03 May 2012

May 2012 Readings & Events

May 2012 Readings List + Calls for Work
Part I) Paris Events and READINGS by date
Part II) Workshops in Paris
Part III) News Reviews & Reviews News: publications, calls for work, new books and more!
*Note: event details are regularly updated, so check back!

(IF YOU HAVE EVENTS, CALLS FOR WORK, etc for JUNE+JULY 2012 please send those announcements as early as possible, and in the format of the listings below, to Jane Cope at parisrentree2010 AT gmail.com)
Part I) Paris events and READINGS by dates in May 2012
1 May 18h Celebrate the launch of anthology Vignettes & Postcards, Writings From the Evening Writing Workshop at Shakespeare and Company. The writers in this anthology were part of the workshop run by award-winning writer Erin Byrne at Shakespeare and Company and came from all over the world. Listen to the astounding stories they created there! This collection of twenty-six stories is edited by Erin Byrne and Anna Pook. You are invited to experience the wooing of Lady Inspiration, two waiters frozen in time as if inside an ice cube, and a trip inside Sylvia Plath's home the night of her suicide. Journey to times and places such as a street in 1950s Texas, rue de Seine during the flood of 1910, and a Paris blanketed with paving stones.  Meet characters such as Leila, an Algerian woman on the outskirts of Paris; Seu Juca, a man injured during a political uprising in Brazil; Homer, Shakespeare, Twain floating on a cloud; and Lilia, a young ballerina inside a painting. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

2 - 3 May American Art and the Mass Media: This two-day international symposium considers the dynamic interplay of the fine arts and the technologies and structures of the mass media across the long narrative of American art history. Taking as an occasion the 'Warhol: Headlines' travelling exhibition that premiered at the National Gallery of Art in Washington in the autumn of 2011 and that systematically explored Andy Warhol’s artistic preoccupation with the visual culture of journalism, our program aims to grant visibility to the exciting correspondences or tensions that emerge when such disciplinary boundaries as have fractured the study of the fine arts and more instrumental communicative media are, even if only temporarily, set aside. The spectrum of research encompasses moments of intersection between fine arts discourse and the various technological and historically specific modalities of mass media culture from the sixteenth-century printing press and the nineteenth-century panorama to the experimental cinema of the sixties and our present social media sphere. Speakers include James Boaden, Jean-Loup Bourget, François Brunet, Annie Claustres, Christian Delage, Molly Donovan, Sara Doris, John Fagg, Ursula Frohne, Kristen Gresh, André Gunthert, J. Carlos Kase, Jason LaFountain, Filip Lipinski, Ségolène Le Men, Michael Lobel, Nenette Luarca-Shoaf, Richard Meyer, Jorge Ribalta, Stephanie Schwartz, and Maria Slowinska. Full program at  http://www.inha.fr/spip.php?article3934 and http://www.courtauld.ac.uk/researchforum/events/2012/summer/may2_AmericanArtMassMedia.shtml. AT: Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA), 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris Métro: Bourse

2-6 May. Traduire/Transmettre : Rencontres autour de la traduction théâtrale. Troisième saison : l’Allemagne. La Compagnie Agathe Alexis, l’Atalante (Compagnie des Matinaux), la Compagnie RL, la Maison Antoine Vitez, centre international de la traduction théâtrale, le Centre National du Théâtre, Paris-Berlin 25 ans, s’associent pour interroger les problématiques de la traduction théâtrale, en parcourant chaque année la dramaturgie d’un pays. Le Goethe-Institut est partenaire de l’édition 2012.
Mercredi 2 mai à 19h : Lessing (1729-1781) Les Juifs de Gotthold Ephraïm Lessing, traduction de Jean-Louis Besson et Jean Jourdheuil, lecture dirigée par Olivia Kryger. Débat avec Jean-Louis Besson et Olivia Kryger.:
         Jeudi 3 mai à 19h : Sternheim (1878-1922) Tabula rasa de Carl Sternheim, traduction de Jean Launay, lecture dirigée par Agathe Alexis. Débat avec Philippe Ivernel et Agathe Alexis.
         Vendredi 4 mai à 19h : Wedekind (1864-1918) Le Chanteur d'opéra de Frank Wedekind, traduction Louis-Charles Sirjacq, lecture dirigée par Jürgen Genuit. Débat avec Louis-Charles Sirjacq et Jürgen Genuit.
         Samedi 5 mai à 19h : Hauptmann (1862-1946) La Peau de castor de Gerhart Hauptmann, traduction de Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, lecture dirigée par René Loyon. Débat avec Jean-Pierre Lefebvre et René Loyon.
          Dimanche 6 mai à 14h : Lünstedt et Kricheldorf. La Gnaque de Claudius Lünstedt, traduction de Laurent Muhleisen et Frank Veigand, lecture dirigée par Irène Bonnaud. Débat avec Laurent Muhleisen et Irène Bonnaud. La Ballade du tueur de conifères de Rebekka Kricheldorf, traduction d'Emmanuel Béhague, lecture dirigée par Alain-Alexis Barsacq. Rencontre avec Rebekka Kricheldorf, Emmanuel Behague et Alain Barsacq.
AT : Théâtre L'Atalante 10 place Charles Dullin - 75018 Paris Français Entrée libre - Réservation indispensable Tél. +33 1 46061190

2 - 10 May Spectacle Quatrevingt treize à la Maison de la Poésie: grande salle. Durée 1h50. Quatrevingt treize de Victor Hugo, adaptation et mise en scène Godefroy Ségal, peintures Jean-Michel Hannecart, projection Benjamin Yvert assistante à la mise en scène Mathilde Priolet, avec Géraldine Asselin, François Delaive, Nathalie Hanrion, Alexis Perret et Boris Rehlinger.  Production In Cauda, avec le soutien de la ville de Magny-les-Hameaux, la communauté d’agglomération de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, la DRAC Ile-de-France -ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Lilas en scène et Jipanco. Avec l'aide à la diffusion d'Arcadi. L’adaptation théâtrale de Godefroy Ségal est parue aux éditions Venenum en décembre 2009. AT: la Maison de la Poésie, Passage Molière 157, rue Saint-Martin 75003 Paris Métro: Rambuteau, Les Halles

2 - 26 May Spectacle Contre les bêtes à la Maison de la Poésie: du mercredi au samedi à 20h00. Pas de représentation le dimanche. Petite salle. Durée 55 mns. De Jacques Rebotier - mise en scène et jeu Jacques Rebotier. Production compagnie voQue:  Le texte écrit il ya dix ans pour les Rencontres d’été de La Chartreuse de Villeneuve-lez-Avignon a été joué par Alain Fromager dans une mise en scène de l’auteur. Publié aux éditions Harpo &, il vient de faire l’objet d’une nouvelle édition, aux éditions La Ville brûle. AT: la Maison de la Poésie, Passage Molière 157, rue Saint-Martin 75003 Paris Métro: Rambuteau, Les Halles

3 May 17h30 Dans le cadre  du séminaire général de VALE consacré à "Ecrire l'oral", nous vous convions à venir à écouter Linda Lee Welch (Erasmus scholar, Sheffield Hallam University) qui donnera une "Conférence-Performance" sur la question de la poésie et de l'oralité. AT: Bibliothèque Louis Bonnerot (UFR d'anglais) 1, Rue Victor Cousin, 75005 Paris RER: Luxembourg

3 May 19h Franco La Cecla will discuss his pamphlet, Against Architecture. The Village Voice Bookshop has the pleasure of inviting you to meet Franco La Cecla to discuss his controversial pamphlet, Against Architecture. Against Architecture is a passionate and erudite charge against the celebrities of the current architecural world, the archistars. According to Franco La Cecla, architecture has lost its way and its true function, as the archistars use the cityscape to build their brand, putting their stamp on the built environment with little regard for the public good. More than a diatribe against the trade for which the author trained, Against Architecture issues a call to rethink urban space and to take our cities back from Casino Capitalism which has left a string of failed urban projects. Informed by the works of Robert Byron, Mike Davis, and Rebecca Solnit, Against Architecture is a work of insight on resisting the tyranny of the planners and the spirit of place. Franco La Cecla has taught cultural anthropology and worked as a consultant for the Renzo Piano Building Workshop and for Barcelona Regional. In 2005, he founded the Architecture Social Impact Assessment. The author of Je te quitte, moi non plus ou l’art de la rupture amoureuse, Franco has also directed several documentaries, including In altro mare, winner of the Best Coastal Culture Film at the 2010 San Francisco Ocean Film Festival, and is currently working with Artline Films on Indian Kiss, and with Rai television on a series based on Against Architecture. More than twenty years have passed since the girl Larry took to a drive-in movie was never seen or heard from again. He never confessed, and was never charged. His boyhood pal, Silas has since then become the town constable and another local girl has disappeared, forcing two men who once called each other friend to confront a past that they had thought buried for decades. Tom Franklin, whose Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter was an Edgar Award Best Novel nominee, is the author of two previous novels, Hell at the Breech and Smonk, and a collection of short stories called Poachers. Franco La Cecla will be introduced by Andrew Todd, founder of Studio Andrew Todd and former member of the Ateliers Jean Nouvel. Todd’s main project to date, the Young Vic Theatre, was built in London next to the Old Vic Theatre. Todd won numerous awards, including the RIBA National Building Award. In 2011, he was made Chevalier des Arts et Lettres. Andrew Todd is the co-author of The Open Circle: Peter Brook’s Theatre Environments. AT: Village Voice Bookshop 6, rue Princesse 75006 Métro: Mabillon

3 May 19h30 Rencontre with Marie Heaney: Author Marie Heaney will talk about Celtic culture, illustrated by readings from Over Nine Waves: A Book of Irish Legends (1995), in which she skillfully revives the glory of ancient Irish storytelling from the great pre-Christian sequences to the more recent tales of the three patron saints Patrick, Brigid, and Colmcille. She was born in County Tyrone and began her teaching career in Northern Ireland. As well as Over Nine Waves she has written The Names upon the Harp (2000), a book of Irish legends for children and, as an editor with Townhouse Publishing in Dublin, has produced several anthologies including Heart Mysteries (2003), a personal selection of Irish poetry. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris. RER: Luxembourg

3 May 20h (External Collaboration) 5x15 in French: five speakers, fifteen minutes each. Book your ticket: http://www.weezevent.com/5x15-Paris. After the success of the first 5x15 in French (see http://vimeo.com/37939688), join us for the next exciting edition. Come and hear true stories of passion, obsession and adventure recounted live with just two rules: no scripts and only fifteen minutes each. This time the line-up is: Dominique Blanc (la liberté de l'acteur); Jean-Luc Boutel (collectionneur d'anticipation ancient); Dominique Plihon (itinéraire d'un altermondialiste); Valérie Mréjen and Moriarty! There will be a wine degustation after the show http://www.chateau-campagnebacchus.com/ AT: 17 rue Dieu 75010 Paris Métro: Jacques Bonsergent

