Section I: Readings & Events by date in JUNE
Section II: Creative Writing Courses & workshops in Europe
Section III: Reviews News & New Reviews: calls for work, + summer apartment offers.
PART I: Readings & Events by date in JUNE (asterisks indicate readings)
*1 June – 6:30-9pm SCREENPLAY READING with Théâtre du Monde's Film Script Showcase Mise en lecture by Fawn Wilderson-Legros, Founder/ Director & tonight with "His Letters/Ses Lettres" by Robbye Apperson, USA. Info: http://www.theatredumonde.com/ Bringing stories from everywhere to everywhere else! Please join us for refreshments & a short discussion following the performance. Cost: 12 Euros Reservations: info@theatredumonde.org AT: WICE 20, bd. du Montparnasse 75015
*1 June at 19h30. Reading by Bernard O’Donoghue Born in Co Cork, Bernard O’Donoghue is a teacher, poet & literary critic. Currently teaching Medieval English at Wadham College, Oxford, he continues to find an audience at home in Ireland Winner of the Whitbread prize for poetry for his 1995 collection Gunpowder, O’Donoghue has also published Poaching Rights (1987), The Weakness (1991), Here Nor There (1999) & Outliving (2003). His Selected Poems will be published by Faber in 2008. He reviews for The Times Literary Supplement, &, as well as writing on medieval European poetry, he published a study Seamus Heaney & the Language of Poetry (1994) & a new verse translation of Sir Gawain & the Green Knight (2006). €3, in English AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27.
*1er Juin 2007 19h Pour la "9ème Biennale Internationale des Poètes en Val-de-Marne", une soirée de poésie multimedia et performance, vidéo poésie, poésie éléctronique IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, PORTUGUESE, etc. avec : A Strid ; Cozette de Charmoy ; Steve Dalachinsky (Etats Unis) ; William Azevedo (Brésil) ; Eric Giraud et Serge Pey. Entrée libre AT : 1, rue Marceau, 93170 Bagnolet, Tel : 01 49 93 60 90
1 juin at 21h. Hear Perry Argel with the group los Caballeros Simpáticos AT : Green Linnet 8, ave Victoria, 75004 Paris Métro : Châtelet. entrée gratuite www.perryleopard.com
Until 11 juin : MAI du LIVRE d’ART. Depuis 19 ans, à chaque printemps, Le Mai du livre d’art organisé par le groupe Art du Syndicat national de l'édition, rassemble les éditeurs d’art autour d’une sélection de nouveautés. Un jury constitué de professionnels des arts et de la culture décerne le Prix du Mai du livre d’art. Cette année, et pour la première fois, le Mai s’ouvre à l’édition d’art pour la jeunesse. Vous pourrez feuilleter à loisir les 40 titres sélectionnés, dont 12 pour la jeunesse dans la Galerie Rambuteau, située à l’entrée de la bibliothèque, du 10 mai au 11 juin 2007. Ensuite, ces titres seront intégrés à la collection de la bibliothèque. Pour en savoir plus : consulter le site du Mai du livre d'art. AT : « Galerie Rambuteau » entrée de la bibliothèque du centre G Pompidou.
**1er juin, 19h RENCONTRE : La création littéraire dans tous ses états. Soirée spéciale "Premier roman" avec les auteurs Jean-Moise Braitberg, Maia Brami, Enzo Cormann, Dominique Kopp et Mabrouk Rachedi. Mediator : Dominique Viart (essayiste et critique). AT : Centre Pompidou • Petite salle. Entrée libre
2 juin 2007 de 15h00 à 21h00 le bureau des Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin - Nathalie Hénon et Jean-François Rettig – invite « est-ce une bonne nouvelle » - Véronique et Christian Barani - Pour cette dernière édition, nous espérons avoir le plaisir de vous retrouver, autour d'un verre. dialogue n°8 - mise en dialogue et en espace de deux oeuvres réalisées par deux
artistes - 06.05.07 Deux regards sur l’élection présidentielle qui travaillent la matière des images tournées le soir du 6 mai.Une interférence des deux versants de la représentation de l’événement. une création de Sara Millot et Julien Gourbeix. Cette diffusion est-ce une bonne nouvelle est une proposition de Véronique et Christian Barani, avec l’aide des artistes présentés. estceunebonnenouvelle@noos.fr - http://www.estceunebonnenouvelle.org/ AU niveau du n°1 rue Gustave Goublier - 75010 – Paris M° : Strasbourg-Saint Denis ou Château d'Eau
2 June from 17h00 - 19h00. Paris Soirees: PARIS SINGLES APERITIF. 15 Euros. Wine, Canapes, Appetizers. Reserve with Patricia WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER PLEASE: singlesaperitif@gmail.com/01 43 26 12 88
**2 June at 7:00pm, Shakespeare & Co is pleased to host an outdoor reading by poet John Beer. John Beer will be sharing with us his *Wasteland* and other poems. --Beer's poems have appeared in Barrow Street, Crowd, Chicago Review, Denver Quarterly, Iowa Review, Verse, Mipoeisias, Xantippe, The Hat, Village Voice, Chicago Tribune. He has been nominated three times for the Pushcart Prize, and was twice finalist for the University of Giorgia Contemporary Poetry Series. He collaborated with poet Robert Lax on Works for Performance, which was staged in Geneva and Chicago and is the editor of several Lax collections. His literary criticism includes an essay on William Gaddis for the Review of Contemporary Fiction. He is the co-editor of Chicago Review's issue devoted to Kenneth Rexroth's centenary, the poetry editor for Bridge magazine, and for four years he was the cocurator of the Dannies reading series, Chicago's main independent poetry venue. AT: Shakespeare & Co, 37 Rue de la Bûcherie, 75005, in front of Notre Dame--tel. 01- 43 25 40 93.
3 June At 18h30. Paris Soirees SOIREE GASTRONOMIQUE with collaborator chef Jonathan Robert Frost: Persian Cuisine. Malaysian Cuisine. This time, John will prepare another Persian dish (this time with meat) by popular request. And we'll have a Malaysian main dish also for fun. Spoken Word poet Mervyn Seivwright, (currently residing in the UK) will share new work. Reserve at parissoirees@gmail.com/01 43 26 12 88 WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER PLEASE. For more info, see: http://www.parissoirees.com/aboutp.html
*4th June, at 7. Shusha Guppy reads for the publication of her book A Girl in Paris. BIO: Guppy, the well-known Persian-born British writer is the author of the highly acclaimed The Blindfold Horse, which won several pretigious literally prizes, including Le Grand Prix Litteraire de Elle in France - French Title: Un Jardin a Teheran (Phebus). The new book is an evocation of Paris in the late 50s & early 60s, when Paris was the intellectual & artistic centre of the Western world, with such great luminaries as Sartre, Camus, Picasseo, Aragon, Prevert, etc... living & working int he city, many of whom the author, then a young student, met & by whom she was befriended. But above all the book tells fascinating stories, weaving personal experience with momentous events & personalities, recreating the vibrant & charged atmosphere of the time. Guppy is an experienced performer & broadcaster at Shakespeare & Co., 37, Rue de la Bucherie, Paris 75005.
**4 juin à 19h. Leçons de’ création & 30ans d’écrivains, BPI, Centre G Pompidou Paris Présente : Inventaire / Invention : Rencontre avec Sonia Chiambretto, écrivain, Patrick Cahuzac, directeur d'Inventaire/Invention, animée par Omar Berrada. Sonia Chiambretto lira un extrait de CHTO interdit au moins de 15 ans (Inventaire/Invention éditions, 2006) et un extrait de 12 Soeurs slovaques (Inventaire/Invention éditions, 2007). AU : Centre Pompidou • Petite salle. Entrée libre
4, 11, 18 et 25 June: 7pm: American Blues with 3 short plays by Tennessee Williams: "Auto-da-Fé", "Why do you smoke so much Lily" & "Hello from Bertha". With original blues live with our talented group of musicians & music composed specially for our shows. Performed by Mondays7 theatre troupe. AT: Sudden Theatre, 14bis rue Sainte-Isaure, 75018 Paris. Reservations (French only) 01 42 62 35 00 email: sudden@wanadoo.fr website: Mondaysat7.com email: info@Mondaysat7.com Reservations in English 01 46 06 66 10 or 01 73 75 79 13 Tix: 17 & 13 euros
***5 June IVY: 19h30 IVY WRITERS invites you to a bilingual reading with Chris Tysh (French-American Poet) & Jean-Michel Espitallier (Poète Français). BIOS: « Jean-Michel Espitallier est un des poètes contemporains qui a le plus modoifié l’image attendue de la poésie. Il est représentatif d'une génération qui, proche en cela de l'art contemporain, opte pour des pratiques poétiques variées, construites, accumulatives et drôles» (Jérôme Mauche) Poète inclassable, Jean-Michel est l’auteur de, notamment : Caisse à outils, (essai, Pocket, 2006.) Tractatus logo mecanicus, (Al Dante, 2006), En Guerre (Inventaire/Invention, 2004), Où va-t-on ? (Le Bleu du ciel, coll. « L’Affiche », 2004), Le Théorème d’Espitallier (Flammarion, 2003), Fantaisie bouchère (grotesque), (Derrière la salle de bains, 2001), Gasoil : prises de guerre (Flammarion, 2000) et Ponts de frappe (Fourbis, 1995). Cofondateur de la revue Java, coordinateur du dossier sur la « Nouvelle poésie française » au Magazine littéraire (mars 2001), il travaille actuellement sur plusieurs projets multimédias. “Chris Tysh's performative texts, her transformative theater oeuvre, her splendid plays of poetry … lift off the page into the reader's desirous voicing & machine...[they are exciting] end of century subversions.”--Carla Harryman. Tysh has published 6 books of poetry: Cleavage (Roof Books, 2004), Continuity Girl (United Artists Books, 2000), In the Name (1994); Coat of Arms (1992); Porne; Secrets of Elegance (1981) a play Car Men, A Play in D, & critical book in French: Allen Ginsberg (Editions Seghers, coll: “Poètes d’Aujourd’hui.”). Her latest project is a screenplay based on the work of Georges Bataille. Editor of “Everyday Life” & on-line magazine mark(s): http://www.markszine.com/ she writes the “Blue Archive” column for “trait”. Tysh currently teaches creative writing & women's studies at Wayne State University in Detroit. AT: LE NEXT, 17, rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris (off Montorgeuil) M°Etienne Marcel/Les Halles. Tel : 01 42 36 18 93 http://www.lenext.com/ Info : http://www.ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/
5 June: 18-21h VERNISSAGE at Jean-Pierre Lavignes galerie of SONIA BUREL’s “Peintures”. Sonia’s work is exceptional and can also be seen 6 June-5 July. AT: Jean-Pierre Lavignes Bastille, 27 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris. Tel 01 47 00 88 18. http://www.lavignebastille.com/ ouvert mardi-samedi.
5 juin at 21h. Hear Perry Argel with the group los Caballeros Simpáticos AT : Green Linnet 8, ave Victoria, 75004 Paris Métro : Châtelet. entrée gratuite www.perryleopard.com
***6 juin 2007 à 20h00 : CARNET DE ROUTE & le Centre culturel canadien à Paris invites you to a reading of five poets from France, Canada & the United States: Jean-Christophe Bailly, Claude Beausoleil, Jorie Graham, Lisa Robertson, Cole Swensen & a show of our graphic art project CARNET DE ROUTE est une publication annuelle qui fête le devant de la scène littéraire comme du design graphique en France et outre-atlantique. CARNET DE ROUTE celebrates graphic design & cutting-edge poetics in French & English. We feature the ‘event’ of each issue in exhibitions of pages of poems at our author readings in Paris & in the United States AT: le Centre culturel canadien , 5, rue de Constantine 75007 Paris Métro : Invalides contact : mloufreeman@yahoo.com
6 to 30 juin : tous les mercredis, jeudis, vendredis, samedis à 20h30.Que diriez-vous d'une pièce contemporaine écrite par un jeune dramaturge, metteur en scène, comédien? La Compagnie Berzingue 26 vous propose NON-DITS de Grégoire Christophe. Avec : Alexandre Arathoon, Cédric Burgle, Grégoire Christophe, Rébecca Forster, Magalie Madison, Carole Pereira, Estelle Terrisse. Voici le site du théâtre http://www.guichetmontparnasse.com/ , vous trouverez toutes les informations nécessaires AT : Theatre Guichet Montparnasse, 15 rue de Maine, 75014 Paris, metros Montparnasse/Edouard Quinet/ Gaité.
