. Her poems have appeared in Post Road, The Los Angeles Review, POOL, Tin House, Forklift Ohio & elsewhere. Other writing appears in the 2007 Best American Nonrequired Reading, Food & Booze: A Tin House Literary Feast & The World Within: Writers Talk Ambition, Angst, Anarchy, . . . & her poetry is forthcoming in Satellite Convulsions: Poems from Tin House. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 http://www.shakespeareco.org/ or http://www.festivalandco.com/
*21 Oct at 7pm: Novelist Geraldine Brooks will read from & discuss her work “People of the Book”. Australian-born Geraldine Brooks is an author & journalist who grew up in the Western suburbs of Sydney, & attended Bethlehem College Ashfield & the University of Sydney. She worked as a reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald for three years as a feature writer with a special interest in environmental issues. In 1982 she won the Greg Shackleton Australian News Correspondents scholarship to the journalism master's program at Columbia University in New York City. Later she worked for The Wall Street Journal, where she covered crises in the the Middle East, Africa, & the Balkans. She was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in fiction in 2006 for her novel “March”, & her novel “Year of Wonders” is an international bestseller. She is also the author of the nonfiction works “Nine Parts of Desire” & “Foreign Correspondence”. AT: Village Voice Bookshop, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
*21 oct à 18h : Rencontre avec Pascal Quignard à l’occasion de la parution de son livre « Boutès » aux éditions GaliléeAT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, libcompagnie@wanadoo.fr ou http://www.librairie-compagnie.fr/ M°s Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
21, 23 et 24 Octobre : à 20H30 PLAY in FRENCH : Vous êtes déjà peut-être venus écouter et voir Les Présidentes: elles vous ont amusés, ennuyés, dégoûtés, touchés, alors revenez et invitez vos amis...ou...vos ennemis... Vous n'êtes pas encore venus? Ne tardez plus: Les Présidentes de Werner Schwab Seront de retour pour 3 jours seulement !!! Vous pouvez visionner quelques minutes du spectacle sur notre blog: http://www.whiskytime.over-blog.com/ AT : L'ESPACE BEAUJON, 208 RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT HONORE, 75008 PARIS, Réservations: 01 42 89 17 32, Prix des places: 13euros (tp)/ 11euros (tar réd) M°: Ternes/ Charles de Gaulle Etoile (l.1)/ Saint Philippe du Roule (l.9) http://www.ebeaujon.org/
22 Oct 4-5pm : Kids' Club Special Event ! Halloween Party Come costumed to win prizes & have a lot of fun. Activities - Make Up - Games AT : Brentanos, 37 avenue de l'Opéra 75002 Paris mailto:brentanos@brentanos.fror http://www.brentanos.fr/
*23 OCT 6pm One of Scotland's most acclaimed writers, Alasdair Gray, will read the prologue to his new verse translation of Goethe's “Faust”, a riotous dialogue between God & Satan. Extracts from other translated work will be read in French. As the Guardian says, 'After decades of struggling as an artist & writing TV & radio plays, Gray's first novel, the loosely autobiographical, blackly fantastical Lanark, changed the landscape of Scottish fiction, opening up the imaginative territory inhabited today by writers such as AL Kennedy, James Kelman & Irvine Welsh. It led Anthony Burgess to hail him as "the most important Scottish writer since Sir Walter Scott" '. Other books include Something Leather; A History Maker; Old Men in Love; 1982; Janine, a novel which he still considers his best; & the Whitbread-winning Poor Things. He has also published short stories, poetry, essays & polemics (including a book on Scottish home rule, Why Scots Should Rule Scotland). At 8pm Alasdair will continue the soirée at the pub Auld Alliance (rue François Mignon). AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 http://www.shakespeareco.org/ or http://www.festivalandco.com/
*23 oct à 18h30 : Rencontre avec Luc Boltanski a l’occasion de la parution de son livre « L’idéologie dominante » aux éditions DémopolisAT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, libcompagnie@wanadoo.fr ou http://www.librairie-compagnie.fr/ M°s Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
23 Oct - 7:30 p.m. T-Ka Singer & former WH Smith marketing manager will present & sign her first CD "And maybe a tree will rise out of me"AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP at books@whsmith.fr
