PART I) Readings & events in chronological order: asterisks for book-related events
PART II) Courses in Creative Writing in France in Nov/Dec
PART III) News Reviews & Reviews News—publications & calls for submissions.
I) READINGS & EVENTS in PARIS in Nov 2008:
Ongoing to 2 Nov: Don't miss: After their successful English Rep in Paris 2007 programme, Mondaysat7 is back again with their fantastic new show Sweet Ladies in English and in French in Paris at the Theatre de l'Epouvantail, after the 2008 Bath Fringe Festival première. An exploration of the relationship between two contemporary women unable to communicate except with Shakespeare's words or songs and nursery rhymes! Translated into French by actresses Diana Stewart-Rossiné and Georgina Ridealgh, whose improvisations with Director Kit Leonard gave birth to the English script. To November 2nd every Thursday at 7pm and Sunday at 3pm in English; every Friday and Saturday at 7pm in French. Box office 01 43 55 14 80. "2 for €18" ticket offer. School bookings welcome. Or
Ongoing to 15 Nov: NorthEastWest show, organized by Paul Kahn and the NEW review, is now on display at galerie Lavignes Bastille. I hope you find a time to view the work of these wonderful artists from France, US, Estonia, Finland and Denmark. You can also have a look at the website for the show:
Ongoing to 17 nov : Expo hours : Mardi et dimanche : 16h-19h, Mercredi à samedi : 13h-19h Exposition at dorothy's gallery: “Barack Obama in Paris” 30 artistes ~ 60 œuvres inspirés par Barack Obama… des créations inédites réalisées pour l’exposition : peinture, dessin, photographie, sculpture, projection vidéo AT : dorothy’s gallery, 27, rue Keller Paris 75011, tél 01 43 57 08 51, M° Bastille or Voltaire.
* 2 Nov: 8PM. Come to a WRITERS’ GROUP: Meets on the First Sunday of the month, Daydream Believers at Night Writers Group, all welcome, upstairs AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel.
2 Nov: Patricia La Plante Collins' Paris Soirees meet every Sunday, starting this one! Dinnertime tonight: Paris Soirees will feature author Linda Lappin ( '"Katherine's Wish" & "The Etruscan". Also with Jazz & Soul with Singer Tamara Coleman & Bassist Tommie Lee McKenzie. AT: Paris Soirees Dinner Chez Patricia. EUR 20 (includes dinner). Reservations / 06 43 79 35 18 for address
*3 Nov 7pm Linda Lappin & Alain Arias-Misson Reading. Lappin will read from her new novel Katherine's Wish which deals with the last five years of Katherine Mansfield's life and her retreat to G.I. Gurdjieff's Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man at the Prieurè in Fontainebleau. Sections of this novel were nominated for the Pushcart Prize in fiction and short-listed for the Hoffer prize in fiction in 2008. For more see or Alain Arias-Misson will be reading from his fourth novel The Theatre of Incest. Alain has published stories, reviews and novels since 1965. If viewed as allegory of filial love gone amuck, Theatre of Incest is a dream-telling that Kafka might have written in his notebook as a young man—yet it exists here, a document, a story, a confession, a sometimes-opaque sometimes-translucent diary of psycho-sexual obsession. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 M°: St Michel.
*3rd November –9.30 till late. OPEN MIKE / SPOKEN WORD: come share some poems, texts, stories, etc that include a piece of furniture, or not! (theme not obligatory, just for fun!) AT: Le Cabaret Populaire "Culture Rapide", 103 rue Julien Lacroix 75020, M° Belleville (& walk up rue de Belleville) or Pyrénées (& walk down rue de Belleville) It's on the corner of rue de Belleville and rue Julien Lacroix. There's a giant billboard that reads ''Il faut se méfier des mots.''
*5 nov à 19h : Rencontre avec Eugène Green à l’occasion de la parution de son livre « La reconstruction » aux éditions Actes Sud. AT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, ou Métros Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
5 Nov 19h30 Evenings with an Author invites Clotilde Dusoulier and others to speak on French gastronomy. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, tel. M°: Ecole Militaire or Alma Marceau, or RER C at Pont de l'Alma.
5 nov thru 17 déc, à 18h - réservation indispensable : 01 58 52 10 30 Visites de la Bibliothèque patrimoniale. Parmi toutes les bibliothèques qui peuplaient les nombreux collèges, couvents et monastères de la Montagne Sainte-Geneviève jusqu'à la fin du 18ème siècle, la Bibliothèque patrimoniale du Collège des Irlandais est l'une des seules qui ait subsisté jusqu'à aujourd'hui. These visits provide a rare opportunity to see the Old Library and its treasures. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Reserve your place via : adoherty@centreculturelirlandais ou 01 58 52 10 30
*6 Nov: 7pm. David Sedaris returns to the Village Voice Bookshop & will read from his new book, “When You Are Englufed in Flames”. "David Sedaris's ability to transform the mortification of everyday life into wildly entertaining art," (The Christian Science Monitor) is elevated to wilder and more entertaining heights than ever in this remarkable new book. Trying to make coffee when the water is shut off, David considers using the water in a vase of flowers and his chain of associations takes him from the French countryside to a hilariously uncomfortable memory of buying drugs in a mobile home in rural North Carolina. In essay after essay, Sedaris proceeds from bizarre conundrums of daily life-having a lozenge fall from your mouth into the lap of a fellow passenger on a plane or armoring the windows with LP covers to protect the house from neurotic songbirds-to the most deeply resonant human truths. Culminating in a brilliant account of his venture to Tokyo in order to quit smoking, David Sedaris's sixth essay collection is a new masterpiece of comic writing from "a writer worth treasuring" (Seattle Times). AT: Village Voice Bookshop, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
6th, 7th et 8th Nov: International Players production of "April in Paris" by John Goodbar. Book early via their website or by phone 06 31 58 62 85 and please spread the word!
