2014 plus a peek into April for PARIS, FRANCE!
date in Feb and March 2014
PART I: updated March 22nd!!!
MARCH 2014
listing of events by date:
March 10th at 19h30—IVY WRITERS PARIS is back with a bilingual
reading. IVY Writers Paris is thrilled to invite you to this salon-ambiance
bilingual reading and music soirée in the lovely private gallery space Chez Grace
where we will hear from Gwenn Le Métayer (French writer and musician), Frédéric Benhaim (French-American author) and
Kate Noakes (UK author, publisher and PLU founder) ! BIOS : Kate
Noakes is a poet, short fiction writer, novelist. Her books include: Ocean to Interior,
Mighty Erudite, 2007. The Wall Menders, Two Rivers Press, 2009. Cape Town, Eyewear
Publishing, 2012. I-spy and Shanty,
corrupt press, 2014. She co-founded Paris Lit Up, co-edits their magazine and co-hosts both the weekly and monthly Paris Lit Up Writing Workshops
and Open Mic. See her blog for more:
This reading is to celebrate the recent publication of her Corrupt Press book,
I-spy and Shanty. Frédéric Benhaim
lives in France but grew up between France and the United States. He writes numerous blogs, in particular one in French where, every week, he tells the story of an imaginary
shop (the theme changes weekly: In 2013 the stories were adapted for the stage at Le Passage Vers les Etoiles
(Père Lachaise, Paris). Les commerces was also featured by Profondeur de Champs, a Paris magazine which published a story from the blog.
Frederic writes in both languages and has also published short stories and
non-fiction. Actress, singer and dancer, Gwenn
Le Métayer has been writing a kind of poetry in prose, sometimes short
story, othertimes seried sagas which she publishes in French on her blog ( A few of these
texts have appeared in the literary magazine Les Refusés. Gwenn is currently
working on a retranscription of Ingmar Bergman’s film, The Silence, that she is
writing as she watches it, quasi-simultaneously. Her primary mode of expression
at the moment is also musical. She is the voice of Regularscope (
Tonight, Gwenn will read and sing for us, and will be accompanied by Hugo from
their group Radioscope. AT : Chez Grace: 46 rue des Abesses, 3RD
Floor, 75018 Paris, For more info see us on Facebook : or our blog
March 10th from 8pm SpokenWord – open mic/scène ouverte: performance
poetry, stand up, monologue, stories, beat poetry, sketches, songs, spoken
word. Primarily in English but open to all languages. Your own original texts
or favourite old texts – from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron.
Sign up in the bar from 7.30pm for your 5 minutes of fame. Poetics begin
underground from 8.30pm. Make the words come alive. Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini.
10 mars à partir de 19h : A l'occasion de la
parution de Octogone, livre de poésie, quelquefois prose Gallimard et Tokyo
infra-ordinaire (Le tripode) La
librairie Michèle Ignazi a le plaisir de
vous inviter à une rencontre avec Jacques Roubaud
AT : La Librairie Michèle Ignazi 17, rue de Jouy 75004 Paris 01 42 71 17
00 métro : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie
March 11th from 19-21h— Come
celebrate the publication of Traduire: transmettre ou trahir? Réflexions sur la traduction en sciences humaines. Jennifer K Dick and Stephanie Schwerter, editors
in French with an evening of round table debate on translation : La traduction, langue(s) du monde Entretien avec
Stephanie Schwerter, Jennifer
K. Dick et Jean-René Ladmiral animé
par Yen-Maï Tran-Gervat à l’occasion de la parution de Traduire :
transmettre ou trahir ? Réflexions sur la traduction en sciences sociales
aux éditions de la MSH. En paraphrasant Umbero Eco se pourrait-il que la langue
du monde soit la traduction ? Peut-être. Mais le passage d’une langue à
une autre n’est pas un acte technique mais relève de la compréhension de la
société où les mots une fois accueillis doivent véhiculer du sens et de la
pensée, et pas uniquement communiquer du contenu. STEPHANIE SCHWERTER
est Maître de langue, EHESS JENNIFER K. DICK est Maitre de conférences
en littérature américaine, Université de Haute-Alsace JEAN-RENE LADMIRAL
est Maitre de conférences émérite de traductologie, Université de Paris Ouest
Nanterre La Défense YEN-MAÏ TRAN-GERVAT est Maître de conférences
en littérature générale et comparée, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3 For
more information on the book itself, see : AT : Le Comptoir des presses : 86, rue Claude
Bernard, Paris 75005. Téléphone : 01 47 07 83 27.
11 mars / 20h00 - . Myriam
Gourfink et Eric Suchère dans le cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e, un pari original, des
créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et écrivains, qui ne se
connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur scène pour nous dévoiler
une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Librairie Le comptoir des mots (lecture/performance)
12 mars à partir de 19h : A l'occasion de la
parution de Journal et autres écrits Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions et Manet la peinture comme
réciprocité JNF éditions La
librairie Michèle Ignazi a le plaisir de
vous inviter à une rencontre avec Agnès Thurnauer
AT : La Librairie Michèle Ignazi 17, rue de Jouy 75004 Paris 01 42 71 17
00 métro : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie
12 mars /18h30 - . Fanny
de Chaillé et Pierre Alferi dans le cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e,
un pari original, des créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et
écrivains, qui ne se connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur
scène pour nous dévoiler une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information
sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Librairie de
Paris (lecture/performance)
March 13, 6:30 Combes C-12: Writing & the Paris Persona A reading and panel
discussion with with Geoffrey Gilbert, Heather Hartley, and Neil Gordon. An
AUP event in conjunction with Franklin University Creative Writing AT: American
University in Paris, Salle Combes C-12, 31 av. Bosquet 75007 Pars.
