01 November 2014

Literary Paris- November 2014

Literary Paris Calendar November 2014

PART I: Reading and events
PART II: Writing and other workshops in Paris
PART III: Calls for work, new book and publication releases, submission requests

PART I: EVENTS in order by date in NOV 2014
(* See end of Part I)

1 November- 30 November 2014: NanoWriMo NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH! Join up with fellow authors (both French and Anglophone) in PARIS as part of the NanoWriMo writing month--hit the notebooks/computer and compose YOUR own novel this month between 1-30 November, get tips, encouragement, energy or just meet up with others trying to do the same. For full info on the PARIS group, see:  http://nanowrimo.org/forums/europe-france/threads/173411 GO HERE: to sign up and create your own official membership page where you can tell people YOU ARE WRITING IT this month: http://nanowrimo.org/

*Saturday 1 November @ 17h; Corps étranger en mouvement ascensionnel Environnement de lecture; Dans le cadre de POESIE NOW - un programme de Jérôme Game. Alessandro De Francesco se produit depuis des années dans ce qu'il appelle des environnements de lecture, à savoir des espaces sonores immersifs où le texte poétique, la voix parlée et l'ordinateur interagissent en permanence en créant des narrations inédites. Corps étranger en mouvement ascensionnel est un environnement de lecture live créé expressément pour la Fondation Vuitton à partir de la prose poétique éponyme, écrite au départ en italien par Alessandro De Francesco et traduite en français par Emilio Sciarrino et Caroline Zekri. Ce texte est en voie de parution aux éditions MIX. à l'intérieur du recueil La vision à distance. Durée : 40-45 minutes environ. Voix, texte et élaboration numérique de la voix : Alessandro De Francesco. Langue : français. Traduit de l'italien par Emilio Sciarrino et Caroline Zekri. Production : Language Art Studio, Solang Productions Paris-Brussels, Fondation Vuitton (création mondiale). Où: Auditorium de la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

*Sunday 2 November @ 17h; Valérie Mréjen “Nuancier 3” et “Monsieur Rivière”; Durée 30-40mn; Galerie 2; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

Monday 3 November @ 20h30; Spoken Word Open Mic Theme: Change(s) and Guest Poet Freke Räihä Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Sign up 8pm to 9.30pm in the bar. Poetics start from 8.30pm underground.

Tuesday 4 November @ 19h30; Evenings with an Author: Celso Ganzalez-Falla, My Lost Cuba Author Celso Gonzalez-Falla to speak about his novel My Lost Cuba and the Cuba of his youth. Dramatic scenery and a colorful cast transport us to the time of Cuba’s turning point—the late 1950s. Set against the tropical landscape of Cuba’s countryside and the glamour of 1950s Havana, this moving story of Cuban life at a pivotal time in the country’s rich history will resonate with anyone who has experienced the loss of family or homeland. It is 1958, the last year of Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship. Mike, the son of Don Miguel, a wealthy land owner and rancher, is summoned home from his MBA studies in the United States because of his father’s failing health. Mike’s return is an immediate tonic for Don Miguel, who is still recovering from the loss of his wife. Caught between his family obligations and his desire to pursue his own dreams, Mike comes to accept his father’s desire for him to take over the responsibilities of running the family ranch. As Mike settles back into the life he was groomed for, Don Miguel, reinvigorated, spends more and more time socializing in Havana. Changes are happening everywhere. The government is encroaching on civil liberties and social and political upheaval is in the air. There are rumblings about Castro’s guerillas organizing in the mountains. On the ranch, long-time employees of Don Miguel resent the changes that Mike is making, setting the stage for a confrontation that changes the lives of everyone involved. With evocative language, vibrant characters, and explosive history, My Lost Cuba pulls us into a fascinating time and place—it is a memorable family saga, love story, and political tale. [East End Press].AT: American Library in Paris; 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007                     

Tuesday 4 November at 7:30 p.m. POETS LIVE reading with Christodoulos Makris (Ireland) and Freke Räihä (Sweden), joined by Carole Birkan and Will Cox (Paris)  Drinks at the bar from whenever you like, poetry starts downstairs at 19h30.  Bios:  Christodoulos Makris grew up in Nicosia and has also lived in Manchester, London, and since 2001 in Dublin. His new book The Architecture of Chance is forthcoming from Wurm Press. Previous books include Spitting Out the Mother Tongue (Wurm Press, 2011) and the artist's book Muses Walk (2012). He is co-editor of Centrifugal: Contemporary Poetry from Dublin and Guadalajara (EBL-Cielo Abierto / Conaculta, 2014) and co-curator of Yes But Are We Enemies (September 2014), a project & tour of Ireland focusing on poetry in collaboration. He was the representative of Cyprus at Poetry Parnassus - part of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. http://yesbutisitpoetry.blogspot.com. Twitter: @c_makris  Freke Räihä:  Born in Stockholm 1978, but lives in the rural outskirts of southern Sweden with partner and three children; the last years commuting to the University of Lund where he studies a masters in LIS, building on his Creative Writing and Publishing Studies BA:s. He has published 8 books in Swedish and, in English, Standard Form for Language Resentment.   He has worked in every aspect of the literary field – now focusing on his post-humanist publishing house and bread work: building form for more readable authors. His work uses a creative focus off the American current of non-creative writing, using conceptual frames for inductive poetry. Carole Birkan was born in London and lives in France, teaching and researching language, poetry and translation at a Parisian University. Her work has appeared in Mima'amakim, The Forward (USA) and Tears in the Fence (UK) and is forthcoming from Upstairs at Duroc (FR) and Zone (UK). Will Cox is from Portland, Oregon, USA and studied business management in Boston, MA. In 2013 he co-founded Belleville Park Pages, a literary publication focused on supporting the work of new and emerging writers around the world. AT: Down in “la cave” at Carr’s Pub, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris.Métros: Tuileries or Concorde.  Next Poets Live reading will be December 2 with Alice Notley.  http://poets-live.com

Wednesday 5 November @ 19h30; Evening with an Author: Peter Watson, The Age of Atheists; Renowned author Peter Watson discusses his latest book, The Age of Atheists: How We Have Sought to Live Since the Death of God. The review in The Washington Post declared that, "Peter Watson has produced what is, in every way, a big book, one that bears reading thoughtfully, with a pencil in hand. For anybody who has wondered about the meaning of life, and that pretty much covers everyone past the age of 12, discovering The Age of Atheists will be an enthralling and mind­expanding experience." From Simon and Schuster's own description: "Ever since Friedrich Nietzsche roundly declared that "God is dead" in 1882, a raft of reflective and courageous individuals have devoted their creative energies to devising ways to live without Him, turning instead to invention, enthusiasm, hope, wit and, above all, various forms of self-reliance. Their brave, imaginative story has gone untold—until now. In The Age of Atheists, acclaimed historian Peter Watson offers a sweeping narrative of the secular philosophers and poets, psychologists and scientists, painters and playwrights, novelists and even choreographers who have forged a thrilling, bold path in the absence of religious belief.  Synthesizing nearly a century and a half of recent history, The Age of Atheists is a stunning, magisterial celebration of life without recourse to the supernatural."  AT: American Library in Paris; 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007                     

