AMAZING May!!!! All these events make my ears tingle!!!
Section I: Readings (w/asterisks) & Events by date for May
Section II: Creative Writing Courses & Summer Workshops
Section III: Reviews News & New Reviews: calls for work, other offers, etc.
PART I: Readings & Events by date for the month of MAY
*2nd May Spoken Word - 9pm on! Start the month by reading yourself with this Spoken word/scène ouverte: Performance poetry, poésie sonore, Lire vivant, Stand up, Short Short stories, English, Français: open mic. YOU READ!!! Come share some work, hear others! Organized by David Barnes Info: AT: L’Ogre à Plumes, 49/51 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, M° Parmentier.
*2 mai à 19h : Rencontre avec DIDIER ROTH-BETTONI pour la parution de son essai L'homosexualité au cinéma (La Musardine). Histoire de l'homosexualité à travers celle du cinéma, le livre montre comment elle a toujours été présente, sous une forme ou une autre, dans les productions quelles soient hollywoodiennes, underground ou militantes. Didier Roth-Bettoni est rédacteur en chef du magazine Illico, journaliste et critique de cinéma, ancien rédacteur en chef du Mensuel du cinéma et de La Saison cinématographique. AT : Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07
3 mai 2007, à partir de 19 heures Vernissage Hannes Steinert Le peintre allemand Hannes Steinert expose ses oeuvres graphiques au sous-sol de la librairie. Du 3 au 23 mai 2007. AT : Les Mots à la Bouche, rue du croix de la bretonnerie, 75004 Paris.
*4 Mai 2007 à partir de 19 heures A l'occasion de la parution de son premier livre «Ouestern» (Editions Laureli Léo Scheer) Rencontre avec Claire Guezengar AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi 17. rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00, m° : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie
Section I: Readings (w/asterisks) & Events by date for May
Section II: Creative Writing Courses & Summer Workshops
Section III: Reviews News & New Reviews: calls for work, other offers, etc.
PART I: Readings & Events by date for the month of MAY
*2nd May Spoken Word - 9pm on! Start the month by reading yourself with this Spoken word/scène ouverte: Performance poetry, poésie sonore, Lire vivant, Stand up, Short Short stories, English, Français: open mic. YOU READ!!! Come share some work, hear others! Organized by David Barnes Info: AT: L’Ogre à Plumes, 49/51 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, M° Parmentier.
*2 mai à 19h : Rencontre avec DIDIER ROTH-BETTONI pour la parution de son essai L'homosexualité au cinéma (La Musardine). Histoire de l'homosexualité à travers celle du cinéma, le livre montre comment elle a toujours été présente, sous une forme ou une autre, dans les productions quelles soient hollywoodiennes, underground ou militantes. Didier Roth-Bettoni est rédacteur en chef du magazine Illico, journaliste et critique de cinéma, ancien rédacteur en chef du Mensuel du cinéma et de La Saison cinématographique. AT : Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07
3 mai 2007, à partir de 19 heures Vernissage Hannes Steinert Le peintre allemand Hannes Steinert expose ses oeuvres graphiques au sous-sol de la librairie. Du 3 au 23 mai 2007. AT : Les Mots à la Bouche, rue du croix de la bretonnerie, 75004 Paris.
*4 Mai 2007 à partir de 19 heures A l'occasion de la parution de son premier livre «Ouestern» (Editions Laureli Léo Scheer) Rencontre avec Claire Guezengar AT : Librairie Michèle Ignazi 17. rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00, m° : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie
4 mai, 21h MUSIC : los Caballeros Simpàticoos at The Green Linnet, 8 ave Victoria, 75001 Paris. Métro : Châtelet. What’s event cooler is it is « entrée gratuite » !!!
5 May: 10-12am Michael Davidson will give a lecture on the subject “The Dream of a Public Language: Modernity, Manifesto, & the Citizen Subject” on Saturday at the Insitut Charles V, 10 rue Charles V, 75004, Paris, M° Saint-Paul, Bastille, Sully-Morland. Room A50.
SIGN UP BY MAY 5th MAXIMUM for Epoetry 2007: the largest annual symposium & conference on poésie numérique!!! 21 au mercredi 23 mai : Symposium on E poetry & poésie numérique, co-organized with EPC from Univ of Buffalo in the USA & Paris VIII:
6 May At 18h30. Paris Soirees Dinner With American Painter in Paris Joe Johnson on "Comunicating Between Cultures". PARIS SOIREES take place every Sunday evening in May, with cocktails, dinner & discussion, often with visiting authors & artists or political, philosophical or “living in France” topics. Contact Patricia to get on her great listing: Patricia Laplante-Collins,13, rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris, France, Tel: (33) 1 43 26 12 88 Email: or see their site & blog: &
**7 mai 2007 à 19h Bilingual reading with Double CHANGE : Double Change et l’Espace éof vous invitent à une lecture bilingue de MARIE-LOUISE CHAPELLE & MICHAEL DAVIDSON. BIOS : CHAPELLE was born in Nevers in 1974. She has published in Jean Daive’s journal FIN. Her first book entitled mettre. was published in 2006 by the Théâtre Typographique. DAVIDSON is the author of 8 books of poetry, most recently “The Arcades” (O Books, 1998). With Lyn Hejinian, Barrett Watten, & Ron Silliman, he is the co-author of “Leningrad: American Writers in the Soviet Union” (Mercury House Press, 1991). A professor of literature at the U of California, San Diego, Davidson is known for insightful literary criticism, editing the monumental “George Oppen: New Collected Poems” writing “The San Francisco Renaissance: Poetics & Community at Mid-Century” (Cambridge UP, 1989), “Ghostlier Demarcations: Modern Poetry & the Material Word” (U of CA, 1997), & “Guys Like Us: Citing Masculinity in Cold War Poetics” (U of Chicago, 2003). His essays on disability are forthcoming in “Concerto for the Left Hand: Disability & the Defamiliar Body” (Univ of Mich). Reading AT : l’espace éof, 15 rue Saint-Fiacre 75002 Paris M° Grands boulevards entrée libre
7 and 14 May 7pm: NOT TO BE MISSED. Mondays7 brings you SAMUEL BECKET Shorts. "Footfalls", "Not I", "Come & Go", "Rockaby" by SAMUEL BECKETT, plays he wrote in English first performed for the first time in English in Paris. The Monday showcase presentations are. With contemporary music composed by Charlie W. Allen, a young British composer and pianist from Manchester. English Rep at the Sudden every Monday. AT: Sudden Theatre, 14bis rue Sainte-Isaure, 75018 Paris. Reservations (French only) 01 42 62 35 00 email: website: email: Reservations in English 01 46 06 66 10 or 01 73 75 79 13 Tix: 17 & 13 euros
SIGN UP BY MAY 5th MAXIMUM for Epoetry 2007: the largest annual symposium & conference on poésie numérique!!! 21 au mercredi 23 mai : Symposium on E poetry & poésie numérique, co-organized with EPC from Univ of Buffalo in the USA & Paris VIII:
6 May At 18h30. Paris Soirees Dinner With American Painter in Paris Joe Johnson on "Comunicating Between Cultures". PARIS SOIREES take place every Sunday evening in May, with cocktails, dinner & discussion, often with visiting authors & artists or political, philosophical or “living in France” topics. Contact Patricia to get on her great listing: Patricia Laplante-Collins,13, rue de Mulhouse, 75002 Paris, France, Tel: (33) 1 43 26 12 88 Email: or see their site & blog: &
**7 mai 2007 à 19h Bilingual reading with Double CHANGE : Double Change et l’Espace éof vous invitent à une lecture bilingue de MARIE-LOUISE CHAPELLE & MICHAEL DAVIDSON. BIOS : CHAPELLE was born in Nevers in 1974. She has published in Jean Daive’s journal FIN. Her first book entitled mettre. was published in 2006 by the Théâtre Typographique. DAVIDSON is the author of 8 books of poetry, most recently “The Arcades” (O Books, 1998). With Lyn Hejinian, Barrett Watten, & Ron Silliman, he is the co-author of “Leningrad: American Writers in the Soviet Union” (Mercury House Press, 1991). A professor of literature at the U of California, San Diego, Davidson is known for insightful literary criticism, editing the monumental “George Oppen: New Collected Poems” writing “The San Francisco Renaissance: Poetics & Community at Mid-Century” (Cambridge UP, 1989), “Ghostlier Demarcations: Modern Poetry & the Material Word” (U of CA, 1997), & “Guys Like Us: Citing Masculinity in Cold War Poetics” (U of Chicago, 2003). His essays on disability are forthcoming in “Concerto for the Left Hand: Disability & the Defamiliar Body” (Univ of Mich). Reading AT : l’espace éof, 15 rue Saint-Fiacre 75002 Paris M° Grands boulevards entrée libre
7 and 14 May 7pm: NOT TO BE MISSED. Mondays7 brings you SAMUEL BECKET Shorts. "Footfalls", "Not I", "Come & Go", "Rockaby" by SAMUEL BECKETT, plays he wrote in English first performed for the first time in English in Paris. The Monday showcase presentations are. With contemporary music composed by Charlie W. Allen, a young British composer and pianist from Manchester. English Rep at the Sudden every Monday. AT: Sudden Theatre, 14bis rue Sainte-Isaure, 75018 Paris. Reservations (French only) 01 42 62 35 00 email: website: email: Reservations in English 01 46 06 66 10 or 01 73 75 79 13 Tix: 17 & 13 euros
*9 may --14h & then 15h For Kids, a bilingual « festin de contes », with Liz Weir dans le cadre du Festival "1, 2 ,3… Cultures" for kids 6 & older. entrée libre, en anglais et en français the Centre Culturel Irlandais presents a feast of stories. Liz Weir, a professional story-teller from Northern Ireland serves a banquet of Irish tales on the delicious and exotic theme of food. She was the first winner of the International Storybridge Award & has published a number of collections of children’s stories. Liz Weir has an international reputation & has worked as far afield as Israel, Germany, Australia & the US.RESERVATIONS REQUIRED ! at : AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27.
