I) Readings & events: asterisks mark book-related events
II) Courses in Creative Writing in France in June/July
III) News Reviews & Reviews News—publications & calls for submissions.
I) READINGS & EVENTS in PARIS in June 2008:
La Périphérie du 26e Marché de la Poésie aura lieu du 1er au 30 juin 2008, sur Paris, en Île-de-France. Full Programme info with events listed for every hour of every day!: http://poesie.evous.fr/-La-Peripherie-du-25e-Marche-de-la-.html
To get on a list for “conscious & creative living” list: for holistic health, better living, etc talks : Jane Grey jgrey@noos.fr
Mai until 12 juin : ALLIANCES EN RESONANCE, SPECIALE Irlande. Pour toute information : 01 53 63 48 27 or get a schedule by emailing / par courriel : chlaumond@fondation-alliancefr.org Fondation Alliance française, 101 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris, M° Saint Placide ou Notre-Dame-des-Champs.
*2 june at 7pm In anticipation of its upcoming new volume, Van Gogh’s Ear, the celebrated international anthology, is proud to showcase talent from the past four volumes with a reading by Michelle Noteboom, Roberta Vellevé, Margo Berdeshevsky & Jennifer K Dick. The reading will also present information regarding submissions for Volume 7, the Supernatural Edition. Margo Berdeshevsky is the author of But a Passage in Wilderness (The Sheep Meadow Press, 2007) & has received among others, the Robert H. Winner Award from the Poetry Society of America, five Pushcart Prize nominations, & the FC2 Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize for Beautiful Soon Enough, to be released in 2009. Her work is published widely, most recently in Agni, Kenyon Review, Poetry International. & The Southern Review. A lifelong traveler, her novel Vagrant, is at the next gate, from Red Hen Press. Paris is home. Jennifer K. Dick is the author of Florescence, Retina/Retine & Enclosures (BlazeVox eBook, 2007). She teaches at Polytechnique & Lille 3, & co-organizes the Ivy Writers Reading Series with Michelle Noteboom. She is completing a PhD in Comp Lit at Paris III on Susan Howe, Myung Mi Kim & Anne-Marie Albiach's visual use of the page. Michelle Notebloom won the 2006 Heartland Poetry Prize for her first book Edging (Cracked Slab Books). Other work has appeared in Verse, Fence, Boston Review, Sentence, Columbia Poetry Review, MiPOesias, Los Angeles Review & Slightly West among others. She's lived mainly in Paris since 1991 where she co-organizes the bilingual Ivy Writers Reading Series with Jennifer K. Dick. Roberta Vellvé was born in New York City & has lived in Paris for the past twenty-five years. Her poetry has appeared in Pharos, Upstairs at Duroc, & in past issues of Van Gogh's Ear. She has produced several artist books as well as collages, & is currently working on a book-length poetry manuscript entitled Maybe There Is No Transcendence. She works at The American University of Paris where she is an editor for institutional publications. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris, Ph/Fax: 01 43 25 40 93 http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*2 juin at 21h Spoken Word OPEN MIKE ! Follow the Shakespeare reading by doing some of your own at David Barne’s great Spoken Word event. Theme - Les monstres/Monsters Grendel? Or the thing-under-the-bed? Whether it's Jabberwocky or some aspect of human evil that is within us all, even yourself, some capacity for darkness or cruelty... Whether it's the obvious - Frankenstein, say, lurching down the steps of the old tower - or that whose monstrous nature often goes unrecognised, even lauded as good... Whether it's fairy tale, ancient as Chaos & Old Night or as real & terrifying as the near-future... What are monsters born of? Our own fear? Should we fear them, or welcome them? Where does amonster denied go? Bring us B-movie fun or the subtlety of concealed terror, in all it's monstrousness... in the swamp/dans le marais... Spoken Word blog at http://spokenwordparis.blogspot.com/ At : (note: a new venue) - Sarl Pestacle Bar, 22 rue Au Maire, M° Arts-et-Métiers
*3 JUIN, 18h : LA LIBRAIRIE LES CAHIERS DE COLETTE vous invite à rencontrer TIPHAINE SAMOYAULT à l'occasion de la parution de « La main négative » Editions Argol AT : LES CAHIERS DE COLETTE, 23/25 RUE RAMBUTEAU, 75004 Paris, tel : 01 42 72 95 06.To get onto their mailing list : cahiersdecolette@wanadoo.fr
4 June 19h30 Presidential biographer & political analyst Richard Reeves reflects on presidential campaigns past & present. free & open to the public. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Info: communications@americanlibraryinparis.org or 01 53 59 12 67. http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ M°: Ecole Militaire, Alma-Marceau, RER C Pont d'Alma
*4 juin à 19h : Rencontre avec CHRISTOPHE MARCQ, alias Madame H, pour la présentation de sa nouvelle pièce Transsibérienne et pour un débat sur travestissement et féminisme. Christophe Marcq est le créateur du personnage de Madame H et des spectacles Conférence-kermesse et La saga des transpédégouines (disponible sur DVD produit par Hystérie Prod à Violette & Co). Mais c'est un tout nouveau personnage qu'il interprète dans Transsibérienne au Théatre Clavel (3 rue Clavel, Paris 19è, les jeudi, vendredi et samedi à 21h30 jusqu'au 26 juillet), une pièce qui mêle drame et humour autour d'un personnage de femme qui, sur le quai d'une gare perdue du Transsibérien dont le nom est inscrit en russe et en yiddish, se révèle séductrice, mythomane, intriguante, mystérieuse, volubile jusqu'à enfin livrer sa "vraie" histoire. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
4 juin 21h à 1h Get your jam on, do a little dancin with DJ Whistlepunk. Ambiance funk & soul. AT : Bistrot des artistes, 6 rue des Anglais, 75005 Paris; m°: Cluny/La Sorbonne, entrée gratuite
*5 June at 7pm: HOMAGE TO GRACE PALEY with Denis Hirson, Nancy Huston, Ellen Hinsey, Paule Levy, Noelle Batt, & many others. Grace Paley's two posthumously published books are Fidelity: Poems & Here & Somewhere Else: Stories & Poems AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
5 June 19h30-free- in French THEATRE Arti e Parole presents « BROKEN MOON » BY VINCENT WOODS DIRECTED BY PATRIZIA BUZZI BARONE, Broken Moon, Vincent Wood’s latest text, will be previewed in the context of a multi-disciplinary project “Scènes Fertiles” uniting three European authors around the theme of “Space & Limits”. This staged reading will be an opportunity to meet Vincent Woods & the other authors collaborating on the “Scènes Fertiles” project.