*26th Oct 7:30 Moving Parts is producing a 5-act play of ROY LISKER's (and not by me, sorry for the confusion in the email announcements!) entitled "Hamlet's Psychiatrist". A new character is added to the cast of Shakespeare's "Hamlet", the psychiatrist Dr. Maximillian Nice. Nice & Claudius conspire in the murder of Hamlet's father. When Hamlet finds out about this, Nice persuades him to act mad,or "put on the antic disposition". When he does so, Nice has him incarcerated in a mental hospital, & tries to murder him with electroshock.It goes on from there, with major roles for Polonius , Ophelia, Laertes, Claudius, Gertrude, & many minor roles (Cast of 18) In brief, the play is thoroughly sophomoric &, in the author's opinion, quite funny. AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries
*27 OCT 7pm---The inimitable John Baxter will present “Immovable Feast”. John Baxter is an acclaimed film critic & biographer. His subjects have included Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg, Stanley Kubrick & Robert De Niro. He is the author of « A Pound of Paper: Confessions of a Book Addict”, & the memoir “We'll Always Have Paris: Sex & Love in the City of Light”. Born in Australia, he now lives in Paris. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 www.shakespeareco.org/ or www.festivalandco.com/
29th Oct. at 3:30 p.m. KIDS CLUB, Theme: HalloweenAT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP with name & age of child at books@whsmith.fr . http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
*29 oct à 18h : Rencontre avec Michel PASTOUREAU à l’occasion de la parution de son livre « Le noir, histoire d’une couleur » aux éditions du Seuil (parution le 16 octobre). AT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, libcompagnie@wanadoo.fr ou http://www.librairie-compagnie.fr/ M°s Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
*30 Oct, 7-9pm SCBWI France Event: Marjane Satrapi gives a Talk at Parsons. See website for more on SCBWI: http://scbwifrance.com/
31 oct au 3 nov : Violette & Co tient une table de vente au Festival international du film lesbien et féministe organisé par Cineffable au Trianon. Les pass, tickets "découverte" et entrées pour la fête sont en vente à Violette & Co dès maintenant. Info : http://www.cineffable.fr/
*3 Nov: 7 pm.Linda Lappin will be reading from her new novel, Katherine’s Wish,
(Wordcraft of Oregon, 2008) dealing with the latter phase of Katherine Mansfield’s life, her friendship with Virginia Woolf, and her contact with PD Ouspensky and the Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man founded by G.I. Gurdjieff. The final chapter was nominated for a Pushcart Prize .Lappin is the author of The Etruscan She will be introduced by Heather Hartley. For more information about the author see www.theetruscan.com or www.lindalappin.net AT : AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel.
5 novembre - 17 décembre 08, tous les mercredis à 18h - réservation indispensable : 01 58 52 10 30 Visites de la Bibliothèque patrimoniale. Parmi toutes les bibliothèques qui peuplaient les nombreux collèges, couvents et monastères de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève jusqu'à la fin du 18ème siècle, la Bibliothèque patrimoniale du Collège des Irlandais est l'une des seules qui ait subsisté jusqu'à aujourd'hui. These visits provide a rare opportunity to see the Old Library & its treasures. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Reserve your place via : adoherty@centreculturelirlandais ou 01 58 52 10 30
*6 Nov: 7pm. David Sedaris returns to the Village Voice Bookshop & will read from his new book, “When You Are Englufed in Flames”. AT: Village Voice Bookshop, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
PART II: CREATIVE WRITING COURSES in Paris & France Listed by start dates:
Oct 8th : 6:30-9pm “A World of Images”, Workshop led by Orel Protopopescu. This Metaphors & Similes workshop is a chance for writers & illustrators to learn how to use all of the senses to create better images, express emotions & convey meaning. Orel Protopopescu is an award-winning author & poet, & her book Two Sticks (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) is on Bank Street College of Education's Best Children's Books of the Year 2008 list. She will be leading us through writing exercises & a discussion designed to develop our skills in the art of analogies. You're welcome to bring work to share & lots of questions. We'll be having a potluck dinner as well, so cooking & wine-selecting abilities should be freely flaunted. Cost: 10 euros for SCBWI members15 euros for nonmembers Place: in the 17th, m°: Monceau, line 2 For directions RSVP to: advisor@scbwifrance.com. For more details & information about the pre-assignment, please visit: http://scbwifrance.com/events/index.htm.