*6 juin à 19h : Rencontre avec BRUNO PERREAU pour la parution du livre qu'il a dirigé Le Choix de l'homosexualité (EPEL), en présence de NATACHA CHETCUTI et de MARIANNE BLIDON. Le livre présente les principales pistes de recherche vers lesquelles s'orientent les études gays et lesbiennes en France : méthodes, objets, débats et controverses: de l'amitié chrétienne médiévale au lesbianisme dans le mouvement des "Femmes en noir", du cinéma militant des années 70 au vécu des familles homoparentales, des catégories sexuelles antiques à la géographie commerciale parisienne, etc. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*6th June: 9pm on! Follow one of the previous readings w your own! Go to “Spoken word/scène ouverte”: Performance poetry, poésie sonore, Lire vivant, Stand up, Short Short stories, English, Français: open mic. YOU READ!!! Come share some work, hear others! Organized by David Barnes Info: bastable7@yahoo.co.uk AT: L’Ogre à Plumes, 49/51 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, M° Parmentier.
6, 13, 20, 27 June: EVERY Wednesday--21h to 1h. Rob Keefe, better known as DJ Whistlepunk, gets his funky on. Need a little mid-week “shake & shimmy”? stop by & listen to him spin his tunes. AT: Bistrot des artists, 6 rue des Anglais, 75005 Paris, M°: Cluny/La Sorbonne, entrée gratuite
6 June at 18h30 Vernissage with talk and plat du jour. The occasion: Official unveiling of Patricia LaPlante Collin's grand mural. Created by Tom Byrne & Sheila Kern. http://www.decorparis/ From Patricia: "It's huge and beautiful!". That evening also, Tom and Sheila will be talking to us about how they created Patricia's painting. They'll introduce you to some of the mysteries of painting on a grand scale and explain the tax benefits of purchasing art from living artists in France. Get the address for the event & Reserve with Patricia WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER PLEASE: 01 43 26 12 88
9 June—DEADLINE to reserve for the 16th June 12h30, €30 Bloomsday Brunch at the Centre Culturel Irlandais, Call to reserve: 01 58 52 10 30. http://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/
**9 June 4 p.m.-6 p.m.Laurel Zuckerman will be discussing Sorbonne Confidential, the first no-taboo investigation into France's painful efforts to teach & combat English simultaneously. This hilarious & alarming eye-witness account of France's highest contest for English teachers (the Agrégation), has provoked strong reactions among readers. Q&A & reading in English & French. AT: Médiathèque Jules Verne, 28, rue Tournafis, 94360 Bry-sur-Marne, RER A station : Bry-sur-Marne, Tél :
*9 juin à 18h. Rencontre avec Albane Gellé autour des éditions Inventaire / Invention, avec Patrick Cahuzac, Antoine Emaz, Liliane Giraudon, et un auteur invité par le comité de lecture. Découvrez le prolongement de sa résidence à Noisy-le-Sec sur I/I Chaque trimestre, Albane Gellé a invité des auteurs et leur éditeur pour faire découvrir des univers poétiques et des démarches éditoriales. Elle a par ailleurs animé un comité de lecture en partenariat avec Inventaire/Invention, mené un atelier d'écriture et de lecture et initié une correspondance avec les lecteurs. AT : Médiathèque Roger Gouthier 3, rue Jean Jaurès à Noisy-le-Sec, Entrée libre
*9 juin à 16h. La ville de Bagnolet et le réseau des bibliothèques municipales, les lecteurs de l’atelier L’Invention du réel et Inventaire/Invention ont le plaisir de vous inviter à rencontrer PHILIPPE ADAM et à l’écouter lire Le syndrome de Paris (Inventaire/Invention éditions, 2006) AU : Bibliothèque des Coutures, 37 rue Jules-Ferry 93170 Bagnolet, Tél. : 01 41 58 55 46, Entrée libre
9th June: 21h30 - 2h: DJ Whistle Punk presents “Before It All Went to Shit IV: I Don't Want Your Revolution If I Can't Dance.” Underground punk and new wave that'll shake your brain cells and your booty. At Le mange disque, 58 de la Fontaine au roi, 11è; Metro: Goncourt. No cover.
**10 juin, à 16 heures : à l'occasion de la sortie du numéro Europe consacré à Franck Venaille Pierre Vilar et Jean Baptiste Para recevront : Peter Klasen et Mathieu Bénézet ; Isabelle Zribi et Emmanuel Moses ; Patrick Beurard-Valdoye et Fabienne Courtade ; Pascal Commère et François Boddaert ; Emmanuel Laugier et Marc Blanchet en présence de Christian Boltanski intervention et lecture de Franck Venaille. A la librairie Tschann - 125 bd Montparnasse, 75006, Paris.
**10 juin—18h30. Java’s “not not dead” soirée organized by Jean-Michel Espitallier with his own readings, those of Vannina Maestri and Jacques Sivan, performances with Cédric Pigot, music with Kasper Toeplitz and rock band “Prexley”. AT: Point Ephémère, 190 Quai de Valmy, 75010 Paris, M° Juares.
*10 Juin/June —at 7.30pm/ à 19h: Moving Parts vous invite à une lecture en français de/ invites you to a Playreading in English of Helena Pavlovsky’s "Palingenesie" Contact Stephanie to book a reading of YOUR play. Programme subject to change, see: http://www.scamparis.com/ or e-mail movingparts@wanadoo.fr to receive monthly mailings AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant,1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
**11 juin à 19h aura lieu dans le jardin de Reid Hall une lecture informelle des poètes ayant participé au séminaire de traduction de TAMAAS : Charles Alexander, Marie Borel, Frédéric Boyer, Frédéric Forte, Pierre Joris, Jean-Jacques Poucel, Cole Swensen et Habib Tengour. à Reid Hall/Columbia University, 4 rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris tél. 01 43 20 24 83. (M° Vavin ligne 4)
12 June at 19h: The Irish Cultural Center invites you to meet & hear DIRECTOR David Horan. Director-in-residence with Inis Theatre, David Horan is a founding member & Artistic Director of Peri-Talking Theatre Company. His directing credits include plays by Ibsen, Howard Brenton, Conor McPherson & Mike Leigh & he has been assistant director to Gerry Stembridge, Howard Barker & Stephen Rea among others. €3, in English Reservation necessary (places limited) AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27. http://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/
** 13 juin à 19h L'association Double Change vous invite à une lecture avec les poètes CHARLES ALEXANDER, JEAN-PATRICE COURTOIS et PIERRE JORIS avec la participation d'Habib Tengour. Bios: ALEXANDER, poète, a publié Hopeful Buildings (Chax, 1990), Arc of Light/Dark Matter (Segue Books, 1992), Near or Random Acts (Singing Horse Press, 2004), et Certain Slants (Junction Press, 2007). En 1984, Charles Alexander a fondé la maison d’édition Chax Press. COURTOIS, écrivain, poète, enseigne à l’Université Paris7 la littérature et la philosophie des Lumières et l’esthétique. A publié bcp de livres de poèmes, notamment: Vie inverse, (Deyrolle/Verdier 1992), Hors de l’heure, (Deyrolle/Verdier, 1996), Complication du sommeil, (Circé, 2001), D’arbre et d’œil, (Prétexte, 2002). A publié de nombreux articles et livres d’essais sur la poésie moderne et contemporaine. JORIS a publié de nombreux recueils de poèmes, dont Aljibar, Meditations on the Stations of Mansour Al-Hallaj, et Poasis: Selected Poems 1986-1999, et aussi, en amont et chez PHI, Breccia: Poems 1972-1986. Trois recueils ont paru en traduction française: Le Livre de Luap Nalec, traduit par Michel Maire (Castor Astral, 1986), La dernière traversée de la Manche, traduit par Jean-Paul Junck & Jean Portante (Graphiti/PHI 1995), et h.j.r., traduit par Eric Sarner (Graphiti/PHI 1999). Joris est aussi l’éditeur et rédacteur de plusieurs anthologies de la poésie et l'auteur des essais http://www.doublechange.com/ ou http://www.doublechange.com/blog/readings/index.html pour encore plus d’infos. + le même jour, 13 juin 2007, Double Change vous invite à une vente de livres d’une vingtaine de poètes américains, Hejinian, Palmer, Waldrop, entre autres, pour soutenir les activités de l’association. à Reid Hall/Columbia University, 4 rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris tél. 01 43 20 24 83. (M° Vavin ligne 4)
*13th, 7 PM: The WICE literary journal UPSTAIRS AT DUROC invites you to an all fiction/non-fiction reading featuring new work by four writers: Bonny Finberg, Jeffrey Greene, Lisa Pasold and Justin Taylor. BIOS: Finberg has published fiction, essays, poetry as well as art and book reviews. Her collection of short stories, How the Discovery of Sugar Produced the Romantic Era (Sisyphus Press 2006), has been documented in a feature length video. Publisher’s Weekly said her work “exudes a stunning sensual sensibility”. Jeffrey Greene, recipient of numerous awards, is the author of an environmental book Water from Stone (Texas A & M UP 2007) and the memoir French Spirits (Morrow/Harper Collins 2002). He has published two poetry books, American Spirituals and To the Left of the Worshiper and a chapbook, Glimpses of the Invisible World in New Haven. Lisa Pasold’s first book of poetry, Weave, appeared in 2004 and was nominated for an Alberta Book Award. The Globe and Mail calls, A Bad Year for Journalists, “critical, darkly funny and painstakingly lyrical”. She spent this winter writing her novel in the Yukon on a grant. Justin Taylor has written plays, songs and essays which have been published in the San Francisco Chronicle and Transfer Magazine. See his latest theatre concoction, Le Cabaret ATC, this November at the Théâtre de Menilmontant. READING AT: WICE, 20 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, Metro Duroc.
*13 june at 19h : A Village Voice reading with Fiction Writer Douglas Kennedy. Here to read from his new work, Kennedy's new novel demonstrates once again his talent for writing serious popular fiction. The Pursuit of Happiness & A Special Relationship were both Sunday Times bestsellers in paperback. That was the year my life fell apart, & that was the year I moved to Paris. When Harry Ricks arrives in Paris on a bleak January morning he is a broken man. He is running away from a failed marriage & a dark scandal that ruined his career as a film lecturer in a small American university. With no money & nowhere to live, Harry swiftly falls in with the city's underclass, barely scraping a living while trying to finish the book he'd always dreamed of writing. A chance meeting with a mysterious woman, Margit Kadar, with whom Harry falls in love, is his only hope of a brighter future. However, Margit isn't all she seems to be & Harry soon has to make a decision that will alter his life forever. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6, rue Princesse 75006. M°: Mabillon http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/author_events.html
*13 juin à 19h : Hommage à VIOLETTE LEDUC à l'occasion de la parution de sa Correspondance 1945-1972 (Gallimard). En présence de CARLO JANSITI et de CATHERINE VIOLLET qui a travaillé sur les manuscrits. Violette Leduc qui aurait 100 ans cette année fait partie des plus grandes écrivaines du XXè siècle. En une dizaine de romans, dont Thérèse et Isabelle et La Bâtarde, elle a montré son génie littéraire. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*14 June : Julian Blaine, poète Français, in Paris AT : 2 bis rue du Jourdain, Déclara©tion à la librairie l’Atelier. 59, rue des Martyrs 75009 Paris 01 48 74 30 74
*14 juin à partir de 19h. A l'occasion de la parution de « Le peintre comme modèle du surréalisme à l'extrême contemporain » (Presses universitaires du Septentrion) un rencontre avec Adélaïde Russo à la Librairie Michèle Ignazi 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris 01 42 71 17 00
14th June: 22h - 2h: The Three Wise Men present “Lucha Libre.” Taking the DJ Battle to the next level, by mixing it with Mexican Wrestling. Bizarre masks and audience voting, not to be missed. At Café Chéri(e), 44 blvd de la Villette, 19è; Metro: Belleville. No cover.