*8 et 9 nov at 19h : grande salle FESTIVAL DU GROUPE ZNYK : La poésie ivre d’oralité # 2Un festival de petites formes à l’issue d’ateliers de recherche où comédiens et poètes auront expérimenté l’oralité de la poésie. AT : Maison de la Poésie, Passage Molière,157, rue Saint Martin, 75003 Paris, Métro / RER :: Rambuteau / Les Halles.
*9 NOVEMBER 7pm Agenda Magazine's 50th Birthday Celebration for Greg Delanty, featuring Maurice Riordan and Kathyrn Maris. Shakespeare & Co. presents the launch of Agenda magazine's most recent edition – a celebration of Greg Delanty's verse and dedicated to the poet's 50th Birthday. We are joined by Delanty himself, along with a long-standing friend and poet, Maurice Riordan (Faber), and guest Kathryn Maris. Along with publishing a collected poems with Carcanet in 2006, Greg Delanty has won numerous awards (including the Austin Clarke Centenary Poetry award and the National Poetry Competition) and is cited as a poet who 'illuminat[es] greater truths about the world and the politics of living through the ties that bind us'--TLS. Maurice Riordan has published three collections of poetry – A Word from the Loki, Floods and The Holy Land . he’s also editor of 'Poetry London'. Kathryn Maris is a New York poet based in London. Her first collection, The Book of Jobs, will be published in October by the American press, Four Way Books. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 M°: St Michel.
*9th Nov at 7.30pm MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a play by Ken Mackenzie "Paris Adventures" AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries
*9 Nov At Paris Soirees Michelle Clark will preview her forthcoming book on Jim Morrison & the Doors: ( "Paris Pilgrimage to Jim Morrison". AT: Paris Soirees Dinner Chez Patricia. EUR 20 (includes dinner). Reservations / 06 43 79 35 18 for address
*10 Nov 7pm Michael Genelin will be reading from his Siren of the Waters, a captivating novel filled with suspense. Jana, a commander in the Slovak police force tracks the mastermind of a murderous international criminal operation. Her investigation takes her across Europe in a hunt for the ruthless criminal and the beautiful Russian woman he is determined to capture or destroy. Genelin served in the US Department of Justice in Central Europe, has written for film and has been an adviser to television series. He lives in Paris. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93
*12 nov à 21h: POETRY & MUSIC show: "it doesn't matter" : with NYC author Steve Dalachinsky (poésie) & musician Didier Lasserre (batterie) à voir sur youtube : AT: librairie apsara 44 rue daguerre paris 14, m° denfert-rochereau - paf : 5 euros
*12 nov à 18 h : Rencontre autour du livre « Le roman, quelle invention : Assises du roman 2008 » aux éditions Christian Bourgois. (parution le 6 novembre) AT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, ou Métros Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
*12 Nov 19h30 ALP’s Evenings with an Author invites Ted Widmer to read from and discuss his book 'Ark of the Liberties: America and the World.' AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, tel. M°: Ecole Militaire or Alma Marceau, or RER C at Pont de l'Alma.
*12 nov à 19h : rencontre avec LOUIS-GEORGES TIN pour la parution de son essai L'invention de la culture hétérosexuelle (Autrement). Le monde est tout entier obsédé par l'imaginaire du couple hétérosexuel : contes, magazines, cinéma, télévision, publicité, chansons... C'est l'empire invisible, la nature la plus "naturelle". Or Louis-Georges Tin (qui a dirigé le Dictionnaire de l'homophobie) montre que les sociétés n'ont pas toujours accordé au couple homme-femme cette place éminente dans les représentations culturelles. AT : la librairie Violette and Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*13 Nov: 7:30pm A celebration reading for Issue #10 of Upstairs at Duroc at the American Library in Paris with four invited authors Timothy Bradford, Jennifer K. Dick, Nicholas Manning and Michelle Noteboom, & work by Floyd Skloot. Please come out and support these authors, the magazine, the library! BIOS: Timothy Bradford received the Koret Foundation's Young Writer on Jewish Themes Award in 2005 for his novel-in-progress based on the history of the Vélodrome d'Hiver in Paris. He has had poems published in Bombay Gin, CrossConnect, DIAGRAM, RUNES and other journals. Jennifer K. Dick is the author of Fluorescence (University of Georgia Press, 2004), the art chapbook Retina/Rétine (Estepa Editions, Paris 2005) and the eBook Enclosures (BlazeVox, 2007). She teaches at EHESS & l’Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, & co-curates IVY Writers reading series. Nicholas Manning, author of chapbooks, Novaless I-XXVI (Achiote), & the forthcoming Hi Higher Hyperbole, (Ypolita), teaches comparative poetics at the University of Strasbourg. He’s also editor of the online video poetics site The Continental Review. Michelle Noteboom won the 2006 Heartland Poetry Prize for her first book Edging (Cracked Slab Books), and recent work has appeared in Verse, Fence, Boston Review, Sentence, Columbia Poetry Review. She co-curates the IVY Writers in Paris, translates poetry and works as a freelance audiovisual translator. Floyd Skloot has published 7 collections of poetry, 4 memoirs and 4 novels, won the PEN USA Literary Award and the Independent Publishers Book Award, and has been included in 2 editions of The Best American Essays and The Best American Science Writing. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, tel. M°: Ecole Militaire or Alma Marceau, or RER C at Pont de l'Alma.