mars à 19h Double
Change BILINGUAL READIG with Rachel Levitsky, Leslie Kaplan and Frédéric Léal
Double Change et la Maison de la
poésie de Paris vous invitent à une lecture de Rachel Levitsky, Leslie
Kaplan et Frédéric Léal. Lecture bilingue. Rachel
Levistky est une poète et romancière américaine. Elle est
l’auteur d’un roman, The Story of My Accident is Ours (Futurepoem,
2013), et de deux livres de poésie Under the Sun (Futurepoem,
2003), NEIGHBOR (Ugly Duckling Presse,
2009) ainsi que de nombreux chapbooks. Elle
est membre de Belladonna*, une association féministe et avant-gardiste qui
promeut des interventions par l’écriture, la lecture, le discours engagé et
l’activisme. En 2014, elle et Christian Hawkey ont créé The Office of Recuperative
Strategies (, une unité de recherche mobile située à Amsterdam,
Berlin, Boulder, Brooklyn, Cambridge, NYC et Leipzig. Elle vit à Brooklyn et
enseigne au Pratt Institute for Art and Design. Son livre The Story of My Accident is
Ours se situe entre le roman et le poème. Il aborde la question de
la démocratie : comment écrire un roman qui dirait « nous » même
quand il dit « je » ? Leslie Kaplan est née à New York en 1943, elle a été élevée à Paris
dans une famille américaine, elle écrit en français. Après des études de
philosophie, d'histoire et de psychologie, elle travaille deux ans en usine et
participe au mouvement de Mai 68.
publie depuis 1982. Son œuvre, publiée aux éditions P.O.L. et traduite dans une
dizaine de langues, comprend des récits et des romans (notamment L'Excès-l'usine, Le livre des ciels, Le Criminel, Le pont de Brooklyn, Depuis maintenant-Miss Nobody Knows,
Le Psychanalyste, Fever, Millefeuille...), une
autobiographie fragmentaire (Mon Amérique commence en
Pologne), des essais (Les Outils et le
site internet, des pièces de théâtre (Toute ma
vie j'ai été une femme, Louise, elle est folle, Déplace le ciel). Frédéric Léal est né en 1968. Il exerce la médecine générale à
Bordeaux. Il commence à publier des textes (notamment des articles critiques
dans des revues de poésie) vers la fin des années 90. Même s'il n'est pas
bilingue, il concède volontiers l'influence exercée sur lui par la littérature
américaine, et plus particulièrement par le polar et la poésie. Depuis une
dizaine d'années, il publie régulièrement des récits et des romans, pour
l'essentiel aux éditions de l'Attente et aux éditions P.O.L. Son écriture
convoque des matériaux très hétéroclites qu'il rassemble dans une prose
« moléculaire » éclatée et polysémique, dans laquelle l'étrangeté et
l'humour (parfois graveleux) occupent une place de choix. Ses dernières
publications : Le peigne-jaune (éditions de
l'Attente), La nostalgie, camarade ?
(éditions Confluences), délaissé ou,
dernièrement, Asparagus (éditions P.O.L). AT : à la Maison de la
poésie, Passage Molière 157 Rue Saint-Martin, 75003 Paris 01 44 54 53 00 ;
entrée 5€
March 13th from 18.30-20.00,
admission free Vernissage
. ART Show will then go from 14 March – 27 April 2014, Tuesdays to Saturdays
from 2pm to 6pm (late opening on Wednesdays until 8 pm) Sundays from 12.30 to
14.30 and closed Mondays. Micheal Farrell: Une retrospective One of the
key Irish artists of his generation, Micheal Farrell (1940-2000) left Ireland
for Paris in 1971, where he moved into the famous studios of La Ruche; like
many exiles, however, he kept a sharp eye on his native country throughout his
career. His exceptional draughtsmanship and ability to incorporate different
artistic strands literally transformed the face of Irish art. His early work
was characterised by abstract formalism, in the vein of Frank Stella who he met
during an intense year spent in New York. Fiercely political, his reaction to
the outbreak of the Troubles in the early 1970s led him towards far greater
figuration. His acerbic wit and subversive views on Irish history, identity and
culture (evident in his notorious Madonna
Irlanda series) form the backbone of this selection of paintings and works
on paper on exhibition at the CCI. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris Tél : 01 58 52 10 30
13 mars à partir de 19h : A l'occasion de la
parution de Terre ni ciel José Corti et Champs (1975-1985) Flammarion La librairie Michèle Ignazi
a le plaisir de vous inviter à une
rencontre avec Yves Di Manno AT : La Librairie Michèle Ignazi 17, rue de Jouy
75004 Paris 01 42 71 17 00 métro : Saint-Paul ou Pont-Marie
March 13th 18.30-20.00 admission free Open studio: Ruth O’Donnell Artist-in-residence
Ruth O’Donnell invites you to come and see her work-in-progress. She is making
an extended series of studies - drawings and
watercolours - of ceramics in Parisian
museums as well as researching images of
ceramics in still-life and narrative
paintings as part of her continuing investigation into the survival of the
fragile. O'Donnell is
primarily a printmaker specialising in etching, monotype and carborundum
prints. She has been an active member of Graphic
Studio Dublin since 1991. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris Tél : 01 58 52 10 30
13 mars –
19h00-20h00 Les
Jeudis de l’Oulipo : soirée thèmatique « Ventre ».
Rendez-vous réguliers, les jeudis de l'Oulipo, chers aux amateurs de jeux de
l'esprit et de littérature potentielle, continuent d'explorer des thèmes
d'actualité, proposant lectures et créations originales. AT : Le BNF site
François-Mitterrand – Grand auditorium, Quai François-Mauriac - Paris 13e
13 mars à 19h : Dans
le cadre du Printemps des poètes, soirée “Lire le poème” Organisée par La voie des livres, cette soirée proposée par Marc Roger,
lecteur public, en partenariat avec les éditions Bruno Doucey fera partager le
travail des stagiaires de Marc Roger réunis pendant l’après-midi. Des lectures
feront découvrir la poésie de Moon Chung-Hee et de Garous Abdolmalekian ainsi
que des extraits des anthologies En pleine figure, Voix vives de
méditerranée en méditerranée et Les voix du poème. En présence de
Aurélia Lassaque et Laurence Bouvet.