***15 juin: a large series of events for the Festival Franco-Anglaise de la poésie starts TONIGHT and goes through the end of the month. To catch one or more of these events, please look at the agenda which can be located on their site: http://www.webzine-entre-nous.com/index.php?action=article&numero=1999
*15 juin: As part of the colloque « René Char en son siècle » there will be a Table ronde : les poètes d’aujourd’hui et René Char avec Jacques Dupin, Dominique Fourcade, Gil Jouanard, André Velter, Jean-Michel Maulpoix, poètes et animée par Laurent Fourcaut (IUFM Paris) et Valery Hugotte (Bordeaux III). AT : BNF, site Tolbiac
*15 June – 7:30-10:00 SCREENPLAY READING with Théâtre du Monde's Film Script Showcase Mise en lecture by Fawn Wilderson-Legros, Founder/ Director & tonight with "Apocrypha" by S.C. Farrow, Australia Info: http://www.theatredumonde.com/ Bringing stories from everywhere to everywhere else! Please join us for refreshments & a short discussion following the performance. Cost: 12 Euros Reservations: info@theatredumonde.org AT: DTM (Studio Dance Théâtre et Musique), 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt 75011
*16 juin à 17h. Les lecteurs de L’Invention du réel , atelier de lecture proposé à la médiathèque d'Alfortville et l'équipe d'Inventaire/Invention ont le plaisir de vous inviter à rencontrer Joris Lacoste et à l’écouter lire Ce qui s'appelle crier (Inventaire/Invention éditions, 2000) AU : Médiathèque d'Alfortville Médiathèque - Pôle culturel - Parvis des Arts - 94140 Alfortville à l'angle de la rue Franceschi et de la rue Bourdarias Bus: 103,217 (Arr. Mairie d'Alfortville) Tel: Entrée libre
16 June 12h30, €30 Bloomsday Brunch Under the courtyard arcades of the Centre Culturel Irlandais, enjoy a sumptuous buffet & entertainment evoking the spirit of James Joyce's Ulysses. NOTE: Guests are invited to dress in the costume of the time!!! Reservation required by the 9th June AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27. http://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/
*16 June 20h, Bloomsday Reading with Live Poets. The Joycien tradition continues with actors presenting enticing selections of Joyce’s works. Not to miss! I was not contacted with this year’s info, but would guess that it is at their usual hangout: AT: The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris. Tel: 01 43 26 54 20 http://www.the-highlander.fr/ M°s: Odéon, St Michel, ou Mabillon. Donation: 5 E
*17th June—at 7.30 pm Moving Parts invites you to a Playreading in English : Kenneth Hickey’s "Autopsy" Contact Stephanie to book a reading of YOUR play. Programme subject to change, see: http://www.scamparis.com/ or e-mail movingparts@wanadoo.fr to receive monthly mailings AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant,1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
**18 Juin at 19h for « Leçon de création » with : Georges Aperghis moderated by Michel Archimbaud, then 20h for « 30 ans d'écrivains » - Littérature et Musique avec Arno Bertina, Jean-Christophe Bailly, Christian Doumet. AT : Centre Pompidou • Petite salle. Entrée libre
*18th June 9pm, Spoken Word (formerly known as Kerouac): Open mic/scène ouverte: Performance poetry. Lire vivant. Stand up. Monologue. Stories. Spoken word. Poésie sonore. English. Français. Your original texts. Old texts - from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron. Only one rule – make the words come alive. YOU READ!!! At: The Lizard Lounge, 18 rue du Bourg-Tibourg underground in the cellar/cave round the back in the farthese back room (M° Hotel de Ville) Happy hour all night! More info: David Barnes bastable7@yahoo.co.uk
*19 June--19h30. IVY Writers invites you to the Launch of Counterpath Press books with bilingual readings by : Laynie Brown (American Poet), Andrew Joron (American Poet) & Suzanne Doppelt (French Poet, avec traductions par Cole Swensen) BIOS: Doppelt : Fonde et dirige avec Pierre Alferi, la revue littéraire Détail. Elle est photographe et l’auteur, notamment, de Le pré est vénéneux (2007), Quelque chose cloche (2004) et TOTEM (2002) chez POL. La 4ème des plaies vole, (2004 : inventaire /invention), RAPTUS (2000 : l'Attente), 36 chandelles (1998 : photos+texte, Cronopio/AFAA), L’hypothèse du château (1997) et Mange (1995) chez Snapshot, Bref éloge du coup de tonnerre (1994 : René Farabet, phonurgia nova). En tant que photographe, Doppelt a fait des expositions à Paris à la Galerie Eof, au Centre Georges-Pompidou, et à la Galerie Pierre Brullé. Andrew Joron, called "the metaphysician-elect of contemporary American poetry" by Calvin Bedient, is the author of Science Fiction (Pantograph Press, 1992), The Removes (Hard Press, 1999) & Fathom (Black Square Editions, 2003). Counterpath celebrates The Cry at Zero: Selected Prose, (2006) which constellates a selection of prose poems and critical essays. Joron is also translator, from German, of Ernst Bloch’s Literary Essays (Stanford UP, 1998). Here to celebrate the publication of Daily Sonnets by Counterpath books (www.counterpathpress.org/) Laynie Browne is the recipient of the 2007 National Poetry Series award & author of 5 poetry collections: Drawing of a Swan Before Memory (2005, Univ.ofGA Press), Mermaid's Purse (Spuytenduyvil, 2005), Pollen Memory (2003, Tender Buttons), The Agency of Wind (Avec, 1999), and Rebecca Letters (Kelsey Street, 1996). Forthcoming is Original Presence, (Shivistan Books, 2006). She is also the author of the novel Acts of Levitation,(2002, Spuytenduyvil). Recent chapbooks include The Desires of Letters (gong eds, 2005), Webs of Agriope (Phylum, 2005) & a collaboration with Lee Ann Brown: Nascent Toolbox (The Owl Press, 2004). AT: LE NEXT, 17, rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris (off Montorgeuil) M°Etienne Marcel/Les Halles. Tel : 01 42 36 18 93 http://www.lenext.com/ Info : http://www.ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/
20 juin à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de photos de DANIEL NASSOY "Etat d'hommes". Daniel Nassoy présente ses toutes dernières oeuvres photographiques et quelques séries plus anciennes qui ont contibué à sa réputation telles que "Hommes objets" ou "Portraits et nus". Son nouveau travail est dans la ligne du surréalisme, du travail de collage et d'assemblage. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*20 June at 8 p.m. Le Pavé d’Orsay Presents An evening of readings and music,Wine and Buffet with authors Adrian Mathews, Vivienne Vermes, Reine Arcache Melvin & Tom O’Brien alongside musicians Josh Levine (keyboards) & Christian Thompson (guitar) AT: Le Pavé d’Orsay, 48 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris, M° Rue du Bac / RER Musée d’Orsay (Directly behind the Musée d’Orsay )
20-23 June & 27-30 June: Wed, Thur, Fri et Sats at 20h30 : Une pièce contemporaine écrite par un jeune dramaturge, metteur en scène, comédien : « NON-DITS » de Grégoire Christophe. Avec : Alexandre Arathoon, Cédric Burgle, Grégoire Christophe, Rébecca Forster, Magalie Madison, Carole Pereira, Estelle Terrisse. AT: Theatre Guichet Montparnasse, 15 rue de Maine, 75014 Paris, M° Montparnasse/Edouard Quinet/Gaité http://www.guichetmontparnasse.com/
***22-24th June : It’s the 25th Marché de la Poésie ! OUI YES poetry and readings galore as part of the 25th Marché. For scheduled events and a million changes, info on the market itself, see: http://poesie.evous.fr/poesie.php?rubrique45 Open from 11h30 à 20h00, 500 éditeurs français et étrangers, de poésie et de création littéraire Marché noir des littératures pirates will be on hand and excited to talk, sell you books, let you peek at what they are up to ! Place Saint-Sulpice - Paris 6e See June 1st listing for « Péripherique du marché » readings and events site !
**1 to 30 June: « Péripherique of the 25th Marché de la Poésie » events and readings in Paris, ile de France and now en provence ! See this site for listings of TONS of events this month! Poetry and performance, music, signings, readings, book launches, library chats and more : http://poesie.evous.fr/poesie.php?rubrique46 More info on the marché and events by arrondissement at: http://paris.evous.fr/paris.php?article212
*22 June - 19h30 Book signing: Time Won't Let Me... by Bill Scheft, 2006 Thurber Prize for Humour Finalist. Bill Scheft, the human joke writing machine who brought you The Best of the Show and David Letterman's monologue for many years will present and sign his second novel. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP requested at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr .
24 juin at 17h.Hear Perry Argel with the group los Caballeros Simpáticos AT: Carillon. 18, rue Alibert (au coin de la rue Bichat), 75010 Paris. Métro : Goncourt, République. entrée gratuite. http://www.perryleopard.com/
26 juin, 18h30-20h : Conférence. « Leçon de littérature » avec Alberto Manguel, né en 1948 à Buenos Aires. Jeune homme, il sert de lecteur à Jorge Luis Borges. Après avoir vécu au Canada, il s'installe en France où il réside toujours, dans un village du Poitou. Il publie son premier roman, La Porte d'ivoire, en 1981. La reconnaissance survient en 1998 avec Une histoire de la lecture, prix Médicis, essai qui suscite à la fois l'intérêt des lecteurs et de la critique. La même année, il publie un Dictionnaire des lieux imaginaires, suivi en 2000 de Dans la forêt du miroir, essai sur les mots et sur le monde, et du Livre des images en 2001. L'écrivain se fait ensuite biographe en publiant successivement Chez Borges en 2003 et Kipling, une brève biographie l'année suivante. Son dernier ouvrage, La Bibliothèque, la nuit (Actes Sud) témoigne une nouvelle fois, avec un enthousiasme renouvelé, de son amour pour le livre. AU : BNF. site François-Mitterrand. Grand auditorium. entrée libre.
*27th June - 15h30 WH Smith Kids' Club: Featuring The Growing Story by Ruth Krauss & Helen Oxenbury. Join us for storytime, games, & more in the Children's Corner. FREE, The event is in English for children ages 3 to 10, & is is free of charge. RSVP not necessary. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde. 01 44 77 88 99 or at mailto:books@whsmith.fr?subject=Merde+Happens+RSVP .
*27 juin, lecture à 20h Pour fêter 2 livres de poèsies de Jacques de Longeville, « Balade », illustré par Alexandra Roussopoulos et « les Silences » illustrés par Kate van Houten, Estepa Editions. Come and celebrate the publication of 2 art poetry collaborative books by Jacques de Longeville. Readings in French and one bilingual. AT/à la Galerie Pixi, 95 rue de Seine, 75006 Paris. M° Odéon/ Mabillon/ St Germain
*28 June at 19h English biographer, Sue Roe will present her latest book, THE PRIVATE LIVES OF THE IMPRESSIONISTS, an "intimate, colorful, superbly researched account of their homes & studios ... their unconventional, volatile & precarious lives, as well as the stories behind the paintings." Bio: Sue Roe was born in Leicester & educated at universities of Kent & Sussex. Following a career as a freelance writer & editor, she lectured at the University of East Anglia until 1996, when she resumed her freelance career. Previous books include ESTELLA, HER EXPECTATIONS, a novel, a collection of poems, THE SPITFIRE FACTORY & WRITING & GENDER: VIRGINIA WOOLF'S WRITING PRACTICE. She is the editor of the Penguin Modern Classics edition of Virginia Woolf's JACOB'S ROOM & co-editor of THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO VIRGINIA WOOLF. In 2002 her biography of the English artist Gwen John was published to international acclaim. AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 22, rue Saint Paul, 75004 Paris. Tel: 01 48 04 75 08
*28 juin 2007 à 19h. Julien Blaine au Musée Zadkine : Julien Blaine (1942) est poète sonore et visuel, performeur. Bye bye la perf (Al Dante, 2006) a constitué ses adieux à la performance en tant que telle, pratique dont il a été en France un des plus principaux instigateurs. Il est notamment l’auteur de WM Quinzième, Les Carnets de l’Octéor, 1966 ; Essai sur la Sculpturale, Denise Davy,1967 ; Paragenesi, Sampiero,1968 ; Petit précis d’Érotomanie, Agentzia, 1969 ; Processus de déculturatisation, Tête de Feuilles, 1972 ; Elefanti e primi testi, Geiger, 1977 ; Passé/Futur, Factotum Art,1979 ; Calmar, Spectres Familiers, 1993 ; Bamileke, Giona, 1995 ; Parodies & Brouillons, Adriano Parise, 1995 ; L’Arc c’est la Lyre, Al Dante, 1998 ; Gloria Mundi, Al Dante, 1998 ; Pagure, Al Dante, 1999 ; La fin de la chasse, Al Dante & Safaribooks, 1999 ; Comment sortir la phrase de sa gangue, Al Dante, 2001 ; Kyé de N & de M, VOIX, 2002 ; Se constituer vrai/ment Grand Père, Le bleu du ciel, 2003 ; L’éventail n°1 - 1959/2004 avec Antoine Simon, NèPE, 2005 ; Cuba cola, Inventaire-invention, 2006… Julien Blaine a créé de nombreux supports éditoriaux, des revues (« Cahier de l’Octéor », « Approches », « Doc(k)s »), et lieux de diffusion comme de pratique, ainsi notamment les Rencontres Internationales de Poésie de Tarascon, le centre international de poésie Marseille, le Centre d’art de Ventabren. Entrée libre AT : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 http://paris.fr/musees/zadkine M Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 Responsable de la programmation : Jérôme Mauche
*28 juin à 19h : Rencontre avec TERESA DE LAURETIS à l'occasion de sa venue en France pour la parution de son essai Théorie queer et cultures populaires. De Foucault à Cronenberg (La Dispute), en présence de Marie-Hélène Bourcier qui a traduit l'ouvrage et de Pascale Molinier qui l'a publié. Teresa de Lauretis est l'auteure de nombreux essais sur la sémiotique, la, psychanalyse, le cinéma, la littérature, les théories féministes et de la culture. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*28th June - 19h30 Book presentation & signing: Merde Happens by Stephen Clarke Paul West is back! Stephen Clarke will present & sign his third book in the "Merde" series, about an Englishman, an American & a Frenchwoman who drive across the USA in a Mini! AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP requested at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr .
*29 June – 7:30-10:00pm SCREENPLAY READING with Théâtre du Monde's Film Script Showcase Mise en lecture by Fawn Wilderson-Legros, Founder/ Director & tonight with "Bad Feng Shui" by Alexis Niki, USA/France Info: http://www.theatredumonde.com/ Bringing stories from everywhere to everywhere else! Please join us for refreshments & a short discussion following the performance. Cost: 12 Euros Reservations: info@theatredumonde.org AT: DTM (Studio Dance Théâtre et Musique), 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt 75011
29 June at 7pm, The Paris Center of the University of Chicago, in collaboration with the French literary review, *Europe*, is holding a seminar discussion on Kenneth Rexroth. Max Blechman, co-editor of the Chicago Review’s special issue on Rexroth (2006), Jean-Baptiste Para, managing editor of *Europe: Revue Littteraire*, and Joël Cornuault, Rexroth’s main French translator (*L’Automne en Californie* , Éditions Fédérop, 1994, and *Les Constellations d’Hiver*, Librairie La Brèche, 1999) will discuss the relevance of Rexroth as a poet, critic and visionary. A selection of Rexroth’s poems will be read in the original English, followed by Cornuault’s French renderings. Books in both languages, on and by Rexroth, will be available for sale, as well as issues of the Rexroth edition of the *Chicago Review*. Refreshments will be served. University of Chicago, 6 rue Thomas Mann, 75013 Paris, métro Bibliothèque nationale. Tel. (01) 53 94 78 80.
PART II: CLASSES & summer creative writing workshops (in random order).
9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th June: 4pm-6pm (Sat afternoons) Creative Non Fiction Workshop : The Personal Essay. How do those New Yorker Magazine writers do it? Personal essay blends first person storytelling, free-spirited riffing, & argumentative essay into a singular, delicious piece. The secret glue: Voice. Intimate, funny, challenging: it can go in any direction the writer pleases. This is ideal for discovering the unique & honest sound of one’s own voice. Each session, we will do a different exercise in relation to an aspect of the form. Then the group transforms into a workshop. We share our work & offer positive criticism to others. This will lead to completed pieces. A smash hit at the WICE institute in February, this course is being offered again in the private home of the instructor: Justin Taylor’s personal essays have been published in newspapers & magazines such as the San Francisco Chronicle. Justin’s plays, librettos & monologue pieces have been performed in the U.S. & France, in English & French. He has taught writing at WICE, the Sorbonne (MA in theatre), & San Francisco State University (BA in creative writing). He has also trained in theatre at the Théâtre du Soleil & opera staging at the Paris National Opera. He is the winner of the Markowski-Leach Award for his play A Perfect Home.80 euros per workshop (20 per session). All sessions must be paid in advance. Contact: justintiger@gmail.com or 06 23 29 30 25
11th 18th 25th June & July 2nd 6pm - 8pm; (Mon eves) Playwriting Workshop Justin mixes techniques from the many playwrights & theatre companies with which he has worked in the U.S. & France (see bio). Each session, a different aspect of playwriting & an excercise: how to propel our writing into an elastic & free place, slip into a character’s skin & let him speak, find a play’s true form, etc. Afterwards, this group will form a supportive place to exchange constructive feedback “workshop style.” The course will also cover some nuts-&-bolts elements like dialogue, & what directors & actors need from a script in order to bring the words & characters from the page to the stage. This will launch pieces that you can complete over the summer. INSTRUCTOR: Justin Taylor’s personal essays have been published in newspapers & magazines such as the San Francisco Chronicle. Justin’s plays, librettos & monologue pieces have been performed in the U.S. & France, in English & French. He has taught writing at WICE, the Sorbonne (MA in theatre), & San Francisco State University (BA in creative writing). He has also trained in theatre at the Théâtre du Soleil & opera staging at the Paris National Opera. He is the winner of the Markowski-Leach Award for his play A Perfect Home80 euros per workshop (20 per session). All sessions must be paid in advance. Contact: justintiger@gmail.com or 06 23 29 30 25.
4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20 June (Mon & Weds), 1:00pm - 3:00pm: From Final Edit to First Sale Back by popular demand, this course explores the different routes a writer can take to get their work out into the world. We will discuss options, & walk through some of the necessary steps, such as searching for the right literary agent for your work, writing query letters, discussing book proposals, learning about alternative ways to get your book into print, such as e-publishing & print-on-demand services. We will also discuss publicity techniques, how to organize a book tour, & some creative ways to get that first book sold! Instructor: Tanio McCallum Code: WU041 Fee: 141€ AT: WICE
Intensive Poetry Workshop with Kurt Brown: July 1 - 6, 2007 at the Paris Writers’ Workshop. A RARE & EXCITING OPPORTUNITY to WRITE & REFLECT ON POETRY WRITING with author & instructor Kurt Brown! 5 morning sessions with Brown, afternoon conferences with Writers in Residence & craft lectures by guest authors of all genres. Cheaper than flying to Aspen or Sarah Lawrence to see Kurt Brown, this is a week to savor!!! Author of 6 books, 6 chapbooks, numerous anthologies & annuals, Brown’s newest collection of poems Sincerest Flatteries is the first book in the Tupelo Press Masters Series. Brown’s collection Fables from the Ark, won the 2003 Custom Words Prize. Other collections: More Things in Heaven & Earth (2002), Return of the Prodigals, (1999), &: Future Ship & From Here, will appear in 2007 & 2008. He teaches at Sarah Lawrence, is the founding director of Aspen Writers' Conference & of Writers' Conferences & Centers. He is also the editor of three annuals: The True Subject, (Graywolf Press, 1994), Writing it Down for James, (Beacon Press, 1995), & Facing the Lion, (Beacon Press,1996), & past editor of Aspen Anthology, past President of the Aspen Writers' Foundation & is currently on the board of Poets House in NY. Tuition 525€. More info/ to register, consult PWW page at http://www.wice-paris.org/ or email pww@wice-paris.org.
5, 7, 12 June (Tues & Thurs) 7:00 – 8:30pm: Beyond the Writer’s Notebook: How to Start & Write a Blog Maybe you’ve heard of blogging, but you’re not quite sure what it is. Maybe you’d like to start a blog, but you don’t know how to go about it, or can’t imagine what you would blog about. Today, blogging is as easy as sending an e-mail, & this class will give you everything you need to get started. The class will emphasize the benefits of blogging as a creative outlet of particular interest to those who love to write or want to hone their writing skills. Instructor: Pamela Poole Code: WU051 Fee: 65€ Place: WICE
Sign up now: for July or August sessions of Art Workshop’s summer creative writing seminars in Italy: SESSION I: July 25 - August 7 “POETRY IS THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN” with Marie Ponsot “THE USES OF MEMORY: POETRY & PROSE” with Honor Moore & “FROM THE PAGE TO THE STAGE” with Charles Marowitz. SESSION II: August 8 - August 21“ALL I KNOW ABOUT WRITING” with Maxine Hong Kingston; “CONSTRUCTING THE CRIME NOVEL” with S.J. Rozan & “VISION & REVISION: A SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP” with: Jayne Wenger. See website for complete details, & for workshops in the visual art fields: http://www.artworkshopintl.com/creative_writing.html
2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th June, plus Sat 7th, 14th July : The Other Writers' Workshop: 3-5pm: An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just listen & react. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. http://www.shakespeareco.org/ 3 euros.
June 21 – June 27, 2007: POETS AS PILGRIMS “A poetry workshop & cultural exploration in Auvillar, France” led by internationally-acclaimed poets Denise Duhamel & Nick Carbó. Auvillar is a favorite stopover for pilgrims on their journey to Santiago de Compestala, Spain. Open to writers & poetry lovers of all levels. Receive personalized attention & feedback on writing while enjoying the historic Occitan culture. INSTRUCTOR BIOS: Denise Duhamel's poetry titles include Two & Two (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005), Mille et un Sentiments (Firewheel, 2005), Queen for a Day: Selected & New Poems (Pittsburgh, 2001 ), The Star-Spangled Banner (S. Illinois UnivPress, 1999) & Kinky (Orchises, 1997). She co-edited Saints of Hysteria: A Half-Century of Collaborative American Poetry (Soft Skull, 2007). NEA fellowship in recipient, she is assoc professor of poetry at Florida International University in Miami. Nick Carbó is the author of 3 collections of poetry, the latest being Andalusian Dawn. He has edited three ground breaking anthologies of Filipino & Filipino American writing: Returning A Borrowed Tongue, Babaylan, & Pinoy Poetics. He has won NEA & the New York Foundation fellowships & residencies to Yaddo & MacDowell. SEE: Virginia Center for the Creative Arts for more info: http://www.vcca.com/summer_france_workshops.html or contact Roberta Lawrence at (212) 627-0297; rlawrence@vcca.com All workshops, meals, accommodations & multiple sidetrips included. Cost: $2195 per person.
SUBMIT books: First poetry book contest at Pavement Saw Press. Selection is made anonymously through a competition that is open to anyone who has not previously published a volume of poetry or prose. The author receives $1000 & a percentage of the press run. Previous judges have included Judith Vollmer, David Bromige, Bin Ramke & Howard McCord. All poems must be original, all prose must be original, fiction or translations are not acceptable. Entries should be sent to: Pavement Saw Press Transcontinental Award Entry, P.O. Box 6291, Columbus, OH 43206 All submissions must have an August 15th, or earlier, postmark. Submissions are accepted during the months of June, July, & August only. Full guidelines at: http://www.pavementsaw.org/pages/transaward.htm
NOW OUT: Julie Carr’s second book, “Equivocal”, is just out from Alice James Books! Here's a link if you'd like to check it out, see a couple of excerpts or order it. http://www.alicejamesbooks.org/equivocal.html She'll be reading & celebrating the release in New York City & the Bowery Poetry Club on June 12th at 6pm with Kazim Ali & Arielle Greenberg. She’ll be in Paris & ile de France in later June & July & hopefully there will be an opportunity to hear her read then!
FYI : SORTIE !: Le roman de Nell Andrea Daydream est sorti aux Editions l'Harmattan/ Nell Andrea’s new novel, Daydream, is now out at Editions l'Harmattan.
to end: SUMMER READING: What? You don’t know what to read this summer? Well, here is an exciting list of poetry & visual/art/poetry books by some of the USA’s most innovative poetry & mixed genre presses, The Figures, Roof, Yo-Yo Labs, United Artists, Granary, & Ugly Duckling Presse. These presses celebrate & announce the publication of the following books: “a (A)ugust”, by Akilah Oliver, “UNTITLED WORKS”, by Tonya Foster, “NOTES FOR SOME (NOMINALLY) AWAKE”, by Julie Patton, “FERVENT REMNANTS OF REFLECTIVE SURFACES”, by Evelyn Reilly, “ARE WE NOT BETRAYED BY IMPORTANCE”, by Francis Picabia, “SEEING OUT LOUD” (back in print), by Jerry Saltz, “COLUMNS & CATALOGUES”, by Peter Schjeldahl, “MINE”, by Clark Coolidge, “IFLIFE”, by Bob Perelman, “FOLLY”, by Nada Gordon, “MAKING DYING ILLEGAL”, by Madeline Gins & Arakawa, “KLUGE : A MEDITATION & Other Works”, by Brian Kim Stefans, “NINETEEN LINES : A Drawing Center Anthology”, ed. by Lytle Shaw, “MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY”, by Barbara Henning, “SOLUTION SIMULACRA”, by Gloria Frym, “JOIN THE PLANETS”, by Reed Bye, “ACROSS THE BIG MAP”, Ruth Altmann, “SOME FORMS OF AVAILABILITY”, by Simon Cutts, “A TESTAMENT OF WOMEN”, by Johanna Drucker, “PARADIGM OF THE TINCTURES”, by Steve McCaffery & Alan Halsey, “ALMA, OR THE DEAD WOMEN”, by Alice Notley, “PAPER CHILDREN”, by Mariana Marin, “INSPECTOR VS. EVADER”, by Paul Killebrew, “THE HOT GARMENT OF LOVE IS INSECURE”, by Elizabeth Reddin, “THE STATES”, by Craig Foltz, & “COMPLETE MINIMAL POEMS”, by Aram Saroyan.
Novelist Walker Percy said, "We love those who know the worst of us & don't turn their faces away."