*9 mai à 19h : Rencontre avec FRÉDÉRIQUE ANNE pour la parution de son roman l'Envol (KTM). D'octobre à janvier, de Paris à Marseille, de séminaires en missions, Emmanuelle digère des histoires d'amour mal terminées et tente de fuir ses responsabilités. AT : Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07
*10 Mai à partir de 19 heures À l'occasion de la parution de Delenda Ouest, postface de Patrice Maniglier (Les Petits Matins/Grands Soirs) Rencontre avec l’auteur JOSEPH MOUTON à Librairie Michèle Ignazi, 17, rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris, 01 42 71 17 00, m° : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie
*10 mai 2007, 19 heures Frédérique Anne, ex-présidente de l' Autre Cercle - Ile de France, signe son roman « L'Envol »Emmanuelle est partagée entre ses responsabilités et la tentation de les fuir, entre ce qui se fait et ce qui ne se fait pas, entre les histoires d'amour mal terminées et celle qui semble se profiler. Et si sa rencontre avec Sophie, lors d'une mission dans le Sud, était l'occasion de mettre un peu d'ordre dans tout cela et d'oser grandir ? Paru aux Editions KTM AT : Les Mots à la Bouche, rue du croix de la bretonnerie, 75004 Paris.
10th May - 19h30 You are cordially invited to an evening with Charlotte Puckette & Olivia Kiang-Snaije, co-authors, & Ms. Dinah Diwan, illustrator, of “The Ethnic Paris Cookbook,” a cookery book that explores another side of Paris' cuisine: its Moroccan cafés, phô kitchens & sushi bars. Each chapter of this unique book focuses on a particular country, beginning with a history of the region as well as an overview of its cuisine, followed by step-by-step recipes & addresses of top ethnic restaurants (including the best place to get couscous), corner shops & Parisian markets. Ms. Puckette & Ms. Kiang-Snaije will introduce their book, let us sample some of their favourite recipes, like ginger juice, & sign the book. Free. Please RSVP: 01 44 77 88 99. AT: WHSmith, 248 rue de Rivoli, 75001 M° Concorde.
10th May - 19h30 You are cordially invited to an evening with Charlotte Puckette & Olivia Kiang-Snaije, co-authors, & Ms. Dinah Diwan, illustrator, of “The Ethnic Paris Cookbook,” a cookery book that explores another side of Paris' cuisine: its Moroccan cafés, phô kitchens & sushi bars. Each chapter of this unique book focuses on a particular country, beginning with a history of the region as well as an overview of its cuisine, followed by step-by-step recipes & addresses of top ethnic restaurants (including the best place to get couscous), corner shops & Parisian markets. Ms. Puckette & Ms. Kiang-Snaije will introduce their book, let us sample some of their favourite recipes, like ginger juice, & sign the book. Free. Please RSVP: 01 44 77 88 99. AT: WHSmith, 248 rue de Rivoli, 75001 M° Concorde.
11 mai, 21h MUSIC : los Caballeros Simpàticoos are back for a second Friday at The Green Linnet, 8 ave Victoria, 75001 Paris. Métro : Châtelet. What’s event cooler is it is « entrée gratuite » !!!
*12 mai 2007 à 19h Double Change et le Point Ephémère vous invitent à une lecture bilingue de Jean-Marie Gleize et Stephen Ratcliffe. Les textes de S. Ratcliffe seront traduits. Une vidéo d'Eric Pelet sera diffusée. Biographies : Jean-Marie Gleize est écrivain et dirige la revue *Nioques*. Après une quadralogie publiée aux éditions du Seuil, *Léman* (1990), *Le principe de nudité intégrale* (1995), *Les chiens noirs de la prose* (1999) et *Néon*, (2004), Jean-Marie Gleize continue à faire acte vers une écriture toujours plus plate, littérale, tangiblement présente. Stephen Ratcliffe est poète et professeur à Mills College en Californie. Comme Jean-Marie Gleize, bien que dans une forme différente, il travaille l'écriture littérale héritée, pour sa part, de celle de Gertrude Stein. Ses textes composés chaque jour mêlent des voix étrangères à son propre portrait en creux. Il a publié récemment *Portraits and Repetition* (The Post-Apollo Press, 2002) et *Real* (Avenue B, 2007), ainsi qu'un livre d'écrits théoriques *Listening to Reading* (SUNY Press, 2000). Au Point Ephémère, 200 quai de Valmy, 75010 Paris (M° Jaurès l.2 ou 5) (pour plus de renseignements contacter
12 May from 17h to 19h Paris Soirees SINGLES APERITIF. 15 euros. Reserve with Patricia with your tel number & email & remember to request she send you the address of the event:
*12th May, at midnight: For an underground Open Mike experience with “The Subterranean Poetry Club » We're going underground. A poetry reading in the catacombs - next Saturday 12th May, meet at midnight metro Maison Blanche. Bring a torch and wellington boots (that's a flashlight and galloshes to Americans.) I'm not kidding about the boots as we'll be wading through water up to our shins. Bring your deepest, darkest poems. Bring verse from the locked boxes in the basement of your being. From the subterranea of your unconscious. If we're not in the metro - go to nearby bar Maison Blanche, 107 ave d'Italie. FYI: Leroy Merlin sell boots for ten euros. Meet between 11h30 and Midnight at: metro Maison Blanche Don't be late. More info on:
*12th May, at midnight: For an underground Open Mike experience with “The Subterranean Poetry Club » We're going underground. A poetry reading in the catacombs - next Saturday 12th May, meet at midnight metro Maison Blanche. Bring a torch and wellington boots (that's a flashlight and galloshes to Americans.) I'm not kidding about the boots as we'll be wading through water up to our shins. Bring your deepest, darkest poems. Bring verse from the locked boxes in the basement of your being. From the subterranea of your unconscious. If we're not in the metro - go to nearby bar Maison Blanche, 107 ave d'Italie. FYI: Leroy Merlin sell boots for ten euros. Meet between 11h30 and Midnight at: metro Maison Blanche Don't be late. More info on:
*13th May—at 7.30 pm Moving Parts invites you to a Playreading in English : Charles Borkhuis’ "Deep Divide" Contact Stephanie to book a reading of YOUR play. Programme subject to change, see: or to receive monthly mailings AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant,1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
*14 May--7:30p.m. Opening Reading for the Paris Poetry Workshop with readings by Cecilia Woloch, Kathleen Spivack & Lisa Pasold. BIOS: Cecilia Woloch is the author of three collections of poetry, most recently LATE (BOA Editions 2003). She has a new chapbook forthcoming from Tupelo Press this fall. Lisa PASOLD is the author of A Bad Year for Journalists (2006) and Weave (2003) both from Frontenac House Press. Just back in Paris after a stint on a writing grant in the Yukon, Pasold is hard at work on a novel and a new poetry collection. AT: Berkley Books, 8, rue Casimir Delavigne75006 Paris M° Odéon Tel.:
*14 May—19h la dernière soirée de l'année autour de la poésie à POLYTECHNIQUE, organisée avec l'Association Double Change (fondée par un ancien élève de l'Ecole, O. Berrada). Comme d'habitude, les élèves seront invités à lire leur propre travail (dans la langue de leur choix). Ensuite ils recontreront le poète américain S. Ratcliffe. Stephen Ratcliffe's recent books of poetry are Portraits & Repetition (2002), & SOUND/(system) (2002). New poems have appeared in 1913, Chain, Denver Quarterly, P-QUEUE, New American Writing, LIT & many more. Listening to Reading, a book of essays on sound/shape & meaning in experimental poetry, was published by SUNY Press in 2000. He lives in Bolinas, CA, & teaches at Mills College in Oakland. AT: Ecole Polytechnique, RER B exit at LOZERE, cross over the bridge to exit up street at left of café then straight UP a driveway & then set of stairs through woods, at top, walk through school gates & follow along path over road & past round dorms on left until you come to a big building with cartoons on it. It is in the Amphi Pierre Curie of the Languages building. Ask if you get lost!