5 June, 18h30-21h30, Vernissage, Photography of MEREDITH MULLINS, En Dehors du Temps ("Outside of Time"). Free. If you've ever felt that time is illusive, you will want to see the timeless & time-defying photographs of En Dehors du Temps. "This collection of images is about the energy, movement, & expansion of time—a freedom that goes beyond what happens between the ticks of a clock," Meredith explains. EXHIBITION 6 June-30 September: Gallery hours are 10h-12h & 14h to 16h30, Monday through Friday. Meredith's award-winning book, In A Paris Moment, will also be available at the gallery. http://www.meredithmullins.artspan.com/
AT : W Finance, 80 rue Taitbout, 75009 Paris.
*6 juin à partir de 19h30 : A l'occasion de la parution de Roubaud : rencontre avec Jean-François Puff Les éditions Argol vous invitent à une lecture en hommage à Jacques Roubaud. Avec la participation de Florence Delay, Anne Parian, Claude Royet-Journoud, Frédéric Forte, et quelque autres...* et de Jacques Roubaud * la lecture sera suivie du verre de l'amitié. AU : CNL, 57, rue de Verneuil, 75007 Paris
*6 juin à partir de 10h (le matin !) J. Demarcq, Régis Salado, Robert Kahn, Antonio Gueirrero, Martin Rueff, Edoardo Costadura pour un séminaire "traduction et interprétation de la poésie" à l'Université Paris VII, M° Bibliothèque ou Quai de la Gare, terminus bus 89 5, rue Thomas-Mann, dans la cour à dr. hall C, 7e ét., salle 795
6 juin à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition d'oeuvres de CHRISTIAN ROUCHOUSE "Azoura" dans le cadre des journées Portes ouvertes d'artistes à la Bastille AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
6 juin à 20h Piano concert with Jay Gottlieb : playing Copland, Scelsi, Feldman, Cage, Brown, Boulez, Ligeti, Messiaen. INFo: 01 53 57 40 89 http://www.elyseesbiarritz.com/ L'Elysées Biarritz 22-24 rue Quentin Bauchart, 75008 Paris
6-7 juin : Colloque : « Les réécritures du Canon dans la littérature féminine de langue anglaise (II) » à l’université de Paris-X Nanterre, du groupe de recherche FAAAM (CREA, EA 370). For full info, adresse, see URL: http://anglais.u-paris10.fr/spip.php?article1148
7-8 June: Portes Ouvertes Ateliers d’Artistes of the 5th & 13th. Visit the open house exhibit American ceramic artist James Denison. 5 rue des Chantiers, Paris 5e, M°: Cardinale Lemoine 2–8pm both days. Info & maps about the Portes Ouvertes at http://www.lezarts-bievre.com/(thanks Jane Grey for this listing!)
*8th June at 7.30 pm, a playreading in English of Paul Bandey’s "Hope" (a screenplay) A violent thriller that grows from a mulch of peace and love, featuring a strong rock soundtrack. In a growing nightmare of young idealism led astray, hip young things come apart at the seams in deepest rural England. "Withnail & I" meets "Helter Skelter." Starring ELI BARRETT, ANNE BROWN, JEREMY COFFMAN, MARK CRESSWELL, CHARLIE FLEMING, ANTONY HICKLING, CHLOE HOLLINGS, MARIAN HOLLINGS, COLIN REESE, LEWIS ROGERS, & VIVIENNE VERMES. AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries More info: Stephanie Campion at 06 14 67 18 58 or send an e-mail to Stephanie at movingparts@orange.fr http://www.movingparts.org.uk/
8 juin 2008 à 15 h - Musée Carnavalet. FANTAISIES pour la guitare. Caroline Delume, guitare Instruments : guitares C. Roudhloff et René Lacôte (début 19e siècle) http://www.a2violes.com/new/html/pages/carnavalet/carnavalet.htm 10 euros ou TR: 8 (amis du musée Carnavalet, adhérents «A 2 Violes Esgales») Rés:01 43 41 54 15 Courriel : dunford@a2violes.comMusée Carnavalet (Salon Bouvier) 23, rue de Sévigné, 75003 Paris, M° Saint Paul ou Chemin Vert.