Section I: Readings & Events by date in JUNE
Section II: Creative Writing Courses & workshops in Europe
Section III: Reviews News & New Reviews: calls for work, + summer apartment offers.
PART I: Readings & Events by date in JUNE (asterisks indicate readings)
*1 June – 6:30-9pm SCREENPLAY READING with Théâtre du Monde's Film Script Showcase Mise en lecture by Fawn Wilderson-Legros, Founder/ Director & tonight with "His Letters/Ses Lettres" by Robbye Apperson, USA. Info: http://www.theatredumonde.com/ Bringing stories from everywhere to everywhere else! Please join us for refreshments & a short discussion following the performance. Cost: 12 Euros Reservations: info@theatredumonde.org AT: WICE 20, bd. du Montparnasse 75015
*1 June at 19h30. Reading by Bernard O’Donoghue Born in Co Cork, Bernard O’Donoghue is a teacher, poet & literary critic. Currently teaching Medieval English at Wadham College, Oxford, he continues to find an audience at home in Ireland Winner of the Whitbread prize for poetry for his 1995 collection Gunpowder, O’Donoghue has also published Poaching Rights (1987), The Weakness (1991), Here Nor There (1999) & Outliving (2003). His Selected Poems will be published by Faber in 2008. He reviews for The Times Literary Supplement, &, as well as writing on medieval European poetry, he published a study Seamus Heaney & the Language of Poetry (1994) & a new verse translation of Sir Gawain & the Green Knight (2006). €3, in English AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27.
*1er Juin 2007 19h Pour la "9ème Biennale Internationale des Poètes en Val-de-Marne", une soirée de poésie multimedia et performance, vidéo poésie, poésie éléctronique IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, PORTUGUESE, etc. avec : A Strid ; Cozette de Charmoy ; Steve Dalachinsky (Etats Unis) ; William Azevedo (Brésil) ; Eric Giraud et Serge Pey. Entrée libre AT : 1, rue Marceau, 93170 Bagnolet, Tel : 01 49 93 60 90
1 juin at 21h. Hear Perry Argel with the group los Caballeros Simpáticos AT : Green Linnet 8, ave Victoria, 75004 Paris Métro : Châtelet. entrée gratuite www.perryleopard.com
Until 11 juin : MAI du LIVRE d’ART. Depuis 19 ans, à chaque printemps, Le Mai du livre d’art organisé par le groupe Art du Syndicat national de l'édition, rassemble les éditeurs d’art autour d’une sélection de nouveautés. Un jury constitué de professionnels des arts et de la culture décerne le Prix du Mai du livre d’art. Cette année, et pour la première fois, le Mai s’ouvre à l’édition d’art pour la jeunesse. Vous pourrez feuilleter à loisir les 40 titres sélectionnés, dont 12 pour la jeunesse dans la Galerie Rambuteau, située à l’entrée de la bibliothèque, du 10 mai au 11 juin 2007. Ensuite, ces titres seront intégrés à la collection de la bibliothèque. Pour en savoir plus : consulter le site du Mai du livre d'art. AT : « Galerie Rambuteau » entrée de la bibliothèque du centre G Pompidou.
**1er juin, 19h RENCONTRE : La création littéraire dans tous ses états. Soirée spéciale "Premier roman" avec les auteurs Jean-Moise Braitberg, Maia Brami, Enzo Cormann, Dominique Kopp et Mabrouk Rachedi. Mediator : Dominique Viart (essayiste et critique). AT : Centre Pompidou • Petite salle. Entrée libre
2 juin 2007 de 15h00 à 21h00 le bureau des Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin - Nathalie Hénon et Jean-François Rettig – invite « est-ce une bonne nouvelle » - Véronique et Christian Barani - Pour cette dernière édition, nous espérons avoir le plaisir de vous retrouver, autour d'un verre. dialogue n°8 - mise en dialogue et en espace de deux oeuvres réalisées par deux
artistes - 06.05.07 Deux regards sur l’élection présidentielle qui travaillent la matière des images tournées le soir du 6 mai.Une interférence des deux versants de la représentation de l’événement. une création de Sara Millot et Julien Gourbeix. Cette diffusion est-ce une bonne nouvelle est une proposition de Véronique et Christian Barani, avec l’aide des artistes présentés. estceunebonnenouvelle@noos.fr - http://www.estceunebonnenouvelle.org/ AU niveau du n°1 rue Gustave Goublier - 75010 – Paris M° : Strasbourg-Saint Denis ou Château d'Eau
2 June from 17h00 - 19h00. Paris Soirees: PARIS SINGLES APERITIF. 15 Euros. Wine, Canapes, Appetizers. Reserve with Patricia WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER PLEASE: singlesaperitif@gmail.com/01 43 26 12 88
**2 June at 7:00pm, Shakespeare & Co is pleased to host an outdoor reading by poet John Beer. John Beer will be sharing with us his *Wasteland* and other poems. --Beer's poems have appeared in Barrow Street, Crowd, Chicago Review, Denver Quarterly, Iowa Review, Verse, Mipoeisias, Xantippe, The Hat, Village Voice, Chicago Tribune. He has been nominated three times for the Pushcart Prize, and was twice finalist for the University of Giorgia Contemporary Poetry Series. He collaborated with poet Robert Lax on Works for Performance, which was staged in Geneva and Chicago and is the editor of several Lax collections. His literary criticism includes an essay on William Gaddis for the Review of Contemporary Fiction. He is the co-editor of Chicago Review's issue devoted to Kenneth Rexroth's centenary, the poetry editor for Bridge magazine, and for four years he was the cocurator of the Dannies reading series, Chicago's main independent poetry venue. AT: Shakespeare & Co, 37 Rue de la Bûcherie, 75005, in front of Notre Dame--tel. 01- 43 25 40 93.
3 June At 18h30. Paris Soirees SOIREE GASTRONOMIQUE with collaborator chef Jonathan Robert Frost: Persian Cuisine. Malaysian Cuisine. This time, John will prepare another Persian dish (this time with meat) by popular request. And we'll have a Malaysian main dish also for fun. Spoken Word poet Mervyn Seivwright, (currently residing in the UK) will share new work. Reserve at parissoirees@gmail.com/01 43 26 12 88 WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER PLEASE. For more info, see: http://www.parissoirees.com/aboutp.html
*4th June, at 7. Shusha Guppy reads for the publication of her book A Girl in Paris. BIO: Guppy, the well-known Persian-born British writer is the author of the highly acclaimed The Blindfold Horse, which won several pretigious literally prizes, including Le Grand Prix Litteraire de Elle in France - French Title: Un Jardin a Teheran (Phebus). The new book is an evocation of Paris in the late 50s & early 60s, when Paris was the intellectual & artistic centre of the Western world, with such great luminaries as Sartre, Camus, Picasseo, Aragon, Prevert, etc... living & working int he city, many of whom the author, then a young student, met & by whom she was befriended. But above all the book tells fascinating stories, weaving personal experience with momentous events & personalities, recreating the vibrant & charged atmosphere of the time. Guppy is an experienced performer & broadcaster at Shakespeare & Co., 37, Rue de la Bucherie, Paris 75005.
**4 juin à 19h. Leçons de’ création & 30ans d’écrivains, BPI, Centre G Pompidou Paris Présente : Inventaire / Invention : Rencontre avec Sonia Chiambretto, écrivain, Patrick Cahuzac, directeur d'Inventaire/Invention, animée par Omar Berrada. Sonia Chiambretto lira un extrait de CHTO interdit au moins de 15 ans (Inventaire/Invention éditions, 2006) et un extrait de 12 Soeurs slovaques (Inventaire/Invention éditions, 2007). AU : Centre Pompidou • Petite salle. Entrée libre
4, 11, 18 et 25 June: 7pm: American Blues with 3 short plays by Tennessee Williams: "Auto-da-Fé", "Why do you smoke so much Lily" & "Hello from Bertha". With original blues live with our talented group of musicians & music composed specially for our shows. Performed by Mondays7 theatre troupe. AT: Sudden Theatre, 14bis rue Sainte-Isaure, 75018 Paris. Reservations (French only) 01 42 62 35 00 email: sudden@wanadoo.fr website: Mondaysat7.com email: info@Mondaysat7.com Reservations in English 01 46 06 66 10 or 01 73 75 79 13 Tix: 17 & 13 euros
***5 June IVY: 19h30 IVY WRITERS invites you to a bilingual reading with Chris Tysh (French-American Poet) & Jean-Michel Espitallier (Poète Français). BIOS: « Jean-Michel Espitallier est un des poètes contemporains qui a le plus modoifié l’image attendue de la poésie. Il est représentatif d'une génération qui, proche en cela de l'art contemporain, opte pour des pratiques poétiques variées, construites, accumulatives et drôles» (Jérôme Mauche) Poète inclassable, Jean-Michel est l’auteur de, notamment : Caisse à outils, (essai, Pocket, 2006.) Tractatus logo mecanicus, (Al Dante, 2006), En Guerre (Inventaire/Invention, 2004), Où va-t-on ? (Le Bleu du ciel, coll. « L’Affiche », 2004), Le Théorème d’Espitallier (Flammarion, 2003), Fantaisie bouchère (grotesque), (Derrière la salle de bains, 2001), Gasoil : prises de guerre (Flammarion, 2000) et Ponts de frappe (Fourbis, 1995). Cofondateur de la revue Java, coordinateur du dossier sur la « Nouvelle poésie française » au Magazine littéraire (mars 2001), il travaille actuellement sur plusieurs projets multimédias. “Chris Tysh's performative texts, her transformative theater oeuvre, her splendid plays of poetry … lift off the page into the reader's desirous voicing & machine...[they are exciting] end of century subversions.”--Carla Harryman. Tysh has published 6 books of poetry: Cleavage (Roof Books, 2004), Continuity Girl (United Artists Books, 2000), In the Name (1994); Coat of Arms (1992); Porne; Secrets of Elegance (1981) a play Car Men, A Play in D, & critical book in French: Allen Ginsberg (Editions Seghers, coll: “Poètes d’Aujourd’hui.”). Her latest project is a screenplay based on the work of Georges Bataille. Editor of “Everyday Life” & on-line magazine mark(s): http://www.markszine.com/ she writes the “Blue Archive” column for “trait”. Tysh currently teaches creative writing & women's studies at Wayne State University in Detroit. AT: LE NEXT, 17, rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris (off Montorgeuil) M°Etienne Marcel/Les Halles. Tel : 01 42 36 18 93 http://www.lenext.com/ Info : http://www.ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/
5 June: 18-21h VERNISSAGE at Jean-Pierre Lavignes galerie of SONIA BUREL’s “Peintures”. Sonia’s work is exceptional and can also be seen 6 June-5 July. AT: Jean-Pierre Lavignes Bastille, 27 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris. Tel 01 47 00 88 18. http://www.lavignebastille.com/ ouvert mardi-samedi.
5 juin at 21h. Hear Perry Argel with the group los Caballeros Simpáticos AT : Green Linnet 8, ave Victoria, 75004 Paris Métro : Châtelet. entrée gratuite www.perryleopard.com
***6 juin 2007 à 20h00 : CARNET DE ROUTE & le Centre culturel canadien à Paris invites you to a reading of five poets from France, Canada & the United States: Jean-Christophe Bailly, Claude Beausoleil, Jorie Graham, Lisa Robertson, Cole Swensen & a show of our graphic art project CARNET DE ROUTE est une publication annuelle qui fête le devant de la scène littéraire comme du design graphique en France et outre-atlantique. CARNET DE ROUTE celebrates graphic design & cutting-edge poetics in French & English. We feature the ‘event’ of each issue in exhibitions of pages of poems at our author readings in Paris & in the United States AT: le Centre culturel canadien , 5, rue de Constantine 75007 Paris Métro : Invalides contact : mloufreeman@yahoo.com
6 to 30 juin : tous les mercredis, jeudis, vendredis, samedis à 20h30.Que diriez-vous d'une pièce contemporaine écrite par un jeune dramaturge, metteur en scène, comédien? La Compagnie Berzingue 26 vous propose NON-DITS de Grégoire Christophe. Avec : Alexandre Arathoon, Cédric Burgle, Grégoire Christophe, Rébecca Forster, Magalie Madison, Carole Pereira, Estelle Terrisse. Voici le site du théâtre http://www.guichetmontparnasse.com/ , vous trouverez toutes les informations nécessaires AT : Theatre Guichet Montparnasse, 15 rue de Maine, 75014 Paris, metros Montparnasse/Edouard Quinet/ Gaité.