*15 May 7:00pm “Reading: Performance Poetry: from Sign Language to Slam” in English & French with authors & performers Virginie Poitrasson, Mona Jean Cedar, Jennifer K Dick, Glenn Phillips & “Zeor”. Performances will include projections of images, sound work, multiple voice work & Multilanguage texts, moving through traditions as varied as Hip-Hop Slam & Postmodern Poésie Sonore to perhaps demonstrate the common roots linking the oral tradition of reading & performing the poem. BIOS: POITRASSON is the author of 3 chapbooks & more forthcoming as well as translation of Lyn Hejinian’s Slowly. She has performed alongside Boxon & with such notable French PPoets as Bobillot. J. DICK is the author of 2 books, Flurescence (U of GA Press) & Retina/Rétine (Estepa, France, 2005) & recently performed a version of this piece at the Institut du Monde Arabe. Organized in conjunction with Cecilia Woloch’s annual Paris Poetry Workshop, authors will also “share their work & talk about moving between the page & the stage, bringing the written word to life.” (Preceded by a private afternoon craft lecture by the writers, contact Cecilia or Heather Heartley if you are interested in attending that as well) AT: WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, M° Duroc or Falguière (or Montparnasse with a 10min walk). Free with RSVP - Please call WICE for more info, tel: 01 45 66 75 50.
*15 mai--18h - 23h Art & Performance (with music) Second edition "Soirée des Arts Fugitiviste". A cultural happening that groups together in an annual meeting the work of young contemporary international artists. The works are exhibited (painting, photo, sculpture) for a period of 15 days or performed live (music, poetry, theater, video) on the opening night. The concept that groups the work of about 15 different artists is to try to capture the "fugitive", the fleeting moment, the instantaneous. They all have worked on the subject of temporality. So, this event proposes to dive into the "present moment" & to open as many windows as vivid instants exist in everyone's experience." To know more about the artists participating, such as Antonio Meza, Josef Baar, Ulla Rousse, Laure Chapalain, Anne-Bénédicte Girot, etc, you can check: The exhibition will be open from Mai the 16th till Mai the 31st mai, everyday from 14h30 to 19h30. AT: Paris: Musée Roy Adzdak, 3 rue Jonquoy, 75014 Paris, m° Plaisance. Tél : 01 45 43 06 98
*15 May Live Poets invites you to hear Eva Salzman, Gerald Mangan, & Eddie Linden. AT: The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris. Tel: 01 43 26 54 20 M°s: Odéon, St Michel, ou Mabillon. Donation: 5 E
*16 May at 19h30 (7:30pm) IVY WRITERS PARIS invites you to an evening of poetry, performance & a small art book display. Hear Steve Dalachinsky, Yuko Otomo & Kate Vanhouten read (en anglais, français et japonais). BIOS: Steve Dalachinsky, author, perfomer, musican & liner-note writer has written A Superintendent's Eyes (Hozomeen Press 2000) & The Final Nite (Ugly Duckling Presse 2006) as well as the recent chapbooks Musicology (Editions Pioche, Paris 2005), Trial & Error in Paris (Loudmouth Collective 2003), Lautreamont's Laments (Furniture Press 2005), In Glorious Black & White (Ugly Duckling Presse 2005), St. Lucie (King of Mice Press 2005), Are We Not MEN & Fake Book (2 books of collage - 8 Page Press 2005), & Dream Book (Avantcular Press 2005). Yuko Otomo, is the author of Small Poems & The Hand of The Poet (both from Ugly Duckling Presse); A Sunday afternoon on the isle of museum & Fragile (both from Sisyphus Press). A bilingual (Japanese & English) poet & visual artist, Otomo is of Japanese origin though now lives in NYC. In addition to her other poetry, she writes haiku, art criticism & essays. Kate VanHouten, Paris based American artist, is a sculptor, painter, printmaker & artist book maker. She is the author of numerous art & chapbooks of her own, such as Listen Rain (2006). Artists' books have been an important part of her work since the 8O's & Van Houten recently began Estepa Editions which specializes in printing small chapbooks of collaborations between authors & poets of various languages & origins. Van Houten & Otomo will read work by Tateo Fukutomi translated by Shelley Dauvillier & Kate van Houten, published by Estepa Editions, Paris in 2003. Tateo Fukutomi is a haiku poet living in Miyazaki City, in the south of the Japanese archipelago, born in 1936. AT: LE NEXT, 17, rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris(just off rue Montorgeuil) M°Etienne Marcel / Les Halles. Tel : 01 42 36 18 93
***17 May at 7 pm A reading & book signing with Cole Swensen and Sarah Riggs featuring two new books Cole Swensen's “The Glass Age” (Alice James, 2007, & Sarah Riggs' “Waterwork” BIOS: Swensen is the author of 11 books of poetry, and her volume “Goest” was 2004 National Book Award finalist. Her other collections have won the Iowa Poetry Prize, the San Francisco State Poetry Center Book Award, and the National Poetry Series. She also translates from French, and her translation of Jean Fremon's The Island of the Dead won the 2004 PEN USA Award for Translation. The editor of La Presse books, she is currently dividing her time between Washington DC and Paris on a Guggenheim grant. Riggs, born and raised in New York, is a Paris-based poet and visual artist. Her poetry books are “Waterwork” (Chax), “28 télégrammes and 60 textos” (Editions de l'Attente) and soon “Chain of Miniscule Decisions in the Form of a Feeling” (Reality Street). She is the translator of Isabelle Garron's “Face Before Against” (Seeing Eye Books '05 & Litmus forthcoming), and, with Omar Berrada, of Marie Borel's “Wolftrot” (La Presse, 06). Riggs directs the arts association Tamaas, and is active in the bilingual poetry association, Double Change. AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore 22, rue St Paul 75004 Paris France Tel / Fax (+33) 01 48 04 75 08 or M° St Paul
***18 May: 7:30 pm Celebratory Closing Reading for the Paris Poetry Workshop with readings by Heather Hartley & Workshop Participants: poets from the USA, UK & Europe. at Shakespeare & Co Bookshop, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris Metros: Saint-Michel or Maubert Mutualite
*14 May—19h la dernière soirée de l'année autour de la poésie à POLYTECHNIQUE, organisée avec l'Association Double Change (fondée par un ancien élève de l'Ecole, O. Berrada). Comme d'habitude, les élèves seront invités à lire leur propre travail (dans la langue de leur choix). Ensuite ils recontreront le poète américain S. Ratcliffe. Stephen Ratcliffe's recent books of poetry are Portraits & Repetition (2002), & SOUND/(system) (2002). New poems have appeared in 1913, Chain, Denver Quarterly, P-QUEUE, New American Writing, LIT & many more. Listening to Reading, a book of essays on sound/shape & meaning in experimental poetry, was published by SUNY Press in 2000. He lives in Bolinas, CA, & teaches at Mills College in Oakland. AT: Ecole Polytechnique, RER B exit at LOZERE, cross over the bridge to exit up street at left of café then straight UP a driveway & then set of stairs through woods, at top, walk through school gates & follow along path over road & past round dorms on left until you come to a big building with cartoons on it. It is in the Amphi Pierre Curie of the Languages building. Ask if you get lost!