*13 nov 19h, en anglais : MEET & Hear the hilarious, well-known author Roddy Doyle. Booker Prize winner In 1993, for “Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha”, Roddy Doyle reads in the CCI in the context of the Franco-Irish Tandem Project in the Saison Culturelle Européenne. Cet automne, ses romans La femme qui se cognait dans les portes - réédité aux Editions Robert Laffont pour l’occasion - et Paula Spencer sont adaptés pour le théâtre dans le cadre du projet « tandem » de la Saison culturelle européenne. AT: Le Bouffe du Nord Theater, Paris. For complete info, contact : adoherty@centreculturelirlandais ou 01 58 52 10 30
*13 Nov 7-9pm SCBWI France Event: Marie Wabbes (Author/illustrator) Talk at Parsons, See website for more on SCBWI:
*14 novembre à 19h: The Red Wheelbarrow invites you to come hear Anne Marsella for a reading from her novels “Patsy Boone” (Editions de la Différence) et “Remedy” (Portobello Books). Lecture suivie d’une dédicace autour d’un pot AT: The Red Wheelbarrow, 22 rue Saint Paul, 75004 Paris, M° Saint Paul
14 nov à 20h Concert with Jay Gottlieb, pianist. AT: Centre Culturel Canadien 5 rue de Constantine 75007 Paris Claude Vivier, Info/rés: 01 44 43 21 90
14 nov à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de photos de MARTHA AMOROCHO "Cela est mon corps". À travers ce travail sur le corps l'artiste explore les frontières entre ce qui est réel et ce qui est représenté, ce qui est de l'ordre du vécu et ce qui est imaginé. (exposition du 11 novembre au 7 décembre). AT : la librairie Violette and Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
*15 nov à 19 h Bilingual Reading dans le cadre des BELLES ETRANGERES avec JENNY BORNHOLDT et GREGORY O’BRIEN Pour les 20 ans des Belles Étrangères, la Maison de la Poésie accueille deux poètes de Nouvelle-Zélande, Jenny Bornholdt et Gregory O’Brien. dans le foyer AT : Maison de la Poésie, Passage Molière,157, rue Saint Martin, 75003 Paris, Métro / RER :: Rambuteau / Les Halles.
*16 nov à 16h : Rencontre avec CHRISTINE DELPHY pour la parution de Classer, dominer. Qui sont les "autres" ? (La Fabrique). L'déologie dominante nous enjoint à tolérer l'Autre. Il est question dans ce livre de divers Autres, de groupes opprimés et stigmatisés, les femmes, les homos, les Arabes, les Noirs... Leurs modes d'oppression ont un point en commun : leur statut inférieur s'explique par leur altérité. Écrits dans un style offensif, incisif et souvent drôle, ces textes nous forcent à déplacer notre regard, à mettre en lien des événements toujours cloisonnés. Christine Delphy est directrice de recherche émérite au CNRS, docteure en sociologie et philosophie. AT : la librairie Violette and Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
**17 nov à 19h. IVY WRITERS (Série de lectures par des poètes internationaux) PRÉSENTE une lecture-rencontre (READING) en français & In English avec les auteurs George Vance et Marco Boubille. Bios: Ohio-born poet, George Vance, is most recently involved in experiments with word/image fusion, tags, & street art. His hybrid language & image video installation, “HEIGHTS”, was exhibited in Brussels in 2006, & he recently designed a ‘totem’ sculpture with a Kanak artist. Author of Bent Time, a chapbook, his poems have appeared in Paris in Pharos & Upstairs at Duroc. Marco Boubille a fait du théâtre, du cinéma et de la philosophie avant de devenir professeur. Loi n (Les Petits matins, octobre 2008) est son premier livre après avoir été publié en revue (notamment dans Passage d'encre et Hypercourt). Loi n est un diptyque en forme d'enquête poétique qui permet à l'auteur mais aussi au lecteur de retrouver l'enfant qu'il fut, mais définitivement « de loin ». Voir des critiques de Loi n sur poézibao de Florence Trocmé ou sur de Pierre Ménard. Boubille tient un blog : AT : Le Next, 17 rue Tiquetonne 75002 Paris, M° Etienne Marcel / RER Les Halles ou for more. Gratuit! Free!