10 October : Poetry & Writing Café for Teens from19h00-20h30, for young adults 12& over. With Novelist & Nonfiction writer Janet Sikelian Charles. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10, rue du General-Camou, 75007 Paris, M°: Ecole Militaire. Free & open to the public. For program details, visit http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/
11 Oct & ALL Saturdays in Sept: 3-5pm: (the 6th & 27th with David Barnes & with Conor on the 13th & 20th). The OTHER WRITERS' GROUP” meets upstairs at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 5 euros. More Information at: http://www.shakespeareco.org/other_writers_group.htm
1 Nov. : 10am–1pm: TAPPING INTO THE SPIRIT OF PLACE: A CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP FOR POETS, MEMOIRISTS, FICTION & NONFICTION WRITERS TAUGHT BY LINDA LAPPIN All writers have their secret spiritual geographies. In this workshop, writers & poets will retrace those inner itineraries & attempt to unlock the voices & impressions hidden in places of the past. Through special exercises we will learn to evoke & recreate atmospheres of those remote, exotic, or intimate spaces & make them come alive through words. Linda Lappin is the author of two novels, The Etruscan (http://www.theetruscan.com/) & Katherine's Wish (http://www.lindalappin.net/) She has taught creative writing for the Kenyon Review Italy program & for the University of Nevada USAC Italy program. She holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers Workshop at the University of Iowa. She directs the writing workshops at Centro Pokkoli, Vitorchiano, Italy http://www.pokkoli.org/ PLACE Boulevard Saint Germain COST : 75 euros (includes follow-up manuscript critique via email) FOR : poets, memoirists, fiction & nonfiction writers at all phases of their careers CONTACT Linda Lappin linda.lappin@gmail.com
6th Nov for 7 weeks on Thursdays, 7-9pm. Susannah Pabot WRITING BY THE SEINE "Writing, like life itself, is a voyage of discovery." Henry Miller "A writer is a foreign country." Marguerite Duras Join a new Fiction Writing Workshop in Shakespeare & Company's Upstairs Library. Cost: 50 euros for the entire workshop. Writers of the English language have long been drawn to Paris. In this workshop we will divide our time between discussing the craft of fiction as we read short excerpts from authors who have lived & worked in France, & workshopping our own writing in a warm & supportive atmosphere. This workshop is perfect for beginning & intermediate writers, though writers at all levels are most welcome! Please email the workshop leader, Susannah Pabot, at writingbytheseine@gmail.com for more details. Susannah Elisabeth Pabot is a writer & freelance editor based in Paris. An American who grew up in Europe & the US, she hold an MA in Literature & spent over five years working as a journalist & editor in London for publications including the Bookseller Magazine & the Children's Bookseller.Susannah has studied fiction writing at the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center, Castle Hill in Truro & UCLA & has worked on the editorial board for the popular literary e-zine Literary Mama. Her fiction, creative nonfiction, essays & literary criticism appears or is forthcoming in magazines, journals & anthologies in Europe & the US.
17-20 November “Travel Writing with Thirza Vallois”, This course is designed for those who wish to extend their wanderlust & travelling experience. Whilst visiting local sites , Thirza will show you how to observe the world around you from different angles. Back in the classroom, you will acquire the skills of the craft that will enable you to turn a place & an encounter into a living painting & an animated story. You will learn how to grab your reader's attention, how to compel him or her into wanting to read you to the end. You are encouraged to bring along your own writing to the workshop. Thirza is the well-known author of the series, Around & About Paris, & the highly acclaimed Aveyron, A Bridge to French Arcadia Held at the Saint Jacques the B&B run by Kristi Anderson the founder of Tea & Tattered Pages, located in Sologne just 90 minutes south of Paris. Prices start at 400€. For more details write TheAmericanFrog@aol.com or take a look at our website http://www.theamericanfrog.com/ & blog http://theamericanfrog.typepad.fr/
4-7 December & then again 15-18 December. “IMMOVEABLE FEAST; A PARIS CHRISTMAS” John Baxter will be giving you insights on turning your story into your own personal "feast". Mornings will be spent in discussing the pleasures & challenges of writing personal literature in all its forms, from memoirs & autobiographies to personal essays, diaries, even letters. Afternoons either in one to one with John or if you wish visitAttendees are encouraged to bring examples of their own work. John, codirector of the Paris Writers Workshop, is an acclaimed film critic & biographer. He is the author of biograhpies on Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg among others, in addition to his own autobiograhpical We’ll Always Have Paris. We will be celebrating his latest Immoveable Feast: A Paris Christmas during his December workshops Held at the Saint Jacques the B&B run by Kristi Anderson the founder of Tea & Tattered Pages, located in Sologne just 90 minutes south of Paris.Prices start at 400€. For more details write TheAmericanFrog@aol.com or take a look at our website http://www.theamericanfrog.com/ & blog http://theamericanfrog.typepad.fr/
PART III: Reviews News & New Reviews
—submit/just out, residencies, etc.