*15 May 7:00pm “Reading: Performance Poetry: from Sign Language to Slam” in English & French with authors & performers Virginie Poitrasson, Mona Jean Cedar, Jennifer K Dick, Glenn Phillips & “Zeor”. Performances will include projections of images, sound work, multiple voice work & Multilanguage texts, moving through traditions as varied as Hip-Hop Slam & Postmodern Poésie Sonore to perhaps demonstrate the common roots linking the oral tradition of reading & performing the poem. BIOS: POITRASSON is the author of 3 chapbooks & more forthcoming as well as translation of Lyn Hejinian’s Slowly. She has performed alongside Boxon & with such notable French PPoets as Bobillot. J. DICK is the author of 2 books, Flurescence (U of GA Press) & Retina/Rétine (Estepa, France, 2005) & recently performed a version of this piece at the Institut du Monde Arabe. Organized in conjunction with Cecilia Woloch’s annual Paris Poetry Workshop, authors will also “share their work & talk about moving between the page & the stage, bringing the written word to life.” (Preceded by a private afternoon craft lecture by the writers, contact Cecilia or Heather Heartley if you are interested in attending that as well) AT: WICE, 20 blvd du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, M° Duroc or Falguière (or Montparnasse with a 10min walk). Free with RSVP - Please call WICE for more info, tel: 01 45 66 75 50.
*15 mai--18h - 23h Art & Performance (with music) Second edition "Soirée des Arts Fugitiviste". A cultural happening that groups together in an annual meeting the work of young contemporary international artists. The works are exhibited (painting, photo, sculpture) for a period of 15 days or performed live (music, poetry, theater, video) on the opening night. The concept that groups the work of about 15 different artists is to try to capture the "fugitive", the fleeting moment, the instantaneous. They all have worked on the subject of temporality. So, this event proposes to dive into the "present moment" & to open as many windows as vivid instants exist in everyone's experience." To know more about the artists participating, such as Antonio Meza, Josef Baar, Ulla Rousse, Laure Chapalain, Anne-Bénédicte Girot, etc, you can check: The exhibition will be open from Mai the 16th till Mai the 31st mai, everyday from 14h30 to 19h30. AT: Paris: Musée Roy Adzdak, 3 rue Jonquoy, 75014 Paris, m° Plaisance. Tél : 01 45 43 06 98
*15 May Live Poets invites you to hear Eva Salzman, Gerald Mangan, & Eddie Linden. AT: The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, 75006 Paris. Tel: 01 43 26 54 20 M°s: Odéon, St Michel, ou Mabillon. Donation: 5 E
*16 May at 19h30 (7:30pm) IVY WRITERS PARIS invites you to an evening of poetry, performance & a small art book display. Hear Steve Dalachinsky, Yuko Otomo & Kate Vanhouten read (en anglais, français et japonais). BIOS: Steve Dalachinsky, author, perfomer, musican & liner-note writer has written A Superintendent's Eyes (Hozomeen Press 2000) & The Final Nite (Ugly Duckling Presse 2006) as well as the recent chapbooks Musicology (Editions Pioche, Paris 2005), Trial & Error in Paris (Loudmouth Collective 2003), Lautreamont's Laments (Furniture Press 2005), In Glorious Black & White (Ugly Duckling Presse 2005), St. Lucie (King of Mice Press 2005), Are We Not MEN & Fake Book (2 books of collage - 8 Page Press 2005), & Dream Book (Avantcular Press 2005). Yuko Otomo, is the author of Small Poems & The Hand of The Poet (both from Ugly Duckling Presse); A Sunday afternoon on the isle of museum & Fragile (both from Sisyphus Press). A bilingual (Japanese & English) poet & visual artist, Otomo is of Japanese origin though now lives in NYC. In addition to her other poetry, she writes haiku, art criticism & essays. Kate VanHouten, Paris based American artist, is a sculptor, painter, printmaker & artist book maker. She is the author of numerous art & chapbooks of her own, such as Listen Rain (2006). Artists' books have been an important part of her work since the 8O's & Van Houten recently began Estepa Editions which specializes in printing small chapbooks of collaborations between authors & poets of various languages & origins. Van Houten & Otomo will read work by Tateo Fukutomi translated by Shelley Dauvillier & Kate van Houten, published by Estepa Editions, Paris in 2003. Tateo Fukutomi is a haiku poet living in Miyazaki City, in the south of the Japanese archipelago, born in 1936. AT: LE NEXT, 17, rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris(just off rue Montorgeuil) M°Etienne Marcel / Les Halles. Tel : 01 42 36 18 93
***17 May at 7 pm A reading & book signing with Cole Swensen and Sarah Riggs featuring two new books Cole Swensen's “The Glass Age” (Alice James, 2007, & Sarah Riggs' “Waterwork” BIOS: Swensen is the author of 11 books of poetry, and her volume “Goest” was 2004 National Book Award finalist. Her other collections have won the Iowa Poetry Prize, the San Francisco State Poetry Center Book Award, and the National Poetry Series. She also translates from French, and her translation of Jean Fremon's The Island of the Dead won the 2004 PEN USA Award for Translation. The editor of La Presse books, she is currently dividing her time between Washington DC and Paris on a Guggenheim grant. Riggs, born and raised in New York, is a Paris-based poet and visual artist. Her poetry books are “Waterwork” (Chax), “28 télégrammes and 60 textos” (Editions de l'Attente) and soon “Chain of Miniscule Decisions in the Form of a Feeling” (Reality Street). She is the translator of Isabelle Garron's “Face Before Against” (Seeing Eye Books '05 & Litmus forthcoming), and, with Omar Berrada, of Marie Borel's “Wolftrot” (La Presse, 06). Riggs directs the arts association Tamaas, and is active in the bilingual poetry association, Double Change. AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore 22, rue St Paul 75004 Paris France Tel / Fax (+33) 01 48 04 75 08 or M° St Paul
***18 May: 7:30 pm Celebratory Closing Reading for the Paris Poetry Workshop with readings by Heather Hartley & Workshop Participants: poets from the USA, UK & Europe. at Shakespeare & Co Bookshop, 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris Metros: Saint-Michel or Maubert Mutualite
*18 mai de 18h30 et 21h00. L’annonce des résultats du Concours de nouvelles contre l'homophobie cette année donnera lieu à une table ronde sur le thème « Littérature et homophobie », organisée en hommage à Laurent BONELLI (libraire et chroniqueur) , qui avait activement contribué au lancement de ce concours annuel en 2005. Avec les interventions de Laure CHARPENTIER, Olivier DELORME, Patrick DUBUIS, Mehdi HACHEMI et Hugo MARSAN. Dans la salle des mariages de la Mairie du 2e arrondissement au 8 rue de la Banque à Paris.
19 mai de 9h30 à 17h30 : Violette & Co tient une table de vente au Colloque "Invisibilité et visibilité des lesbiennes" organisé par la Coordination lesbienne en France à la Mairie de Paris. Renseignements et inscription (impérative au plus tard le 1er mai) : 06 07 57 95 35 ; 06 86 99 60 72 ; ; CQFD, 37 avenue Pasteur, 93100 Montreuil. Programme et bulletin d'inscription disponibles à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
19 mai de 9h30 à 17h30 : Violette & Co tient une table de vente au Colloque "Invisibilité et visibilité des lesbiennes" organisé par la Coordination lesbienne en France à la Mairie de Paris. Renseignements et inscription (impérative au plus tard le 1er mai) : 06 07 57 95 35 ; 06 86 99 60 72 ; ; CQFD, 37 avenue Pasteur, 93100 Montreuil. Programme et bulletin d'inscription disponibles à Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny.