*17 Nov 7pm Prize-winning author Jonathan Trigell will be reading extracts from his two novels and a short story written for BBC radio. Jonathan's first novel, Boy A, won the prestigious John Llewellyn Rhys Prize and also the Waverton Award, for best first novel. 'In his second,novel Cham, he shows that he may well offer the likes of David Mitchell and Ian McEwan some serious competition.' The Mail and Guardian, South Africa. Jonathan now lives in Chamonix, where he is writing his third novel, Genesis. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 M°: St Michel.
*17th November – 9:30pm to Late: Follow IVY or Shakespeare with an evening of OPEN MIKE / SPOKEN WORD: read your own work on any theme or the theme of the night, which is “work”! AT: Le Cabaret Populaire "Culture Rapide", 103 rue Julien Lacroix 75020, M° Belleville (& walk up rue de Belleville) or Pyrénées (& walk down rue de Belleville) It's on the corner of rue de Belleville and rue Julien Lacroix. There's a giant billboard that reads ''Il faut se méfier des mots.''
*18 Nov: 7pm. Poet Jorie Graham returns to the Village Voice Bookshop and will read from her collection of poems Sea Change. Sea Change is a poetry of the tipping point, when what is lost and damaged in our world and our humanity is forever irrecoverable and time itself has disintegrated. Jorie Graham, acclaimed as one of America's most innovative poets, writes in her new book words for the 'silence-that-precedes' the once-unimaginable future in which the only ways of being human we have ever known can no longer be sustained. With a luminous formal beauty, Sea Change brings us to the threshold of a terrifying silence and affirms the fragile tenacity of a human essence that binds us to the world. It is poetry urgent and essential. AT: Village Voice Bookshop, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près.
*18 nov à 18 h : Rencontre avec Michel Arrive à l’occasion de la parution de son livre « Le linguiste et l’inconscient » aux éditions PUF. (parution le 19 octobre) AT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, ou Métros Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
*18 Nov at 8pm. Live poets presents a reading with three poets, including William Strangmeyer & Vivienne Vermes. Organizer & presenter of the series, JOHN KLIPHAN. AT: THE HIGHLANDER PUB, 8 RUE DE NEVERS, 75006 PARIS, M°s ODEON or Pont Neuf plus a crossing of the bridge. TEL:, donation 5e.
*19 Nov 19h30 Evenings with an Author invites Diane Johnson to present her new novel 'Lulu in Marrakech.' She is the author of ‘Divorce’ and other works. Not to miss!!! AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, tel. M°: Ecole Militaire or Alma Marceau, or RER C at Pont de l'Alma.
*19 nov à 19h : Rencontre avec ELIANE VIENNOT pour la parution de La France, les femmes et le pouvoir, vol. 2 (Perrin). Après l'Invention de la loi salique (Vè-XVIè siècle), le second volume porte sur les deux siècles qui vont de l'arrivée au pouvoir d'Henri IV à la veille de la Révolution française. Deux siècles marqués par une certaine émancipation des femmes en même temps que se profile le déclin annoncé de leur rôle dans la vie politique. Ce nouvel opus s'ouvre sur les deux régences de Marie de Médicis et d'Anne d'Autriche. AT : la librairie Violette and Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
20 Nov 19h30: Talk about Art at ALP! Michael Herrman on Jean Nouvel and modern architecture. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, tel. M°: Ecole Militaire or Alma Marceau, or RER C at Pont de l'Alma.
*20 Nov at 7:30pm: Rudy Chelminski will present and sign his latest book “I'll Drink to That: Beaujolais and the French Peasant Who Made It the World's Most Popular Wine” Francophile Chelminski (The Perfectionist) offers up a feisty defense of Georges Duboeuf, who singlehandedly put Beaujolais, the grape and the region, on the culinary map. Beaujolais Nouveau wine graciously provided by Mr. Georges Duboeuf! AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP at .
*20 nov à 18 h : Rencontre avec Jacques RANCIERE à l’occasion de la parution de son livre « Le spectateur émancipé » aux éditions La Fabrique. AT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, ou Métros Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
*23 Nov 6pm San Francisco's celebrated Poet Laureate Jack Hirschman will read a selection of his poetry at Shakespeare & Company. Hirschman is a poet, translator, and editor. His powerfully eloquent voice set the tone for political poetry in America many years ago. Hirschman has taken the free exchange of poetry and politics into the streets where he is, in the words of poet Luke Breit, 'America's most important living poet.' He is the author of numerous books of poetry, plus some 45 translations from a half a dozen languages, as well as the editor of anthologies and journals. Among his many volumes are Endless Threshold, The Arcanes, All That's Left and Lyripol . There are also bilingual editions of his work published by les temps des cerises. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 M°: St Michel.
*23rd Nov at 7.30pm MOVING PARTS presents a Playreading in French of a play by Marcella Bissonnet "Tina" AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries
*24 Nov at 7pm: Ben Crystal shares his modern appreciation of Shakespeare with his book Shakespeare on Toast: Getting a Taste for the Bard. Ben is the son of famous linguist, David Crystal with whom he co-authored, Shakespeare's Miscellany in 2005. Ben reclaims Shakespeare from the shelves of academia, putting it into the hands of people for whom Shakespeare - in his day - would have been relevant. AT: Shakespeare & Company; 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 M°: St Michel.