Thursday 6 November @ 8:00 pm - 11:55 pm – PLU Open Mic featuring Mab Jones; Every Thursday in English: if you would like to read, dance, sing or otherwise express yourself, sign up is open and free to all starting at 8pm-ish. We go until we drop – which means all night long! In any language. Or no language at all. No limits. Extreme poetry. Explosive prose. Nudity encouraged. This week, PLU Open Mic is proud to host an extraordinary Welsh performer on our stage this week, Mab Jones! Mab Jones is an “absolutely brilliant” (The Guardian) performance poet, writer, workshop leader and event organiser from Cardiff who has won numerous awards and accolades, despite suffering from Selective Mutism as a child and young adult. She has performed in the USA, Ireland and Japan, headlined events across the UK, appeared on BBC Radio 4, and is a regular at festivals, poetry nights, comedy clubs and burlesque revues. Currently Resident Poet at the National Botanic garden of Wales, her “delightful comic verse, articulate and imaginative” (Three Weeks) has now enthralled nearly 700 audiences since she began in 2007. A regular on BBC Radio, she was/is at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2013/14 where she supports television’s Phill Jupitus, in his guise as Porky the Poet. Her first book is out next month with Burning Eye Books, a second with Blackheath Books next year. See: http://mabjones.com/ and http://bananamab.wordpress.com/. WHERE: Culture Rapide, 103 rue Julien Lacroix, Paris 75020 France

Friday 7 November @ 19h; La Ville Sensuelle: Un Etretien avec Jacques Ferrier et Philippe Simay Mis en Image par Pauline Marchetti; NUMÉRO ZÉRO est une revue expérimentale à ciel ouvert qui s’intéresse à l’écriture comme processus de travail, en amont de sa formalisation définitive et sous toutes ses formes. C’est un laboratoire de création qui invite des écrivains et des artistes à participer pendant un an à des rencontres publiques mensuelles, à un site internet, à une édition papier, et à prendre en charge une rubrique dans chacun de ces formats. AT: Academie d’Architecture; Hotel de Chaulnes; 9 Place des Vosges 75004

Friday 7 November @ 19h; A l'occasion de la parution de CHRONIQUES D'UN PATACHON, PARIS 1930-1935 de Pierre de Régnier Edition établie et présentée par Jean-Christophe Napias. Illustrations de l'auteur (Editions La Table Ronde). Présentation et lectur le vendredi 7 novembre  2014, à partir de 19 heures. AT: Librairie Michèle Ignazi; 17 rue de Jouy, 75004 Paris; 01 42 71 17 00  métro : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie

*Friday 7 November @ 18h; Yoann Thommerel, ‘Mon corps est poétique’; Durée 35mn; Galerie 2; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

*Saturday 8 November @ 17h; Sandra Moussempès, ‘Beauty Sitcom’; Durée 40mn; Galerie 2; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

*Sunday 9 November @ 17h; Alain Farah ‘La forme de la Littérature à venir’; Durée 30mn environ; Galerie 2; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

Sunday 9 November @ 17h30; Lancement du n° 4 de la revue internationale HYSTERIA, en présence de ASHLEY BOHRER, FANNY SOSA et le collectif G.A.R.Ç.E.S.Hysteria est une revue anglophone, mais la rencontre se déroulera en français. "C’est une plate-forme féministe, une revue d’expression, d’expérience, de débats et d’art qui met en valeur le pluralisme des féminismes. Hysteria a pour but de construire des ponts entre les diverses expressions du féminisme et de tisser des liens entre militantes, artistes et universitaires pour faire entendre les voix des courants les moins écoutés du féminisme." Ashley Bohrer est une militante féministe, écrivaine, traductrice, doctorante et enseigne la philosophie à Chicago. Fannie Sosa est une militante féministe en colère, anti-coloniale, musicienne, actrice et "twerker". Les G.A.R.Ç.E.S. est le collectif féministe de Sciences Po. http://www.violetteandco.com/librairie/spip.php?article743 AT:la librairie Violette and Co: 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07

Monday 10 November @ 20h30; Spoken Word Open Mic Theme: Relaunch of the Bastille- All poets and writers featured in The Bastille 3 Interesting Times are invited to come and read their work
Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Sign up 8pm to 9.30pm in the bar. Poetics start from 8.30pm underground.

Wednesday 12 November @ 19h; Soirée Autour de Serge Delaive; Le palmarès du prix triennal de poésie - 85 ans d’existence ! - illustre l’histoire de la poésie belge francophone. Parmi ses lauréats prestigieux : François Jacqmin, Christian Hubin, Jean-Pierre Verheggen, Jacques Izoard , William Cliff…. Primé pour son recueil Art farouche (La Différence, 2011), l’écrivain liégeois, romancier, essayiste, photographe est avant tout poète. « À côté de ses romans denses et sinueux, ses poèmes au couteau sont nourris de lucidité et d’expérience quotidienne, mais aussi d’un souffle singulier que ne ternit aucun goût de la joliesse, et que modère toujours le frein du doute et de la douleur. Delaive ne se veut pas virtuose, et pourtant son vers est constamment contrôlé dans sa brisure, sa netteté, sa cruauté même. À chaque livre, Delaive invente une nouvelle définition de la beauté - et en cela il est moderne. Une poésie de chair et d’os, dans la chair, jusqu’à l’os, sur le fil de la lame. » Gérald Purnelle. La rencontre est accompagnée de lectures d’extraits de ses œuvres par le comédien et frère de l’auteur, François Delaive. Une exposition des photographies du poète, tirées de l’ouvrage Meuse fleuve nord, venant de paraître aux éditions Tetras Lyre, est présentée au foyer du 12 novembre au 4 décembre, visible lors des spectacles. A l’occasion de cet événement, Jacques Darras, Président du Marché de la poésie, évoquera la mise à l’honneur des poètes de Wallonie et de Bruxelles lors du prochain Marché. AT:Salle de Spectacle; 49 rue Quincampoix, 75004

Wednesday 12 November @ 19h30; Evening with an Author: Alexandre des Isnards, Dictionnaire du Nouveau Français; The author of the Dictionnaire du nouveau français speaks about the words that probably should have been in the official dictionary, but were not. His book details the lively, slangy as well as quite proper words that don't make it into the official volumes, many of which come from English. Words such as afterwork, ASAP, backup, boloss, deadline, détox, s’enjailler, fangirler, follower, googliser, kikoolol, milf, plussoyer, shazamer, vapoter, zlataner, and on and on. These words are used by the way French people speak today. This event promises to be a lively discussion about words and how languages evolve - both French and English. AT: American Library in Paris; 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007                     

Wednesday 12 November @ 19h; Soirée DJUNA BARNES à l’occasion de la réédition de L’Almanach des dames (Ypsilon), animée par SUZETTE ROBICHON en présence de l’éditrice ISABELLA CHECCAGLINI et d’ÉTIENNE DOBENESQUECélèbre pour son roman Le Bois de la nuit, Djuna Barnes a aussi écrit des pièces de théâtre, des nouvelles et des poèmes, qui constituent la part la plus secrète de son œuvre. D’abord journaliste et illustratrice, elle rend compte de la vie littéraire et artistique à New York, puis à partir des années 1920 à Paris, alors capitale du modernisme, où elle se mêle à la communauté des expatriés américains, fréquente les salons de Gertrude Stein et Natalie Barney, fait la rencontre déterminante de Joyce, publie le recueil de nouvelles, de poèmes, de dessins et de pièces de théâtre Un livre, le roman Ryder et L’Almanach des dames, chronique satirique de la vie des cercles lesbiens de la capitale (traduction, notes et postface de Michèle Causse). Après Nightwood, paru en 1936 et préfacé par T. S. Eliot, elle cesse pratiquement de publier, et passe les quarante dernières années de sa vie enfermée dans son petit appartement de Greenwich Village. Ypsilon a déjà réédité Ryder et édité un inédit en français Le livre des répulsives. http://www.violetteandco.com/librairie/spip.php?article734 À la librairie Violette and Co: 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07