4 May-7 June. Bertolt Brecht : Dans la jungle des villes. Une ville ordinaire dans un monde d’argent : le bruit, la boue, des gens au travail, d’autres sans. Dans cette jungle implacable, deux hommes engagent un combat énigmatique. Avec une arme nommée « humilation », Shlink, l’éveilleur, provoque Garga en une série de rounds poignants. Pour Vontobel, Brecht raconte par cet affrontement sauvage un tremblement de terre qui secoue les fondements d’une société. Première création française de ce jeune metteur en scène suisse-allemand, célèbre en Allemagne pour sa relecture radicale de grandes œuvres du répertoire… Né en 1977 à Zurich, Roger Vontobel est metteur en scène associé du Kammerspiele de Munich, du Deutsches Schauspielhaus de Hambourg, du Schauspielhaus d’Essen et, depuis 2011, du Schauspielhaus de Bochum, ainsi qu’artiste invité à La Colline – théâtre national. Il s’est fait connaître par ses relectures audacieuses des œuvres du répertoire qu’il inscrit scéniquement dans notre monde contemporain et réinterprète à la lumière des questions posées par notre société. Élu metteur en scène de l’année par la revue Theater Heute, il a reçu le Prix Gertrud Eysoldt pour sa mise en scène de La Toison d’or de Grillparzer. Texte : Bertolt Brecht. Adaptation et mise en scène : Roger Vontobel. Avec Clément Bresson, Rodolphe Congé, Cécile Coustillac, Annelise Heimburger, Arthur Igual, Sébastien Pouderoux, Philippe Smith, John Arnold. AT: La Colline - théâtre national. 15 rue Malte Brun, 75020 Paris. Français. 29€; 14€ pour les moins de 30 ans. 20€ pour titulaires de la Carte Goethe, Code Goethe-Institut. Réserv. www.colline.fr. Tél. +33 1 44625252

4 May 19h Vernissage de l’exposition de *JAMES “Exhibitiøn&;gt;ø” Le travail photographique de *James se centre principalement sur le corps, la structure spatiale comme extension de l’esprit, la métamorphose. Ses photographies explorent un univers fantasmatique où l’angoisse est sensuelle. *James traque l’essence de l’être telle qu’elle s’exprime dans des pratiques aussi diverses que le rêve, le fétichisme ou les modifications corporelles. (exposition du 4 mai au 10 juin). AT: Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny

4 May, 19h. Alice Schwarzer : Lebenslauf. Lecture et discussion animée par Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle, professeur en Études germaniques à l'Université Paris VII-Denis Diderot. Dans la première partie de son autobiographie (1942-1977), Alice Schwarzer dépeint son enfance et sa jeunesse dans l’Allemagne de l’après-guerre, mais aussi et principalement les années qu’elle passe en France et qui la marquent profondément, son parcours de journaliste et son engagement comme féministe, qui débute à l’automne 1970 à Paris : elle sera l’une des pionnières du MLF. En 1974, elle rentre en Allemagne et se fait la voix des femmes pour la défense de leurs droits : auteure de best-sellers, féministe et directrice du magazine EMMA qu’elle fonde en 1977. Alice Schwarzer, née en 1942 à Wuppertal, a publié vingt-cinq livres dont deux en français, La petite différence et ses grandes conséquences (Éditions des Femmes, 1976) et Simone de Beauvoir aujourd’hui (Mercure de France, 1984 et 2009). En 2008, elle a été lauréate du Ludwig-Börne-Preis. Son dernier ouvrage Lebenslauf a paru en septembre 2011 aux éditions Kiepenheuer & Witsch.AT: Goethe-Institut - 17 avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris Métro: Iéna

5 May: 10h - 19h Monthly Used Book Sale at the American Library in Paris. AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire

5 May 15h Les Entretiens de la Po&sie: Poésie et témoignage avec Catherine Coquio et Claude Mouchard. Catherine Coquio s’interrogera avec nous sur la « poésie et le témoignage dans la modernité » (depuis Rimbaud, ou selon Hofmannsthal ), sur « la poésie et la catastrophe (avec Broch, ou Cayrol, Kertesz, Rawicz, Améry) et sur « la possibilité et la portée du témoignage en poésie » (Tôge Sankichi, Mandelstam, Delbo, Levi, Celan). Claude Mouchard. Catherine Coquio  est professeur à l’université Paris 8, fondatrice et présidente d’Aircrige (Association internationale de recherches sur les crimes contre l\'humanité et les génocides). Elle a publié, entre autres ouvrages : Rwanda. Le réel et les récits (Belin, 2004), L’art contre l’art. Baudelaire, le «joujou » moderne et la « décadence », Éd. De Vallongues, 2006, une « Introduction » aux œuvres de Primo Levi, coll. « Bouquins », Laffont, 2005, L’enfant et la catastrophe, Anthologie de témoignages sur l’enfance pendant la Shoah, coll. « Bouquins », Laffont, 2007 (en collaboration avec Aurélia Kalisky) Elle a dirigé plusieurs ouvrages collectifs : Mécislas Golberg, passant de la pensée. Une anthropologie politique et poétique au tournant du siècle (Maisonneuve et Larose, 1994) ; Parler des camps, penser les génocides (Albin Michel, 1999) ; Rwanda : littérature et témoignages (revue franco-allemande Lendemains, 2003) ; Des crimes contre l’humanité en République française. France 1990-2002, L’Harmattan, 2005 (avec C. Guillaume). Entre libre, en partenariat avec la revue Po&sie. AT: la Maison de la Poésie, Passage Molière 157, rue Saint-Martin 75003 Paris Métro: Rambuteau, Les Halles

5 May 15h30-17h00. Débat : « Existe-t-il une poésie féminine ? » Animation du débat :  Jean Baptiste Para (directeur de la revue Europe). Intervenantes : Marie Claire Bancquart, Patricia Godi, Maram al-Masri et Lionel Ray. Débat organisé par Turquoise et Paris bibliothèques. Entrée libre. AT : Médiathèque Marguerite Duras, 115 rue de Bagnolet, 75020 Paris. Métro : Alexandre Dumas/Porte de Bagnolet

Du 30 avril au 6 mai Le titre "PATRICE" en écoute exclusive sur le site longueur d'onde http://www.longueurdondes.com/ PATRICE est extrait du Nouvel Album "DOUBLE ENTENDRE" à paraitre le 25 juin 2012 (par Travis Burki)

6 May 13h - 19h Monthly Used Book Sale at the American Library in Paris. AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire

6 May 17h The Mirror Visions Ensemble fête ses 20 ans. A score of scores: concert anniversaire. Avec: Vira Slywotzky, Scott Murphree, Jesse Blumberg, Gary Chapman, Tobé Malawista. AT: The American Church in Paris  65 Quai d'Orsay  75007 Paris Métro: Pont d'Alma

6 May:  Patricia LaPlante Collins organizes weekly Paris Soirees and often has authors in. It is an evening where you have dinner and wine and then hear someone read, talk, discuss their work or projects, etc. during the evening. Patricia Laplante-Collins created Paris Soirees Dinners on Sunday and Paris Networking Cocktail events on the Ile St Louis to bring Americans in Paris together with expats, hip French and the International Community in a global meetup. Evenings feature Literary, Art, New Age, Business, African- American and Black Paris themes. There is an intimate salon atmosphere but it’s all about meeting people in Paris and creating friendships. Patricia is also the founder of African American Literary Soirees. To reserve a place, contact Patricia by email or telephone: parissoirees@gmail.com Tel: 33 (0) 6 43 79 35 18 (Locally: 06 43 79 35 18)

MONDAY, Week 2:
7 May 19h We welcome British writer Deborah Levy who will read from her acclaimed novel Swimming Home, in which a group of beautiful, flawed tourists in the French Riviera come loose at the seams . . . Afterwards Deborah will be in conversation with Ben Eastham from The White  Review. With a short reading at the beginning of the evening by Lucy Gellman, as part of our New Writers Series*. Deborah Levy’s writing combines linguistic virtuosity, technical brilliance and a strong sense of what it means to be alive. Swimming Home represents a new direction for a major writer. In this book, the wildness and the danger are all the more powerful for resting just beneath the surface. With its biting humour and immediate appeal, it wears its darkness lightly. ‘strange and new … spiky and unsettling. In Swimming Home, home is elusive, safety is unlikely, and the reader closes the book both satisfied and unnerved.’ – The Guardian ** As part of Shakespeare and Company’s New Writers Series we present Lucy Gellman. Lucy was a member of Washington University’s Slam Poetry Team, and her work has been published in Dovetail, The Aurorean, among other publications. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

7 May, 19h. Ernst Jandl : Lechts und rinks / Groite et dauche. À l’occasion de la première traduction en français d’un livre d’Ernst Jandl, Lucie Taïeb et Françoise Favretto lisent des textes et en discutent en présence virtuelle de l’auteur. Ernst Jandl (1925-2000) est une figure majeure de la poésie autrichienne du XXe siècle. Son travail, influencé par les expérimentations du Groupe de Vienne mais aussi par Joyce et la littérature anglo-saxonne, a été récompensé par de nombreux prix, dont les prix Trakl et Büchner. L’anthologie Lechts and rinks est composée par l’auteur à l’occasion de ses soixante-dix ans. Elle reflète la très grande variété formelle et thématique de son œuvre. Jandl y évoque la guerre et ses cruautés, l’amitié et l’amour, la maladie et la vieillesse. Lucie Taïeb, agrégée d’allemand et docteur en littérature comparée, a traduit les textes. L’anthologie a paru sous le titre groite et dauche aux éditions L’Atelier de l’agneau (2011). Le 15 novembre 2012 aura lieu à l’Institut Goethe un atelier de traduction de poésie expérimentale «en dialogue avec Ernst Jandl». Informations à suivre dans le programme de l’automne. AT: Goethe-Institut - 17 avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris Métro: Iéna

7 May 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. Running since 2006 it now gets 60 to 80 people coming every week! Every Monday. Sign up/hang out in the bar from 8pm, poetry underground. From 9pm to midnight. Spoken word : 5 mins (warning bell rung at 4.45: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.) Songs : one song. We do 2 rounds between 9pm and midnight. Stand up, Theatre, Cabaret, Dance and Magic all welcome. Chacun a son mot à dire. Make the words come alive. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/

9 May 16h Outside under the tree (or upstairs in the library if it’s raining), listen to student presentations on the metaphysical poets led by their professor Katy Masuga. How is having sex comparable to being bitten by a flea? Are lovers like the legs of a compass? Can glow-worms be prophets? From the Tudor Dynasty to metaphysical wit to its influence upon the moderns, a panel of young scholars discuss the often-overlooked 17th century metaphysical poets and their magical conceits. T. S. Eliot praised them for their ‘Unification of Sensibility’, effectively changing the way modern poets came to understand their craft, thus also fundamentally transforming how poetry is read today. Experience the surprising results when feeling and intellect collide! Students are from Skidmore College's Advanced Studies Program in Paris. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

9 May 19h Rencontre avec GENEVIÈVE FRAISSE pour la parution de son recueil d’articles et d’entretiens La Fabrique du féminisme (Le Passager clandestin). Ce livre est né de la congruence, constatée à maintes reprises depuis le renouveau du féminisme, entre recherche théorique et actualité de l’histoire. “Le féminisme, ça pense”. Il s’agit ici de rappeler que c’est dans l’histoire en acte que les questions théoriques du féminisme ont pris et continuent d’avoir des chances de prendre forme, autrement dit de rappeler avec force que “les sexes font l’histoire”. AT: Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny

9 MAY every Wednesday evening (8:30pm) COMEDY SKETCHES by Theatre Metropole—a new show is inspired by the work of French poet/playwright/actor Roland Dubillard, in English, in Paris! After seven years of odd sightings here & there of these sketches, T. M. will finally be presenting a different group of them each Wednesday! That’s right, no two nights of the ridiculous and the sublime will be the same. How can we do it? Because we’ve got these actors: Paul Cavin, Damian Corcoran, Carey Downer, Erin Koval, Elena Luoto, Benjamin Perriello, and Aoife Stone. Written & directed by Lance Tait, AT : the Petit Theatre du Bonheur,6 rue Drevet, (Montmartre)75018 Paris. Métro: Abbesses. 10 euros. Wednesdays (till end of June).