*24 Nov at 7:30pm: Alastair Campbell author of "The Blair Years" will present and sign his first novel “All in the Mind”, but only by special invite, so write in to get yours!!! AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Get invite at
*25th Nov at 7pm: Authors and translators Jonathan Beverley Bie Brahic, Elizabeth Haukaas & Jonathan Regier will be reading at The Red Wheelbarrow. BIOS: Poet and translator Beverley Bie Brahic lives in Paris and Stanford. She will read from her collection “Against Gravity”, and her translations of Hélène Cixous’s “Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint”, “Manhattan”, “Dream I Tell You” (Columbia University Press), as well as from “Unfinished Ode to Mud”, her new selection of prose poems by Francis Ponge (CB Editions, UK) For more: Elizabeth Haukaas will be reading from her new poetry collection, Leap.Leap won the Walt McDonald First-book Award for Poetry and is being published by Texas Tech University Press. Haukaas’s poems have appeared in The New England Review, The William and Mary Review, New Millennium Writings, and Agenda Poetry, among others, and have won numerous literary awards. She lives in New York City. Jonathan Regier will be reading from his new book of poetry, “Three Years from Upstate” (Six Gallery Press, 2008). He lives and works in Paris, where he is also a graduate student in the philosophy of science. His work has been published in the United States, Canada and France, and this is his second reading in Paris. AT: The Red Wheelbarrow, 22 rue Saint Paul, 75004 Paris, M° Saint Paul
*25 nov 08, 19h30, entrée libre, en anglais. La Médiathèque rencontre… Nuala Ní Chonchúir. Author of 2 story and 2 poetry collections. Nuala Ní Chonchúir is a writer who is committed to peeling back the veneer of ordinary lives to display the sometimes unfathomable choices people make and the collaborative cruelty in love relationships. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Reserve your place via : adoherty@centreculturelirlandais ou 01 58 52 10 30
*25 nov à 18 h : Rencontre avec Sasa STANISIC à l’occasion de la parution de son livre « Le soldat et le gramophone » aux éditions Stock. AT : La librairie Compagnie, 58, rue des Écoles, 75005 Paris, Tél. 01 43 26 45 36, ou Métros Cluny, St Michel, Odéon, RER Luxembourg ou Cluny/St Michel
*25th Nov at 7:30pm: Evelyne Resnick will present and sign her book “Wine Brands: Success Strategies for New Markets, New Consumers and New Trends” AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP at .
25 November 19h30 ALP invites you in for a talk and discussion organized by AAWE and MESSAGE@The Library: “The Oppositional Child: Adolescents-Surviving or thriving?” AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, tel. M°: Ecole Militaire or Alma Marceau, or RER C at Pont de l'Alma.
*26th Nov. at 3:30 p.m. November Kids' Club: Theme: Pop-up books, starring the new Gruffalo Pop-up book! AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP with name, English Level & age of child at .
*26 Nov 19h30 Evenings with an Author invites novelist Michael Genelin in to read from his thriller, 'Siren of the Waters.' AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, tel. M°: Ecole Militaire or Alma Marceau, or RER C at Pont de l'Alma.
*26 Nov: SCBWI France Event: Thanksgiving potluck dinner Show & Tell! See website for more on SCBWI: RSVP to Sarah Towle at Tell her what you'd like to contribute to dinner, and she'll give you the address and door code for the event.
*26 nov à 19h : Rencontre avec KATHERINE ROUSSOS pour son essai Décoloniser l'imaginaire. Du réalisme magique chez Maryse Condé, Sylvie Germain et Marie NDiaye. (L'Harmattan, Bibliothèque du féminisme). Le réalisme magique, genre littéraire originaire d'Amérique latine, repris aujourd'hui par des auteurs postcoloniaux, est né de la rébellion contre l'oppression colonisatrice : il s'agit de s'affranchir des oppressions politiques et culturelles en quittant la réalité "colonisée". On a peu étudié le rôle important des romancières qui ont utilisé ce genre pour remettre en cause la domination masculine. Cet ouvrage leur rend justice et montre comment elles ont fait appel au surnaturel pour envisager les possibilités d'une autonomie des femmes au-delà des rapports de pouvoir entre sexes, races et classes. AT : la librairie Violette and Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
28 nov à 20h30 Concert with Jay Gottlieb, pianist. AT: Fondation des Etats-Unis
15 boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris Carter, Ives, Cowell, Dutilleux, Jolas, Messiaen
Info/rés: 01 53 80 68 87
*29 Nov: the venerable Fay Weldon will be giving a conference at the Salon Anglo-Saxon in Fontainebleau. Contact Reel Books in Fontainebleau for more info. It’s just an RER ride!
*2 Dec at 7pm. A BILINGUAL reading with Stephen Rodefer & Eric Sucheré. Organized by Double Change. At: Point Ephemere, 200 quai de Valmy, m° Juares, behind the big building or go inside along Canal St Martin & to the right of the bar space there is a staircase leading upstairs, take that & then go all the way down the hall to the studio space for the event.