Thursday 13 November @ 18h; Shakespeare and Company presents The Bard-en-Seine Readings: Twelfth Night
Throughout 2014, in honour of the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth, we’re hosting the Bard-en-Seine Readings. The goal is simple: to revisit and celebrate some of Shakespeare’s most loved plays. So, once a month, we will be hosting informal read-throughs in the library, which will be recorded and sent out as podcasts in this very newsletter.
For November, the play will be Twelfth Night and the reading will take place on Thursday 13th at 6pm, in the library.
If you’d like to take part, please email Milly Unwin at milly@shakespeareandcompany.com, and tell her whether you’d prefer a larger or a smaller role. Parts will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis, and we’ll let you know a week in advance of the reading whether you have a role. No preparation necessary, and we’ll provide the scripts. Please note that, due to space restrictions, the Bard-en-Seine Readings will only be open to those taking part.

37, rue de la bûcherie — 75005 Paris, France

Thursday 13 November @ 8:00 pm - 11:55 pm – PLU Open Mic featuring the Movement for the Emancipation of Poetry; Every Thursday in English: if you would like to read, dance, sing or otherwise express yourself, sign up is open and free to all starting at 8pm-ish. We go until we drop – which means all night long! In any language. Or no language at all. No limits. Extreme poetry. Explosive prose. Nudity encouraged. This week Paris Lit Up Open Mic will host a special group of (anonymous) guests who are coming all the way up from Italy to render our Parisian walls a little more poetic: the Movement for the Emancipation of Poetry! After a short presentation, Open Mikers will be invited to take a quick stroll around the neighborhood. Poets and writers are strongly encouraged to bring several copies of their work destined for public view… For more information: http://mep.netsons.org. WHERE: Culture Rapide, 103 rue Julien Lacroix, Paris 75020 France

*Thursday 13 November @ 18h; The White Review présente Keston Sutherland et Andrea Brandy; Durée 80 mn; Galerie 2; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

Friday 14 November @ 20h30; Tu Parles! Lecture musicale par Luc Baba et son musicien complice Quentin Léonard; « Les humains parleraient encore 6000 langues de par le monde. C’est autant de musiques, de trésors cachés pour les poètes, les linguistes et la science. C’est 6000 façons d’appréhender l’univers et le quotidien. Pour Luc Baba et Quentin Léonard, c’est un voyage sans fin, qu’ils traduisent dans un spectacle musical intense, parsemé d’humour, d’histoires étonnantes, de joyaux pêchés pour certains dans des langues à peine étudiées, et menacées pour la plupart. Voilà pourquoi Tu parles est aussi un appel, un cri d’alarme à partager. » (Vanessa Herzet, directrice du festival Les Parlantes) Il ne se peut pas qu’un jour les humains parlent tous la même langue. C’est le rêve des imbéciles. Non ? C’est un rêve criminel. Et puis, la même coiffure, déjà, ça ficherait la trouille. Alors la même langue... Né à Liège en 1970, Luc Baba est l’auteur d’une vingtaine d’ouvrages. Homme de scène et de tous les mots, il écrit aussi des livres pour enfants, de la poésie et du théâtre. En 2015, il publiera un livre illustré de gravures, un recueil de poésie et un roman aux éditions Belfon. Il a donné aux spectateurs du Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles la primeur d’un extrait deTu Parles ! lors d’un mémorable Bistrot littéraire en février dernier. Passant par la variété, le rock, la bossa, le jazz, Quentin Léonard, brésilien d’origine, est auteur compositeur interprète, également formé au théâtre. AT:Salle de Spectacle; 49 rue Quincampoix, 75004; Tarifs: 5
*Friday 14 November @18h; The White Review présente Ed Atkins et Eugene Ostashensky; Durée 80 mn; Galerie 2; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

*Saturday 15 November @ 18h30; Anne-James Chaton avec Alva Noto ‘anologique/digital’; Durée 50 mn; Auditorium; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

Saturday 15 November @ 19h; One-Man Show: ‘More Lives than One,’ The Life of Oscar Wilde; After a successful run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2008, tours of Europe and the U.S.A. and a warm reception at the Avignon Off - 2014, 'More Lives Than One' is back in Paris! This acclaimed show presents the fantastic highs and tragic lows of the short but dazzling life of the great Oscar Wilde, with extracts from his comedies and his other works, as well as scenes from the trails. Inspired by Micheàl macLiammor's monumental "The Importance of Being Oscar", but much condensed and enriched with new ingredients, this show was written, and is performed, by Leslie Clack. AT the Théâtre de Nesle, 8 rue de Nesle, 75006 Paris. Métro Odéon ou Pont Neuf. Réservations 01 46 34 61 04. Tickets €20 Reductions €15.

Saturday 15 November @ 13h-15h30; Club de lecture de l’œuvre de Violette Leduc Nouvelle activité proposée par la librairie, ce club rassemble des lectrices et des lecteurs qui aimeraient découvrir les textes de l’écrivaine ou en approfondir la connaissance. Cette troisième séance portera sur La femme au petit renard. Il est demandé à chacune d’une part d’avoir lu ce livre (le rendu pourra être affectif et émotionnel et/ou analytique, de ses thèmes et de son écriture), d’autre part de choisir un passage de 10 à 20 lignes pour éventuellement le lire lors de la séance. (Prochaines dates : 13 décembre et 10 janvier) Inscription à violette@violetteandco.com  http://www.violetteandco.com/librairie/spip.php?article724 À la librairie Violette and Co: 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07

Sunday 16 November @ 17h; One-Man Show: ‘More Lives than One,’ The Life of Oscar Wilde; After a successful run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2008, tours of Europe and the U.S.A. and a warm reception at the Avignon Off - 2014, 'More Lives Than One' is back in Paris! This acclaimed show presents the fantastic highs and tragic lows of the short but dazzling life of the great Oscar Wilde, with extracts from his comedies and his other works, as well as scenes from the trails. Inspired by Micheàl macLiammor's monumental "The Importance of Being Oscar", but much condensed and enriched with new ingredients, this show was written, and is performed, by Leslie Clack. AT the Théâtre de Nesle, 8 rue de Nesle, 75006 Paris. Métro Odéon ou Pont Neuf. Réservations 01 46 34 61 04. Tickets €20 Reductions €15.

*Sunday 16 November @ 17h; Caroline Bergvall ‘1DJ2MANY’ avec Adam Parkinson et ‘solo pieces’; Durée 45 mn; Auditorium; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

Sunday 16 November; 19h30; Moving Parts Script Reading; Tony Stowers’ original play, Tommy Greaves AT: Carr’s Pub and Restaurant; 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris; Metro : Tuileries

Monday 17 November @ 20h30; Spoken Word Open Mic Theme: Fear(s) Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Sign up 8pm to 9.30pm in the bar. Poetics start from 8.30pm underground.

