II) Courses in Creative Writing in
III) News Reviews & Reviews News—publications, calls for submissions, etc
*8 April 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. An Evening with Simon Pettet – “Parallel Poetry” with Jennifer K Dick & WICE: Jennifer will interview Simon in this public forum about his work, his life & travels, perspectives, reflections, etc as part of Wice’s Writers on Writing evening: "Like Beethoven's Bagatelles", John Ashbery has written, Simon Pettet's short poems have a great deal to say, & their seeming modest dimensions help rather than hinder his saying it". Do you ever wonder what makes writers want to write? How do they get started & then, what keeps them going? Join us for informal conversations with accomplished writers in the field. A moderated open discussion between the writer & the attendees will follow. BIO: Simon Pettet is an internationally-renowned English-born poet, long-time resident of
*8 AVRIL 2008 À 19H30 CARNET DE ROUTE ET LE POINT EPHEMERE VOUS INVITENT À UNE LECTURE DU 3EME NUMERO DE LA REVUE PAR LE POETE AMERICAN, STEPHEN RATCLIFFE Les livres de poésie de Stephen Ratcliffe sont Portraits & Repetition (the Post-Apollo Press) & Sound/(system) (Green Integer). REAL est paru chez Avenue B en 2007 où il est éditeur et rédacteur en chef. Listening to Reading, un recueil d’essais sur la poésie expérimentale contemporaine aux Etats-Unis est édité chez SUNY Press. Stephen Ratcliffe vit à Bolinas en Californie ou il enseigne au sein d’ateliers d’écriture à Mills College d’Oakland. Ses poésies sont également traduites en français par Vincent Broqua, membre de l’association Double Change. Stephen Ratcliffe’s books include REAL, Sound/(system), Idea’s Mirror, & Mallarmé: Poem in Prose. He is editor & publisher of Avenue B Books & teaches at
***9 April at 7:30pm. The Paris-based literary journal UPSTAIRS AT DUROC invites you to a reading of new work by five authors: Sandy Florian, Choman Hardi, Christine Herzer, Chim Nwabueze & Simon Pettet. Bios: *Simon Pettet's the author of More Winnowed Fragments (Talisman, 2006), Selected Poems (Talisman, 1995), the collaborations Conversations About Everything & Talking Pictures with filmmaker Rudy Burckhardt. He edited Art Writings of Pulitzer-prize-winning "NY School" poet James Schuyler. Hearth, a book of poems, is forthcoming in 2008. He will be having a public interview session with Jennifer K Dick at WICE on 8 April & will give a workshop/special film session also at WICE this week.*Sandy Florian earned her MFA in Creative Writing from Brown University in 2003, where she was recipient of the Francis Mason Harris Award for the best manuscript by a woman. She is the author of Telescope (Action Books 2006), 32 Pedals & 47 Stops (Tarpaulin Sky Press 2007) & The Tree of No (forthcoming with Action Books 2008). Her work appears in over 40 national & international journals. She lives in
*9 avril à 19h : Soirée MIREILLE HAVET à l'occasion de la parution du troisième tome de son Journal (1924-1927) en présence de CLAIRE PAULHAN, éditrice, et à l'occasion de la parution de la biographie Mireille Havet, l'enfant terrible (Grasset) en présence de l'auteure EMMANUELLE RETAILLAUD-BAJAC AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
* 10 avril 2008 à partir de 19 heures A l'occasion de la parution de Mireille Havet, Journal 1924-1927 (Editions Claire Paulhan) et de Mireille Havet, l'enfant terrible (Editions Grasset)
De Emmanuelle Retaillaud-Bajac rencontre avec Emmanuelle Retaillaud-Bajac AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17 rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00
*10 avril à 19h30 Rencontre avec les écrivains en résidence Michael Coady et Paul Durcan Entrée libre – en anglais Writer & poet Michael Coady was born in 1939. He lives in the town of his birth, Carrick-on-Suir, Co.
*11 avril à partir de 19h. Présentation des nouvelles parutions des « Editions Mix » avec les auteurs, AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris
*12 April 20h00: Word For Word- the acclaimed
13, 20 & 27th April--18h45.