*7th Dec 7.30pm MOVING PARTS presents a reading of a play by Gwyneth Hughes "Sunshine and Shade" (the new title of "In the Greenhouse", up for its second reading) AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries
PART II: CREATIVE WRITING COURSES in Paris & France in NOV/ DEC, Listed by start dates:
1 Nov. : 10am–1pm: TAPPING INTO THE SPIRIT OF PLACE: A CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP FOR : poets, memoirists, fiction & nonfiction writers at all phases of their careers TAUGHT BY LINDA LAPPIN, author of two novels, The Etruscan & Katherine's Wish. Complete listing on OCT Listings. AT: Boulevard Saint Germain, 75 euros (includes follow-up manuscript critique via email) CONTACT Linda Lappin
ALL Saturdays in November: 3-5pm. The OTHER WRITERS' GROUP” meets upstairs at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 5 euros. More Information at:
6th Nov for 7 weeks on Thursdays, 7-9pm. Susannah Pabot WRITING BY THE SEINE: a new Fiction Writing Workshop in Shakespeare & Company's Upstairs Library. 50 euros. In this workshop we will divide our time between discussing the craft of fiction as we read short excerpts from authors who have lived & worked in France, & workshopping our own writing in a warm & supportive atmosphere. For beginning & intermediate writers! Email Susannah Pabot, at for more details.
17-20 November “Travel Writing with Thirza Vallois”: Whilst visiting local sites , Thirza will show you how to observe the world around you from different angles, then in the classroom, you will acquire the skills of the craft that will enable you to turn a place & an encounter into a living painting & an animated story. Held at St Jacques B&B in Sologne, 90 min.s south of Paris. Prices from 400€. For details write or see &
25 Nov-3 Dec : ACTING/THEATER/CIRCUS Workshops with « Théâtre Quantum: Du Slapstick à Shakespeare » : Classes de maître et ateliers. Quantum Théâtre offre à tous les artistes (acteur, danseur, circassien, clown, directeur, ou chorégraphe) une chance de revigorer leurs pratiques artistiques et leur créativité.Les méthodes du Quantum Théâtre amène chaque individu vers leur essence propre en tant qu’artiste et au cœur de leur performance. Le travail est organique, direct et utilise des principes universels articulés par des sources multiculturelles. Le créateur du Théâtre Quantum: Du Slapstick à Shakespeare, Ira Seidenstein, à œuvrer dans plusieurs domaines: du théâtre classique au cirque et de l’opéra jusqu’à la danse. Grâce à ses méthodes Ira participera à la fondation d’institutions aussi prestigieuses que : The Commedia School à Copenhague, The Actors Centre,The Theatre of Image et la compagnie nationale The Bell Shakespeare Company en Australie. Ira, vous convie à ses classes de maître et à ses ateliers du 25 novembre au 3 décembre, à Paris. Il sera assisté de son inventive partenaire Marie-Soleil Fortin, la créatrice du spectacle duo intitulé Un Filet d’Amour. Fortin est diplômée en Arts-plastiques et en Arts du cirque à L’école National de Cirque de Montréal. Workshop contact is Caspar at or for more info, see:
4-7 December & then again 15-18 December. “IMMOVEABLE FEAST; A PARIS CHRISTMAS” John Baxter will be giving you insights on turning your story into your own personal "feast". Mornings discussing the pleasures & challenges of writing personal literature, & afternoons either in one to one with John or if you wish visiting the region. December workshops Held at the Saint Jacques the B&B run by Kristi Anderson the founder of Tea & Tattered Pages, in Sologne. Prices start at 400€. For more details write or see & blog See Oct listings for more info as well.
PART III: Reviews News & New Reviews —submit/just out, residencies, etc.
Sylvia Plath said, "Everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise." (Quote from Oct "Writers' Almanac", NPR online)
SUPPORT, READ, SUBMIT, SEE: “FULCRUM”, the new exciting international annual lit mag. It’s a one-of-a-kind annual anthology that publishes the best poetry (and poetry criticism) from the entire English-speaking world. It provides a map of what is happening in English-language poetry from Alaska down to New Zealand, from India to the Caribbean, from Australia to Canada, from the UK and Ireland and Singapore. Incredibly, at 700+ beautifully printed pages, FULCRUM is made available at a charitable, artificially low price. IN THE CURRENT ISSUE: unpublished master works by Samuel Beckett, Robert Frost, Octavio Paz, a debate between John Kinsella and Rosanna Warren about poetry, criticism by Christopher Ricks, a collection of poems and essays exploring the relations between poetry and myth, and much, much more! Explore (Click the "Issues" tab to see the complete table of contents.)
JOB in CREATIVE WRITING: Assistant Professor in Creative Writing sought. The English Department of Eastern Michigan University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in Creative Writing. The Creative Writing Program includes undergraduate and MA studies emphasizing interdisciplinarity. We are seeking literary writers who work in more than one medium and / or take new approaches to genre: documentary poetics, text and image, performance, collaborative and community arts projects, digital arts & electronic media. Candidates must hold a graduate degree and demonstrate evidence of excellence in teaching, a significant publication record, and promise of continuing excellence in publication. Send letter of application and dossier (CV, letters of reference, representative 30 page work sample or equivalent) to Christine Hume, English Department, 602C Pray Harrold, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 by November 15. For more information, contact Christine Hume at .