14 mars / 19h30 - . Cécile
Loyer et Violaine Schwartz "L'hippocampe mais l'hipoccampe" dans le
cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e, un pari original, des
créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et écrivains, qui ne se
connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur scène pour nous dévoiler
une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Médaithèque Marguerite Duras
. Paris
14th at 19h30, €10 (€7 for
students and unemployed people), reservation recommended Come hear some Pop-Folk from Ireland with
Declan O’Rourke Since the release of his first studio album
in 2004, Since Kyabram, Declan O’Rourke has gained a reputation for being one of Ireland’s
greatest singer-songwriters. With his
velvety voice and captivating interpretations, he has played to packed-out venues
in Ireland, Britain, Australia and the US. He returns to Paris for this
acoustic concert in the intimate setting of the CCI and will charm us with
ballads and pop-folk titles taken from Since
Kyabram as well as his recent albums Big Bad Beautiful World (2007) and Mag Pai Zai
(2011). “[Declan O’Rourke]…
writes the sort of classic songs that people don’t write anymore, songs that
sound like they’ve been around forever. Listen to Galileo, which is possibly the greatest song written in the last 30
years.” (Paul Weller, Mojo Magazine) AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des
Irlandais, 75005 Paris Tél : 01 58 52 10 30
14 mars à 19h Rencontre avec PATRICIA
GODARD et LYDIE PORÉE pour la parution de leur livre Les femmes s’en vont en
lutte ! (Goater) Sous-titré
“Histoire et mémoire du féminisme à Rennes (1965-1985)”, cet ouvrage se veut à
la fois un hommage aux militants-es de ces années d’effervescence du mouvement
des femmes, un outil de réflexion pour les féminismes contemporains et une contribution
à la recherche en histoire. Il est basé tant sur des témoignages d’actrices et
d’acteurs des luttes pour l’égalité menées à Rennes et leur importante
participation aux luttes féministes, que sur des archives privées et
institutionnelles. Des documents iconographiques complètent ce travail innovant
et essentiel pour notre mémoire, mené par deux militantes qui ont créé
l’association Histoire du féminisme à Rennes en 2012.
mars 2014 à 15h : L’Association des Amis de l’Œuvre de Claude Vigée, Grand Prix national de la
Poésie 2013, vous convie à son après-midi poétique annuelle. Lecture de
poèmes par Gabrielle Althen : Les poètes et la guerre, d’Arthur Rimbaud à
Claude Vigée, en passant par les poètes de guerre anglais Pierre Brunel, Anne
Mounic, Lecture de poèmes de Claude Vigée par Hélène Péras AT : Salle Las Vergnas - Centre Censier, Troisième
étage, à gauche en sortant de l’ascenseur, 13, rue de Santeuil 75005 Paris Métro
March 15th
@ 8:00 pm At Paris Lit Up—featured reader It is our great pleasure to
welcome an eminent Welsh poet to our stage this week. Tony Curtis is Emeritus Professor
at the University of Glamorgan (USW) where he set up Creative Writing thirty
years ago. Later this year his play about three Welsh painters Augustus,Gwen
and Nina is to be prooduced and the bi-lingual book with Grahame
Davies Alchemy of Water is to be published.
15 mars / 20h30 - . Cécile
Loyer et Violaine Schwartz "L'hippocampe mais l'hipoccampe" + duo
Violaine Schwartz, texte et Hélène Labarrière, contrebasse "J'ai le
cafard" dans le cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e, un pari original, des
créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et écrivains, qui ne se
connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur scène pour nous dévoiler
une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Maison populaire - Montreuil
16 March at 19h30, €15, reservation necessary (space limited) Irish traditional music with North Cregg, along With Claire Anne
Lynch (vocals, fiddle), Christy Leahy (accordion), Liam Flanagan (fiddle,
banjo, mandolin), Ciaran Coughlan (piano), Martin Leahy (drums, percussion,
guitar) North Cregg produces some of the freshest
and finest sounds to be heard in Irish music today. With beautiful vocals,
spirited accordion-playing, fiddle, banjo and a tight rhythm section, North
Cregg is rooted in the vibrant traditional music of their native County Cork. With past appearances at prestigious music events such as Glastonbury
Festival, Milwaukee Irish Fest, Tønder Festival Denmark, Cambridge Festival,
Celtic Connections Glasgow and hundreds more besides, North Cregg are one of
the most popular live acts in the world of folk music today. The band have
produced four critically acclaimed and award winning albums, their most recent
and successful being The Roseland Barndance (2007). North Cregg will also give a free concert at the Music Kiosque in
the Jardin du Luxembourg from 2-3pm on 16 March. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des
Irlandais, 75005 Paris Tél : 01 58 52 10 30
17th March 7pm NIGHT for BUKOWSKI: “In my work, as a writer, I only photograph, in words, what I see. If I write of ‘sadism' it is because it exists, I didn't invent it, and if some terrible act occurs in my work it is because such things happen in our lives. I am not on the side of evil, if such a thing as evil abounds. In my writing I do not always agree with what occurs, nor do I linger in the mud for the sheer sake of it. Also, it is curious that the people who rail against my work seem to overlook the sections of it which entail joy and love and hope, and there are such sections. My days, my years, my life has seen up and downs, lights and darknesses. If I wrote only and continually of the ‘light' and never mentioned the other, then as an artist I would be a liar.” – Charles Bukowski March 2014 marks the twentieth anniversary of Charles Bukowski's death. What a perfect excuse to praise one of the greatest, most honest, most controversial American poets and novelists who ever lived. You're all invited to come on stage and share your favorite poem or lines. We will also be lucky enough to have with us French writers and Bukowski fans Christophe Donner and Pierre Mikaïloff. The event will be chaired by Alexandre Guégan, who recently translated More Notes of a Dirty Old Man into French for Grasset. And there are even rumours that we will be joined by the author himself… AT: Shakespeare & Co. 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75001 Paris—M°/RER St Michel or Maubert Mutualité
March 17th from 8pm SpokenWord – open mic/scène ouverte:
performance poetry, stand up, monologue, stories, beat poetry, sketches, songs,
spoken word. Primarily in English but open to all languages. Your own original
texts or favourite old texts – from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil
Scott-Heron. Sign up in the bar from 7.30pm for your 5 minutes of fame.
Poetics begin underground from 8.30pm. Make the words come alive. Au Chat Noir, 76
rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini.