***20 Mai : 19h - 23h OPENING NIGHT performances as part of the Epoetry 2007 Colloque : Philippe Boisnard & Hortense Gaulthier (F) -- Jay Bolter (USA) & Karen Head (USA) & Maria Engberg (N) ; Philippe Castellin (F) -- Gérard Giacchi (F) ; Lawrence Upton & John Drever (UK) -- Alan Sondheim & Charles Baldwin (USA) ; Chris Funkhouser & Daniela Franco & Alireza Khatami (USA) -- Jeorg Piringer (A) Lucio Agra (BR) & Paulo Hartmann (BR) -- Wilton Azevedo (BR) -- Loss Glazier (USA) Free & open to the public. See these author’s bios & samples via: AT : Le DIVAN DU MONDE, 75 rue des Martyrs, 75018 Paris, M°: Pigalle, Abbesses ou Anvers Tél. 01 42 52 02 46
**21 au mercredi 23 mai : 9h-17h daily. Symposium on E poetry & poésie numérique, co-organized with EPC from Univ of Buffalo in the USA & Paris VIII here in France!!! Talks, debates, conference papers & readings will all be part of the events but some of the most exciting & well known poetics & poetry authors & performers in the world! See the program at: Free soirées, & cheap conference for students. AT: Paris VIII 2, rue de la Liberté Saint-Denis Tél : 01 49 40 67 89
*21 mai - 19h A l’occasion de son 30e anniversaire, la Bpi se propose de parcourir la littérature contemporaine et de faire un état des lieux de la création littéraire en 2007. A discussion on Leçon de création : François Morel. 30 ans d’écrivains : Le théâtre et son autre Table ronde avec Enzo Cormann, David Noir, Ronan Cheneau, Noëlle Renaude, animée par Jean-Marc Lanteri AT : Centre Pompidou - Petite salle, Entrée libre
***21 May: 20h - 23h Multilingual: soirée webpoésie as part of the Epoetry 2007 Colloque : with work tonight by A.Strid (F) -- Aya Karpinska (UK) Benjamin Gomez (F) -- Xavier Malbreil (F) Jim Rosenberg (USA) -- Patricia Rydzok (F) Eva Quintas & Michel Lefbvre & Childe Roland (CA) -- Tibor Papp & Claude Maillard (HNG / F) Jason Nelson (AUS) Free & open to the public. See these author’s bios & samples via: at: Le POINT EPHEMERE, 200 quai de valmy, 75010 Paris, tel 01 40 34 02 48
**21 MAY at 7pm. Viken Berberian reads from his forthcoming novel, “Das Kapital: a novel of love and money markets” (Simon & Schuster), Viken Berberian’s widely acclaimed first book, The Cyclist, took readers inside the head of literature’s most seductive would-be suicide bomber in what The Washington Times called “deeply humane and complex,” and the Philadelphia Inquirer described as “one of the most original American novels of the year.” Now Berberian explores a different tier of terrorism in his new novel, Das Kapital: a novel of love and money markets, a satirical "thriller that defies easy categorization” (Publishers Weekly). Viken Berberian has written for the New York Times, the Financial Times and the Los Angeles Times. The Cyclist has been translated into Dutch, Hebrew and Italian. For the past five years he has lived in Marseille, New York and Paris. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 Rue de la Bücherie, 75005 Paris. Good to precede a night out at the Open mic!!!
**21 au mercredi 23 mai : 9h-17h daily. Symposium on E poetry & poésie numérique, co-organized with EPC from Univ of Buffalo in the USA & Paris VIII here in France!!! Talks, debates, conference papers & readings will all be part of the events but some of the most exciting & well known poetics & poetry authors & performers in the world! See the program at: Free soirées, & cheap conference for students. AT: Paris VIII 2, rue de la Liberté Saint-Denis Tél : 01 49 40 67 89
*21 mai - 19h A l’occasion de son 30e anniversaire, la Bpi se propose de parcourir la littérature contemporaine et de faire un état des lieux de la création littéraire en 2007. A discussion on Leçon de création : François Morel. 30 ans d’écrivains : Le théâtre et son autre Table ronde avec Enzo Cormann, David Noir, Ronan Cheneau, Noëlle Renaude, animée par Jean-Marc Lanteri AT : Centre Pompidou - Petite salle, Entrée libre
***21 May: 20h - 23h Multilingual: soirée webpoésie as part of the Epoetry 2007 Colloque : with work tonight by A.Strid (F) -- Aya Karpinska (UK) Benjamin Gomez (F) -- Xavier Malbreil (F) Jim Rosenberg (USA) -- Patricia Rydzok (F) Eva Quintas & Michel Lefbvre & Childe Roland (CA) -- Tibor Papp & Claude Maillard (HNG / F) Jason Nelson (AUS) Free & open to the public. See these author’s bios & samples via: at: Le POINT EPHEMERE, 200 quai de valmy, 75010 Paris, tel 01 40 34 02 48
**21 MAY at 7pm. Viken Berberian reads from his forthcoming novel, “Das Kapital: a novel of love and money markets” (Simon & Schuster), Viken Berberian’s widely acclaimed first book, The Cyclist, took readers inside the head of literature’s most seductive would-be suicide bomber in what The Washington Times called “deeply humane and complex,” and the Philadelphia Inquirer described as “one of the most original American novels of the year.” Now Berberian explores a different tier of terrorism in his new novel, Das Kapital: a novel of love and money markets, a satirical "thriller that defies easy categorization” (Publishers Weekly). Viken Berberian has written for the New York Times, the Financial Times and the Los Angeles Times. The Cyclist has been translated into Dutch, Hebrew and Italian. For the past five years he has lived in Marseille, New York and Paris. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 Rue de la Bücherie, 75005 Paris. Good to precede a night out at the Open mic!!!
21 May on for 6 consecutive Mondays: 7pm: American Blues with 3 short plays by Tennessee Williams: "Auto-da-Fé", "Why do you smoke so much Lily" and "Hello from Bertha". With original blues live with our talented group of musicians and music composed specially for our shows. Performed by Mondays7 theatre troupe. AT: Sudden Theatre, 14bis rue Sainte-Isaure, 75018 Paris. Reservations (French only) 01 42 62 35 00 email: website: email: Reservations in English 01 46 06 66 10 or 01 73 75 79 13 Tix: 17 & 13 euros
**21st May--9pm, Spoken Word (formerly known as Kerouac): Open mic/scène ouverte: Performance poetry. Lire vivant. Stand up. Monologue. Stories. Spoken word. Poésie sonore. English. Français. Your original texts. Old texts - from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron. Only one rule – make the words come alive. YOU READ!!! At: The Lizard Lounge, 18 rue du Bourg-Tibourg underground in the cellar/cave round the back in the farthese back room (M° Hotel de Ville) Happy hour all night! More info: David Barnes
***22 Mai : 20h - 23h Multilingual:soirée poésie animée interactive : Jim Andrews (CA) -- Jérôme Fletcher (UK), Maria Mencia (SP/UK) -- Alexandre Gherban (F), Zervos Knominos (AUS) -- Alan Bigelow (USA), Stephanie Strickland & Cynthia Lawson (USA) -- Eugenio Tisselli (SP); Simon Biggs (UK) See these author’s bios & samples via: Free & open to the public. at: Le POINT EPHEMERE, 200 quai de valmy, 75010 Paris, tel 01 40 34 02 48
*22 may at 19h Berkeley Books of Paris & the WICE literary journal Upstairs at Duroc invite you to come hear two poets, Lisa Robertson & Stephen Ratcliffe. BIOS: Lisa Robertson is a Canadian writer born in Toronto. Her books of poetry include Debbie: An Epic, The Weather, Rousseau's Boat & her new collection, The Men (2006). She also writes essays & collaborative texts for the visual arts, collected in Occasional Works & Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture. In the Fall of 2006, she was writer-in-residence at U of California, Berkeley. Stephen Ratcliffe's recent books of poetry are Portraits & Repetition (2002), & SOUND/(system) (2002). New poems have appeared in 1913, Chain, Denver Quarterly, P-QUEUE, New American Writing, LIT & many more. Listening to Reading, a book of essays on sound/shape & meaning in experimental poetry, was published by SUNY Press in 2000. He lives in Bolinas, CA, & teaches at Mills College in Oakland. AT: Berkeley Books of Paris, 8 rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris, Metro Odeon.