10th June at 18:30 Kathleen Flinn will sign “The Sharper the Knife, The Less You Cry: Love, Laughter & Tears at the World's Most Famous Cooking School” AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
10 juin à 20h30 CONCERT ! L’ensemble, les Sorbonne Scholars, donne 2 concerts en juin, ce soir « Les 10 ans de l’ensemble “Les Sorbonne Scholars” » Pour plus, voir : http://perso.wanadoo.fr/chantal.schutz/Scholars/Index.html AT : Amphi Richelieu Sorbonne, entrée 17 rue de la Sorbonne 75005 Paris, M° Cluny, St Michel ou Rer Luxembourg.
10 & 11 June at 19h30: Theatre: Fishamble & Culture Ireland presents THE PRIDE OF PARNELL STREET by Sebastian Barry, DIRECTED BY JIM CULLETON. ‘See, love between a man & a woman, it’s – private. It happens where you never do see it. In rooms.” Sebastian Barry’s ‘quiveringly beautiful’ play premiered last year in London & at the Dublin Theatre Festival to outstanding reviews. The Pride of Parnell Street is a moving account of a marriage & a time that have both passed. Janet & Joe chart the intimacies of their love & the rupturing of their relationship, as well as their enduring love affair with Dublin city itself. This is an intimate, heroic tale of ordinary & extraordinary life on the streets of Dublin. 7€, in English AT: Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. Note : reservations are STRONGLY ADVISED !
*11 June 19h30 Alexandra Harney, author of “The China Price: The True Cost of Chinese Competitive Advantage” will talk/read. free & open to the public. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Info: communications@americanlibraryinparis.org or 01 53 59 12 67. http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ M°: Ecole Militaire, Alma-Marceau, RER C Pont d'Alma
11 juin à 19h : Vernissage de l'exposition de photographies de JULIE POUPÉ "Quartier de l'une". Depuis 30 ans, en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, des féministes défilent régulièrement dans les rues des grandes villes après la tombée du jour pour dénoncer le fait qu'elles sont interdites de circulation la nuit, de fait, et pour se "réapproprier la nuit". C'est ce thème qui inspire le nouveau travail de Julie Poupé. L'artiste photographie des femmes, une à une, dans le noir ; leur visage seul se voit, il émerge à peine de la pénombre. Cette mise en scène dit la solitude, la fragilité. (exposition du 11 juin au 7 septembre) AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*12 June 7pm: Berkeley Books of Paris & the Paris literary journal Upstairs at Duroc present a reading featuring new work by poets Donna Stonecipher & Stacy Doris. Bios: Donna Stonecipher is the author of three collections of poetry: The Reservoir (2002), Souvenir de Constantinople (2007) & the forthcoming The Cosmopolitan (2008), winner of the National Poetry Series, selected by John Yau. Stacy Doris' books written in English include Cheerleader's Guide to the World: Council Book, Knot, Conference Paramour & Kildare. Written in French are Parlement &, semi-anonymously, La Vie de Chester Steven Wiener écrite par sa femme, & Une Année a New York avec Chester. She has co-edited three collections of French poetry translated by American poets. At: Berkeley Books of Paris, 8 rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris, M° Odéon.
*12 juin à 19h00 Éditions le Clou dans le fer autour des publications récentes de la collection expériences poétiques dirigée par Michaël Batalla : Antoine Dufeu, SEnsemble, dessins de Valentina Traïanova et Antoine Dufeu, avril 2008 Lecture de Antoine Dufeu et exposition des dessins de Valentina Traïanova Vincent Tholomé, The John Cage Experiences, juin 2007 Lecture de Vincent Tholomé AT : Librairie Libralire, 116 rue Saint-Maur, 75011 Paris http://ed.lecloudanslefer.free.fr/
12 june at 7pm. Alexander Lobrano. France Today, The Magazine of French Culture & Travel invites Alexander Lobrano to present his new guide Hungry for Paris, the ultimate guide to the City's 102 Best Restaurants. If you're passionate about eating well during your next trip to Paris, you couldn't ask for a better travel companion than Alexander Lobrano's charming, friendly, & authoritative Hungry for Paris, the first new comprehensive guide in many years to the city's restaurant scene. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
**12-15 June: FREE!!! SHAKESPEARE & COMPANY LITERARY FESTIVAL! In cooperation with Shakespeare & Company, Festival&Co is pleased to announce its third literary festival, "Real Lives:Exploring Memoir & Biography". This year's theme is inspired by the increasing popularity of memoirs & biographies & by the questions these genres never fail to provoke, namely: Where is the frontier between fact & fiction, truth & interpretation? How does one construct a perspective without constructing a 'lie'? The internationally acclaimed author line-up for this year's festival includes Paul Auster, John Baxter, Alain de Botton, Veronica Buckley, Carolyn Burke, Jung Chang, Susannah Clapp, Béatrice Commengé, Rachel Cusk, Antonia Fraser, Victoria Glendinning, Richard E. Grant, A.C. Grayling, Anton Gill, A.M. Homes, Alistair Horne, Siri Hustvedt, Ian Jack, Tété-Michel Kpomassie, Hermione Lee, Daniel Mendelsohn, Catherine Millet, Amélie Nothomb, Darryl Pinckney, Marjane Satrapi, André Schiffrin, Diana Souhami, & Jeanette Winterson. All events will be free & will take place under a marquee in the Square René Viviani directly next to Shakespeare & Company, opposite Notre-Dame. FOR FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS & full schedule of their reading & workshop EVENTS, PLEASE SEE : http://www.festivalandco.com/ & http://www.shakespeareco.org/ AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris. Tel: 01 43 25 40 93
14 juin au 5 juillet : des peintures de Jean-Marc Chevallier à la Galerie d'art de Créteil, 10 av. François-Mitterrand, M° Créteil-Préfecture
14 juin 9:30pm to about midnight Hear Ursuline Kairson sing jazz, blues, show tunes & gospel AT: The Swan Bar, 165 blvd du Montparnasse, Paris 6e, M° Porte Royale. Entry 12 euros + consummation (thanks Jane Grey for this listing!)