***14 April 19h30: Word For Word will perform a second time for a Library fundraising event. Featuring jazz musician Marcus Shelby. Followed by a cocktail reception. Admission EUR25.00. Reservations required through The American Library (www.americanlibraryinparis.org). . Salle Adyar, 4 square Rapp,
*14 April 7pm The Golden Hour Book (& CD) will present a literary cabaret performance at Shakespeare & Co. that will distill all the goodness of both the book & the monthly live performances – featuring The Golden Hour readers who have also appeared in The Stand, New Writing Scotland, Chapman, The Independent on Sunday & more. Musicians have toured internationally & range from acoustic folk to acoustic punk. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue
*15 April, doors open at 19h30. IVY WRITERS Presents a bilingual reading with Emmanuel Moses & Margo Berdeshevsky. BIOS: Margo Berdeshevsky is an artist & author who has won many awards, & recently published BUT A PASSAGE IN WILDERNESS (The Sheep Meadow Press, 2007). Her fiction collection “Beautiful Soon Enough”, has just been chosen as the winner of the Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize, forthcoming with FC2 in fall 2009, & she also has a novel "Vagrant," forthcoming with Red Hen Press. EMMANUEL MOSES was born in 1959 in
*15th APRIL, at 7pm Village Voice will receive the American novelist Anne Marsella the author of Remedy, a novel about a young American woman working for an online fashion site in Paris & Agnès Poirier the author of Touché: A French woman's take on the English. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
*15 April 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. An Evening with Hilary Kaiser - Oral History Writers on Writing at WICE Do you ever wonder what makes writers want to write? How do they get started & then, what keeps them going? Join us for informal conversations with accomplished writers in the field. A moderated open discussion between the writer & the attendees will follow. Free! FREE AT: WICE, 20 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015
15 Avril 19-2h « VOICES » Pour textes, musiques, lectures, chansons, performances et dialogues. VOICES I Ouverture des portes, apéritif. Sebastien Tison partage sa discothèque.
LiveBAGHEERA POULLIN et STEVE ARGUELLES Le journal d'Ophélie THIERRY THEOLIER feat JUDE Lecture avec son et action(s) FLORENCE DENOU LE PROFESSEUR INLASSABLE et Mr TAGOMI Chansons THE OTHER COLORS Performance + Partage de discothèques: SEBASTIEN TISON ERIC PERIER THIERRY THEOLLIER WHISTELPUNK Programmes complets et liens sur : http://instantnetlabel.over-blog.fr/ rendez vous proposés par INFACT / INSTANT à LA JAVA154 rue du fb du Temple 19h-02h Paf : 5 euros
*16 April 19h30: Playback Theatre, a student improv group from Ecole Active Bilingue Jeannine Manuel, will be performing at The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris 01 53 59 12 60 www.americanlibraryinparis.org
*16 avril à 19h : Hommage à ANNEMARIE SCHWARZENBACH pour le centenaire de sa naissance, en présence de DOMINIQUE MIERMONT, sa traductrice et biographe. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
***17 avril 2008 à 19h: Gwenaëlle Stubbe lira au musée Zadkine ! Programmés par Jérôme Mauche, les cycles de Lectures au musée Zadkine permettent au public de découvrir simultanément la création littéraire la plus contemporaine et des références empruntées au patrimoine littéraire. Les poètes et écrivains d’aujourd’hui sont conviés à lire non seulement leurs textes, des travaux inédits, quelquefois des créations spécifiques, mais aussi ceux d’un ou plusieurs auteurs de leur choix, invitant ainsi à une relecture du patrimoine poétique dans l’atelier même d’Ossip Zadkine. Responsable de la programmation : Jérôme Mauche Conservatrice du musée Zadkine : Noëlle Chabert A l'atelier du musée Zadkine, 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris M° Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 Entrée libre - renseignements au 01 55 42 77 20 et musee.zadkine@paris.fr
*17 avril à partir de 19h A l'occasion de la parution de « Contact » (Editions du Seuil)
rencontre avec Cécile Portier AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00
*20th April at 7.30 pm Playreading in English of Gwyneth Hughes’ "Too Clever by Half" a play for 7 women: Seven women gravitate around
*21 April 7pm Stephen Romer will be reading from his new book of poetry, Yellow Studio (Carcanet / Oxford Poets series) & Alan Jenkins will be reading from new work including the acclaimed Drunken Boats which features translation of Rimbaud's visionary poem. Alan's books include A Shorter Life, 2005, The Drift, 2000 (a PBS Choice) & Harm, 1994, which won the Forward Prize for Best Collection that year. He is Deputy Editor of the TLS & has taught creative writing in
*23 April 19h30: Gregor Dallas, speaking on ''How Wars End: The Real Heroes of History' based on his War & Peace Trilogy (1815, 1918 & 1945) at The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris 01 53 59 12 60 www.americanlibraryinparis.org
*23 April 19h30, free, in English IRISH CULTURAL CENTER & LA MEDIATHEQUE RENCONTRE… PHILIP O CEALLAIGH who has published many short stories, some of which have been translated into Romanian, Japanese, Hungarian, Czech & Italian. His collection Notes from a Turkish Whorehouse (Penguin, 2006) won the Rooney Prize for Irish Literature, the Glen Dimplex Award for Fiction & was shortlisted for the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award. Since 2000 he has lived mostly in
**28 April 7pm Acclaimed writer Lydia Davis will be reading from new work & her latest book Varieties of Disturbance (nominated for The National Book Award). She is the author of one novel & four collections of short fiction & her work has appeared in many literary journals, including McSweeney's & has been collected in the Best American Short Stories of 1997 (edited by Annie Proulx).