9 May 19h30 Judith Rock presents The Charles du Luc Historical Mystery series. "The Paris Charles saw from his window on his first night at the Jesuit college was not our Paris. But it was a city already very old, and I think that when “he kissed his hand to sleeping Paris”, he felt its mysterious magic.” – extracted from Judith Rock’s website In the second installment of her historical mystery series, Rock places The Eloquence of Blood in 1686 Paris. The book opens with the death of Martine Mynette as she tries to prove her relation to the last surviving Mynette heir, claiming the inheritance that the family had planned to donate to the Jesuit school, Louis le Grand. Charles du Luc, the series’ protagonist, takes on solving the murder, focusing on the Jesuits implicated in the crime. We will hear about The Rhetoric of Death (book 1), The Eloquence of Blood, and  forthcoming A Plague of Lies. About the author: In The Rhetoric of Death and The Eloquence of Blood (Berkley/Penguin 2010 and 2011), American writer Judith Rock brought 17th century Paris, ballet producing Jesuits, the college of Louis le Grand, Paris's first police chief, outlaw Huguenots, seditious beggars, and fire-fighting Franciscans to historical mystery lovers.  Based on her doctoral research (done in Paris), the novels garnered starred reviews from Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, Booklist, and Library Journal, and an Editors' Choice review from the Historical Novel Society.  In May, Judith returns to Paris at the invitation of the American Library to speak about the books--including the third, A Plague of Lies, which will be released in October, 2012.  One reason she loves writing the series is that it lets her use all of her varied past:  as professional dancer and choreographer, police officer, professor, playwright and actress. Her academic credentials include a Master of Arts degree in Dance from Mills College (Oakland, California) and a Ph.D. in Art and Theology from the Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley, California).  Her doctoral dissertation, Terpsichore at Louis le Grand: Baroque Dance on the Jesuit Stage in Paris, was published by the Institute of Jesuit Sources (St.Louis, Missouri), in 1996, and was short-listed for the de la Torre Bueno dance writing prize.  She has been adjunct professor at the Graduate Theological Union and Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, lecturer at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, and assistant professor of dance at St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota. She has writtenextensively on dance and religion. She lives in Sarasota, Florida, with her husband Jay and is working on the fourth novel in the Charles du Luc series, called The Whispering of Bones. AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire

9 May, 20h L'Europe a plus d'un secret. Lecture-spectacle de Jean-Luc Debattice avec Veronika Adamicovà (piano) et Sebastian Gramss (violoncelle, contrebasse). À l’occasion de la 11e édition du Festival 1, 2, 3… cultures d’Europe (9-15 mai), les institutions et les centres culturels européens de Paris vous invitent à assister à des lectures, conférences, débats, projections de films et à découvrir des expositions sur le thème du secret dans les arts et la littérature. Ce qui se chuchote sur l'oreiller, ce qui se dit sous le manteau, ce que l'on tait à jamais ou que l'on s'empresse d'ébruiter. Des secrets... des secrets tapis au sein des familles, cousus dans les blessures intimes ; de ceux qui font sortir le polichinelle du tiroir, de ceux qui dorment dans les coffres-forts. Des secrets, grands comme l'univers, terribles comme ceux qui se trafiquent dans l'ombre entre les services d'États. Un jeu de piste à travers l'Europe et ses écrivains, histoire de varier les frissons et de répandre le mystère. Clés des songes pour les poètes, de sol dièse pour les musiciens, le secret court toujours, passe et repasse comme une chanson... Jean-Luc Debattice est auteur-compositeur, interprète et comédien. Récemment, il a joué le rôle principal dans Le Faiseur de théâtre de Thomas Bernhardt et dans Himmelweg de Juan Mayorga. Il prépare actuellement un nouveau récital de ses propres chansons. En coopération avec le Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, l’Ambassade et l’Institut Slovaques. AT: Goethe-Institut - 17 avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris Métro: Iéna

10 May: 5pm - 10pm, CHRISTINE HERZER OPEN STUDIO at La Cité Internationale des Arts. Chrisine Herzer is a poet and visual artist in residence at La Cité des Arts since January 2012 where she has been working with language, space, glue and masking-tape. My work/thinking has been focused on living and staging what I have come to identify for myself as red questions. 'Can language be eaten?', 'What is the texture of doubt' and "What do you want from art?".  The exhibit investigates the triangle art - language - femaleness. I look forward to welcoming you to my studio!". The exhibit will continue until May 20th. For an overview of Christine's writings visit http://www.nyqpoets.net/poet/christineherzer . If you send her an email, you'll receive the official invitation."J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à l'exposition handwash my heart qui se tiendra dans mon atelier, à la Cité Internationale des Arts, à Paris, le 10 Mai, pour la soirée Open Studios. L'exposition interroge le triangle art-féminité-langage. Est-ce possible de manger le langage ? Comment voulez-vous être touché par l'art ? Quelle est la texture du doute ?  A suivre le 10 mai, atelier 2056."  L'exposition sera visible jusqu'au 20 Mai, 2012. Des livres et des cartes postales seront disponibles. Pour convenir d'une visite privée, merci de bien vouloir contacter Christine par email at roseconsciousnessATgmailDOTcom. AT: Cité  Internationale des Arts, 18, rue de l‘Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris, Metro: Pont Marie [Ligne 7], or St Paul [Ligne 1].

10 May 19h UPSTAIRS AT DUROC, the Paris literary journal, invites you to a reading with the poets STEVE DALACHINSKY, YUKO OTOMO and ALICIA KHOO. All three have recent work in UAD’s Issue 13. Bios: STEVE DALACHINSKY’s book The Final Nite (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2006) was PEN Oakland National Book Award winner. Among his many other titles are A Superintendent’s Eyes (Hozomeen Press, 2000) and Reaching into the Unknown, a collaboration with the photographer Jacques Bisceglia (RogueArt, 2009). His work has appeared extensively in journals as well as in such anthologies as Beat Indeed, The Haiku Moment, Up is Up But So is Down: NYU Downtown Literary Anthology. He often reads his work in collaboration with musicians. A regular contributor to the Brooklyn Rail, he is active in the mail-art circuit and has shown his collages at Poets’ Collages shows. YUKO OTOMO is a bilingual (Japanese & English) poet and visual artist. Her publications include Small Poems and The Hand of the Poet (both from Ugly Duckling Presse), Genesis and Fragile (both by Sisyphus Press). Also an art critic, she has written about Artaud, Henri Michaux and Vermeer. She exhibited her art work at the Court House Gallery and elsewhere. ALICIA KHOO, born and raised in Singapore, studied at international schools in Australia, Los Angeles, Paris and New York. She writes both fiction and poetry. An advocate for human rights and social justice, she is currently an interpreter/paralegal based in New York City. AT: BERKELEY BOOKS OF PARIS, 8 rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris, Metro Odéon.

10 May 19h For all you Oulipians and Oulipo fans out there, the monthly Rendez-vous réguliers, les jeudis de l'Oulipo, chers aux amateurs de jeux de l'esprit et de littérature potentielle, continuent d'explorer des thèmes d'actualité, proposant lectures et créations originales. Tonight’s theme “Morceaux en forme de poire" Entrée libre. AT: BNF François-Mitterrand, Grand auditorium, quai François Mauriac, 75013 Paris. Métro: Quai de la gare ou Bibliothèque.

10 May 19h Corinne Alexandre-Garner, Georges Hoffman, Marc Parent and Frédéric Jacques Temple will discuss the life and work of Lawrence Durrell. The Village Voice Bookshop has the pleasure of inviting you to meet Corinne Alexandre-Garner, editor of Dans l'ombre du soleil grec for La Quinzaine littéraire, Louis Vuiton, Georges Hoffman, director of l'Agence Hoffman and author and producer of the film A Parisian Friendship, Marc Parent, literary agent and former Buchet-Chastel editor for Petite musique pour amoureux, and Frédéric Jacques Temple, novelist, poet, French translator and biographer of Henry Miller, and author of the film directed by Daniel Costelle Chez Lawrence Durrell. The panel will discuss the life and work of Lawrence Durrell in celebration of the author's centenary. The evening will be followed by a screening of the two films, A Parisian Friendship and Chez Lawrence Durrell at the Action Christine cinema. Lawrence Durrell was born in 1912 in India. His first authentic literary work was The Black Book, published in Paris in 1938 under the aegis of Henry Miller and Anaïs Nin. «In the writing of it I first heard the sound of my own voice», he later wrote. The novel was praised by T.S. Eliot who would publish his first collection of poems in 1943. From his years spent in Greece he drew a number of books on Cyprus, Rhodes and the other Greek islands but he is most famous for The Alexandria Quartet, inspired by a wartime sojourn in Egypt and completed in Southern France where he settled permanently in 1957. Out of his new dwelling would come a final masterpiece, The Avigon Quintet. Durrell’s first novel, Pied Piper of Lovers, was published in France in 2012 by Buchet-Chastel under the title, Petite musique pour amoureux, in a translation by Annick Le Goyat. Drawing from Durrell’s paintings, travel writing, poetry and letters, notably his correspondance with Henry Miller, a lifelong friend, Dans l’ombre du soleil grec – edited and prefaced by Corinne Alexandre-Garner – gives the reader insight to the rich and complex work of one of the last century’s major authors whose sensuous and solar writing not only describes the beauty of beloved places but also contrasting inner-landscapes. AT: Village Voice Bookshop 6, rue Princesse 75006 Métro: Mabillon

10 May 19h Lecture et discussion (autour d'un verre) avec les Éditions de l’Attente. à l’occasion de la sortie de : "Quand j’étais petite" de Elisabeth Jacquet, "Toute résurrection commence par les pieds" de Véronique Pittolo, "Il faut toujours garder en tête une formule magique" de Virginie Poitrasson. En présence des trois auteurs   l’occasion de leurs dernières parutions et des 20 ans des éditions de l’Attente. "Quand j’étais petite" est constitué de 133 souvenirs de préadolescence, un âge où les questionnements fusent, où les rêves prennent des dimensions fantasmagoriques. La naïveté devient parfois cinglante, le loup se cache derrière chaque objet. Une sensation de virtuel avant l’heure dans un univers très années 70, sous les traits d’une écriture singulièrement appropriée où le souci du détail alimente les mots d’enfance. Enfance qui, en chacun, ne cesse de rester. "Toute résurrection commence par les pieds" est une fiction poétique et critique qui interroge la figure du féminin à travers les codes de représentation de l’histoire de l’art et de l’art moderne. Comment le mythe féminin apparaît-il à la lumière du présent, derrière le cliché de sa reproduction ? Pour ouvrir une réflexion sur la femme contemporaine, le couple, la maternité, de la tradition à sa déconstruction, Véronique Pittolo propose des télescopages et des agencements inédits. Les personnages apparaissent de manière oblique, comme des figures ou des thèmes : Femme au bain, Vierge, Joconde, Nu, Couple, Mariage, Annonciation… Un nouveau mode d’enchantement de l’universel féminin. Avec la reproduction d’une peinture d’Agnès Thurnauer en couverture. Dans" Il faut toujours garder en tête une formule magique" l’écriture essaie à la fois d’être événement, retranscription, décryptage et réflexion. De son imaginaire indiscipliné, aux structures narratives polymorphes, Virginie Poitrasson emprunte des bribes d’enfance, des amorces de contes, des figures féminines traversantes, des clichés désamorcés, des strates de fables contemporaines, tissant de nouvelles formes de discours qui interrogent notre subjectivité. Ce sont ces couches de texte où la formule magique – formule toujours informulée – est ce qui fait lien entre chaque page. Cette formule se déploie entre les signes, dans l’interstice des phrases, naît et se forme dans l’entre-deux du texte. Elle est ce lien puissant tout à la fois de violence et de douceur qui nous anime et nous rattache les uns aux autres.Avec une photographie de Ann Hamilton en couverture. AT: a librairie Le Comptoir des Mots - 239, rue des Pyrénées 75020 Paris Métro Gambetta