*16 June at 8pm: Celebrate Bloomsday! Live Poets’ annual celebration organized by John Kliphan invites you to hear some of James Joyce’s greatest moments read aloud by Irish authors, actors, readers including Declan McCavena. AT: The Highlander Pub (downstairs), 8 rue Nevers, 75006 Paris. Across from Pont Neuf under the archway.
*17 June at 19:00 The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore invites you to a signing with National Book Award winner Clayton Eshleman. Eshelman will read from his translation of The Complete Poetry of César Vallejo as well as his own recent poetry. Over the past decade, five collections of his translations, five collections of his poetry, & two collections of essays have been published. Over the years he has published his writing & translations in over 500 literary magazines & newspapers, & given readings of his work at over 200 universities. He is now Professor Emeritus at EMU. In 2004 Black Sparrow Press brought out a new collection of poetry, My Devotion, & Soft Skull brought out a revised & expanded version of his 1988 selected translations, Conductors of the Pit. In October 2007, Black Widow Press brought out a new collection of CE's prose, interviews, prose poems, & notes, called Archaic Design. In the fall of 2008, Black Widow will publish a 600 page "Eshleman Reader," a selection from forty years of his poetry, prose, & translations, to be called The Grindstone of Rapport. Please visit http://www.claytoneshleman.com/ for more info on the author. He will be introduced by visual artist and bookmaker Kate Van Houten. AT: The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore, 22, rue Saint Paul, 75004 Paris
*18 June 19h30 Patricia Wells & Walter Wells authors of the new joint memoir & scrapbook, 'We've Always Had Paris...& Provence' wil read. free & open to the public. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Info: communications@americanlibraryinparis.org or 01 53 59 12 67. http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ M°: Ecole Militaire, Alma-Marceau, RER C Pont d'Alma
*19 juin à 18h00 – Éditions le Clou dans le fer autour des publications récentes de la collection expériences poétiques dirigée par Michaël Batalla : à l’occasion de la parution du livre de Anne Kawala, F.aire L.a F.euille, préface de Patrick Beurard-Valdoye, mai 2008 Performance de Anne Kawala et installation éditoriale http://a.naked.lawn.over-blog.org/ et http://www.pointephemere.org/ AU : Point éphémère, 200 quai de Valmy, 75010 Paris http://ed.lecloudanslefer.free.fr/
*19th June at 19:30 Author Evening "Claude Izner" will present & sign “The Montmartre Investigation” Claude Izner is the pseudonym of two sisters, Liliane Korb & Laurence Lefèvre, both booksellers on the banks of the Seine & experts on 19th century Paris. This is their third book in the award-winning series of Parisian murder mysteries featuring engaging hero Victor Legris, a bookseller & amateur sleuth, which has sold over 450,000 copies in France. AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP at books@whsmith.fr . http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
Le 26e Marché de la Poésie se déroulera du jeudi 19 au dimanche 22 juin 2008, place Saint Sulpice, Paris 6e. Program info : http://poesie.evous.fr/-Au-programme-du-25e-Marche-.html Readings on site there all day every day, plus events around Paris throughout the marché !!!