*6 juin à 19h : Rencontre avec BRUNO PERREAU pour la parution du livre qu'il a dirigé Le Choix de l'homosexualité (EPEL), en présence de NATACHA CHETCUTI et de MARIANNE BLIDON. Le livre présente les principales pistes de recherche vers lesquelles s'orientent les études gays et lesbiennes en France : méthodes, objets, débats et controverses: de l'amitié chrétienne médiévale au lesbianisme dans le mouvement des "Femmes en noir", du cinéma militant des années 70 au vécu des familles homoparentales, des catégories sexuelles antiques à la géographie commerciale parisienne, etc. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*6th June: 9pm on! Follow one of the previous readings w your own! Go to “Spoken word/scène ouverte”: Performance poetry, poésie sonore, Lire vivant, Stand up, Short Short stories, English, Français: open mic. YOU READ!!! Come share some work, hear others! Organized by David Barnes Info: bastable7@yahoo.co.uk AT: L’Ogre à Plumes, 49/51 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, M° Parmentier.
6, 13, 20, 27 June: EVERY Wednesday--21h to 1h. Rob Keefe, better known as DJ Whistlepunk, gets his funky on. Need a little mid-week “shake & shimmy”? stop by & listen to him spin his tunes. AT: Bistrot des artists, 6 rue des Anglais, 75005 Paris, M°: Cluny/La Sorbonne, entrée gratuite
6 June at 18h30 Vernissage with talk and plat du jour. The occasion: Official unveiling of Patricia LaPlante Collin's grand mural. Created by Tom Byrne & Sheila Kern. http://www.decorparis/ From Patricia: "It's huge and beautiful!". That evening also, Tom and Sheila will be talking to us about how they created Patricia's painting. They'll introduce you to some of the mysteries of painting on a grand scale and explain the tax benefits of purchasing art from living artists in France. Get the address for the event & Reserve with Patricia WITH YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER PLEASE: 01 43 26 12 88
9 June—DEADLINE to reserve for the 16th June 12h30, €30 Bloomsday Brunch at the Centre Culturel Irlandais, Call to reserve: 01 58 52 10 30. http://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/
**9 June 4 p.m.-6 p.m.Laurel Zuckerman will be discussing Sorbonne Confidential, the first no-taboo investigation into France's painful efforts to teach & combat English simultaneously. This hilarious & alarming eye-witness account of France's highest contest for English teachers (the Agrégation), has provoked strong reactions among readers. Q&A & reading in English & French. AT: Médiathèque Jules Verne, 28, rue Tournafis, 94360 Bry-sur-Marne, RER A station : Bry-sur-Marne, Tél :
*9 juin à 18h. Rencontre avec Albane Gellé autour des éditions Inventaire / Invention, avec Patrick Cahuzac, Antoine Emaz, Liliane Giraudon, et un auteur invité par le comité de lecture. Découvrez le prolongement de sa résidence à Noisy-le-Sec sur I/I Chaque trimestre, Albane Gellé a invité des auteurs et leur éditeur pour faire découvrir des univers poétiques et des démarches éditoriales. Elle a par ailleurs animé un comité de lecture en partenariat avec Inventaire/Invention, mené un atelier d'écriture et de lecture et initié une correspondance avec les lecteurs. AT : Médiathèque Roger Gouthier 3, rue Jean Jaurès à Noisy-le-Sec, Entrée libre
*9 juin à 16h. La ville de Bagnolet et le réseau des bibliothèques municipales, les lecteurs de l’atelier L’Invention du réel et Inventaire/Invention ont le plaisir de vous inviter à rencontrer PHILIPPE ADAM et à l’écouter lire Le syndrome de Paris (Inventaire/Invention éditions, 2006) AU : Bibliothèque des Coutures, 37 rue Jules-Ferry 93170 Bagnolet, Tél. : 01 41 58 55 46, Entrée libre
9th June: 21h30 - 2h: DJ Whistle Punk presents “Before It All Went to Shit IV: I Don't Want Your Revolution If I Can't Dance.” Underground punk and new wave that'll shake your brain cells and your booty. At Le mange disque, 58 de la Fontaine au roi, 11è; Metro: Goncourt. No cover.
**10 juin, à 16 heures : à l'occasion de la sortie du numéro Europe consacré à Franck Venaille Pierre Vilar et Jean Baptiste Para recevront : Peter Klasen et Mathieu Bénézet ; Isabelle Zribi et Emmanuel Moses ; Patrick Beurard-Valdoye et Fabienne Courtade ; Pascal Commère et François Boddaert ; Emmanuel Laugier et Marc Blanchet en présence de Christian Boltanski intervention et lecture de Franck Venaille. A la librairie Tschann - 125 bd Montparnasse, 75006, Paris.
**10 juin—18h30. Java’s “not not dead” soirée organized by Jean-Michel Espitallier with his own readings, those of Vannina Maestri and Jacques Sivan, performances with Cédric Pigot, music with Kasper Toeplitz and rock band “Prexley”. AT: Point Ephémère, 190 Quai de Valmy, 75010 Paris, M° Juares.
*10 Juin/June —at 7.30pm/ à 19h: Moving Parts vous invite à une lecture en français de/ invites you to a Playreading in English of Helena Pavlovsky’s "Palingenesie" Contact Stephanie to book a reading of YOUR play. Programme subject to change, see: http://www.scamparis.com/ or e-mail movingparts@wanadoo.fr to receive monthly mailings AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant,1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
**11 juin à 19h aura lieu dans le jardin de Reid Hall une lecture informelle des poètes ayant participé au séminaire de traduction de TAMAAS : Charles Alexander, Marie Borel, Frédéric Boyer, Frédéric Forte, Pierre Joris, Jean-Jacques Poucel, Cole Swensen et Habib Tengour. à Reid Hall/Columbia University, 4 rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris tél. 01 43 20 24 83. (M° Vavin ligne 4)
12 June at 19h: The Irish Cultural Center invites you to meet & hear DIRECTOR David Horan. Director-in-residence with Inis Theatre, David Horan is a founding member & Artistic Director of Peri-Talking Theatre Company. His directing credits include plays by Ibsen, Howard Brenton, Conor McPherson & Mike Leigh & he has been assistant director to Gerry Stembridge, Howard Barker & Stephen Rea among others. €3, in English Reservation necessary (places limited) AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27. http://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/
** 13 juin à 19h L'association Double Change vous invite à une lecture avec les poètes CHARLES ALEXANDER, JEAN-PATRICE COURTOIS et PIERRE JORIS avec la participation d'Habib Tengour. Bios: ALEXANDER, poète, a publié Hopeful Buildings (Chax, 1990), Arc of Light/Dark Matter (Segue Books, 1992), Near or Random Acts (Singing Horse Press, 2004), et Certain Slants (Junction Press, 2007). En 1984, Charles Alexander a fondé la maison d’édition Chax Press. COURTOIS, écrivain, poète, enseigne à l’Université Paris7 la littérature et la philosophie des Lumières et l’esthétique. A publié bcp de livres de poèmes, notamment: Vie inverse, (Deyrolle/Verdier 1992), Hors de l’heure, (Deyrolle/Verdier, 1996), Complication du sommeil, (Circé, 2001), D’arbre et d’œil, (Prétexte, 2002). A publié de nombreux articles et livres d’essais sur la poésie moderne et contemporaine. JORIS a publié de nombreux recueils de poèmes, dont Aljibar, Meditations on the Stations of Mansour Al-Hallaj, et Poasis: Selected Poems 1986-1999, et aussi, en amont et chez PHI, Breccia: Poems 1972-1986. Trois recueils ont paru en traduction française: Le Livre de Luap Nalec, traduit par Michel Maire (Castor Astral, 1986), La dernière traversée de la Manche, traduit par Jean-Paul Junck & Jean Portante (Graphiti/PHI 1995), et h.j.r., traduit par Eric Sarner (Graphiti/PHI 1999). Joris est aussi l’éditeur et rédacteur de plusieurs anthologies de la poésie et l'auteur des essais http://www.doublechange.com/ ou http://www.doublechange.com/blog/readings/index.html pour encore plus d’infos. + le même jour, 13 juin 2007, Double Change vous invite à une vente de livres d’une vingtaine de poètes américains, Hejinian, Palmer, Waldrop, entre autres, pour soutenir les activités de l’association. à Reid Hall/Columbia University, 4 rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris tél. 01 43 20 24 83. (M° Vavin ligne 4)
*13th, 7 PM: The WICE literary journal UPSTAIRS AT DUROC invites you to an all fiction/non-fiction reading featuring new work by four writers: Bonny Finberg, Jeffrey Greene, Lisa Pasold and Justin Taylor. BIOS: Finberg has published fiction, essays, poetry as well as art and book reviews. Her collection of short stories, How the Discovery of Sugar Produced the Romantic Era (Sisyphus Press 2006), has been documented in a feature length video. Publisher’s Weekly said her work “exudes a stunning sensual sensibility”. Jeffrey Greene, recipient of numerous awards, is the author of an environmental book Water from Stone (Texas A & M UP 2007) and the memoir French Spirits (Morrow/Harper Collins 2002). He has published two poetry books, American Spirituals and To the Left of the Worshiper and a chapbook, Glimpses of the Invisible World in New Haven. Lisa Pasold’s first book of poetry, Weave, appeared in 2004 and was nominated for an Alberta Book Award. The Globe and Mail calls, A Bad Year for Journalists, “critical, darkly funny and painstakingly lyrical”. She spent this winter writing her novel in the Yukon on a grant. Justin Taylor has written plays, songs and essays which have been published in the San Francisco Chronicle and Transfer Magazine. See his latest theatre concoction, Le Cabaret ATC, this November at the Théâtre de Menilmontant. READING AT: WICE, 20 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, Metro Duroc.
*13 june at 19h : A Village Voice reading with Fiction Writer Douglas Kennedy. Here to read from his new work, Kennedy's new novel demonstrates once again his talent for writing serious popular fiction. The Pursuit of Happiness & A Special Relationship were both Sunday Times bestsellers in paperback. That was the year my life fell apart, & that was the year I moved to Paris. When Harry Ricks arrives in Paris on a bleak January morning he is a broken man. He is running away from a failed marriage & a dark scandal that ruined his career as a film lecturer in a small American university. With no money & nowhere to live, Harry swiftly falls in with the city's underclass, barely scraping a living while trying to finish the book he'd always dreamed of writing. A chance meeting with a mysterious woman, Margit Kadar, with whom Harry falls in love, is his only hope of a brighter future. However, Margit isn't all she seems to be & Harry soon has to make a decision that will alter his life forever. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6, rue Princesse 75006. M°: Mabillon http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/author_events.html
*13 juin à 19h : Hommage à VIOLETTE LEDUC à l'occasion de la parution de sa Correspondance 1945-1972 (Gallimard). En présence de CARLO JANSITI et de CATHERINE VIOLLET qui a travaillé sur les manuscrits. Violette Leduc qui aurait 100 ans cette année fait partie des plus grandes écrivaines du XXè siècle. En une dizaine de romans, dont Thérèse et Isabelle et La Bâtarde, elle a montré son génie littéraire. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*14 June : Julian Blaine, poète Français, in Paris AT : 2 bis rue du Jourdain, Déclara©tion à la librairie l’Atelier. 59, rue des Martyrs 75009 Paris 01 48 74 30 74
*14 juin à partir de 19h. A l'occasion de la parution de « Le peintre comme modèle du surréalisme à l'extrême contemporain » (Presses universitaires du Septentrion) un rencontre avec Adélaïde Russo à la Librairie Michèle Ignazi 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris 01 42 71 17 00
14th June: 22h - 2h: The Three Wise Men present “Lucha Libre.” Taking the DJ Battle to the next level, by mixing it with Mexican Wrestling. Bizarre masks and audience voting, not to be missed. At Café Chéri(e), 44 blvd de la Villette, 19è; Metro: Belleville. No cover.