*29 April, 18h30-20h30, Vernissage for PAULINE BEWICK “The Midnight Court” with READING by Professor Kieran R. Byrne, Director of Waterford Institute of Technology, will give a short reading of his translation from Irish of The Midnight Court at the vernissage Con Quigley, director of Horwath Bastow Charleton (Limerick), will present the CCI with a series of engravings. Pauline Bewick's art breathes freedom & movement. She herself is a free spirit & her open philosophy has its roots in an unconventional childhood which was spent travelling around
29 Avril VOICES II 19h-2h Ouverture des portes, apéritif. Eric Périer partage sa discothèque LiveLAURENT TOULOUSE Performance Solo guitare POLDR (all) Composite d'objets musicaux BERANGERE MAXIMIN Ce Corps Vil, pièce musicale, pour voix en direct et sons fixésGRYN BRVS (uK) Turnablisme DR DRONE Installation sonore ambiant progressive LEM PREO Invocation des esprits aux harmonies bruitistes Programmes complets et liens sur : http://instantnetlabel.over-blog.fr/ rendez vous proposés par INFACT / INSTANT à LA JAVA154 rue du fb du Temple 19h-02h Paf : 5 euros
*4th May at 7.30 pm Playreading in English of Gloria Carreño’s "Clash of Wills" AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries More info: Stephanie Campion at 06 14 67 18 58, www.movingparts.org.uk or at movingparts@orange.fr
Friday, 11th April 2008, from 13h15-15h15: Please join us for a professional workshop on reading & writing about poetry with American poet, Stephen Ratcliffe At the International School of Paris, 13, rue Beethoven, classroom F001 M°: Passy or Trocadero A participant fee for non ISP staff is requested: 50 euros (cheque payable to ISP) Molly Lou Freeman, editeur, carnet de route / ISP for more info: carnetderoute@isparis.edu or call 06 82 43 58 30
Date: Saturday, April 12 This will be a workshop on WRITING & FILM & POETRY.: Didn't Gertrude Stein say, "I write with my eyes not with my ears or mouth"? Join “Parallel Poetry Workshop” with Simon Pettet. The late Pulitzer prize-winning “
April 12 Atelier: Spend the day learning about the world of children's book publishing Harper Collins editor Rosemary Brosnan & Bayard France art director Pascale Guyon-Gallet will lead discussions & offer feedback to aspiring writers & illustrators. For more details, please contact: advisor@scbwifrance.com When: April 12, from 9:30-6:00pm Where:
Parsons Paris14, Rue Letellier 75015 Paris, France Cost: 75 euros for SCBWI members; 85 euros for nonmembers NOTE: Rosemary Brosnan & Pascale Guyone-Gallet will be doing a limited number of 1-on-1 critique & portfolio reviews. Cost: 40 euros
The OTHER WRITERS' GROUP” meets upstairs on Saturdays, 3-5pm: at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue
"The creative process in professional context" workshop for actors, April, 19-20 2008, at FACT : 01 43 44 76 98 factinfo@free.fr
Dates Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 April: TRAVEL WRITING WEEKEND WORKSHOP Try your hand at travel writing, in this inspiring & practical weekend workshop with a top
Paris Writers Workshop celebrates its 20th Anniversary: July 1-11 in
May 31st – June 7th 2008: At Almàssera Vella: ‘Getting to the Next Level’ a poetry workshop with the distinguished American Poet Alfred Corn. WORKSHOP assumes students already have some ability & points out avenues to further accomplishment. Topics include rhythm, the line, metre, metaphor, visual description, & mutual support of different components of a poem.” ALFRED CORN has published 9 collections of poetry, a novel & an acclaimed collection of essays. He has received Guggenheim & NEA fellowships, an Award in Literature from the Academy & Institute of Arts & Letters, a fellowship from the
June 13th – 23rd, 2008: The Fourth Annual Writers’ Workshop at www.larochedhys.com in theheart of