20 juin à 20h Piano concert with Jay Gottlieb : playing Rzewski, Donatoni, Berio, Crumb, Adams, Murail, Lindberg, Tanaka, Mantovani AT : L'Elysées Biarritz, 22-24 rue Quentin Bauchart, 75008 Paris. INFO : 01 53 57 40 89. http://www.elyseesbiarritz.com/
*22 Juin de 10H à 12H Lectures et signatures des poètes édités en 2007/2008 Collection Poésie des Editions de l’Amandier « Accents graves/Accents aigus » : Claude Ber, Françoise Dax-Boyer, Joëlle Gardes et Jessica Sorror au THÉÂTRE DU CHAUDRON LA CARTOUCHERIE
*23 June 19h30 Since the ancient days of Gaul, Burgundy has been a place which inspires & provokes the senses, both physical & spiritual. Bonjour Burgundy, published by Mosaic Press is a chronicle of how this picturesque area has inspired a variety of Canadian writers who assemble each year at a remote, hillside farm in the heart of rural Burgundy. Edited by John B. Lee, an award-winning poet & former writer-in-residence at the University of Windsor, Bonjour Burgundy is a new & yet very old take on this cultural mecca. Contributors Susan McMaster, Marty Gervais & J.A. Wainwright will join us to read selections of their work from the anthology. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris, Ph/Fax: 01 43 25 40 93 http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*24 June at 19h30 IVY WRITERS présente une lecture-rencontre en français & en anglais avec les auteurs Charles Borkhuis & Franck André Jamme. Authors of many books in many genres, these two authors & friends will delight us with readings in both English & French. BIOS: Charles Borkhuis’ books of poems include: Afterimage, Savoir-fear, Alpha Ruins, Proximity (Stolen Arrows), Dinner with Franz, & Hypnogogic Sonnets. His essays on contemporary poetics have appeared in Telling it Slant & We Who Love to Be Astonished, (Uof Alabama). 25 stage & radio plays have been produced widely, many are published in three collections: Mouth of Shadows, The Sound of Fear Clapping, & Poets’ Theater. He is also the author of screenplays, such as “Irreparable Damage” (optioned for a feature-length film) & “Ghost Within” set in rural Pennsylvania. His CD, Black Light, contains two radio plays produced for NPR, recently aired in Paris on AUP radio, now on pennsound. He is the former editor of Theater:Ex, & for 16 years, he has curated poetry readings for the Segue Foundation, recently at Bowery Poetry Club. Spécialiste des arts bruts, tantriques et tribaux de l'Inde contemporaine, Franck André Jamme a publié depuis 1981 treize livres de poèmes et de fragments aux éditions Fata Morgana, Unes, Melville, Virgile et Flammarion, ainsi que de nombreux tirages illustrés (entre autres par Suzan Frecon, Jaume Plensa ou James Brown). Il est également traducteur, en particulier de John Ashbery. Quatre de ses livres (dont l'un, "The Recitation of Forgetting", a été traduit par John Ashbery) ont été publiés aux États-Unis depuis 2000, chez Black Square/ Brooklyn Rail et Sélavy Press. Un cinquième paraîtra fin 2008 chez Wave Books. Complete Detailed Bios online at: http://ivywritersparis.blogspot.com/. AT: LE NEXT, 17 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris, M° Etienne Marcel/Les Halles. Au sous-sol. Free !/ Gratuit !
*25 June 19h30 Novelist & biographer Edmund White, reading from his latest book, 'Hotel de Dream.' free & open to the public. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Info: communications@americanlibraryinparis.org or 01 53 59 12 67. http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ M°: Ecole Militaire, Alma-Marceau, RER C Pont d'Alma
*25th June at 3:30 p.m. June Kids' Club Theme: Happy 50th Birthday, Paddington Bear!Please RSVP, & indicate the name, age & English level of the participating child(ren) in the email. WH Smith's monthly Kids' Club is held the last Wednesday of every month at 3:30 p.m. in the Children's corner on the upper level. It's an event in English for children ages 3 to 10, featuring stories, games, & more, & it's FREE! (Note: no July Kid’s club, but there will be one in August). AT: WHSmith - 248, rue de Rivoli - 75001 Paris - M°Concorde Free. RSVP at 01 44 77 88 99 or at books@whsmith.fr . http://track.splio.com/l/1133186722941555/1190906207851358
*26 june at 7pm. Amy Bloom discusses her latest novel “Away”. Panoramic in scope, “Away” is the epic & intimate story of young Lillian Leyb, a dangerous innocent, an accidental heroine. When her family is destroyed in a Russian pogrom, Lillian comes to America alone, determined to make her way in a new land. When word comes that her daughter, Sophie, might still be alive, Lillian embarks on an odyssey that takes her from the world of the Yiddish theater on New York's Lower East Side, to Seattle's Jazz District, & up to Alaska, along the fabled Telegraph Trail toward Siberia. All of the qualities readers love in Amy Bloom's work—her humor & wit, her elegant & irreverent language, her unflinching understanding of passion & the human heart—come together in the embrace of this brilliant novel, which is at once heartbreaking, romantic,& completely unforgettable. AT: Village Voice, 6 rue Princesse, 75006. M° Mabillion/St Germain de Près. http://www.villagevoicebookshop.com/
26 June 14h-19h, then19h30. Visit the studio then come for a talk with artist EAMON O’KANE Open Studio & « Rencontre » with the artist Eamon O'Kane (b. 1974) is currently ‘Visiting Research Fellow’ in Fine Art at UWE, Bristol. He studied in Dublin, Belfast & New York. He has exhibited widely & is the recipient of many awards including the Taylor Art Award, Tony O'Malley Award, Fulbright Award & EV+A Open Award. In 2006 he was short-listed for the AIB Prize & received a Pollock Krasner foundation grant. He was recently short-listed for the Jerwood Drawing Prize. Free!