Monday 17 November @ 19h; Shakespeare and Company presents Jen Campbell on The Bookshop Book
We’re excited to announce the most perfect bookshop event imaginable (form and content so perfectly aligned)—Jen Campbell on The Bookshop Book!
The Bookshop Book is a love letter to bookshops all around the world. We’re talking about bookshops in barns, disused factories, converted churches, and underground car parks. Bookshops on boats, on buses, and in old run-down train stations. Fold-out bookshops, undercover bookshops, this-is-the-best-place-I’ve-ever-been-to-bookshops.
Meet Sarah and her Book Barge sailing across the sea to France. Meet Sebastien, in Mongolia, who sells books to herders of the Altai mountains. Meet the bookshop in Canada that’s invented the world’s first antiquarian book vending machine.  And that’s just the beginning.
From the oldest bookshop in the world, to the smallest you could imagine, The Bookshop Book examines the history of books, talks to authors about their favourite places, and looks at over three hundred weirdly wonderful bookshops across six continents (sadly, we’ve yet to build a bookshop down in the South Pole).
Jen Campbell grew up in the northeast of England, and graduated from Edinburgh University with an MA in English Literature. She is a published poet and short-story writer. She lives in north London where she works at Ripping Yarns bookshop. She is previously the author of Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops.

37, rue de la bûcherie — 75005 Paris, France

Tuesday 18 November @ 19h30: Ivy Writers Paris invites you to join us for a special bilingual night of reading and performance featuring Vanessa Place and Marc Perrin. BIOS: Vanessa Place is a poet, publisher and founder of Les Figues Presse, criminal defense attorney, critic and founder of Vanessa Place, Inc--http://vanessaplace.biz/news/ Place is the author of Dies: A Sentence (2005), a novel-in-verse written as a single 117-page sentence; La Medusa (2008); the Tragodía trilogy, composed of legal documents; and Boycott (2013). She coauthored Notes on Conceptualisms (2009) with Robert Fitterman. She is also the author of the legal analysis The Guilt Project: Rape, Morality, and Law (2010). Place coedited I’ll Drown My Book: Conceptual Writing by Women with Caroline Bergvall, Laynie Browne, and Teresa Carmody and translated Frank Smith’s Guantanamo (2013). Place codirects Les Figues Press and divides her time between Los Angeles and New York City. For more see her Wikipedia, Poetry Foundation, or Academy site pages. Marc Perrin studied cinema and currently works on the borderline of text, performance and theater. He is the author of 5 books, most recently Avoir Lieu (Dernier Telegramme, 2010) and has a 6th book forthcoming this winter, also from DT: "Spinoza in China" a multi-volume project of which a variety of extracts in French can be read at http://spinozainchina.wordpress.com/ He participates in a collaborative performance group "La Caravane à Plumes" with other authors and musicians onstage (see his artist bio in French at http://lacaravaneaplumes.fr/artistes/fiche/marc-perrin) which mentions work he has done with choreographer Katje Fleg. He also edits the magazine ce qui secret--with both an online and a print version. His perso blog is at http://marc-perrin.blogspot.fr/  Other links for him include: www.maisonpop.net/spip.php?article1440 For full info on this event, see our blog at http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.fr or join our FB group. AT: DELAVILLE CAFE, 34 bvd bonne nouvelle, 75010 Paris.

Wednesday 19 November @ 19h30; Evening with an Author: Alex Danchev on René Magritte; Alex Danchev, the Library's fall Visiting Fellow, discusses his work-in-progress, a biography of the revolutionary Surrealist painter René Magritte. It is scheduled for publication in 2017, on the fiftieth anniversary of the painter's death. Last year he presented his Library Book Award shortlisted work Cézanne: A Life. AT: American Library in Paris; 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007             

Wednesday 19 November @ 19h; Shakespeare and Company Presents Philosophers in the Library: Jacques Rancière
We’re very excited to present a discussion with French philosopher Jacques Rancière, undoubtedly one of France’s most exciting contemporary thinkers. We will begin by opening up his unique conception of equality, education and, indeed, knowledge itself, before considering how this crucial thinking intersects the genres of politics, history, and aesthetics, paying particular attention to his newest title, Le Fil Perdu, which is concerned with literary modernism.
37, rue de la bûcherie — 75005 Paris, France

Wednesday 19 November @ 19h30-21h; Corrupt Press presents Pansy Alvarez-Maurer, Kate Noakes, Rufo Quintavalle, Troy Yorke AT:Berkeley Books of Paris; 8 rue de Casimir-Delavigne, 75006

Thursday 20 November @ 8:00 pm - 11:55 pm – PLU Open Mic featuring special surprise guest! Every Thursday in English: if you would like to read, dance, sing or otherwise express yourself, sign up is open and free to all starting at 8pm-ish. We go until we drop – which means all night long! In any language. Or no language at all. No limits. Extreme poetry. Explosive prose. Nudity encouraged. For more information: http://parislitup.com. WHERE: Culture Rapide, 103 rue Julien Lacroix, Paris 75020 France

Thursday 20 November @ 20h30; Concert Littéraire: L’orée de l’oraliture, creation poétique de Dick Annegarn; Bien que néerlandais, Dick Annegarn est presque belge: une enfance qui s’est essentiellement déroulée à Bruxelles et une chanson inoubliable, Bruxelles. Depuis lors, il a été fait Citoyen d’Honneur de la ville et docteur honoris causa de l’Université de Liège. Pour le festival Paris en toutes lettres, Dick Annegarn viendra seul avec sa guitare pour nous faire entendre la littérature qu’il aime et celle qui traverse ses chansons sous la forme de «15 lettres chantées» dont ses deux chansonslettres, Théo et Réclame. Parmi un répertoire se référant à la littérature orale, il chantera des écritures éclectiques telles que Gilgamesh (épopée sumérienne), Rhapsode (conte kurde), Dithyrambos (pré-grec), L’Homme de l’aube (Friedrich Nietzsche), Château d’Edgar A. Poe, Attila Jozsef (poète hongrois), Voleur de Chevaux (pastorale), Boileau (rap), Ether Oxion et Ubu (poèmes pataphysiques), L’Éternité et Vers nouveaux (Arthur Rimbaud). Autodidacte, Dick Annegarn s’installe à Paris en 1972 où son premier disque connaît un succès immédiat. Il choisit rapidement de vivre à l’ombre des projecteurs. En juin 2014, après la sortie de l’album Vélo Va, il fête ses 40 ans de chansons à l’Olympia, en y donnant un concert mémorable au cours duquel il est rejoint sur scène par Yael Naïm, Emily Loizeau et Raphael.  Dans le cadre du festival Paris en toutes lettres. AT: Salle de Spectacle; 49 rue Quincampoix, 75004; Tarifs: 15

*Friday 21 November @ 20h30; Chloé Delaume ‘Les confidences de la Sibylle; Durée 30 mn; Auditorium; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

Friday 21 November @ 19h; Shakespeare and Company presents a reading of Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood
Join us in the library for an open reading of Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood with musical accompaniment! The reading will be complemented by songs composed by Daniel Jones for the original BBC recording of Under Milk Wood in the 1950s, led here by Jesse Morning and Kate Stables of This is the Kit (and Children’s Hour!) fame. If you’d like to attend, we recommend you bring along your own copy of Under Milk Wood.