17 mars de
16h45 à 19h00.Les séminaires de l’IdA : A la prochaine séance des
rencontres « Les Amériques en Livres » : Yves-Marie PÉRÉON (MCF Rouen) présentera son
ouvrage «Franklin D. Roosevelt » (Tallandier, 2012). Nous serons heureux de vous y accueillir, et vous
remercions d'avance de bien vouloir vous inscrire à l'adresse suivante :
At : Institut des Amériques, Espace Tocqueville 8eme étage 60, boulevard
du Lycée, 92170 Vanves, Métro: Corentin Celton (Ligne 12) Tram 3a: Porte de
Versailles Plan:
MARS AU DIMANCHE 6 AVRIL : LE CINÉMA DE GONZALO GARCÍA PELAYO L'œuvre fulgurante du cinéaste espagnol Gonzalo
García Pelayo, présentée pour la première fois en France au Jeu de Paume,
pourrait être le chaînon manquant entre Luis Buñuel et Pedro Almodóvar. Ce
cycle propose la rétrospective intégrale de ses films : Manuela (1975), Vivir
en Sevilla (1978), Frente al mar (1978), Corridas de alegría (1982), Rocío y
José (1983), ainsi que sa dernière création Alegrías de Cádiz (2013) créée après
trente années de silence. L'occasion unique de rencontrer le réalisateur, des
critiques, des historiens du cinéma, mais également de participer à un week-end
spécial flamenco ou bien encore à un week-end autour des cinéastes Paulino
Viota et Gonzalo García Pelayo
18th at 19.00, admission free, reservation necessary (space limited) Old Library visit The Old Library of the Irish College (in which the CCI is situated) is
one of the few surviving libraries of the many colleges, convents and
monasteries which were situated in the Montagne-Sainte-Geneviève area of Paris
until the end of the 18th century. This visit provides a further opportunity to see the treasures of the
Old Library - its three illuminated manuscripts dating from c.1500. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris Tél : 01 58 52 10 30
19 et jeudi 20 mars /
20h30 - . Fanny de Chaillé et Pierre Alferi "Répète" + Myriam
Gourfink et Eric Suchère "Insensiblement" dans le cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 »
Concordan(s)e, un pari
original, des créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et écrivains,
qui ne se connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur scène pour
nous dévoiler une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Centre natioanl de la danse .
19 mars à 19h Rencontre-signature avec EMILIE JOUVET pour la parution de
son livre de photographies The Book Le premier livre d’Emilie Jouvet, photographe et réalisatrice, propose
une sélection d’œuvres interrogeant le champ politique de la sensibilité, de
l’intime, du désir. Elle montre celles et ceux qui disent la fierté, le besoin
de se visibiliser : butchs, kings, queens, fems, trans, lesbiennes... Dans la
rue, dans les bars, dans un lit, peu importe, ils-elles sont uniques. Le lien
personnel de Jouvet avec ses modèles donne à son travail sa force militante et
sa place parmi les artistes qui ont choisi de déconstruire la représentation du
corps dans l’art, à la subvertir, à la recomposer en cherchant de nouveaux
codes et de nouveaux rapports aux identités sexuelles.
20 March 6:30
p.m. An Evening with Poets Margo
Berdeshevsky & Zoë Skoulding *Hosted by AUP’s visiting
writer Sian Melangell Dafydd Special
note: Zoë Skoulding’s most recent collection, The Museum of Disappearing
Sounds, has been shortlisted for The Poetry Society’s Ted Hughes
Award for New Work in Poetry. AT AUP, C-12 Combes Bldg, 6 rue du
Colonel Combes 75007
20 mars à 19h DANS LE CADRE DES DIX ANS DE VIOLETTE AND CO Rencontre avec
KATE MILLETT animée par Christine Lemoine A l’invitation de
Jackie Buet du Festival international de films de femmes de Créteil (où nous
tenons un stand tous les ans) dont la 36ème édition aura lieu du 13 au 24 mars,
nous sommes honorées d’animer cette rencontre avec Kate Millett, invitée
d’honneur du Festival. Née en 1934 aux Etats-Unis, figure majeure du féminisme
avec la publication de sa thèse La Politique du mâle qui a fait
sensation par sa critique radicale du pouvoir patriarcal, K. Millett est aussi
romancière (En vol, Sita...) et artiste. Elle a reçu de nombreux
prix et distinctions pour son combat politique et pour ses actions en faveur
des femmes artistes. La rencontre sera suivie par la projection de son film Three
Lives (1971). La librairie tiendra une table de vente au Festival samedi 15,
dimanche 16, jeudi 20 (en soirée), et samedi 22 mars. à la Maison des Arts de Créteil
March 21-24
All day everyday! 34e Salon du livre de Paris, Porte de Versailles.
21st March 7pm Spoken Word London host (and
ex-Tumbleweed extraordinaire) Pat Cash presents a short selection of the Fag Ash
Monologues, three ten-minute windows into the worlds of disparate characters in
modern Britain, including Patricia Primarché, the cheap drag queen,
$harkface $ally, the venomous PR woman, and Vinnie, the boring boyfriend.
Performed by Pat Cash, Milly Unwin, and Tom Hodges. AT:
Shakespeare & Co. 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75001 Paris—M°/RER St
Michel or Maubert Mutualité
21 et 22 mars / 20h30
- . Hélène
Iratchet et Pauline Klein "Socle" + Cécile Loyer et Violaine Schwartz
"L'hippocampe mais l'hipoccampe" dans le cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e,
un pari original, des créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et
écrivains, qui ne se connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur
scène pour nous dévoiler une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information
sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Théâtre Le Colombier .
22 mars /16h00 - . Fanny de Chaillé et Pierre Alferi "Répète" dans le
cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e, un pari original, des
créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et écrivains, qui ne se
connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur scène pour nous dévoiler
une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Médaithèque Hermeland . Saint-Herblain
23rd March 7pm We're delighted to present Hanif Kureishi on his witty and brilliant new novel, The Last Word. Mamoon is an eminent
Indian-born writer who has made a career in England – but now, in his early
70s, his reputation is fading, sales have dried up, and his new wife has
expensive taste. Harry, a young writer, is commissioned to write a biography to
revitalise both Mamoon's career and his bank balance. Harry greatly admires
Mamoon's work and wants to uncover the truth of the artist's life. Harry's
publisher seeks a more naked truth, a salacious tale of sex and scandal that
will generate headlines. Meanwhile, Mamoon himself is mining a different vein
of truth altogether. Harry and Mamoon find themselves in a battle of wills, but
which of them will have the last word? Hanif Kureishi was born in Kent and read
philosophy at King's College, London. His 1984 screenplay for the film My
Beautiful Laundrette was nominated for an Oscar. His short story ‘My Son the Fanatic' was adapted as a film in
1998. The Buddha of Suburbia (1990) won the Whitbread Prize for Best First
Novel and was produced as a four-part drama for the BBC in 1993. His second
novel was The Black Album (1995). The next, Intimacy (1998), was adapted as a
film in 2001, winning the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film festival.