10 May 19h "Poésie Plate-Forme" - dernière rencontre de la saison le jeudi 10 mai 2012 à 19h à la Fondation d'entreprise Ricard - entrée libre. «Des vies au bord du politique » - Jérôme Mauche reçoit Antonia Birnbaum, philosophe et Oscarine Bosquet, poète. Avec « Des vies au bord du politique », intitulé qui n’est pas sans évoquer le titre d’un livre de Jacques Rancière, il s’agira d’interroger en quoi des concepts, des fragments poétiques et philosophiques finissent par tracer des parcours, des approches, des destins sur un mode toujours précaire. Ainsi les démarches et les travaux, de mise en forme comme de compréhension du monde d’Antonia Birnbaum et d’Oscarine Bosquet, rendent-ils compte, chacun à leur manière, avec subtilité, d’un souci d’expérimentation, de résistance et de réception de l’Histoire et des histoires. Ils sont de ceux qui maintiennent possible l’horizon d’une émancipation. AT: FONDATION D'ENTREPRISE RICARD 12 rue Boissy d'Anglas 75008 Paris Métro: Madeleine et Concorde

11 mai : 18h. Vernissage de l’exposition BONUS CINEMA (Bang Bang et Projections Privées) de Zoé Chantre et Alexandra Pianelli qui se tiendra le vendredi 11 mai à 18h à la Galerie du Bar Floréal, Ouvert tous les jours de 14h30 à 18h30, sauf les lundis + NOCTURNES le jeudi jusqu'à 22h Les week-end de 14h30 à 19h30 43 rue des Couronnes - 75 020 Paris / M° Couronnes / Tél. 01 43 49 55 22 / Contact cecile.lucas@bar-floreal.com Ouverture exceptionnelle jusqu’à 21 h du 11 au 14 mai à l’occasion des Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d’Artistes de Belleville

11 May 18h to midnight: Come one, come all, come celebrate the launch of the 12th issue of Her Royal Majesty, international literary and arts journal. On May 11, 2012, there will simultaneous launch parties across the world. Take your choice between seven sites of revelry: Paris, London, Berlin, New York, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax. These launch parties will unite the international community created by Her Royal Majesty, a Paris-based magazine founded in 2008 in Nova Scotia. Let’s celebrate literary and visual arts with performances, readings, live music, live painting, printing presses; let’s drink, talk and be merry. It will be a golden, global evening.  Appearing in issue 12 is the very first short story ever written by Alice Munro – one of the greatest contemporary writers – in 1950, when she was only just beginning her career. Her Royal Majesty is devoted to publishing new excellent artwork by talented emerging artists. Each issue is curated around a particular theme – this one is The Exotic. The Paris launch will be at 59Rivoli, legendary artists’ squat in the heart of the city. All throughout the six-storied building – a former bank appropriated by artists in 1999 and now legislated by the City of Paris – will be readings from the magazine, live painting by Mia Funk, a printing press run by Kit Brown, and digital dance performances. Musicians from Le Son du Métro, a collection of Paris’s best métro buskers, will perform in the lower gallery. Contributing artists and writers explore The Exotic in a variety of ways: being a foreigner, encountering the unexpected, jungles, travel, strangeness, endangered species, missionaries. Alice Munro’s story, “The Dimensions of a Shadow,” is about a 33 year-old teacher, new in town, who walks home on the last day of school, alone with her imagination & fears. This story will be read aloud in each city by a young writer and filmed for our archives. Upon arrival at any of the seven parties, guests will receive a print of a hand-painted playing card (made by Rosy Lamb, see picture) in exchange for a donation to cover costs of the event. If you get the Queen of Hearts, you get a print by the artist. Her Royal Majesty is printed biannually and our website is updated twice a week. While the journal publishes only creative content – fiction, poetry, paintings, photography, etc.– our website focuses on the critical side of art with reviews, interviews and essays, as well as art that cannot be printed, such as videos and music. Our website was named one of the top 10 magazine websites, alongside The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, and Harper's. James Franco, Robert Hass, Sheila Heti, Anne Marsella, Ibrahim Abdel Meguid and Alice Munro all have or will be published in Her Royal Majesty. Issue 12 features work by Anne Simpson, Matthew Rose, Stuart Dischell and more. We believe in pairing more established artists and writers with young, emerging talent. AT: 59Rivoli, 59 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris Métro: Châtelet

11 May, 19h. Alfred Grosser : Le passé dans la politique en France et en Allemagne. « Le mot Vergangenheitbewältigung ne cesse de hanter l’Allemagne. Parfois, on peut avoir l’impression que l’histoire du pays s’est limitée aux années 1933-1945. Tout au plus ajoutera-t-on, surtout depuis l’élection de Joachim Gauck, l’histoire de la RDA et la façon de l’appréhender. Pour le passé nazi, l’image et le poids ont connu des changements importants. Pour le moment, on en est au retour de la notion pourtant condamnable de culpabilité collective, du moins chez nombre d’historiens relativement jeunes et dans les médias. On ne loue pas assez les éléments de réconciliation avec la Pologne – et on surestime, comme en France, le traité de l’Élysée et le rôle du “couple” de Gaulle/Adenauer, en oubliant, dans l’histoire des relations franco-allemandes d’après-guerre, le rôle, lui vraiment décisif, de Robert Schuman. En France, l’enseignement catholique et l’enseignement public transmettent la même histoire, ce qui a constitué une révolution passée inaperçue. La chute du communisme a permis d’éliminer – pas complètement ! – le consentement laudateur de Staline et de Mao, mais deux traumatismes ne sont pas surmontés et continuent à hanter bien des débats, à savoir Vichy et la guerre d’Algérie. Reste aussi l’arrière-plan important de la controverse sans cesse reprise sur la colonisation, depuis la traite des Noirs (passé accepté à Nantes et à Bordeaux) jusqu’au travail forcé en Afrique subsaharienne, aboli seulement en 1946. » (A. Grosser). Alfred Grosser, auteur notamment du livre-bilan Le crime et la mémoire, a participé à bien des débats allemands, français et franco-allemands sur ces sujets. AT: Goethe-Institut - 17 avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris Métro: Iéna

12 May 16h Les Entretiens de Po&sie: poésie et art moderne avec Jean-François Chevrier, Claude Mouchard. Jean-François Chevrier est historien de l’art, critique d’art et commissaire d’expositions. Il enseigne l’histoire de l’art contemporain à l'École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris depuis 1988. Parmi ses nombreux ouvrages, on mentionnera Proust et la photographie, La résurrection de Venise, ainsi qu’une monographie sur le photographe canadien Jeff Wall. Et c’est une « collection » de sept livres que publient les éditions l’Arachnéen depuis 2010 : La trame et le hasard, Entre les beaux-arts et les médias,  Walker Evans dans le temps et dans l’histoire,  Des territoires,  Les relations du corps, L’hallucination artistique, Œuvre et activité. Au dos de chacun de ces sept livres figure une phrase de Mallarmé : « Mal informé celui qui se crierait son propre contemporain. » Entre libre, en partenariat avec la revue Po&sie. AT: la Maison de la Poésie, Passage Molière 157, rue Saint-Martin 75003 Paris Métro: Rambuteau, Les Halles

12 May 19h30. Je viens de la solitude. Armand Robin. Poête, penseur et miliant libertaire, polyglotte, traducteur, écouteur nocturne de radios, les multiples facettes d'Armand Robin nous remplissent toujours d'un souffle artistique qui a pris naissance sur scène il y a quelques années sous forme d'un monologue poétique. Entre Paris et Bretagne nous souhaitons à nouveau vous emporter sur les cîmes du combat qui fut le sien. La compagnie La Balancelle. Librairie La lucarne de l'écrivain. 115 rue Ourcq 75019 Paris. Métro : Crimée. Réservations : 0145265089. Entrée libre.

13 May 16 h 30.  Centenaire de la naissance du poète Edmond Jabès. Né au Caire en 1912 dans une famille juive francophone, Edmond Jabès choisit en 1957, après la « crise de Suez », de s’installer à Paris. De ce départ forcé est née une œuvre poétique sereine et tourmentée, inquiète et forte de cette inquiétude même. Jabès reviendra plus d’une fois sur le rapport étroit entre son destin d’exilé et la « révélation » d’un judaïsme qu’il soupçonnait à peine. Mêlant une réflexion sur l’écriture et sur la création à une méditation sur l’avenir de l’homme, l’œuvre d’Edmond Jabès épouse sa vérité nomade. Du Livre des questions au Livre de l’hospitalité s’élève ainsi un chant d’amour et d’espérance, qui évoque aussi bien les grands livres de la tradition juive que les ouvrages de la plus franche modernité. J’ai d’abord cru que j’étais écrivain, puis je me suis rendu compte que j’étais juif, puis je n’ai plus distingué en moi l’écrivain du juif, car l’un et l’autre ne sont que le tourment d’une antique parole. Ces mots d’Edmond Jabès dans Le Retour au Livre expriment le cheminement du poète vers cette « révélation » d’un judaïsme qu’il soupçonnait à peine. 
          En écho aux manifestations de la BnF, Le MAHJ choisit de rendre hommage à Edmond Jabès en faisant une large part à la lecture de ses textes, choisis, commentés et lus par d’autres poètes et écrivains, en présence de ses filles et petites filles. Avec la participation de Stéphane Barsacq, éditeur et essayiste, Michel Deguy, poète et philosophe, Patrick Kéchichian, journaliste et écrivain, Esther Tellermann, poète, Yves Peyré, écrivain et bibliothécaire, en présence de Nimet Frascaria-Jabès, Viviane Crasson-Jabès et Aurélie Crasson, filles et petite-fille d’Edmond Jabès. Rencontre coordonnée et présentée par Didier Cahen, poète et critique, auteur de Edmond Jabès (Seghers, coll. « Poètes d’aujourd’hui », 2007) Réservation indispensable par mél ou par téléphone au 01 53 01 86 48 du lundi au vendredi de 14 h à 18 h. AT: Musée d'art et d'histoire du Judaïsme. Hôtel de Saint-Aignan. 71, rue du Temple. 75003 Paris. Métro : Rambuteau.