37, rue de la bûcherie — 75005 Paris, France

*Saturday 22 November @ 17h; Man-Han Yung ‘Rêver pour la plus lumineuse lune depuis 130 ans’; Durée 30 mn; Galerie 2; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

Saturday 22 November-Sunday 14 December @ Every Saturday 19h, Every Sunday 17h; Dear Conjecture Theatre Company present Under Milk Wood; Come and spend a day with us in the little village of Llareggub in the company of its inhabitants. For the hundredth birthday of the celebrated Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas, Dear Conjunction Theatre Company presents his 'play for voices', Under Milk Wood. at the Théâtre de Nesle. The play will be minimally staged, with only six actors, focussing instead on the beauty of Thomas's language, and the humour and poignancy of his characters. Dylan Thomas explained that this play was conceived in response to the bombing of Hiroshima, as a means to reaffirm the beauty of the world. Under Milk Wood is indeed a celebration of beauty, but also of community, of love, of language (and love of language) - and, above all, of life. Tickets €20 Reductions €15. AT Théâtre de Nesle, 8 rue de Nesle, 75006 Paris. Métro Odéon ou Pont Neuf. Réservations 01 46 34 61 04   

Saturday 22 November @ 14h-16h; Art History Talk with Dr. Linda Stratford, Religion and Art; Dr. Linda Stratford traces the dialogue between art and religion with interest in the possibility that in the process of stating why it can’t be (in regard to religion), we have failed to recognize where it in fact is. Her book (co-edited with Dr. James Romaine) ReVisioning: Methodological Studies of Christianity in the History of Art (Cascade, 2014) examines Christian subjects, themes and contexts in well known works of art from the Renaissance period to the present, unearthing subjects and themes either overlooked or insufficiently explored. Each chapter addresses the question, in regard to a well-known work of art, "How have particular methods of art history been applied, and with what effect”?  Pertinent examples from the book will be explored along with imagery to support discussion, including discussion of a work of art currently on display at the Louvre. AT: American Library in Paris; 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007                     

*Sunday 23 November @ 16h30; Marie Richeux avec Jacob Stambach ‘Achille’; Durée 30 mn; Auditorium

17h30; Emmanuelle Pireyre ‘Lynx’ avec Gilles Weinzaepflen; Durée 40 mn; Auditorium; la Fondation Vuitton pour l'art contemporain, Paris

Saturday 22 November @ 11h; Lectures Croisées: Paroles de Femmes en Exil Lectures croisées entre les récits de femmes migrantes et les textes des écrivains Virginie Poitrasson et Julien Delmaire. Projection d’un documentaire multimédia réalisé par Célia Bonnin. http://www.festivalmigrantscene.org/paroles-de-femmes-en-exil/ AT: BIBLIOTHÈQUE ROBERT DESNOS, 14, bd Rouget-de-Lisle, 93100 Montreuil sous Bois - Métro Mairie de Montreuil
Entrée libre www.migrantscene.org

Monday 24 November @ 20h30; Spoken Word Open Mic Theme: the Clitoris Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Sign up 8pm to 9.30pm in the bar. Poetics start from 8.30pm underground.

Monday 24 November @ 19h; Shakespeare and Company presents Eleanor Catton on The Luminaries
We’re over the moon to welcome the marvellous Eleanor Catton to talk about The Luminaries, winner of the 2013 Man Booker Prize.
The Luminaries is an extraordinary piece of fiction. It is full of narrative, linguistic, and psychological pleasures, and has a fiendishly clever and original structuring device. Written in pitch-perfect historical register, richly evoking a mid-19th century world of shipping and banking and goldrush boom and bust, it is also a ghost story, and a gripping mystery.
Eleanor Catton was born in 1985 in Canada and raised in Christchurch, New Zealand. She won the 2007 Sunday Star-Times short-story competition, the 2008 Glenn Schaeffer Fellowship to the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, the 2008 Louis Johnson New Writers’ Bursary, and was named as one of Amazon’s Rising Stars in 2009. Her debut novel, The Rehearsal, won the Betty Trask Prize, the Amazon.ca First Novel Award, the NZSA Hubert Church Best First Book Award for Fiction, and was shortlisted for the Guardian First Book Award, the Prix Femina literature award, the abroad category of the Prix Médicis, the University of Wales Dylan Thomas Prize 2010, and Stonewall’s Writer of the Year Award 2011, and longlisted for the Orange Prize 2010. In 2010 she was awarded the New Zealand Arts Foundation New Generation Award.

37, rue de la bûcherie — 75005 Paris, France

Tuesday 25 November @ 19h30; Chris Boïcos Lecture: Marcel Duchamp; Art history teacher Chris Boïcos of Paris Art Studies will present a lecture and slide presentation on Marcel Duchamp, whose exhibit entitled Marcel Duchamp. La Peinture, Même is currently at the Centre Pompidou from 24 September 2014 to 5 January 2015. The exhibit is a fresh reading of the work of Marcel Duchamp, one of the most iconic figures of 20th century art. Duchamp is commonly regarded, along with Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, as one of the three artists who helped to define the revolutionary developments in the plastic arts in the opening decades of the twentieth century, responsible for significant developments in painting and sculpture. AT: American Library in Paris; 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007                     

Wednesday 26 November @ 19h30; Current Events Discussion: The global war on terror and today’s geo-political reality; Alex Danchev, the Library's fall Visiting Fellow and Daily Beast foreign editor Christopher Dickey take part in a current events panel discussion (other participants to be announced) about the Global War on Terror as it stands in 2014. It will be a look at how things have changed in the fight against terrorism in recent years and the effect of the geopolitical changes in the wake of the Arab Spring, the rise of ISIS and other groups and the different approaches of governments to this fight. Also part of the discussion will be the evolution of the transatlantic relationship, specifically European-American relations and how they have been affected by the revelations of Edward Snowden, positions and perceptions on intervention in the world, and the role of the United States. AT: American Library in Paris; 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007      

Wednesday 26 November @ 16h; Shakespeare and Company presents Rachel Ries
“Mesmerizing songs that approach the dark magic of Marilynne Robinson’s novel, Housekeeping“—NJ Star Ledger
We’re excited to present an intimate library concert with the luminous Rachel Ries.
Rachel Ries crafts sly and compassionate songs for the crooked hearted. With an electric guitar, clear voice, and steady hand, she pulls the listener into her world of city grit, country dirt, and her open-eyed search for redemption and reason. Her songs are fine-tuned delicacy with a snarl and disarming candour.
Rachel Ries is currently promoting Ghost of a Gardener, her first record in five years, described by Uncut as a “gorgeous gush of warm-blooded harmonies” and by Maverick UK as a “technicolor treasure in word and melody”.
37, rue de la bûcherie — 75005 Paris, France

Wednesday 26 November @ 19h30; Shakespeare and Company presents A Tribute to Manning, Assange and Snowden
Please join us for a tribute to Manning, Assange, and Snowden, organised and sponsored by Italian sculptor Davide Dormino and his supporters, Charles Glass, Laure Boulay, Marco Benagli, and Jean Michel Boissier.
The purpose of this occasion is to show gratitude to Manning, Assange, and Snowden for their revelations and the risks they took to bring them to public notice.
William Bourdon, distinguished French human rights advocate and lawyer for Edward Snowden
Jean Michel Boissier of Reporters Sans Frontieres
This event coincides with a simultaneous celebration at London’s Frontline Club
The project is supported by the president of the Human Rights Committee of the Italian parliament, Mario Marazziti and Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF).
37, rue de la bûcherie — 75005 Paris, France