Gabriel's Gift was published in 2001 and Something to Tell You in 2008. A short
story collection, Collected Stories, was published in 2010. Hanif Kureishi has
also written non-fiction, including the essay collections Dreaming and
Scheming: Reflections on Writing and Politics (2002) and The Word and the Bomb
(2005). The memoir My Ear at his Heart: Reading my Father appeared in 2004. Hanif
Kureishi was awarded the C.B.E. for his services to literature, and the
Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts des Lettres in France. His works have been
translated into 36 languages. AT:
Shakespeare & Co. 37, rue de la Bucherie, 75001 Paris—M°/RER St
Michel or Maubert Mutualité *
mars à partir de 15h Dans le cadre du Printemps des Poètes, une lecture à deux
voix avec Mireille
Podchlebnik et Jean François COCTEAU. Pour
plus d’informations sur ces auteurs, voir : AT : la médiathèque de Saint-Maur, Paris.
23 March 12pm to 4pm: Spring is around the corner,
as is SOS Help's
next booksale! Mark your calendars
for our next book sale on March 23! We have books in every category, with
a ton of general fiction, young adult, and children's books. Be sure to tell
your friends about this great way to get inexpensive books, meet other people
in the English-speaking community, and support our organization! SOS Help, the English
emotional support line. 01 46 21 46 46 from 3 to 11pm daily. BOOKSALE AT: Orrick Law Offices, 31, avenue Pierre 1er de
Serbie, 75016 Paris
March 24th from 8pm SpokenWord – open mic/scène ouverte: performance poetry, stand up, monologue, stories, beat poetry, sketches, songs, spoken word. Primarily in English but open to all languages. Your own original texts or favourite old texts – from Rimbaud to Dr Seuss, Beowulf to Gil Scott-Heron. Sign up in the bar from 7.30pm for your 5 minutes of fame. Poetics begin underground from 8.30pm. Make the words come alive. Au Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. Run by David Barnes & Alberto Rigettini.
25 at 7:30 p.m. POETS LIVE presents an evening of Arabic,
Chinese, Italian and Russian poetry in English translation with Omar Berrada, Sarah Riggs, Fiona
Sze-Lorrain, Jason Francis Mc Gimsey and Peter Daniels Drinks upstairs from whenever you
like, poetry starts downstairs at 19:30 Omar Berrada directs
the library and translation center at Dar al-Ma’mûn in Marrakech. Previously,
he hosted shows on French national radio and public programs at the Centre
Pompidou, and curated Tangier’s International Book Salon. He translates
American poetry and philosophy into French, and has recently edited, with Erik
Bullot, Expanded Translation – A Treason Treatise (Sharjah Art
Foundation, 2011) and, with Yto Barrada, Album – Cinémathèque de Tanger
(Virreina/LDC, 2012). Sarah Riggs is a member of the bilingual
poetry collective Double Change (, and founder of the interart non-profit
Tamaas (, She lives in Paris, where she is
a professor at NYU-in-France. Author of Pomme & Granite (forthcoming
with 1913 Press), Autobiography of Envelopes (Burning Deck), 60
Textos (Ugly Duckling Presse), Chain of Minuscule Decisions in the
Form of a Feeling (Reality Street Editions) and Waterwork (Chax
Press), Riggs has also made a film, Six Lives. Fiona
Sze-Lorrain writes and translates in English, Chinese, and French.
She is the author of two books of poetry, My Funeral Gondola (Manoa
Books/El Leon Literary Arts, 2013) and Water the Moon (Marick,
2010), as well as several volumes of translations of Chinese and French
contemporary poets. Her translations of Chinese poets are published by
Zephyr Press. She is recently the Distinguished Visiting Writer at the
University of Hawai'i. Also a zheng harpist, she lives in France. ( Jason Francis Mc Gimsey is a writer and
translator currently living in Paris, France. He is a founding member of
Paris Lit Up (, a collective that hosts weekly
open mic readings, workshops and other literary activities. Among other things,
he has translated Ghérasim Luca's Héros-Limite (1953), José
Saramago's Os poemas possíveis (1966) and is currently translating
a selection of Biagio Marin's poetry from Venetian dialect. He wordsmiths at: Peter Daniels lives in
London. He is he author of Counting Eggs (Mulfran Press, 2012) and has
several pamphlets including Mr Luczinski Makes a Move (HappenStance,
2011). He has won first prize in a number of poetry competitions including the
Ledbury (2002), Arvon (2008) and TLS (2010). His book of translations from the
Russian of Vladislav Khodasevich (1886-1939), published by Angel Classics, was
the Poetry Book Society’s recommended translation for Autumn 2013 and has been
short listed for the Rossica Translation Prize 2014. at Carr’s Pub, 1
rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris. Métros: Tulieries and Concorde Next
Poets Live reading: April 8, 2014
25 mars / 19h00 - . Myriam
Gourfink et Eric Suchère "Insensiblement" dans le cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 »
Concordan(s)e, un pari
original, des créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et écrivains,
qui ne se connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur scène pour
nous dévoiler une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Médaithèque du Pôle culturel
. Alfortville
March 27, 7 p.m. Grand Salon: Mirror Visions Ensemble.
Musical settings of poetry by Linda Pastan and Jeffrey Greene.
Music based on the poems of Linda Pastan and Jeffrey Greene, including two
American premieres -- songs to poems of Greene by Russell Platt, and a song
cycle by Richard Pearson Thomas, to poetry of Pastan. Both Linda Pastan and
Jeffrey Greene will be in attendance, discussing the intricacies of setting
poetry to music. The program will also include works by Christopher Berg. With Margaret Kampmeier, piano. AT: American
University in Paris, Grand Salon, 31 av. Bosquet 75007 Paris.
27 and 28 March Word for Word returns to the American Library in Paris for the 19th year to present In Friendship by Zona Gale,
a century-old comedy of American small-town mores and manners. Don’t miss these
two performances in Paris! The Thursday 27 March performance is sponsored
by the Fondation Jeanine Manuel and the Friday 28 March performance is
sponsored by the Library. A suggested donation of 20€ (10€ for
students) at the door helps us sustain this creative partnership. An
informal reception with cast and crew of In
Friendship follows the 28 March performance at the Library. Reservations
are now open, and seating is on first-come-first-served basis. There is no
reserved seating. To make a reservation, send an email to: AT: Theatre Adyar, Paris
March 28,
at 19:30. Pansy Maurer-Alvarez will launch her latest poetry
collection, IN A FORM OF SUSPENSION (corrupt press). The program will
include some French translations by Anne Talvaz and improvisations by
dancer Romual Kaboré. Pansy Maurer-Alvarez was born in
San Juan, Puerto Rico, grew up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and emigrated to
Switzerland in 1973. She began
writing poetry as a teenager and completed 11 years of literary studies at
universities in the US, Spain and Switzerland, where she worked for a short
time as a teacher and translator. Upon moving to Pairs in 1991, she abandoned
plans for furthering her academic career in order to devote herself to poetry
full time. Her poems have appeared throughout Europe and the US in such diverse
publications as the TLS, Hanging Loose Magazine, LUNGFULL!, La Traductière, Rattapallax and Osiris. She has work in several
anthologies, including Ladies, Start You Engines (Faber and Faber), Final de Entrega (Colectivo Ediciones) and Visiting Dr.