SUBMIT! : The Paris literary journal Upstairs at Duroc seeks submissions for its Issue #11. We publish English language poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and translations. Send no more than 5 poems, or prose pieces not exceeding 2000 words. Include a cover sheet with name, address, phone number, email address, word count for prose, and a short bio. Send snail mail submissions to the WICE office. Send email submissions to with "Upstairs Submission" in the subject line. Copies of Upstairs at Duroc can be obtained at our readings or at the WICE office (7 cité Falguière, 75015 Paris, open Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri 10 AM to 3 PM). For samples of published work, see our Web page at . We prefer email submissions. Deadline: January 31, 2009.
NONFICTION EDITOR OFFER: Carolyn Burke is happy to offer her editorial services as a consultant for non-fiction (especially biography & memoir), book proposals, and similar projects. Her most recent book, Lee Miller, A Life (Knopf/ Bloomsbury/ Autrement) was nominated by the National Book Critics' Circle for their biography prize and chosen by the New York Times as a notable book of the year. She is currently working on a life of Edith Piaf. Fee to be arranged. Contact her at: with “editorial services” in subject line of your email.
SUBMIT TO: COLERE, a journal celebrating cultural exploration. It welcomes thought-provoking, poetry, fiction, essays, and artwork. Please limit submissions to 8 poems or 20 pages on experiences abroad or at home. Submissions (deadline: January 15, 2009) or subscriptions ($5 annually) to Colere, Coe College, 1220 1st Ave. NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402.
LAST DAYS ONLINE: for this exciting pre-election literature project! Check out: Wave Books’ Second 25 days of PoetryPolitic: A Blog in 50 Days presenting news from the intersection between poetry and politics. Visit PoetryPolitic here: . Running from September 15th through Election Day, November 4th, PoetryPolitic has been offering a spectrum of critical and imaginative thinking, through poems, audio and video recordings, essays, interviews and reviews. The work on PoetryPolitic represents the ways in which poetry might respond to the complexity of the times. Featured poets have included Hayden Carruth, Don Mee Choi, Matthea Harvey, Andrew Joron, Hoa Nguyen, Alice Notley, Reginald Shepherd, Rod Smith, among many others. PoetryPolitic commenced its second 25 days with "America," a poem by Joseph Lease, with recitation, video and links. You’re invited to take a look at the work of this important poet, & all those who have followed!!! Thanks very much, and good reading to you!
Support UGLY DUCKLING PRESSE: By getting a Full Presse subscription for 2009! They’re on sale now, and they're going fast. By becoming a subscriber you not only get an incredible deal on UDP's entire list for one year, you also become a sustaining member of the UDP community. Think of it as Community Supported Publishing-and without it, we would not be able to survive. We aren't the only press offering a subscription. If you don't subscribe to UDP, we hope you will pick another press to support. UDP SUBSCRIPTIONS: $100 Basic Subscription (all books of the 2009 season, approx. 30 different titles) $150 Supporting Subscription (all books as above; be listed as a supporter; deduct $50 from yr taxes) $250 Library / Institutional subscription (all books as above) Go here to subscribe:
ANNOUNCEMENT : Inventaire-invention press annonces : Nos parutions de septembre 2008: « Le monde est beau, il est rond » de Suzanne Doppelt . « Peint en rouge » un ouvrage collectif réalisé par Suzanne Doppelt avec Emmanuelle Bayamak-Tam, Aïcha Liviana Messina, François Matton, Jean-Christophe Bailly, Georges Aperghis, Frédéric Boyer, Cole Swensen, Suzanne Doppelt, Avital Ronell. « s'il tranche », de Florence Pazzottu. « Les lois de l'hospitalité » d'Olivia Rosenthal. « DE ÇA » de Vladimir Maïakovski, précédé de « L'adresse à Vladimir » d'Henri Deluy - Ouverture, traduction et notes Henri Deluy. Et puis : « 3 Fonctionnement. Nutrition, excrétion » cinquième extrait de Description de l'omme, Jacques Rebotier. All this and more on
APT SOUGHT: Mature student seeking a place to live starting 15 November, a studio or share would be great. As I am a student, my maximum budget is 500 euros per month. Housesitting would be fantastic, too! If you or anyone you know is looking for a roommate or housesitter, renter or subletter, please get in touch.
NEW IN PRINT & CD: Pierre Joris’ work, new and previous, CDs and more, available online via the press’ site:
SUBMIT FICTION & POETRY: to ANOTHER CHICAGO Magazine, Chicago Literary Awards: Two prizes of $1,000 each and publication in Another Chicago Magazine are given annually for a poem and short story. Submit up to 3 poems or 1 short story with a $12 entry fee, payable to Chicago Literary Awards, by December 31, 11:59 pm. Additional poems may be submitted for $5 each, short stories for $10. Matthew Zapruder will judge poetry, Michael Martone for fiction. Include a SASE for contest results. Chicago Literary Awards, Another Chicago Magazine, 3709 N. Kenmore, Chicago, IL 60613. Web site:
JUST OUT en français: Cyrille MARTINEZ « BIBLIOGRAPHIES : 5e République, Premiers ministres & présidents » Editions Al Dante, ISBN 978-2-84761-982-9, 15 Euros.