Thursday 27 November @ 8:00 pm - 11:55 pm – PLU Open Mic feat. William Strangmeyer
Event Navigation; Every Thursday in English: if you would like to read, dance, sing or otherwise express yourself, sign up is open and free to all starting at 8pm-ish. We go until we drop – which means all night long! In any language. Or no language at all. No limits. Extreme poetry. Explosive prose. Nudity encouraged. Our Special Guest, William Walrond Strangmeyer, better known as Bill, has worked in amusement parks as a caller, in banks, bookstores, cinema, theater, door-to-door vacuum cleaner sales, restaurants, insurance sales, taxi driving, telephone sales, warehouses — in the U.S., Copenhagen, Athens, Crete, London and Switzerland. But now he’s in France. For more information: http://parislitup.com. WHERE: Culture Rapide, 103 rue Julien Lacroix, Paris 75020 France

Thursday 27 November @ 18h30; Shakespeare and Company presents Philosophers in the Library: The Animal Catalyst
To talk of an ahuman ethics in the second decade of the 21st century is to suggest that we, as human animals, are verging on a crisis—both existential and technological. In an age in which financial and military algorithms may well soon have legal status as persons, while ecosophically the viability of sustaining human life is dubious and potentially beyond true ethics. The question of the legal and ontological status of non-human animals, machinic life, and emergent systems of consciousness, and our relation to them as ahuman, becomes ever more pressing. Looking at notions of catalysis, cataclysm, parasitism, and phenomenophagism, and in the face of potential human, organic, solar, or even cosmic extinction, Charlie Blake explores the question of where we go from here. How are we to understand the apparent will to annihilation as an aspect of a new, ahuman ethics? Patricia MacCormack will further this exploration by questioning the viability of non-extinction of the human, proposing that human extinction is the very conduit to opening all other life— indeed life itself—to unregulated and non-systematised modes of connectivity and potentiality.

37, rue de la bûcherie — 75005 Paris, France

Friday 28 November – Paris Lit Up Press Black Friday Book Sale Every year, hundreds of Americans nearly kill one another to get the hottest new products from evil corporate stores in order to save a few bucks. As an act of humanitarian intervention, Paris Lit Up Press is offering all of our independently crafted books online at special Black Friday prices in the hopes of saving some American lives. For just 24 hours on Friday, November 28th, you will be able to order online the following discounted products: Paris Lit Up Magazine n°2 – 8 € (-20% discount) Paris Lit Up eMagazine n°2 – .50 cents (-50% discount) Paris Lit Up Magazine n°1 – 5 € (-50% discount) Paris Lit Up Magazine n°1 – FREE So, please, save yourself the gas and the trouble and give the gift of the written word this holiday season. For more info: http://press.parislitup.com

Sunday 30 November; 19h30; Moving Parts Script Reading; Ralph Bismargi’s original screenplay Slowly But Surely AT:Carr’s Pub and Restaurant; 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris; Metro : Tuileries

*Un Événement de Poésie Now!: Poésie sonore, poésie lyrique, poésie numérique, poésie en prose, vidéopoésie, poésie-performance, poésie-conférence… S’ouvrant à plusieurs langues, plusieurs aires géographiques, et toutes sortes de formats comme de manières, l’ambition de cette programmation est de faire découvrir la diversité que ce mot —‘poésie— recouvre aujourd’hui, tel le nom de code d’une série ouverte de déplacements et d’extensions en tous sens de l’acte d’écriture comme acte de sensation, d’expression et de pensée dans le monde.Impure et hétérogène, en relation avec tout, la poésie est comme un refus têtu de se laisser enfermer dans une seule définition. Perpétuellement en mouvement, travaillant sans frontières et à même la disparité des pratiques comme des expériences, c’est toute l’hybridité de la création contemporaine qu’elle capte et à laquelle, en retour, elle participe. Et ce qu’elle rapporte sont des capacités nouvelles à saisir les choses, à les recomposer, et ainsi multiplier les formes de vie.En pleine effervescence, la poésie contemporaine ne cesse de se réinventer elle-même —et tout ce qui l’entoure avec. À travers la pluralité des esthétiques et des idiomes, c’est bien cette énergie-là que Poésie Now ! veut attraper, et donner en partage lors d’expériences poétiques en direct.


Saturday 1 November @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm – PLU Drop-in Writing Workshop Are you a writer? Have you written something that needs fresh eyes? Want some feedback on your work? Look no further: Paris Lit Up Drop-in Writing Workshop is held every Saturday at 16h sharp! This feedback workshop is for any writers – poetry or prose – looking for eagle-eye editing and constructive group criticism of their work. The workshop is held every Saturday afternoon and coordinated our workshop hosts. Please bring 1 poem or 3/4 pages of prose (double-spaced) and 5 -10 copies of your work. Suggested donation: 3€ For more information: http://parislitup.com/writing-workshops/  – WHERE: Le Barbouquin, 1 rue Dénoyez, Paris, 75020

Sunday 2 November @ 18h30-20h30; The Other Writers’ Group An excellent feedback workshop for 6 euros.  Join us afterwards for happy hour at The Gentleman, 1 bis rue Hautefeuille, 75006, behind place St Michel. AT:Shakespeare and; Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005

Sunday 2 November @ 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm – Paris Write Up: A Workshop to Enliven Your Creative Genius; Bask in the history of a literary landmark – and leave behind some of your own creative mojo – in a generative writing workshop at Shakespeare and Company. On the first Sunday of every month at 12h30 – 14h30, in this monthly gathering of writers facilitated by Shannon Cain, we generate new material, share our shitty first drafts, and learn about the craft. Profiting from writing prompts, readings that inspire, and the fellowship of other writers, participants will leave with new ideas, new energy, and new pages. 5€ donation. For more information: http://parislitup.com/writing-workshops/paris-write-up-sunday-workshop/ – WHERE: Shakespeare and Co. Library, 37 Rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 75005 France

Wednesday 5 November- 10 December; 19h30-22h; Creating Success Group Coaching Program You think summer flew by? In two months everyone will be saying "I can't believe the year is almost over." You still have time to make this year amazing. Jane Grey welcomes you to her Creating Success group coaching program, designed to support you in creating the future you really want, starting this Autumn. Why wait until January to figure it out? You can choose to be, do and have what truly matters to you, and you have the power to make it come true. The Creating Success Group Coaching Program starts Wednesday, November 5. Your coach: Jane Grey Metaphysician, coach and teacher specializing in the creative process since 1990. When: Six Wednesday evenings,: November 5, 12, 19, 26, December 3, 10 Location: Central Paris, details upon enrollment. Learn more  http://www.hopeinparis.com/home

Thursday 6 November 18h-19h30; The British and Commonwealth Women's Association's "Club Soir Network" is hosting an Alexander Technique talk and demonstration. The Alexander Technique is an educational method that shows you how to go about solving your own difficulties such as back pain and RSIpostural problemsstressbreathing difficulties and much more...It is also an useful performance enhancing skill for actors/dancers/musicians and singerspublic speakers and business peoplesports peopleanyone interested in the mind/body connection Contribution to costs: (Wine and nibbles will be provided) - 8€ non members (Please note that you will be required to join the BCWA if you would like to attend other events) - 6€ members. (Member's partners are always welcome to join in.) Please sign up at http://tinyurl.com/ClubSoirNov6th2014 and ring 01 47 20 50 91 for the door code when you arrive. 157 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris 