***22 Mai : 20h - 23h Multilingual:soirée poésie animée interactive : Jim Andrews (CA) -- Jérôme Fletcher (UK), Maria Mencia (SP/UK) -- Alexandre Gherban (F), Zervos Knominos (AUS) -- Alan Bigelow (USA), Stephanie Strickland & Cynthia Lawson (USA) -- Eugenio Tisselli (SP); Simon Biggs (UK) See these author’s bios & samples via: Free & open to the public. at: Le POINT EPHEMERE, 200 quai de valmy, 75010 Paris, tel 01 40 34 02 48
*22 may at 19h Berkeley Books of Paris & the WICE literary journal Upstairs at Duroc invite you to come hear two poets, Lisa Robertson & Stephen Ratcliffe. BIOS: Lisa Robertson is a Canadian writer born in Toronto. Her books of poetry include Debbie: An Epic, The Weather, Rousseau's Boat & her new collection, The Men (2006). She also writes essays & collaborative texts for the visual arts, collected in Occasional Works & Seven Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture. In the Fall of 2006, she was writer-in-residence at U of California, Berkeley. Stephen Ratcliffe's recent books of poetry are Portraits & Repetition (2002), & SOUND/(system) (2002). New poems have appeared in 1913, Chain, Denver Quarterly, P-QUEUE, New American Writing, LIT & many more. Listening to Reading, a book of essays on sound/shape & meaning in experimental poetry, was published by SUNY Press in 2000. He lives in Bolinas, CA, & teaches at Mills College in Oakland. AT: Berkeley Books of Paris, 8 rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris, Metro Odeon.
**22 MAY at 7pm. Viken Berberian reads from his forthcoming novel, “Das Kapital: a novel of love and money markets” (Simon & Schuster), Viken Berberian’s widely acclaimed first book, The Cyclist, took readers inside the head of literature’s most seductive would-be suicide bomber in what The Washington Times called “deeply humane and complex,” and the Philadelphia Inquirer described as “one of the most original American novels of the year.” Now Berberian explores a different tier of terrorism in his new novel, Das Kapital: a novel of love and money markets, a satirical "thriller that defies easy categorization” (Publishers Weekly). Viken Berberian has written for the New York Times, the Financial Times and the Los Angeles Times. The Cyclist has been translated into Dutch, Hebrew and Italian. For the past five years he has lived in Marseille, New York and Paris. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 Rue de la Bücherie, 75005 Paris.
*22 may at 19h30 Reading by John F. Deane “No other contemporary Irish poet … (has) mastered the art of eloquent, impassioned expression as artistic statement as beautifully as John F. Deane.” – Irish Times He founded Poetry Ireland & The Poetry Ireland Review in 1979 & has published several collections including Christ, with Urban Fox which has been widely translated. His latest collection of poems is The Instruments of Art (2005) of which the title poem was awarded the Ted McNulty Prize for Irish Poetry. In 2006 he was awarded the Ireland Fund bursary for The Princess Grace Library residence in Monaco. He is a member of Aosdána & has just received the “Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres”. Born in Achill Island, Co. Mayo, John F. Deane will work on a translation into English of Alain Bosquet’s collection Le tourment de Dieu during his residency at the Centre Culturel Irlandais – work which he finds close to his own spirit in poetry. 3€, en anglais AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27.
23rd May - 15h30 Special Kids' Club Theme: "Je donne ma langue au chant" For children ages 3-6, their parent(s) & anyone involved in teaching English to young children. Come to the Children's Corner for a special Kids' Club animated by Ms. Patricia Johnston, creator of "Je donne ma langue au chant." The method has received the "Label Européen des Langues 2006" from the European Commission for an innovative pedagogical language method for young children. FREE! RSVP not necessary. AT: WHSmith, 248 rue de Rivoli, 75001 M° Concorde.
***23 MAI : 20h - 23h Multilingual: soirée performances as part of the Epoetry 2007 Colloque : Annie Abrahams & the All Star GirlsBand(NL/F) -- Ambroise Barras (CH) Eduardo Kac (USA) -- Serge Bouchardon & Aymeric Brisse (F) Bjorn Magnhildøen (NOR) Nick Montfort & Jim Carpenter & Anick Bergeron (USA) -- Talan Memmott (USA) Philippe Bootz (F) -- Luc Dall'armellina (F) See these author’s bios & samples via: At: Le CUBE, 20, Cours Saint Vincent, 92130 Issy-les-moulineaux, Tél. 01 58 88 3000 for full info on how to get there, see:
*23 mai à 19h : Rencontre avec NICOLE ALBERT pour la parution de son article "Une topographie des plaisirs lesbiens parisiens" dans le numéro de la Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine consacré à l'histoire des homosexualités. Nicole Albert est aussi l'auteure de Saphisme et décadence dans Paris fin-de-siècle (La Martinière) AT : Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07
*23 mai 2007 à 19h: Double Change vous invite à une lecture bilingue de Stacy Doris, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Sabine Mâcher et Carolyn Bergvall.
*24 May at 19h : Reading by Three American Fiction & nonfiction authors who will appear in one evening at the VILLAGE VOICE: Charles d'Ambrosio (The Dead Fish Museum), Craig Davidson (Rust & Bone: Stories), David Treuer (Dr Apelles). They will be introduced by their French publisher Francis Geffard (Editions Albin Michel). Charles D'Ambrosio is the author of The Pointand Orphans, a collection of essays. His fiction has appeared in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Zoetrope All-Story, & A Public Space. Craig Davidson lives in Iowa City, Iowa. His stories have been published in The Fiddlehead, Event, Prairie Fire, & SubTerrain. He has also written horror fiction under a pseudonym. David Treuer is an Ojibwe Indian from Leech Lake Reservation in northern Minnesota. He is the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship to Canada, a Pushcart Prize, the 1996 Minnesota Book Award & was a finalist for the Penn West prize in 1999. Treuer has completed his third novel, The Translation of Dr Apelles. He divides his time between his home on the Leech Lake Reservation & Minneapolis. AT: The Village Voice Bookstore, 6, rue Princesse 75006. M°: Mabillon
***24 mai à 19h. Annie Zadek au Musée Zadkine : Annie Zadek est l’auteur de récits et livres envoûtants, réflexion et recherche sur les origines, le lien, le souvenir. Elle a fait paraître Le Cuisinier de Warburton, Minuit, 1979 ; La Condition des soies, Minuit, 1982 ; Nos fils avec des dessins de Jean-Marc Scanreigh, Michel Chomarat, 1990 ; Walzer König/Roi de la valse, Jutta Legueil ; Roi de la valse, Critérion, 1992, rééd. Laurence Manguin, 1998 ; Vivant, Fourbis, 1998 ; « Souffrir mille morts » « Fondre en larmes » avec une photographie d’Yves Rozet, URDLA-Centre international de l’Estampe, 2004 ; Douleur au membre fantôme, Les Solitaires intempestifs, 2004. Certains de ses textes ont été mis en scène au théâtre notamment par Jean-Louis Martinelli, Patrick Bonté, Sylvie Mongin-Algan. Outre un texte d’elle inédit, Annie Zadek, lira des extraits de Destruction du père-reconstruction du père : Ecrits et entretiens (1923-2000) de Louise Bourgeois (Galerie Lelong, 2000). Entrée libre AT : Musée Zadkine 100 bis rue d’Assas 76006 Paris Tél : 01 55 42 77 20 Fax : 01 40 46 84 27 M Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Vavin RER B Port-Royal Bus 38, 82, 83, 91 Responsable de la programmation : Jérôme Mauche
*25 May at 7pm Cara Black is reading from her novel “Murder on the Ile Saint-Louis”, Aimée's 7th Investigation AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 22, rue St Paul, 75004 Paris France Tel / Fax (+33) 01 48 04 75 08 or
*27th May—at 7.30 pm Moving Parts invites you to a Playreading in English : Antoinette Moses’ "RED" Contact Stephanie to book a reading of YOUR play. Programme subject to change, see: or e-mail to receive monthly mailings AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant,1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
**28 May at 7pm Cara Black is reading from her novel “Murder on the Ile Saint-Louis”, Aimée's 7th Investigation AT: Shakespeare and Company. 37 rue de la Bûcherie, Paris, 75005. France.