Read abroad at MIDNIGHT POETRY: "If you are into poetry, song texts, writing a novel or short stories & wish to present your work to an interested crowd - midnight poetry is the right place for you to be! please send your application to kat via mail (kat@midnight-poetry.net). you will find more details about our concept at the website http://www.midnight-poetry.net/ „
TWO LINES Call for Submissions: TWO LINES World Writing in Translation is currently accepting submissions for its sixteenth volume, guest edited by award-winning translators MARGARET JULL COSTA & MARILYN HACKER. DEADLINE: October 31, 2008.
TWO LINES World Writing in Translation publishes original translations into English of writing from any literary genre. Translations from any language will be considered, & works from outside Europe are especially sought. - Previously unpublished work only. - The translator cannot also be the author of the piece unless it is a co-translation. - We generally publish one to four poems from a single submission, but we will read up to a maximum of ten pages. - The average prose submission is about 2500 words, but we do publish shorter & longer pieces (1000-4000 words). Short stories are preferable to novel excerpts. However, novel excerpts will be considered if thoughtfully excerpted to stand as independent pieces (to the extent possible). - In order to be considered, submissions must include a brief introduction (400-500 words) with information about the original author, the background of the piece, & unique issues that the translation process presented. - All submissions must include a copy of the original text. - Translators are expected to acquire copyright permission for all work not in the public domain. Electronic submissions are preferred, but hardcopy submissions are also accepted. For electronic submissions, please save your documents as RTF (Rich Text Format). If you would like your materials returned, please send an appropriately-sized SASE. Send submissions to submissions@catranslation.org or to the postal address below. TWO LINES 35 Stillman Street, Suite 201, San Francisco, CA 94107 We highly encourage everyone who submits to TWO LINES to read a copy before submitting. Translators will be notified of editorial decisions by February 1, 2009. We offer a complimentary copy of TWO LINES to translators & living authors whose work is chosen for publication as well as a nominal honorarium.
NEW Paris WRITERS’ GROUP: Meets on the First Sunday of the month, Daydream Believers at Night Writers Group, all welcome, 8PM, upstairs AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel.
CONCOURS NOUVELLES : Writing in French ? Here is your chance!!!: Escales hivernales : un concours de nouvelles Dans le cadre de la 3ème Fête du Livre de Lille escales hivernales, qui réunira à la CCI Grand Lille les samedi 13 et dimanche 14 décembre 2008 de nombreux écrivains, le Centre Littéraire Escales des Lettres vous propose un concours de nouvelles sur le thème « déracinés ». Les textes, d’une longueur maximale de 5 pages, sont à envoyer uniquement par mail (escalesdeslettres@wanadoo.fr). La date limite de participation est fixée au 15 novembre 2008. Le jury, composé d’écrivains et de représentants du monde littéraire, désignera trois lauréats qui seront présentés lors de la Fête du Livre. Les nouvelles primées seront publiées sur le site. Règlement complet du concours sur http://www.escalesdeslettres.com/
SUBMIT NONFICTION & JOURNALISM to The Feature Editors of STOCKYARD., a new cultural magazine scheduled to debut in the city of Chicago in the early months of autumn, are currently accepting unsolicited reportage, commentary, & narrative nonfiction. The writer of each feature-length work should ensure that his piece range from 3500 to 6000 words & include a paragraph-long abstract with his submission. Please visit the "Contact" page of http://www.stockyardmagazine.com/ in order to obtain the contact information of our Writing Department. As might be expected, the nature & length of each submission will dictate its writer's monetary compensation.