13 May 17h. David Dumortier. Les Nouveaux Rendez-Vous des Parvis Poétiques - Marc Delouze  - Dominique Delpirou. Lecture-spectacle de : « Travesti ». Texte écrit et interprété par David Dumortier, accompagné à la guitare par Karim Lahbib. Après le spectacle, échange autour d’un verre. Vos contributions salées ou sucrées seront les bienvenues. Attention ! cette rencontre peut choquer l’oreille de nos trop jeunes bambins… AT: FOND’ACTION BORIS VIAN. 6bis Cité Véron  75018 PARIS (Métro : Blanche). Réservation recommandée au 06 61 17 32 83 - courriel : dominiquedelpirou@hotmail

13 May:  Patricia LaPlante Collins organizes weekly Paris Soirees and often has authors in. It is an evening where you have dinner and wine and then hear someone read, talk, discuss their work or projects, etc. during the evening. Patricia Laplante-Collins created Paris Soirees Dinners on Sunday and Paris Networking Cocktail events on the Ile St Louis to bring Americans in Paris together with expats, hip French and the International Community in a global meetup. Evenings feature Literary, Art, New Age, Business, African- American and Black Paris themes. There is an intimate salon atmosphere but it’s all about meeting people in Paris and creating friendships. Patricia is also the founder of African American Literary Soirees. To reserve a place, contact Patricia by email or telephone: parissoirees@gmail.com Tel: 33 (0) 6 43 79 35 18 (Locally: 06 43 79 35 18)

MONDAY, Week 3:
14 May 19h Tonight we welcome a marathon reading of poets from Brooklyn-based indie  Ugly Duckling Presse, 'a publishing collective specializing in experimental poetry and new editions of forgotten textual artists, produces lovely, cheeky books by authors you’ve probably never heard of but your grandchildren will likely read in college.' – New York Times. Afterwards stay for music with punk, electronic Paris-based Ava's Verden http://www.myspace.com/avasverden Authors include Steve Dalachinsky, the author of In Glorious Black & White; Christian Hawkey, the author of three books of poetry and associate professor at Pratt Institute; Filip Marinovich; Matvei Yankelvich, author of Today I Wrote Nothing; Yuko Otomo bilingual poet and author of Garden: Selected Haiku, Small Poems, The Hand of the Poet, Cornell Box Poems, Genesis, and Fragile; Sarah Riggs, a translator and author of 60 Textos along with 28 télégrammes and 43 Post-Its, also a member of the bilingual poetry association Double Change; Jacqueline Waters, the author of the poetry collection A Minute Without Danger, and two chapbooks, The Saw That Talked and The Garden of Eden a College; Uljana Wolf the author of two books of poetry, kochanie ich habe brot gekauft and falsche freunde, as well as the essay BOX OFFICE. Hosted by Vladislav Davidzon. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

14 May, 19h. Une soirée avec Wulf Kirsten. Lecture et débat bilingues avec l’auteur, son traducteur Stéphane Michaud, Nicole Bary, Alain Lance et Jürgen Ritte. Né en 1934 à Klipphausen, petit village près de Dresde, Wulf Kirsten, membre de plusieurs académies (dont celle de Darmstadt qui décerne le prix Büchner) et lauréat de nombreux prix littéraires, est l’un des poètes majeurs de l’Allemagne contemporaine. Sa résidence à Weimar, ville où il s’installe en 1965 et qu’il n’a pas quittée depuis — d’abord lecteur pour le compte d’une grande maison d’édition berlinoise et, depuis 1985, écrivain à plein temps — le fixe dans cette part orientale de l’Allemagne, où plus fort que la rumeur d’aucune idéologie, bat le cœur d’une Europe des poètes. En Allemagne même, il puise à l’exemple d’un Johannes Bobrowski, d’un Reiner Kunze. Drue, ramassée, la langue de Kirsten fait entendre les harmonies rauques et bariolées d’un creuset centre-européen où se forge une part déterminante de notre liberté. Wulf Kirsten, dont la poésie est facilement accessible dans une mince anthologie (Graviers, Paris, Belin, 2009), lira en avant-première quelques poèmes de son recueil à paraître en juin à Francfort (Fliehende Ansicht, Éd. Fischer) et des extraits de ses souvenirs d’enfance, dont la traduction est à paraître à l’automne (Les Princesses au jardin potager, Paris, Éditions du Félin). La lecture sera suivie par un atelier de traduction avec Wulf Kirsten pour traducteurs littéraires professionnels : Mardi 15 mai, 10-12h à la bibliothèque du Goethe-Institut. Nombre de places limité. Prière de s’inscrire avant le 10 mai par courriel : ribbert@paris.goethe.org. L’inscription est gratuite. En coopération avec l’Association des Amis du Roi des Aulnes, l’Association Pour Po&sie, les Assises de la Traduction Littéraire en Arles (ATLAS) et l’Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III. AT: Goethe-Institut - 17 avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris Métro: Iéna.

14 May 20h -- 47 Autobiographies et autres petits gâchis: par Jacques Rebotier. Avec les musiciens Sarah Givelet, Charlotte Testu, Sylvain Dutouquet et Nicolas Déflache. Poésie-concert, en parlé-chanté-désenchanté. Dans le cadre du festival Extension 2012. Créateur multiforme, Jacques Rebotier navigue entre textes et musique, embarque l'auditeur dans sa ou ses vies, dans un univers fait d'ellipses et de gaîté, fondamentalement décalé. Le projet de poésie musicale 47 Autobiographies, repose sur un traitement de la voix en temps réel (vieillissement accéléré de la voix, changement de sexe, schizo-dialogues...); séquences ponctuées de pièces brèves pour tuba, cor des alpes, trombone contrebasse, contrebasse, violoncelle à deux archets, trompette marine...AT: la Maison de la Poésie, Passage Molière 157, rue Saint-Martin 75003 Paris Métro: Rambuteau, Les Halles

14 May: 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. Running since 2006 it now gets 60 to 80 people coming every week! Every Monday. Sign up/hang out in the bar from 8pm, poetry underground. From 9pm to midnight. Spoken word : 5 mins (warning bell rung at 4.45: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.) Songs : one song. We do 2 rounds between 9pm and midnight. Stand up, Theatre, Cabaret, Dance and Magic all welcome. Chacun a son mot à dire. Make the words come alive. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/

15 May Exposition at the American Library in Paris: Art on View: Painted Words - From Page to Picture. "As a writer, I’ve been fascinated—captivated—by words and letters since I was a child. For me, they have a vivid, palpable quality—you can almost taste them sometimes. I try and incorporate this into my writing, be it poetry or prose, essay or interview. In the past few years, I started drawing images in the margins of my notebook (I still write a lot out longhand), trying to sketch out what I’m attempting to write. A painter friend said, 'Why not add color? Pick up some paints and give it a try. See what happens.' I tried. And then again. And I liked it—a lot. 'Painted Words: From Page to Picture," is the result of this passionate project." About the Artist: Heather Hartley is author of Knock Knock (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2010) and Paris Editor for Tin House. Her poems, essays, and interviews have appeared in or on PBS NewsHour, The Guardian, The Rumpus, and other venues and anthologies including The Best Nonrequired American Reading and Food and Booze: A Tin House Literary Feast. She has curated Shakespeare and Company Bookshop’s weekly reading series and has taught creative writing at the American University of Paris. She’s been painting for many years—working on translating words into colors. AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire

15 May 15h Come and hear a relaxed acoustic performance outside the bookshop with Sweet Soubrette/Ellia Bisker. Ella is a songwriter and poet from New York performing dark, edgy love songs. www.sweetsoubrette.com accompanied by ukulele. ‘honest and sultry...one of New York's most intriguing songwriting forces.’- The Deli Magazine. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

15 May 19h30 AAWE & MESSAGE @ The Library - How are languages learned?: What is the difference between acquiring a language and learning a language formally?  What do first and second language learning have in common? What does “bilingual” mean? If you're living in a multilingual household and want to know more, curious about language acquisition or teach in a multilingual classroom, this evening is for you. During our open discussion we'll explore the great variety of learning situations from  “picking up” a language  to learning in a classroom and examine the diverse factors involved, including attitude towards the language and what makes for successful learning. Incorporated into the conversation will be the various perspectives  - your own learning and experience, information gleaned from the field of language acquisition and applied linguistics, as well as 40 years of language teaching expertise. This promises to be a rich discussion, full of provocative questions, and perhaps, just a few definite answers. About Jacqueline Garçon: Jacqueline (Jackie) Garçon has worked in teacher education for over twenty years, including TEFL certificates programs and Master-level programs in the U.S. and France. She has taught EFL/ESL and French at the University of California, Harvard University and in France for 40 years, holding Masters Degrees in French and in TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages). Jackie has published articles and given numerous workshops on teaching/ learning languages, teacher education and using literature. She has been involved in applied linguistics and second language acquisition research as guides to language learning in and outside the classroom. AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire

15 May 19h30 Rencontre with Dermot Bolger: Poet, playwright and novelist Dermot Bolger is one of Ireland’s most acclaimed contemporary writers. The subject of his novel A Second Life (2010) is perfect for the theme chosen for the 11th Festival des cultures d’Europe – “the secret”. Séan has known since the age of eleven that he was adopted but it isn’t until he is in his late thirties, following a car crash, that he becomes obsessed with the circumstances of his birth in 1950s Ireland. Struggling against a wall of official silence and a complex sense of guilt, he determines to find his birth mother, embarking on an absorbing journey into archives, memories, dreams and startling confessions. The Festival des cultures d’Europe is organised by European cultural centres and institutes around Paris. From 9 to 15 May, a varied programme of events including reading, rencontres and films will be presented around the theme of “the secret”. The full programme of events is available at: www.123cultures.com. AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris. RER: Luxembourg

16 May 15h Music, rhythm and stories for kids: Bring your children (2-6 year-olds, siblings welcome too) to the library at Shakespeare and Company for an hour of music, songs and stories in English (for all nationalities even those who don't speak English!). Led by the magic Kate Stables, mum and singer/songwriter from This is the Kit. There will be instruments to play and noise to make! 4 euros donation appreciated. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

16 May 19h30 Evenings with an author: Alice Kaplan. Alice Kaplan discusses her book, Dreaming in French, tracing the stories of three women studying abroad in Paris: Jacqueline Kennedy, Susan Sontag, and Angela Davis. She follows how each of these women found their way to the city, what they encountered there, and how their year-abroad experiences influenced the rest of their lives. About the author: Alice Kaplan is the John M. Musser Professor of French at Yale University. Previous to this position she was the Gilbert, Louis and Edward Lehrman Professor of Romance Studies and Professor of Literature and History at Duke University. She was also the founding director of the Center for French and Francophone Studies at Duke. Other books by Kaplan are Reproductions of Banality: Fascism, Literature, and French Intellectual Life (1986); French Lessons: A Memoir (1993); The Collaborator: The Trial and Execution of Robert Brasillach (2000); and The Interpreter (2005). Kaplan has also translated a number of works from French to English, including Lous Guilloux's novel OK, Joe, Evelyne Bloch-Dano's Madame Proust: A Biography, and three of Roger Grenier’s books: Piano Music for Four Hands, Another November, and The Difficulty of Being a Dog. AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire

16 MAY 8:30pm. COMEDY SKETCHES by Theatre Metropole with actors Paul Cavin, Damian Corcoran, Carey Downer, Erin Koval, Elena Luoto, Benjamin Perriello, and Aoife Stone. Written & directed by Lance Tait —a new show inspired by the work of French poet/playwright/actor Roland Dubillard, in English, in Paris! After seven years of odd sightings here & there of these sketches, T. M. will finally be presenting a different group of them each Wednesday! That’s right, no two nights of the ridiculous and the sublime will be the same. AT : the Petit Theatre du Bonheur,6 rue Drevet, (Montmartre)75018 Paris. Métro: Abbesses. 10 euros. Wednesdays (till end of June).