*27 juin à 19h : Rencontre avec JOHANNA, lauréate le 9 janvier dernier du Prix Artémisia de la BD pour son album Nos âmes sauvages (Futuropolis). En pésence de plusieurs membres du jury et de l'association Artemisia (Chantal Montellier, Jeanne Puchol, Marie-Jo Bonnet, Marie Moinard, Anne Bleuzen). Johanna est la première lauréate de ce nouveau prix qui a pour but de valoriser la création de bandes dessinées de femmes, trop souvent ignorées dans le monde stéréotypé de la BD. Johanna viendra nous expliquer la genèse de son album, pourquoi elle a choisi d'aborder ce témoignage sur la situation des Amérindiens par le biais de l'autobiographie. Nos âmes sauvages aborde en effet la relation de Nina, la Parisienne, aux shuars de la forêt amazonienne, son engagement militant mis en parallèle avec ses désillusions sentimentales. AT : Violette & Co. 102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, M° Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny. www.violetteandco.com/librairie/
*28th June in the afternoon. Kids' reading of a story by & with author Wendy RICHARDSON. AT: American Library of Paris. Contact them for full info!
*29th June at 7.30 pm, a playreading in English of Charles Borkhuis’s "Acting Out" AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries More info: Stephanie Campion at 06 14 67 18 58 or send an e-mail to Stephanie at movingparts@orange.fr http://www.movingparts.org.uk/
*30 June 19h30. Chasing memories of his lost brother & father, author Ian Walthew decides to buy a cottage in rural England. A Place in My Country: In Search of the Rural Dream (Phoenix/Orion Books) is a deeply personal account of his life in the Cotswolds as he & his wife settle into the village, meet their peculiar neighbours & discover the modern challenges faced by traditional farming communities. The Financial Times calls this book an ‘affecting & inspiring memoir… required reading for anyone who claims to know or love this country.’ Formerly the world marketing director of the International Herald Tribune, Walthew now lives in Brussels. AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris, Ph/Fax: 01 43 25 40 93 http://www.shakespeareco.org/
*1-11 July: Readings most nights with the Paris Writers’ Workshop. For info/watch their program at: http://www.pariswritersworkshop.org/
*2 July 19h30 "Writers at Work" The Paris Writers Workshop, in its 20th year, presents a poet, an essayist, & a translator for an evening of conversation. Poet Cole Swensen, author of 'Ours' & 'Goest,' was a finalist for the National Book Award. She teaches at the Iowa Writer's Workshop. Essayist Susan Tiberghien is the author of four memoirs, most recently 'One Year to a Writing Life.' She directs the Geneva Writers' Group & Conferences. Translator Ann Snodgrass has published prize-winning translations from the Italian. She teaches writing at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. free & open to the public. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Info: communications@americanlibraryinparis.org or 01 53 59 12 67. http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ M°: Ecole Militaire, Alma-Marceau, RER C Pont d'Alma
*9 July 19h30 Frances Gendlin presents 'Ill at Ease: Europe, Islam, & the Jews.' Theauthor invites the audience to contribute ideas, commentaries, & personal experiences for her work in progress, notably its chapter on 'The Complexity of France.' free & open to the public. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Info: communications@americanlibraryinparis.org or 01 53 59 12 67. http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ M°: Ecole Militaire, Alma-Marceau, RER C Pont d'Alma
*13th July at 7.30 pm, a playreading in English of Chris Tysh’s "Night Scales" AT : Carr's Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris, M° : Tuileries More info: Stephanie Campion at 06 14 67 18 58 or send an e-mail to Stephanie at movingparts@orange.fr http://www.movingparts.org.uk/
19 July 19h Whim 'n Rhythm, Yale University's premier female a cappella group, in aspecial American Library performance. free & open to the public. AT: The American Library in Paris, 10 rue du Général Camou, 75007 Info: communications@americanlibraryinparis.org or 01 53 59 12 67. http://www.americanlibraryinparis.org/ M°: Ecole Militaire, Alma-Marceau, RER C Pont d'Alma
Listed by start dates (astersisks signal Paris locations):
**12-15 June: FREE!!! SHAKESPEARE & COMPANY LITERARY FESTIVAL! In cooperation with Shakespeare & Company, Festival&Co is pleased to announce its third literary festival, "Real Lives :Exploring Memoir & Biography". This will include a variety of workshops & craft lectures, as well as readings. All events will be free & will take place under a marquee in the Square René Viviani directly next to Shakespeare & Company, opposite Notre-Dame. FOR FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS & EVENTS, PLEASE SEE : http://www.festivalandco.com/. Tel: +33 (0)1 43 25 40 93 http://www.shakespeareco.org/
**Saturdays in June, 3-5pm: The OTHER WRITERS' GROUP” meets upstairs at Shakespeare & Co. An informal, friendly place to get feedback on your creative writing. (Poetry or prose.) Bring something of your own & 5 copies. Or just come to listen & give your reaction – what worked, what didn’t, what moved you, what made you feel "yes, that’s just how it is…" AT: Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris. M°: St Michel. 5 euros. More Information at: http://www.shakespeareco.org/other_writers_group.htm
June 13th – 23rd: The Fourth Annual Writers’ Workshop at http://www.larochedhys.com/ in theheart of Burgundy: 10 days of intensive work, seminars, good food & wine, some touring, readings every evening in an idyllic setting on a hillside farm in Burgundy. The week culminates in a public reading held June 23rd, at Shakespeare & Co. in Paris. Seminars in “the art of literary translation,” “titles & more,” “editing, re-writing, starting all over,” “career options in publishing,” “agents, editors & publishers,” & more. 50 Euros per day including accomodation, food wine & course costs. INFO: academie.rochedhys@mail.com
June 16-22: “Writing Cultural Difference” Poetry Workshop with Alan Michael Parker leads this hands-on workshop focusing on writing poems that reflect one's own unique cultural experience as well as group study/discussions of select French poets. What makes an American poem American? A French poem French? This workshop will find out. In the South of France. Cost: $2195 (airfare not included). For more information visit http://www.vcca.com/parker.html.