Saturday 8 November @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm – Modern Myth Mash-Up Writing Workshop with Mab Jones; Paris Lit Up and Berkeley Books of Paris are delighted to host Mab Jone’s Modern Myth Mash-Up Writing Workshop: Take a myth and mash it up…Put a new spin on an old story… Re-tell a tale from a new and unusual point of view… Taking inspiration from classical myths, as well as those of her Celtic home country of Wales, ‘daring wordsmith’ Mab Jones will facilitate this fun yet informative creative writing workshop in which participants will be invited to re-write tales, in poetry and prose, of heroes and heroines, gods and goddesses, monsters, Medusas, and more. Seeking inspiration in others’ re-workings, from P J O’Rourke’s ‘Myths Made Modern’ to Jeanette Winterson’s ‘Twelve Dancing Princesses’, and including poetry by Mab re-interpreting the ancient Mabiniogion tales, this is a workshop that will celebrate, as well as stimulate, the imagination, leaving attendees in awe of these classical legends and archetypes, and with some new and wonderful adaptations of their own. ––and Includes Welsh cake (griddle scone) tasting, and tips on places to publish work produced in the session. Suggested Donation: 10 € For more information: http://parislitup.com/modern-myth-mash-up-writing-workshop-with-mab-jones/ – WHERE: Berkeley Books of Paris, 8 Rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris (m° Odéon)

Saturday 8 November @ 11h-13h; Atelier d’écriture animé par CATHERINE BEDARIDA Catherine Bédarida, poète, performeuse, journaliste (Le Monde, Mouvement) organise des ateliers d’écriture créative avec des institutions culturelles et associatives. L’atelier à Violette and Co, qui reprend pour une nouvelle saison, offre un lieu solidaire pour écrire en toute liberté quelque soit son expérience. Il est ouvert à toutes les personnes qui sont tentées par l’écriture, qui aimeraient essayer de nouer ou renouer avec l’écriture. Seule compte l’envie d’écrire ! Venez nous retrouver dans l’ambiance collective et chaleureuse de la librairie. Horaires : un samedi sur deux, de 11h à 13h (prochaines dates : 8 et 22 novembre ; 6 et 20 décembre). L’inscription ponctuelle en cours d’année est possible. Tarif : 20 € par atelier. Renseignements et inscriptions : catherine.bedarida@leboutdelalangue.com À la librairie Violette and Co: 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07

Sunday 9 November @ 18h30-20h30; The Other Writers’ Group An excellent feedback workshop for 6 euros.  Join us afterwards for happy hour at The Gentleman, 1 bis rue Hautefeuille, 75006, behind place St Michel. Shakespeare and Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005

Saturday 15 November @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm – PLU Drop-in Writing Workshop Are you a writer? Have you written something that needs fresh eyes? Want some feedback on your work? Look no further: Paris Lit Up Drop-in Writing Workshop is held every Saturday at 16h sharp! This feedback workshop is for any writers – poetry or prose – looking for eagle-eye editing and constructive group criticism of their work. The workshop is held every Saturday afternoon and coordinated our workshop hosts. Please bring 1 poem or 3/4 pages of prose (double-spaced) and 5 -10 copies of your work. Suggested donation: 3€ For more information: http://parislitup.com/writing-workshops/ – WHERE: Le Barbouquin, 1 rue Dénoyez, Paris, 75020

Sunday 16 November @ 18h30-20h30; The Other Writers’ Group An excellent feedback workshop for 6 euros.  Join us afterwards for happy hour at The Gentleman, 1 bis rue Hautefeuille, 75006, behind place St Michel. Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005

Saturday 22 November @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm – PLU Drop-in Writing Workshop
Are you a writer? Have you written something that needs fresh eyes? Want some feedback on your work? Look no further: Paris Lit Up Drop-in Writing Workshop is held every Saturday at 16h sharp! This feedback workshop is for any writers – poetry or prose – looking for eagle-eye editing and constructive group criticism of their work. The workshop is held every Saturday afternoon and coordinated our workshop hosts. Please bring 1 poem or 3/4 pages of prose (double-spaced) and 5 -10 copies of your work. Suggested donation: 3€ For more information: http://parislitup.com/writing-workshops/ – WHERE: Le Barbouquin, 1 rue Dénoyez, Paris, 75020

Saturday 22 November @ 11h-13h; Atelier d’écriture animé par CATHERINE BEDARIDA
 Catherine Bédarida, poète, performeuse, journaliste (Le Monde, Mouvement) organise des ateliers d’écriture créative avec des institutions culturelles et associatives. L’atelier à Violette and Co, qui reprend pour une nouvelle saison, offre un lieu solidaire pour écrire en toute liberté quelque soit son expérience. Il est ouvert à toutes les personnes qui sont tentées par l’écriture, qui aimeraient essayer de nouer ou renouer avec l’écriture. Seule compte l’envie d’écrire ! Venez nous retrouver dans l’ambiance collective et chaleureuse de la librairie. Horaires : un samedi sur deux, de 11h à 13h (prochaines dates : 8 et 22 novembre ; 6 et 20 décembre). L’inscription ponctuelle en cours d’année est possible. Tarif : 20 € par atelier. Renseignements et inscriptions : catherine.bedarida@leboutdelalangue.com À la librairie Violette and Co: 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. Bus 46, 56, 76, 86. tél : 01 43 72 16 07

Sunday 23 November @ 18h30-20h30; The Other Writers’ Group An excellent feedback workshop for 6 euros.  Join us afterwards for happy hour at The Gentleman, 1 bis rue Hautefeuille, 75006, behind place St Michel. Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005

Saturday 29 November @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm – PLU Drop-in Writing Workshop Are you a writer? Have you written something that needs fresh eyes? Want some feedback on your work? Look no further: Paris Lit Up Drop-in Writing Workshop is held every Saturday at 16h sharp! This feedback workshop is for any writers – poetry or prose – looking for eagle-eye editing and constructive group criticism of their work. The workshop is held every Saturday afternoon and coordinated our workshop hosts. Please bring 1 poem or 3/4 pages of prose (double-spaced) and 5 -10 copies of your work. Suggested donation: 3€ For more information: http://parislitup.com/writing-workshops/ – WHERE: Le Barbouquin, 1 rue Dénoyez, Paris, 75020

Sunday 30 November @ 18h30-20h30; The Other Writers’ Group An excellent feedback workshop for 6 euros.  Join us afterwards for happy hour at The Gentleman, 1 bis rue Hautefeuille, 75006, behind place St Michel. Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005

PART III: Reviews, Releases, Submissions

Moving Parts Call for Original Plays Have an original play that you would like to hear read? Contact Stephanie now to book a reading of YOUR play in Moving Part's Paris venue, Carr's Pub. Check the website for the latest schedule : www.movingparts.org.uk or send at email to movingpartsparis@gmail.com

The bi-monthly publication, Belleville Park Pages, calls for writers! Submission Mission: The Pages are focused on supporting the growth of writers from around the world. We publish all forms: poetry, short stories, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, essays, etc. Submissions will be considered for both print and online publication. Submit your work to: words@bellevilleparkpages.com Stop by http://www.bellevilleparkpages.com for more information and to find a Pages vendor near you!