**29 May; 7:30PM-9:30PM AN EVENING WITH PETE HAMILL The legendary New York newspaperman, novelist & passionate lover of Paris joins Paris Through Expatriate Eyes director Terrance Gelenter for a look back on his life & career. A veteran reporter who cut his journalistic teeth at a time when New York had seven daily newspapers he continues to contribute articles, reviews & op-ed pieces to major newspapers & the New Yorker magazine. Pete has carved out an equally distinguished career as the author of the poignant SNOW IN AUGUST, the unflinching memoir, A DRINKING LIFE, WHY SINATRA MATTERS, the indispensable, NEWS IS A VERB: JOURNALISM AT THE END OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, FOREVER,DOWNTOWN & the just published, NORTH RIVER.AT: Hotel du Louvre-Rohan Room, Place André Malraux Paris 75001 Tickets: 25 euros complimentary appetizers, no host bar Reservations: or 06-7098-1368
30th May - 15h30 May Kids' Club Come to the Children's Corner for games,books, & more! FREE! RSVP not necessary. AT: WHSmith, 248 rue de Rivoli, 75001 M° Concorde.
30 mai à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de dessins érotiques de FRANCE THALIE ALBIGÉS "Féminin dénoué". Je ne dessine pas pour choquer / Je ne dessine pas pour plaire / Mais pour offrir ce que nos mains poursuivent / Ce que nos mains réclament. / Dévoiler nos regards, libérer l'interdit…. France Thalie Albigès est aussi poète et présentera ses CD de poésie érotique Féminin dénoué et Ballades... libertines. Sous le regard des femmes à l'occasion du vernissage. (exposition du 30 mai au 17 juin) AT : Violette & Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07
*31 May at 19h: The Irish Cultural Center invites you to meet & hear PLAYWRITE Michael West at La Médiathèque. Michael West has written, translated & adapted numerous plays to wide acclaim. These include Foley, which had its premiere in France at the Centre Culturel Irlandais, & Dublin by Lamplight, which won numerous awards at the Edinburgh Festival in 2005 & is currently on an international tour. In 1995 he founded with Annie Ryan The Corn Exchange in order to explore different theatrical styles, in particular, the Commedia dell’Arte. Reservation necessary (places limited) €3, in English AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27.
*1 June at 19h30. Reading by Bernard O’Donoghue Born in Co Cork, Bernard O’Donoghue is a teacher, poet & literary critic. Currently teaching Medieval English at Wadham College, Oxford, he continues to find an audience at home in Ireland. Winner of the Whitbread prize for poetry for his 1995 collection Gunpowder, O’Donoghue has also published Poaching Rights (1987), The Weakness (1991), Here Nor There (1999) & Outliving (2003). His Selected Poems will be published by Faber in 2008. He reviews for The Times Literary Supplement, &, as well as writing on medieval European poetry, he published a study Seamus Heaney & the Language of Poetry (1994) & a new verse translation of Sir Gawain & the Green Knight (2006). €3, in English AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5, rue des Irlandais 75005 – Paris Tel : (33) (1) 58 52 10 30 RER B: Luxembourg; M°: Cardinal Lemoine or Place Monge Bus: 84, 21, 27.
8 June 19h30: DINER CONCERT at L’ELYSEES BIARRITZ: JAY GOTTLIEB, American Music & Piano. Réservation obligatoire avant le 30 Mai !!! 19h30 Concert 1ère partie 4 piano blues by Aaron COPLAND ; Thoreau by Charles IVES ; Anniversaires (extracts) by Leonard BERNSTEIN ; Suite de "Porgy & Bess" by George GERSHWIN (transcrition by Jay GOTTLIEB) 20h10 Intermission 20h45 Concert 2ème partie Knee Play N° 4 by Philip GLASS (extract of "Einstein on the beach") ; KolnConcert, 1st Part by Keith JARRETT; Phrygian Gates by John ADAMS (FINALE) 21h30 Cocktail Dinatoire (hors boissons). Menu composé par Jay Gottlieb à partager avec lui. Prix: 50 € (Boissons en+) Réserv. obligatoire par chèque à l’ordre de «Elysées Biarritz» à renvoyer avant le 30 Mai 2007 à Elysées Biarritz, 22/24 Rue Quentin Bauchart, 75008 Paris Merci de préciser au dos de votre chèque: Soirée Jay Gottlieb
PART II: CLASSES by start date.
May 13 - 18, 2007. A few spots left!!! Cecilia Woloch leads a 5-day intensive workshop for poets at all levels of development. Morning workshops with writing exercises & feedback; afternoon craft talks with representatives of the Paris literary community, then evening readings -- including an evening of bi-lingual performance poetry at WICE, an IVY reading with NY poets Steve Dalachinsky & Yuko Otomo, an opening evening with Kathleen Spivak, Lisa Pasold & Cecilia, & a culmination reading by workshop participants. Cecilia Woloch is the author of 4 books: Sacrifice, a BookSense 76 selection; Tsigan: The Gypsy Poem ; & Late. Her newest collection, Narcissus, was awarded the Snowbound Prize & will be published by Tupelo Press in 2007. For more details & to register: Cecilia Woloch: or
The Alesian Literary Salon continues their study of the Divine Commedia; If you are interested in joining in on this reading and discussion extravaganza, or even thinking about next fall, please see website for updates and requests for input for Fall Salons:
5th, 12th, 19th, 26th : Saturdays in May: The Other Writers' Workshop: 3-5pm: An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 3 euro charge for taking part
7, 14, 23 May & 4 June (Mondays), 3:30 – 6:30pm Write to the Finish Every writer faces the problem of having the impulse to write, but the seeming inability to finish a darn thing. How do we transform our inspiration into completed works? In this course, we will learn tried & true habits for creative writers that are within anyone’s reach & essential to success in any writing genre. We will work through taking those daunting first steps toward letting the world inspire us—& hear us; how to get out of ruts & into productive grooves, find the spine of our work, sustain concentration, & transform this intimidating craft into an old friend. Instructor: Justin Taylor Code: WY071 Fee: 110€ WICE: 01 45 66 75 50
APPLY BEFORE MAY 7th for : June 4 -- June 9, 2007 Wroxton Writers’ Retreat Workshop with Alfred Corn Director. 5-day poetry course in a beautiful setting in Oxfordshire, 3km west of Banbury. Morning workshops with Anne-Marie Fyfe + Afternoon tutorials may be scheduled with Anne-Marie Fyfe or Alfred Corn. Five nights, full room & board, & the course, : £ 525. To apply, send three poems & a brief CV to Alfred Corn,
17, 24, 31 May; & 7, 14, 21 June (Thurs) 7–9pm Personal Travel Writing This intensive workshop is open to anyone with a serious interest in personal travel writing, from absolute beginners to more experienced writers who wish to explore travel in their work. The workshop will take place in two stages. Stage One is a generative lab focusing on process; how do we travel with an eye to future writing & how can we use travel writing to explore the self & the other? We'll look at different approaches to travel writing, including Peter Beard's photo-collage journals, Lisa St. Aubin de Teran's memoirs, Bruce Chatwin's travel essays, Anne Carson's slide between poetry & prose, David Sedaris' humorous writing, & Victor Hugo's carnets de voyage. Stage Two will be a time of constructive criticism of student work-in-progress by the instructor & class. Instructor: Lisa Pasold Code: WY171 Fee: 141€ WICE: 01 45 66 75 50
24, 31 May & 7, 14 June (Thurs) 3:30 – 5:30pm: The Gun in the First Act? There's an old theatre & novel rule: If someone gets shot in act three, you have to have first shown the gun in act one. You can't have someone die of consumption at the end of the book if they aren't at least coughing somewhere at the beginning. In other words, the traditional story arc does not permit any surprises. None. In this workshop, we discuss the extent to which these rules can be broken. Students will come up with plots in class or present stories they have already written. We will also devote one class to discussing the history & evolution of the novel as a literary form. Instructor: Y. Euny Hong Code: WY241 Fee: 124€ WICE: 01 45 66 75 50
29 May, Tues, 10am-1pm: Writing a Script that Sells & Selling the Script you Wrote Every script writer wants his or her material turned into a film. Getting a script read, optioned, or sold is a daunting task. A writer can greatly increase the chances of selling a script once he or she understands the marketplace & the mind of the buyer. In this workshop we will learn about what buyers are looking for, how they evaluate a script’s potential, what types of stories do well with different audiences, ways to enhance a script’s marketability, how revenue projections impact the way a story can be told, which are the right buyers to target, how to create the story log line, & what goes into a marketing letter that will draw a response. Instructor: Judith Merians Code: WY291 Fee: 74€ WICE: 01 45 66 75 50
4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20 June (Mon & Weds), 1:00pm - 3:00pm: From Final Edit to First Sale Back by popular demand, this course explores the different routes a writer can take to get their work out into the world. We will discuss options, & walk through some of the necessary steps, such as searching for the right literary agent for your work, writing query letters, discussing book proposals, learning about alternative ways to get your book into print, such as e-publishing & print-on-demand services. We will also discuss publicity techniques, how to organize a book tour, & some creative ways to get that first book sold! Instructor: Tanio McCallum Code: WU041 Fee: 141€ AT: WICE 01 45 66 75 50
5, 7, 12 June (Tues & Thurs) 7:00 – 8:30pm: Beyond the Writer’s Notebook: How to Start & Write a Blog Maybe you’ve heard of blogging, but you’re not quite sure what it is. Maybe you’d like to start a blog, but you don’t know how to go about it, or can’t imagine what you would blog about. Today, blogging is as easy as sending an e-mail, & this class will give you everything you need to get started. The class will emphasize the benefits of blogging as a creative outlet of particular interest to those who love to write or want to hone their writing skills. Instructor: Pamela Poole Code: WU051 Fee: 65€ Place: WICE 01 45 66 75 50
Sign up now for the July 2007 PARIS WRITERS' WORKSHOP offering courses in memoir, fiction, poetry, etc. Writers in Residence for 2007 are: A. Manette Ansay, Short Fiction; Kurt Brown, Poetry; Phillip Lopate, Literary Non-fiction; Alice Mattison, The Novel; Jake Lamar, Writing Intensive Tutorial. An intense, action-packed week of writing in Paris which takes place at WICE. or Tel: 01 45 66 75 50
SUBMIT NOW: Double Room will accept open submissions of prose poetry & flash fiction from May 1st to July 1st, see their most recent issue ONLINE, go to: Double Room : A Journal of Prose Poetry & Flash Fiction
PHOTOS OFFERED: Need a photographer for an event, publicity purposes, or just need some art for your new home here in Paris?: Antonio Meza. Freelance Photographer specialized in live performance photography: dance, theater shows, music concerts, & still photography for cinema. But also doing portraits for casting, publicity photos or personal use. Meza has a sampling of his landscape & still life work available, too, on his site at Contact:
SEE: for ads for (& to place ads for) aparts, bookstores, misc anglo happenings etc.