Costs are 50 Euros per day including accomodation, food wine & course costs. For more information contact academie.rochedhys@mail.com
PART III: Reviews News & New Reviews —submit/just out
Call for
SUBMIT NOW!: Immediate news: the submission deadline for BorderCrossing
FICTION PRIZE: From The Paris Writers Workshop, to be presented at the 20th Workshop in July 2008. The prize, $5000, for a novel or collection of short stories in English by a writer who’s not previously published a book. To submit: send extract (max 1000 words), A synopsis (1 typed page max) outlining the work’s scope, + a 1 page cover letter providing personal info, & a €30 reading fee per submission (€20 for applicants enrolled in the workshop). FYI: Mult subs OK, but 1 fee for each. Deadline: RECEIVED April 30th. Short-listed authors will be required to supply completed manuscripts for final judging in May. Results announced & the presentation made at the closing dinner of the 20th Paris Writers Workshop on July 11, 2008. Complete Guidelines, & address on: www.pariswritersworkshop.org
SUBMIT TO WRITING PROJECT: Called Hitotoki, an online literary project collecting stories of singular experiences tied to locations in cities worldwide. Hitotoki-- means "little moments" in Japanese-- is a website comprised of short narratives describing pivotal moments of elation, confusion, absurdity, love or grief inseparably tied to a specific place. HOW TO SUBMIT: visit http://hitotoki.org/ to see other city pages, then send us submissions, guidelines on: http://hitotoki.org/hitotoki_submission_paris.rtf Stories to submissions_paris@hitotoki.org, or laurenelkin@gmail.com or lauren@hitotoki.org. For the moment we're launching in English, but we hope very soon to have the site up in French. SEEKNG TRANSLATORS & PHOTOGRAPHERS, too!
COMING OUT : la sortie du coffret DVD RIMBAUD le 2 mai. http://www.rimbaud-dvd.com/ Les films sont sous-titrés en anglais. Vous trouverez à cette adresse un dossier de presse et des images librement téléchargeables http://www.rimbaud-dvd.com/fr/presskit.html APTLY Medias for more http://www.aptlymedias.com/
Charles Borkhuis ANNOUNCES : Two radio plays "The Sound of Fear Clapping" & "Foreign Bodies" are being aired on
SEEK APT FALL 2008: American woman & 12 year old son, & gentle dog, seek a
READIN’ IN THE TUB : Adjust your shower heads, rinse out each eye, & feast on this: www.ShampooPoetry.com SHAMPOO issue 32 offers fine poetic suds by Michael J. Wilson, Kim Vodicka, Mathew Timmons, Naomi Tarle, Jordan Stempleman, Erika Staiti, Siel, John Sakkis, Daniel C. Remein, Mark O'Hara, Eileen Myles, Heather Anne Mullins, K. Silem Mohammad, Cassie Lewis, Bill Luoma, Patrick Lawler, Rodney Koeneke, Jack Kimball, Kevin Killian, Aby Kaupang, Yuri Hospodar, Deja Earley, Claire Donato, Melissa Dickey, Amanda Deutch, Melissa DeGezelle, Ian Davisson, Jennifer Dannenberg, Ryan Courtwright, CAConrad, Todd Colby, Joshua Butts, Bill Berkson, & Jim Behrle, along with ShampooArt by Nick McRae & Rebecca Rubin & ShamPooPoo Art by Mama-K! It's a bathroom bonanza! Keeping it clean, Del Ray Cross, Editor, SHAMPOO. clean hair / good poetry www.ShampooPoetry.com
OUT ONLINE: The newest DIAGRAM is out now, issue 8.1, at: http://thediagram.com/ Involving the following: TEXT BY [Marcia Aldrich] [Ash Bowen] [Katherine Factor] [Richard Froude] [Brent Goodman] [Amelia Gray] [Elliot Harmon] [Luis Felipe Hernández (trans. Toshiya Kamei)] [Paul Klinger] [Jami Macarty] [Gary L. McDowell] [Sara Michas-Martin] [Alexis Orgera] [Adam Peterson] [Dan Pinkerton] [Farrah Sarafa] [Daniel Torday] [Kellie Wells] [Cori A. Winrock] [Jon Kelly Yenser] SCHEMATICA: [A New Aesthesiometer] [Go] [Map of Flow Field According to Model of Blast Dynamics] [Scheme Showing Relation of Meaning to Behavior in General] SOUND by Dallas Simpson
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