June 16-22, Auvillar, France : Fiction Workshop in Chocolat Country with the Author of White Oleander, “Getting the Story, Getting it Down, Getting it Right,” Auvillar is setting of 2001 classic Chocolat starring Juliette Binoche. A weeklong creative writing master class in a storybook setting with Los Angeles-based writers Janet Fitch, author of White Oleander & Bruce Bauman— acclaimed & award-winning novelist (& The Word Was) & creative writing professor at Cal Arts & Antioch. Register/more info: http://www.vcca.com/bauman.html
**June 17 & 18 : 10am-3pm Life-writing workshop with Carolyn Burke. Carolyn Burke, author of "Lee Miller, A Life" (Knopf/Bloomsbury) & "Becoming Modern, The Life of Mina Loy" (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) is pleased to offer a two-day intensive workshop for writers working on biographies & memoirs or planning to do so. Topics covered will include choice of subject, research techniques, the proposal as a way to clarify emphasis & structure, & narrative strategies to ensure liveliness—the techniques of fiction applied to the richly contextual form that is contemporary biography. Send two pages of your project to James at Shakespeare & Company (james@shakespeareandcompany) by 1 June if possible. Last-minute participants welcome. 200 euros. Please leave at the desk at Shakespeare & Company an envelope titled Life-writing workshop, & a cheque or cash inside for 200 Euros made out to Association Shakespeare & Company Literary Festival. AT : Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bucherie, 75005 Paris.
**28 June: Day-long Travel Writing Workshop in Paris with tutors Dea Birkett & Rory Maclean. This small, intensive workshop is for those new to travel writing or who want to improve their writing skills. The aim is, by the end of the day, a publisher or editor can only say 'Yes! Time: 10.30am-4.00pm Place: Shakespeare & CompanY! Cost: 150 euro for full day Further details from http://www.travelworkshops.co.uk/
**July 1-11 Paris Writers Workshop celebrates its 20th Anniversary: in Paris. Masterclasses in Novel & Nonfiction; workshops in Poetry, Translation, Memoir, Writing the Fine Arts, Romance, Fantasy, Crime Fiction, Hollywood Lives & more. Two half-tuition merit scholarships are available. For more see website: http://www.pariswritersworkshop.org/ Email: pww@wice-paris.org AT: WICE, 20 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75015 Paris, M° Falgiere or Duroc. (Go through the big street door into the courtyard).
July 22-28: “En Plein Air: Writing & Painting In Southwest France” Mary Page Evans & Elizabeth Seydel Morgan team up to lead this combination writing & painting workshop that allows participants of all levels of ability to pursue their creative vision through words & images. A sketchbook/journal will sum up the week. Workshop info: VCCA Workshops: http://www.vcca.com/2008_workshops.html
PART III: Reviews News & New Reviews —submit/just out
PLAY WRITERS: You want to hear your play read aloud by actors? Moving Parts has openings for scripts in English or French for fall 2008. More info: Stephanie Campion at 06 14 67 18 58 or send an e-mail to Stephanie to be considered for an event at movingparts@orange.fr Also, for current listings & past info, see Moving Parts’ site at http://www.movingparts.org.uk/
OPPEN BOOK: Michael Heller’s collection of essays on George Oppen, “Speaking the Estranged”, is now available. To those of you affiliated with universities, he would be grateful if you could bring this book to the attention of your librarian. Heller is the author of “Speaking The Estranged: Essays on the Work of George Oppen” (2008); “Uncertain Poetries: Essays on Poets, Poetry & Poetics” (2005) & “Exigent Futures: New & Selected Poems” (2003) available at http://www.saltpublishing.com/, amazon.com & good bookstores. Survey of work at http://www.thing.net/~grist/ld/heller.htm Collaborations with the composer Ellen Fishman Johnson at http://www.efjcomposer.com/EFJ/Collaborations.html
POETS: OPEN READING period: We will publish 1–2 book-length poetry manuscripts submitted during the month of June. There’s no reading fee, but everyone who submits must purchase one title directly from us ($12). Steel Toe Books, English Dept., Western Kentucky University,1906 College Heights Blvd. #11086, Bowling Green, KY 42101-1086. Web site: http://www.steeltoebooks.com/. Check out their titles, fun! (I especially enjoyed “Becoming the Villainess” by Jeannine Hall Gailey) In general, this press (according to me, Jen D,) seems interested in poems which are sorts of chatty narratives with a snappy voice, engaging characters, or where the narrators’ voice is a distinct grounding point at the base of poems. The unexpected turns take the reader in various directions in these poetries. A press to explore!