WRITER SEEKS MUSIC COMPOSER: Calling all composers : MAGDA, L'Aventure de Mauve Chiffon Author Odile Lefranc has written an operetta libretto which is scheduled for a first reading at Moving Parts on 30th September. She is looking for a composer who may be interested in a collaboration on the musical score for this piece, which could comprise anything from "tunes for the songs" to a full-blown opera score with arias & recitative! Don't panic - we're not envisaging a completed oeuvre for the first reading date. But itwould give the audience a better feel for the potential of this work if at least two or three of the songs could be set to music at the reading.If you're interested, or know someone who might be, please contact Stephanie on , or
WRITER SEEKS MUSIC COMPOSER: Calling all composers : MAGDA, L'Aventure de Mauve Chiffon Author Odile Lefranc has written an operetta libretto which is scheduled for a first reading at Moving Parts on 30th September. She is looking for a composer who may be interested in a collaboration on the musical score for this piece, which could comprise anything from "tunes for the songs" to a full-blown opera score with arias & recitative! Don't panic - we're not envisaging a completed oeuvre for the first reading date. But itwould give the audience a better feel for the potential of this work if at least two or three of the songs could be set to music at the reading.If you're interested, or know someone who might be, please contact Stephanie on , or
READ ONLINE some work by the foremost Epoets in the world via the EPoetry 2007 conference page : This is a LOT of fun !!!
Issue W of INK magazine is out now. Pick up your copy in one of the following places, or callus & we'll happily meet for deliveries: The Red Wheelbarrow, 75004 Berkeley Books, 75006 The Village Voice bookshop, 75006 San Francisco Book Co., 75006 Tekné, 75005 The Abbey Bookshop, 75005 Shakespeare & Co., 75005 La Merle Moqueur, 75020 Café Bonnie, 75010 Le Point Ephemère, 75010 La Passerelle, 75011 La Perle, 75003 Kiliwatch, 75002 Paris III, Censier, 75005 Paris X Nanterre, 93000 OR, By appointment: 86 Rue du Faubourg St Denis, 75010*, complimentary tea included, & 8 Rue de la Grange aux Belles, 75010* complimentary coffee here
SUBMIT POETRY CHAPBOOK: SMALL CHAPBOOK PROJECT announces a new reading period from now til the end of may, 2007. a few manuscripts will be chosen for publication. 'experimental' writing, whatever that might mean, is preferred, though quality manuscripts should be sent, the final chapbook will be 5.5" x 8.5" page size, a maximum of 40 pages, black & white ink only. accepted chapbooks will be announced sometime early in june, 2007. writers who can produce a pdf file of their work will have preference. write for assistance in producing a pdf file. hard copy only. send to: return postage & envelope for return, please. TO: peter ganick, small chapbook project, 45 ravenwood road, west hartford, CT 06110-1005.
CHECK OUT “Sculptures sur Prose” a set of poems taken from texts via a prescribed set of rules and producing a wide and amusing range of outcomes. By frano and anglo authors from around the globe. This site is a nice prequel to their events to come in June: and see the rules they followed at: This was organized by French poet and translator, Jacques Rancourt, editor of La Traductière.
SUBMIT NOW : To CORDITE, a bi-annual poetry and poetics journal. Submissions are now open for our 26th issue: “Innocence”. As with all of our themed issues, we accept contributions from anywhere on planet earth. However, we will only accept poems sent via email and ask our contributors to adhere to a strict anonymous submissions policy. Cordite presents new works by contemporary Australian and international poets, as well as poetry reviews, feature articles and other explosively creative ephemera. Words are bullets! See issues, read guidelines at:
SEE & ORDER amazing art books, collaborative works between poets and authors, or just admire the site for this chouette small press, CORACLE PRESS, out in the greeny lands of Ireland! Click onto their picture to enter site, then check out the catalogue!!!
Issue W of INK magazine is out now. Pick up your copy in one of the following places, or callus & we'll happily meet for deliveries: The Red Wheelbarrow, 75004 Berkeley Books, 75006 The Village Voice bookshop, 75006 San Francisco Book Co., 75006 Tekné, 75005 The Abbey Bookshop, 75005 Shakespeare & Co., 75005 La Merle Moqueur, 75020 Café Bonnie, 75010 Le Point Ephemère, 75010 La Passerelle, 75011 La Perle, 75003 Kiliwatch, 75002 Paris III, Censier, 75005 Paris X Nanterre, 93000 OR, By appointment: 86 Rue du Faubourg St Denis, 75010*, complimentary tea included, & 8 Rue de la Grange aux Belles, 75010* complimentary coffee here
SUBMIT POETRY CHAPBOOK: SMALL CHAPBOOK PROJECT announces a new reading period from now til the end of may, 2007. a few manuscripts will be chosen for publication. 'experimental' writing, whatever that might mean, is preferred, though quality manuscripts should be sent, the final chapbook will be 5.5" x 8.5" page size, a maximum of 40 pages, black & white ink only. accepted chapbooks will be announced sometime early in june, 2007. writers who can produce a pdf file of their work will have preference. write for assistance in producing a pdf file. hard copy only. send to: return postage & envelope for return, please. TO: peter ganick, small chapbook project, 45 ravenwood road, west hartford, CT 06110-1005.
CHECK OUT “Sculptures sur Prose” a set of poems taken from texts via a prescribed set of rules and producing a wide and amusing range of outcomes. By frano and anglo authors from around the globe. This site is a nice prequel to their events to come in June: and see the rules they followed at: This was organized by French poet and translator, Jacques Rancourt, editor of La Traductière.
SUBMIT NOW : To CORDITE, a bi-annual poetry and poetics journal. Submissions are now open for our 26th issue: “Innocence”. As with all of our themed issues, we accept contributions from anywhere on planet earth. However, we will only accept poems sent via email and ask our contributors to adhere to a strict anonymous submissions policy. Cordite presents new works by contemporary Australian and international poets, as well as poetry reviews, feature articles and other explosively creative ephemera. Words are bullets! See issues, read guidelines at:
SEE & ORDER amazing art books, collaborative works between poets and authors, or just admire the site for this chouette small press, CORACLE PRESS, out in the greeny lands of Ireland! Click onto their picture to enter site, then check out the catalogue!!!
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