FICTION CONTEST announced: THE BALTIMORE Review announces its 2008 Short Fiction Competition, deadline: December 1. Prizes: $500/$250/$100. Send 1 story and $20 entry fee or $25 for fee and subscription to TBR/2008 Short Fiction Competition, P.O. Box 36418, Towson, MD 21286. For details, see .
CONTACT: Jane Grey, PhD for one on one Conscious and Creative Living Consultations and Courses in: Life Coaching; Holistic Counseling; Conscious Creating; Conscious Choice; Holistic Hypnotherapy; Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT); Healing; Intuition; Meditation; Metaphysics; Nutrition; Reiki; Spirituality, Well-Being, Public Speaking, Executive Skill Training, Personal & Professional Development. Via email:
CONCOURS NOUVELLES : Writing in French ? Here is your chance!!!: Escales hivernales : un concours de nouvelles Dans le cadre de la 3ème Fête du Livre de Lille escales hivernales, qui réunira à la CCI Grand Lille les samedi 13 et dimanche 14 décembre 2008 de nombreux écrivains, le Centre Littéraire Escales des Lettres vous propose un concours de nouvelles sur le thème « déracinés ». Les textes, d’une longueur maximale de 5 pages, sont à envoyer uniquement par mail ( ). La date limite de participation est fixée au 15 novembre 2008. Le jury, composé d’écrivains et de représentants du monde littéraire, désignera trois lauréats qui seront présentés lors de la Fête du Livre. Les nouvelles primées seront publiées sur le site. Règlement complet du concours sur
NOW OUT: By Brandon Shimoda, his book, “THE INLAND SEA”, a long poem, is available now through Tarpaulin Sky Press. All information, with inland sea image, here: THE INLAND SEA is a single movement within a larger movement never-ending; it is also the final section of O BON, a book, a festival, a commitment --- written primarily in Montana, secondarily in ashes.
SUPPORT, SUBMIT, READ: BlazeVox Books, one of America’s most exciting little presses, makes both print books available at exciting prices, as well as a large array of eBooks by new & known authors. See their catalogue, read some books online, and support them by purchasing books for yourself or your friends!!!
JUST OUT: "King of a Hundred Horsemen". Étienne, Marie (Author) Nov 2008. 256 p. Farrar, hardcover, $25.00. (9780374181185). 843. “Not previously available in English, Étienne's work is well known in France, where she is a prominent contributor to literary life as both a poet and a novelist. Brought up in what was then French Indochina and is now Vietnam, she remains deeply connected to the southeast Asian culture that nourished her, and as deeply affected, or afflicted, by memories of the wars she lived through as a soldier's child. She defies easy geographical categorization, and in this book she writes in an ambiguous genre poised between poetry and prose that reads as much like a surreal novel as a book of prose-poems. Vaguely defined characters appear and disappear. Pastiches of other writers' work alternate with the pseudo-diary of an unknown narrator. Translator Hacker, who won the first Robert Fagles Translation Prize from the National Poetry Series for this book, calls it a "mosaic of shattered mirrors." Hypnotic and elusive, Étienne's words and images embed themselves in memory.” — Patricia Monaghan I put a small review of it on my own blog Oct 28th at
JUST OUT: Caramboles, by Alexander Dickow, is now available! The book is a bilingual French/English poetry collection: in Parisian bookstores such as Tschann, Gibert Joseph or the Fnac des Halles. I put a small review of this book on my own blog Oct 28 at To save on shipping, you can also order it in the US, by telephone or email from BookPeople of Moscow, Idaho: If you have difficulty ordering the book, please get in touch with the author directly: Alexander Dickow See his blog, too, at
READ/ SUBMIT: to the interesting international online journal, “Studio”, out of York University in Canada... The current issue includes excerpts from Paris author Margo Berdeshevsky's “Tsunami Notebook”: and much else to see! the Studio home site is:
CHECK OUT : Richard Nahem’s blogsite EYEPREFERPARIS (and tours of Paris) online at and This blog, posted 4x a week, includes a ton of cool art, sites, film, food and other events. I also put it here because I am the proud once-a-month invited post-person writing on artists and their work/studios/lives in Paris (ie, see post from Oct 14th, 2008 on Kate Van Houten by Jen Dicki, and TONS of cool stuff the rest of the time by Richard!)
SUBMIT POETRY, HYBRID TEXT, ETC & READ : The Diagram is at it again ! See issue 8.5 online now and submit poetry, text, reviews, schematics, etc, for their next issue!!! Check it out and see guidelines as well online at .
IN PRINT: “The Alps”, a book by Brandon Shimoda, is out and available in print!!! Order or for more info on the press, see: and
SUBSCRIBE: To Poets & Writers, and certainly appreciate the work they do keeping up their online database of lit mags & constant calls for work or contests. They just added a bunch these past months. To see the database, go to:* and to subscribe to Poets & Writers, go directly to: where they have a special rate for those in the states at 50% off right now. For us, well, write in to see!
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