LES PARUTIONS Inventaire/Invention en librairie à partir du 29 septembre 2008 !: Le monde est beau, il est rond Suzanne Doppelt ; Peint en rouge 8 auteurs réunis par Suzanne Doppelt, avec Emmanuelle Bayamak-Tam, Aïcha Liviana Messina, François Matton, Jean-Christophe Bailly, Georges Aperghis, Frédéric Boyer, Cole Swensen, Suzanne Doppelt, Avital Ronell ; Les lois de l'hospitalité Olivia Rosenthal ; s'il tranche, Florence Pazzottu ; DE ÇA Vladimir Maïakovski précédé de L'adresse à Vladimir d'Henri Deluy (Ouverture, traduction et notes Henri Deluy).
READ ONLINE TODAY: Gently Read Literature October Issue, Number 7 is now online at: http://www.gentlyread.wordpress.com/
SUBMIT NOW: VERSAL IS OPEN for submissions of poetry, prose, & art for its 7th issue due out in May, 2009. Internationally acclaimed literary annual published in Amsterdam; perfect bound, 100 pages of the urgent, involved, & unexpected. See website for guidelines & to submit: http://versal.wordsinhere.com/. Inquiries (only): versal@wordsinhere.com. Deadline: January 15, 2009.
WRITERS GROUP: "Marais Writers Group looking for novelists, memoirists well into their first draft or working on their second draft of a novel etc, to meet once a week in the Marais to workshop their work & get feedback on craft, structure, consistency & development. Serious inquiries only. We are looking for 2-3 people writing in English as their first language to fill out a group of 5-6 people. (Playwrights & screenwriters will be considered as well.)" chauncey@girlonthestreet.com
SUBMIT & READ: Lauren Elkin announces Hitotoki Paris, an online literary project collecting stories of singular experiences tied to specific locations in cities around the world. "Hito-wha?" I know, weird name. The word itself is a Japanese noun comprised of two components: hito or "one" & toki or "time," & is often translated as "a moment." We first launched last year in Tokyo (thus the name), & have since spread to New York, London, Shanghai, & Sofia, with several others in the works. We're accepting submissions of stories, photos, & illustrations on an ongoing basis. So what are you waiting for? Send us something! We'd also like to launch a French version of the site, & so are looking for a French editor. Contact me if you're interested. Come check us out, & spread the word, or submit! Lauren Elkin, Hitotoki Paris Editor http://hitotoki.org/paris/
SUBMIT FOR POETRY PRIZE: coffee-house poetry at the troubadour… second annual poetry prize judged by: jo shapcott & stephen knight 1st prize £1000, 2nd £500, 3rd £250, plus 20 commendations @ £20 each & a coffee-house poetry reading for all prizewinning & commended poets. DEADLINE: 10th october. ReQ: Poems in English, 45 lines or one page of A4 max, not previously broadcast or published (in print or online); No limit on n° of poems submitted. Fees: EITHER £5 or €7 or $10 per poem if less than 4 poems OR £4 or €5 or $8 per poem if 4 or more poems submitted; payment by cheque or money order payable to “Coffee-House Poetry” with entry name (&/or e-mail Entry Ref) written on back. Submissions by E-mail: poems in body of e-mail (no attachments) to CoffPoetry@aol.com; entries should be preceded by Name, Address, Phone, Titles & Number of Poems & email; Acknowledgement will be sent to entrant’s e-mail address showing Entry Acknowledgment Reference; send payment by post quoting Entry Acknowledgement Reference; entries included only when payment received at Troubadour Poetry Prize, Coffee-House Poetry, PO Box 16210, LONDON, W4 1ZP postmarked on or before the 10th October 2008. Prizewinners notified by 21st November. Prizegiving : 1st December at Coffee-House Poetry at the Troubadour.
1 comment:
Rich in heritage, Paris is blessed with abundant occasion for celebration and community. Bastille Day, one of the city’s grandest events, commemorates the beginning of the French Revolution and the storming of the Bastille. It’s marked by parades, troop reviews, and fireworks.
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