Williams (University of Iowa Press). Some
of her poems have been translated into French, German and Spanish and she is
the author of 4 previous collections. She is a contributing editor for Tears
in the Fence and curates the Poets Live
reading series in Paris. at Carr's Pub, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Métros: Tuileries or Concorde
28 March 5pm - 8pm, (BUT RSVP by 17th March) Cocktails with an Agent: Jessica Regel, Foundry Literary Presentation on Nonfiction Hooks for Fiction Books + Pitch Session. RSVP: by March 17 Jessica serves as Foundry’s Foreign Rights Director for Children’s Books, and also represents her own list of authors. Jessica represents all genres of young adult and middle grade books, as well as a select list of adult fiction. She is passionate about discovering projects that are compulsive, contagious, and creative. She’s particularly interested in books that bridge the literary-commercial divide, combining a high-concept plot with beautiful writing.‣ Meet with Jessica, a small group of fellow writers, and enjoy a drink.‣ Pitch your story to Jessica, but first we’ll polish it during a workshop. (You’ll need to bring one printed copy of your pitch to share.) Plus, learn how to weave details into your writing so it resonates with today’s demanding readers. (One-hour presentation)When: Friday, March 28, 2014, 5pm - 8pmWhere: Le Petits Carreaux (Upstairs), 17-19 Petits Carreau/rue Montorgueil,75002 Paris Cost: 60Euros for SCBWI members, 75Euros for non-SCBWI members, includes 1 drink. Registration is limited! REMINDER: RSVP: by March 17
Violette Leduc aujourd’hui” animée par Catherine Florian Il était évident que l’œuvre de
Violette Leduc soit au programme des festivités de nos 10 ans. Malgré la
reconnaissance de son style unique et éblouissant par ses pairs et par un
groupe de lecteurs et lectrices fervents-es admirateurs-trices, elle reste une
écrivaine méconnue et sous-estimée. Mais comment la lire aujourd’hui ? Lors de
cette soirée, trois axes de lecture seront abordés : celle faite par des
chercheuses, celle engendrée par des écrivaines qui témoignent de son influence
sur leur travail et celle du public qui la découvre ou la redécouvre. Dans ce
sens, nous vous invitons à prendre largement la parole ce soir-là pour
témoigner de vos lectures de Leduc et avons proposé à CATHERINE VIOLLET,
leur contribution. A signaler : la diffusion du documentaire Violette Leduc,
la chasse à l’amour de Esther Hoffenberg sur Arte le samedi 8 mars à 22h45.
29 mars
17h30-18h30 Le
département Littérature et art reçoit l’écrivain Michel Gironde pour une
rencontre autour du livre Méditerranée et
Exil aujourd’hui publié
en janvier 2014 chez l’Harmattan. L’auteur de Carlos Fuentes entre hispanité et
américanité, qui a dirigé auparavant une recherche sur la violence dans l’art
et dans la littérature (Les mémoires de la violence : littérature, peinture,
photographie, cinéma) est aussi le directeur scientifique de ce nouveau livre,
issu des rencontres internationales "Villes méditerranéennes et exil au
tournant du XXIe siècle" qui ont eu lieu à la Maison de la Région
marseillaise, les 19 et 20 octobre 2012.Docteur en littérature générale et
comparée de l’Université Paris III Sorbonne nouvelle, il est membre du groupe
de recherche RETINA International – Recherches Esthétiques & Théoriques sur
les Images Nouvelles & Anciennes.Thème récurrent dans de nombreux ouvrages
des écrivains des pays méditerranéens et de l’Amérique latine, la littérature
d'exil sera évoquée ainsi que la rencontre des cultures dans les littératures
de ces pays. AT : le BNF François-Mitterrand de Paris, dans le Labo BnF situé
hall Est. Quai François-Mauriac - Paris 13e
29 mars / 18h30 - . Fanny de Chaillé et Pierre Alferi "Répète" dans le
cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e, un pari original, des créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes
et écrivains, qui ne se connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur
scène pour nous dévoiler une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information
sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Bibliothèque Marguerite
Audoux . Paris
March at
7.30pm A playreading of a work by Corneliu Mitrache: "Alien Hangover" (screen) AT: Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, Metro : Tuileries
31 March 7pm Shakespeare and Co is very happy to
present Naomi
Wood on Mrs. Hemingway – the story of
the most famous writer of his generation and the four extraordinary women who
married him. In the dazzling summer of 1926, Ernest Hemingway and his wife
Hadley travel from their home in Paris to a villa in the south of France. They
swim, play bridge, and drink gin. But wherever they go they are accompanied by
the glamorous and irrepressible Fife. Fife is Hadley's best friend. She is also
Ernest's lover. Hadley is the first Mrs. Hemingway, but neither she nor Fife
will be the last. Over the ensuing decades, Ernest's literary career will blaze
a trail, but his marriages will be ignited by passion and deceit. Four women will learn what it means to love the most
famous writer of his generation, and each will be forced to ask herself how far
she will go to remain his wife. Luminous and intoxicating, Mrs. Hemingway
portrays real lives with rare intimacy and plumbs the depths of the human
heart. Naomi Wood was born in 1983 and lives in London. She studied at
Cambridge and at UEA for her MA in Creative Writing. Originally from York, she
has gone on to live in Hong Kong, Paris, and Washington DC. Her first novel was
The Godless Boys. See Shakespeare’s site for a link to a rave review of Mrs.
Hemingway in The Telegraph. AT: Shakespeare and Co Bookstore, 37 rue de la bucherie, Paris.