OUT NOW: Chapbook of poems, “Begin with May”, by Jill Darling is now available for ordering from Finishing Line Press. Check out the website: http://www.finishinglinepress.com/2006newreleasesandforthcomingtitles.htm Jill is an exciting author whose work has appeared in Upstairs at Duroc, Aufgabe magazine & many, many others.
MEDICAL POEMS?: “CHEST”, the Journal of the American College of Chest Physicians, invites submissions of up to 3 previously unpublished, quality poems, maximum 40 lines, on subjects of some medical relevance. CHEST, with a subscriber base of 22,000 readers, is beginning this new poetry section in January 2008. E-mail submissions to poetrychest@aol.com.
NEW ONLINE JOURNAL : MELUSINE, or Woman in the 21st Century is a new online journal that explores the good, bad, & ugly of the contemporary female experience, especially that of the female artist/thinker, through art, poetry, short fiction, & essay. We want only ambitious, thought-provoking work that is carefully crafted & pushes boundaries. Artists, please query. Writers, feel free to query or send 1–4 poems, 1 piece of short fiction, or 1–2 essays & a short bio in the body of an e-mail to sub2melusine@gmail.com. If there are formatting concerns, especially with poems, please attach a Word document version as well. More details at melusineblog.blogspot.com.
OUT in JUNE : en librairie le 20 juin : Jacques DEMARCQ’s Les Zozios ! « Verbaliser revient toujours à définir, et définir à confiner sous la cloche de verre du langage, dont la transparence fait oublier qu’elle nous sépare, y compris de nous. Je n’ai jamais eu de désir de « poésie » que pour mettre le langage en crise, et briser ainsi l’image que les hommes se font d’eux-mêmes. J’ai feint de parler oiseaux par refus de l’anthropocentrisme, cette auto-idolâtrie de l’espèce. La vanité est « l’homme même », pour corriger un peu Buffon: qu’elle soit orgueil du « style » pour des auteurs aussi doués et madrés que lui, ou incroyable prétention d’imaginer que, s’il y avait des dieux, ils s’intéresseraient d’abord à l’humanité. Jouant à la nature (comme on dit « à la dînette ») pour s’amuser des hommes, Les Zozios, sans le savoir, ont mis la mort au centre de leur comédie. Il vaut mieux d’ailleurs que je m’en aperçoive maintenant: la légèreté était essentielle à cette entreprise. »
LISTEN UP!: The Joe Milford Poetry Show Hosts Poet Geoffrey Gatza Poet, publisher, & tireless wordsmith aficionado extraordinaire, Geoffrey Gatza, joins us for a wonderful reading. 1 Hour 30 Minutes http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-jane-crown-show/2008/05/23/the-joe-milford-poetry-show-hosts-poet-geoffrey-gatza Gatza was asked to come on Joe’s radio show to do a reading & interview about his poetry & about BlazeVOX [books]. Great fun & rousing conversation! Reading from Kenmore, Sherlock Holmes poems & Not So Fast Robespierre!
SUBMIT POETRY BOOKS: 60-90 pages. The 2008 Omnidawn Poetry Prize is Omnidawn Publishing’s first annual contest for a first or second full-length collection of poems by a poet writing in English. The contest will be judged by Marjorie Welish, with a cash prize of $2,000 & Fall 2009 publication by Omnidawn Publishing. Manuscripts will remain anonymous until a winner is selected. Deadline June 30th. Read full guidelines at: http://www.omnidawn.com/contest.htm
EOAGH is an online journal, published twice yearly, which welcomes submissions year round. We're especially interested in the process of reading(s), the productive chaos of investigative poetic work, acts of attention that explore the close listening inherent not just in writing but also in being written. These are active, embodied experiences ("Reading is a gymnast's act") that encourage & provoke, responses that engage one's environment by blending lines between media through ekphrasis, phenomenology, & more. Themed issues will be announced periodically. To submit, contact Tim Peterson (editor) or Charles Alexander (webmaster) at:Tim Peterson tscotpeterson@gmail.com 134 Prospect Place, apt D2; Brooklyn, NY 11217 Charles Alexander chax@theriver.com
Experimental poetry mags : http://www.selbyslist.com/
SEE NEW ISSUE or submit future work to: “Gently Read Literature”, new issue now online at http://www.gentlyread.wordpress.com/ Issue 3, June 2008.
Hi Jennifer, What a great blog, only wish I had know about it when in Paris. I'm Ian Walthew, author of A Place in the Country who will be reading at Shakespeare and Co at the end of June. There is also a book party at the Abbey Bookshop on Saturday 28th, and for an invite you only need to write to info@ianwalthew.com
Just for the record, I live in the Auvergne, France, not Brussels, and you can visit my blog at www.aplaceintheauvergne.blogspot.com or my website for more reviews and info at www.ianwalthew.com.
Thanks for the mention.
Bloody hell, you can tell I haven't had enough coffee yet.
That would be a blog that I wish I had 'known' about when in Paris, and I'm the author of A Place in MY Country (!)
Dearie me.
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