***15 juin: a large series of events for the Festival Franco-Anglaise de la poésie starts TONIGHT and goes through the end of the month. To catch one or more of these events, please look at the agenda which can be located on their site: http://www.webzine-entre-nous.com/index.php?action=article&numero=1999
*15 juin: As part of the colloque « René Char en son siècle » there will be a Table ronde : les poètes d’aujourd’hui et René Char avec Jacques Dupin, Dominique Fourcade, Gil Jouanard, André Velter, Jean-Michel Maulpoix, poètes et animée par Laurent Fourcaut (IUFM Paris) et Valery Hugotte (Bordeaux III). AT : BNF, site Tolbiac
*15 June – 7:30-10:00 SCREENPLAY READING with Théâtre du Monde's Film Script Showcase Mise en lecture by Fawn Wilderson-Legros, Founder/ Director & tonight with "Apocrypha" by S.C. Farrow, Australia Info: http://www.theatredumonde.com/ Bringing stories from everywhere to everywhere else! Please join us for refreshments & a short discussion following the performance. Cost: 12 Euros Reservations: info@theatredumonde.org AT: DTM (Studio Dance Théâtre et Musique), 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt 75011
*16 juin à 17h. Les lecteurs de L’Invention du réel , atelier de lecture proposé à la médiathèque d'Alfortville et l'équipe d'Inventaire/Invention ont le plaisir de vous inviter à rencontrer Joris Lacoste et à l’écouter lire Ce qui s'appelle crier (Inventaire/Invention éditions, 2000) AU : Médiathèque d'Alfortville Médiathèque - Pôle culturel - Parvis des Arts - 94140 Alfortville à l'angle de la rue Franceschi et de la rue Bourdarias Bus: 103,217 (Arr. Mairie d'Alfortville) Tel: Entrée libre
16 June 12h30, €30 Bloomsday Brunch Under the courtyard arcades of the Centre Culturel Irlandais, enjoy a sumptuous buffet & entertainment evoking the spirit of James Joyce's Ulysses. NOTE: Guests are invited to dress in the costume of the time!!! Reservation required by the 9th June AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27. http://www.centreculturelirlandais.com/
*16 June 20h, Bloomsday Reading with Live Poets. The Joycien tradition continues with actors presenting enticing selections of Joyce’s works. Not to miss! I was not contacted with this year’s info, but would guess that it is at their usual hangout: AT: The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris. Tel: 01 43 26 54 20 http://www.the-highlander.fr/ M°s: Odéon, St Michel, ou Mabillon. Donation: 5 E
*17th June—at 7.30 pm Moving Parts invites you to a Playreading in English : Kenneth Hickey’s "Autopsy" Contact Stephanie to book a reading of YOUR play. Programme subject to change, see: http://www.scamparis.com/ or e-mail movingparts@wanadoo.fr to receive monthly mailings AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant,1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
**18 Juin at 19h for « Leçon de création » with : Georges Aperghis moderated by Michel Archimbaud, then 20h for « 30 ans d'écrivains » - Littérature et Musique avec Arno Bertina, Jean-Christophe Bailly, Christian Doumet. AT : Centre Pompidou • Petite salle. Entrée libre
*18th June 9pm, Spoken Word (formerly known as Kerouac): Open mic/scène ouverte: Performance poetry. Lire vivant. Stand up. Monologue. Stories. Spoken word. Poésie sonore. English. Français. Your original texts. Old texts - from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron. Only one rule – make the words come alive. YOU READ!!! At: The Lizard Lounge, 18 rue du Bourg-Tibourg underground in the cellar/cave round the back in the farthese back room (M° Hotel de Ville) Happy hour all night! More info: David Barnes bastable7@yahoo.co.uk
*19 June--19h30. IVY Writers invites you to the Launch of Counterpath Press books with bilingual readings by : Laynie Brown (American Poet), Andrew Joron (American Poet) & Suzanne Doppelt (French Poet, avec traductions par Cole Swensen) BIOS: Doppelt : Fonde et dirige avec Pierre Alferi, la revue littéraire Détail. Elle est photographe et l’auteur, notamment, de Le pré est vénéneux (2007), Quelque chose cloche (2004) et TOTEM (2002) chez POL. La 4ème des plaies vole, (2004 : inventaire /invention), RAPTUS (2000 : l'Attente), 36 chandelles (1998 : photos+texte, Cronopio/AFAA), L’hypothèse du château (1997) et Mange (1995) chez Snapshot, Bref éloge du coup de tonnerre (1994 : René Farabet, phonurgia nova). En tant que photographe, Doppelt a fait des expositions à Paris à la Galerie Eof, au Centre Georges-Pompidou, et à la Galerie Pierre Brullé. Andrew Joron, called "the metaphysician-elect of contemporary American poetry" by Calvin Bedient, is the author of Science Fiction (Pantograph Press, 1992), The Removes (Hard Press, 1999) & Fathom (Black Square Editions, 2003). Counterpath celebrates The Cry at Zero: Selected Prose, (2006) which constellates a selection of prose poems and critical essays. Joron is also translator, from German, of Ernst Bloch’s Literary Essays (Stanford UP, 1998). Here to celebrate the publication of Daily Sonnets by Counterpath books (www.counterpathpress.org/) Laynie Browne is the recipient of the 2007 National Poetry Series award & author of 5 poetry collections: Drawing of a Swan Before Memory (2005, Univ.ofGA Press), Mermaid's Purse (Spuytenduyvil, 2005), Pollen Memory (2003, Tender Buttons), The Agency of Wind (Avec, 1999), and Rebecca Letters (Kelsey Street, 1996). Forthcoming is Original Presence, (Shivistan Books, 2006). She is also the author of the novel Acts of Levitation,(2002, Spuytenduyvil). Recent chapbooks include The Desires of Letters (gong eds, 2005), Webs of Agriope (Phylum, 2005) & a collaboration with Lee Ann Brown: Nascent Toolbox (The Owl Press, 2004). AT: LE NEXT, 17, rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris (off Montorgeuil) M°Etienne Marcel/Les Halles. Tel : 01 42 36 18 93 http://www.lenext.com/ Info : http://www.ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/
20 juin à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de photos de DANIEL NASSOY "Etat d'hommes". Daniel Nassoy présente ses toutes dernières oeuvres photographiques et quelques séries plus anciennes qui ont contibué à sa réputation telles que "Hommes objets" ou "Portraits et nus". Son nouveau travail est dans la ligne du surréalisme, du travail de collage et d'assemblage. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*20 June at 8 p.m. Le Pavé d’Orsay Presents An evening of readings and music,Wine and Buffet with authors Adrian Mathews, Vivienne Vermes, Reine Arcache Melvin & Tom O’Brien alongside musicians Josh Levine (keyboards) & Christian Thompson (guitar) AT: Le Pavé d’Orsay, 48 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris, M° Rue du Bac / RER Musée d’Orsay (Directly behind the Musée d’Orsay )
20-23 June & 27-30 June: Wed, Thur, Fri et Sats at 20h30 : Une pièce contemporaine écrite par un jeune dramaturge, metteur en scène, comédien : « NON-DITS » de Grégoire Christophe. Avec : Alexandre Arathoon, Cédric Burgle, Grégoire Christophe, Rébecca Forster, Magalie Madison, Carole Pereira, Estelle Terrisse. AT: Theatre Guichet Montparnasse, 15 rue de Maine, 75014 Paris, M° Montparnasse/Edouard Quinet/Gaité http://www.guichetmontparnasse.com/
***22-24th June : It’s the 25th Marché de la Poésie ! OUI YES poetry and readings galore as part of the 25th Marché. For scheduled events and a million changes, info on the market itself, see: http://poesie.evous.fr/poesie.php?rubrique45 Open from 11h30 à 20h00, 500 éditeurs français et étrangers, de poésie et de création littéraire Marché noir des littératures pirates will be on hand and excited to talk, sell you books, let you peek at what they are up to ! Place Saint-Sulpice - Paris 6e See June 1st listing for « Péripherique du marché » readings and events site !
**1 to 30 June: « Péripherique of the 25th Marché de la Poésie » events and readings in Paris, ile de France and now en provence ! See this site for listings of TONS of events this month! Poetry and performance, music, signings, readings, book launches, library chats and more : http://poesie.evous.fr/poesie.php?rubrique46 More info on the marché and events by arrondissement at: http://paris.evous.fr/paris.php?article212
*22 June - 19h30 Book signing: Time Won't Let Me... by Bill Scheft, 2006 Thurber Prize for Humour Finalist. Bill Scheft, the human joke writing machine who brought you The Best of the Show and David Letterman's monologue for many years will present and sign his second novel. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP requested at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr .
24 juin at 17h.Hear Perry Argel with the group los Caballeros Simpáticos AT: Carillon. 18, rue Alibert (au coin de la rue Bichat), 75010 Paris. Métro : Goncourt, République. entrée gratuite. http://www.perryleopard.com/
26 juin, 18h30-20h : Conférence. « Leçon de littérature » avec Alberto Manguel, né en 1948 à Buenos Aires. Jeune homme, il sert de lecteur à Jorge Luis Borges. Après avoir vécu au Canada, il s'installe en France où il réside toujours, dans un village du Poitou. Il publie son premier roman, La Porte d'ivoire, en 1981. La reconnaissance survient en 1998 avec Une histoire de la lecture, prix Médicis, essai qui suscite à la fois l'intérêt des lecteurs et de la critique. La même année, il publie un Dictionnaire des lieux imaginaires, suivi en 2000 de Dans la forêt du miroir, essai sur les mots et sur le monde, et du Livre des images en 2001. L'écrivain se fait ensuite biographe en publiant successivement Chez Borges en 2003 et Kipling, une brève biographie l'année suivante. Son dernier ouvrage, La Bibliothèque, la nuit (Actes Sud) témoigne une nouvelle fois, avec un enthousiasme renouvelé, de son amour pour le livre. AU : BNF. site François-Mitterrand. Grand auditorium. entrée libre.
*27th June - 15h30 WH Smith Kids' Club: Featuring The Growing Story by Ruth Krauss & Helen Oxenbury. Join us for storytime, games, & more in the Children's Corner. FREE, The event is in English for children ages 3 to 10, & is is free of charge. RSVP not necessary. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde. 01 44 77 88 99 or at mailto:books@whsmith.fr?subject=Merde+Happens+RSVP .
*27 juin, lecture à 20h Pour fêter 2 livres de poèsies de Jacques de Longeville, « Balade », illustré par Alexandra Roussopoulos et « les Silences » illustrés par Kate van Houten, Estepa Editions. Come and celebrate the publication of 2 art poetry collaborative books by Jacques de Longeville. Readings in French and one bilingual. AT/à la Galerie Pixi, 95 rue de Seine, 75006 Paris. M° Odéon/ Mabillon/ St Germain
*28 June at 19h English biographer, Sue Roe will present her latest book, THE PRIVATE LIVES OF THE IMPRESSIONISTS, an "intimate, colorful, superbly researched account of their homes & studios ... their unconventional, volatile & precarious lives, as well as the stories behind the paintings." Bio: Sue Roe was born in Leicester & educated at universities of Kent & Sussex. Following a career as a freelance writer & editor, she lectured at the University of East Anglia until 1996, when she resumed her freelance career. Previous books include ESTELLA, HER EXPECTATIONS, a novel, a collection of poems, THE SPITFIRE FACTORY & WRITING & GENDER: VIRGINIA WOOLF'S WRITING PRACTICE. She is the editor of the Penguin Modern Classics edition of Virginia Woolf's JACOB'S ROOM & co-editor of THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO VIRGINIA WOOLF. In 2002 her biography of the English artist Gwen John was published to international acclaim. AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 22, rue Saint Paul, 75004 Paris. Tel: 01 48 04 75 08
*28 juin 2007 à 19h. Julien Blaine au Musée Zadkine : Julien Blaine (1942) est poète sonore et visuel, performeur. Bye bye la perf (Al Dante, 2006) a constitué ses adieux à la performance en tant que telle, pratique dont il a été en France un des plus principaux instigateurs. Il est notamment l’auteur de WM Quinzième, Les Carnets de l’Octéor, 1966 ; Essai sur la Sculpturale, Denise Davy,1967 ; Paragenesi, Sampiero,1968 ; Petit précis d’Érotomanie, Agentzia, 1969 ; Processus de déculturatisation, Tête de Feuilles, 1972 ; Elefanti e primi testi, Geiger, 1977 ; Passé/Futur, Factotum Art,1979 ; Calmar, Spectres Familiers, 1993 ; Bamileke, Giona, 1995 ; Parodies & Brouillons, Adriano Parise, 1995 ; L’Arc c’est la Lyre, Al Dante, 1998 ; Gloria Mundi, Al Dante, 1998 ; Pagure, Al Dante, 1999 ; La fin de la chasse, Al Dante & Safaribooks, 1999 ; Comment sortir la phrase de sa gangue, Al Dante, 2001 ; Kyé de N & de M, VOIX, 2002 ; Se constituer vrai/ment Grand Père, Le bleu du ciel, 2003 ; L’éventail n°1 - 1959/2004 avec Antoine Simon, NèPE, 2005 ; Cuba cola, Inventaire-invention, 2006… Julien Blaine a créé de nombreux supports éditoriaux, des revues (« Cahier de l’Octéor », « Approches », « Doc(k)s »), et lieux de diffusion comme de pratique, ainsi notamment les Rencontres Internationales de Poésie de Tarascon, le centre international de poésie Marseille, le Centre d’art de Ventabren. Entrée libre AT : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 http://paris.fr/musees/zadkine M Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 Responsable de la programmation : Jérôme Mauche
*28 juin à 19h : Rencontre avec TERESA DE LAURETIS à l'occasion de sa venue en France pour la parution de son essai Théorie queer et cultures populaires. De Foucault à Cronenberg (La Dispute), en présence de Marie-Hélène Bourcier qui a traduit l'ouvrage et de Pascale Molinier qui l'a publié. Teresa de Lauretis est l'auteure de nombreux essais sur la sémiotique, la, psychanalyse, le cinéma, la littérature, les théories féministes et de la culture. à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*28th June - 19h30 Book presentation & signing: Merde Happens by Stephen Clarke Paul West is back! Stephen Clarke will present & sign his third book in the "Merde" series, about an Englishman, an American & a Frenchwoman who drive across the USA in a Mini! AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP requested at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr .
*29 June – 7:30-10:00pm SCREENPLAY READING with Théâtre du Monde's Film Script Showcase Mise en lecture by Fawn Wilderson-Legros, Founder/ Director & tonight with "Bad Feng Shui" by Alexis Niki, USA/France Info: http://www.theatredumonde.com/ Bringing stories from everywhere to everywhere else! Please join us for refreshments & a short discussion following the performance. Cost: 12 Euros Reservations: info@theatredumonde.org AT: DTM (Studio Dance Théâtre et Musique), 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt 75011
29 June at 7pm, The Paris Center of the University of Chicago, in collaboration with the French literary review, *Europe*, is holding a seminar discussion on Kenneth Rexroth. Max Blechman, co-editor of the Chicago Review’s special issue on Rexroth (2006), Jean-Baptiste Para, managing editor of *Europe: Revue Littteraire*, and Joël Cornuault, Rexroth’s main French translator (*L’Automne en Californie* , Éditions Fédérop, 1994, and *Les Constellations d’Hiver*, Librairie La Brèche, 1999) will discuss the relevance of Rexroth as a poet, critic and visionary. A selection of Rexroth’s poems will be read in the original English, followed by Cornuault’s French renderings. Books in both languages, on and by Rexroth, will be available for sale, as well as issues of the Rexroth edition of the *Chicago Review*. Refreshments will be served. University of Chicago, 6 rue Thomas Mann, 75013 Paris, métro Bibliothèque nationale. Tel. (01) 53 94 78 80.
PART II: CLASSES & summer creative writing workshops (in random order).
9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th June: 4pm-6pm (Sat afternoons) Creative Non Fiction Workshop : The Personal Essay. How do those New Yorker Magazine writers do it? Personal essay blends first person storytelling, free-spirited riffing, & argumentative essay into a singular, delicious piece. The secret glue: Voice. Intimate, funny, challenging: it can go in any direction the writer pleases. This is ideal for discovering the unique & honest sound of one’s own voice. Each session, we will do a different exercise in relation to an aspect of the form. Then the group transforms into a workshop. We share our work & offer positive criticism to others. This will lead to completed pieces. A smash hit at the WICE institute in February, this course is being offered again in the private home of the instructor: Justin Taylor’s personal essays have been published in newspapers & magazines such as the San Francisco Chronicle. Justin’s plays, librettos & monologue pieces have been performed in the U.S. & France, in English & French. He has taught writing at WICE, the Sorbonne (MA in theatre), & San Francisco State University (BA in creative writing). He has also trained in theatre at the Théâtre du Soleil & opera staging at the Paris National Opera. He is the winner of the Markowski-Leach Award for his play A Perfect Home.80 euros per workshop (20 per session). All sessions must be paid in advance. Contact: justintiger@gmail.com or 06 23 29 30 25
11th 18th 25th June & July 2nd 6pm - 8pm; (Mon eves) Playwriting Workshop Justin mixes techniques from the many playwrights & theatre companies with which he has worked in the U.S. & France (see bio). Each session, a different aspect of playwriting & an excercise: how to propel our writing into an elastic & free place, slip into a character’s skin & let him speak, find a play’s true form, etc. Afterwards, this group will form a supportive place to exchange constructive feedback “workshop style.” The course will also cover some nuts-&-bolts elements like dialogue, & what directors & actors need from a script in order to bring the words & characters from the page to the stage. This will launch pieces that you can complete over the summer. INSTRUCTOR: Justin Taylor’s personal essays have been published in newspapers & magazines such as the San Francisco Chronicle. Justin’s plays, librettos & monologue pieces have been performed in the U.S. & France, in English & French. He has taught writing at WICE, the Sorbonne (MA in theatre), & San Francisco State University (BA in creative writing). He has also trained in theatre at the Théâtre du Soleil & opera staging at the Paris National Opera. He is the winner of the Markowski-Leach Award for his play A Perfect Home80 euros per workshop (20 per session). All sessions must be paid in advance. Contact: justintiger@gmail.com or 06 23 29 30 25.
4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20 June (Mon & Weds), 1:00pm - 3:00pm: From Final Edit to First Sale Back by popular demand, this course explores the different routes a writer can take to get their work out into the world. We will discuss options, & walk through some of the necessary steps, such as searching for the right literary agent for your work, writing query letters, discussing book proposals, learning about alternative ways to get your book into print, such as e-publishing & print-on-demand services. We will also discuss publicity techniques, how to organize a book tour, & some creative ways to get that first book sold! Instructor: Tanio McCallum Code: WU041 Fee: 141€ AT: WICE
Intensive Poetry Workshop with Kurt Brown: July 1 - 6, 2007 at the Paris Writers’ Workshop. A RARE & EXCITING OPPORTUNITY to WRITE & REFLECT ON POETRY WRITING with author & instructor Kurt Brown! 5 morning sessions with Brown, afternoon conferences with Writers in Residence & craft lectures by guest authors of all genres. Cheaper than flying to Aspen or Sarah Lawrence to see Kurt Brown, this is a week to savor!!! Author of 6 books, 6 chapbooks, numerous anthologies & annuals, Brown’s newest collection of poems Sincerest Flatteries is the first book in the Tupelo Press Masters Series. Brown’s collection Fables from the Ark, won the 2003 Custom Words Prize. Other collections: More Things in Heaven & Earth (2002), Return of the Prodigals, (1999), &: Future Ship & From Here, will appear in 2007 & 2008. He teaches at Sarah Lawrence, is the founding director of Aspen Writers' Conference & of Writers' Conferences & Centers. He is also the editor of three annuals: The True Subject, (Graywolf Press, 1994), Writing it Down for James, (Beacon Press, 1995), & Facing the Lion, (Beacon Press,1996), & past editor of Aspen Anthology, past President of the Aspen Writers' Foundation & is currently on the board of Poets House in NY. Tuition 525€. More info/ to register, consult PWW page at http://www.wice-paris.org/ or email pww@wice-paris.org.
5, 7, 12 June (Tues & Thurs) 7:00 – 8:30pm: Beyond the Writer’s Notebook: How to Start & Write a Blog Maybe you’ve heard of blogging, but you’re not quite sure what it is. Maybe you’d like to start a blog, but you don’t know how to go about it, or can’t imagine what you would blog about. Today, blogging is as easy as sending an e-mail, & this class will give you everything you need to get started. The class will emphasize the benefits of blogging as a creative outlet of particular interest to those who love to write or want to hone their writing skills. Instructor: Pamela Poole Code: WU051 Fee: 65€ Place: WICE
Sign up now: for July or August sessions of Art Workshop’s summer creative writing seminars in Italy: SESSION I: July 25 - August 7 “POETRY IS THE LANGUAGE SPOKEN” with Marie Ponsot “THE USES OF MEMORY: POETRY & PROSE” with Honor Moore & “FROM THE PAGE TO THE STAGE” with Charles Marowitz. SESSION II: August 8 - August 21“ALL I KNOW ABOUT WRITING” with Maxine Hong Kingston; “CONSTRUCTING THE CRIME NOVEL” with S.J. Rozan & “VISION & REVISION: A SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP” with: Jayne Wenger. See website for complete details, & for workshops in the visual art fields: http://www.artworkshopintl.com/creative_writing.html
2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th June, plus Sat 7th, 14th July : The Other Writers' Workshop: 3-5pm: An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just listen & react. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. http://www.shakespeareco.org/ 3 euros.
June 21 – June 27, 2007: POETS AS PILGRIMS “A poetry workshop & cultural exploration in Auvillar, France” led by internationally-acclaimed poets Denise Duhamel & Nick Carbó. Auvillar is a favorite stopover for pilgrims on their journey to Santiago de Compestala, Spain. Open to writers & poetry lovers of all levels. Receive personalized attention & feedback on writing while enjoying the historic Occitan culture. INSTRUCTOR BIOS: Denise Duhamel's poetry titles include Two & Two (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005), Mille et un Sentiments (Firewheel, 2005), Queen for a Day: Selected & New Poems (Pittsburgh, 2001 ), The Star-Spangled Banner (S. Illinois UnivPress, 1999) & Kinky (Orchises, 1997). She co-edited Saints of Hysteria: A Half-Century of Collaborative American Poetry (Soft Skull, 2007). NEA fellowship in recipient, she is assoc professor of poetry at Florida International University in Miami. Nick Carbó is the author of 3 collections of poetry, the latest being Andalusian Dawn. He has edited three ground breaking anthologies of Filipino & Filipino American writing: Returning A Borrowed Tongue, Babaylan, & Pinoy Poetics. He has won NEA & the New York Foundation fellowships & residencies to Yaddo & MacDowell. SEE: Virginia Center for the Creative Arts for more info: http://www.vcca.com/summer_france_workshops.html or contact Roberta Lawrence at (212) 627-0297; rlawrence@vcca.com All workshops, meals, accommodations & multiple sidetrips included. Cost: $2195 per person.
SUBMIT books: First poetry book contest at Pavement Saw Press. Selection is made anonymously through a competition that is open to anyone who has not previously published a volume of poetry or prose. The author receives $1000 & a percentage of the press run. Previous judges have included Judith Vollmer, David Bromige, Bin Ramke & Howard McCord. All poems must be original, all prose must be original, fiction or translations are not acceptable. Entries should be sent to: Pavement Saw Press Transcontinental Award Entry, P.O. Box 6291, Columbus, OH 43206 All submissions must have an August 15th, or earlier, postmark. Submissions are accepted during the months of June, July, & August only. Full guidelines at: http://www.pavementsaw.org/pages/transaward.htm
NOW OUT: Julie Carr’s second book, “Equivocal”, is just out from Alice James Books! Here's a link if you'd like to check it out, see a couple of excerpts or order it. http://www.alicejamesbooks.org/equivocal.html She'll be reading & celebrating the release in New York City & the Bowery Poetry Club on June 12th at 6pm with Kazim Ali & Arielle Greenberg. She’ll be in Paris & ile de France in later June & July & hopefully there will be an opportunity to hear her read then!
FYI : SORTIE !: Le roman de Nell Andrea Daydream est sorti aux Editions l'Harmattan/ Nell Andrea’s new novel, Daydream, is now out at Editions l'Harmattan.
to end: SUMMER READING: What? You don’t know what to read this summer? Well, here is an exciting list of poetry & visual/art/poetry books by some of the USA’s most innovative poetry & mixed genre presses, The Figures, Roof, Yo-Yo Labs, United Artists, Granary, & Ugly Duckling Presse. These presses celebrate & announce the publication of the following books: “a (A)ugust”, by Akilah Oliver, “UNTITLED WORKS”, by Tonya Foster, “NOTES FOR SOME (NOMINALLY) AWAKE”, by Julie Patton, “FERVENT REMNANTS OF REFLECTIVE SURFACES”, by Evelyn Reilly, “ARE WE NOT BETRAYED BY IMPORTANCE”, by Francis Picabia, “SEEING OUT LOUD” (back in print), by Jerry Saltz, “COLUMNS & CATALOGUES”, by Peter Schjeldahl, “MINE”, by Clark Coolidge, “IFLIFE”, by Bob Perelman, “FOLLY”, by Nada Gordon, “MAKING DYING ILLEGAL”, by Madeline Gins & Arakawa, “KLUGE : A MEDITATION & Other Works”, by Brian Kim Stefans, “NINETEEN LINES : A Drawing Center Anthology”, ed. by Lytle Shaw, “MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY”, by Barbara Henning, “SOLUTION SIMULACRA”, by Gloria Frym, “JOIN THE PLANETS”, by Reed Bye, “ACROSS THE BIG MAP”, Ruth Altmann, “SOME FORMS OF AVAILABILITY”, by Simon Cutts, “A TESTAMENT OF WOMEN”, by Johanna Drucker, “PARADIGM OF THE TINCTURES”, by Steve McCaffery & Alan Halsey, “ALMA, OR THE DEAD WOMEN”, by Alice Notley, “PAPER CHILDREN”, by Mariana Marin, “INSPECTOR VS. EVADER”, by Paul Killebrew, “THE HOT GARMENT OF LOVE IS INSECURE”, by Elizabeth Reddin, “THE STATES”, by Craig Foltz, & “COMPLETE MINIMAL POEMS”, by Aram Saroyan.
Novelist Walker Percy said, "We love those who know the worst of us & don't turn their faces away."
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