17 mai à 19h30 Lecture bilangue avec Double Change à la galerie éof, Paris : lecture autour de la maison d’édition Ugly Duckling Presse avec Christian Hawkey, Uljana Wolf, Matvei Yankelevich et Pascal Poyet. Galerie éof, 15, rue Saint Fiacre - 75002 Paris - M° Grands Boulevards. www.doublechange.org

20 mai à 19h30 Lecture bilangue avec Double Change à la galerie éof, Paris : Ron Padgett et Paul-Louis Rossi Galerie éof, 15, rue Saint Fiacre - 75002 Paris - M° Grands Boulevards. www.doublechange.org
21 May 19h Britain: The Paris Launch Granta launches it latest issue, themed Britain, with a night of readings and music. As the world prepares for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the summer Olympics, Granta is publishing a collection of poetry, memoir and fiction relating to Britain. Join one of Granta’s editors for a night of dramatic readings, wine and live music from British singer/songwriter Lail Arad. This event is part of a series of events that mark the launch of the latest issue of Granta magazine and explore the stories Britain is telling about itself today. Lail Arad is a young British singer-songwriter who has played with the likes of Moriarty and Herman Dune and couples sophisticated folk-pop with wonderfully sharp & funny lyrics http://www.facebook.com/lailaradmusic  AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

21 May 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. Running since 2006 it now gets 60 to 80 people coming every week! Every Monday. Sign up/hang out in the bar from 8pm, poetry underground. From 9pm to midnight. Spoken word : 5 mins (warning bell rung at 4.45: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.) Songs : one song. We do 2 rounds between 9pm and midnight. Stand up, Theatre, Cabaret, Dance and Magic all welcome. Chacun a son mot à dire. Make the words come alive. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/

22 May - 16 June Ktha compagnie présente: je suis une personne. Spectacle pour deux salles de spectacle superposées et une comédienne Spectacle écrit pour une comédienne jouant en simultané pour deux salles superposées, construit sur l’impossibilité de parler à tout le monde en même temps. Je suis une personne est une description « en creux » de l’enfermement, le témoignage d’une emprisonnée, le récit de l’amour qu’elle a du monde dans ses petits détails, celui de sa fuite, de son échappée. Je suis une personne, c’est comment, emprisonnée, me revient l’amour que j’ai du monde, dans ses petits détails. Deux containers de 6 mètres de long l’un sur l’autre. Un gradin dans chaque container. Deux publics isolés l’un de l’autre. Une comédienne qui passe d’une salle à l’autre à la force de ses bras. Pour te redire que je suis une personne et pour me rappeler que tu en es une. Et toujours, elle garde le sourire. AT: 140 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine 75012 Paris ktha@ktha.org +33(0)140199438 www.ktha.org

22 May 19h Hommage à Hubert Nyssen. Le 12 novembre 2011 disparaissait Hubert Nyssen. Le fondateur des Éditions Actes Sud était d’abord un écrivain, auteur de romans, essais, recueils de poésie, pièces de théâtre, ouvrages pour la jeunesse… Un hommage à celui qui aimait à dire «Je porte en mon Sud un Nord inavoué». 19h - Projection: Hubert Nyssen, portrait en 22 fragments, documentaire de Marie Mandy (2002), en sa présence. Ce film en forme de kaléidoscope se propose d'éclairer des facettes de ce personnage multiple, avec les témoignages de Paul Auster, Nancy Huston, Françoise Nyssen… 20h - Rencontre et lecture: L’éditrice Jacqueline Chambon, Pascal Durand, professeur à l’Université de Liège et l’écrivain argentin Alberto Manguel retracent le parcours et l’oeuvre de cet homme qu’ils ont bien connu. Lecture de textes d’Hubert Nyssen. AT: site du Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, 46, rue Quincampoix - 75004 Métro: Rambuteau

22 May 19h30 Evenings with an author: David Herlihy. "In the late 1880s, Frank Lenz of Pittsburgh, a renowned high-wheel racer and long-distance tourist, dreamed of cycling around the world. He finally got his chance by recasting himself as a champion of the downsized “safety-bicycle” with inflatable tires, the forerunner of the modern road bike that was about to become wildly popular. In the spring of 1892 he quit his accounting job and gamely set out west to cover twenty thousand miles over three continents as a correspondent for Outing magazine. Two years later, after having survived countless near disasters and unimaginable hardships, he approached Europe for the final leg. He never made it. His mysterious disappearance in eastern Turkey sparked an international outcry and compelled Outing to send William Sachtleben, another larger-than-life cyclist, on Lenz’s trail. Bringing to light a wealth of information, Herlihy’s gripping narrative captures the soaring joys and constant dangers accompanying the bicycle adventurer in the days before paved roads and automobiles. This untold story culminates with Sachtleben’s heroic effort to bring Lenz’s accused murderers to justice, even as troubled Turkey teetered on the edge of collapse." --text from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt About the author: David V. Herlihy is the author of The Lost Cyclist and Bicycle: The History, winner of the 2004 Award for Excellence in the History of Science. A leading authority in his field, he has been interviewed by numerous television, radio, and newspaper personalities in the U.S. and abroad, and his work has appeared in a wide variety of general interest and specialty magazines. He is responsible for the naming of a bicycle path in Boston after Pierre Lallement, the original bicycle patentee, and for the installation of a plaque by the New Haven green where the Frenchman introduced Americans to the art of cycling in 1866. AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire

23 MAY 8:30pm COMEDY SKETCHES by Theatre Metropolea new show inspired by the work of French poet/playwright/actor Roland Dubillard, in English, in Paris! After seven years of odd sightings here & there of these sketches, T. M. will finally be presenting a different group of them each Wednesday! That’s right, no two nights of the ridiculous and the sublime will be the same. How can we do it? Because we’ve got these actors: Paul Cavin, Damian Corcoran, Carey Downer, Erin Koval, Elena Luoto, Benjamin Perriello, and Aoife Stone. Written & directed by Lance Tait, AT : the Petit Theatre du Bonheur,6 rue Drevet, (Montmartre)75018 Paris. Métro: Abbesses. 10 euros. Wednesdays (till end of June).

23 May 19h Rencontre avec MICHÈLE LARROUY pour évoquer la peintre ARTEMISIA GENTILESCHI (1593-1654). L’histoire a longtemps éclipsé l’art de cette peintre, l’une des plus importantes de l’histoire de l’art, qui a brisé toutes les lois de la société de son époque en n’appartenant qu’à son art et en vivant de ses pinceaux. A l’occasion d’une grande exposition de son œuvre organisée par le Musée Maillol, Michèle Larrouy, plasticienne et enseignante, évoquera son talent, sa force créatrice, et sa vie marquée par un viol dans sa jeunesse et par le retentissant procès intenté à son agresseur. AT: Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny

24 May, 9h30 – 13h ou 14h30 – 15h30. Slam Poetry en classes bilangues. Participez avec votre classe bilangue à un atelier anglais-allemand avec des slameurs professionnels. L'objectif de la journée du 24 mai sera d’expérimenter des pratiques innovantes en cours de langues avec le slam poetry ! 9h30 - 11h30 : Ateliers avec Bas Böttcher (slameur allemand) et Dizraeli (slameur anglais). 12h - 13h : Performance de slam avec les élèves et les artistes. 14h30 - 15h30 : Performance de Bas Böttcher et de Dizraeli. Ouverte à toutes les classes à partir de la 4e. Inscription obligatoire ! Les résultats des ateliers constitueront l’ouverture du programme des deux artistes.  Une surprise attend les élèves : Marc Kelly Smith, le fondateur du slam poetry, originaire de Chicago vient au Goethe-Institut Paris! Si vous êtes interessés par le projet, merci de vous inscrire par mail. Date limite : 15 mai 2012. Inscription obligatoire. AT: Goethe-Institut - 17 avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris Métro: Iéna

24 May 19h30 WICE @ The Library - Writers on Writing with Cyrus Cassells: The American Library in Paris is delighted to welcome poet, translator, film critic, and actor, Cyrus Cassells to the Writers on Writing Series. In his newest celebrated collection of poetry, Cyrus Cassells brings an unfathomable historical past to a compassionate, personal level.  Released in April of 2012, Crossed-Out Swastika is an illuminating homage to young people who endured the tragedies of World War II in Europe. The set of stories, both historical and semi-fictional, are pieced together to acknowledge human challenges and express the survivors’ tremendous bravery.  Join us in conversation to hear about Cassell’s inspiration for this unique project, his philosophy and rich experience as a writer, and insights into the creative process. Praise for Crossed-Out Swastika: "Cyrus Cassells is a passionate poet whose poems touch the core of human connection through which can flow union with the infinite."-- Library Journal. About Cyrus Cassells: Cyrus Cassells was born in Dover, Delaware. He grew up in the Mojave Desert north of Los Angeles, California. He is the author of four acclaimed books of poetry: The Mud Actor, Beautiful Signor, More Than Peace and Cypresses, Soul Make a Path through Shouting, for which he was nominated for the 1994 Pulitzer Prize in Poetry. His fifth book, The Crossed-Out Swastika, will be released in April 2012 from Copper Canyon Press. Among his many honors are a Lannan Literary Award, a Lambda Literary, the William Carlos Williams Award, two NEA grants, and a 1995 Pushcart Prize. He is a Professor of English and teaches for the MFA writing program at Texas State University-San Marcos. AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire

24 May 19h30 Haiku Rencontre with Gabriel Rosenstock. In collaboration with Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, the CCI presents this rencontre with Gabriel Rosenstock, Irish poet, haiku writer, translator and author. In his own words: "In haiku, we pause for a few concentrated seconds. Not to escape from the helter-skelter - or tedium - of existence but to allow ourselves to seep into the life of things in a dynamic way. Haiku is a good way of coming to a stop. A full stop! The haiku moment refreshes us, focuses and strengthens us, encouraging us to continue on a pathless path which reveals itself uniquely to us all." AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris. RER: Luxembourg

27 May  7:30 PM, the Moving Parts Theatre will present a staged reading of the play, "Three Trees," by Alvin ENG, about the unique relationship between Alberto Giacometti and Japanese existential philosopher, Isaku Yanaihara. This historical drama is the first work of my PORTRAIT PLAYS cycle.  in English in the city in which it take place! - Carr's Pub, Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris (métro Tuileries)  (http://www.stefcampion.com/Movpart/MPfuture.html)

MONDAY, Week 4:
28 May 19h With éditions Christian Bourgois, Shakespeare and Co. welcomes Francisco Goldman who will be speaking about his prize-winning novel Say Her Name ‘A masterpiece of storytelling.’—Colm Toibin, The Guardian In the summer of 2007, Francisco Goldman's young wife Aura died suddenly on a beach in Mexico. Say Her Name is the novel born out of this personal tragedy – an extraordinary tale that weighs the unexpected gift of love against the blinding grief of loss. This novel which won Le Prix Fémina here in France, is an unforgettable love story, a bold enquiry into destiny and accountability, and a tribute to Francisco’s wife Aura - who she was and who she would have been. Francisco Goldman is the author of three other novels: The Long Night of White Chickens which was a finalist for the PEN/Faulkner Award; The Ordinary Seaman, a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and The Divine Husband. His non-fiction work The Art of Political Murder: Who killed the Bishop? was a Best Book of the Year for The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post and The Economist in 2007. Goldman has been a contributing editor for Harper's magazine and his fiction, journalism and essays have appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, Esquire and The New York Times Magazine. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

28 May 20h onward: SpokenWord Paris: Open mic in English, open to all languages. Running since 2006 it now gets 60 to 80 people coming every week! Every Monday. Sign up/hang out in the bar from 8pm, poetry underground. From 9pm to midnight. Spoken word : 5 mins (warning bell rung at 4.45: Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.) Songs : one song. We do 2 rounds between 9pm and midnight. Stand up, Theatre, Cabaret, Dance and Magic all welcome. Chacun a son mot à dire. Make the words come alive. AT: Chat Noir, 76 rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011. Métro Parmentier/Couronnes. http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/