1 avril / 12h00 - . Hélène
Iratchet et Pauline Klein "Socle" en partenariat avec le festival
Hors limites et dans le cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e,
un pari original, des créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et
écrivains, qui ne se connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur
scène pour nous dévoiler une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information
sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Université Paris 13, La
chaufferie . Villetaneuse
2 avril / 16h00 - . Fanny de Chaillé et Pierre Alferi "Répète" en
partenariat avec le festival Hors limites et dans le cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e,
un pari original, des créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et
écrivains, qui ne se connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur
scène pour nous dévoiler une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information
sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Bibliothèque André Malraux . Les Lilas
3 avril / 19h30 - . Fanny de Chaillé et Pierre Alferi "Répète" dans le
cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e, un pari original, des créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes
et écrivains, qui ne se connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur
scène pour nous dévoiler une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information
sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : La maison rouge . Paris
5 avril à 19h Rencontre avec des
membres du groupe La Barbe pour la parution de La Barbe. Cinq ans
d’activisme féministe (iXe)
5 avril / 18h30 - . Hélène
Iratchet et Pauline Klein "Socle" dans le cadre de la journée de
l'édition en danse et dans le cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e,
un pari original, des créations de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et
écrivains, qui ne se connaissent pas au départ, se retrouvent sur
scène pour nous dévoiler une chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information
sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : La Briqueterie / CDC du val-de-Marne . Vitry-sur-Seine
6 avril / 15h00 - . Fanny de Chaillé et Pierre Alferi "Répète" dans le
cadre de « Concordan(s)e#8 » Concordan(s)e, un pari original, des créations
de duos inatendus. Chorégraphes et écrivains, qui ne se connaissent pas
au départ, se retrouvent sur scène pour nous dévoiler une
chorégraphie et un texte inédits. information sur Pour plus d ‘infos
sur Concordanse, vous pouvez aussi contacter Jean François
Munnier, directeur festival concordan(s)e. Email Tonight’s show is
at : Cneai . Chatou
7th April at 19h30—IVY WRITERS PARIS is back with a bilingual reading
starring visiting NYC author Elena Rivera and French poet Stéphane Bouquet. Rivera is the translator
for Bernard Noël, and Bouquet translates into French from both Italian and English, thus it will be a real treat to speak with these authors about their
writing and translation work in a QandA session following the reading of their own poetry.
Information will be posted closer to the date, so check into our website
or keep up with us by joining our FB group.
AT : Delaville Café (upstairs in the "Salon Margery"), 34, Boulevard Bonne nouvelle, 75010 PARIS.
AT : Delaville Café (upstairs in the "Salon Margery"), 34, Boulevard Bonne nouvelle, 75010 PARIS.
9 avril à 19h DANS LE CADRE DES DIX ANS DE VIOLETTE AND CO Table-ronde “Transgression et littérature” animée par Anne
PART II: WRITING and Translation
15 et 29 mars de 11h à 13h Atelier
d’écriture animé par CATHERINE BÉDARIDA Catherine
Bédarida, écrivain et journaliste (Le Monde, Mouvement) organise des
ateliers d’écriture créative avec des institutions culturelles et associatives.
L’atelier à Violette and Co, qui reprend pour une nouvelle saison, offre un
lieu solidaire pour écrire en toute liberté quelque soit son expérience. En
partant de thèmes variés et de pistes de réflexion en lien avec les questions
de genre, de minorités sexuelles et adossés à l’expérience littéraire
féministe, l’atelier permet d’explorer et d’inventer ses propres mots. Horaires
: un samedi sur deux, de 11h à 13h. L’inscription ponctuelle en cours d’année
est possible. Tarif : 20 €
par atelier. Renseignements et inscriptions :
22nd March Join Sarah Towle, co-director of YAFF,
for the final writing
workshop for writers ages 8-14 on Saturday 22 March and
get tips on how to edit and prepare your story for submission. Space is limited
and reservations can be made to Celeste Rhoads at Also, check out this blog post, the 3rd and final in the series, written by Sarah Towle for parents on
how to help developing writers.
24 March 6:30 p.m. Peter
Wortzman, Translation Workshop AT:
ARC, 147 rue de Grenelle, 75007 FOR MORE
INFO contact Jeff Greene or Peter Wortzman at the American University of Paris.
28 March 5pm - 8pm, (BUT RSVP by 17th
March) Cocktails with an Agent: Jessica Regel, Foundry
Literary Presentation on Nonfiction Hooks for Fiction Books + Pitch Session. RSVP:
by March 17 Jessica serves as Foundry’s Foreign Rights Director for Children’s
Books, and also represents her own list of authors. Jessica represents all
genres of young adult and middle grade books, as well as a select list of adult
fiction. She is passionate about discovering projects that are compulsive,
contagious, and creative. She’s particularly interested in books that bridge the
literary-commercial divide, combining a high-concept plot with beautiful
writing.‣ Meet with Jessica, a small group of fellow writers, and enjoy a drink.‣ Pitch your story to Jessica,
but first we’ll polish it during a workshop. (You’ll need to bring one printed
copy of your pitch to share.) Plus, learn how to weave details into your writing
so it resonates with today’s demanding readers. (One-hour presentation)When: Friday,
March 28, 2014, 5pm - 8pmWhere: Le Petits Carreaux (Upstairs), 17-19 Petits
Carreau/rue Montorgueil,75002 Paris Cost: 60Euros for SCBWI members, 75Euros for
non-SCBWI members, includes 1 drink. Registration is limited! REMINDER: RSVP:
by March 17
Creative Writing Institute!! Here is the link: SUMMARY: We are delighted to
announce the 3rd edition of our lively Summer Creative Writing Institute at the
American University of Paris. We hope you will share the enclosed
brochure with students who would enjoy three weeks in Paris working with
attentive faculty and sharing their writing with talented workshop
members. The 2014 version of this intensive program runs from July 2 to
July 23 and provides two workshops: Writing Fiction and Crafting Personal
Narrative. The program also includes weekly readings by internationally
recognized authors, combined classes for guest speakers and Paris literary
field trips, and, always one of the best parts, a final student reading and
party. Open weekends allow students to take advantage of the University’s
Cultural Program excursions in France and parts of Europe or simply have time
to write and absorb the wonders of being in Paris. Summers are packed
with literary events at Shakespeare & Co, Spoken Word, and other
venues. The Summer Creative Writing Institute faculty has decades of
experience in teaching writing at excellent institutions. Also the
American University of Paris is fully active in the summer, providing
accommodation and library and technical support so that students can work
optimally. AUP is the home for the prestigious Center for Writers &
Translators, a Master of Arts in Cultural Translation, and a large Department
of Comparative Literature, which offers a major in Literature and the Creative
Arts along with a minor in Creative Writing. A Master of Fine Arts in
Creative Writing will be offered in the near future. Please do not hesitate to
contact me should you have any questions. Thank you, and best wishes, Jeffrey
DEADLINE APRIL 1st for the YAFF: Young authors all
over the greater Paris area are fine-tuning their stories in preparation for
the 2014 Young
Authors Fiction Festival (YAFF), co-sponsored
by Time Traveler Tours and the American Library in Paris. The deadline for
YAFF submissions is 1 April 2014.