1 November- 30 November 2014: NanoWriMo NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH! Join up with fellow authors (both French and Anglophone) in PARIS as part of the NanoWriMo writing month--hit the notebooks/computer and compose YOUR own novel this month between 1-30 November, get tips, encouragement, energy or just meet up with others trying to do the same. For full info on the PARIS group, see:  http://nanowrimo.org/forums/europe-france/threads/173411 GO HERE: to sign up and create your own official membership page where you can tell people YOU ARE WRITING IT this month: http://nanowrimo.org/
Paris Lit Up Press Black Friday Book Sale Nov 28th Every year, hundreds of Americans nearly kill one another to get the hottest new products from evil corporate stores in order to save a few bucks. As an act of humanitarian intervention, Paris Lit Up Press is offering all of our independently crafted books online at special Black Friday prices in the hopes of saving some American lives. For just 24 hours on Friday, November 28th, you will be able to order online the following discounted products: Paris Lit Up Magazine n°2 – 8 € (-20% discount) Paris Lit Up eMagazine n°2 – .50 cents (-50% discount) Paris Lit Up Magazine n°1 – 5 € (-50% discount) Paris Lit Up Magazine n°1 – FREE So, please, save yourself the gas and the trouble and give the gift of the written word this holiday season. For more info: http://press.parislitup.com

Bull City Press is Looking for chapbook manuscript submissions for the Third Annual Frost Place Chapbook Competition! The Frost Place, a nonprofit center for poetry and the arts at Roberts Frost’s old homestead in Franconia, NH, in partnership with Bull City Press, invites submissions to the Third Annual Frost Place Chapbook Competition. This year’s judge is Jennifer Grotz. In summer 2015, the winner’s chapbook will be published by Bull City Press, and the winner will receive 10 complimentary copies (from a print run of 300), and a $250.00 stipend. The winner will also receive a full fellowship to attend the five-and-a-half-day Poetry Seminar at The Frost Place, August 2015, including room and board (a cash value of approximately $1,500.00), and will give a featured reading from the chapbook at the Seminar. As well, the chapbook fellow will have the option to spend one week living and writing in the Frost Place House-Museum in September 2015 (peak leaf season in the White Mountains), at a time agreed upon by the fellow and The Frost Place. For submission guidelines, visit our website: http://bullcitypress.com/submissions-top/frost-place-chapbook-competition/.

The Reader Berlin Short Story Competition 2014 The Reader Berlin is pleased to announce their second ever short story competition.
The competition aims to recognize and support original work by unpublished writers and offers entrants fabulous prizes as well as the chance to have their work read by judges Laura Hassan (Guardian Faber), Florian Duijsens (SAND, Asymptote) and author Brittani Sonnenberg (Home Leave, Grand Central Publishing). This time, we are honouring our home – Berlin - eternal city of a thousand faces. The upper word limit is 3500, and the deadline is midnight, December 31st 2014. Rules and guidelines on our website: www.thereaderberlin.com

NEW Larry Eigner BOOK OUT IN FRENCH: Une nouvelle publication: De l’air porteur / articulations / un monde poèmes 1952-1966 de Larry Eigner poèmes choisis et traduits de l’américain par Martin Richet, introduction de Robert Duncan postface de Clark Coolidge 256 pages 21,5 x 13,5 cm 24 € ISBN : 978-2-7143-1132-0 http://www.jose-corti.fr/ : Présentation: Qu’est-ce qui pèse, importe ? Je suis prudent, et viens aux choses par euphémisme. Crains l’exagération. Sotto voce provoquant la suppression de mots. N’aime guère commencer avec un grand C, comme si je me situais au Commencement de la parole, ou de quoi que ce soit ; ce qui peut aussi expliquer mon aversion pour la marge gauche après le début d’un poème. Rétrospectivement, j’ai simplement essayé de faire de mon mieux ; le plus simple et immédiat, quand les mots sont assez forts, étant la ponctuation. L’affaire consiste à capter la distance entre les mots, que l’usage des signes corresponde le mieux possible à ce qu’il y a à dire, à ce qu’il y a de dit, l’appareillage typographique entrant lui-même dans la découverte et l’initiation de l’attention. Larry Eigner naît le 7 août 1927. Suite à un accident de forceps à la naissance, il est atteint d’infirmité motrice cérébrale. Les spasmes musculaires troublent l’immobilité forcée du handicap, la parole est difficile. Pour sa Bar Mitsvah, ses parents lui offrent une machine à écrire : une Royal Manual de 1940 qui deviendra le pendant scriptural de son fauteuil roulant. Il passe les cinquante premières années de sa vie dans son village natal, Swampscott, Massachusetts, entre forêt et océan, et investit la véranda de ses parents comme bureau d’écriture. Son premier livre, publié par Robert Creeley en 1953, est salué par William Carlos Williams : « Son oreille est parfaite. Curieux comme, après lui, les œuvres du passé semblent démodées ». Ses textes paraîtront dorénavant dans les revues principales de l’époque, OriginPoetry, The Paris Review, The Black Mountain Review, puis ThisL=A=N=G=U=A=G=E ou Zuk, ainsi que dans plusieurs anthologies importantes, en Amérique comme ailleurs (citons The New American Poetry, éd. Don Allen, Grove Press, 1960 et Vingt poètes américains, éd. Jacques Roubaud et Michel Deguy, Gallimard, 1980). À sa mort, le 3 février 1996, il aura écrit plus de 3070 poèmes, une trentaine de récits et quantité d’essais et fait paraître une cinquantaine de livres.

Eléna Rivera’s new chapbook, Overture, has been published online at Metambesen! View it at http://www.metambesen.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Overture.pdf              
2015 Tarpaulin Sky Book Prize calls for Manuscript Submissions! The 2015 Tarpaulin Sky Press Book Prizes are now open for manuscript submissions. Some things about this reading period are new. We're auditioning sliding-scale entry fees. Instead of choosing one manuscript, we are going to choose two. We also have more cash. In addition to publication, each author will receive $1000 (half up front, half for book-tour expenses). The books will be published in Spring 2016, in time for AWP Los Angeles. For submission details, check out the website: http://tarpaulinsky.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2015%20Tarpaulin%20Sky%20Book%20Prizes&utm_content=2015%20Tarpaulin%20Sky%20Book%20Prizes+CID_b79166bc0d0fc4a9ba34109f8e04d090&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=website

SEND YOUR WORK TO THE EXCITING EXPERIMENTAL PRESS AND MAGAZINE H_NGM_N:  S_bmit to H_NGM_N!  Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand // A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame // Is the imprisoned lightning--With these words from Emma Lazarus, we implore you, send us your best poems, prose and chapbooks, yearning to be free! And save the date - full length submissions open November 1st! 
Quick Calendar:
Submissions for H_NGM_N journal are open from September 15 to December 15.
 Chapbook submissions are always open. 
Full-length submissions open November 1st to March 1st. For further information on submissions, visit: http://www.h-ngm-n.com/s_bmissions/

The Poetry Brothel opens its latest branch, in Paris!
The Poetry Society of New York is pleased to announce that The Poetry Brothel is opening a branch of its notorious event series in Paris. The opening night is to be held on Friday, November 14th, 2014 at Le Pigalle located at 22 Boulevard de Clichy, 75018 Paris, France.
The Poetry Brothel is an interactive poetry experience set up as a decadent fin de siècle brothel. Poets performing under pseudonyms offer private, one-on-one poetry readings of their original work in candlelit back rooms…for money. The evening also consists of live music, burlesque performances, vaudeville, fortune tellers and other related acts.
On November 14th, you are invited to join the Madame, Tennessee Pink, and their very first batch of Parisian “Poetry Whores.” Since the concept of The Poetry Brothel was in fact based upon the brothels in Paris and New Orleans at the turn-of-the-century, The Madame truly feels as if she is going home. Joining her and Tennessee in the production of Paris’ first Poetry Brothel are Alberto Rigettini of Spoken Word Paris and the celebrated burlesque producer, Louise de Ville.
The Poetry Brothel will open its doors at 8pm. The public performances run from 9pm to Midnight with an after hours running until 2am with the electro-swing by DJ Elo.
Admission is free! Private readings are 7 euros.

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