29 May 19h30: Ivy Writers Paris breaks in a new venue (Café DELAVILLE) with a bilingual reading by ANNE KAWALA, ESTHER SALMONA and HEATHER HARTLEY. BIOS :  ANNE KAWALA: De la rose et du renard, leurs couleurs et odeurs, quatrième livre de poésie de Anne Kawala, écrit lors de sa résidence au Liban à la fin de l’année 2011, sera publié dans le courant du mois de juin par les éditions du Centre international de poésie de Marseille (cipm). Une première étape de travail de Mars-Watchers, nouvelle création théâtrale mise en scène par Emilie Rousset, créée en collaboration avec l’IRCAM et la Comédie de Reims, aura lieu fin juin, au Centre 104, à Paris. Pour l’écouter, voici des vidéos d’elle : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/ximx6y_anne-kawala_creation ESTHER SALMONA est auteur, paysagiste et enseignante. Elle cherche le lieu d’une rencontre entre l’espace de l’écriture, l’espace intérieur et l’espace autour. Publications récents: 2012 : Quads, aux éditions précipitées ; texte dans photographies de Vincent Bonnet, éditions Voyons Voir ; L’évidance in revue Fond commun numéro zéro un deux ; En pensée in revue Camion n°1 ; Secret, ces voix dans la nuit, dossier Alain Veinstein, in CCP n°23 ; chroniques dans CCP depuis 2010. Pour plus, voir: http://setheres.blogspot.com HEATHER HARTLEY is author of Knock Knock (Carnegie Mellon University Press 2010) and Paris Editor for Tin House. Her poems, essays, and interviews have appeared in or on PBS NewsHour, The Guardian, The Rumpus, and other venues and anthologies including Food and Booze: A Tin House Literary Feast. She has curated Shakespeare & Company Bookshop’s reading series, and has taught creative writing at the American University of Paris.  Her monthly column Aperitif on the Tin House website is about literary Paris. AT: CAFE DELAVILLE, 34, bd Bonne Nouvelle, Paris, 75010 http://www.delavillecafe.com/index.php Metro Bonne Nouvelle (ou,10 min à pied, Strasbourg St Denis) Pour plus d'infos, voir: http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.fr
for our FACEBOOK group, join us at: http://www.facebook.com/groups/101898279922603/ and for the FB event invite for this evening, respond YES at: http://www.facebook.com/events/335211653211012/

29 May 19h30 Evenings with an Author: Laurel Zuckerman and Best Paris Stories. Laurel Zuckerman, editor of Paris Writers News, will present the anthology Best Paris Stories, which features a constellation of talented authors including Lisa Burkitt, Nafikote Tamirat, Marie Houzelle, Jim Archibald, Jane Verwijs, Bob Levy, Jo Nguyen, and Editorial Committee Prize winner Julia Litchtblau. Please join us for an evening of lively discussion. What makes a great short story? How best to capture the multitudinous facets of a great city like Paris? How will changes in publishing impact the short story? Are we on the threshold of a new Golden Age? Meet exciting new writing talent, as well as select editors and judges, in a stimulating and joyous setting. About the authors:  Best Paris Stories features the wonderfully eclectic winning submissions from the international Paris Short Story Contest, hosted by Paris Writers News, and selected and judged by eminent personalities from Paris literary life. The editor, Laurel Zuckerman is the author of Sorbonne Confidential and Les Rêves Barbares du Professeur Collie. Her essays and interviews have appeared in Le Point, Le Monde, Le Monde de l'Education, The Guardian, The Times, Hommes et Commerces, and Cahiers Pédagogiques as well as on France 24, TF1, RFI, and the BBC. A former logistics IT specialist, she is marshalling new publishing and social media technologies to bring Best Paris Stories to readers worldwide.AT: American Library in Paris,10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Paris, Metro Alma-Marceau or Ecole Militaire
29 mai à 19h30 Lecture bilangue avec Double Change à la galerie éof, Paris : Stéphane Bouquet et Peter Gizzi Galerie éof, 15, rue Saint Fiacre - 75002 Paris - M° Grands Boulevards. www.doublechange.org

30 mai à 19h30 Lecture bilangue avec Double Change à la galerie éof, Paris : Suzanne Doppelt et Cole Swensen Galerie éof, 15, rue Saint Fiacre - 75002 Paris - M° Grands Boulevards. www.doublechange.org

30 May 18h In collaboration with éditions Phébus and Albin Michel we welcome Australian writers Alex Miller and Chris Womersley. Alex will be reading from his acclaimed novel Lovesong ‘a wonderful writer, one that Australia has been keeping secret from the rest of us for too long.’ —John Banville. Chris will read from Bereft ‘a narrative that grips like a dingo's jaws ... This is a distinguishable novel' —The Independent. There will also be an extract in French from both novels. Alex Miller is twice winner of Australia’s premier literary prize, The Miles Franklin Literary Award, and is also an overall winner of the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize, and won the Christina Stead Prize for Fiction in the 2001 and again in 2011 for Lovesong. Lovesong also won the People’s Choice Award in the NSW Premier’s Awards, the Age Book of the Year Award and the Age Fiction Prize for 2011. His tenth novel Autumn Laing has recently been released. Chris Womersley was born in Melbourne in 1968. His fiction and reviews have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Granta New Writing and The Age, and in 2007 one of his short stories won the Josephine Ulrick Literature Prize. Bereft is his second novel. AT: Shakespeare & Co., 37rue de la Bûcherie, Paris 5ème. M° St Michel

30 May 19h Rencontre avec JEANNE PUCHOL et VALÉRIE MANGIN pour la parution de leur bande dessinée Moi, Jeanne d’Arc (Des ronds dans l’eau). Maintes fois instrumentalisée par tous les bords politiques, Jeanne d’Arc, figure historique et mythique, reste encore aujourd’hui objet de fascination comme de controverse... C’est son destin incroyable que Valérie Mangin et Jeanne Puchol revisite de manière iconoclaste à travers le prisme de la sorcellerie et du féminisme. AT: Violette et Co, 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny

30 MAY 8:30pm Written & directed by Lance Tait, COMEDY SKETCHES by Theatre Metropole—a new show inspired by the work of French poet/playwright/actor Roland Dubillard, in English, in Paris! After seven years of odd sightings here & there of these sketches, T. M. will finally be presenting a different group of them each Wednesday! That’s right, no two nights of the ridiculous and the sublime will be the same. How can we do it? Because we’ve got these actors: Paul Cavin, Damian Corcoran, Carey Downer, Erin Koval, Elena Luoto, Benjamin Perriello, and Aoife Stone. AT : the Petit Theatre du Bonheur,6 rue Drevet, (Montmartre)75018 Paris. Métro: Abbesses. 10 euros. Wednesdays (till end of June).

Part II) Writing, Lit and Theater Workshops in Paris in May
Saturdays 5pm-7pm The Other Writers' Group: a drop-in feedback writing & readers’ workshop. Writers! Bring 6 copies of your story, poems, etc to get feedback (up to about 10 mins reading time for prose, max 2 or 3 pages of poetry) Readers! Come & listen, give your reaction & join in the discussion. Meets: upstairs at Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de le Bucherie, Metro St Michel or Maubert Mutualite. Fee; 5 euros a meeting. For more info: http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/p/other-writers-group.html

Une nouvelle activité à Violette and Co : atelier ouvert d’échange de lectures sur le thème “Résister.” L’atelier requiert une participation active : à chacune est demandé d’apporter un livre (essai ou fiction) qui l’a particulièrement marquée, stimulée, qui l’a fait réfléchir à la notion de résistance (résister à quoi ? comment ? avec qui ? dans quel contexte ?). Les participantes ont un temps de parole de 10mn pour lire un passage de leur texte et expliquer leur choix. Les deux initiatrices de l’atelier s’assurent du respect des règle du jeu. C’est un atelier plus politique que littéraire à la fois par son propos et par sa forme. Infos complémentaires : chantal.mellies@wanadoo.fr

Saturday, May 12, 2012 from 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. SCBWI France Spring Atelier 
Where: Marymount School, 72 Boulevard de la Saussaye  92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine. Metro Line 1 to Pont de Neuilly. Cost: 55€ members/65€ nonmembers
RSVP: Please contact ARA Dana Carey (dcarey_ap@yahoo.fr)
      Author/illustrator Sue Porter and founder/editor of Mijade, Michel Demeulenaere will present Sue’s latest picture book, PAPA SE MET EN BOULE and their collaborative process in bringing it to the world.  The morning will include a presentation of Sue’s rich experience in writing and illustrating as well as an introduction to Mijade and French/Belgian children's publishing from Michel. In the afternoon there will be a workshop on generating ideas. In a concentrated mix of presentation, instruction and advice, Sue will guide you towards your own formula for creating characters and plots. Although Sue’s work is with picture books, the techniques could be applied to writing for any age group.

24 May, 9h30 – 13h ou 14h30 – 15h30. Slam Poetry en classes bilangues. Participez avec votre classe bilangue à un atelier anglais-allemand avec des slameurs professionnels. L'objectif de la journée du 24 mai sera d’expérimenter des pratiques innovantes en cours de langues avec le slam poetry ! 9h30 - 11h30 : Ateliers avec Bas Böttcher (slameur allemand) et Dizraeli (slameur anglais). 12h - 13h : Performance de slam avec les élèves et les artistes. 14h30 - 15h30 : Performance de Bas Böttcher et de Dizraeli. Ouverte à toutes les classes à partir de la 4e. Inscription obligatoire ! Les résultats des ateliers constitueront l’ouverture du programme des deux artistes.  Une surprise attend les élèves : Marc Kelly Smith, le fondateur du slam poetry, originaire de Chicago vient au Goethe-Institut Paris! Si vous êtes interessés par le projet, merci de vous inscrire par mail. Date limite : 15 mai 2012. Inscription obligatoire. AT: Goethe-Institut - 17 avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris Métro: Iéna

Thursday May 24 WICE course: How to Spark It and Put It Into Words (You need to be a member of Wice to attend this course). Morning: 10 - 12h, Afternoon: 14 - 16h. Price full course €50.00 (EUR). A new workshop aimed at boosting your creativity. For the writer, creativity is what drives the words onto the page, uncovering idioms and insights we never knew we had in us and creating an urgency to say what we have to say. Words cascade onto the page, ideas percolate up from deep inside us and we surprise ourselves with our own articulateness. Of course, this is an ideal scenario that defies most writers on a day-to-day basis, but it can be sustained if we know how and get ourselves into the right state of mind. This work shop is about inspiration, energy and positive thinking. Join us to discover the thrill of words and the power of the imagination.  Instructor: Dr Gretel Furner. Oxford University. PhD on the modern novel, University of the Saarland, Germany. Assoc. Professor of German, George Washington University.  Instructor, the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. Since 2003 instructor at WICE in French Literature and History, the Migrant Soul series and Creative Writing. AT: Maison Paroissiale, (Room16), 13 place Etienne Pernet, 75015 Paris; Métro: Félix Faure; Bus: 70 or 88.

25 May, 10h – 12h45 ou 14h – 16h45. Théâtre en classes bilangues. L'objectif de la journée du 25 mai sera d’expérimenter des pratiques innovantes en cours de langues avec le jeu scénique ! „Rencontres - Begegnungen - Encounters“?10h - 11h30 ou 14h - 15h30 : Ateliers de jeux scéniques en interlangue en allemand avec Isabella Keiser (comédienne) et en anglais avec Aoife Stone (comédienne) puis échange avec l’ensemble des participants. 12h - 12h45 ou 16h - 16h45 : Présentation des élèves de 6e du collège Jean-Pierre Timbaud de Bobigny. Ils interpréteront pour les participants aux ateliers l'histoire qu'ils ont écrite dans le cadre d'un module de théâtre bilangue. Ce module est le fruit d'un projet pilote qui intègre une approche par le théâtre dans quelques heures de cours seulement. Une petite surprise de nos comédiennes attendra les élèves présents à l’issue de la représentation. L’objectif de cette journée est de donner aux enseignants le goût de ce type de projets qu’ils pourront mettre en place à l’aide du site du Goethe-Institut dédié aux classes bilangues, prochainement en ligne. Attention : Seuls les élèves qui participeront à l'atelier pourront assister à la restitution de projet scénique. Inscription obligatoire. AT: Goethe-Institut - 17 avenue d'Iéna, 75116 Paris Métro: Iéna

Saturday, June 2 from 9:30-6:00p.m Retreat Treat for Writers and Illustrators
Where: The Writing Mill, near RER C St Martin d’Etampes
Cost: 22€ RSVP: Please contact Tioka (advisor@scbwifrance.com). A minimum of 5 participants is required.