CONTEST for DIAGRAM is reading now. Awesome. This is our
favorite time of year, where our readers see what you are up to, and we have to
make tough choices. Deadline is the beginning of April. Guidelines here:
CALL FOR RADIOPLAYS The Parislab, a new
hour-long radio show on the digital radio station, World Radio Paris, that
performs and records radio plays and spoken word shorts live in front of a
Paris audience, is seeking submissions for its upcoming season. About The
Parislab: Founded and produced by Christopher Mack and Clarence Tokley, two
Paris-based director/actors who work professionally in film and theatre in
Paris, Parislab is dedicated to staging and recording gripping and entertaining
radio plays and spoken word stories in front of live audiences. All effects and
recordings are done in front of an audience. To submit entries, REQUEST
GUIDELINES BY EMAIL and then send your properly formatted radio scripts in pdf
format to Some basics on the guidelines:1. Length:
10-30 minutes in length. All spoken word stories must be 5-15 minutes in
length. 2. Genres: All genres
will be considered. 3. Remuneration: This non-profit radio program is just
beginning and cannot, at this point, offer financial compensation to the
writers whose works are selected. But if your piece is selected, it will be
performed in front of a live audience and recorded, then broadcast on our show
on World Radio Paris. 4. Language: English. 5. Radio play script guidelines. We
recommend you follow BBC radioscript format guidelines See also: 6. Spoken word story submission
guidelines: Stories must be 5-15 minutes in length. Selected stories will be
performed by the storyteller live, in front of a Paris audience, without notes
or script in hand. For spoken word story telling, we are very much inspired by
the Moth ( We can only consider Paris-based submissions, for the moment. Send us
an mp3 recording of your story. 7. Radio play script submissions in pdf format.
GET YOUR COPY! The essay collection from the
conference on American experimental poetry held at the University of Toulouse-Mirail which includes papers by American, British and French writers, has
been published as a special bi-lingual
issue of Anglophonia/Caliban entitled "Tailor-Made Traditions: The Poetics
of US Experimental Verse, from H.D. to Michael Heller." More information
is available at the website:
honour of the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth, we’re delighted to
announce a year-long project that we really hope lots of you will get involved
with – The Bard-sur-Seine Readings. The goal is simple: to revisit and celebrate
some of Shakespeare’s most loved plays. So, once a month, we will be hosting
informal read-throughs in the library, which will be recorded and sent out as
podcasts in our newsletter, so you’ll all be able to share in the theatrical
fun. The first play will be Romeo and Juliet, and the read-through will take
place in the library on February 27th at 6pm. If you’d like to take part,
please email Milly Unwin at and tell her whether you’d prefer a larger or a smaller role. Parts
will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis,
and we’ll let you know a week in advance of the reading whether you have a
role. No preparation necessary, and we’ll provide the scripts. Please note
that, due to space restrictions, the Bard-sur-Seine Readings will only be open
to those taking part. The allocated plays for each remaining month of 2014 are
as follows: February – Romeo and Juliet, March – The Tempest, April – King
Lear, May – As You Like It, June – Henry IV (Part 1), July – A Midsummer
Night’s Dream, August – Othello, September – The Merchant of Venice, October –
Hamlet, November – Twelfth Night and in December – Anthony and Cleopatra.
Again, if you’d like to take part, please email Milly Unwin at
Contest. Two winners—1 selected by independent judge Patty Paine, and 1 by
founding editor Katerina Stoykova-Klemer. $300 prize, publication of
perfect-bound chapbook and 30 copies. All entries are considered for
publication. Send manuscript plus $15 reading fee by April 30.
NOW: We are now accepting submissions for Rivet: The Journal of Writing That Risks, the new online
literary magazine from Red Bridge Press. Rivet seeks
genre-bending work that takes risks with form, content, or both; revels in the
unexpected; and rewards with imagination and insight. We welcome submissions of
fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and hybrid pieces by established and emerging
authors. Send us your
most powerful, strange, and wonderful work! (And please spread the word by
forwarding this announcement to your writer friends.)-- Liana Holmberg, Editor
in Chief & Publisher Red
Bridge Press
Rivet: The Journal of Writing That Risks
Rivet: The Journal of Writing That Risks
IT OUT! The new Versal website is now live! After many years of prep and
reflection, this site is FABULOUS! Check it out, sign up for the Versal Monthly
newsletter on the "about" page, get info on the FEB 2014 event
JOURNAL PORN taking place in Seattle, WA for AWP and prepare your own work for
submission by subscribing and reading previous issues!!!
DIAGRAM 14.1 NOW OUT: Dear DIAGRAM readers, past and present
and future: herein is the announcement for the new issue, the first of our
fourteenth year of publication. Crazy, that stat. The magazine is older than
most of our editors' kids and their friends' kids. It is, at least, not as old
as its editors. Anyhow, find it here: It features text objects by C
Dylan Bassett, Carrie
Collier, Kathryn
Cowles, Brooke
Ellsworth, James
Franco, Emily
Franklin, Derek
Furr, Nicholas
Grider, Bradley
Harrison, Emily
Hunt, Agustin
Lucas trans. Jesse Lee Kercheval, Rachel
Morgan, and J.
A. Tyler; reviews: Matt
Sadler on Edmund Berrigan, Lisa
Ampleman on The Aeneid trans. David
Hadbawnik, and Caroline
Wilkinson on Rachel Moritz and Juliet Patterson; and schematics: Bayesian
Conceptualization of an Office, Claymores
Employed in Ambush, Encoding
of Visual Space by a Gaze-Dependent Visual Neuron, Reaching
Activity in a V6A Neuron, Sample
of Emotional Space, Schematic
of Slimebot, The
Time Evolution of the Morphology of Slimebot Under Different Velcro Strength
(See from Left to Right), and Visual
Proof of the Triangle Inequality for Information Distance.
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