Part III) News reviews and reviews news

LEX-ICON is ONLINE: check out our daily text and image posting project. Check out Lex-ICON's pre-confernce blog project where daily visual poems, critical thoughts on text and image today, and language-based art are being posted between 20 March & 20 May! These will be assembled into a creative publication for the attendees of the 7-9 June 2012 Lex-Icon conference at the Université de Haute Alsace in MULHOUSE, france. See also our INVITATION to contribute work to this project on the blog iteself-Hope to see you there! http://lex-icon21.blogspot.fr/ And an in-depth explainer of the project is n French and then in English at: http://lex-icon21.blogspot.fr/2012/03/lex-icon-projet-de-blog-du-20-mars-au.html

LOST ROADS SEEKS BOOKS by women: Announcing our new WEBSITE: lostroads.org  (With many, many, many thanks to Vera Donovan) & Announcing: The Besmilr Brigham Women Writers Award (manuscripts accepted starting today!) THE BESMILR BRIGHAM WOMEN WRITERS AWARD  Commemorating Brigham's work and memory, this Lost Roads' contest will publish a book of poems by a woman writer living away from the largest of urban centers. The winner will receive $500 and publication. ELIGIBILITY: Manuscripts will be accepted from May 1 - June 30, 2012. This award is for women (or those that once identified as female or now do) writing in places away from the most urban urban centers. If you live in the U.S. and a ship cannot reach you by sea (and it's not Chicago) you are likely eligible. If you live outside of the U.S. please query about eligibility at: info@lostroads.org. JUDGING PROCESS: Guest Judges Danielle Pafunda and Prageeta Sharma will work with Lost Road's Editor Susan Scarlata to select the winning manuscript. Each manuscript will be read blind. ABOUT BESMILR BRIGHAM: Brigham (1913-2000) was an "Outsider Writer" who shirked well-trodden paths. In a lifetime spent across the Southern U.S. and Mexico she was always writing; her work appeared in Harpers and New Directions and was stored in broken refrigerators and other appliances. A selection of her work, Run Through Rock, will be available again shortly through Lost Roads.

PREORDER and CELEBRATE VERSAL 10 SPECIAL!!!: Preorder your copy of VERSAL 10 now for only 12.95! (reg. 14.95, ex. VAT and S&H) CELEBRATE : VERSAL MAGAZINE is turning 10! WEDNESDAY MAY 23, 2012 · 7PM - 12AM BO CINQ, AMSTERDAM FREE ENTRY · RSVP ONLY · GOLD TIE Join us in toasting to 10 years of our literary community and its flagship Versal at the magnificent Bo Cinq in Amsterdam. Use the Leidsekruisstraat entrance: follow the gold V to join the fun.*Dress code: Gold tie *Free glass of Prosecco for the first 100 guests RSVP IS REQUIRED · Space is limited RSVP by May 14 to rsvp@versaljournal.org Join the fun and preorder Versal 10: http://www.versaljournal.org Follow the events on the Versal Blog at: http://versaljournal.blogspot.fr/

Check out 1913's newest publications: Conversities ($14) by Dan Beachy-Quick &; Srikanth Reddy & READ: an anthology of inter-translation ($12, Sarah Riggs & Cole Swensen, eds.) featuring work in French & English by Jen Bervin, Joshua Beckman, Donna Stonecipher, Stéphane Bouquet, Vincent Broqua, & Martin Richet …both available NOW via 1913 & Small Press Distribution.  In other 1913 news: Submit to the 1913 Prize for 1st books from May 1-May 31st, 2012—to be selected by Rae Armantrout! 1913 will be reading for all other/non-1st books in the month of June, to be selected by the editors.

Call for Submissions: The Poet's Quest for God: 21st Century Poems of Spirituality Edited by Dr. Oliver V. Brennan and Dr. Todd Swift. For Publication by Eyewear Publishing 2013-14. Deadline for submission: August 1, 2012. Eyewear Publishing is planning to publish an anthology of new, mostly previously-unpublished poems, written in English, concerned with spiritual issues in this secular age, by persons of any faith, or none.  Submissions will be welcomed via email as word documents, containing no more than three poems, and including contact details and a brief 100 word biographical note about the author. One of the characteristics of our contemporary culture which is generally described as post-modern is the human search for the spiritual.  The advent of post-modernity has been accompanied by the dawn of a new spiritual awakening.  Many spiritual writers say that desire is our fundamental dis-ease and is always stronger than satisfaction.  This desire lies at the centre of our lives, in the deep recesses of the soul.  This unquenchable fire residing in all of us manifests itself at key points in the human life cycle.  Spirituality is ultimately what we do about that desire.  When Plato said that we are on fire because our souls come from beyond and that beyond is trying to draw it back to itself, he is laying out the broad outlines for a spirituality.  Augustine made this explicitly Christian in his universally known phrase: 'You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You'. This new emphasis on and openness to the spiritual dimension of human existence which is characteristic of contemporary lived culture is accompanied by a new emergence of atheism - 'The Rage against God' - as well as a sometimes-aggressive secularism.  Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are the two best-known exemplars of this in Western Europe. Perhaps the best response to this rage against belief in a Divine Power at work in the universe is a poetic one.  In reply to people such as his brother Christopher and Dawkins, Peter Hitchens believes that passions as strong as theirs are more likely to be countered by 'the unexpected force of poetry, which can ambush the human heart at any time'. Hence we invite poets from around the world who can empathise with the new search for the spiritual to write about their belief, search or struggle with their quest for God (or a God), whether their image of God is what one young person described as 'a creative energy that exists all around us, a life force', the female image of God of the Old Testament, or the Abba (Father) image which lay at the core of the spirituality of Jesus of Nazareth, or indeed, some heretofore unimagined apprehension of the divine. The purpose of this collection is to awaken debate, create an imaginative discourse and generally open a space for religious poetic practices in the contemporary world, while at the same time refusing to delimit the horizon of the possible. As poetry, and poets, have a long, rich, and no doubt complicated tradition of writing to, and about God (one needs only to think of Dante, Milton, Donne and Dickinson) and other issues surrounding faith, belief, and transcendence, the editors believe there should be no shortage of inspiring, inquiring, intriguing and imaginative poems available for readers at this challenging time in human history. For more information, or to submit, contact Dr Swift at T.Swift@kingston.ac.uk or at Facebook.

Thumbnail Magazine will be accepting submissions of art and unpublished and previously published literary fiction of 400 words or less (flash, for our purposes), from April 22 until June 1, 2012. Print publication will resume in December, with submissions for both print and online issues resuming September 1, 2012. Print issues will be released quarterly and sold through Amazon.com; online content will be updated according to the whims of capricious editors. Craft essays (600 words or less) and fiction will be published in the body of our current blog until our sparkling new website is up, running, and free of bugs. Flash fiction writers interested in being regular (or irregular) blog contributors should send an email to thumbnailmag@gmail.com with at least three linked samples of appropriate writing. We look forward to the day when we can afford to pay in something other than our gratitude and blushing pride. Until then, little mag. No pay. All the prestige you can handle. http://thumbnailmag.submishmash.com/submit

SUBMIT TO 2012 Pop Montreal & Matrix Magazine Litpop Awards. Get your poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction published in Matrix, plus receive an all-expenses paid trip to Pop Montreal 2012. The POP Montreal International Music Festival and Matrix Magazine have joined forces to bring you Canada's most innovative and exciting literary competition. We are looking for writing that makes ears ring and throats hoarse. So if you can bring the rock heat with poetry and/or short fiction, it's time to break some hearts and/or scare some parents. If you have what it takes, you will get your work published in Matrix, and get free travel to POP Montreal for a night in your honour. The winners, one from each category, will receive a round-trip ticket to POP Montreal from September 19-23, 2012, a VIP pass to the Pop Montreal Festival, free accommodation at a bed and breakfast, fall publication in Matrix Magazine with full honorarium, and presentation at a special Matrix Litpop event during the festival. Submit by July 1, 2012. Winners will be notified in August. Poets are asked to send no more than 5 poems; fiction and non-fiction writers should send stories of no more than 3000 words. Each entry is 25$ and entries and entry fees should be mailed to Matrix Publications, 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W., LB 658, Montreal QC, H3G 1M8. Please include your email address. Cheques or money orders should be made out to "Matrix Publications." PayPal is also available. Multiple entries are welcome. Entries can also be emailed to litpop2012@gmail.com and will be considered valid once payment is verified. Full contest rules and regulations can be found at popmontreal.com and matrixmagazine.org/litpop. The POETRY judge is Ken Babstock, the author of Methodist Hatchet (Anansi 2011) and Airstream Land Yacht (Anansi, 2006) winner of The Trillium Prize for Poetry, finalist for the Governor General's Award, The Griffin Prize for Poetry, and The Winterset Award. Earlier collections include Mean, winner of The Atlantic Poetry Prize and The Milton Acorn Award, and Days into Flatspin, winner of a K.M. Hunter Award and finalist for the Winterset Prize. All three books were listed in The Globe and Mail's Books of the Year. His poems have won Gold at the National Magazine Awards, appeared widely in anthologies in Canada, The US, and Ireland, and have been translated into French, German, Dutch, Serbo-Croatian and Czech. The FICTION judge is Melanie Little. Her debut book, the story collection Confidence, was shortlisted for the Danuta Gleed Award and named one of the Globe and Mail's Top 100 books of 2003. Her writing has appeared in the anthologies Scribner's Best of the Fiction Workshops, Outskirts: Women Writing from Small Places, Certain Things About My Mother, and Nerves Out Loud, as well as in magazines including The Malahat Review, sub-TERRAIN, Prairie Fire, Event, The Fiddlehead, and Books in Canada. Her essays and reviews have appeared in the Globe and Mail, Ottawa Citizen, Georgia Straight, Vancouver Sun, and National Post. She is a past winner of the Writers' Union of Canada Short Prose Competition and the Periodical Writers' Association of Canada Journalism Award. Little holds a Masters of Arts in English Literature from the University of Toronto and is a graduate of the MFA program in creative writing at the University of British Columbia, where she served as an editor of PRISM International. She is now the Senior Editor with Anansi Press.

CALL FOR POEMS: for an Outdoor Poetry Anthology to be installed along the Rose F. Kennedy Greenway, a mile-long ribbon of parks and green space that runs through the heart of Boston. This strollable anthology, artfully displayed, will be united by its Boston theme. Open to all. For guidelines, see www.i-poet.org.

BERLIN journal SAND seeks YOUR work! : The editors of SAND are excited to announce our fifth call for submissions in creative writing and artwork. Submissions are due June 15, 2012 to submissions@sandjournal.com. Sign up here to receive email updates about calls for submissions and other SAND events, or visit them on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/sandjournal. For the submission guidelines, see: http://sandjournal.com/submissions

MAPS and WRITING CALL for WORK: THE IMGINATION & Place Press headquartered in Lawrence, Kansas, seeks original essays, poetry, and fiction for an interdisciplinary publication on the theme of cartography. Deadline August 31. For a full description and submission guidelines, click on “Coming Up” at www.imaginationandplace.org.

Seeking stories: TELLING OUR Stories Press‚ an emerging press exploring how we tell the stories of our lives, seeks crafty Ultra Short Memoir (approx. 100 words) of all forms (e.g., narrative photography, lists, microessays, poems, dialogues, etc.) for memoir projects and publication. For Galley Review (examples) and guidelines, visit www.tellingourstoriespress.com.

Seeking work for: WISING UP PRESS/Universal Table: Submissions for a Wising Up anthology, Daring to Repair: What It Takes, Who Does It, and Why. Poetry, fiction, memoir, and creative nonfiction on the theme of repair in all kinds of relationships. Deadline: June 1. Full description and guidelines: www.universaltable.org/wisingup.html

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